Newspaper Page Text
THEDAILY fl Ell A LI SATUruSTvmXEMBKIl 2l. lS'Jti. TUG TRAVELERS AGAIN IN THE LEAD. FOR THE THIRD YEAR IX SUtfTOV Paid more money to claim ants in Texas, during 1895, than all other accident com panics combined. It is hart to tell which company does the most good. Horace 13. Stevens, Agent MYARS OPEkTTSS. LAST NIGHT DEC. 26TH. Eiipent Etraordinary CHAS. H, YALE'S FOBEVEE DEVIL'S AUCTION TRULY A GREAT PERFORMANCE H cT UUVIU jpean Specialties I The Artistic Company A Mammoth Production Everything New but the Title The Advent of Spring and all the Great Features Bring the Children. THE WEATHER. Onitkd States Weather Bureau El PASO.Texas, December 23. 1H6. Local Time 5:64 a. m. Barometer 30 Thermometer Direction of wind J Velocity of wind per hour Weather -!le Kia24 hourcdnchesand hundredths). ... 0. lilffbest temperature last 24 hours Lowest temperature last 24 hourj What Metal Is Worth. llveL Lead Copper Mexican pesos. Fl Paso " " Juarez 65:' i 75 10 : 51 61 Notice to the Public. I beg most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of El Paso aDd vicinity that I have purchased from Mr. George Parker the entire stoe It of dry goods and clothing (old stand of II. Kayser &c Co-) and will continue to close out the same at greatly reduced figures, thereby giving the public the benefit of purchasing anything in dry goods, clothing, oats, shoes, trunks or valises, etc. etc., at figures too low to mention. The stock is large, new and completo in every department and is too well known to make any comment. Trust ing I may be able to receive a share of your patronage, I am Yours Truly, A. P. De Smeth. P. S. Mr. Parker will have charge of the business at the old 6tand "H. Kayser & Co., near Postoffice." Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! Special holliday sale. From now un til Jan. 1st. we will sell all 1396 bicycles in our stock. Also bicycle supplies at reduced prices. We have 4 new Snell special bicycles, black and maroon enamel, fitted with M. & W. quick repair tires, adjust able handle bars and T. & T. special saddles. These are $75.00 wheels, and we sell them for $10.00. No reasonable cash offer refused for 2nd band wheels. C. H. Fargo & Co. $3.00 ladies bi cycle shoes for $2.00. Globe vapor lamps $1.50, McCutcheon Payne & Co. S70 for a S100 1896 Rambler bicycle, at McCutch eon, Payne & Co. For Sale. One eight-room house in north part of town for $2400. Ono five-room house North Stanton St. for $2000. One five-room house North Florence St. for 82100. One five-room house North Oregon St. for $3000. All of these properties are nice homes and will rent to pay 10 per cent net as an investment. D. Y. Hadley. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic. and is the best remedy for diar rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. To prevent the hardening of the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp and the obliteration of the hair follicies, which cause baldness, use Hall's Hair lienewer. In Trouble. The man who was placed in jail yes terday for stealing a horse blanket, was arrested because of an affidavit charging him with "cruelty to ani mals" in depriving the horse of the covering he needed to protect himself from catching cold. The doctors are unanimous in saying that horses have better temper, require less food and their hair has a more glossy appear ance, when clothed with the West Texas Saddlery Go's horse blankets. Go see them at corner of Overland and Oregon streo' 'A ITT The Magnificent Scenery ill Thfl finrwous Costumes 111 The Dazzling Armor The Beautiful Pallet M I J I J Tne Noied Premieres axjj The fcurc 1 5 a The "Orient" is still in the eadofall competitors. Al though still early in the sea son, they are selling rapidly. The "Orient" has become so veil known that it is not nec essary to describe it here in Mail. It is a heater, an or nament to any room, and can be converted into a cook stove. No other light is need ed when an "Orient" is in the room. It is the handsom est and most popular oil heat ing device ever invented. Over one hundred now in use in El Paso; and they are cheap. Write for circular. Cks,F.;MdGo., Grocers, Sole Agents. 