Newspaper Page Text
1 THEDAILY HERALD "Thursday, dkckmbeh 2471 y- THE TRAVELERS AGAIN IX THK LKAD. FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN SUCESS'OV Paid more money to claim ants in Texas, during 1895, than all other accident com paniss combined. It is hard to tell which company does the most good. Horace 13. Steven., Agent mm OPERA HOUSE. Matinee and Night Dec. 25th Matinee and Night Dec. 26th Engagement inordinary CHAS. H. YALE'S FOREVEB DEVIL'S AUCTION TRULY A GREAT PERFORMANCE aH-T"-" DEVI Li EWES' 1 ALL I The Magnificent Scanery The Gorgeous Costumes The Dazzling Armor I The Beautiful Ballet The Noted Premieres The European Specialties I The Artistic Company A Mammoth Production Fverything New but the Title The Advent of Spring and all the Great Features Bring the Children. THE WEATHER. Cnited States Wiathib Bureau El, PASO.Texas. December 23. 1SWS. Local Time 6:64 a. m. l Barometer .MOST Thermometer .24 Direction of wind N Velocity of wind per hour - Weather Clear HalH24 hours (lnchesand buudredths O.iW' Highest temperature last 24 hours - til Lowest temperature last 24 hours -4 What Metal Is Worth. illvei. 65:l, Lead 25 Copper - 10 "'i Uexlcan pesos. Kl Paso 61 " " Juarez - 61 Superintendent of public instruction T. E. Dalton, of Arizona states that the total amount of school expenses in the territory for the year ending' June 30, 1896, ia about $210,001); that the valu ation of property will be about $51)0, 000; that there are 334 school teachers, and that there are 16,936 children of school age in the territory. The num ber enrolled in the public schools in the past year was 12,889. President Diaz will visit all of the prominent points in the republic. Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! Special holliday sale. From now un til Jan. 1st. we will sell all 1896 bicycles in our stock. Also mcycle supplies at reduced prices. We have 4 new Snell special bicycles, black and maroon enamel, fitted with M. & W. quick repair tires, adjust able handle oars aud T. & T. special saddles. These are $75.00 wheels, ana we sell them for $40.00. Iso reasonable casn offer refused for 2nd hand wheels. C. H. Fargo & Co. $3.00 ladies bi cycle shoes for $2.00. Globe vapor lamps $1.50, McCutcheon Payne & Co. For Sale. One eight-room house in north pari of town for $2400. One five-room house North Stanton St. for $2000. One tive-room house North Florence St. for $2100. One tive-room house North Oregon St. for $3u00. All of these properties are nice homes and will rent to pay 10 per cent net as an investment. D. Y. Hadley. It Is Only Once a Year. And it takes very little to show the Christmas spirit. We have never be fore had so many pretty things to show you, and we welcome young and old, citizen and stranger, visitor and purchaser. These suggestions may be of assistance as to what to get, at Kern's. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens ' the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic. and ia the best remedy for diar rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. To prevent the hardening of the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp and the obliteration of the hair follioies, which cause baldness, use Iiall's llair llenewer. In Trouble. The man who was placed in jail yes terday for stealing a horso blanket, was arrested because of an aflidarit charging him with "cruelty to ani-i tnals" in depriving the horse of the covering he needed to protect himself ; from catchinjr cold. The doctors are, unanimous in saying that horses have j better temper, require less food and j their hair has a more glossy appear-! ance, when clothed with the West Texas Saddlery Co's horso blankets. Go see them at corner of Overland and Oil Heating Stoves. The "Orient" is still in the lead of all competitors. Al though still early in the sea son, they are selling rapidly. The "Orient" has become so well known that it is not nec essary to describe it here in detail. It is a heater, an or nament to any room, and can be converted into a cook stove. No other light is need ed when an "Orient" is in the room. It is the handsom est and most popular oil heat ing device ever invented. Over one hundred now in use in El Paso; and they are cheap. Write for circular, (fa. F. Slack & Co., Grocers, Sole Agents. M 4MMMI M 0000000000 0000000 IHEEE WE vj.. CHRISTMAS 0 Be'ow are a few suitable goods we At From 0 Sterlirg Silver and Belts, Salve Boxes, '.ST ;.