Newspaper Page Text
of i ii ii ii i'i ii ii ii s.i i't Tf. -. ". -- je-, 4V - ' .9. -0 WW . VTr ??? 6 . o 'J T w - -ft. mmmmmnnnm You May never have found anything' to surpass the coffee and biscuits that your mother made, but the PRINTING that delighted your father and the prices that he considered rea sonable would hardly prove sat isfactory to you in this age of progress and competition. UP-TO-DATE is an appropriate term in speak ing of the printing we do. We bave a lot of new equipment, and are constantly receiving1 the lat est styles of type. Books and Pamphlets of every descrip tion printed in the neatest and most attractive styles. If you want a catalogue or Constitution and By-Laws printed, call on us WE HAVE f m "C- 0 ty. .! 7r ssss I ' ft. -V" 'j '' .'5.. C. .A.- JAV v ?;? ii to every business man who will pay the mere jg. . : - .... i A: virt . nir." llV t.-Iiai'K'S A US- s i.ii'liu-s'' I"-!'"1 itld Its urice isWrenls. It vv:is publl'hwl ji K lt'.i Miotl :L :i Till) t Ol WII.1I IS (HIL'IIIIPU in . . i ! A v'f! 11 n II) "on irt.ttA fur .i!l i '('Ills fin t fit' liurciiii&t: uu- c yi pon a n i I ..i ' ii I li i y jut' .i.ii i innii u Kivts you n copy in rnl o I i:i l?:i i:i nr.! t W'f -i- a v i!i ma i i i -i jr. 'i iif : 1 1 rutn:ii r to ir:v liii n Ire i-e ?.",0iti. Kik'Ii -oy or "wliwtlons coniiiins 'Hooa Aavernsiii. x n i-uu- COLTON'S ADVICE Do WeU Si'lei-tions" Absolutely Free ..4. 1? y. will Spn.l lo,-ents to pay Il.. -. of mailinK. Wo want evory business man 4 intl. worl.l to have a .-opy. Wo are willing to loe money on It, toauM wel e lexe ..i.,,. .,,.t t..,, ,.r 1 1, wi. ir.-t li will want and liny the complete .i "-page oltmi. j.Ji your a .l": I ... w o wr to th.-m: how to make tl.era pay: how to illustrate thorn; how to save i. n .Tim the.,,. 1 1 . overs every point in every-day advertistna : n leyerv i?4 line of l,si,,.-ss. U tells all about type and printing. It gives ood, practical aid .'or pr !it h'.tl men. T? It is written and eompllea oy Charles Austin Bates, ?4 the Ipadlng authority on alvur isi nsr. Mr Hate Is tim most successrui aaverus:rg . man in Aim rva today. I r, i nrre smu i jrar, ' ? i1""" ", ' "u i . .. fl. T 111 lit Will 111, I f 1 r n ."11 hlllll, inIIV-.ii.iiiil',"i.--i'''-; . , .. .....i ni elallst In udvertMuR ' n e ma nes p. nis, gives iiuv.rn. um n.ui.ra . sini.o of ?i, i lnricst ad ver. isers in the world are his clients, A Muffle r.,ieoftlTern h ,s nai i him over ?H di.,1 this year for writing the rijfhl sort of adv. r- .i.i., .-,.tei- Tlionsinils of advertiser!., hiir and Urtie, have ne u henetiteu Dy nis UrowliHitfe aMd experience. ;inu ,i!ive to.u nun nie.r li-i.i. : an i i i r..t. ..... 1'i.o.r ,lrt Him M.-liM., nald and what did not. Mr'lt .es has been all' his life In acquiring the knowledge of absolute busi- ness facts t nai ne na put ni'o . .. is ". iinun .'. We have houmi tocetlier in Its 7(H) naces knowledge, the proper use or wuicn sfi ins v r isatps his net incon e of over s.W.O 0 a ye ir, "S b mailin All of thU is yours for or for $4,80, if yoa sen! your 10 cents to pay fori a copy t ' Selections. w: "Good Advertising )5 r-.' . . .i ..l., tic t i,,d Tbore Iq nnthinff else like it. We have ,v laiiic.niiy imf .. ... .. ....... t, - i, .1.... i l.l K. eopies since l ehrunry 1st, l.siHj. every copv wmi me unuersiaun mn in.n m miu retu-n.'d if unsatisfactory, and not a single book has come back. On the contrary, wo have received nearly 1000 Testimonials from business men who have found the lio"k of value and benefit to them. It has been endorsed by such eminent, brainy and successful men as: R011EIIT C. OGDEX i& Managing Partner, firm of John Wanaruaker, 'Ml V .s .. .tv GEO. P. ROWELL, and Printer Ink, and the best knowr Publisher American Newspaper Directory advertising agent in America. MANLY M. GILLAM, for many vears John Wanamaker's f ln.OO:. advertlsine manisjer, whoss wisdom a ne shrewdness in advertising matters is known In every state in the union. DR. R. V. PIERCE, President World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y whose annua ex pen iiture for advertising is not lfss th au haifamlllion dollars, and who ha. made a fortune of several millions by successfully advertising good medicines, VVM. DEAN HOWELLS found "fiooil Advert isi"jt" of sufficient interest to give it a notice, occu pying near ly a whole page of Harper's Weekly, CHARLES A. DANA, the ivnr'd famo'is editor of the Vew Yo"k Sun, says: "Tilers should be profit to all intelligent a. I vr-rtisers who buy this book. One man savsthe bojk Has been worth Tl.nO'l to him: another that it Is wor'I s5.ui a page: another that h". w 111 id n't take S50 for it; another that its worth 500" to the flriu whose advertising he manages, increased our facilties for doing commercial printing. We do not claim to be the cheapest printers in the State we are not running a Chinese laundry but we do Commercial Printing .. ..'Si. '4 '".V. ''9 pold over 3000 '.. -Hi '.9.'