Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY HERALD TUESDAY, OCT. 4, ltjyS. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING Cirwpt Kraday Truth, Libert,, Love of Country. J. A. SMITH. General. Manager. H. D. SLATER. Managing Editor. H. I C A PELL. Bp3ines3 Manager. laaarad at tbapoatofflca al El fuo, Tun, ma mall nlMr or nana eiaae. 1IKMS OF WMSONIPTION, Daily, ob year Dall V. all nontoe.. - 1 ISO i -lly, thrva irootha-. 1. L'vilT on montn Weakly on yuf.NMN. ' WNtlr 1 Bwalbi.. Wafelv afcraa miaths.. . eo I too 100 60 I BY OARRIfcN. Th DlItT BlmilD 1 delivered by carries I la Kl taao. Tezaa and Joarea. Mexico, at It canta ear araali. or M eaata Dr month. HahanHtKM falllna In at Taa Hi BALD re- auarlyor promptly afcoild notify Tna H u AUt baslaeae offlco (not tha carrier) la order racalv Imaaadiata attaaUoaw Xalaphon Mo. I la. AOVEIiriSIKO RATES. Kataa of e1 verttilns la tha Dally or Waakly adltloa mad known on application at tha publication ofBc. Orrlnsuptelephonenoni- bar 111 and a uni ..nut M va of tha bnalna department will call and quota prices and ?nratt for iiutfa. Locale 10 eaata par Una la avery taetaaee ror are meeruoa, ana t canta par una tor aaca m 1 IHIonal Inaertloa. Laval notlTM of every deeertptloa It par asa aaca raaaruoa. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Tmm RkiloIi fully prepared to do all Rada of plain aad fane taa lataat atyleay promptly done. joo printing in an ork perfectly and MOT1CK TO TBI fOBUC. A ay erroneous reflection upon tba char acter, standluff, or reputation of any person, Ira, or orp .ratio, or auy mltatatemeut of fact, which may appear lu the Colutnuaof the U iiuld, will be k adly corrected upon ita being brought to the attention of the pub lisher. There is much for a board of trade to accomplish in El Paso. Let one be formed at oooe. Charley Morehead is taking back seat In county politics, except as he works through his aide-de-camp, Charley Patterson. In tbe hotbeds of crime and vice in the large cities the democratic candi dates get their heaviest majorities. Is this not significant? Wk want an electric street oar line, and we want a board of trade. The latter would do more to bring us tbe former than we can hope to accomplish by an unorganized body. A great many of the democratic candidates have en joyed good reputa tions In the community; but those who crawl to Charley Patterson will not be estimated so highly in the future. In the back picey words of Texas the Anstla ring gets the heavy vote that gives them such a majority, Lven populism is more popular with tbe masses who read than democracy. Why is It? Charles III is now the Kiag of El Paso county democracy. His in heritance of the Barns estate is the crowning act of the play. Watch his subjects bow down to him from now un til after tbe convention. Record ek Patterson gave a lit tle exhibition Sunday night, at the Dewsy fleet flag raising festivities, of his powers as a pugilist. Charley is no slouch as a politician legatee or J prise fighter. Long live Charles III. Is it not a beauuiui aUht to see the syoopbants, who pretend to decency, following around after Charley Patter son, willing to do his bidding at all times. If he will but favor them with the nomination of this or tbat office? Charles the third carries the county democratic nominations in his vest pocket. His victory in the Burns will ceemke him more popular than ever with the boy, aod he knows how to turn h.s popularity to good account. Docs Charley Patterson not know that 11 Jim Burns was living that he would not dare to compare accounts? Jim Burns made Coarley Pat erson king of the EI Paso county democracy and tbe little return he gave for it is insignificant. The Dewey fleet crowd seem to be regular "IIotTamales." If tbe Grand Old Commodore had been in range Suoday night we believe be would have turned his guns on tbe pretenders and wiped them off the earth, as he did the Spaniard. Manager -Walker ban been ex hibiting a Texas "dead sure shot" at Coney Islaod. We have a great deal of "sure shot" In El Paso, which came "I from Kentucky, that will knock ou t'd shooting galleries, or aoy other kind of buslness,fater than Mr. Toepperwelnn eaa possibly shojt, even with Man ager Walker with him to load his un. THB parting of wheat and silver con vinced the country that the claim of the stlverltes that wheat aod silver were partners was a fallacy, and now the fact that the banks of the country are full of money,' and tbat commodity plenty with the people, punctures the elalai that taere was aol aaonsy eneagh ; MRS. AV DO WELL nee Mcuoweu passea away at her summer home at Duzbury, Mass., Monday nurbt, Sept. 26, after several months serious illness. Mrs. McDowell gained her greatest suooess as the Russian Princess in "Fedora," about fifteen yer a?n. She was 43 years old the in tbe country to do business on with out the coining of cheap silver into dollars.whlch would have soon been as cheap as tbe mtal they were made of. Recorder Patterson testified in tbe Burns will case that he became in- t mately acquainted with Burns while he (Patterson) was an officer of tbe law. He also testified that Burns's associates were mostly lawbreakers, and that Burns was kept busy keeping these people out of tbe meshes of tbe law. What a spectacle. The head and front of the democratic party of El Paso county testifying that while sworn to up Hold the Jaw he became intimately acquainted with and gained the confidence and esteem of a man whose business kept him continually aiding aod abetting lawbreakers some of whom were of the vilest aad most daogerouB classes? The Kansas City Journal tells of justice of the -peace in Missouri who has renouocea the democratic faith, giving his reasons therefor that he has never known prosperous times during a democratic administration, but on tbe contrary has always noticed that pros perity is abroad in the land when re publicans are in power. There is Mis6urlan in El Paso, a democrat who In 1896 said that be had made every dollar he had during republican administrations and that he never er peeled to make another dollar until the republicans came into power again; and while he hoped McKinley would be elected he would vote for Bryan, as he did not know enough to be anything but a democrat, and he must be loyal to bis party's candidate. DALLAS AND RETURN FOB An Opportunity For Everybody to Go to the ureal state fair. JSverytniog indicates tbat tbe com ing Texas State Fair will be tbe great est in tbe history of the state. The at tractions will be more extensive In variety and greater in magnetio power than in any previous year. To meet tbe general aesire of resi dents in tbe territory tributary to El Paso to visit Uallas at this time, the popular Texas and Pacific bas put in the remarkably low rate of So from El Paso to Dallas and return, good only on Thursday, Oct, , ana Thursday Oct. 13, returning on the Monday folio - lng date of sale. This will give an op portunity of spending tbe entire day Saturday at the fair and enjoying the sights of tbe city on Sunday. Tickets win aiso be on sale daily dur ing tbe continuance of the fair at 24 95 for the round trip. These tick ts will be placed on sale sept. 29, tbe final return limit being Oct. 16, thus allowing time for quite an extended visit with friends or relatives in Cen tral and Eastern Texas. Notice Of Regi-tration. Whereas, a registration of voters rf tbe City of El Pas, Texas, has been ordered by the commissioners' court of ti Paso County, Texas, for tbe ensu ing S'ate and rounty election, to be held on tbe eighth (8) day of Novem ber, 1893. Notice Is hereby given tbat the of fice aod books of tbe registrar of vot er rf said city, will be opened at No. 1UV IN. Oregon street in the room oc cupied by Tbos J. Whlt as a cga- store, on the 4th day of October, 1898, the same being tbe first Tuesday in said month, for the