Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY HE1ULD MONDAY, OCT. 3, 1898. PUBLIHHKI) ITIIT EYXMNQ lTfptiady Truths Libert,, Love of Country. J. A. SMITH, General Manager. H. D. 8 LATER, Manaoino Editor. H. L C A PELL. Business Manager liMrad poatofno at El t'aao, Taia. mm mall man or Mono (iiut, TIRMB OF autoaONIPTION. Daily, on year.. ..7nn bally, at DODlbi.. t)tly, thr nnitlii. 3 sn 1 iiy on Dontn. CO tno WHklf oit year.. Wttkl; til (uoQlb.. Waoklv miatb.. 1 00 to Bf UAHHIU, Tit Dailt Biiuuli dl)Trl by erl la Kl Him, Tuh and Juar. Mexico, at It MAM par waaa. or loeaot par oionio. Babacrlbar fall In to ret Taa HmiLD rat niarlyor promptly shoild notify Tna H AU bnalnaaa offlca (not tb carrier) In order t rarelva immadlat atteotloa. -laiepooar No. 11. AOVKRriCIHO RATES. Katas of advertising In the Daily or Weekly edition made known on application at th publication offlca. Or ring u p telephone num ber Ha. and a ropreaentatlve of the basin department will call and quota price and contract foraoae. Local 10 rent par Una tn every tnatance lor nrat ineertion. ana tcnrtu per une tor cn a idltlonal Ineertion. Leaal notice of avery daaerlptloa II pat a is eaca ineertion. BOOK AND JOB 'RINTINO, TTaa H satin t. fully prepared to do all Iiwiui trials bhu lutr juu riuiiua is mti tae lateat at r lee. Work perfectly and promptly aon. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Any erroneon reflection upon the Char acter, atandloic. or reputation of any person, arm, or orp-iratloi, or any ml-tstatemeut of fact, which may appear In the column of the H ikald, wi be g adly corrected upon It being brought to the attention of the pub- lianers. EL Paso has been try loir for nearly twenty years to aecure rail connection with the Sacramento and Wbite Oak country. Wa now hae trains running to the former and it will only be a rea aonable time until the coal fie'ds will be tapped. The building of the road, and the increased trade from the coun try it reaches has helped tbePas City wonderfully, and what we hare gained Is permanent. El Paso needs a Board of Trade ery badly just now. A good commer cial body could do much to enooursge manufacturing and other lnterpriees. As soon as the Northeastern road the coal fields, if not sooner from another direction, we will have cheap coal and whenever this ocours El Paso, with a small effort, can make herself a grett manufacturing cen ter. With the opening up of the Sacra' me a to country the time ie ripe for El Paso to prepare for an annual fair, ltthould be an international and Inter state exhibit. Western Texas the Pecos, Sacramento, Mesllla and Mim- bres valleys of New Mexico and North ern Mexico could make creditable ex hibit. Whether he stayed at Tampa with the horses or fought In front of San tiagothat he la a rough rider Is all that need be said of any of -the boys who enlisted In Teddy's regiment. Each waa anxious and ready to go to the front, and those who remained on this side the gulf were as brave as the others. Texas needs all the republicans sbe can get in congress. Hawley, Noonan and Crouch ought to be elected, for the interest of their coutiiueots espe cially demand it. The ninth district, also, now that Jo Say era is out of the race, should elect a epub'ican. WHILE a part o the democrats of New York are trying to make out that "Teddy Is not a legal citizen of New York, others are quarreling among themselves whether we should sustain a good dollar or adopt a forty cent dollar. The display of fruit, grain and graaaes made by the El Paso 5t North eastern people at Albuquerque not only shows enterprise upoa their par', bnt proves that the road opens up one of the richest rountrie known. A FEW more enterprises like the El Paso Foundry it Machine company would serve to make El Paso have the appearance ' of a manufacturing city. Cheap coal will bring them. A BOARD of trade would be a great thing now to encourage capital to in vest In an electric street car plant. Let us have a strong commercial body at an early dae. The rough riders received aa ova tion at every street corner in Albu querque when In the procession last week. They deserved all the applause they reoelved. Whether Chaplain Mclotyre roes free, is reprimanded, or dismissed from his position, one thing is certain