Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY HERALD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2:1, 1896. TOE TRAVELERS AGAIN IX THE LKAP. FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN SUCESSm Paid more money to claim ants in Texas, during 1895, than all other accident com panias combined. It is hard to tell which company does the most good. Horace li- Steven, Agent MYAR'S OPERA HOUSE. Matinee and Night Dec. 25th Matinee and Night Dec. 26th Enppent Etraordinary CHAS. H. YALE'S FO REVEB DEVIL'S AUCTION TRULY A GREAT PERFORMANCF jpean specialties The Artistic Company A Mammoth Production everything New but the Title The Advent of Spring and all the Great Features Bring the Children. THE WEATHER. Ositid States Wiathir Bcriad I El. Paso, Texas. December 23. 18H6. Local Time 5:64 a. m. Barometer "0 37 Thermometer 24 Direction of uln 1 W Velooitv of wind oer hour Weather Clea Kala24 hourcdncltesand hundredths) 0.01 Highest temperature last 24 hours Lowest temperature last 24 hours What Metal Is Worth. SUtoi. er Lead 2 75 Copper....... - 10 Mexican pesos. Fl Paso 51 " " Juarez 61 The Arizona & New Mexico road now receiving so much freight that it two trains cau hardly handle it, say the Lordsburg Liberal. If the busines: keeps up, and it gives every indication of so doing, tne road will nave to du new rolling stock and put on more trains. When the new time table made it will probably be arranged si that a train will leave both Clifioc and Lordsburg in the morning, make the round trip and return in the eve Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! SDeeial nollidav sale. From tow iin til Jan. 1st. we will sell all 1SSJ6 bicycle in our stock. Also Dicycle supplies a reduced prices. We have 4 new Snell special bicycles black and maroon enamel, fitted with M. & W. ciuick repair tires, adjust able handle bars and T. & T. special saddles. These are $75.00 wheels, and we sell them for $40.00. No reasonable cash offer refused for 2nd band wheels. C. H. Farsro & Co. $3.00 ladies bi cycle shoes for $2.00. Giobe vapor lamps $1.50, McCutcheon Pajne & Co. For Sale. One eight-room house in north of town for $2400. part One five-room house North Stanton St. for $2000. One five-room house North Florence St. for 82100. One five-room house North Oregon St. for $3000. All of these properties are nice homes and will rent to pay 10 per cent net as an investment. D. Y. Hadley, It Is Only Ouce a Year. And it takes very little to show the Unristmas spirit. We cave never be fore had so many pretty things to show you, and we welcome young and old, citizen and stranger, visitor and purchaser. These suggestions may be of assistance as to what to get, at Kern's. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the crums, allays all pain, cures wicd cholic. and is the best remedy for diar rhoea. 1 wenty-tive cents a bottle. To prevent the hardening of the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp and the obliteration of the hair follicies, which cause baldness, use Hall's Hair Iienewer. In Trouble. The man who was placed in jail yes terday for stealing a horse blanket, was arrested because of an attidavit charging him with "cruelty to ani mals" in depriving the horse of the covering he needed to protect himself from catching cold. The doctors are unanimous in saying that horses have better temper, require less food and their hair has a more glossy appear ance, when clothed with the West Texaa Saddlery Co'a horse blankets. Go sea them at corner of Overland and ITT The Magnificent Scenery 111 The Gortrpous fostumes 111 The Dazzling Armor LI I I !The Beautiful Ballet fl I J I J The Noted Premieres --mm The Eur Oil Heating Stoves. The "Orient" is still in the lead of all competitors. Al though still early in the sea son, they are selling rapidly. The "Orient" has become so well known that it is not nec essary to describe it here in detail. It is a heater, an or nament to any room, and can bo converted into a cook stove. No other light is need ed when an "Orient" is in the room. It is the handsom est and most popular oil heat ing device ever invented. Over one hundred now in use in El Paso; and tney are cheap. Write for circular. Chas. F. Slack & Co., Grocers, So'e Agents. 