-irters .Ir'.vel Case?, Nali Tiler', iOf Horns, W Hat Unfiles, Bonnet Brushes Purges, Vinaigrettes, Hat Pins, taper Cutters, Bw Tai?s, Scissors. Whisk Brooms, Olive Forks, S,. An elegant stock of genuine Libbey brellas just &GEO. W. HICKOX & HIXSON., Tire Jewelers, Bronson Block, 00000000 000000000000 000000 BK1EF LOCALS. Conductor T. W. Woods of the S. P. is taking a twenty days lay-off for the holidays. Collector Davis has sold to Winfield Soott 10,000 head of ioDg horn cattle at ii- per head. The extradition cases were postpon ed last evening by U. S. Commissioner Sexton until January 4. Customs Inspector Ben Jenkins is able to be out aftr a week's confine ment to his house by illness. Work still continues on the Maggie G in tne Black Mountains. A force of inen are doing development work. There will be a neighborhood Christ mas tree tonight at H. B. Stevens' house on the hill, for the children of the families residing in the locality. There will be a Christmas tree to night at Col. Campbell's residence for i he colonel's little grand child, Dr. Stafford Campbell's baby. The colonel uopes to get away in time to preside over the city council meeting. LTndertaker Koss celebrates tomor row the forty-fifth anniversary of the day when Santa 'Jlaus came swooping uown from the nether rt gions with his rheindeer and Christmas barge of a sleigh, and dropped the future mor tuary artist into the maternal lap. The Fort Bliss band musicians have returned fi-om their hunt down the raging Kio Grande, after having had, as one of them expresses it, a bully old time. Uaucimaster Wurm shot a grizzly bear weighing 700 pounds, and he will have the tkin made over into an overcoat which he is to wear on the occasion of the next winter-garden concert on the plaza. An advertiser complains that there is not a printer in town who can read correctly the word, "eclectic." He says they will just eternally get elec tric, snectrie, weklric. pectrie, kec irick, wood tick aud every o her kind of tick but the right tick. It makes hiin excessively weary, and he wishes the dictionary was consulted more in newspaper composing rooms. Peter Wehner makes the boss Santa (Jlaus. He. drove down from Ubristma3 present laud last evening with bis four-in-hand of rheindeer and. deposited in iLe hands of each employe of the Gas aud Electric Light company a bounc ing Lit? bird of freedom that is, the real genuine bird of freedom; no eagle business. St. Nicholas Wehner ac tually pulled fourteen twenty pound birds out of his capacious pockets in celebratiou of the occasion. Judge Townsend, the city attorney, l.'ic mortal nftVnsf. sit. t.h n M prnnir'4 of m-ominent citizens in the now famous series of interviews on the citv tax situation iu the Herald. So he has j tiled suit for damages against U. S. Stewart for libel, and at considerable ' length alleges that his name and ai.iitQti'nn hftru hpn frrnatl V rlfltun frpH J The judge intends to sue other citizens who expressed their opinions servedly in those interviews. El Paso still continues to receive and talent to healing the sick. Santa 1 , is two hours Teresa still continues to do business at late- or over, and carries a special car the old stand, and Dr. J. E. Fleming, a containing the Devil's Auction com venerable looking centleman who was : Pany- formerly a practicing physician, has practicing physician, recently put in an appearance as a "healer" and invites all who are suf fering from diseiise to corne and be made whole, without money or price. That he has effected some cures cannot be denied, though how permanent they will prove remains to be seen. Several well known citizens who had become slaves to the use of tobacco, now have no longing for the weed, and a number they have lost all desire for strong drink. Dr. Fleming is not a Christian Scientist, nor will he admitjthit he is a , faith doctor. As far as one can judge j he seems to be a magnetic healer. I hat he possesses strong magnetic power cannot be denied and in some cases he makes use of his hypnotic j A marringe license was issued today power. Many unbelieving sufferers to FOsio Gabon i and Ida M. A. Wii apply to him for relief and none are Hams. turned away on account of poverty, i That he does much good and never any I Owing to recent retirements the harm seems to be admitted. Drugs he Ninth cavalry headquarters has not a does not use. single field officer serving with it. GET YOUK A Rosting Pan for Christmas Turkey; And a Carving Knife and Fork. You may need them for New Years. We have somethingnewin Roasting Pans- C. C. Tanner 219 EL PASO ST. Dr. Oscar Wilkinson, Late resident surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, New Orleans, La. S PECI A.T-.I ST. Practice confined toEar, Eye. Nose & Throat Office hours. !: a. ni to 12 m ; 1 to -I p. . m. Consultation free to poor from to .M a- m. KOOM 6, MOKEUOl'tiE LOCK. DE. 0. 