000 0000 00 0000000000 0000000 1HEEE WE CHRISTMAS g$ Be'ow are a few suitable goods we .A.t Fi?oixi 0 Sterlirg Silver and Holts, Fnr-ps, Card Cases, jSi Salve Boxes, Vinaiirrettes, Match Safes, Ciirters Hat Pins. Stick Pins, S4 .lewei Cases, Vapor Cutters, Glove Hooks, 'V' Nail Pilep, Ha Tags, Button Hooks, t Shoe Horns, Scissors. Tea He' Is, Hat Brushes. Whisk Brooms, Stamp Boxes, i Bonnet Brushes, Olive Porks, Pipes. An elegant stock of genuine Libbey Cut Glass and genuine Lyons Urn- brellas just .. SGEO. W. HICKOX & HIXSON., T:tie Jewelers, III San Antonio Street, Bronson Block. pf W W Tt? W W W W BRIEF LOCALS. Judge Wyndham Kemp entertained a select party at dinner yesterday. The Corralstos track is now four miles beyond the overhead crossing of the Mexican Central. With the certainty of the dam, the population of I. as Cruces is rapidly in creasing, says the Kepublican. An attempt was made Thursday to b'ow up Fort Pickens, and it was only by the most strenuous efforts that trie magazine was saved. Lost A package of letters and me murandum. Fiuuer will be reward . u by leaving same at A. H. Richards, aheldon Biock. Fenchler brothers brought in 672 head of cattle yesterday from Mexico; and Mr. Peters,of Kansas City, brought in several train loads of sheep. Postmaster Julian says the Christ mas mails were 25 per cent heavier this year than last, and his force has had to keep oa the jump to do the work. For Sale Very cheap, owner leav ing town; horse, top phaeton, harness, robe, whip, etc., price $50. Apply Bias stable, corner Mo. and North Campbell streets. 1 Dr Ciarence King is examining into big mining properties in Guanajuato and Zacatecas. He declines to be inter viewed, although Mexican reporters are seeking him "diligently and with tears." Billy Willson did not want it known where he was going when he left town yesterday. It now transpires why He is en route to Georgia, to get married January 6, to Miss Cleo K. Camp, at Jonesboro. The bride is a niece of Dr. Turner of this city. There was a well attended neighbor hood Christmas tree gathering at H. iJ. Stevens' house on the hill where the children enjoyed a fine time: aiid there was a tree for little Marianne Lane Furdy at Alfred Hampton's North Oregon street house with Johnny lieban as Santa Glaus. Careless post office box owners are leaving boxes open every day. Box number 5 was left open this morning with quite a bunch of mail in it, and the postmaster had to come out and shut it. Business men take the mail from the boxes, stand around to read their letters, and then go off leaving their boxes open. I. N. Wright member of Alexander Hays Post 3, of Carnegie, Pa., died at the Sisters' hospital Thursday night. Funeral services will be held at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Edwards, 304 N. El Paso street at 3 p. m., today, Iieelcr Martin officiating. Th" remains will be shipped east via the Texas & Pacific to Pittsburg for interment. There was a big rush to the Pierson last evening for Christmas dinner so that not a few people had to wait for their turn to get into the dining room; and they did not have to "walk a mile" either, as the Morning Telegraph fear ed. The Pierson set a beautiful table as might have been noticed from the bill of fare printed, and every guest went away well pleased. Bunches of cala lilies adorned eacri table, greens of various kinds decorated the room in profusion, and at each seat was a pretty boutoniere. Music was provided through the dinner. The pierson is becoming more and more popular as it deserves. The bisr eight hundreds engines of the G. II are being tried witb success on the Sunset Limited running east of this city. The big buster, 814, made the trip the other night with "ease and