Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY HERALD TUKSDAY, UKCKMBEli 211, 189 For Kent. Furnished house of eight rooms well located. Frame house " rooms No. Ill S. Florence St. 4 adobe house, 3 rooms each near Picrson hotel. Several brick houses 3 rooms each near Franklin school building. H. 15. Stevens, Keal State and Insurance. Myan Opera House, January 1, and 2, ?97 MR. AIDEN BENEDICT AND MISS OLIVE WEST Supported by a Company of Super5-.-." Excellence in AIDEN BENEDICT'S Mi Romaiii A Romantic Melodrama of s'-rpass-ing excellence, in the 8th year of its continuing successful performance. Greatest of stage and scenic effects. MISS GRACE HUNTER, In her great Fire, Stereopticon and Spanish Dances. Prices 50c, 76c and $1. Tickets at Richards. THE WEATHER. Ositkd States Wiatheb Bttreac I El. PASO.Texaa, December 23. 18W6. V Local Time 6:64 a. m. Barometer 30 :T Thermometer - Direction of wind V Velocity of wind per hour - Weather - Clour Bala 34 hours dnchesand hundredths) 0.00 Highest temperature last 24 hours - til Lowest temperature last 34 hours -4 What Metal Is Worth. ailTei. 6"' Lead 2 75 Copper........ 10?! Mexican pesos. Fl Paso 61 " " Juarez - 61 LOCAL AND GENERAL. Fresh oysters at Smith's creamery. Hot cakes at Smith's creamery. Go to Irvin for window glass. Juicy steaks at Smith's creamery. Strawberries at Smith's creamery. Typewriter paper at the Herald of fice. Mining Location Blanks for Sale at This Office. Wrights' butter at Smith's Cream ery. For Rent Finely furnished front room, 609 N. Oregon street. Stoves and Steel Ranges; low prices. Momsen & Thome's. Fine linen typewriter paper for sale at the Herald office. Try the bread made by the Dickin son Home iJakery. EL PASO STEAM LAUNDRY, Telephone No. 47. Mining location notices for sale at the Herald job office. Ask for "EL PASO TRANSFER," the best 5 cent CIGAR on the market. Linen typewriter paper, 500 sheets legal size at $1.20 at Herald job office. "For Rent" and "Rooms to Let" placards for sale at this office. Beautiful cottage dinner sets S4.75, China Palace, 211 San Antonio St. Home made cakes, pies and dough nuts at Smith's creamery. The best Mexican and Havana cigars are made by the El Paso Cigar Mfg. Co. Fresh Kansas eggs 2fic per dozen. Best creamery butler 25o per lb. at the El Paso Grocery Co , 112 East Overland St. Irvin & Co. are receiving an im mense stock of Holiday goods call and see them. 22 i lbs. sugar $1.00 cash. 25 lbs. 6ugar $1.00 with purchase of $4.00 other groceries. Pearce, 201 Stanton St. The best, and the only thoroughly first class barber shop in this city, is G. W. Morrow's, 100 Oregon St. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen at the El Paso Grocery Go's., 112 East Over land St. 22i lbs. sugar $1.00 cash. 25 lbs. sugar $1.00 witn purchase of $4.00 other groceries. Pearce. 201 Stanton St. Would you pay $40.00 for a $75.00 wheel, if so call at McCutcheon -faj ne & Go's Bicycle Store. Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers can be applied when at home, and is uniformly successful in coloring a brown or black. Hence its great pop ularity. S70 for a S100 189 Rambler bicycle, at McCutch eon, Payne & Co. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic. and is the best remedy for diar rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. In Trouble. The man who was placed in jail yes terday for stealing a horse blanket, was arrested because of an affidavit charging him with "cruelty to ani mals" in depriving the horse of the covering he needed to protect himself from catching cold. The doctors are unanimous in saying that horses have better temper, require less food and their hair has a more glossy appear ance, when clothed with the West Texas Saddlery Co's horse blankets. Go see them at corner of Overland and Oregon stree. Oil Heating Stoves The "Orient" is still in the lead of all