0. BitOWfl, ZDEHSTTTST. Rooms 2 and 4. - Mundy Rlock AEE WITH! ?8t 0 PRESENTS have for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS fe 25c to Silver Mounted Card Cases, Mitch Safes, Stick l'lns. Clove Hooks, Button Hooks, Tea Be'ls, stamp Boxes, Pipes. -3t 0 0 Cut Glass and genuine Lyons Um received. 0 0 0 Ill San Antonio Street, El Paso, Texas Going- to Las Cruces. The following foot ball eleven will leave in the morning for lias Cruces to play the Agricultural college team tomorrow afternoon on their gridiron at Mesilla Hark: H Zuehlke, F. Smith, D. Smith captain; D. Sebring, F. McCarthy, H. Gouerh, Q Pauncho, E. Morris, P Neilson, . Schutz, M. McLachlen, G Sweeny, with Colonel James Thornton as manager. This is the same team that did the High School boys up so brown last Sunday by a score of 10 to 0: and the boys say thev will do the Las Cruces team the same way. They are all in good condition, having practiced every day this week. The h ort JJliss foot ball team go up to Las Cruces tomorrow morning to make life a mockery and hoDe an emp tv dream for the Cruces Aggies, if they win the garrison band will wel come home the triumphant foot ball men with '"See the conquering hero curries!" and the adjutant will crown the whole outfit with appropriate laurei leaves. The Yaqui Ear Still Erect The government authorities at the City of Mexico have advices from Hermosillo, in the state of Sonora, that a large number of Yaqui Indians are again on the war path and that a num ber of settlers in the Yaqui river valley have been murdered and their property destroyed. One of the hostile bands of Yaqui is in the neighborhood of Noga les, Arizona, and a raid on that town is feared. Inns. Brown, a locomotive engineer who ran on the Southern -Pacinc for many years, died at Los Antreles, Cal., on Friday night of consumption. Mr Brown was well known, ranked high in bis profession and numbered a legion of friends. Some three weeks prior to his death his twiu brother lost his life bv falling down a shaft near Los An geles. Mr. Brown leaves a wife known in El Paso as Mies Gussie Letts. The train from the west will con tinue to be one hour late until the 30th inst , when the passenger will arrive according to the new G. II. schedule- As this schedule lengthens out tbe time one hour between this city and Del Kio, the time now lost west of here is easily made up while the S. P. con tinues late. ino sisters ot iorelto will have a Christmas tree and entertainment for los ninos Mexicanos: and at the Amer ican Catholic church, tnas will 'be sung tomorrow at 10 a. m. The mass will be a new one, the score being writ ten by Rosewig. Tradesmen say that the holiday busi- ness this yea- has been an improvement over tnat of last Jear- iha I'acilic Express company people say business wllh theul Christmas is 20 per cent better than it was id lS9o at the same time. A. F. DeSmeth purchased the entire sto."-k of Kayser fc Co. yesterday and will continue tho business at the old stand with Geo. Parker as manager. The Catholic church authority have secured 100 x 150 feet of land at the smelter, and will erect a church there. Suit is entered in the district court by Biibop Dunne against Tyrso Ol guin, et al, for tresspass to try title. Bart J. Tuttle has applied in the district court for removal of disabilities as a minor. A. M Loom is has sold to M. Ainsa for $2,000, Hi feet on San Antonio street. The banks will bs closed tomorrow Red Ih j postc'llk-e will observe Sunday hours. WIEE NOW j LOCAL AM GENERAL. Fresh oysters at Smith's creamery. Holiday books at Fclectic book store. Hot cakes at Smith's creamery. Go to Irvin for window glass. Juicy steaks at Smith's creamery. Strawberries at Smith's creamery. Typewriter paper at the Herald of fice. Mining Location