Newspaper Page Text
i 1 Vjr ii i "S ." w." ?f .( i . ti ii i'i. iA ; i i'i i'i 4i TjTr T '. " iSiit iiii i;t i'i -ii "5" -V -l- i iS A You never havo found anything' to surpass the coffee and biscuits that vour mother made, but the PRINTING that delighted your father and the prices that he considered rea sonable would hardly prove sat isfactory to you in this age of progress and competition. UP-TO-DATE is an appropriate term in speak "Bg of the printing we do. We have a lot of new equipment, and are constantly receiving the lat est styles of type. and Pamphlets of every descrip tion printed in the neatest and most attractive styles. If you want a catalogue or Constitution aad By-Laws printed, call on us WE HAVE increased our facilties for doing commercial printing. We do not claim to be the cheapest printers in the State we are not vunning a Chinese laundry but we do Commercial Printing at the lowest prices that good work can be done for. Our Specialty Lawyer's Briefs, CLEAN PROOFS, QUICK TIME, ATTRACTIVE STYLE. HERALD JOB OFFICE, 'Phone 115. ill ill iliiii illill iillll T vti. May Books l)i Pierce's Favorite I'rescri ption is the fruit, of years of study by a regular ly iM'if.iuatej, experienced and skilled sp.-eia! it in woiuanV ailra'.'nts- It is the rrndii' t of an mvesi .trituop ininu uaiteu wit:-, a rutu-rous r. a,i irtvllijj'fiit person i study (.on Mi'iject th re nt ire. When ivi:s years of in J-t Via some food result. Trie "t'a oritc IVescrip- tion" is a coin pound of extracts of hr-rhs that makes a strengthening, soothing medicine. it acts directly upon the di-tinctiy feminine organs. It stops draii:s from lining membranes by healing diseased parts, thereby cur ing also the in!I imiiia: ion that is al ways present. l-i was in a critical condition. Often was in despair, i experienced a great improvement by taking one bottle of Dr. Pi'rce's Favorite Prescription. I have taken six bottles, and I am sure that it will not only cure ulceration but all diseas" of females. Yours Mks. K T. Iiuni), Xeapolis, Va. When mcst needed it is not unusual for your family physician to be away from home. Such was the experience of Mr. J. V. editor of the Caddo. Ind. Ter.. Banner, when his littls girl, two years of ag ',was threat ened with a severe attack of croup He says: '-Mv wife insisted that 1 go for the doctor, but as our family phy sician was out of tow n. I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough J Reme dy, which relieved her imuiediateley. I will not be without it in the future." 2 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all druggists. Mexican Central Railway. Is the only standard gauge line be tween the United Stutes border and Mexico City. Mexico is known as an all tne year round tourist resort for pleasure travel. Health resorts' and mineral springs ad apted to ail the various ilis to which numan Ueh is heir are found in the great country. Climate unsurpassed. For full particular address. J . r . L'OXOHOE. Com'l. Agent. El Paso, Texas. Holiday Kxcursiou Kates. On Dec. S-ii-J, 24th, 2.1th. 30th, and 31, lS9ti, and Jan. 1st, 1897, the Southern PaeiGo will sell round trip tickets to local Texas points at one and one third rate. Limited for return January 4th, 1S9T II. n. Turner T. K. Hunt Ticket Clerk Comrn"! Ag't. Oftice Cor.. San Antonio and Oregon sts., El Paso. Via Santa Fe Route. Round trip rates to Las Vegas Hot springs at all times, as well as to the seaside resorts on the Pacific coast. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to. E. COPLAND, General Agent Pure Hygeia Ice. Made from distilled water. Ask your family physician or druggist as to purity and heaithfulness of our ice; tel ephone 14. El Paso Ice & Refrigerator Co '. - vO. ."9'tf viv. lt0" V a i iCi- W -,m- '.u -,mr -.W! W "B 'W P Bgwaafr EjfcpJttB nEg giEEsi L triv-e a valuable book free to every business man who will pay the mere cost oT mailing. The lumU i- ' SeUi-tions fnm Uood Advsrtlsing," by ('harles Aus tin Bates, It contains lm lurg;e nastes. and its price is TH) cents. It w as published in order to give bus nes men a sample of what is cont-iined in Mr Bates' great 7"i pae v. In me, God Ad vertiBing"' (price J.I.Oi". Each copy of "Selections" contains a coupon good for .Hi cents on the purchase price of "Ciood Advertising." The cou pon and 4,.V' will buy the " h;-ok. We give you a copy of "Selections" .V4. .(. .. Absolutely Free .. If you will semi P'cciits to pay the cost of mailing. We want every business man in the world to have a copy, Ve are willing to liw money on it., bacausn we believe nine out of ten of those who get it will want and buy the complete 7-Hi-page volume Ti)j offer is to business men only: all others will have to pay full price, '.'elections"' contains twelve chayt ers and 10 pages. "Gooi Advertising"' contain 7m pages, divided into 1TI chapters treating of every phase of the adver-li-iing ciietlon, Jttello howmui'h to spen l: where to sp-nd it; how to display your ads: how to wr te thcni: how to make them pay: how to illustrate them: how to save money on them. It covers every point in e very-day advertising in every line of business. It tells all about type and printing, it gives jood, practical aid for practical men. It is written and compiled by Charles Austin Bates, the leading authority on a elver' ising, Mr Bates is the most successful advertising biau in Aiit:rk:i today. I n t hree short years, during t perio 1 of business depres s.iot. he has built up the greatest business in his line in the world, He is a "sue-c-iaiJst in advertising " lit ma kes pi hiis, gives advice, writes and illustrates ad -vertiii'r. Some of th- largest advertisers in tiie world arc his clients, A single one of them 1ms paid him over -"-" this year for writing the riuhl sort of adver tising matter, Thnu-, inds of ;ol vert isers, big and li-".t!e, haveben benctited by his knowledge and experience, and have told him their tria!s and tribulations; their successes and failures, Tl-wy have told him what paid and what did not. Mr I! i'es has been all his lif, in acci uiring the knowledge of absolute busi ness facts that he has put into t h Is big booli. We have bound together in itsTOil pages knowledge, the proper use of which brings V r Ha, es his net income of over s.Hl.O'KI a year, A II of t his is yours for -,0 or for ?1,30, if yoa sen! your 10 cents to pay for mailing a coj y of Selections." (.- .. . - -- ii - '. & m ici .jr m & ..t. v 5 .. - nwl A fl is theonly book of its kind. There Is not hlng ene like it. We have sold over :tnoO copies since February 1st, IS'.'i;, every copy with the understanding that it could be retu-ned if unsatisfactory, and not a single book has come back, tin the contrary, we have received nearly 1000 Testimonials from business men who have found the lio"k of value and benefit to them. It has been endorsed by such eminent, brainy aud successful men as: KOIJERT C. OGDEA, tf Managing Partner, firm of John Wanamaker. GEO. P. ROWELL, Pnb'.isher American Xewspsiper Directory advertising ;igent in America. MANLY M. ii . . ,t- '.Sv b. ii ii ..I. .-. for many years John W.i namakei-'s shrewdness in advertising matters DR. R. V. Prvsidrnt. AVoi ld s I)ipoiis;iry Medical Af serial ion, Tu ITa lo, N, Y wlioso annual x pi-ndit ii re fur ad Tt if ii; N not IcNstlian half a luillitiii dollars, and who lias inadu a foitute of several millions b successfully advertising jrood medicines, WM. DEAN HOWELLS found "Oo id Advei-tlslg-' of suftirteut Interest to give it a notice, occupy lug near ly a whole page of Harper's Weekly, CHARLES A. DANA, the wor'd famous editor of the New York Sun, intelligent advc Hirers wlio buy t his book. One man says the l-jk nas ln-en worth . to him: another that it Is worth s.