competitors. Al though still early in the sea son, they are selling rapidly. The "Orient" has become so well known that it is not nec essary to describe it here in detail. It is a heater, an or nament to any room, and can be converted into a cook stove. No other light is need ed when an "Orient" is in the room. It is the handsom est and most popular oil heat ing device ever invented. Over one hundred now in use in El Paso; and they are cheap. Write for circular. Okas. F. Slack & Co., , Grocers, Sole Agents. VdV. -.w 9H w 1HEEE WE ttitt -a TflTT-.. a I CHRISTMAS 4 Be'ow are a few suitable goods we .4. .A.t From 25c to S3- Sterlirg Silver and Silver Mounted. TT Kelts, Purges, Card Cases, i Salvo Boxes, Vlnaierettes, Match Safes, fif (iarters Hat Tins. Stick Tins, ii .l-wel l'ase, 'aper Cutters, Glove Hooks, lv Nil!' File?, H:i Tiiss, Button Hooks, ii Slice Horns. Scissors. Tea BeMs, 'Iff Hat Brushes. Whisk Brooms, Stamp Boxes, JS Bonnet Brushes, Olive Forks, Pipes. . An elegant stock of genuine Libbey Cut Glass and genuine Lyons Um brellas just received. SgEO. W. HICKOX & HIXSON., Tlie Jewelers, III San Antonio Street, 0 r. Bronson Block, Looked like raiB this noon. This morning was a typical, early April morning in northern latitudes. Pleasant furnished room, private family, privilege of parlor, 403 N. El Paso St. Biank leases for houses or storerooms, oest form. For sale at Hekald job office. Judge Buckler was occupied th's morning in hearing motions for new trials. 22i lbs. sugar $1 00 cash. 25 lbs. sugar $1.00 witn purchase of $4 00 other groceries. Pearce, 201 Stanton St. All of our 1896 bicycles at reduced prices. ro reasonable for anv of our 2d hand offer refustd wheels. Mc- Cutcheon, Payne & Co. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. at the El Paso Grocery Co's., 112 East Over land St. Best creamery butter 25c per lb. Fresh Kansas eggs 25c per dozen at tbe El Paso Grocery Co's., 112 East Over land St. B. Blumenthal has received a life like picture of President-elect McKin ley. Coming as it does from a friend of each, it is highly appreciated. Occasional word from George Ileck hart indicates that he is doing very well as assayer of the Commonwealth Mining company at Pearce, Arizona. The wife of the late attorney, A. L. Christy, ol Las Cruets, is the daughter of ex-Conductor French, who ran so long between Albuquerque and El Paso. El Paso Fuel Co., are "Tbe" agents for the celebrated Cerrillos White Ash and arjthersite coals. Successors to Cerrillos Coal H. It. Co. Phone 110. O'Brien Coal Co., are agents for "CerrillosCoal. :' We sell the celebrat ed white ash and anthracite and make a specialty of screened lumps for do mestic uses. Phone 8. Paul Hochshead was appointed this morning, administrator in the estate of M. Meske. The administrator quali fied in $1000 bonds, his sureties being Messrs. Feist and Eteikal. M. W. lleisor, a G. II. freight brake man, aged 28, died last night of con sumption at the company's hospital at San Antonio. Iteisor leaves a family in this city and his remains will be brought here for interment. The Santa Fe has got rid of the bulk of the corn cars that have for long blocked up their yards in this city, but there is a great deal of general busi ness being done which .continues to make things lively at this point. The new time card of the Southern Pacific was received today at the local otlice. It goes into etTect one moment after this coming midnight. Number 1!) is due here tomorrow at 1 :,'it p. in., local time, in stead of at 2:30 as in the past. There is no further change in the passenger service. Mrs. Maud Mason Austin, wife of Cashier Austin, of Newman brothers bank, has a very interesting story in the November and December numbers of the Guif Messenger, a magazine published at Houston. The plot is laid iu this part of the country, anil will be read with interest by many