OCR Interpretation

El Paso daily herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1881-1901, January 08, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064199/1897-01-08/ed-1/seq-4/

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Fill DAY, JANUARY 8, 1897
For Kent.
Furnished house of eight rooms, well
Frame house 5 rooms, No. Ill S.
Florence St.
4 Adobe houses, 3 rooms each, near
I'icrson hotel.
Several brick houses, 3 rooms each
near Franklin school build rer.
Ileal Estate and Insurance.
Kl, FASO.Texas, January 5. 1H7.
Local Time 6:M a. m. 1
Barometer 30 4i
Thermometer -
Direction of wind -
Vlrvftv of wind per hour ft
Weather Clear
Kiln 34 hourednchesand hundredths) O.im
Hlphest temperature last 24 hours ...... 4:t
Lowest temDerature last 24 hours Is
What Metal I Worth.
live. W',
Lead 2 90
Copper 10 H
Mexican pesos. FI Paso 51
" " Juarez - 51
Blank books cheap at Irvin's.
Fresh oysters at Smith's creamery.
Hot cakes at Smith's creamery.
Go to Irvin for window glass.
Juicy steaks at Smith's creamery.
Strawberries at Smith's creamery.
Typewriter paper at the Herald of
fice. Wrights' butter at Smith's Cream
Mining Location Blanks for Sale at
This Office.
Stoves and Steel Ranges; low prices.
Momsen & Thome's.
Try the bread made by the Dickin
son Home Bakery.
Telephone No. 47.
Wanted A lady waiter at the Pig's
Ear restaurant, 100 East Overland St
the best 5 cent CIGAR on the market.
Linen typewriter paper, 500 sheets
legal size at $1.20 at Herald job office.
"For Rent" and "Rooms to Let"
placards for sale at this office.
Home made cakes, pies and dough
nuts at Smith's creamery.
The best Mexican and Havana cigars
re made by the El Paso Cigar Mfg.
Pleasant furnished room, private
family, privilege of parlor, 403 N. Ei
Paso St.
Two furnished house-" for rent, in
quire at Pig's Ear restaurant, 100 Eat
Oeriand St.
Wanted Two furnished rooms
with first class board in private family
Address K. this office.
Furnished house for rent, five room,
bath, etc. Best location in city. In
quire GOi N. Oregon street.
The be?t, and the only thoroughly
firt cla-s barber shop in this city, i;
G. W. Morrow's, 109 Ort-on St.
El Paso Futl Co , are "The." agents
for tho celebrated Cer.-iilos While
Ash and anthersite coals. Sm;c-si s
to Cerrillos Coal U. II. Co. Phoiie
O'Brifn Coal Co., are agents for
"CerrillosCoa!." We stll the celebrat
ed white ash and anthracite and make
a specialty of screened lumps for tio
meotic uses. Phone 8.
Thirty-six head of mules and several
freight waeons and ten men arrived
here last Saturday from Texas, having
come over'and some 900 miles The
outfit was brought in by Mr. Riser,
secretary of the Cliff Mining: and smelt
ing company, for the purpoi of
hauling ore to the smelter. Ilillsboro
Ad vocate.
Mrs. D. C. Dodge, wife of the general
manager of the Kio Grande Western
railroad, is dead, of cancer of the
stomach. She was an old timer and the
leader of many charitable movements
in Denver.
New York millionaires are rivalling
one another in building- magnificent
yachts, worthy of emperors and great
princess. The hard times seem to have
passed over the heads of the rich Gotna
mites. Phoenix, Ariz. The city council has
passed an ordinance making it a mis
demeanor to spit on any city sidewalk
and setting a tine not exceeding $10 for
each offense.
Major McKinley's lucky number is 23.
That was the number of his regiment,
and tbat was the number of states he
carried. There's lujk in odd numbers,
to be sure.
Go to A. T. DeSmeth's store corner
of Oregon and Texas Sts., for line dress
goods, cloaks or capes.
Baldness is often preceded or accom
panied by grayness of the hair. To
prevent both baldness and grayness,
use Hail's Hair Kenewer, an honest
Jly Specialty.