-,(i a page: anot lier that he w in Id n't t::ke -r for it; another that its worth W.t to the linn wliose adv-rt;sing he m intigcs, Hrniemher th:i !M :ig!-s of selections from this great hoo!; nay he had. neatly ! ouud in paper cov. i-s, A bsoh, tely l'ri-i. Iiv liusness mi-n wlm will send a JS silver dime, or In cents in s'amps to repay for it.. Anyone not ia business i for liims If will have to p-ty ro 1 1 utlc- ; i-eiriu This oiler is for n limit.-.t t 'me onlv. I is Ix-inir wiih-ly advertised. If y our letter reachei us ufur all the --Si-!ections" are gou , we will return the money. 1 Holmes Publishing Co., I 13 Be ekiricin Street, New York. 'lr vev. 'ti. .'-. .J -!. if. .. i iifeiii'iiJlifeifei&i'- itei--" "' " -.. .. v. f V ?- '.. ? ? ?? 7t? ?,? ?T?? TT TtT Tf? ? litT?ttV New Tourist Sleeping Car Service. The Southern Pacific have inaugu rated through Pullman Tourist sleep injr ear service as follows: litween Washington, 1J. v. anu oju i Francisco, via Piedmont Air linr , passing El Paso east Mondays and west Tuesdays. 15 jtween San Francisco and Cincin nati, Oh'o, via Queen & Crescent pass ing El Paso east Sundays and west Mondu s Uetwecn San Francisco and Chicago via Illinois Centra1, passing El Paso east Fridays, west Saturdays. In addition to this special tourist cars for San Francisco leave El Paso on Fridavs and Sundays. The cars are operated oy the Pull man company on same plan as first class sleepers, and like first class sleepers are furnished complete with mattresses, -curtains, blankets, pillows, sheets and pillow slips, new upholster ed sHuts dvLnel being put in and other improvements made. Clean sheets and pillow cases are put on t-vnrv ni.orht. Berths in these cars are available to through or local passen irers hold infr first or second class or excursion tickets. Each car is in charge of uniformed porters to make uu berths and keen the car clean. For rates and further information call on II. K. Turner. T. E. Hunt, Ticket Clerk, Commercial Agent, Corner San Antonio and Oregon streets, El Paso, Texa The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a prominent lumberman of Hartwick, N Y. . was sick with rheumatism for live months. In sneaking of it, Mr. Robin son savs: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the onlv thinsr that gave her any rest from Bain. For the relief of pain it caonot be beat." Many very bad cases of rheumatism have been cured bv it. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. Strong Again rtC""8' THE ANAPHRODISTIC! From PROF. DR. RICORD of Taris is the only remedy for rest.orlnff strength under guaran tee, iinu will brine back your lost powers una stop for ever the dangerous drains on your system, inev act quiCKiy, creaie a iieu.ii.ujf digestion, pure, rich blood, hrm muscles, rug- fed strength, steady nerves and clear brain mported direct from Paris Price per box directions Inclosed, S2.50. For sale by all re- sueciable druggists. Mail orders from any person shall receive prompt attention ur. V. Cundorv. Aet. and Manager for U. S A.. 460 Quincy Blbg., Chicago, III. For sale only by Fred fenaerer. r.i -aso- xexas. It Complete Manhood A3D to Attain It. How A Wonderful Xew Medical Book,written for Men Only. One copy may be had free on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N.V. i ii ii ii ii ii JiftL iiiJ 0 . ii tr ii .. ,r - & - -. i'i -T iA iti - -. - .." -! i'i -.. 0 i4 . i'i -. i'i .- -.- i'i --.