of the tal ented author's fellow citizens. An effective plan for cleaning cars was adopted souw time ago by the Santa Fe at this point. A line of air pipirg has been extended through the coach yard, and cars are cleaned by attaching a line of hose to the nearest valve plug and turning loose 80 lbs. pressure in the car interior, the car is cleaned in one half the time con sumed in broom service, and the cleaning is much more effective. J) GEAMTEWAEE -- --wjA-t Greatly Reduced - Prices For The ; Next Thirty Days. C. C. Tanner & 219 EL L'ASO ST. Dr. Oscar Wilkinson, Late resident surgeon Eye, Eur, Nose and Throat Hospital, New Orleans, La. SPKOIALiIST. Practice confined to Ear, Eye, Noe & Throat Office hours, : a. in to 12 m ; 1 to p. ni. Consultation free to poor from H to :.W a. m. UOOM 5, MOREHOUSE iiLOCK. DR. (3. 0. BK0WJN, DENTIST. Rooma 2 and 4 - Mundy Rlori -w" - - AEE WITH I mm -wr1 fwv PBESEXTS ! have for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 0 m . El Paso, Texas THE INS AND OUTS. Going1 aiid Coming of El Paso People ana Others Manager Noyes, of Shafter, returned east on today's G. H. Alderman Stewart leaves today on a two weeks cattle trip. U. S. Marshal Ware left for San Antonio this after noon. Mr. Copeland, of the banta Fe re turned today from Chicago. E. J. Temple, a cattle buyer, is at the Pierson from Boulder, Colo. Mrs. Hep Russell, left over tbe Santa Fe today for a visit to Kansas Cty. Capt. Behan has gone to Santa Fe in attendance on Chinese cases there. Ex-Manager Leacham of the Las V egas Examiner is in town en route to Mexico. Mrs. Armstetter, of Juarez, left over the Santa Fe today on a visit to Chi cago. miss Anna iviaynui, oi t:i h'aso. is visiting Miss Nanie Murphy, of Hill boro. Advocate. Aliss Aroeua May, ot las Cruces, is visiting in this city with her sister, Mrs. A. G. Andreas. Judge Kemp and Capt. Beall left this afternoon for Belen where they will get in a great hunting act. Frank Breman, a Pinos Altos, N M , mining man, is in town for a dav or two, and thinks of taking a run down into Mexico. Billy Conant, who in the early days ran the Wigwan saloon, has recently settled in Silver City going there from Cripple Creek. Attorney W. W. Gatewood, of Marfa, is circulating among nis numerous friesds on the streets of Eagle Pass this week. Guide. Rev. Thomas Harwood, superinten dent ot the Spanish mission in iew Mexico, Texas and Arizona, has been paying a visit in El Paso. Elliot C. Hull, brother of the pro prietor of Hull's Printing house, was yesterday admitted to the American hospital. Two Repablics. Col. P. Mothersill, candidate for office of collector of this port, is in the city. The colonel has a splendid republican record as well as a federal experience. Jefferson Reynolds is still heard from at Canton, Ohio, where he is watching the movements of the Mc Kinley cat political. He was no doubt pleased and surprised to grasp Gov. L. Bradford Prince by the friendly hand, tbe other day. Optic. A. J. Brock, II. A. Sterns and eon, and a party from Courchesne's left this morning for the Jarilla country to prospect for gold: to return laden with metalic mercies about January 7. Brock says that although he goes to hunt for gold, he is not prejudiced against silver. T. J. Woodside and wife, the latter the daughter of Andrew Smith and wife, came in from El Paso Thursday night. They partook of Christmas tur key at the pretty Smith ranch, near the city, where Mrs. Woodside will visit for a few days. Mr. Woodside returned south this morning; be is the custom agent for the Mexican Central at El Paso. Albuquerque Citizen. The jury in the suit of A. G. Wilcox in Justice Bridget's' court against John Lohner, for alleged non payment of fees, gave Wilcox $25 this morning. Piaintiff sued for $200. MnHhroom Society A society for the study of mushrooms has been organized in Philadelphia. It will