4- CHRISTMAS 3t Be'ow are a few suitable goods we .A.t From 25c to 3. Sterlirg Silver and Silver Mounted. T Rolfs, Salve Boxes, r iarters ) wel Cases, ''if Nil!' File?. djL Shoe Horns. Hat IJrushes. iSjfc Honuet Brushes, Purges Ylnaisrettes, Hat I ins, aper Cutters, Ha Tags, Scissors. Whisk Brooms, Olive Forks, An elegant stock of genuine Libbey UtU. W. MIUKUA etc M lAoUlN., 5 Tine Jewelers. Bronson Block, Ml San Antonio Street, EI Paso, Texas BRIEF LOCALS. Holiday books at FJlectio book store. Trunks, all grades, below cost, at the Closing Out Store. There will be a children's ball in Chopin music hall next Tuesday night. Wanted Two furnished rooms with board in private family. Address A, this office. The Tularosa chief says that nearly the entire population of the Hills have srone to El Paso for Christmas supplies. CAmn,nnkln ft", , . -j umcuu.,,, uu, ,uttUa to resuscitate the Choral union, and ontinue with a iuceessful organiza- tion. There will be a children's Christmas entertainment given by St. Clement's church in Chepin hall on Monday night. Francisco Lueero was elected mayor Jomo, and F. C. Barker, W. Dessauer ,tnd Nestor Armijo commissioners, at I tb.3 acequia election in Cruces. Do you wish the best hair cut and be among those who get the very best of everything. You will be obliged to jo to G. W. Morrow, 109 Oregon St. An advertisement in this Morning's Telegraph states gravely that there i-e but nine more days before Christ inas. Somebody has evidently reset the calenoar. Go to the Closing Out Store near the tost ofnee if you want to get anything n dry goods, clothing, trunks, valises tc, etc , where goods are being closed ut below cost An organization was started las vi-mtig to boom El Paso county at the Tennessee centennial, with A. P Coles as president, Juan Hart secretary and vv. J. lewell, treasurer. Albert Wilcox, who has served the readers of the HERALD so faithfully u-r over two years not losing a sin ijle day during that period is coctin to his home with throat trouble. a pieasant anu reassuring notice in the street cars tells people who have been enjoy ing passes over the street railway, that after the first dav January, iu the vear of our Lord, 1S')7, no passes will be issued to any body everybody must pay ud the dinero to ride. The railroad men say that if the olonists now en route to Toluca from northern Texas and Oklahoma find the .ouniry aown mere as it nas been re presented to be, there will be one Hundred families moving down into Mexico-from the upper country in short oruer. Alderman Del Buono appreciates the :ompliments of the Morning Times, vbich announces that a dance house will land in Alderman Del Buono's stocking. But our friend of the Morn ng limes ianea to state now inanv times tne gambling nouses nave landed in bis stocking. Some thirtv agricultural peonle ar riveu in a special car this morning over the Texas & Pacific, and continue this eveniner south over the Mexican Central to Toluca where they will take up land, and try to better their fortunes n the republic. X he colonists come from Witchita Falls, Texas. C. II. Young, division superintendent for Wells-Fargo Express comnanv. ays that his company will give a Christmas turkey to every married man and single man who supports a widowed mother or a sister. Mr. Young states that this generosity n the part of President Valentine will distribute turkeys to at least 4,000 employes. The embalmed remains of Joseph T. Underbill were shipped this afternoon to Uedlands, Cal., by the Caldwell Undertaking company for burial, bv he suie of the mother of the deceased. VV. II. Underbill, brother of Joseph T., arrived this morning from Fort Worth nd made the necessary arrangements. Mr. Unde rbill died down in the Sabinal ountry and was brought in a wagon 120 miles to Ahumada station on the Mexican Central. The remains were n a terrible condition, but Undertaker Ross of this city was at Ahumada and by careful work the bodv has been made to appear lifelike in color and general appearance. 1 GET YOUK A Posting Pan for Christmas Turkey; Arid a Carving Knife and Fork. You may need them for New Years. We have someth'ngnewin Roasting Pans. c. c. Dr. Oscar Wilkinson, Late resident surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, New Orleans, La. 3PBOI 3T. Practice confined to Ear, Eye, Noe & Throat Office hours. !:) a. in to 12 m ; I to -1 p. in. Consultation free to poor from 8 to H::I0 a. m. ROOM 5. MOREHOUSE oLOCK. DR. 0. 0. BKOWN, Room 2 find 4. - Mnndy UlncV NS PRESENTS ! have for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Card Cases, Match Safes, Stick Fins. Glove Hooks, Button Hooks, Tea HeUs, Stamp Boxes, Pipes. 