Blank books of almost any descrip
tion will be sold, for the next thirty
daysonly, at a 10 per cent reduction on
the selling price, which is now lower
than ever. Geo. Harper.
August Kempf, formerly the Weil
Tailoring Co., has Tioved his place of
business to Sao Francisco St., where
he will be pleased to see his old friends
and customers.
For Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for children teething.
It soothes the child, softens the
dims. allaVS all rain rn-oa n-ir,
cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-
ruuea. xwenty-nve cents a bottle.
In Trouble.
The man who was placed in jail yes
terday for stealing a horse blanket,
was arrested because of an alidavit
charging him with "cruelty to ani
mals" in depriving the horsw. of the
coverirg be m eded to protect himself
from I'a'nhinir rrlil. Tho viru.ti.
unanimous in saying that horses hae
better tamper, require less food nnd
thir hair ha- a more giossv appear
ance, whpn clothed with the West
Txa Saddlet y 0V hore bintiki't.
Go them at -iirm-r of O' Hand and
Qrevon etre.
Oil Heating Stoves.
The "Orient" is still in the
lead of all competitors. Al
though still early in the sea
son, they are selling rapidly.
The "Orient" has become so
well known that it is not nec
essary to describe it here in
detail. It is a heater, an or
nament to any room, and can
be converted into a cook-
stove. No other light is need
ed when an "Orient" is in
the room. It is the handsom
est and most popular oil heat
ing device ever invented.
Over one hundred now in use
in El Paso; and they are
cheap. Write for circular.
Cks. F. Slack A Co.,
Grocers, Sole Agents.
But you may possibly want a present for a friend who &
H has been overlooked, or a friend who is going to get j
0 married, or you may now want something in our line
52 for your own use. In any
& stock is already nearly as complete as before Christ- g
2 mas, as new goods are coming in every day.
3? The Jewelers,
r- n 1 I.
III San Antonio Street,
"Xiff"' Is Decently Interred With F!oral
Honors In the City Hall Lot-
The funeral of the fire department
dog yesterday afternoon, was quite a
recherche affair in roortusry circles,
and Charlie Wcs'.orroke is writing up
th same fur The Nimble Shroud, a
Hoston undertakers' paper, and for the
Fire and Water, of New York, the
hes-t knt-.wn tiremau's periodical.
Game was called promptly at 3 p m.,
t the city hall, where big John San
ders, with a sheet cast lightly over his
.iiiiirious shoulder blades and with a
lung p'tir of black stockings draped .
tastefully around h is cervical vertebrae '
and hanging down in front, read the
burial service epeciaily prepared for the
oeras on. The said occasion was quite .
solt-mn, and a general h-u-s-h buttered ;
it-elf over the phyMguouiien of the;
many mourners present, as John in his
new role of a D. I), yave out as his '
t -xt,'' " And they shiU gnuw a flip, and
haii Hoe unto the mountains of Hep-,
sr.edam where the lion roarth ana the
whangdrodle mourn:' h for her first
bom. John then went on to expatiate
arid elueida'e and eventuate on the
virtues of the deceased, stopping semi
oecarionally to utt-r words of stern,
and it is feared merited censure to
Jack Collins and McBride for remark
ing on the size of the preacher s feet.
At the clost; of the preacbiotr such as
it was, the Big Kid and O'Xiell the
steamer engineer, sang a lovely duo by
Watts not Jimmy Watts, bui his
great-gre-t Uncle Isaac Watts of Lon
do'i, a duo entitled "Hark, from the
tombs a doleful sound; mine ears at
tend the cry; come! get a move on
you, and view the plot where you must
sometime lie," or words to that effect.
Then there was an opportunity given
to all the friends to looli at the casket,
but not the remains, as the latter had
become altogether too pronounced as it
were, to admit of public exposure.
"Nig" lay in a black cloth covered
box very nicely trimmei with 'fixins"
from the Caldwell Undertaking compa
ny, handles and all. There must have
ht'tn fifty children present and they
had lots of llowers for"poorold Nig."