meet every two weeks, anil mem bers will read papers on such topics as "Mushrooms That Have Helped Me." The organizers say that there are about 2:!."i edible kinds of mushrooms to l:e found around Philadelphia, and that tons of the delicious food go to waste, .simply because x'ople have a horror of what are known as toadstools, only four kinds of which are really jwisonous. Bro.. JED, New Mexico Statehood. Washington Dec. 20, 18!M! EuiTOit CiiiEfc'TAi.v: A few days since I saw in the Associated Press, dis patches the following: THE NEW MEXICO liir.L,. Washington, Dec. 10. That favor able action is not e::pecttd very soon on the bill to admit Now Mexico into statehood was made evident today. Delegate Catron of that-territory, at the meeting of the bouse committee on territories, gave notice tnat at a future meeting he would move that the consideration of the bill providiug for the admission of New Mexico be postponed two years. Also there were in the western papers unfavorable comments in refer ence to me about the same The report is not true. The reporter told me he got it from Mr. Scranton, chairman of the committee. Mr. Scranton says he gave no such infor mation. The facts are: Oa the meeting of the committee I gave notice that I would call up the statehood bill for action in the house; they all said tliet e was no hopes of its success for two years at least: that it would be useless to call it up as they would not take the chances of admitting a state which, according to the last election, would send populistic or democratic senators and thus unsettle the prospects of get ting tariff legislation for tbe people. I then said, that in view of the obvious sentiment on that subj-'ct, I gave notice tbatat the next rueeting of the committee I would move an amend ment of the bill so as to meet that idea. and make the election for delegates to the convention come off in February, A. D., IS'.)'., so that when the two years were up we would have the state with out furtiier delay, but stated I should ask consideration this session, or iui mediately after the holidays. I have never proposed to postpone the statehood bill. On the contrary 1 have prepared to push it as rapidly as possible during the present session. The reporter made a correction of this dispatch, but I have not seen it and dont know if it is correct, so re quest you to publish this as the fact of the matter. T. B. Catron. Delegate to Cougress. Comstoi'k Train Robbers The ells-Fargo Express company peoole announce that nothing has been heard from the state rangers who went in pursuit of the Comstock train rob bers last Wednesday. When thev loft the station thev iutended to return in three hours if a trail was not found and nothing has been Heard Ircm them since. The eountrv lving in the direc tion the robbers went is all prairie, with nothiuer to be seen except an occasional ranch house. The robbers will have to stop for food or water, and it is thought the rangers have found their trail and are follow ing it. In this connection an official of the express company remarked to a P reporter vtsteruay: ''We have the utmost confidence in our through stfes, and their abilitv to withstand dyna mite. When the robbers at Comstock entered the car they threatened to blow open the safe unless the messenger opened it for them, whicn was evident ly a bluff', us no attempt of that kind was made. When robbers blow open a safe they always place the explosive on top of the chest. They kr.ow ns well us other people that-the force of a dyna mite explosion is dowp, and even then they could r.ot get into the steel chest where the money is k' pt. The chest is so constructed that it would stand to be blown through th bottom of the safe and onto the track, and then be in as good a condition as before, so far as the money is concerned. The next question is, could thev not carry it away with