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TOT TLT'TED A W llElPaso Piano Co )i 119 8 an Francisco Bt. Er j Sell on Easy Terms, g 3 Price Right, Beat Stock lath If Jt , southwest. Oorreapon- He ' '8rlllnlllnIIIn)IB"il?,H VJUSh Ufa Mh iMfc Mt iW -"- t TEL. il A BIO THING 4 -FOR A- SMALL 1UCK. I The Herald home or business K 3 Addr I6C. PER WEEK. 'S NEWS! EL PASO, TEXAS, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1898. VOL. XVIIL NO. 224 PB1CE FIVE CENTS. AS JOSHUA . NAYNOLOS. Prealdant; ULYSS1S . TIWABT. Ouhltr; M. W. FLOUKNOY. Vlce-Prealdent jOS. F. WILLIAMS, Ant Oaehler. THE FIEST NATIONAL BANK El Paso, Texas, Capital and Surplus. SI 60,000 H. L. NEWMAN, Banker, W. M. AUSTIN. 0w; El Paso. H. L. NEWMAN. Jr.. Asst. Cashier. Texas. A General Banking Business Transacted. JaTMextoan Money and Exchange Bought sad Sold. Gold and Silver Bullion Bought. SAFETY DEPQ3I X BOXES FOR RENT. 3. ft. MORIHUO, FTMMant; J.O. LAOKLANO. Oaaftier; JOSEPH MAGOFFIN. Vice-President; J. H. RUSSELL. Aaat Oaahiar, STATE NATIONAL BANK Established April, 1881. A legitimate banking' business transacted in all its branches Exchange on aU the cities of the United States bought at par. Highest prices paid for Mex ican Dollars. JUAREZ BRANCH Here's A POINTER.... Banco Comercial of Chihuahua, CAPITAL, $600,000. Mj; and Mil Mexican Money and Exobaoge on all the principal cities of the Republic of Mexico, the United States and Europe. A General Banking Business Transacted. innaOTONS: LOU THRRAZA: ENRIQUE O. ORS L; JOS. M. FA K MAXIMO KRAKAUIR; L0I3TKRRAZA8. J. 5 tf.' Biceo Miwro if Chihuahua. ulart Jum, LK31MMKY. A. BOLOMON, B. P. MIOHELMON. S.J. FKEDUENTUALi President. Vic. President. BecretarY. General Manager the H. LESINSKY CO., Wholesale Grocers, and JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. Wa carry a cumplrta Ha of Ptaple and Pancy Groceries, and guarantee all our goods flrst--laaa. Wa solicit the trade of dealers only, and give especial attention to mall orders. 3BS31i3L.I3SrC3- OUT. TO CLOSE BUSINESS! I have decided to sell out my Juarez store, and invite the people of this city and vicinity to come and make their purchases, taking advantage of the low prices at which the goods will be sold. This is an opportunity to buy cheap and you should not miss it. JOS. GOODMAN. BS PORT OF LIVERPOOL STORE, C. Juarez, Mexico. lUL PAr, is8. If HIT The Greatest fYl I 111 I Gold Saving::::::. IT 11 11 1 Machine on earth Territory for sale cheap to the right man. Cam. and see this Wondkrei'l. Machine. 5J Center Block, 5?": El Paso Development Co. box 568. El Paso. 1 r F STYLISH, SINGLE and DOUBLE BREASTED ALL-WOOL... $12. 50 Wa a wll aware that then ar thouandft of Slnrl :iod Oonble ,Bwl DulKOlT.rvd bof prkt, la this i lly m ml elne- ahrre. l.ui Uo huIui eitKood a it are offered In an, other store for ls than from IIS.W to ld.0. It was an exct-ptiona,' oppor tunity tht pUred lht. suits nt our OTjni.nf1. Tt.elr gondiieHH no apptrrnt tht if you tneut It will cot lake much argument a lh irt of our oalMincm to make you a pun h-nfr. 1 he cloths n I' lain b on nd l'ik mlxto r . fnr pnltnrn d ronsb faced :hev ', andno-th fcd rnulmir. rhl'nbly tailored and very rl-t-ably lln.'-l Ordinary and extraordlnar shaped mra Sited with eiual facility, and the uurchuee mon-y return.! if on ara dNsaiUnnd. GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, OOTflTTEIUi FOB MEN AND BOYS. P Interest::: I ! In making up your list of Family Supplies, con sider quality, and call -4T- J. B. Watson's GROCERY STORE. Oor. Baa An ton to f Cn n a 1 CI and Stanton Street. rUIIC IJI 0000000000000 O -r -sx v o o o o o o o o o o o V - - $20 Shampooing, 25c. The latest and best. Cleans the hair and leave. It soft as Ilk. A Perfect Dressing. ..TSlpaso Grocery Co., Cor. Overland and Oregon Sts. o PIANOS On easy payments. 