and that Is, he talked too much with his mouth. The Chicago platform was too isnch of a fossil for the New York democracy la convention assembled. Tammasy has seal a eeaae if It has ae shame. mmm IJJvmk EDWIN EUGENE CASEY. General Wheeler's daughter who nursed young Casey during bis sickness death. He breathed his last while in of the regiment and to know him was to His body waa shipped home in a a detail of routrh riders. He was buried All the courts, both United States the public schools and many of the lead tend the funeral which was the largest P. Casey, Sr., Eugene's father, received many letters of condolence, among them waa one from Col. Roosevelt and El Paso is going right ahead just now. 'I here Is no excuse for any man ufacturer to cut the wages of his em ployees in such times. Times are fljurUhin all over the country. Money it plenty In our banks, although loans are up to a high notch. Old LI Hung Chang "is a dandy." He is at the top of the heap now, bnt he may meet bis Waterloo at any time. LOOK at the bank statements and you will nna the best answer in the world to the Chicago platform. Apparently there are two Van Wycks in New York. Only one will be beard of after the election. Little Items From Live Papers. TEXAS. Crowley & Garrett recently bought 10,000 head of sheep from different parties near Alpine at S2 7a per head, with wool on. Midland Reporter. A fire at Midland, on the morning of the 23rd. Ultimo, destroyed about $7500. worth of property cn which there were $2050. insurance. N. H Ellis was the beviest loser. Dr. H. A. Nichols, tendered his re signation aa County Pyslclan Saturday, to take effect on the loth of October. He will then move to El Paso, where his family now are, and will practice bis profession In that city. Pecos County Pickings. Judge Noonan has shown surpising energy and snap in this campaign. His speeches and activity nave astonienea bis friends wno baa begun to tnioic tbe judge was too old to make a vigorous canvass; he la more than a match for Slayden on the stump and with tbe people. San Antonio Light. The movers continue to go from place to p'ace in Texas and the In- ditn territory, and there are con tinual streams or covered wagons go in: through tbecountry. Toe people in tbem come from as fareast aa Georgia and as far Iowa and Illinois. Oenlboa Herald. A gentleman who lives at Norfolk, Va., wrote tbe Commercial club of Dal ls tbat if the proper induorments were offered, he would go to that city and enueavor to organize a company with 2d,000 or I30.UOO stock to manu facture Texas tobacco into marketable shapo. Peco Valley Pickings. A conservative estimate shows that there are at apreaent 226 000 head of cattle in the Midlacd country, aggre gating a total wi-atb of $4,520,000, plaviog tbe valuation at $20 par bead, mt,i n, considering tbe n gn quality of the cat le, is not a very extrava gant valuation. Midland Report er. The California demand ifor fat cattle is now drawing w.stward cattle tbat would otherwise I ave found their way to eastern market. Arizona dealer believe that the demand has hardly begun as yet and tbey are looking westward this year for tbeir market instead of toward tbe east and north. Pecos County Pickings. The following gentlemen have been summoned to go to Kl Pso on the Bret of Out. as U. S. Grand and Petti jur ors: N. J. Henderson, P. A. Lficrtr na, Charley Price. Eugene Graham. Tom Blair, Ed. Toner, W. M. Kyle. Tom Hendrick, Walter Culberson, Toll Dawson and T. P. Scott. The laiter two are out of the county. Inspector. Odessa. The farmers are nurslnir 44 and 5 cent cottun a?aln tnia year, but th-y must not iorget in neapiosr tbeir ana themas on tbe low price of tbe stample toat they failed to rala bogs, corn. oats and wheat, all of which are on the Increase value instead of on the decline. Raise the ttirg reeded most they will be most in demand and will bring the best price. Deoison Horald. O. E. Hough, of the ostrich farm. leaves this morning for Dallas, where he Is taking twenty-five of tbe .flock of Diras irom nere to exhibit tbem at tbe fair. They occupy a car all to them selves and embrace birds of all sizes, from recently batched fledglings to aged oatriehs of full feathers. A num is connected with the Red Cross society and was by bia