them? They could do that no easier than they could tbe safe itself, as they are nearly the same size. We have the greatest confidence in our through safes." Will be Court Martialcd. Lieut. Col. H. C. isoyes, of the Sec ond cavalry, is to be court martialed for non payment of judgment entered in a civil court twelve years ago. JNoyes has the reputation or ticing a regular old bear. When in command at Fort Logan not long ago during th temporary absence of Coionel Merriam of the Seventh infantrv, he made things so interesting both for otlicers and men that the return of the regular commanding ollicer was nailed as a delivery from the reign of a despot When Noyes was promoted from major. he was slated for another regiment than the Second: but the colonel wouldn't have him in his command, and Noyes was finally saddled into the Second cavalry, aud stationed at Foi t Logan with two troops of his regiment where he has succeeded lti making things hot for every one with whom he came in contact. Noyes retirement from the service will be welcomed as a boon by all who have had anything to do with him. Just tin Thing. Brooklyn has nearly solved the wo man hat in th3 theater business. The Woman's Health Protective associa tion of that city has taken the matter in hand, and in the leading theaters the managers print on their programs a request that large hut? be removed during the performances, aud the response is so generous that only two or three large hats can be seen iu the audience after the curtain goes up. And now the Protective association proposes to carry the war against high hats into the churches, where if. is daimed the minister is often complete ly ob-cured by the intervention of large hats worn by women Judge Goodwin. of the Salt Lake Tr ibune sas: However, we still clingtothe belief that our sign would be. the. right one: "AH la lies whoare t o b ild-he:tdi d will confer a favor by removing their hats during the performance." ). A. Hadley, i:f Watrour, is going to feed a nice bunch of lambs on alfalfa and grain, this winter. SS tO New Kieycle, New iS'o. Snell special $75 bicycle for $i0, McCutcheon, Payne & Co. at mmi mmmmm wmwmwwm rmmmmimmm mm HIGHLY Wo have ciet6rniineci to close out our RETAIL DE- 2 PARTMENT, and now offer our entire stoek of DRY 3 GOODS at a SACRIFICE. Our assortment is large and 3 complete and our friends and the public are invited 3 to inspect the stock and buy goods to suit themselves. 3 SPECIAL ATTENTION ! 3 Is called to the following articles suitable for Holiday trade: Ladies Capes and Jackets, kSilk Shawls, Woolen and Dress 51 Goods, Handkerchiefs, Blankets, Table Covers, Damask Table 2 Sets, Underwear, Fancy Goods, Etc. Come over and inspect our roous. Jt van iA. B unsow 01ipa;: Cheaper! Cheapest! Soeeial hoilidav sale. From now un til Jan. 1st. we will sell all lf!'.i0 bievcies in our stock. Also bicycle supplies at reduced prices. We have 4 new Sneil special bicycle?, black and maroon euamel, fitted with VI. & W. quick repair tires, adjust ing; handle bars anil T. & T. special saddle. These arc 75 00 wheels, and we sell them for $40 .00. No reasonable cash olTer refused for 2nd band wheels. ('. H. Fargo & Co. S3 00 Lidies bi cycle shoes for $2.00. (jlobe vapor lamps 1.jU, JMctJutcheon Payne & Co. Don't Worry about your health. Keep your blood pure by taking Hood's Sarsapariila a:.d you need not fear the grip, coius, bronchitis, pneumonia or typhoid fever. Hood's Pills are the favorite family catnarlic, easv to take, easv to ooer ate. Buclclervs Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, And positively cures piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to five perfect sisfaction or money refunded. Price ?5 cents per box. For sale by W. A. Irvin and Co., wholesale &nd retail druggists E! Paso. Particular Attention ! IES CALLED To Our Winter Line Of OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR And SUITS. I c. ITI1 I I Read and Reflect. We are the only retail grocers in El i'aso who buy goods in carload lots and direct from the packer, pay spot cash and for this reason we can sell you cheaper than any other house in the city. The following- prices will convince you that to save money you must buy from the El I'aso Grocery company: 2 Cans California table peaches. .. .2oc 2 " " " pears 25c 2 " il " apricots 2?c 2 ' " egg plums 25c ' " 3 1 b tomatoes. . . 