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TMT w 5b? 17 T i 'iT ? '. - ii ?5? ..V. mm mm mm mm never have found anything: to surpass the coffee and biscuits that your mother made, but the PRINTING that delighted your father and the prices that he considered rea sonable would hardly prove sat isfactory to you in this age of progress and competition. UP-TO-DATE is an appropriate term in speak- J ing- of the printing- we do. We ! have a lot of new equipment, and are constantly receiving the lat est styles of type. Books and Pamphlets of every descrip tion printed in the neatest and most attractive styles. If you want a catalogue or Constitution aad By-Laws printed, call on us WE HAVE increased our facilties for doing commercial printing. We do not claim to be the cheapest printers in the State we are not running a Chinese laundry but we do Commercial Printing at the lowest prices work can be done for. that good Our Specialty Lawyer's Briefs, CLEAN PROOFS, QUICK TIME, ATTRACTIVE STYLE. HERALD JOB OFFICE, 'Phone 115. Ui Ui iiilli Uiill iilUi yjl y yf y - j (.- 4 'i -t wf - f- -f- jv e' fc-.' You May IV .. .i -..i.i.. l. !.- f.-i-. to cost of MKl'.iKiiT. li 1- i,. f.,i,s. II .nnlai i- l.Ki l:.r UIV? paa- v lni.-. . . A i- 1 1 - . r '. .. .. . Ai a i- ii; m ;;im'I or .I'.u-cm c-i ,n- poi. ail.! .:.' i" I'"" '"".a. ' io -Wc lve you a i.'Pi" ' felui tiona Absolutely Free ;i.M.ut of l.'i.of il..w: wli.iKi- it w 'l ' '.'e to pay full price, . , ., Tin oilVr is t l,usi..,s men only: ' 1 J1 nsf tiool Art vertisinf?- eleeiio:is" eontains I weUe eli.i .-A e . j .i a n' u phase of the adver : dlvMeil into K. .Mjapu 'reAUuKor t vtiy , to aisi:iy i'. a!uT.!a.HnV.rriJcs .ood, practical aid for pr el ii-al men. It is written and compiled by Charles Austin Bates, v5. f? .!. Or .. if .1v .he leading authority on ! man in Ann Mi -a today In t h ree shm ty r c urn i .1 l Hp Js s sion. he has built "! t, J-'"''" Tj .' V "es '"u vice writes and illustrates iil Ha Ust in advertiM-ijr " I .; nu 'J' r V ,1 are his clients, A stele vi-rtisiiu. !-omeor tl 'i i ii. v-ip for writ ini? t hii rilH sort of adver- one of then, has paid h im over- vl his J ur or w "iave bop enelited by h.s tNi.i matter '1 lious iiu s of a I " i Mrs '' 1 ' t , , anli tribulations; their experience ayn ; su''mlh'wta5lill' life in acuirins tiie knowledge of absolute busi ''have bouml1 ueulerf Sarnie knowledge, the proper use of which hri"iS Ai, ylXZ send your 10 cents to pay for mailing a cory of ' tftlections." "Good Advertising5 is thecnlv booU of its kind There s no.hi we have received nearly 1000 Testimonials i-rt-,u- nf viiluc and benefit to them.- f,0m h V;.is b?cn enllod . .yhimlacMbra'it.'y and successfal men as: . . - ii '"" . . ROliERT Managing Partner, firm of John Wanamaker, GEO. P. Publisher American Newspaper Directory and Printers Ink, and the best known advertising agent lu America. MANLY M. GILLAM, t v. in .i-,.- sin nun advertising manaeer, whose wisdom and 5 .. it DR. R. V. President Wo, Id s B.spensary ledjcal As-chi. ion, uo Y,. who -al WM. DEAN HOWELLS found "Good Advertising" of sufficient interest to give it a notice, oc cupying near ly a whole page of Harpers Weekly, CHARLES A. DANA, the world famous editor of the New York Sun, -ays: -'There should be profit to all intelligent advertisers who ' ''" h''e,,ort,1 S1.1W, to hlm: another that It is worth, , a eXrXte ,50for it; another that Its worth in tlie Arm whose advertising lie manages, Kemember that ,-ges of tyon fro l iWviy.Hm'e'ir' iiis In iumSJ for mailing it. Anyone not in business for hims -if will have to pay full P'fV'iMs beine widely advertised. If y our letter SlnZ uK silMarV go!' will return the money. .we. 1 Holmes Publishing Co., J A'?. 13 Beekman Street.-New York. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery will cure 98 per cent of all the cases of consumption if used according to directions. It also cures all lingering coughs, bronchical and throat atten tions. There is no reason why the child of consumptive parents need ever have consumption if its blood and lungs are strenhtened by the proper use of the '-Dis-joverv." AH who have any reason to fear consumption, should read the chapters on that disease in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser. This great medical work of 1008 pasres, profusely illustrated, has reach ed a sale of over C80.OU0 copies. It will be sect free of charge on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to covercostof mailing only. World's Dispensary Medical assoeiation, 003 Main street, Buffalo, N. V. When most needed it is not unusual for your family physician to be away from home. Such was the experience of Mr. J. V. Schendk, editor 01 tne Caddo, Ind. Ter., Banner, when his littli grirl, two years of ag -,was threat ened with a severe attack of croup He says: "My wife insisted tnat 1 go for the doctor, but as our iamny pn- sician was out of town, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Coueh J' -me-dy. which relieved her immedia ley. L will not. DO Wlllieuu in I" ni- 2" and 50 cent bottles for sale by all druggists. Mexican Central Railway. Is the onlv standard erauge line be- tween the United iatates border and Mexico City. Mexico i3 known as an all the year round tourist resort for pleasure travel. Health resorts and mineral springs ad apted to all the various ills to which human fiesh is heir are found in the great country. Climate unsurpassed. For fuli particular address. J. F. DONOHOE. Com'l. Apsnt. F'.l Paso, Texas. llolitlay Excursion Kates. On Dec. 2:trd, 24th, 2ot,h,.-50th, and :U, lS'.lti, and Jan. 1st, 1SV17, the Southern Micifie will .-fill round trio tickets to loeal Texas points at one and one third r:tto. Limited for return January 4th, 1897. H. K. Turxki: T. 10. Hunt Ticket Clerk Comm'l Ag't. OHice Cor., Sin Antonio and Oreo-on sis., El I'ao. Texas Sl Pacific. You have your choice of routes, via the "Kl Paso lloute," via New Orleans, ShreveportyMetaphis, St. Louis or Chi cago. Train leaves El Paso at 5 o'clock p. m. For further information call on cr address: IE. S STEVENS, B. F. Darbyshike, Depot Agent. General Agent. Notice to all Travelers. riavriots Insurance Tickets have fiin tilac'd on sale at thr. Southern :. i 2 a rity urn?, flcnot tlrkct lilice T. I". H'tts'"1'. flu n'l Atrsiit. Vidlithtv Utiles via ti.uiiii Fe. Kite One sickle fare lor the round trip. Tickets on sale December 24, and 31. 1800 and January 1, 1MJ7. Good for return until January 4th, 1897. evrv hu-ini-ss ni:in who will pay i he mere irk'S Aus pn blislit'il srreat Tiki- ,,i i, . i V cont-i. It was " 1 . . . . ,V I, H;.ts' ' rontains The cou- ',,. r -,:0cl Advertising." .. .' .' ii s. 4 -is .- i -.. 4i -..- i'i 5T Ai . -.. ii -.. ii . ii -. wv. . ii ii -.. ii . -.. C. 0GDE', ROWELL, -. . ... Ti? ii . ii Tr -,. ii - ii -. i 7T -. -.. ii t ii .. - 4i PIERCE, New Tourist Sleeping: Car Service. The Southern Paciiic have inaugu rated through Pullman Tourist sleep ing car service as follows: Between Washington, D. C. and San Francisco, via Piedmont Air line, passing El Paso east Mondays and west Tuesdays. Between San Francisco and Cincin nati, Ohio, via Queen & Crescent passing- Kl Paso east Sundays and west Mondays. Between San Francisco and Chicago via Illinois Central, passing El Paso east Fridays, west Saturdays. In addition to this special tourist cars for San Francisco leave El Paso on Fridays and Sundays. The cars are operated by the Pull man company on same plan as first class sleepers, and like first class sleepers are furnished complete with matiresres, curtains, blankets, pillows, sheets and pillow slips, new upholster ed seats (cane) being put in and other improvements made. Clean sheets and pillow cases are put on every night. Berths in these cars are available to through or local passen gers holding first or second class or excursion tickets. Each car is in charge of uniformed porters to make up berths and keep the car clean. For rates and further information call on H. It. Turner, T. E. Hunt, Ticket Clerk, Commercial Agent, Corner San Antonio and Oregon streets, El Paso, Texas. The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a prominent lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y. , was sick with rheumatism for five months. In speaking of it, Mr. Kobin sonsays: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that gave her any rest from pain. For the relief of pain it cannot be beat." Many very bad cases of rheumatism have been cured by it. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. Strong Arr!:eor,:enE' THE ANAPHRODISTIC! From I'KDF. Oil. KICOliDof Paris is theonly remedy (or restoring strength under guaran tee, and will bring hack your lost powers and lop for ever the dangerous drains on your system. 1 liev act qulCKiy, create a oeaiiny digest ion, pure rich blood, firm muscles, rug ged strength, steady nerves and clear brain. 1 riinorted direct irom runs trice per oox, dlrn'tions iuckel, ti.oO. For sale by all re spectable druggists. Wall order9 from any person snail receive prompt attention ur. (jondory, Agt. ana Manager Tor u . & a., 460 Quincy Bibg., Chicago, Ml. For sale ouly by h red tichaefer. b.1 1'aso Texas. WMMM How to Attain It. A Wonderful New Medical Book.written for Wen Only. Ono copy inny be hod free on application. EP.IE MEDICAL CO. Gcmofeto i 53 POISONS IN FAIR BLOSSOMS. Warning to Those Who Sleep In Rooms mitli Flowers or 1'lantH. One ly one illusions are dispelled, and the case of the young woman wlio the ether J;iy wns overcome ly the j-.crf uiiic of a. of violets sent her ly ti friend ntids another wreck to the list of broken, idols, it litis always beer. considered the most beautiful compli ment one could pay a friend to send roses or violets, especially as a token of affection. But now that it is known that deadly Jioisons lurk amony these charming little lilossoniis, which may bring harm to offset the pleasures irivo.n 1o dear ones, the charm must certainly lo lesscu-ed. Tiie story of iJiiB young woman's nar row e.seape, a-s told, was a surprise to many who had never realized that t here was liny danger in flowers. The hun dreds of beautiful violets which lial Ieen sent her by a friend in California, and -which she prized so highly as not. to wish to 1k parted from them even during the night, came near being Ihe cause of her death. fir she was found in an unconscious condition in the morning and wos with diffictilty arouscd. -. How dangerous the poisoned gases which the flowers exhale can. lvecome, when in a badly ventilated room, would be a pood subject for st udy by the liclles of society or the stagv, who receive so many similar tributes to their charms. Dr. l-'oyler. of this city, who was asked his opinion on. the subject, said that, many cases of dangerous illness and even death from such causes were e.ll known and authenticated. 'The plants, cscci:illy flowering ones," Dr. Fowler said, "during the day are not harmful, because they are breathing1 in just the, part of the air w hieh our bmgs throw off; but at night the process is reversed, and they throw off tjie carbonic acid gas, which is a poison to our ltiugs. This causes weak ness of the heart, faint.ncss and hys teria wit h some people, and even death. "A oast? is known, which happened not very long ago in Germany, in one of the Messes, where the. friends of a bride and groom, in their desire to start them on their career rn a rosy pathway, adorned their room with calamities of flowcTs. It was in cold weather, and the windows were closed, leaving the air heavy with perfumes. The happy couple retired to their rose decked room, and were found in the morning dead, hearl failure having re sulted from the poisonous perfume. "Tli ere is poison in Ihe perfume of many flowers, not in violets more than anv others, but it is in such small iju'antities as to be harmless unless massed and confined. Prussic acid is found in a mild degree in most per fumes, and it is used by many per fumers, in fact, to intensify odors. lOther well-known medical poisons come from flowers. It is never safe to have any growing or cut flowers in a brdroom at ni.L-ht, for you cannot tell when the system may Ik- in such a con dition as to be affected by their ex halations." N. Y. Herald. THE SULTAN A BAD DEBTOR. How U Mle ail