registration of vot ers or saia citv. I be sa'd office ana books will re main open from o a. m. to 8 p. m dally. ror twenty IM) consecutive days, Sun days excluded, and no longer, begin ning onlsaid 4th dav of October, 1898, nri closing on the 26th day of October, 1SH9. Persons not registered as voters 111 not be all'-wfd to vote at said election. Naturalized citizens, having their na turalization papers, are requested to present tbe same when regi-terlng. W. D. Howe. Registrar of voters of tbe City of El Paso, Texas, More Cheap Rates. The pooular Texas V Pacific an nounces the following low excurision ratnfl On account of the Triennial Con lave of Knights Templar to be held at Pittsburg, Pa., Oct 11 to 14. $52.70. On account of tbe annual convention of tbe Christian church at Chattanoo ga. Toon., Oct. 13 to 21, S39.90. On account of the meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy to b held at Houston, Tex.. Oct. 19 to 21, 25.00. The dates these tickets a-ill be plac ed on sale and limits for return will be found in the advertising columns. Old fashions In dress may ba revived, but bo old-fabiooed medicine can ra. place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kaaaady. For sale by ail dragglsts. Yak FANNY DAVENPORT. 10th of April last. BOND ELECTION. will Be Asked For By the School Board. Superintendant Put nam's Report. Last night tbe city school board met in regular monthly session aod transacted more business than at anj ireiuua session ior some time. president liace callea tbe meeting toorderend there were present Jude BUcker, W. R. Martin. A. O. Foster, c a. oneiion. aad Secretary Pew pThe minutes of tbe last two meetings of the board were read and stood ap- prnvea. Secretary Pew asked what he must pay the new teachers who had come In sloce tbe first of the session. Judge Blacker made a motion that thay be paid their proportionate salaries, for tne time wnicn they had taught ii iiuuu carried. bupenotendant Putnam was then 1 t J a . . - caueaonior nis report which was as follows: El Paso, Tex , Cct. 3, 1898. Central school. To tbe Hon. Board of Education, Gentlemen: You will permit me to submit here with my report foi the school month ending S-pt 30. 1898. Tbe tabulated report is as as follow: Central school enrollment 416 Average daily attendance 338 Mesa school , 241 Average 220 Franklin school 218 Average I7fl san Francisco 74 Average 66 Aoy 294 Average 272 KinJergarten . 10.i . 95 .1348 . 673 . 67-r) .1216 Average Total white.... Boys Girls Average daily. Boys. mi Girls 612 Total colored. 74 Boys 35 39 2 32 Girls Average daily... Boys Girls 30 Grand total. 1422: bovs. 708 trirla.714 Average dally. 1278: bovs. 636: rirl. The first month's work indfo& that this term is to be one f tbe most prosperous in the history of the schools as iar as i nave been able to discern. your teachers are unanimously putting forth their best eflorts to make tbe conditions for study and improvement n ineir rooms as iavoraDle as possible. i ou will permit me to commend heartily the zeal generally manifested among tnem. s I am freauentlv in receint of 1 from people elsewhere asking about iur schools, the character of work done, the cauee of study, our connec tion with colleges and universities of tne country etc. mur acoDoia are oecotnioc mofe popular each year with vour own iti zens ana mey are gaining a reputat on irom aoroaa. xour graduates era to tne best institutions of tha country auu cuter ureuinoiv vour intermedial ana primary pupils do with ffl:iencv A A I. - M . 