- m vp vi i sin o 55 i!i i'i - i'i - i'i 4i i'i . ! - .. ii -,. i'i TT 4ti -. .i(V. ?i? 4'i - r ii - i'i -9- and Printers Ink, ai th? bj-ii kit ) i G1LLAM, MiMHM advertising man iger, whose wisdom and is knowa in every stale in the union. PIERCE, aj "There should be profit to all ii ZD iii i'i ERRING BURGLAR. ""' He Is Fo.tnd at Ills Again. Old Way A curious romance of liurjrlary and filial alTcction is told in the French newspapers, says the New York Jour i::tl. It lias pc'iiorall.v licen supposed ti lit" almost, impossible to escuM from the French f)cnal settlement at Cayenne, ::iid the ierils to be confronted in the forests both from animals ami natives not to talk of starvation, appalled th convicts to such an extent, that they never even thought of attemptin rliirht. This theory has just received severe .shock, the description of no less than 30 recently escaped convicts hav ing- leicn circulated lo the police by the minister of the interior. Oik- or two have already leen cap tnred in France. Among1 these is n cer tain l et it jean, wno is accused of new misdeeds. Fctitjean escaped from (luiiiim some 1 ime ago, for no oilier ren son, he said, than to come and embrace his old mother, who lives at Bn?nolet. lie was arrested, but in deference lo public opinion, which was impressed bv !.is filial affection, he was set at libertv and allowed to remain in France. A short time apo a robbery took plnci on the Boulevard Diderot, in Paris, and by 1 racing back the stolen troods four persons were arrested They were all carrvincr knives, knuckledusters and re volvers, and made a most desperati fig"ht for their lilicrty. Once in prison however, thev confessed thev Ixdone'cd to a largv prang- whose chief was Petit jean. Hence the latter's nrrest. TRAPPING TURKEYS. The Method I'sually Km ployed In Taking the Wild Ilird. One of the methods by which wild turkeys are taken by native, hunters, as described in "Hunting- and Fishing in Florida," by Mr. ('. H. I'ory, curator of the department of ornithology in the Field Columbian museum, Chicng-o, certainly docs little credit to the intel ligence of the turkeys. A place is found where turkeys are numerous. Corn is scattered about, and if that- is eaten, more is placed in this manner for a week or two. until they become accustomed to troing-there for food. Then small lops are laid, forming-a square box iibout six ore ipht riches iu heigiit ; possibly ttvo log's on each side, one above the other. Insi-de is plitced the corn, and the turkeys enter it rcadilv. as the obstruction is not suflicient. to excite their fears. The next. r. ight another logr is added. raising' the box a little inplier, per haps a foot or so. and this process goes on until the small log's form a cone- shaped lxx. narrowing-at the top. leaving- tin opening- by which they can enter t the top. Corn is placed in the box. and a few kernels leading- to it. as usual, and the turkevs, mounting- the last log-, drop in wid eat up the corn. And now t hey are cauglit. 1 lie opening is so narrow mat. itithoug-!! a turkev can easilv pimp lown through it with closed wings, it cannot jump out aguin with its wings .pread. GOT EVEN WITH THE CLERK. How a Country liuest Made the Hotel Ottlclal l'ay l"p. A country puest at a certain London hotel, having a. dread of pickpockets. i:- enit to the clerk and handed him a t -0 note; to be put in the safe, says Comic ( uts. Asking- lor it next day lit was thunderstruck when the func tionary to whom he had given the oney coolly denied any recollection of the matter. Whereupon the eoun- trvnaii went to a .lawyer. "(et another A' SO note." said the law yer, ntKl g. accompanied uy a ir.emi. back to the hotel. Apologize to the lerk for your mistake. Suy it was t detect of memory. .utr:mne u to absent-mindedness. Deposit the sec ond 20 no' in t he presence of your friend ami come. 1 ack to me." The mystified rural ist observed in struct ioius to the verv let.ner. "Now." said the lawyer, "go back ilonv to the clerk and h'm for your U 20 note.. Knowing- that your friend saw him receive it he will give you lwicl. the second one. Then take your friend vith you next (lay, approach the clerk, usk him boldly for that t!2H nolo, and is there was no witness to your receipt of the second note he will be fotKtI to rotiurn that also." The ruse proved completely