- 4? --! . 44 4i .. at the lowest prices that good work can be done for. Our Specialty Lawyer's Briefs, CLEAN PROOFS, QUICK TIME, ATTRACTIVE STYLE. HERALD JOB OFFICE, 'Phone 115. ui m am uuu uuu Vr- ir. wi. .Wte. rf i& V' Wt if 5 "T t 'S'"c 14 i Ken, ember that .i pases o' selections from this great book n: ay be bar .1., -.,., .... i.. n'lnur nuvis. Ahsolute'v Free. l,v business men who will send a icaui uuuii in u"i. , . - .... . . . . . . silver d'me or M cents in Mumps to r-pav for mailing It. Anyone not la DUSines; for hims If will have to pay full prlc .Vi cents .. This offer is for a limited time oniv. It is being widely advertised. If you- , letter reachej us after all the "Selections" are gone, we will return the money. -,.- ! Holmes Publishing Co.J Si 13 Beekman Street, New York. "!- if if" iTf- f.'7f One of the principal uses of Dr. Pierce's Fivorite Prescription is the preparation of prospective mothers for the time of trial and danger that comes when a child is born. The "Prescrip tion" is strengthening- and invigorating and lessons pain and danger. It in sures the perfect well-beiogr and the perfect health of both mother and child. Every woman should know these things before she really needs to know them. There are many things in Dr. Pierce's "Common Sense Medi cal Adviser." that every woman ou ht to know. This celebrated work has reached a sale of ti!0,000 copies at $l."0 each. The expense of production having thus been covered, o(J0,00 copies are now given away. A copy will be sent to any address on receipt of twenty-one (21) one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, X. Y. When most needed it is not unusual for your family physician to be away from home. Such was the experience of Mr. J. Y. Schendk, editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ter., Banner, when his lit'.l-; grirl, two years of ag -,was threat ened with a revere attack of croup. He says: "Mv wife insisted that I go for the doctor, but as our family pby-t-ician was out of town, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Ksme dy, which relieved her immediateley. will not be without it in tho future." 2 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all druggists. Mexican Central Railway Ts the onlv standard gauge line tween the United states Mexico City. Mexico is known as an all the year round tourist resort for pleasure travel. Health resorts and mineral springs ad apted to all the various ilis to which human flesh is heir are found in the great country. Climate unsurpassed. 'or full particular address. J. F. DONOHOE. Com'l. Fl Paso. Texas. H.ilithty Excursion Kates. On Dec 2:ircl. 2-J-.1), 2";.b.:i0lh, and .'U, lS'.di, and Jan. Is', li?(JT, the Southern Pacific will e!l round trip tickets to local Texas points at one and one third rt,. Limited for return January -Jth. S)7. H. K. Tvrxkr T. P. Hunt Ticket Clerk Comm'l Ag't. Office Cor., San Antonio and Oregon sts., K! Paso. Texas & Pacific. You have yov.v choice of routes, via the "El P.s so Kouto," via New Orleans, Sr,reveport,'Meiaphis, St. Louis or Chi cago. Train leaves El Paso atoo'clock p in. For further information call on or address: E. S Stevens, B. F. Dakhyshirk, D;pot Agent. General Agent. Via Santa Fe Route. Hound trip rat'S to Las Vegas Hot sm-ingn lit ail tinit s, as well as to the seaside resorts on the Pacific coat. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to E. Copland, General Agept be- border and New Tourist Sleeping Car St rviee. The Southern Pacific have inaugu rated through Pullman Tourist sleep ing car service as follows: Between Washington, D. C. and San Francisco, via Piedmont Air line, passing El Paso east Mondays and west Tuesdays. Between San Francisco and Cincin nati, Oh'o, via Queen cS: Crescen' pass ing El Paso east Sundays and west Mondays. Between San Francisco and Chicago via Illinois Central, passing El Paso east Fridays, west Saturdays. In addition to this special tourist cars for San Francisco leave El Paso on Frjdays and Sundays. The cars are operated by the Pull man company on same plan as first class sleepers, and like first class sleepers are furnished complete with mattresMes, curtains, blankets, pillows, sheets and pillow slips, new upholster ed seats (cane) being put in and other improvements made. Clean sheets and pillow cases are put on every night. Berths in these cars are available to through or local passen gers hold icgr first or second class or excursion tickets. Each car is in charge of uniformed porters to makp up berths and keep the car clean. For rates and further information call on H. 11. TuuxEif, T. E. Hunt. Ticket Clerk, Commercial Agent, Corner San Antonio and Oregon streets, El Paso, Texas. The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, p prominent lumberman of Hartwick, N 1., was sick with rbeumatism for live months. In speaking of it, Mr. llobin son says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that gave her any rest irom pain, for the relief of pain it cannot be beat." Many very bad cases of rheumatism have been cure, by it. For sale at 50 cents per bottb by all druggists. New Life, New Streng th, New Vigor. Strong Again ! THE ANAPHRODISTIC! From I'KOF. J)R KICOKn of 1'aris is t he only remedy for rt-storlnir strenirth nifl.r o-,,,. .., tee, anil will hring hack your lost powers and stop for evert.he dangerous drains on your system. Thev act quickly, create a healtbv tiniest 1. n, pure, rich blood, firm muscles, tur aed strength, steady nerves and clear brain. Imported direct from Paris. Price per box dir i'tious inclosed. S2.50. For sale by all re spectable driiKKists. Mail orders from any person shall receive prompt attention Dr. V. Cindnry, Act. and Manaeer fur II a a 460 Quincy Blbg .Chicag.., III. For sale only Texas- Cfi omplefc Mm A Hit of YVistlom Many "lYouia to Adopt. The other day, I was clinging to the strap of a J.e.incrton avenue car, says a writer in the Christ ian Advocate, two ladies sat. near me. anil as one opened her portciiioiinaie to nay her f:ire a .scrap of paper pasted, to the leather was disclosed. "Js, that your shopping list?" asked the other. 'It doesn't look like a long one." "So," was the reply, "it is not the list but it. is what keeps the list from be ing a long one," and she read: ".He who buys what he does not. need will f-oon need what he cannot buy "Miat a capital g-tiariuaii ot vottr capital! Yon must let me, copy that for mv leaky purse. ho wrote it?" "I don't know, but I wish I did. for be has saved many a dollar from lightly rolling from my hands since I put it here. I was intensely interested in the con versation, for at that very moment there lay in my notebook a scrap which I would have brought forth but for the fact that my own corner was reached. I publish it, for if the truth which it contains were assimilated many a pock- etbook would remain a pcoketbook: "We are ruined, not by what we real )y want, but. by what we think we do: therefore, never go abroad in search of your wants. I they be real wants 1 hey will come home in search of von; for he that 11113-5 w hat he does not want will soon want what lie cannot buv. (.01- ton." Much WASTE OF Knergy COMBUSTION. Lost In the HELP EACH OTHER. A Matrimonial Aid Society Among Lon don Factory Glrla. In many London artificial flower and ostrich feather manufactories and bon net workrooms what are known its wedding clubs" are quite an institu tion. The girls become members imme diately their apprenticeship expires. The subscriptions!, varying from two pence to one shilling weekly, accord ing 1o wages, go to puraaasc a lrcii scau for the girl tirst marrying; sub sequent subscriptions are for the next bride. To be eligible an intending bride must have subscribed. 12 months, and continue subscribing for six mouths iftcr marriage. She must marry as soon alter becoming engaged, as possi ble, and choose licr bridesmaids nnionir her fellow-workers. In large factories club will frcqticn1 lv number -!0 or 50 mcmi-civs. ami the subscriptions. 01 two vears perhaps, are a good "ser.d of.'." A feather "curler' ia a big ostrich feather rnaivt'factory nu merous work -girls, on marrying, some ln:!i- ago. received ,.