1 i . , . uo wn ui lueir ciaBgea in utn. i tcnoois wberever they may attend tnem. Altoftbese n fluences tend to increase to patronage of your public -chools. Another school hmisa la wanted now. next vear it wiil ho ah. toiute neceesit' : you are now nacino auouau.v over iuu ior rent of school n-uses, and one of them is nnnrlv auapwu to scnooi purposes. ..J 1 . ' THE SCHOOLS CROWDED. your honorable body is awarn that all the available SDsce in the nehnnl buiiaing or tbe city has been utilized iwu rmjLus uivts oeen prepared since your last regular meeting, ono at tha Ceotral building, the other at tbe JAoy school. This is positively tbe lust ex- tens on tnat can be made with vom present roof capacity. It is mv ooini. on, however, that with the exception of mo unseated cnuaren at tbe Aoy i.chool aod perhaps a few from the othr scnoois,in particularly crowded grades. we snail oe coie to accommodate all who apply for places this vear. Whil B.1 1 . 9 1 a . tne enrollment win aouotless run to louu or j tw, tne average attondancn win prooaDiy not be verv much freat. er than it is this month. r rum present inuicauons. next veur . r if . ! win uo impossiD'e, with your present accommodations, to seat the children who apply at your sooooi nouses ior entrance. The daily average attendance is 968 more tban ror tne same month last year. The ao tual enrollment is 300 more Notwith standing you hava added foar teachers to your last year's force, there are s'ill about eighty children who have only naif-day sessions and quite a number itnout seats at all. The city la still growing. El Pao has becima an ndu- catlonal center for this western coun try. Miners of New Mexico, old Mexi co and west Texas locate tbir families nere tor the educatiooal advantairpa. Stockmen, railroad, men and moo of all classes for hundreds of mile arouod expect to educate their children here. AS to how this nrlrli tin ri ll building shall be provided I consider It beyond my authority to aay, bat la jusUoe to tbe children ef SI Paso, I regard it my duty to urge your 1 aooorable body to take immediate tteps for the provision of another building. If bonds are issued it will t.ake nearly the whole year to go through the proceedings of. an elec tion and erect the building. THE HIGH SCHOOL. It wil doubtless be of interest and gratification also, to tbe board, to learn that of your seven graduates last year, three have entered univer sities one tbe university of Texas, the other two the university of Illinois. I am informed that two entered with out examination, tbe other stood the required examination and passed cred itably. The attendance in the high scnool this year is larger than it baa ever -been. Trie-enrollment in this de oartment is 118, while your graduating class numbers seventeen, nearly twice as many as you have had in any prev ious year. Tola is certainly an encour aging record. It is a notable fact that the graduating classes of the high schools all over the country have a pre ponderance of girls. How to secure a bet'er attendance of boys is a problem which has not yet been solved by high schools. In the solution of this problem high cbools have to contend against two potent adversaries one is an insatiate desire to rush into tbe whirl of busi ness life and make money. This in fluence is so powerful among our pec pie in tbe west particularly that par eots, youths and even children are e' fected by it. Tbe cry is Make Money! Make Money! and everything is sacri ficed to this end. The other influence Is the laxity of parental authority. The good old days when a boy was a boy until he was twentv-one, and a girl, was a girl uoiil she was eighteen, and hen parental authority was respected aoa cu-Jiormeo to so long as children remained under tbe family roof are ra pidly parsing. The b b'lcal Injunction "Children obey your parents"has been reversed. Tbe temptation to active boys to get out into -the mooey (and tbe parent is usually powerful indeed. world and make temptation of tbe about as great) i A high school to bold boys in this age of push and money making must have about it tremendous influences. More than ere offered by the mere fact of s'udy. You put berore the average American b y hard work in Arithmetic, Algrehra Grammar, Geome ry, Latin, Lite rature etc.. also a salary, open air ireeaom contact witi tbe world aod tbe fascloat'oo of business, aod leave him to his chaoice, and nine out tf ten of them will choose tbe latter. Under our present conditions this is really w i at occurs, and this is one of the main reasoLS there is such scare! j of boys in our high schools. T , . 