8eloct one of these. All modern style up-to-date 18W goods. The Waverly, Price em 00. The Crown, A Piano and Orchestra combined. The Fischer, The Artistic Piano of A meiica. The Schiller. Copts les. worth 100 cents on every dollar of cost. The A. B. Chase, The only Octavo Pedal. The Decker, Known everywhere everybody. Try them In o"r store, or you may comma d a free recital an" day when you may choose to favor us with your presence. W.'G. WALZ CO., Music Store. Klcycie and Sew ing Machine Depot. EL PASO .... TEXAS SAMUEL SCHUTZ wvAND SON, Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums AND GENERAL Housefurnishing GOODS. San Prancisco Street, EL PASO, TEXAS. MM On terms to suit all 6 Purchasers. A V Plan Tnolns;, PollsbUiK and M Repalrlna;. n W. G. DUNN I A SBO San Antonio St. K A. H. WHITMER. D. D. S. Dentistry in all ita branches. OAc. SaaU F. City Ticket OSaa 3d EDITION, 3:40 p. m. A WORLD BEATER The Illinois Launched This Morning Christened By Miss Nannie Letter. Newport News, Oct. 4. There was never euch a crowd at Newport News at any previous ship launching as today when the great battleship MISS NANNIE LE1TEK. Illinois was christened. They came from everywhere, from north, south, and erpe3ially from the weet. Governor Tanner of Illinois came last night, escorting several hundred pro minent citizens 'from his state. They took up quarters at Hotel Chamberlain and were joined by M(st Letter and her father, who bod arrived on an earlier train. - la the governor's party were twenty members oX his staff and their ladies. Guests from Washington reached tbe scene at 9 o'clock, two hours before the launching. Among the distinguished visitors from tbe nation's capital were, Assistant Secretary of tbe Navy Allen, Chief Constructor Eitchborn, Chief Eogineer Neville, Capt. Crowenshield. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, and General Miles. Governor Taylor cf Virginia, brought up a large party from Richmond. Long before the hour for the launching tbe crowd began to gather about the spot and by 11 o'clock standing room was worth its area in nickels everywhere within a block of the Illinois. Enthusiastic cheers greeted the ar rival of the distinguished guests. Few in the vast crowd could hear the words spoken by Miss Letter, but nearly a'l were able to see her.3As she raised the bottle of wine in her hand and dashed it again the steel battleship the action was a eignal for their enthusiasm to break forth with full force. It is es timated that fully 20,000 people were present at tbe launching. After the launching ceremonies tbe distinguished guests from Illinois, tbe members of the cabinet present acd other persons of prominence we-e taken to Old Point Comfort as the guests of the shipbuilding company and a luncheon was served at Chamberlain's. A SUCCESS. The Mountain and Plain Carnival. Denver, Oct. 4 The Mountain and Plain carnival opened successfully to day. There is an immense number of strangers in the city. The opaning parade pageant of American progress was brilliantly successful. Admiration centered in a series of magnigcent floats depioting scenes of tbe late war, which were the subject of vociferous applause on tbe part of tbe thousands of spectators lining the streets. There was a mammoth representation of the battleship Oregon. The deeds of the miniature battleship were twenty feet in width, and Its masts and smoke stacks projected tosuch a height that it could barely pass under the telegraph wires crossing the streets. The night features of the festival week will be ushered in this evening with an elabor ate and costly pyrotechnic display cal culated to eclipse anything of the kind ever seen westof tbe Mississippi. PUGS AT IT Mysterious -Billy Smith Defeats Jimmy Judd. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 4. Mysterious Billy Smith defeated Jimmy Judd in the 20th round last night before a crowd of about 3,000 persons. Tbe fin ish blow was a right hook on the point of the jaw that sent Judd a reeling. Judd fell limp and unconscious to the floor and Ileferee Austin counted him out. The battle was a hard fought one, but Smith showed a superiority at nearly every stage of the contest and punished Judd severely. A Double Tragedy. Cleveland, O., Oct. 4 A double tragedy was enacted this morning at a board 1 of; house kept by Mrs. Blanche K. Wlnship, a divorced woman, resid ing on Lake street. At 9:25 there was a knock at the door and Mrs. Winsbip looking out of the window saw L. H. Dickerson, a former boarder. She re fused him admission when he forced open the door and shot Mrs. Winship, killing her instantly. He then turned the revolver upon himself, inflioting a wound that oausad Immediate d.ath. A TERRIBLE DEED An Insane Mother Kills Her Four Children. Montreal, Oat. 4,-News has reach ed here of a terrible tragedy which happened Sunday at St. Verin in Beauce county, Quebec. Six years ago Joseph Clou tier, a farmer