-1. She tuil the thing gi::ndly. for work-girls, especial ly in the feather trade, want the best, when iiroeurab'o. lier dre-j:; was white satin: orange blossoms and ostrich 'fathers were in profusion. Ifor bouquet cost 2- shil lings, the cake i' -. I'.i.d she- and her orulegrcom. a I.orougu mai KCt porter. lrovc to church iu a brougham and a ir, bridesmaids and relatives follow ing in cabs aMd carts. TRAINED CHAMELEONS. What a Little i;rt Accomplirhod with Two of 1'hcse Ilcptiicg. M11c.l1 has been written about the beauty, the stupidity the vicous- ness of i lis- lizard t r. u nial.tio eay wor.l a'K.ut the iiilclligenee of the liameleoii. a iittlc leptlie !Mor.ging Ui the gMfat lizard family and in s..c the antipode ol the ali;gator, its b'g broth er, s:is a torresponucut of the Hasli- innton Star, The incHer.t I now relate came under my personal observation, ilemoii st rales t iiat U10 chameleon is susceptible of il neat ion and can be raiikcd w ith animals classed much, higher in tUe scale oi intellectual development.. Miss ITcm-idta Keene. 0. little lady of years, living in I'hikiilelpiiia. was presented with two Florida i-hanie-k'- i:s. and she at. once began instructing lid 1 ilucatiiig her pets, lly continued entleness ;.nd kir.dneF.s she won their ci:i!ii:ence. and at her call they would r.ise. their bio:td, listen and then come tinning quickK". Soon they responded to iheir names Ibinton and Utibv ml nodded their little heads kuow- nirl v. She then tairglit tliem fo Ktand tip on their hmn legs and put ihe r little fore paws together and stand in the attitude of prayer, looking solemn and closing their tvcs; at n signal the3 ould fiiiiiklv pvostrate themselves. roll over on their backs ar:d pretend to be dead, lying without motion, v.nttl told to rise and embrace, which, they would do with everj- sign of 303- and leasure. A BENEFICENT FAMINE. Flow to AMD Attain It.' A Wonderful New Medical Book.writtcn for Men Only. Ono copy may be had free on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. Improvements to Result from the Dis tress iu India. The famine in North India which, is sEiiming more and more serious pro portions, while it will occasion much suffering, is Jikelj also to result in good. For a. long time the govern ment has been projecting a series of railways in the northwest provinces, Oudli and the Punjab, but has been held back by the lack of funds. The need was not so pressing a.s to justify 1 he e.xpenso. Now, however, that some thing must be furnish relief to the starving, the viceroy announces that instead of thnrity the government will trive employment and push these works. The result w ill be not merely a wiser and more effective relief for the mmediate want, but a provision against such disasters in Ihe future, iys the New York Independent. The most prominent, cause of famine 111 Asia is the absence ot means ot com munication, making it. impossible to npply tho deMeieney of one region ruin the surplus in n not her. Much ood h:'.s been done by the railroads al eady built and these new ones will bo public boon even overbalancing the present distress. .In. t - Major C. T. Picton is manager of the r State Hotel, at Deoison Texas, which tjO traveling men say is one of the best j hotels in ths section. In speaking of ! Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea R medy, Major Picton says: "I have used it myself and in my family for severa: years, and take pleasure in saying thit I consider it an infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. I alwa3's recommend it, and have frequ ently administered it to my guests in the hotel, and in every case it has prov en itself; worthy of unqualified endorse ment." For eale by all druggists. of Coal A lump of cannel is burning on the grate. What takes place? The air is drawn in beneath the grate and rises tnrouirn the bars, its o.wgen coni- bineswith the coal to produce carbonic acid gas, w hich, together with the inert nitrogen of the air aud the smoke or uneoi-jsumed carbon, rises iu the? chim ney and escapes. This is the rolt played In- the materials. How about the forces? The chemical union of the oxygen with the cool sets free the coal stored-up energy, and this energy-, lx ing indestructible, must manifest jt- self in some way, aud so shows itself a: heat. This is the whole story of com bust ion. Silting before an open fire. I havt of ten dreamed of