success ful, much to the gratiiicat ion of the countryman. PRINCE BECOMES A PRIEST. I'nfortunate Attachment for I'rlneeHU Fe dora, of Sclileswlu-Holstein. Prince Max of Saxony, who has re cently taken up his abode in London as Catholic priesj. at- the Church of St. Boniface, I nion street, Whitechapel, is the fourth son of Prince (ieorge, duke f Saxony, anil nephew of the king of saxony, says the .ew lorK t onimer cial Advertiser. When he. became a priest he formally renounced ail lib rights to the throne to w hich his fat her heir. Prince Max is only 2( years of re and he quitted the German army to enter a monastery a few years ago. His determination to retire from the world and to eiiter tlje priesthood is lid to le due to un tin fort unate at tuoh- ment. he entertained, for Princess Fedora of Schleswig-llolstein. By his modesty he lias become very popular imong the poor in the east end. Ilis re ly to the cheers raised in his honor upon the occasion of his lirst visit tothe Gesellenvcrein," or workinpmen s club, attached to the mission, was: "J come among you pot as a prince. but simply as a priest, 1 ntn u worker myself for. to my mind, no honor is so great as that of labor." A Charituhlo I're-slilent. The French president t ravels free on the railways, ("luring- his official tour in France; but wlicn in return journey is concluded, it is Miid that his scei -eta re calculates what it wouiil have cost if pai-1 for at reg-uUir rates, and this sum is handed over to be distributed among the poorest paid of the railway men. You can carry the little via of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets ritrht in the vest-pocket and it will not make even a little lump. They cure constipation. One "Pellet" is a laxative; two a mild catl artic. One taken after dinner will s'imulate digestive action and pelliato S the effects of over-eating. Thev set ith gentle efficiency on the stomach. er and bowels, i'hev don't do the work themselves. Thev simDlv stimulate the natural action of the or- eans themselves. That is where they differ from all other pills. That is what makes them better than all other THE AMUitted, pills. You don't ihecome a slave to their use as with other pills, because their help lasts. Once used, they an always in favor. SNAKE SUICIDE. A Rattler with Thw lungs Shaflles Off His Mortal oil. A I'nitcd Stales eavjilryuia-n, st 1ionel at Fori Meade. S. I)., writes to Forest and St renin as follows in rvg'ar to t he f--elf-dest met ion if a three-faiigvi ra ttlesnake: "As to the suicide of the creature am forced to ask for an explanation 1 he snake, at- first sigdit coiled up in the usual manner for a prime strike made a vicious lung-e at my leg-gingrs then drew back and closely scrutinized me from. hat. to idioe. Instantly change of expression e.uiie over his fe lures ami ferocity frave way to a look that mig-ht lrive been born of disg-ust and resignation. I watched him close ly, not knowing- what mig-ht be his next move. He suddenly astonished me bv plunging- headlong- into the Belli Fourche. Motionless he sank and lay at full lentrth at the. bottom. J con tinued to watch him until the last vestig-e of his reptilious breath had risen to the placid surfaee in a jearly babble and then witfli the aid of a stick I raised him from the. water, placed him in the sunshine and satisfied- myself that life was extinct. I had never known or heard of a rattler taking- to water, and here I was confronted by the plainest case of suicide by drown ing- in broad davligiit. I have since then lost all fait.h in snakes. 