Blanks for Sale at This Office. Wrights' butter at Smith's Cream ery. For Rext-Two furnished rooms. D. Y. IIadley. For Rent Finely furnished front room, 009 jn. Oregon street. Stoves and Steel Ranges; low prices. Momsen 8t Thome's. Fine linen typewriter paper for sale at the Herald office. Silver novelties in beautiful designs at a low price, at Kern's. Trv tbe hread made by the Dickin son Home Bakery. Telephone 206 for window glass, pa per hanging, signs, etc. A large shipment of decorated china suitable for Christmas gifts, at Kern's. EL PASO STEAM LAUNDRY, Telephone No. 47. Mining location notices for sale at the Herald job office. Ask for "EL PASO TRANSFER," the best 5 cent CIGAR on the market. Linen typewriter paper. uOO .sheet le-al size at S1.20 at Hkkald job office. "For Kent" and "Rooms to Let" placards for sale at this office. For sale Handsome driving horse cheap. Address box .'179. Beautiful cottage dinner sets 54.75, China Palace, 211 San Antonio St. Home made cakes, pies and dough nuts at Smith's creamery. The best Mexican and Havana cigars ire made by the El Paso Cigar Mfg. Co. Wanted Two furnished rooms with board in private family. Address A, this office. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. at the El Paso Grocery Co , 112 East Overland St. Irvin & Co. are receiving an im mense stock of Holiday goods call and see them. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen at the El Paso Grocery Co "s., 112 East Over land St. 22i lbs. sugar $.0i cash. 25 lbs. sugar $1.00 with purchase of S4. 00 other groceries. Pearce, 201 Stanton St. Would you pay $40 00 for a $75.00 wheel, if so call at McCutcheon Pane & Co's Bicycle Store. Pleasant furnished room, private family, privilege of parlor, 40J5 N. El Paso st. Biank leases for houses or storerooms, best form. For sale at Heuald job office. 22 lbs. sugar 81 00 cash. 25 lbs. sugar $1.00 with purchase of $4 00 other groceries. Pearce, 201 Stanton St. All of our 1S96 bicycles at reduced prices. No reasonable offer refused for any of our 2d band wheels. Mc Cutcneon, Payne Go. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. at the El Paso Grocery Co's., 112 East Over land St. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen at the El Paso Grocery Co s., 112 East Over land St. El Paso Fuel Co., are "The" agents for the. celebrated Cerrillos White Ash and anthersite coals. Successors to Cerrillos Coal R. R. Co. Phone 110. Do vou wish the best hair cut and be among those who get the very best of evervthintr. You will be obliged to go to (i. W. Morrow, luil Oregon St, O'Brien Coal Co., are agents for 'CerrillosCoal." We sell the celebrat ed white ash and anthracite and make a snecialtv of screened lumps for do mestic uses. Phone 8. S70 for a Slot) 18; Rambler bicycle, at McCutch eon, Payne .v Go. Bucklen:s Arnica Salve. The best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, hilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, ind positively cures piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price ?5 cents per box. For sale by W. A. Irvin and Co., wholesale and retail druggists El Paso. A correspondent from Benson says that a head end collision occutiu at Dragoou Summit the other morning and three locomotives aud number of freight cars were wrecked. Engineer Chas. Smith was slitrhtly hurt. A man named L J, Emanuel, from San rrau- cisco, who was supposed to have been riding on the tender of one of the locomotives was found thrown outside of tho telearrauh poles, so severely injured that he died at Benson, where he was taken, Thursday evening. His relatives were iufortm d, at.d they wired to have the remains forwarded to Sau Francisco which was done. Prospec tor. You Can Be Well when your blood is rich, pure and nourishing. Hoods Sarsaparilla makes tho blood inch ar.d pure, and cures all blood disease, re storing health and vigor. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in operate. Cure inditrestion, head- ache. 25c. & Bro., mm wmmrom ?nwmmmmn HIGHLY We have determined to close out our RETAIL DE- 3 PARTMENT, and now offer our entire stoek of DRY 5 GOODS at a SACRIFICE. Our assortment is large and complete and our to inspect the stoek and buy goods to suit themselves. 53 SPECIAL ATTENTION! 