American Lnniber Firm Wait for Its I'ay. A certain iutnlwr firm of this city more than two years ago shipped to the sultan of Turkey several thousand dollars' worth of its most aluable goods. The order included mah ffany and ebony logs of unusual size and of the lincst coloring and general quality that could be obtained. The payment, or rather the promise to pay, was in the shap-e of a draft on the sultan, the money to be forthcoming upon the arrival of the logs at Constantinople. Naturally the American iirni regarded the imperial treasury of Turkey .'us good for the price of a shipment of lumber. In due time the mahogany and the ebony reached the Golden Horn and the Steajiiship company st nt in to the shippers a gentle remind er that tho settlement of freight charges was in order. Hut meanwhile nothing had been heard from tiie sul tan or his agents and the New York lumber dealers did not fancy being held responsible for charges upon goods which were iitut, yet paid for. Cable dispatches and letters were sent to the jvorte. but the "Sick Man of Eu rope" was apparently too busy attend ing to his Armenian subjects to lie able to look after such trifles as settling with American creditors. No satisfac tory response of any sort could lie ob tained. Then the lumber firm made applica tion to Mavroyeni IVey, at that time the Turkish minister at Washing-ton. He promised to see that his sovereign paid the bill without further delay, and the hopes of t he dealers were again raised. Hut not even Mavroyeni Bey was; able to open the sultan's purse strings. The Armenian question srtill absorled his attention. Mavroyeni Bey was recalled without having an compliished this bit of work. The firm hail a lawyer working on the ease, but had for months practically abandoned all idea of getting the money. On the last day of OctoWr, things took a most unexpected and jojful turn, lnfliienceil afar off, it may be, by the prevailing American sentiment in favor of paying one's debts hon estly, about noon on that day word was sent to the firm that the draft had been paid. Since then the actual money has been received. The moral of the transaction would seem to ! that, if you have business dealings with Abdul Hamid II.. you must lie content to wait awhile for your money, he being a slow debtor, but one who will come around at. last if yon give him plenty of time. N". Y. Tribune. - lu all Christian art the serin-nt is emblematic of wisdom, the origin of this emblem being the Bible expres sion: "He ye therefore wise a ser pents." Major C. T. Picton is manager of the State Hotel, at Denison Texas, which the traveling men say is one of the best hotels in the section. In speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Major Pieton says: "1 have used it myself and in my family for several years, and take pleasure in sayirgthatl consider it an infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. I always recommend it, and have frequ ently administered it to my guests in the hotel, and in every case it has prov en iteelf worthy of unqualified endorse ment." For sale ty all druggets'. A "QUID" OF TOBACCO. How a Small ThtiiR Stopped Operations on a Great War Ship. Lieut. Entile Duboc tells an amusing story of an eveut, which, lie says, cer tainly led to the downfall of hydraulic machinery in the French service. A few vears ag-o the authorities of a great shipbuilding firm were very much per turbed when the trials for turning the turrets of a new battle ship, in the pres ence of the committee appointed to take over the ship, were failures. A day or two before everything had gone satis factorily. But now the turret, after some siight. movements, stuck fat. The. gauges indicated the normal pres sure; there was nothing wrong witu the turret or with the racks for rotat ing it; there was no perceptible leak in any of the piives, and it was so im osKible to assign any reason for the behavior of the turret that tne com mittee had to go home without seeing it revolve. That evening ami the tol-lowinc- (lav a complete overhaul was made of the system of piping, and it was then discovered