1 - i . no uuuest teacner win try to lead a pupil over any "royal road "or through aoy "nigh cut" in order to reach toe goal of mental developmentand culture. it is only reached by bard work, con unud and persistent effort, diiigenr application. Tbe things can b done in no other war. Hence the High schools cannot offer such allurements as are extended from the outside world. But a b'-altny,-permeating, educational atmosphere caused by tbe silent but potent influence of competent, wide awake sym pathetic teachers creating epantaneously among dudiIs a strong v felt desire for growth and improvement together with the stimulating effect? of mutual confidence and sympathy are powerful forces for cauoter- acttngthe baneful effects of parental laxity ana mooey making. These are the means to which we at tach the most importance in keeping tha boys in school. As an aid to these ends, also, your tescher of musij ha organized with proper regulations and restrictions a glee club. with th- double object of training tbe boys in music, and holding them together as clasee. Also, a company of high school cadts has been organized which will ha un der the supervision of your, public schools, and drilled by tbe principal of your high school show no doubt that many benefl's will be derived from these organizations. We hope to create a strong class unify and make the school life of tbe boys as attractive as possible, and at the same time give tbem a polish and gentlemanly bear iog which will be valuable to tbem through life. THE PLAY GROUNDS AT THE CENTRAL SCHOOL. 1 desire to cul the attention of the board to tbe fact tbat tbe boys at the Central school building have no play ground except in th-j streets. The board, I tbiok, bas discu-eed this sit- atiun before. ' While tbe same condi tion has existed since tbe erection of tie Central build mg, tbe danger to tbe cnuaren ns not been eo great from tbe reason tbat there have not been so many children at the Central building ana mere nas not been as much pass ing in tne streets as we nave now. A I though at recess and no- n hours, there Is always a tf a ;ber on the grounds to prevent accid-n's,we do not know what moment one may ccur. Tbe pub ic generally Is very con-iderate and care ful when driving by the 6choolhou?e,but wnen tcere ara two to tbr e bundrtd l'ttlo fellows playing, and inteintlv in terested in their fun, right out in the middle or tbe atreet, where there is so much passi- g, there is danger even ith tbe greatest rare that can be taken; while a reckless driver ora run away bc-i-e is liable to go by at any time. It ba seemed -to me tbat the board might lease or purchase the lot io the rear of tbe building, and get the street commissioner to put it in suit- aDie cor attion for a piv ground, and enable us to take the children off the streets during recesses and noons. - VACCINATION. Under the direction of tha uresidpnt of your Board, we have caused all the children attending the rjubl'o schools, to be vaccinated, or bring certlfloa'es from physicians saying vaccination was not necessary. TUITION. collected during I have collected during t.h month tuition amoumin? to TEACHERS ABSENT. The following teachers hava bean ah- sent during tbe month on account of Bloknpfs: Miss ktrly Barlow 1 dav ... ina Kimuin 0''AiUU - - Mis Julia Logn 1 " Miss Gertrude Lobb I Mifs Florence Tnorntoo ". 5 ' Xhe fo. lowing- substitute hav hn employed : Mra Sudie Nff 3 dava. f9 Ofn Mrs. Leich Clark 7 Cava. 1121.00, Very respectful iv submitted, G. P. PUTNAM. Suot. citv schools, El Paso, Texas, To be continued tomorrow. 