3 Is called to the following articles suitable for Holiday trade: 2i Ladies Capes and Jackets, Silk Shawls, Woolen and Dress 2 Goods, Handkerchiefs, Blankets, Table Covers, Damask Table 52 Sets, Underwear, Fancy Goods, Etc. Come over and inspect 3 our roo(is. it win M. V 9 unsow iA. B :1 Well, here we are apia. with a larger and more com plete assortment of Holiday J Goods than ever. The prices ja.e rjgjlt fQr Q quality Of , the Goods. Come and see for yourselves. W. A. MIS S CO. Particular Attention ! IS CALLED -r Winter Line Of OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR And SUITS. it G. LIGHTBODT. Read and Refleet. We are the only retail grocers in El Paso who buy goods in carload lots and direct from the packer, pay spot cash and for this reason we can sell you cheaper than any other house in the city. The following prices will convince vou that to save money you must buy from the El Paso Grocery company: 2 Cans California table peaches. 2 " ' " pears... 2 " ; " apricots. 2 ' " egg plums. . . ,-j " 3 lb tomatoes. ..)C .25c .25c . 25c 2:c .25c . 10c .15c .15c .15c .'5 " Standard corn Earlv June pjas, standard Curtice Bros. Blue Label corn. . . " " Early June peas... " " ;5 lb baked beans. . . " " Blue Label Catsup, pts 25c " " 2 cans early sweet corn 25c " " 2 cans Golden Wax strinj;less beans 2e " " (Brighton) Jam 10- 10 lbs Swift's Monogram leaf laru..Ce 1 lb very best Creamery butter 25c Sauor krau!. p-.t lb 5c li lbs Lion eolTt e ;i lbs Arabian M & .1 coffte. . . . Good Gun Powder Tea, per lb English " '.i cans American Sardines.... Scirdines, with tomato sauce. . 2 cans imported sardines Plain pickles, per bottle , Mixed " " .$1 OD . 1 00 ..25c ..25c . .10c . . 10c . .25c ..10. ..10. Chowchow, per bottle 10c Salmon, per can 10c Columbia Salmon steak, per can .15c Ei Paso Grocery Co. 112 East Over ai-d Street For Sale at HERALD JOB OFFICE: Typewriter Paper, Mining Location Notices, Blank Leases, Vendor's Lein Notices, House Rent Books. Y. M. O V. Gymnasium Class Hours 5 p. m. every day, Dumb Bell Drill, for Business and Professional Men. 4 p. m. Wednordays Juniors II to lii 10 a. m. -Saturdays ( years old. 4 p. m. Tuesdays and Fridays. Ludies Class. Work suited to all. 7::i0 p. rn. Mondays, Thursday's and Sa turdays, Young Men's Class. Yearly Membership, ltegular $7; Jun ior ifo; Ladies tuition maae Known on application. M friends and the public are invited 3 nay you. rn Why It Is That I Have Done so Large a Busi ness This Season. Guess? T. H. SPRINGER, Cor. JStanton and St. Louis Sts EI Paso, Tex as. 1 he Acknowledged cherpest dealer in house furnishing in the Soutewest. We have just received two cars of furniture consisting of Rattan and Upholstered Rockers, Bed Room Furniture, Side Boards, Dining- Tables, Dining- Chairs. And we are receiving- daily a full stock of China and Fancy g-cods selected by me personally, which will far surpass anything seen in this market. T JrT. 8P RINGER -u-rinituLiro, Crockery and Carpets. Corner of St. Louis ;md Stunton Streets, T.T PAGO, TEXAS. r-if-Special Attention to out of town trade. The Weil 4- V IFALL AND WINTER GOODS! f&T 205 El .X. GEM BUILDING. SHELTON EGr Gives the Highest Price S$J FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SELLS AT THE LOWEST. Try Him 116 Oregon Street. HOUCK & DEITER, IMPORTERS ana JOBBERS FINE WINES AND WHISKIES AGENTS fori ABST 220 El Paso St. Till THE WELLINGTON DINING ROOM For Good Board at S4.50 ZeSIR, Wlni-RlTr Mrs. M. Hardin, Proprietress. '(37 IsrOXrrX-L STAXTON" Street. K. 1h J OHNSON & CO., Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Finest Kentucky Bourbon and Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies. Sole Agent for the Product of The Asheascr-Rusch Brewing Association, LOf St. Louis, Mo. Wholesale He-tiers In Pure Families Supplied with Soda, Sarsuparilla. Vichy, Seltzer and nil Forms of Mineral Water BRANCH IN CIUDAD JUARiZ, MEXICO. fl STAR LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLES Corner AVest Overland in 3 mnrnmrnmrommmK PORTANT! OVER THE y-'") RIVER. Tailoring Co. AST aces. Paso St. XLL1AM J. LEMP BRESVLNG CO., St. Louis, Mo SHEWING CO., Milwaukee. Wis. El Paso, Texas. The Joseph Sdilito Brewing Company Of Milwaukee, Wis. Kooky Mountain Lake lee. aud Santa Fe Streets. Phone 92. J. CALDWELL, Prop. Caldwell Undertaking Co. 3C5 S. El P.iSo Street, The Leading Undertakers, Phones 197 and 183, 3ALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT J. C. ROSS, Mangr.