0 Cut Glass and genuine Lyons Um- mmm Spanish Opinion. ''While I am premier, " said Senor Canovas to an interviewer recently, "Spain will not provoke a conllict with tne United states, but 1 wnl brook no attack on the sovereignty of Spain. say this calmly, but I am resolved to abide by it. This is my last word." Admiral Jose Maria Beranger, the minster of marine, said: "I consider a rupture betwepn Spain and the United istates improbable, but with a view o averting any chance of a conllict the Spanish men of war in Cuban waters have received strict instruction to ,VIU CUV II ltlUU 1 li U LUG U U UCU States. Nevertheless, in order to be prepared for any emergency I have ordered the vessels building abroad and at home for the governmen to be completed rapidly for service The marine infantry will be strongly organized, and all the seamen in the marine districts will be enrolled. Should a war unfortunately arise the mercantile marine would lit out nurner ous privateers, manned by picked crews, which would be capable o in flicting great damage upon American shipping on the high seas and on unfor tinea American seaports." Admiral Beranger expressed his belief that the Spanish navy, in the daring of crews and the strength of the Spanish, was for the Americans. He expressed the hope, however, that Spain would only require her navy to defend her colonial possessions from insurgent criminals without any inter national conflict. What John Sherman Says. In reply to inquiry Senator Sherman says: "There is no foundation for the statement that congress may not, if it desires, recognize the independence of anew nation, nor do I think Mr. Olney contests it, but think the matter ought to come from the president. "If, however, congress should pass a resolution and the president should veto it, it can be passed by a two thirds vote of each house and would become a law, which the president must respect and obey. " Preparing for a War. The Norwegian steamship Jarl, ar rived from B'.uetields, Nicaragua, brings news of active preparations which are going forward down in that country for a war with Colombia. It is said that there has been an open rupture between these two Central American republics because of a dif ference of ownership of Great and Little Corn islands, which are located forty miles from Bluefields and 100 miles from Bocas del Toro. Customs Inspector Watson takes de cided exception to the assertion of the chief of police that the deserting Mex ican soldier did not hre his gun at him. Mr. Watson states emphatically that the soldier had the muzzle of the gun within a few feet of his face when it was discharged, and Mr. Watson threw his head back as the ball whizzed by his face. The sol diers secured horses at the smelter according to all accounts, and went north. No one attempted to stop them, a- d it is not learned that the escape created any more than a momentary sensation over the river. The Boston Transcrint thinks the election of McKinley a confirmation of trie oia tradition ttiat the American people like their presidents to have ' 1 . rmt rK? . ; n mu ; only one Christian name. Ibe first five presidents had no middle name, and ; when MeKinlev is inausrurated he will ! bo the seventeenth president without j one. The Idaho supreme court has decid-: ed that as the woman suffrage amend- mer.t received b.OOO more votes than tlio-se cast against It. thoutrb not. n. majority of the votes cast at the elec tion, it was legally ratihed. Marriage licenses J. T. Clavton to Theresa It van; Henrv Breiten to 'hristiana Hauser. Blood Is Life and upon the purity and vitality of the biood depends the neaitn oi tne wnole system, Exper ience proves fclo-od 's Sarsaparilla to be the best bloi.d purifier. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver an d bowels. Cure sick headache. 