1 have adopted and discarded every theory that niight offer a solution in this case and am now driven to the belief that thus snake deliberately suicided because it had committed the blunder of wasting a well-meant, three-fang-ed strike on a L'nited States cavalryman. Hereafter I shall travel incognito in those parts." CURSES OF INTERMARRIAGE. Afflictions Entailed Upon the British Koyal Family hy lilood Marriages. A writer in America, discoursing- on the results of intermarrying-, gives an ippalling- list of the diseases and de formities with which various members of Kuropean royal houses are afflicted, owing- to this cause. From mere facial deformity up to insajiity, says London Truth, there is scarcely any distressing- affliction with which humanity is af flicted which does not find a place in he list. Very possibly thrs catalogue may be incorrect. Out. experience un questionably proves the fact that there is a deg-eneration in roval families. To certain extent this may le due to in termarriage, but I suspect that it is still more due to the species of cult that is paid to royalties from g-eneration to generation, and which must in the na ture of thing's weaken their intellectual fiber. Nothing- can be more mentally njurions for a man than to have all his wishes anticipated by u crowd of syco phants, and through life to find nil Agreeing- with him with whom he is orouprlit in daily contact, instead of being- subjected to the discipline involved n social equality. Just as we have lost the. toils that were the aonendaires of our primeval ancestors because grad ually the habit of wagging- them fell mto disuse, so all mental virility irradii- illy disappears from families that are long regil, because they have no op portunity to exercise it. THE INTELLIGENT JURY. Kven the Court Himself ot l'p anil Bwor. 'I don't believe everything- I hear ibout the ig-norance of the aveiwe iry." said an old lawyer in reminiscent mood, relates the Detroit Free Press. 'but once, when I visited a backwoods court- in t.he- mountains of Xonh Caro- ina. I did happen on an incident that shook my faith for a time. The case was before a squire and the prisoner was up for hotr steallug-. It was the rudest court and surrounding's I evtw got into and 1 should not. have been surprised at anything, but. I was. After couple of jack-ley lawyers had gr.t in what, they hail to suy the court turned the case over to a hirv aaid i idjonrned to a barn to decide the in nocence or ruilt of -the prisoner. And such a jury! I can never forget what a motley gang- that jury was. In half an hour it fame back and resumed its r.hice in court. "'Have you found a verdict?' asked the squire. "'What's that?' responded the fore man. "'Have you found a verdict? That's what,.' replied tlw squire. "'Why, squire." hesitated the fore man, with a foolish ig-rin. 'we didn't know thar wuz one lost; did we. liys'.'" And even that court couldn't .sta ml it but (rot up and swore."' London Needlework Guild. The duke, of York, son of the prince of Wales, has lately become vice presi dent of the l.ondon Needlework (Juild. and in this capacity lias contributed as many as 107 articles to the annual ex hibition of the guild, which was opened recently at the Imperial institute. Most of the workers naturally are ladies, but there are jilso men asso ciates. The duchess of Teck, the gvn eral president of the g-uild. is responsi ble this year for a total of .'t,r:t.i articles, while the duchess of York sends in -4.1:14; Princess Kdward of Saxe Weimar. ,"!42; Ixidy Vernon Harcourt. 2.0SS; Hon. Mrs. Halford. l,23.-i. and Mrs. Basil I31lis. the honorary secre tary, It.liOL'. The grand total of articles received from the v;ir'(jus branches of the London gaiild Is 5h.o."0 a consider able advance upon the number sent in last year. fi,t04.l)00.000,000 lli-m-rnilniit). TCvery known liint is oecasionally inhabited by its own M'cuiiar aphis or plant louse. These cttrioiu insects breed with wonderful rapidity : French naturalist proving- that a pa:r of them will, within six weeks, pro duce five generations, or a grand tolal of 5,!04.0(l().IM)O.OOO descendants. Sheep Stealing In Scotland. The secretary of