that one small but important pipe was completely choked by a "quid of etieweu tooacco, wna-u si workman had doubtless, let fall into it inadvertently. When this was re moved the turret worked as well as ever, but the disquietude caused by the want of success of the day before was onlv increased when it was discovered how insignificant the cause had been. From that day the naval authorities de cided that in future wherever practic able the iver for battle, ship oiera tions should be carried by a wire in stead of a steam pipe. STOOD BY HER RIGHTS. Woman Lawyer Had the Last Word. The woman lawyer slammed a pile of briefs down before the judge, accord ing to the New York Herald, and said: "I move to discharge, the prisoner on the ground that the prosecution have not proved their case and that the evi dence is irrelevant and immaterial. Motion granted," said the judge. No more dastardly outrage was ever perpetrated," began the lawyer, "than the incarceration of this, my innocent client- He was engaged in the pursuit of his daily vocation, when the strong arm of the law descended upon him. He" "Madam." said the judge, "have I not ilready told you that your motion was granted? The prisoner is discharged. "He was a man without guile, con tinued the fair counselor. ile sup ported his family as best he could. He was In the midst of has family circle when a minion of the law entered and demanded his immediate incarcera tion." "I have already decided in your favor, madam, as I have told you twice." drawled the judge. "What more do vou want ?" "What more do I want, indeed ?" cried the woman lawyer, her face flushing to a crimson hue. "Why. I want to argue this case. I stand on my constitutional right rs a woman to have the last word, and I mean to have it." And she did. SCANT COURTESY. Americans Accused of Ilelng Kade to Women In Sleeping l-'ars. "I ini sorry to have to say it." re mark ed a sleeping car conductor, reports the Washington Star, "but somehow, and I have no explanation for it. mon traveling are not as courteous and accommodating; to lady travelers as they should lie. "The men who ask for all kinds of accommodations, when they have their wives, sisters or female relatives trav eling with them, and they never fail then to claim everything in sight, are in many cases the men who decline to givei similar favora to other lady passengers. "As a matter of fact, the) upper lierths in a sleeping car are the best, the liest. ventilated, and I think experi ence lias shown the safest in cases of wreck. Still, the demand is nearly al ways for the lower berths, liecause it is ea-sier to get into them. This is par ticularly so with lady travelers. "In my half-dozen trips from and back to the city I have had more than the usual iercentage of lady passen gers, and I have, not succeeded in one case, in getting any of the men travel ers to surrender a lower lwrth for an upper berth. The men, being more ex erienced. secured the lower lierths and refused to give them up." Drnjcgrlsts I'P to Date. Druggists keep about as close watch of the season :ts any people in the world. When the spring days appear and ladies arc thinking of putting away their furs the drug store windows suddenly fill with moth balls, jiowdcrs and prepara tions warranted to knock the spots off a moth at 40 rods. When the sun gets up a little higher the moth balls-disappear and tan and freckle lotions anil preventives for mosquito and fly an noyances take the public eye. When the blazing heat of summer is with us. cool soda with pure fruit syrup signs nestle up against corn remedies and root beer packages. The fall comes on and then the cough lozenge is hatched. Along side it are sure cures for la grippe, colds, influenza and toothache, while hot soda steams and sizzles at your asking. The Way to Advance. The following new story is told tf the late Ixu-d Ampthill. When he was a junior clerk in the foreign office, Ixrd I'almerston, then foreign secretary, in troduced an innovation whereby in stead of being solemnly summoned by a verbal message the clerks were ex pected to answer his bell. Some haugh ty spirits rebelled against lH'ing treated like footmen and tried to organize re sistance, but )il Russell, as he then was, refused to join the relH-llious move ment, .saying that whatever method ap prised him most quh-kby of Ixrd I'alinerston's wishes was the method which he preferred. The aggrieved clerks regarded him as a traitor to his order, but he died an ambassador. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Cure it positively, cer ' tainly, infallibly. Cure it -so it stays ' cured. Cure it so you can stop taking I medicine. And that is sorm thing that no other remedy in the world will do. Via Santa Fe Route. Round trip rates to Laa Vegas Hot springs at all times, as well as to the seaside resorts on the Pacific coast. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to. E. Copland, Getferal Affect Tiie Most XDireot i-iine TO Kansas City, Boston, St. Louis, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia Denver, Omaha, St. Paul, And all Northern and Eastern Points Through Trains, IFast Time, Smooth Track. Elegant Pullman Palace Sleepers on all through trains. Daily Tourist Sleeping cars to Denver, Kansas City and Chicago. Touris, sleeping cars semi-weekly to St. Paul, Minn eapolis and once each week to St. Louis and Boston. All trains not having dining- cars stop for meals at the famous Santa Route, Harvey Houses. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to A. W. REEVES, E. COPLAND, City Ticket Agent. General Agent. Office, Fargo Building-, Corner El Paso and San Antonio Streets. W. B. TRULL, Agent at Depot. h SUNSET ROUTE f SUNSET Daily Through Trains to The Best Line to NEW YORK, PHILADEL PHIA, WASHINGTON and Eastern Points. Pullman Buffet and Tourist Sleepers. For Tickets, Time Tables and Full Information, Call on or Address: T. E. HUNT, Com'l Agent, L. J. PASKS, El Paso. Texas. MEXICAN CENETAL EI. Popular Winter Resort Pullman and Free Reciiag Chair Cars in Service. Address the undersigned for full and reliable information: J. F. Donohoe. Com'l Agent. El Paso. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WINNERS; CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGS ORGANS WERE GIVEN Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman Ship of highest grade. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION PRIli CHICAGO COTTAGE GROAN GO. CHICAGO. ILL. tARSEST MANUFACTURERS GF PIANOS AND CRGAHS IB THE W051D, Purest Drugs. Latest News A. K. ALBERS fit CO. BRONSON BLOCK. HEADACHE ELIXIR Cures any headache. Try it. tKiftKl IV'.,.. i. n I s;t (tip. iMtsliy ox: tor fold In 1 Ft sr V VUca Prug Through Line Between EAST and "WEST A. 6. P. & T. A. Houston. Texas. C. W. BETN, T. M. Houston, Ti "EL PASO ROUTE." Texas and Pacific.' The Great Popular Route Between The EAST and WEST Short Line to New Orleans, Kansas Oitv, St. Louis, New York and Washington. Favorite Line to the North, East and Southeast. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and Solid Trains from El Paso to Dal- . las. Fort Worth, New Orleans, Memphis and St. Louis. EPeist Time AND Sure Connections See that your tickets read via ha Texas and Pacific Railway. For maps, time-tahles, tickets, rates all required information, call on or iddress any of the ticket agents or B. F. DARBYSHIRE, General Agent, El Paso. iASTON MESLIER, General Passen ger and Ticket Agent. S.THOSNE, Third Vico-Prssid nt and General Superintendent. Foster and Mitchell, Attorneys and Counselors. Will practice in all courts of Texas and New Mexico. k 5 This Fnmoii Ttemc; v ly. nil t i-mse .. U t'mrup ll..i.1nctio Vibfi;m.4 LOST VI l ALi f Y, iinpoteiu'v uml was'tni: iiireu:es caused by yuttifuk eii-oi ;r exreio. LNr?i Win no oplatr. 1 a nerve tonic ana rig AEZET TiVEg paiennu puny iyu car- Bsinnika & iu ricu in vpm i1'1 !. 13V ill II 1 1 nrpninu im n " " nicriieiil houk, sent sealed, plain wrapper, with totiniontnls ar tlnanc-hii references. charge UIST Aff 2 51 5jl 5 for connultutlons. Hewureof VV&aAA FiBJ ImldUloiiA. HnUl tov ua untl our advertlted atrenta. Aaare INJiiiJt. Vl SJaXJXJ GOmm Maaoolo Temple, ClUCAvV btoro nad Kit? Crraude fbtum&cj