Phil Young contributed three lumps of
sugar which were laid on the nose of
the deceased, probably for the same
reason that a two bit piece is always
placed- between the teeth of a dead
Chinaman on burial viz., to pay his
ferriage over the Styx. Then
Charlie West'oiooke sang softly "Some
day I'll wander back again," and
Chief Connors repeated with more or
less unction. "Man that is born of
woman, is of few days, and is full of
prunes. He cometh forth like a yaller
daisy and is cut down with tho lawn
mower, he Ueeth also as a San Francis
co flea, and continueth not."
The lire bell was then tolled which
startrd the town to wondering what
was up, and the precession filed out of
the city hall, with Sanders, McBride,
O'Niell and the Big Kid as pall bear
ers. The interment oceured in the lot to
the west of the city hall, and the chil
dren threw many greens and flowers
into the grave. There were about four
hundred dogs present, all deeply attir
ed in symbols of mourning, and Gus
Tree's two doss were so effected tbat
they bad to be carried home in a back.
Oh, it was a great affair. Society pap
ers throughout the country please
The snow is three or four feet deep
in the mountains of northern New
Mexico. So ther e will be abundance
of water in the Kio Grande for irriga
tion purposes next summer.
The Ladies Aid society of the Pres
byterian church held a well attended
business meet:ng and social the other
afternoon at Mrs Hudley's residence
Young lady wishes position as
stenographer. Object, practical ex
perience: lias own typewriter. Enquire
at cilice of Center block.
Tho street cars will reverse their
o' der of running next week a.d run
down Kl Paso str eet instHd of up.
Will EicMmum has Iot two of
fingers bv reason of his accident at
smelter sampling o'-.
Luzerne's ladies he" lr.ii .. n.l erwear a t
' A F DeSmeth's corner Oregon and
i Texas Sts.
Union Company,
304 San Antonio St.
LiXJM CHOAAT", Manager
New Goods on hand. When out walk
ing call in and examine our stock of
Japanese and Chinese Goods.
Dr. A. J . Mix.
Hoom 2, Bronson Block, umce nours,
8:30 to 12 a. m.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m.
Dr. Oscar Wilkinson,
t ,o,iHpnt snreeon Eye. Ear, Nose and
Throat Hospital, New Orleans, La.
Practice confined to h-ar, eye, ow , '
om.-c. hnnrs : a. m to IJ
: 1 to 4 p.
Consultation f rce to poo
from 8 to a. m.
Napoleon J. Roy,
The Fashionable Tailor.
Room 2 nn 4 Mundy W
event we wish to say our X
El Paso, Texas
A Banquet at Chiegro Last Xight With
Many Bijj Men Present
Today is the anniversary of the bat
tie of New Orleans when General An
drew Jackson defeated the scarlet
coated British troops and knocked
Great Britain out in her second tussle
with this country.
The day was ushered in at Chicago
by a great banquet last night, at which
William Jenniugs Bryan was the speak
er of the evening. Prominent men
were present from all parts of thecoun
try, including ex-Governor Altgeld
and among those who responded to the
toasts of the day were John W. lorn
lin-on, Ponima-ter Ridgley, whose ser
vices were dispensed with under the
administration idea of civil service re
form; D. B. Snively, who was demo
cratic candidate for governor of Indi
ana at the last election; W. S. M
Knight, who swung Michigan for sil
ver m the Chicago convention; W. H
Thompson, national committeeman
from Nebraska and Senator John Mc
Henry of Louisiana.