side at the time of his the arms of his captain. He was the pet like him. metallic casket and was accompanied by with all the honors of war. - and territorial, were closed, as well as I lit business houses. bo that all might at ever witnessed in New Mexico. Mr. J one from Miss Wheeler. ber of tbem have been bred in Texa and some in this city. San Antonio express. Good crops and the prospect of a splendid winter oi the range have put Heart into tbe farmers of tbe state, and there will be no lagging behind of the enterprising planters because cotton Is down in tbe market. Tbe substitution of wheat or corn or truck farming will be made and tbe bueioeso of the state and her agricultural increase go right along. All things favor Texas. San Antonio Lt'gbt. The failure of a member of the next legislature to vote for a d -scent and just libel law will mean hi retirement to private life forever. Tbe press of Texas has borne until forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, a law tbat has permitted every scapegoat unhung, ana even tne progeny oi tbose tbat were hung, to persecute tbem, and are at last determ'ned to have justice done tnem. ueevuie ficayuce. The new law under which the schol astic population was taken has reduc ed tbe number oi children in Texas about ttO.000 below last year and pro Da bly 90,000 below what tbey would have Deen li tne census had been taken as previously done. The decrease in the number of scholars increases tbe per capital apportionment from 8i las year to $4 50 tbis year. There is a re duction all along tbe line, but is heav iest in counties containing large cities. Waco Telephone. Texas farmers are sowing wbeat and fattenings hogs lust as though they be lieved that some one of these European autocrats would get the coin knocked on his shoulder after a wbile. If they ever do get into a "scrap" over there it will be a big one and this great granary and stock pen will ob serve tbe strictest neutrality, as well as industry, in feeding the contestants Texas and tbe territory are for peace the world arouud.but will always be ready to feed all mankind In whatever situations of friendship or billigerency tbey may be found. Denison Her ald. MEXICO. During tbe month of August last.$l. 06ft,088 40 worth of Mexican hemp were exported from Yucatan to New Or leans, New York and Hong Kong. Telegram. It Is calculated that during the re' cent war over 2,000 Cubans emigrated irom mat island to Yucatan, and, I is said, that so far not more tban 200 have returned Mexloan Herald. A rich capitalist of Saltillo, capital of the state of Conhuila, has donated CZOO.000 for tbe foundation of an orph an asylum. The name of this pbiian hroplst is Don Eorlque Mas, who amassed a large lortune in mining and agriculture. Telegram. Tbe national cattle aod stock show whloh will open in Coyoacan on Octo ber 1 promises to outdo all former ef forts in quality the animals to be ex hibited will be suDvrior to any similar collection ever brought together in tbe republic. Two lie publics. According to El Universal, there is a project on band, backed by a powerful company, to bring 100.000 Frenc Canadlaos to settle in this country. ibey win be mostly rarmsrs, and will be given lands tocultlvate in tbe north ern frontier states, especially Nucvo Leon and ( A meeting is reported to have taken place last week between Chief Juan Moldonado, of the Yaqui tr'lie, who was acconc panled bv quite a number of tribesmen, and Colonel Peinado and several state officials, at Ortiz. Sonora. The meeting was of a purely tocial na ture and was tbe occ-tsion of a banquet tendered tbe vlsl'or-i by te municipal authorities. Cbihuab ua Enterprise. The quarantine against Mexico by the state of Texas has practically been abolished a'thougn no cmcial Informa tion has been received in tbis city Information was received by official of the government, who have ben working to have the quarantine with drawn, to the effect tbat tbe quest on of passengers having certificates of non infection was one tbat rested en tirely with tbe health officials at the Rio Grande crsssing and that they would only require them in suspeotal oasss. Chihuahua Baterprlsa. MB. L r"j iihm a -a "via To Be an Auxiliary Post. As already noticed in these columns, tbe Southern