3r3E A- XD "W A. HE, jED,5 210 EL. jPlSO ST. T Fresh oysters at Smith's creamery. Overcoats below cost at the Closing Out Store. Hot cakes at Smith's creamery. Go to Irvin for window glass. Juicy steaks at Smith's creamery. Strawberries at Smith's creamery. Typewriter paper at the Herald of- ! hce. Mining Location Blanks for Sale at rhis Office. Wrights' butter at Smith's Cream ery. Boys' Suits below cost at the Closing Out Store. For Rent Two furnished rooms. D. Y Hadley. Beautiful line of Infants Cloaks at the Closing Out Store. For Rent Finely furnished front room, G09 N. Oregon street. Stoves and Steel Ranges; low prices. Momsen & Thome's, Fine linen typewriter paper for sale at the Herald office. Silver novelties in beautiful designs at a low price, at Kern's. Try the bread made by the Dickin son Home Bakery. Telephone 20G for window glass, pa per hanging, signs, etc. A large shipment of decorated china suitable for Christmas gifts, at Kern's. EL PASO STEAM Telephone No. 47. Mining location notices the Herald job office. Ask for "EL PASO TRANSFER," the best 5 cent CIGAR on the marset. Linen typewriter paper, 500 sheets legal size at SI. 20 at Herald job office. "For Kent" and "Rooms to Let" placards for sale at this office. FOR sale Handsome driving horse cheap. Address box 379. Beautiful cottasre dinner sets 4.75. China Palace, 211 San Antonio St. Home made cakes, pies and dough nuts at Smith's creamery. The best Mexican and Havana cigars ire made by the El Paso Cigar Mfg. Co. Presh Kansas eggs 2,1c per dozen. Best creamery butter 2ot: per lb. at the El Paso Grocery Co , 112 East Overland St. Irvin & Co. are receiving an im mense stock of Holiday goods call and see them. Fine Siik Umbrellas. Just the thins for a Christmas present, at the Closing Out Store. Best creamery butter 2c per lb. Freh Kansas etrgs 2oc per dozen at the El Paso Grocery Go's., 112 East Over laud St. 22i lbs. sugar $1.00 caeb. 25 lbs. suijar SI. 00 with purchase of 84.00 other groceries. Pearce. 201 Stanton St. Would you pay $40 00 for a $75.00 wheel, if so call at McCutcheon Payne & Co's Bicycle Store. Pleasant furnished room, private family, privilege of parlor, 403 X. El Paso St. Biank leases for houses or storerooms, bst form. For sale at Herald job office. 22i lbs. sugar $1 00 cash. 25 lbs. sugar 81 00 with purchase of $4 00 other groceries. Pea-ce, 01 btanton ct. All of our 18!6 bicycles at reduced prices. No reasonable offer refustd for any of our 2d hand wheels. Mc Cutcheon, Payne & Co. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen. Best creamery butter 25- per lb. at the El Paso G rocery Co s. , 112 Kast Over land St. Best creamery butter 25a per lb. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen at the lil Paso Grocery Go's., 112 East Over land St. El Paso Fuel Co., are "The" agents for the celebrated Cerrillos White Ash and anthersite coals. Successors to Cerrillos Coal U. 11. Co. Phone 110. O'Brien Coal Co., are atrents for 'CerrillosCoa!. " We sell the celebrat ed white ash and anthracite and make a specialty of screened lumps for do mestic uses. Phone 8. Bucklen's Arnica Saive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 15 cents per box. For sale by W. A. Irvin and Co., wholesale and retail druggists El Paso. Nolii'i; Is horeby Riven that 1 have hi iPP'ii'.i assume of the estate of tjoo. waier. wno n:is a s'ium all ins property to , for the imneiii. of ins .re.n.o s. i, :-.r.i- ance with the statutes .f t.h stiite f Texas, resarclinK seneral asliiuiuiits for tliebenelit am Urn editors of ti, sill Geo V w ifer who dcpire to aectMil and t:ie l he heaelii nf said assignment, art? hereby notified to prt1- sent to and tile with me wii'liin six in-Miihstf 2!ri:r,;t!,;;;r,;i!i amount of i heir el d m rnrainst t h" s!t:d tJen . Wafer, da y veriiied by ahidavlt. I l reditors taiitn t.jso pre-en: and hie. surh , stiitenii'nt within the time nient ioned ;ire iy J : law exeiuded from t lie bcuetit of said assign- ! ! inent i reditors ilesirlnir to accent and t:il.e io 1 benefit of said assignment are h law le.juir- I eu 10 run iry mu oi mat raet in writna; wit hln : four lnontlis afiertlie i-ulil -ai ion of this no- -1 7i,... I i, tl.'f :i 11 1 1 tt ti.'l. iiM'iri,,,, .......... I ticy will lose the heuelitof sail assignment. For furtlier information as to the terms n nil provision s or salu assignment, s"e deed of -sijnment of ( ieo. V. Vf.toK 1'. liunii of date December l'.ttu A. I- l-:ni and now on lile in the olHco of Mm county clerk of El i 1'aso county. In the state of Texas. Witness my band this 23rd day of Kecember A. D.lSTMi E. F. Krsii, Asslnsjjoe of Geu. W. W" tiler. WIFE K(W Tanner fe Bro., fe ! I LOCAL AND GENERAL. - nin mminmrn mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmn iliilL I We have determined to close out our RETAIL DE PARTMENT, and now offer our entire stoek of DRY GOODS at a SACRIFICE. Our assortment is large and complete and our friends and the public are invited to inspect the stock and buy goods to suit themselves. SPECIAL ATTENTION! e: Is called to the following- articles suitable Ladies Capes and Jackets, Silk Shawls, Woolen and Dress Goods, Handkerchiefs, Blankets, Table Covers, Damask Table Sets, Underwear, Fancy Goods, Etc. Come over and inspect our goods. It will pay you. Bun sow & Co - X r Cor , las. , x r f I I m. wo, m mm with a larger and more com Dlete assortment of Holiday LAUNDRY, ' . J( tl ! Goods than ever. The prices for saieatare rjgnt fQr tne quality of j thG GOOfjS. Come and see 0 . nr imnroD woe ,L" Juioo.vuo W. A.