Scotland has ap pointed a committee to inquire into tlx alleged prevalence of shcep stealing-in certain parts of Scotland. Texas & Pacific. You have your choice of routes, via the "El Paso Route," via New Orleans, ShreveporVMemphis, St. Louis or Chi cago. Train leaves El Paso at 5 o'clock p. m. For further information call on or address: E. S. Stevens, B. F. Darbyshire, Depot Agent. General Agent. Til Most Kansas City, St. Louis, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia Denver. Omaha. St. Panl And all Northern Through. Trains, Fast Time, Smooth Track. Elegant Pullman Palace Sleepers on all through trains. Daily to Denver, Kansas City sleeping cars semi-weekly to St. Paul, Minn eapolis and once each Boston. All trains not haviner dininir cars Route, Harvey Houses. .bull information cheerfully furnished upon application to A. W. REEVES, E. COPLAND, City Ticket Agent. . General AgeDt. Office, Fargo Building, Corner El Paso and San Antonio Streets. W. B. TRULL, Agent at Depot. h I SUNSET 0 1 ROUTE JZJ Daily Through Trains to NEW ORLEANS, The Best Line to NEW YORK, PHILADEL FHIA, WASHINGTON and Eastern Points. Pullman Buffet and Tourist Sleeners. For Tickets, Time Tables all on or Address: T. . HUNT, Com! Agent, L. J. PARKS, El Paso. Teias. MEXICAN CENETAL ET. To Popular Winter Resort 'nllmao and Free RecliuiDf Chair Cars in Service. Address the undersigned for full and reliable information: J. F. Donohoe. Com'l Aerent, EI Paso. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WINKERS. CONOVEB IANOS CHICAGO COTTAGS ORGANS WERE GIVEN . Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ihip of highest grade. OATALOQUB3 ON APPLICATION PRBB. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. CHICAGO. ILL. IARGEST MANUFACTURERS CF PfHiNOS AND ORGANS IM THE WORLD. Purest Drugs. Latest News A. K. ALBERS & CO.. BRONSON BLOCK. HEADACilK KLIXIR Cures an headache. Try it. Sold in 1 Par 'y Fa-lace Drug XDiroct XjIxlo Boston, and Eastern Points Tourist Sleeping cars and Chicago. Touris. week to St. Louis and stow for meals at the famous Santa Fe SUM RO lie 6 Through Line Between BAST and "WEST and Full Information, A. G. P. T. A. C. W. BEIN, T. M. Houston, Tx Houston, Texas. Mexico 1 EL PASO ROUTE. Texas and Pacific' The Great Popular Route Between The EAST and WEST Short Line to New Orleans, Kansas Citv, St- Louis, New York and. Washington. Favorite Line to the North, East and Southeast. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and Solid Trains from El Paso to Dal- . las, Fort Worth, New Orleans, Memphis and St. Louis. Fast Tim AND Sure Connections See that your tickets read vl he Texas and Pacific Railway. For maps, time-tahles, tickets, rates and all required information, call on or address any of the ticket agents or B. F. DARBYSHIRE, General Agent, El Paso. GASTON MESLIER, General Passen- eer and Ticket A pent. L. S.THORNE, Third Vice-Pres'duit and General Superintendent. Foster and Mitchell, Attorneys and Counselors. Will practice in all courts of Texas and New Mexico. fkSZrOlLR? CETtmO Tills Pnmon TCenaecIv n:ro q B3SilfVEL ObCL0 Iv.permaiu'iiily all nei vuis i i-.-itst- AVciitt lniorv, Lofstii iiiuiu I'ower, lieuiiacbe, Waketulnt'ss. KOS'Jp VIlAU'l't', luiputeiu'y tiiul w a stint; Uifcuses cuiisetl by yuuibfui error or fxcetK'N. t'ontnln m nlntew. la a nerve lonlcauif ItlAAOI I&l ll.EKiE. njM Af T TUE7 pule and puny tronff niKi plump. Kastiv eur- kiima tm rieti tn vosi ikh-kcu 1 perl.; l fr !.. By mall prepaid with a written irunrjnteo to c:re or miiney refunded. Don't Ueluy, write to-day tr KretJ me:ilcnl book, sent sealed, plain wrapper, with totln'onlnla an& llnaiu'tal references. ISio churtxe IWf ST A tJf C-BVi fur iiinsultatlona. Uewureof WW CI ffV J I llU'llM tmltntlons. Sold bv tin and our advertised aeenti. Addresft 3V-taiHLVS3 S21X CO., Mttsonio Temple, CUICAO Store and Bio Grand Pharmacy. i j