married Miss Mary Vacbon, 18 years old They lived happily and four children added to the joys of their home. At a parish church two miles away Cloutier sang in the choir. He west, to church Sun day and during services happened to look out of a window toward his home where his wife and little ones were, when he saw flames. He gave the alarm and followed by the congrega tion rushed to bis burning home. The house could not be saved, but in the ruins the bodies of the four children could be seen, their bodies mutilated, their throats cut. The perpetrator of the deed was tbe ud fortunate mother. -Mrs Cloutier suddenly appeared from out of the building and going up to tbe husband told him she killed tbe children and set tbe house on fire. The woman. is insane and it is feared the husband will lose his mind. HEYWOOD IN CUSTODY Corresponding With Senator Quay. Omaha, Oct. 4. Today Benjamin Heywood, ex-state treasurer of Penn sylvania, accused with Senator Qua; and others of speculating with public funds, ia a close prisoner Id a room at the Parton hotel. His aristocratic and pretty wife is witb him. They are in GENERAL MILES SENATOR MATTHEW QUAY. animated correspondence by telegaapb and long distance phone with prosecu ting attorney Graham at Philadelphia, Quay and others. A number of cipher message, have been exchanged. Hay wood explains these transactions bj saying he was traytng to arrange to have bond given at Philadelphia so be would not be subjected to the presence of an officer while returning, Thus far it has not been arranged. On orders from Pennsylvania Hay wood was released at 1 o'clock, . this afternoon. - GENERAL GARCIA To Enter the Employ of the U- S. Santiago, Oct-4. The latest story regarding tbe intentions of Genera) Garcia is that he has agreed to accept a position- with the American adminis tration here. He is to receive 8300 per month and all expenses, it is reported, for acting as a commissioner to go through the country and conduct ne gotiations with the Cuban army with a view of its disbanding. General Garcia, it is said, will be gone on the trip three or four weeks. On bis re turn be will go to tbe United States with General Wood to confer with the authorities at Washington. COMMODORE WATSON Says The To Victory Belongs Schley. Chicago, Oct. 4. Commodore Wat son in an interview printed hero this morning is quoted as saying that the sole credit for the destruction of Cervera's fleet belongs to Schley Dr. Nancy To Return. Washington, Oct. 4. The Secre tary of state received a telegram from the governor gof Connecticut saying that an agent of that state would start to Washington today with copies of the evidence necessary to secure the extradition of Dr. Nancy Guilford from England. Declines The Nomination. New York, Oct. 4. Henry George has declined the nomination for gov ernor tendered him by the silver demo crats because he was too busy writing his fathers biography to engage in active politics. Silver. New York, Oct. 4. Silver 6W. Run Over and Killed. Yesterday as the northbound Mex ican Central passenger approached Montezuma tbe engineer discovered on the track tbe body ot a Mexican wnicn had Deen severed in twain presumably by a freight train which was some dis tance ahead of tbe passenger. The ra mains war. not ld.otlfl.d. Will Tell All About It. Washington, Oot. 4. When Gen eral Miles appears before tbe war scandal commission he will be asked to tell in detail the plans of tbe war de partment in tbe early stages of the war. This will bring out the story of the differences between Miles and Sec retary Alger over the selection of civilian officers for responsible posi tions. A member of Miles staff today told the details of one plan of tbe com manding general, which was ignored, which is pertinent now because of tbe various charges brought against tbe staff officers selected from civil life. When war with Spain was a certainty, Miles scanned with great care the list of retired officers of the army, who, under the law, were subject to the president's orders in time of war. He selected from the retired list 100 officers whose services were available, and recommended tb at they be assigned to the different bureaus of the department in Wash ington to succeed that many officers on the active list, who could then be as signed to duty with the armies in the field, either as commanders or to res ponsible