Mr. Brvan, strange to say, had noth
ing to say about the war of 1812 or its
influences on the history of this nation.
lie confines his remarks to the tinan
cial situation; and in the course of his
remarks said:
"The fact that Senator Wolcott, of
Colorado, has been sent abroad by the
pres. dent-elect as an ambassor most
extraordinary to bring Europe to bi
metallism. is evidence that the gold
standard is still concealing its blessing
from the American people. If the gold
standard is the standard of civilization,
why should we risk a return to barbar
ism by chasing after international
bimetallism? if Wolcott succeeds in
stirring up the silver agitation in
England, he will be accused of destroy
ing confidence in that great centre of
financial confidence, London. If the
errand proves a fruitless one, it will
only give additional evidence that the
United States must act alone. If our
opponents succeed in bringing about
bimetallism they will releive us of a
great deal of labor and enable us to turn
our attention to other reforms If, on
the other hand, they fail to restj
bimetallism, after confessing bimetal
lism desirable, we may expect the
American people to join with us in tho
opening of our mints to the free and
unlimited coinage of silver at 1G to 1,
without waiting for the aid or consent
of any other nation."
The 8th of January Jackson day is
being observed in most cities of the
United States. But a noted celebra
tion of it is in Washington this vear.
In 1890 New Orleans had a splendid
memorial gathering. In 1801 Presi
dent Cleveland and other distinguished
men addressed a gathering of demo
crats in Jackson's honor at Philadel
phia. In past years New York and
Chicago and other cities have been the
centers of interest. The Jackson Dem
ocratic association of Washington has
invited many of the most distinguished
members of the democratic party to
join with it in keeping preen the
memory of Old Hickory. Gorman of
Maryland, is on deck: also, Joe Black
burn, who will recall the past glories
of his party and its recent misfortunes.
Jon-?s of "Arkansaw," who led hs
legions to defeat in November, will
tell the 250 democrats at table how
Jackson would have gloried in the
Chicago p'atform. Morgan of Ala
bama, will review the history of demo
cracy. Daniel of Virginia will appeal to the
partisan patriotism of his hearers.
And there will be Faulkner of West
Virginia, and Berry of Arkansas. Of
the members of the house there are
lis-ted now Money, the newly elected
senator from Mississippi; John M. Al
len of the same state, the humorist:
McMillin of Tennessee, and young
SulzerofNew York. There will be
also De Armond of Mis.-ouri, and Mc
Guire of California, and Colyer of Ten
n ssee, and Lucas of West Virginia,
and Swanson of Virginia, and Terry of
Arkansas, and Fitzgerald of West
Virginia. Bryan will not be there,
but he will send alet't r. Vice Presi
dent Stevenson will not be there.
President Cleveland has not been
invited. Senator Vest of Missouri,
Senator Turpie of Indiana, Senator
Murphv of New York, S mator Harris
ol Tennessee, Representative Sabers of
Texas, Colonel Pge M. Baker of New
Orleans. Evau P. Howell of Atlanta,
Charles P. Culver cf Tacoma and
General Joseph Wheeler of Alabama
will be represented by letters or re?rft,
all paying tribute to the memory of
Was Last Vighfs Sessio i of the El Paso
City Council
The city council held a quaker pray
er meeting sort of a session last night!
iir.U the general calm was ma3o more
gloomy -by the regular irreguiuri'y of
the flow of gas that is. the gns from
the city e-as mains, not the gas from
the forensic gas mains of the honorable
members of the council. In fact the
tips and downs of the carburetted
hydrogen were so vividly marked that
me clerk had to send Charlie West
brooke over to his house for two extivi
pairs of specs so he could see to read
the minutes Even then he was obliged
to send down stairs for the fire depart
ment torches, but was informed that
all the oil bad been burned up at the
dog's funeral that blessed afternoon, so
the torches were not avauaoie. sev
eral of the aldermen came near get-
ng blinded by the flickering, flaring,
fluttering gas, and more than once Mr.
Clifford shielded his optics with his
hands as though in the attitude of
prayer. As for the reporters, they
had decidedly hard lines of it. Tho
mayor asked if the gas company's at
tention had been called to the condition
of things, and was informed that the
gas company washed their hands of ail
responsibility after turning the gas
into the building.