2Tc ;i " Standard corn 2"e Early June peas, standard 10c Curtice .Bros. Blue Label corn 15c " " Early June peas 15c " " ;ilb baked beans 15c " " Itlue Label Catsup, pts 25c " ' 2 cans early sweet corn 25e " ' 2 cans lioideii Wax stringless beans 25c " " (Brighton) Jam 10' 10 lbs Swift's Monogram leaf lard..li5c 1 lb very best Cream' ry butler 25c Saner kraut, per lb 5c tllbs Lion coli'ee $1 00 :i lbs Arabian M & J cotlVe 1 00 Cood tiun Powder Tea, per lb 25c English Breakfast " " 25c .'1 cans American Sardines 10c, with tomato saiuo 10c 2 cans imported sardines 25c Plain p.ckles, per bottle 10c Mixed ' 10c. Chowchow, per bottle 10c Salmon, per can 10c Columbia Salmon ft oak, ter can . . . . 15c EI Faso Grocery Co. 1:2 East Over and Street For Sale at HERALD JOB OFFICE: Typewriter Paper, mining Location Notices, Blank Leases, Vendor's Lein Notices, House Rent Books. Gymnasium Class Hours ') p. in. every day Jhmil) licll Drill, for r.css an J I Yof. ioi;al Men. I p. m. Wdritd.i. .1 unioiM 1 1 to 1; 10 a. in. Saturdajs ( years old. 4 p, iu. Tuesdays and I'Yida vs. lVulics Class. Work suited to all. 7::tU p. ra. Mondays, Thursdays and Sa turdays, Young Men's Class. Yearly Membership, Kesrular ST; Juu- lor ifco; .Ladies tuition made known on application. im Jl A Day vou. c o. Why It Is That I Have Done so Large a Busi ness This Season. Guess? T. H. SPRINGER, Cor. Stanton and St Louis Sts EI Paso, Tex- ct&. i Tie nLMiuwieugea cnerpest dealer house furnishing in the Soutewest. We have just received two ears of furniture consisting Upholstered Rockers, Bed Room Furniture, Side Boards Dining- Chairs. And we are receiving- daily a full selected by me personally, which this market. Furniture, Crockery and Carpets. Oorner of St. Louis and Stanton Streets, ELPAO TeIA.S i?-.'3Special Attention loout of The Weil I FALL AND WINTER GOODS j I ZFOTp-LxlEtx Prices. I 205 El Paso St. I GEM BUILDING. Gives the Highest Price &Zll FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SELLS AT THE LOWEST. Try Him 116 Oregon Street. HOUCK 8l DE1TER, IMPORTERS and JOBBERS FINE WINES AND WHISKIES A (4F'TS fV1 ' WXLL1AM J- LE' BREWIAG CO., St. Louis. Mo 1 1 PABST BREWING CO.. Milwaukee, Wis. 220 El Paso St. TRY THE WELLINGTON DINING ROOM For Good $4.50 Mrs. M. Hardin, Proprietress. QQ7 3STOBTH STAjSTTOZTST Street. K. 1. J OEOSTSOIN" & CO., Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Finest Kentucky Bourbon and Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies. !?cle Aneut for the Product of The Aator-Buseh Brewing Association, The Joseph Sehlitz Brewing Company Of St. Louis, Mo. Wholesale Dealers In Pure Koeky Mountain Lake Ice. Families Supplied with Soda, Sarsapariila. Vichy. Seltzer and all Forms of Mineral Water BRANCH IN CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO. HIE STAR LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLES Corner West Overland aud Santa Fe Streets. ip I ianhJii iTii- th 1- rw I, - i , f il r ii r I flDT A WTI OVER THE r2 J RIVER. in of Rattan and Dining- Tables, stock of China and rancv Foods will far surpass anvthine seen in town trade Tailoring Co. El Paso, Texas. Board at W E3IE3: EI Of Milwaukee. Wis. f none ax. j. CALDWELL, Prop. Caidwell Uiiu'eriaking Co. 0C5 S. El Paso Street, The Leading Undertakers, Phones 197 and 183, CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT. J. C. ROSS, Manager. X