staff places. This, Miles be lieved, would do away with any danger from inexperienced officers, whose blunders might prove costly. It is claimed by Mlles's friends that the recommendations and list were en tirely ignored. Instead of appointing ex perienced officers on the active list for duty in tbe field and letting equally expersenced retired officers perform their duties in tbe war department, the politicians were allowed to name row men for field duty, while the regulars were kept in Washington performing routine work. Tbe flood of complaints and charges which compelled the President to name the war scandal commission are indirectly tracable to the grave error of ignoring tbe commanding general's recommendations. THE BAY STATE ONE OF THE THREE. Holds A Democratic Convention. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 4. Tbe democratic state convention met at 11: 30 this morning. Phillip Doherty of Boston was chosen chairman and addressed the convention. He called upon the delegates to reaffirm the Chicago platform and was heartily cheered. He also spoke of Alger's record in the civil war and severely criticized tbe methods of tbe war department In the Spanish war. George Fred Williams an enthusiastic Bryan man is the controlling -plrit at tbe convention. It is almost certain that Alexander B. Brace of Lawrence will be nominated for gov rnor. The Williams men think be will be a vote getter and anticipate that the labor organizations will brf favorably disposed to bim. He was mayor of Lawrence in 1887, being the youngest man elected as mayor in the history of the city . Bruce was nominated for governor this afternoon. Tendered and Accepted . ; Oyster Bay, . Oat. 4. Colonel Roosevelt was formally tendered, and Citl.ONEI. TllKTOORK KOOSIVKLT accepted, the nomination for governor today. Federal Court. This morning at 9:30 tbe United Sta'es Federal court met, Judge Maxey on the bench. The first case called was that of Ed ward Evey against the Mexican Cen tra'. The court dismissed the suit at the request of the plaintiff he agreeing to pay costs. Thn next case taken up was James A. Edmondson against the Pullman Palace Car Co. for $15,000 damages claimed to have been sustained to bis health because of having slept in the upper berth of one of its cars and it be ing a rainy day the car leaked, which gave bim consumption. Tbe case was still on trial at 12:30 when the court took a recess until 2:30 p. m. at which time the case will be resumed. Utilize Fort Bliss. A prominent citizen says that it is understood that the government is seeking encampments for troops at such points as will assure the health of same, and economy in their mainten ance. He wants to know why Fort Bliss is not utilized for that purpose as it compares favorably with all other posts in the country for health acd maintenance. He suggests that our citizens get together and take immediate steps -to oall attention to these inoontrovertable facts. He be lieves witb prompt acd proper action tbe post oen be garrisoned by four or Ave r.glm.ntsof troops. The Supposed Murderer From Lord . sburg Identified by an Officer. . The delayed train from the west last night brought to this city Constable Harden from Lordsburg, N. M., to identify the young man who was looked up here Sunday night on a charge of being implicated In the murder of Mexican, which ooeurred here last Saturday night. Tois morning at 10 o'clock the up posed murderer was brought from his cell into tbe office of tbe jail by Jailer Blacker and Immediately a vigorous search was made of his clothing. He bad on two shirts, two pairs of over alls and two pairs of socks. Nothing was found on him excepting 75 oente which was in one of the pockets of his overalls. After the examination of his cloth ing was completed the prisoner start ed a further investigation by asking; "What time was this man killed?" "Where were you between It and 1 o'clock on last Saturday night?" asked the constable. "I was in a saloon gambling at that time." "What time did you in company 1th the other two start down tbe rai road track in the direction of the stock pen?" "There were only two of ua." "What kind of a looking man was he that you were with?" "A short, thick-set man, with a moustache." "Same man that was killed," said the constable. "Did you drink any whisky that nigbt?" "Yes, we bought two small bottles just