converting the stored up energy of the coal into some form of energy even more useful to man than heat. We know that, theoretically at least, all natures forces are intercon- veitible; why should not the potential energy of coal be converted directly in loelectricitvinsteadof intoheat? Could of the energy lie extracted from single pound of coal anil made to do me chanical work, this work would more than equal a day's labor of a very- strong man. In. the great coal fields that, are distributer! over the face of the earth nature has stored up a supply of energy- safely estimated to be equal to trie hand labor of the entire population of Hie world continued for a thousand years. The most convenient and useful, be cause the most tractable, form of en ergy is electricity. In the facility with which we may at will and wi'hout waste convert it into such other form of energy as happens to be desired lies the suH'riority of electricity over all the rest of nature s lorces. Havinir elec tricity, we may easily produce heat or light, or mechanical motion, or chem ical force; but electricity itself has hitherto been produced in quantity only by the use of complicated mech- nistn and with great waste. Kleetricity is to-day generated by a dynamo that is turned by an engine which is operated by steam, and the steam is made from water by means of heat derived from the combustion of oak But this is a long and circuitous process, with a large leakage at every lep. Much of the energy- of combustion goes up the chimney as heat or smoke; .inch of the heat, is lost in loiliTipthe water- to make steam; much of the ex pansive force of the steam is wasted as escapes from the engine; much of l.ii" power of the engine is wasted a-s friction: and there is some loss in the dvnanio itself. Kecent tests, made by committee of the National Electric Light association, of 30 modern electric liyht and power plants, show that the average plant wastes 07.4 per cent, and utilizes as electricity only 2.1V jier cent. of the energy theoretically obtainable from the coal. Dr. William M. Jacques, in Harper's Magazine. HOW ALASKANS KILL BEARS. Novel Tale from tho Far-Away l'OBaession ot the I lilted State". II. J. Barling. b; is identified with tue saimon industry of Alaska, as the owner of an extensive canning plant at K'arluk. Kod;ak i.-;:n.l. lately arrived from ihe north. He brought down with him some of the lamest bearskins ver seen in San Francisco. One of them, a ierfec-t and unblemished skin f an enormous grizzly, measured eet from tip to tip. Mr. Barling has a marvelous tale to iclate of the native way of k 1 1 1 1 11 r a bea r. "There are many grizzlies on Kodiak land." he sad. "as well as a large num ber of cinnamon boars. I was n a launch in an unfrequented cove one day when I spied two immense irriv.lies. hey were so large 1 did not care to go fter them, but when I got hack to K'arluk I communicated the fact to an Indian, who bore the reputation of bo ng one of the best bear hunters in ihat section. Although years old. he had o ask his mother's permission, which. beina" granted, he started across the otintrv after ihe boars. He rdmnlv rmed himself with a long spear. He grease! his head and got to the wind ward of the animals. Pretty- soon he heard a tramping in the brush am! knew the prey was approaching. He dug a hole in tho ground, planted one nil of tho spear firmly with the point in tho direction of the bear and then roucheil down. The !oar cam. along mil dashed for the head of the Indian. With ; swift and dexterous movement the native cut n gash in tho bear's neck ith tho sharp spear point. The an gered animal drew back a few yards md made a rush. Ho. impaled him self on the siHvir and all was over." 'hicago Chronicle. TtLO IsXost IDireot Line TO Kansas City, Boston, St. Louis, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia Denver, Omaha, St. Paul, And all Northern and Eastern Points Through. Trains, Fast Time, Smooth Track. Elegant Pullman Palace Sleepers on all through trains. Daily Tourist Sleeping cars to Denver, Kansas City and Chicago. Touris, sleeping cars semi-weekly to St. Paul, Minn eapolis and once each week to St. Louis and Boston. All trains not having dining cars stop 'or meals at the famous Santa Fo Route, Harvey Houses. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to A. W. REEVES, E. COPLAND, City Ticket Apent. General Agent. Office.