- IRVIN & CO. Particular Attention ! 13 CALLED To Our Winter Line Of OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR And SUITS. G. LIGHTBODY. ii. Read and Refleet. We are the only retail ureeers in El Paso who buy eoods in carload lots and direct from the packer, pay spot cash and or this reason we can sell you cheaper than any other houe in the city. The following prices will convince you that to save money you must buy from the El Paso Grocery company: 2 Cans California table peaches. . . .25c 2 " " " pears 25c 2 " " " apricots. .. .25c 2 " " egg plums 25c 3 " 11 3Jb tomatoes. . . 2c 3 " Standard corn 25e E.irly June peo, standard 10c Curtice Bros. Blue Label corn loc " " Early June peas 15c " " 3 lb baked beans 15c " " Biue Label Catsup, pts 25c " "2 cans early sweet corn 25c " " 2 cans GoliUn Wax stringlcss beans 25o i; " (Brighton) Jam 10- 10 lbs Swift's Monogram k-af lard. .t'.5c 1 lb very best Creamery butter 2."u; Snuer kraut, ps r lb 5c j ( lbs Lion coffee I 00 3 lbs Arabian M & .1 coffee 1 00 C;.)od dun Powiier Tea, per lb 25c English Breakfast. " " 25c 3 cans America') 10c Saniines, with tomato sauce 10c 2 cans imported sardines 25c Plain pickles, per bo! lie 10c Mixed ' ' 10c Chowebow. per bottle 10c Salmon, per cau 10c Columbia Salmon steak, per can . . . . 15c El P&so Grocery Co. 112 East Over and Street n i i finn ( i n of Sale at liiiiULU JOB OFFICE: Typewriter Paper, Mining Location Notices, Blank Leases, Vendor's Lein Notices, House Rent Books. Y. M. O V. Gymnasium Class Hours Business and 1 ofi , scionul Men. , ... , m- eun daj s Juniors 11 to 111 10 a. m. SatUl'daj s ( years old. P, m. Tuesdays and 1 Fridays. Ladies Class. Work suited to all. 7:30 p. m. Mondajs, Thursdays and Sa turdays, Young Men's Class. Yearly Membership, Kegular S7; Jun ior $5; Ladies tuition made known on application. 1 IM h Why It Is That I Have Done so Large a Busi ness This Season. Guess? T. H. SPRINGER, Stanton and St. Louis Sts EI Paso Tex 1 he Acknowledged chempst Ha'lr- in house furnishing in the Soutewest. .We have just received two ears of upnoisterea i;ocKers, cea iioom rurniture, Side Boards, Dining Tables, Dining- Chairs. And we are receiving daily a full stock of China and rancy goods selected by me personally, which will far surpass anything seen in this market. T- H. SJ? RINGER, Furniture, Crockery and carpets. Corner of tft. Louis and Stanton Streets, E3jCj PAffiO i-rnpn-r A. : tir-Specii! Attention to out of The Weil 5 4- 1 T- W 1 -a-T-T - r - w I1 ALL ' AiN L .VV1JNTEK GOODS stx 205 El i Gives the FOR SHELTON HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SELLS AT THE LOWEST. Try iin - - - IMPORTERS and. JOBBERS FINE WINES AND WHISKIES A rFXTTrS !'. S WILLIAM J. LEKP BKEWI.NG CO., St. Louis, Mo xLUTijX L O lUx PABST BREWING CO., Milwaukee, Wis. 220 EI Paso St. TRY THE WELLINGTON DINING ROOM For Good Board at 4.50 ZEPIHIIE "WZETETCV Mrs. M. Hardin, Proprietress. OTISrOBXIISTlSrTOISr Street. hi. i J OHNSON & CO., Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Finest Kentucky Bourbon and Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies. .Sole Aeent lor the Proiiuct of- The Acheuser-Bascli Brewiog Associatiao, . Of St. Louis, Mo. Wholesale 1'ea'ers In Pure Kooky Mountain Lake Ice. Families Supplied with Soda, S: rs: p:i i ilia. Vlehy, Seltzer and all Forms of Mineral Water BRANCH IN CIUDAD JUARcZ, MEXICO. IBE STAR LiVll FEED AMD SALE STABLES Corner AVett Ovcrlaml ami Santa Fe Streets. Si -is -st- i-,:- If 111 'fet 1 JADT A TTTI for Holiday trade: OVER THE furniture consisting- of Rattan and town trade. Tailoring Co. - r - w - - -r m m-m . . Prices. Paso St. Highest Price cS5Dr BUILDING, i 116 Oregon Street. ESTER, EI Paso, Texas.' The Joseph Sehlifz Brewing Company Of Milwaukee, Wis. Phcnr 92. J. CALDWELL, Prop. ( akhvoll Undertaking Co. 3C5 S. El Psso Street, The Leading Undertakers, Phones 197 and 183, 2ALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT. 0. C. ROSS. Manager.