It seemed to be "the consensus of
public opinion" that the gas company's
bills should not be paid until the irre
gular flow of gas was straightened out;
and on Judge Coldwell's motion the
mayor was instructed to secure the
servi'-es of an expert who should post
the city council as to the exact wnyror
ness of the which as touching this ere
thing. Finally, by a prolonged and
heroic effort, the city clerk wrenched
andwrastled throughSt,he"minutesof'the
pre nous meeting," aud after retiring
to lave bis aching optics with ice water;
announced that he was ready for busi
The mayor announced that Steffian
Bros, and Momsen and Thorne would
like to purchase artesian well pipe if it
could be had cheaply. Referred.
judge Townseud, "the city attorney,
notified the council that it was high
time to regulate the salaries for the
ensuing two years. So his honor ap
pointed Messrs. Whitmore, Coldwell
and Clifford to -fix the salaries afore
said. The mayor also appointed Messrs.
Shaekelfo-d, Lew Davis and Will Hand
to overhaul the city books and check
them up.
Clerk Kitchens offered his quarterly
report on the municipal altar, showing
that warrants amounting to $21.T29.t8
had been drawp; and the dizzy docu
ment was referred to the finance c-orn-rnittee.
The romance read as follows:
From the general fund $
Special "
" Street maintenance
" Streetimprovement
" Sewer extension..
" Contingent
" Keal estate
" Artesian water....
" Sewer bonds.S and I
0i4 58
5.09S 07
1,180 15
81 15
7i .'!0
87 -i 0C
0:is oil
2 ;;o2 77.
:i,75! t;o
Total paid out. . . .
Total for October
" " November...
" " December . . .
$21,75!) ;.$
7.4US 01
, l.0.'!5 18
5.220, 4!
above total of
Deducting from the
$21,7211 78 the amount of warrants
drawn on artesian water fund of $2.
30U 77 leaves a balance of $19,42S.!)1
actual expenses of the city government
for the quarter ending December 31,
The foregoing warrants were issued
for the different departments of the
city as follows, to wit:
City Clerk $ 410 :;.)
City attorney 3s oO
Assessor and collector 54 M)
Police 3.241 07
City printing...., 120 :2
City engineer oiJO 00
Streets and grades 1,114 30
City treasurer 150 00
Sanitary 341 t.O
Public charity 342 05
Current expenses 173 ill
Books and stationery 14 75
Sewer exten-i iu 7H 30
Public buildings 5li0 ti-i
Public plazis 225 35
Electric lights 1.837 50
Gas 5!) 00
Water 2221 ;5
Fire l.!"32 70
Rent 374 00
Mayor and alderman s74 00
Contingent to Artesian water 871 37
Artesian water 2,302 77
Sewer bonds, S. and 1 3,75!)
$22, 721) 0
Fassett then offered
City Treasurer
his liMie tribute; and it was also re
ferred to the finance committee. The
titlts of the funds involved are as fol
lows: General, special, street main
tenance, real estate, artesian water,
sewer extension, street improvement,
contingent, sewer bonds, "S & 1., water
works bonds, S. & I., funded ind. bonds,
S. & I., public school bonds, S. .S: .,
artesian water bonds, S. .Sc I.
The totals foot no: On hand, Octo
ber 1, 181)0, $31,570 98: receipts, $0U(io.
49; disbursements, $14, 155 55; on hand
December 31, ISOO, $23,487 83i; war
rants puid, $48,052 OS.
J. H. Smith $ 3Si!) 43
H. It Hiliebrand 954 00
J. E. Piper 20!) 50
Mrs ltobinson 34 00
Momsen & Thorne 08 10
Net Receipts 5195 03
Add transfer from contingent
to artesian watar fund 871 37
Total 0006 40
The following bills were allowed ou
recommendation of Mr. Clifford for the
finance committee:
Chas. F. Slack & Co $ 1 25
D. McK-Dzie 125 00
Telephone Co 24 00
Hotel Dieu 31 00
Chas. Heid 2 00
Sewer and street 13 00
Mrs. Wagner 61 65
Kio Grande Pharmacy 07 S5
J. Calisher 3 01
El Paso Water Co 493 90
The report of the city tax collector
was approved and his commission al
lowed. A. Solomon's street sprinkling bill
was referred back to the finance com
mittee, and the city attorney informed
the council that Mr. Solomon was not
doing the work unaer contract as he
had refused to sign any.