Pacific railroad is mak mar vat and significant Improvements at tbe port of Sabine Pass. There 1b no gainsay ng the importance of the movement, and in order tbe better to understand the extent, scope and char acter of the work now in progress t that point, a representative of The Post called upon Manager Van Vleck at his heaoquart- rrs in ibis city yesterday and in reply to questions propounded, Mr. Van V eck Ouurteousy explaiotd'tbai the Southern Pacific thought tbe tine pe for guarding against the incon venience and loss wbion periodically arises by reason of quarantine restric tions at Algiers, La., and other points from wbicb boutbern f aclnc ships ply. vo be more specinc, be stated tbat Lis company was determined to have an ocean outlet for its business whenever, by quarantine or other means, the pre sent shipping points were-fouud inade quate to accommodate trade. As a mat ter of fact, he said, Algiers was capa ble of handling only a certain volume of traffic even under the most favorable circumstances, and tbe exigencies and increase of business demanded greater facilities of shipping purposes. To this ond, tbe Southern Pacific had decided on making Sabine Pass an auxiliary port, and, in times of quarantine would fall back upon it as its main ocean out let. For the past two weeks the com pany had a large force of men at work making tbe ntcesary improvements. and the enterprise would be rushed to completion as speedily as possible Prom all of which it will be seen tbe Soutbern Pacific means to have a new gateway to the sea, and that Sabine Pass so long neglected and Ignored as a leading artery of commerce will soon spring into gratifying prominence under the fostering spirit of this great railroad benefactor. Houston Post. A New Car Seal. A novel and effective hasp and seal is to be uced upon the cars ot tbe M. & P. railway. Instead ot imitating the old- fashioned lead seal, tbe new idea is simply a strip of tin with tbe center cut out in an oblong style, probably two inches long and three-quarters of an iucn wide Tbis fits into two re verse thumbs attached to the lock: The thumbs caunot oe moved without breaking tne tin and the tin cannot be removed from off the thumbs without being mutilated. Tha Jeft band thumbs can be moved in a forward dir ection only, and when the tin is slipped over it, it is moved by the man doing toe sealing till it passes a catch, thus insuring tne effectiveness of the seal Phoenix Republican. Sparks From The Engine. . Tbe H U6tn and Texts Central re ceived bUSo bale of c jtton a. its yards in tiiia city ye. ttiruir;. The G. H. boys gave a very enjoy able dance at Chopin bail, Saturday nignt. Dancing was indulged at a iaie hour. Engineer P. De Coursey, who has Deen in tne east, f jr the past 15 days, returned Snuruay. He is on the G, H. staff of tbronle pullers. - Tbe net earnings of the Atchison system for the month of August were $432,561, a decrease of $435,720 from tbe same month in 187. Engineer J. W. Howe returnel from Hot springs, Arkansas, Saturday and reported for work on tbe U. H. He has oeen absent 15 days. J. Roosevelt, better known as "Old Galena," the oil inspector of tbe G. H., was circulating among tbe em ployes of that road, Saturday. W. S. Cex, air brake inspector of the Atlantic system, wa in town on Saturday. He found everything in firstcla-s shapa on tbis end of tbe line. Tne new half mile passenger track of the S. P. It about completed. It ex- tenus from tbe depot wet and will prove a great benefit to tne com pany. The various railroads entering Houston heve made a reduced rate for the annual convention of tbe Texas division, Daughteis of tbe Couleoe- racy, to be nelu In this city October 19 to 22. Ed. Reynolds, G. H. machinist, is said to bave a great appetite -for smail sausages. It is Bald loot at a recent feast given by tne boys, Ed. ate three yard, of we.uerwurs s auU was craving lor more wnen tae festivities closed. Thnrn vA a. 1 a rirn nnmlini nf beintr moTtd around thid iminL at. nru- ent. Tne S. P. have three trains com ing from D.-ming. N. M., and the R, G., S. M & P. will send in two train loads tomorrow Mostly all them of will go to points in ivaosas. Tailors' Troubles In New York. The cutting in tbe prices for pressing clothes is causing the Merchant Tail ors' Association of Greater New York much trouble. It appears that C' rtain tailors have b en pr. cults for 50 uents and tbis largely curtailed profiis in some quarters. 