to pass away tbe time." "You say that you left your part ners at the stock yards. What did you leave them for?" " We were all coming east on the freight train and they told me to go on down tbe track and get on and that they would get on where they were. I went as directed and boarded the train when it came along and supposed they did the same thing." "What is tbe murdered man's name?" ( "I do not know. We were all three together and neither knew the other's name." "Did tbe murdered man have a knife with him?" "Yes, he. had a dagger with him about that long." Indicating with his haods about a foot long." As regards to the stains on his over alls whfeb is supposed to he blood, the prisoner said that it was axle greeee which he received while working at Bowie, his jumper shows similar stains. There is- one thing certain; the prisoner was one of the three men who were in Lordsburg Saturday and one of this number was murdered. He gave bis name as Uvalde SUva and says that he has been in EI Pa-o be fore. His borne is in Chihuahua and he went to Bowie a few weeks ago to work on tbe railroad. During the examination tbe pri soner never flinched. He answered every question put to bim in a firm, positive voice and never showed the slightest nervousness. He will be taken to Silver City on tbe afternoon train and will have a hearing tomor row. The Mexican who was found murder ed Saturday night was shot through the bowels and in tbe head and stabbed in tbe breast close to the heart, and with all these wounds he lived several hours, but in a dying condi tion. He could not speak plain enough to be understood and could not tell who the assassin was. When asked If he had money with him when he was shot he shook his head in the affirmative. When asked if the man w bo shot him took his money, he gave tbe same answer The murder occurred tin the S. P. railroad yards about a mile from tbe main portion of the town, near the stock pens.. There has been another Mexican ar rested in Lordsburg who Is charged with the same crime. It seems as if tbe man arrested there was bitter against tbe murdered man, whom he claimed bad insulted his wife and that he would settle matters with bim be fore morning. Now, the question is, did he carry out bis threat and murder this man, or did the boy who was ar rested here do it? The murdered man, whose name can not be learned, is satd to have a wife living in Juarez and it is also said that he has been sending her money regu larly. Fined $5 But Appealed. Jack Hall better known as "Califor nia Jack," was up before justice Dar wood yesterday on a charge of assault and battery 6 worn to by A. D. Dorst, a tinner. Dorst claims that he la company with two others, went into Ball's place and called for tbe drinks and handed Hall a dollar. He says that Hall refused to give him any change and that be made a demand for it when he was struck in the face with a six shooter. Justice Darwood heard the evidence in tbe oase and fined Hall 15, and be immediately gae notice of ant " appeal. Hall bas been before the courts frequently of late and his jolet on Utah street has been the scene of some very lively encounters. When tbe officers went to arrest him for this offense be refused to go without the police had s warrant. One of the offi cers remained to watch while the other went after the warrant, before the warrant arrived, however. Hall conoluded to go to jail and be ac companied the officer to police hf ad quarters. He was docketed and fined $1 for rudely displaying a pistol and then brought before Justioe Darwood to answer to a charge of assault and battery and was fined S5 there. To Destroy the Apple Crop. Dr. J. H Bailey, recently returned from bis orchard at Meeilla, New Mex ico, reports a marked shortage in the ' usually abundant apple crop, due to the ravages of insects. Dr. Bailey es timates his own loss at several thous ands of dollars; and, that, not less than 950,000 worth of apples have been des sttoyed by orchardiets in. and around the town of Mesilla, in the hope of exterminating tbe pests. Con certed effort will be made before tbe next legislature for tbe passage of a law which will enforce the entire des truction of at least one crop of apples, as tbe only means by which the Insect can be gotten rid of. Buy your coal from "O'Brien Coal Co.," the agents and direct shippers frem tbe Garrlllos mines. 'Phnaa t.