W. J. Fewell asked for sewer con
nection, and the petit on was referred to!
the street and grade committee with
the sewer commissioner.
13i!s in response for a requisition
from the chi. f of police for recorder's
court stationery were opened as fol
lows :
From the HkkaT.d News company
1(00 complaints. 1000 warrants. 1000
letter heads. 500 subpoenas, 100 police
reports. $18 50 in cash or equivalent
The bid of the Times for the same
work was $20. A. 13. McKie of tho i
'Telegraph bid aa follows; ''I will do
the printing enumerated by you for
$11 25 in cash or equivalent, except the
police report blanKS. "
The matter was referred to the
finance committee.
Mr. Moody is arranging to have Chi
cago stirred up with revival meetings,
in connectien with the meetings he is
holding in Loston, and which will con
tinue through next month at the Hub.
Cincinnati also is to he included in tho
work; and the proposition is to inaug
urate a revival of religion in which
shall sweep clear across th United
States as did the revival of 1857. and
convert thousands and thousands of
people. Tho country can stand a wak
ing up of that kind.
Representatives from thrity seven
Texas counties are holding an irriga
tion convention at Laredo; and will
ask congress to build an international
dam at Laredo. The legislature will
be asked also to establish an experi
mental station atthatpoint. Instructive
papers are being read, and local coal
mines and other resources of that
section are being looked over.
It. E. Beckham hns deeded to W. B.
Brack for $4o0 115 feet on Texas street.
W W. Williams deeds to A. P. Coles
for $200. part of b'ock Ilit, Mills survey
D. S. Newman deeds to E. F. J. Mc
(Jarthey fo'- $100. IU0 acres of land out
in the county. G. T. Newman deeds to
Mr. McCarthev several tracts of land
in Socorro for $5 per tract.
The Silver City Eagle says that Grant
county is going into bankruptcy at
breakr.fck speed, and that other cotin
ties in the territory are in similar fix
Moreover, the rate of taxation is ?
high that would-be settlers are fright
ened away.
Sheriff Simmons has entered suit in
the diotriut court against F. M. Jones
to make him prove legitimate owner
ship of the Cunningham horses which
Simmons levied on not long ago.
Wells-Fargo Express Company have
established an office at Cochise on tho
Southern Pacific. This is a great con
venience to the mining people all
through that section.
The secretary cf the navy figure
that armor plate makers have a snap,
in that the plate costs but $2o0 j er ton
while the government pays for th
same $583
The demand was so great, that T
Itouault s canLery at Las Cruces whs
unable to fill but one-fifth of the orders
the past season.
The new opera house at Zacatecas
Mexico, will be turned oer to the
government during this month.
A new gas main is being laid into the
court- house from the street.
; Wonderftil Results from Hot Air Experi
ments In Xhiladelpnii.
I Itemarkivble results Jiave been ob
tained from a new method of treating
rheumatic affections which has ju
been tried in t his city before the coun
ty medical jsocict y.
1 he met nod consists in the local ap
plicntcn of hot air to the. parts affected
The apparatus by which this isaccom
plished consists of a -oper cylinder,
under which several gas jets are kept
burning. Into this cylinder the limb
is inserted ami the cjIs are closed
Stop-cocks are arranged to let out
moisture exuding from the. skin, and
: the temperature is raised to 250 to iV)
degrees. 1 'recant ions are ta.ken to "ire
vent the limb from coming in contac
i wth the hot metal, and the application
is continued for fully 40 minutes.
: Two patients were brought in for the
experiment. One was a man who hai
been under the care of a physician, w ho
wa.s present, for several nonths, and
had been gradually growing worse
lie was unable to move his toes or hi
ankle, and anv motion of the liml
caused excruciating pain. At the em
of 40 minutes, during which lime
temperature was raised nearly two do
grees, r.s shown by the mouth ther
laomctor, ami his pulse increased about
15 l.cnts per minute, the limb was taker
out of 1 he cylinder: the patient inovci
his tot's as freely as does a chilli, bent
his aiikle wil hout liitiieulty and walke
with ease, feeling no pain. Ollu
rheumatic rnins in other portions of
the body h:;d also disappeared.