1 he association re cently appointed a committee to call upon the cutrate men and induce tbem to raise tbeir price. The efforts of tbis committ' e have been fu'ile and now the associati n advised its mem bers tocut to 25 cents, thus making tbe others reduce to that price aud ruin their business. Tbe association has also taken in band tbe matter of keep ing; clothes tn order for customers fre of cost. It has engaged an attorney to draft a bill for presentation to tbe legislature, provid'ng that when a man buys a feuit, be buys it absolutely and without any cnntl gent right on nis part to make tne tailor keepit in repair. Buffalo Express. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbo best sa ve In the world for cuta. bruises, sores, ulcers, sale rheum, fever sores, tet'er, chapped bands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions. and positively cures piles.or no oav re. quired. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. frice cents per box. r'or sale by W. A. Irvin & Co., wholesale and retail ! agents. Only one and one-third fare tbe round tr;p to all points on the Mexican Central Ky; tickets on sal Sept. llih to lO'.h inclusive. S B. J. Euhn, Coaa'l Ag&at. PROMISES FULFILLED! Carloads of the New Goods Now Ar riving. We Are the First to Re ceive the New Pack of Eastern & Cal ifornia Can ned Goods. 16 lbs. best granulated tagar..., lO lb, pare leaf lard....- ....... 3 cn tomatoes, 3, new pack.. 4 can tomatoes, 2s, new pack.. ,...1 oo as The Celebrated Lion Coffee 10 3 cans standard sugar corn 3 cans early J ne peas 4 cans string beans 3 cans new California lima beans.. 3 cans standard oysters, Is 6 cans Boston baked beans, Is 3 cans Boston baked beans, 3 lbs.. 3 cans pumpkin 3 cans apples, 3s 2 cans grated pineapples, 2s 2 cans sliced pineapple, 2s The well known Eagle asparagus per can Regular price 34 cents per can.. 2 bottles imported olivea 2 cans Curtice Bros Blue Label Corn Flour City early June p-as, small size and extra fine quality, equal to French peas The best value ever offered in 1 Paso. 2 cans for Celebrated Lin Coffee, per pkg.. Try Sioux Rolled Odts the best. 6 cans Armour s deviled ham ia. . 3 cans Armour's deviled ham is.. 2 cans corn beef...... 2 cans Vienna sausage 1 cans beef t-teak and onions Hamburg steak and onions per can Or 3 cans for 3 cans grated pie pineapple 2 cans Michigan apple buiter, 3 lbs each 2 cans Michigan peach butter, 3 lbs each 2 cans Michigan plum butter, 3 lbs each 3 cans blackberries, 2 lbs 3 cans gooseberries, 2 lbs 2 cans raspberries, 2 lbs 2 cans blueberri-s, 2 lbs 2 cans cherries, 2 lbs 3 cans Pink salmon 2 cans ebrimp 1 ran lobsters, is, flats per can. . . . Genuine Maconocbies English kipperred herring, regular pr ce 35 cents Marshall's imported herring, reg ular price 35 cents 6 cans American sardines, good quality 2 cans imported sard nes 6 cakes Coliseum soap 3 cakes Glycerine soap 3 cakes Dairy Queen toilet soap. . 3 cakes Almond eoap 3 cakes Rose Amole soap 3 cakes Prairie Lilly Try Sioux Rolled Oats, the best. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 25 25 25 25 20 20 50 26 25 25 25 2ft 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 SIOUX ROLLED OATS. None Better. 3 pkgs., 2 lbs. each 25 10-lb. sack Si ux granulated white c rn meal 25 West India spiced vinegar, some thing long needed, per quart bottie 20 Most of our canned goods are this BAK&on'B pack. We are the first in the market with thif year's voods and have 5,CHiU more cases en route. Owing to short crops fruits and veg& tables are higher this year than they have been for some time, but having nought very early we announce to tbe public tha. our prices shall remain the same as last season. CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS. Tbe California fruit crop was shorter this year than it hs been for the pat four or five years and canned fruits have advanced greatly in price. We fhall, however, put them on tbe market as follows: 2 cns California peaches. 