grace," and last night's Limited went out with b05, which has but a 40-foot 8 inch wheel. There has been no trouble with the b;g Schenectady engines since the equal. zing bars were changed so as to throw more weight onto the trucks, and the truck brakes were taken oil. So there does not teem to be any reason why engines 813, 814 and Hlo should not now be set apart for the service for which they were origi nally intended, viz., to haul the Sunset Limited trains. These engines have time and again, since the change, been pulling through freights at express train speed without any trouble. GRANITE WARE : 0.0. Tanner A. ID "W -A- 210 EL PASO T Dr. Oscar Wilkinson, Late rpsldent surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, New Orleans, La. SPECIALIST. Practice con H nod to Ear, Eye, Nose & Throat Office hours, .':) a. m to 12 in ;11o l )- ni. Consultation free to poo from h to z-Jo a. m. HOOM 5, MOKEllorsSE BLOCK. DR. 0. (J. BKOYViN, DENTIST. Rmms 2 fcnd 4. - Mundy Rlooi AEE WITH I 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 & PRESENTS f have for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 25c to Silver Mounted. m 0 0 received. 0 0 ... 0 El Paso, Texas 0 iiJj.i.iiii.iiJLi.i1!tii JLtii.Jii.i. ii.ii.-ft.ii.itii W W "HP "HP W ' WT CONDUCTOR DOYLE DEAD. He Dies Suddenly of Hemorrhage on ihe Depot Platform at Alpine. Conductor Tbaddeus Doyle, aged 36, of the G. H., running between this city and Sanderson, died suddenly yesterday at Alpine. Doyle took outThursday's afternoon's 19, and was returning yesterday with 20, and-at Alpine station went into the office for orders. He got them, and was coming out of the door when he was siezed with a hemorrhage, and fell on tne piatiorm. x ne poor teliow was speedily picked up, but death has et his seal on him, and in a few minutes he was dead. Freight Conductor Stockwell chanced to be on a sidine with his train, and he brought 20 in Graves takes the run east today. The remains were cared for at Al pine and arrived on today's 20. The burial will be under the auspices of the Order of Kailway Coduetors and Broth erhood of Locomotive Ecgineers of which the deceased was a member in high standing. Mr. Doyle was unmarried. He cam" originally from Canada, and ran an en gine on the Mexican Central, coming to the O. H. as freight and extra passen ger conductor in loss lie has been with the road ever since, and was well thought of. He has not been strong for some time, but no one expected him to go as soon as he did since tne above was written, it is ascertained that Conductor Doyle left on yesterday's east bound train instead of the day before. Conductor McHugh of the Santa Fe was talking with him, and thought at the time that the poor fellow could not last long, as his cloih es were just hanging on his collar bones, but Doyle said he was in good spirits, and felt first rate. The funeral will be held from the Caldwell under taking parlors at 10 a. m. tomorrow, and as above mentioned, under the auspices of the two brotherhoods. The interm ent will be at Concordia, and the public are invited to attend. jiater ine remains were taken in charge on arriving this afternoon by th members of the O. it C. and B. of L. E., with Undertaker Ross. Conductor Stockwell who brought the train in says Doyle hi d sat down in the station at Alpin-3 when of a sudden he threw up blood. The sufferer was immediately removed to the platform, for fresh air, but wa dead bv the time he was lifted out. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The Christian Endeavor society from the Christian church are planing a social for the latter part of January. Other societies have been asked to fol low. "In training," a discussion by the physical director at Sunday 3 p. m The gyncnasium boys are asked to be present as the points will be especially for them. There will be an election to fill vacan cies in the board of directors Monday 28th. J The "Silver" men are leadinsr in the membership contest. If "Gold" con trols the blow out January 15th they will have to hustle. After Jan. 1st the hour of m ns m; eting will be 4 p. m. Sundays instead of 3. AlvinoSaens and Epifanio Armen dariz have been arrested by Deputy Mii-shul Maji r on charge by the Mix iean government of murder, assault to murder and kidnapping. This precious twain wero arraigned this afternoon and a hearing was set for January 4. The Mexican government wants them over the border on account of their participation in the Ojinaga racket of last summer. Two celestials, "Hickory-Dickery Dock" and "the-iuouse-ran-up-the-clock" were bunched on the carpet esta manana before Commissioner Sexton ou charge of not have the "wedding garment" in the shape of the custom arystifkits. They will be heard f.irlher January 15. Lieutenant Bullock of the Seventh cavalry has died of pneumonia from a cold contracted while on duty with his troop at San Bernadino ranch. Services tomorrow as usual, at the Christian church. 7 At Greatly Reduced Prices For The Next Thirty Days. Bro., LOCAL AND GENERAL. Fresh oysters at Smith's creamery. Hot cakes at Smith's creamery. Go to Irvin for window glass. Juicy steaks at Smith's creamery. Strawberries at Smith's creamery. Typewriter paper at the Herald of fice. Mining Location Blanks for Sale at This Office. Wrights' butter at Smith's Cream ery. For Rent Finely furnished front room, 600 N. Oregou street. Stoves and Steel Ranges; low prices. Momsen &. Thome's. Fine linen typewriter paper for sale at the Herald office. Trv the hread made by the Dickie son Home Bakery. Telephone 206 for window glass, pa per hanging, signs, etc. EL PASO STEAM LAUNDRY, Telephone No. 47. Mining location notices for sale at the Herald job office. Ask for "EL PASO TRANSFER," the best 5 cent CIGAR on the market. For Rent Two furnished' rooms. D. Y. Hadley. Linen typewriter paper, 500 sheets legal size at $1.20 at Herald job office "For Rent" and "Rooms to Let' placards for sale at this office. For sale Handsome driving horse cheap. Address box 375. Beautiful cottage dinner sets $4.75. China Palace, 211 San Antonio St. Home made cakes, pies and dough nuts at Smith's creamery. The best Mexican and Havana cigars re made by the El Paso Cigar Mfg. Co. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen Best creamery butter 25c per lb. at the El Paso Grocery Co., 112 East Overland St. Irvin &; Co. are receiving an im mease stock of Holiday goods call and see them. 22i lbs. sugar $1.00 cash. 25 lbs sugar $1.00 with purchase of $4.00 othei groceries. Pearce, 201 Scan ton St. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. Fresh Kansas eggs 2oj per dozen at the fc.1 faso Grocery Co s., 11- .ast Over land St. 22i lbs. sugar $1.00 cash. 25 lbs. sugar $1.00 with purchase of $4.00 other groceries. Pearce. 201 istanton St. Would you pay $40 00 for a $75.00 wheel, if so call at McCutcheon Payne & Co's Bicycle Store. Pleasant furnished room, private family, privilege of parlor, 4U.J N. 1 Paso fiSt. Bian k leases for houses or storerooms, oest form. For sale at Herald job office. 22A lbs. sugar $1 00 cash. 25 lbs sugar $1.00 with purchase of $4 00 other groceries. Pearce, 201 Stanton St. All of our 18!6 bicycles at reduced prices. No reasonable oiler refustd for any of our 23 hand wheels. Me Cutcneon, Payne !c Co. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen Best creamery butter 25c per lb. at the Kl Paso Grocery Co's., 112 Kast Over land St. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen at the El Paso Grocery Co:s., 112 East Over land St. El Paso Fuel Co., are "The" agents for the. celebrated Cerrillos bite Ash and authcrsite coals. Successors to Cerrillos Coal K. R Co. Phone 110. Do vou wish the best hair cut and be among those who get the very be of everything, i ou will be obliged to go to G. W. Morrow, lu!) Oregon St. O'Brien Coal Co., are agents for "CerrillosCoal. " We sell the celebrat ed white ash and anthracite and make a specialty of screened lumps for do mestic uses. Phone 8. Mexican Mtlangc. J. II. Nations, a stock man from Texas, is at the Robinson house, Chi huahua. Mr. and Mrs. Bryer, of El Paso, in Chihuahua this spent a few day: week. Joaquin Saldana, ef Parral, is amoa' the recent arrivals at the Palacio, hav ing returned from a business trip to 'El Paso. The steam narrowgauge line that is to connect Mapimi station, on the Cen tral's main line, with the city bearing that name, will shortly be completeu. It is about seven kilometers in length acd is owned by the Penonoles Mining company which alo intends to reach their properties situated about four miles up the mountains bv means of a cable liiiC. Another railroad is in prospect for Mexico, a concession having been re cently granted for the construct ion of a line irora some point on the Mexican Central road to some point on thu line of the Sonora brauch of the Santa Fe iystem, in Mexico. The route of this road is across the rugged Sierra Madre, and it will require an immense amount of capital and perseverance to carry out the project: but it is said that the promoters of the enterprise arc practi cal busiuess men and that they are abundantly supplied with money to carry out the intentions of the company-Joe Hampston nnd his new wife, uce Miss Blauchei Wilson, of Washington, are formally installed in the new hotel Saenz in the City of Mexico. On his way to the city, Joe s'opped a while in El Paso, and when he started awav he was accompanied by some newspaper men and Fred Fenchler, the Adonis of El Paso, who interviewed him while he 1 1 HIGHLY We have determined to close out our RETAIL DE- 2j PARTMENT, and now offer our entire stock of DRY 3 GOODS at a SACRIFICE. Our assortment is large and zzz complete and our friends and the public are invited 3 to inspect the stock and buy goods to suit themseives. -2 SPECIAL ATTENTION ! 3 Is called to the following articles suitable for Holidajr trade: 2; Ladies Capes ;and Jackets, Silk Shawls, Woolen and Dress 3 Goods, Handkerchiefs, Blankets, Table Covers, Damask Table 2 Sets, Underwear, Fancy Goods, Etc. Come over and inspect 3 onr goods. It will pay yon. 3 tc Bunsow 81 Co.. I Tumi mum miiiiiimmiiiiitii mumMum uiuiauu was looking over the work done on the Corralilos railroad. Joe liked the work, threw several cont ersational bo- quets at Geo. Look, the right of way agent, acd made lots of good natured remarks about the railroad future of El Paso, prophesied that the White Oaks road would soon be a"sure thing" gave the boys lots of good things at his luspitable board m his private car ar.d dismissed them with his blessing. Enterprise. The freight business on the Santa Fe is better this fall for this time of the year than has ever been known in the history of the road. The ave rage per cent of sugar in the Pecos valley beets, now being manufactured at Eddy, is 10. The average at Nor folk, Nebraska. i- 14: an! at Chino. California, 13 and a fraction. The "su.-pension of assessment" law applied only to the calender years '93 and '94. ftnd non-performances of as sessment work for ".5 and i6 leaves such unpatented mining locations sub ject to relocation January 1, '97. Ind. Dem. Captain Frazier, whom the El Paso papers brand as a crook, came here well recommended. He is a traveled man acd has the knack of telling well what he knows. The Chamberino Reading Club was delightfully enter tained by him one evening last week, in the way of music ana tales of real adventure. No harm done even tho' his title be not clear. Rincon Weekly Queen Lil is quite hot over the way reporters have been writing her up en route. She refuses to be interviewed, and is disgusted to find manufactured interviews with herself in the papers. The Rincon Weekly says: Conduc tor Frank Farnsworth is now a widow er, his wife having gone to Topeka to spend the holidays with relatives. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, 'ever sores, tetter, . chapped hands, chilblains, corn and all skin eruptions, led positively cures piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect $itisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale by W. A. Irv'.n and Co., wholesale and retail druggists El Paso. Rheumatism is a foe which gives no quarter. It torments its victims day and night. Hood's Sarsaparilla puri fies the blood and cures the and pains of rheumatism. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartie and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, sure. Particular Attention ! IS CALLi'ED To Our Winter Line Of OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR And SUITS. G. LIGHTBODY. Read and Reflect. We are the retail grocers in El Paso who buv rooiis in carload lots and lirect from the packer, pay spot cash and for this reason we can sell you cheaper than any other house in the city. The following prices will convince you that to save money you must buy from the El Paso Grocery company: 2 Cans California table peaches 25c 2 " " " pears 25c 2 " " " apricots. .. .25c 2 " " egg plums 25c :i " " o lb tomatoes 25e ;i " Standard corn 25c Early June peas, standard 10c Curtice Bros. Blue Label corn 15c " " Early June peas 15c " " H lb baked beans 15c " " Blue Label Catsup, pts 25c " " 2 cans early sweet corn 25c " " 2 cans Golden Wax stringless beans 25e " " (Brighton) Jam 10- 10 lbs Swift's Monogram leaf lard..l5e 1 lb very best Creamery butter. . , Sauer kraut, per lb l lbs Eion coffee .'1 lbs Arabian M kSc JeolTee Good Gun Powder Tea, per lb. . . . English Breakfast " " .... .' cans American Sardines , Sardines, with tomato sauce 2 cans imported sardines , Plain pickles, per hot lie , Mixed ' " Chowehow, per bottle Salmon, per can Columbia Salmon steak, per can . . . .-.c . . i.r ,1 0.) , 1 OJ ..25c ..25c . . 10 ..10l-! . .25, . .10. . . 1 0c . .H)c ..10c . .15c El Paso Grocery Co. 112 East Over and Street n mmmmmmm mmrmmmmmmmid IMPORTANT! Why It Is That I Have Done so Large a Busi ness This Season. Guess? T. H. SPRINGER, Cor. Stanton and St. Louis Sts EI Paso, Tex as. The Acknowledged cherpest dealer in house furnishing in the Soutewest. We have just received two cars of furniture consisting- of Rattan and Upholstered Pockers, Bed Room Furniture, Side Boards, Dining- Tables, Dining- Chairs. And we are receiving- daily a full stock of China and Fancy goods selected by me personally, which will far surpass anything- seen in this market. Furniture, Crockery Dd Carpets. Corner of St. Louis and Stanton Streets, EL PASO TEXAS. erSpeciil Attention to out of town trade. ' The Weil Tailoring Co.f FALL Am WINTEE GOODS? I IF3OjpialLT Prices, ! 205 El Paso St. I GEM BUILDING. WiM5"M 4- HELTOISr Gives the Highest Price FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SELLS AT THE LOWEST. Try Him 116 Oregon Street. HOUCK&DEITER, IMPORTERS J' WMES A P IT N'T fivi WILLIAM J" LEN-'P BREWING CO., SI Uili X O 101 pABST BKEW1XG co Mllwankee W 220 El Paso St. TRY THE WELLINGTON DINING ROOM For Good Board at $4.50 IrPIEIR, WEfnTT Mrs. M. Hardin, Proprietress. rOT :iSrOXrJL0 STANTON Street. jei. j?. j OEcusrsonsr & co., Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Finest Kentucky Bourbon and Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies. Skle Aeut for the Product of The iQhea.-'er-B-iisi'li I5reviii!' Association, Of St. Louis, Mo. AVliolcsale Dealers In PureKocky Mountain Lake fee. "amllles Supplied Willi Soda, Sarsacurllla. A'lcliy, Seltzer and all Forms of Mineral Water. BRANCH IN CIUDAD JUARtZ, MEXICO. 1 STAR LiVEHY. FEED AND SALE STABLES t'oriit-r AVeBt Overland 3 I AT-WW r fW h h 'h ! ! - ana JOBBERS AND WHISKIES St. Louis, Mo Is. El Paso, Texas. The Joseph Sehlifz Brewing Company Of Milwaukee, AVls. and Santa Fe Streets. Phone 92. J. CALDWELL, Prop. Caldwell Undertaking t'o. 305 S. El Paso Street, hp l finrimcr nriprtatprc 0 Wf Phones 197 and 183, OALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT. J. C. ROSS, Manager.