The second patient was. a nerrrowlio
was .sniTerinir from a lonir-eont inuotl
lumbago, :uid who uttered many groan
as he was being placed on an uppnrntu
which inclosed his back, lie was iik;
subjected to the beat, for 40 minute
iir.d when told to rise he sat up as read
ily as when in perfect health. Th
temper::! urc in the first case was from
24 s to :() degrees Fahrenheit.
I In t lie discussion which followed
j was stated by tho exhibitor thatthosr
ii'.en would probably be better in tin
morning than thev appeared to 1 e w lu
the experiment closed, anil that in inns
ea.-es one application is .sulHcient
here extensive deposits had neon
made several applications were ncces
Of 1.1
to leiiiove them. 1 he -system ha.
in use in the principal hospital
,i!i!nii with wonderful r-ucess.
the di.scussion which followed it
stated by the exhibitor tha
niitand dissolved and carriei
off th
nosits upon the bones and ii
the muscles, and that this
tended in a greater or less
the w hole Isodv. The a p pa rat
it ex
rice 1:
now for the first time. I rough! to the
notice of 1 he medical fraternity of this
country. Philadelphia Pros.
An 1-:
ll is recorded
confinement- h:i
for throe weehs
charge of it ha i
t hat. an eagle kept, in
been known to fast
, those who have had
:g forgotten to provide
of food. It soon, how-
the us ual supply
recm ercd its st rengt h, and did not
r to suffer from its extraordinary
in ladies wear at A. F.
"I have taken all kinds of pHls, and
found better results from Hood's Fills
than any others as they do not purge,
pain or gripe, and I believe them to be
the best." Mrs. V. E. Urown, Box o(i,
Frost, Texas.
Hood's. Sirsaparilla is the one true
blood puritier.
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, tetter. chapped hands,
chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price
'io cents per box. For sale by W. A.
Irvin and
Co., wholesale
and retail
1 Paso.
Why It Is That I Have
Done so Large a Busi
ness This Season. Guess?
Cor. Stanton and St. Louis Sts EI Paso, Tex
as. The Acknowledged cherpest dealer in
house furnishing in the
We have just received two cars of
Upholstered Rockers, Bed Room Furniture, Side Boards, Dining Tables,
Dining- Chairs.
And A-e are recsivir.g daily a full
selected by me personally, which
this market.
Furniture, Crockery and Carpets.
uorner 01 . i . J . o u i siiiu i.lii.uu . i . , . ,
r-e-Speciil Attention to out of
teS Gives the Highest Price
Try Him 116 Oregon Street.
iT"'VTF-Q f , 1 WILLIAM J. LEKP EKEWLNG CO., St. Louis, Mo
220 EI Paso St.
For Good Board at
Mrs. M. Hardin, Proprietress.
:207 NOBTH STANTON Street.
Corner West Overland
. 2 1
.T "R. ivro.rj-
309 El Paso Street, Opera t-ouse Block.
ISTew and. Secoiid-liand Furniture
And all Kinds of House-hold Goods.
Agent for Household Sewing Machines.
Washington Dining Room
MACK GOEY, Prop Open Day and Ni-lit.
QOO - - - - EL PASO ST11EET-
French Cooks and White Waiters.
First s
Bob Chin Wo, -
Wall Paper, Paints and Glass,
Mall Orders promptly attended to. 42 Sun Antonio Street.
243 and 320 El Paso St. Phone 71
Satisfaction Guaranteed
See them before you buy.
C. Tanner & Bro.,
furniture consisting of Rattan and
stock of China and Fancy goods
-will far surpass anything seen in
, - t
town trade.
BREWING CO., Milwaukee, Wis.
El Paso, Texas.
and Santa Fe Street...
Phone 92. J. CALDWELL, Prop.
Caldwell Undertaking Co.
305 S. El Paso Street,
The Leading Undertakers,
Phone 197.
J. E EMBR ' E, Mneer.
Ill T3 T"XT

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