-Fargo Building, Corner El Paso and San Antonio Streets. W. B. TRULL,, Agent at Depot. (hi SUNSET Ol j ) ROUTE -,,' nmTfinm nnrrnrm IWH Hi! H UU11UJJ1 IIUU Through Line rLi.S,-L, and IJJi Between Daily Through Trains to nSHEW ORLEANS, The Best Line to NEW Y0KK, PHILADEL PHIA, WASHINGTON and Eastern Points. Pullman Buffet and Tourist Sleepers. For Tickets, Time Tables and Full Information, 'all on or Address: , HUNT, Com'l Agent, El Paso. Texas. L. J. FARES, A. 6. P. A T. A. Houston, Texas. C. W. BEIN, T. M. Houston, li MEXICAN CENETAL ET. "MEXICO CITYiSi Round Trip i ickets on Sale Nov. 12. 13. 14. 15 and 16, 1896. Mexican Money, S60.3I. Lim ited to Return Dec. 31, 1896. Address the undersigned for full and reliable information: J- F. Donohoe. Com'l Aeent. El Paso. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WINNERS. Frlll and Kurbeluwu. It i.-; a new itlet to have hall curtains of lace instead of silk. The latent sofa cushion.- are Kiintel on sjit in in ureal, natural-lookmir roses. Soni new evenitifr powns have full- sized turtle-doves perch el on the shoul ders. Thf up-to-date lrid'sniaid wears a Larire black lint with her lirht "own. The sinfrle violet is usurpinj; tho )tille one's piaee as (irt favorite in the fashionable world. Many of the debutante's gowns are n liKrlit.-tinteil patizes rathor than all white, as formerly. Little coats of tioln-lin blue cloth. with t rlmntinirs of fur, are worn by the woo daughters of fashionable mothers. Cliicoyo liocord. IteM lu u liox. tr Alice Morse Karlo tolls in the Atlantic of one church where the contribution box used contained a small bell con cealed in it which would ring-onlv when :i contribution was made. The coHec tion was usunlly taken during- the ser mon, and no stinjry church-goer could fail detection. mJLJj. Dr. Pierce's Golden Meuieal Discov ery is the only medicine that absolute ly and infallibly cures all blood diseases. It isn't a medicine for some one par ticular so-called disease. It is a medicine for the whole body. It forces out all the perms of disease, replaces impurities with rich red blood, feeds the tissues and makes strong:, healthy lUsb. Holiday Kates via Santa Fe. Rate One single fare lor the round trip. Tickets on sale December 24. 2' acd 31, 1893 and January 1, 1807. Good fox -return until January 4th, 17. CONOVEB 'IANOS CHICAGO COTTAGS ORGANS WERE GIVEN Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. OATALOQUBS ON APPLICATION PRBC. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. CHICAGO. ILL. LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF PIANOS ASP CRT-INS W THE WORLD, Purest Drugs. Latest News A. K. ALBERS &. CO.. BRONSON BT.OCK. HEADACHE ELIXIK Cures any headache. Try it. f'TEXASS-r "EL PASO ROUTE. Texas and Pacific' The Great Popular Route Between Tiie EAST and WEST Short Line to Jew Orleans, Kansas Oitv, St- Louis, New York and Washington, -avorito Line to the North, Eaat and Southeast. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and Solid Trains from El Paso to Dal las, Fort Worth, New Orleans, Memphis and St. Louis. Feist Time AND Sure Connections See that your tickets read via he Texas and Pacific Railway. For maps, time-tables, tickets, rates &tid all required information, call on or tddress any of the ticket agents or B. F. DARBYSHIRE, General Agent, El Paso. 3 ASTON MESLIER, General Passen- eer an? Tloket Acent. Li. S.THORNE, Third Vice-President and General Superintendent. Foster and Mitchell, Attorneys and rnnnsrlnrg Will practice in all courts of Texas ani New Mexico. 1 ImIi tf Iku OiMbakffW ly. periumifiit ly all liorvtius ciest? .Memory, ti tUuui fuer, Ufaiiucbe, Wakefulness. LOST VI'IMLITV, liupotency and KaMtim diseases caused by ytnuhfuk error or fxcenit. C'itnmiii n ol:ite. I3 tt nerve tonioarif lll.ouil Hlll.litK. eaw If KT "f"l3"ff pale and puny strong fwtiiuii plump. r.uny .varabmra m m m as iit-ii m vffi .i. tsei. liaJH US 1 per hitx; 4Sfurjt5. By mall prepniil with a written Bimiiintro to OJire or mnnpv rof nniieil. lftun't (teliiv. write tO'dilv f or frets medical bcMU, hent sealed, plain wrapper, with totlmonlalR nnr IiiiniHlul references. SI charge .!M C" A V C T ! f "FlS for eon.iilluttoMK. Utwurrof tV CAA I rlVllif tntltntlonfl. MoIl tv urn and our udvertlited afrenta. Addreea WilllVEl SBBS OO.. Matonlo Teuipla, Bold la 1 T'uw f'uiaco Prug more aod KIq CraaUe Pimrmasy,