3s 25 2 cans Cnliforcia pears, 3s ' 25 z cans California apricots 3a 2o 2 cans California plums, 3s 25 2 cars California blackberries, 3s. 2a 2 cans California grapes, 3s 25 Cele- rated Lion Coffee, per pkg.. 10 Try Sioux Hulled Uats tbe best. PURE FOODS. We have established tbis depart ment under the endorsement of the Great Rvlston Health Club of Amer - c-t's reprMgenta'ives. We are head quarters for Health Foods, and shall keep a complete aod up-to-date line of these products. Ralston Health Club Break'ast Food 2uo per package or 3 for 50 Rals'on Health Club Barley Food 20 per package or 3 for 50 Purina Whole Wheat Gluten Health Four, 24 pound sack.. $1.00 Purir-a Whole Wheat Gluten Health Flour, 12-pound each.. 50 Shredded Wool Wheat Biscuit, 20o per box or 3 for 50 Wheat Shred DriDk 20c per pack age or 3 -for 50 Granulated Wheat Shred 15 All these g-iods are highly recom mended by the leading physicians of the country. Special Attention to Mail ( rders. El Paso Grocery Company Corner Ovarland and Oregon Sts., and 'J00 South Oregon ist. g!iHmmtni?iinmmnimmmmmmmmmimnmmmK if ampbell Real Estate Co j Z. This company has business and residence lots for sale on easy ZSZ terms. Will exchange lots for labor and building materials. Will sell lots on monthly payments. Will exchange lots for i improved property. Houses built to suit purchasers on easy S terms. Call at our office in the Sheldon block. r s B. F. HAMMETT, Manager. 5 iiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiutiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuimuaiiiiai TOE STAR LIVERY, FEED Ai SALE STABLES. Corner West Overland and Santa Fe Street. 11 misri if -TB R ON Li MOROUE IN THE CITY. I. SCHLINGER, New York Tailor -MAKER OF- -Stylish, Perfect AT LOWEST PRICES. Work speaks for itself 3ne trial will convince vou. Gives the hejsltojst FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. AND SELLS AT THE LOWEST. Try Him - - - 116 Oregon Street. SOMETHING NEW YES; AJUJLm NEW! At SPRINGER'S. All of our old stock was burnt and must have new goods to take their place. F', Oroolcery aud oetrpots. 21S Ban Antonio Etreet. ITTj PASO TE1XAS. HOUCK & DIETER, IMPORTERS and JOBBERS PINE WINES AND WHISKIES AGENTS for 213 El Paso St. Washington Dining Hall. No. 4, TAY BLOCK, Little Plaza. BEST RESTAURANT IN CITY. ALL THE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON. RHOULAR. IXCtTOTBlR. IS TO S T" M. V KlXTCr Sa OO PROPS JUNO -STOXTrTO-. IfOR Link Restaurant, 215 IH21 Paso Street,. A First-Class Short Order House. OrHTi Day and. Nierht. J. K. McGIBBON, 208 El Psso Street, Opera House Block. ISTew and. Second-hand JTixrnitixre ST0YES, ST. CLAIR STEEL RANGES, CROCKERY, LAMPS. GLASSWARE, ETC. Refrigerators Cheap in Order to Close Out. Emerson & Berrien UNDERTAKERS 324 A 328 El Paso St. Phones 71, 68, & Hearse and Car ri acres Furnished: ensro. u tsi usir. Fine Merchant Tailoring, And Cents' Fnrnisliing Goods. Its PABO 8TTKBT, The Most Direct Line to Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Denver. St. Paul, Omaha, Boston, New York and Philadelphia, And all Northern Through Trains. Smooth Track. Fast Time. Elegant Pullmau Pallace Floopers ra all through trains. Dally Tourist Sleepln cars to Denver, Kansas City and Chicago. and Minneapolis and once each week to St. All trains not having dining cars Harrey Houses, Full Information cheerfully furnished J. S. MORRTSSON. Oity Ticket Atrent. Office, Fargo Building, Tomer El Paso THE MAP Mexican Central Ry.. By this rouie you travel COMMODIOUSLY, QUICKLY, CHEAPLY AND' SAFELY. Pullman Palace Sleepers are ran between El Paso, Mexico... Guaaatftiura and Tarnplco. For rata and otaar Information, apaly to B. J. KVKflj 0amerial Agent, El Paso, Texas. Phone 02. J. CALDWELL, Prop. Caldwell Undertaking Co. m 806 S. El Paso Street, The" Leading Undertakers, Phones 107 and 02. CALL8 ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT J. E. NAG LEY. Manager. Fitting Clothes, ss- 806 l-o San Anttnln Mi. Highest Price WILLIAM J. LUMP BRBWIHG CO.. 8t. Louis. Mo PABBT BREWING OO.. Milwaukee. Wis. El Paso, Texas 19 L PASO TIXA8 and Eastern Points Tourist Sleeping cars semi-weekly to St. Pau Louis & Boston. stop for meals at the famous Santa Fe Route upon application to F. B. HOUGHTON. . General Agent. and San Antonio Street 01 MEXICO will tell you that all Impor tant points in Mexico are reached by or via