1 Payne-Badger Coal Alestor, Cerrilloa aad anth raclt; fnal cord and btove wood, yard Second and Chihuahua streets. Telephone No. 11. Iadeoendent Assay Office. Establish (Ml 1888. W.RECKHA.RT, Affent for Opa Rhlnnnra Aaea- ssavs and Chenr lcal analvsls Mines iaml' ed and repi Mines examined and reported upon. Bullion work a annclaltp. P.O box 88 Office and Labor tr-: Cor "an Francisco and Chihuahua Bts. EL PASO. TEXAS Texas & Pacific excursions. 'No Trouble to Answer Questions.' Omaha, Nab. and return, account Exposi tion rmrty-aay tickets, r c lie ts good ior rworn until ovwmoer la. El Paro to Chicago a d Return Auk. 6-11 Sept. 9-16; Oit. 2-Nov. J. Return limits. Aue. 20, Sept. 24, Nov. 13, respectively. Certi ficate p'an, acc unt meetings Interstate Morcnat is Association; ftjn. 60 Dallas and return Account. Wtate Fair. On Thursday. Oct. 6. and Thursday. O 1. 13. irood o r-tur lo'l'-wlng Mondxy. $5. Tickets will te on sale dally rro-n S?pt. 29 to -Oct. 15. in cln-ive, good returning until Oct. IT, at 4.W El Paso to Waco ad retni-nOct."3, 4.'5 and 0; tld GO. Finn I return limit. O toberli. Ac count Baptist, general convention. E Paso to Washington. D. V.. and return $72 6'.; for delrgaes to Protestant Ep 8' opal church convention, Oct 6-2H. and Women Auxiliary or Missionaries. Oct. tt-lu. C'erti ncate plan. Kl aso to Pittsburg. Pa . and return--Oct 8 and 7, (ot.'O. Good returning until Oct. 15. and may be extended to O t. 31. Account rrie-niain;onc ave Kn gtits Ten nlar. E Paso to a hrMeard return SO; for ae eg tea to ftll'slsslpti valley Me leal A 8"ci tiou meeting Oct. 11-14. Certificate PIMD. jli r-aiO to Cba'tanoogii, Tnn.. and return f 39.90, Oct. Sand 10. Return limit Oct. 34. wnve tion ' b 1-tian Church. FlPasotoH uston, Tex. and return Oct. 17. i5. Return limit Oct.. g?. Account meet- loe aaugnters "t tbe Confederacy. Tourist Cars from El Paso via Ft. Worth and Kansas CI1 y to Chicago every Thursday. These cars are Clean, Well Furnished and ool: especially adapted to Summer Travel. Tickets ara no un Bale from El Paso to Mineral Wells the Great Texas Health Re sort at 124.60, good for sixty days from date ui saie. rorotnnr inrormanon inquire or A. W. MONTAGU. Depot Ticket Agt.. or B. F. DARBVSQIKE. Southwestern Freight and Passenger Agent, in tit r.i mm wi r;i rex aa Santa Fe Route List. Excursion Omaba. Neb., and rptnrn. Anwnnh v.-rnn- altlon. Thirty day tickets. Sno.20. Tickets go-xi ior return until November 15tb. S60 2& Kound trip summer tourist tick ets on saie as follows: Char estown. W. Va ,.:'0. Detroit. Mich.. t79.9fi Lake Rlmntui. ens lit. .-Montreal, oue . gS 85. Magtra Falls. 1 06: Pit'sburir. Pa.. riii.7ii: Orwh! o $101.85: St. Paul. Minn , 873 95: Toronto. On- tario, vo; aiuwauueo. 73.10. Nat'l Ass'n, Merchants & TraveFers Meet ing Chicago, Sept. 14th to 21st. Nov. Vnd tn i. rare aua on 'tnra ror the rouud t-lp. .iiitcto bi&iu Dupu nia to lBtn. ana Oct. oi wj .xot. on. uoai limit sept. Sth, and Nov. 12th. Certiflcat Plan Bummer tourist tick -ta nn aala tj TlonvA. Colorado Syrians and Pueblo at regular sum- i merra'es, gooa ror return until October 81. ixiw round trio rates will be In ofTpr-t. tn all points, during tbe months of June, July, and August. It's a pleasure to us ro give you r-lteS. and all IKM-Ws-Mr, lnfrt.mat.lnn a . .-. J.S tintfRisni F. B. HOUGHTON. Oltv Ticket Aitent i-l . l a . - " "WF.LCS FARGO TtDrLniNG.' SOUTHERN PACIFIC MORGAN LINE STEAMERS In case of quanentine res- trictions at New Orleans ar- rangmenis nave Deen per- tected withproperauthonties to have inspectors at Morgan Line Pier at Algiers, who will give certificate that Mor gan Line shipments have been handled direct from Ship to car, thus prevent ing detention; therefore, Shipments to and from New York and vicinity via Mor gan Line will sufferno de lays. T. t. Hunt., Com'l Apeo, So. Pao. Co.. Dr. M. Ramser,, Practice limited to NOSE THROAT. Spatacles accurately Htted. MOREHOU8R HIMK. OREGON BT. w. e. ratliff DENTIST Crown and Bridge work done at rea sonable prices. All work guaranteed. ROOM IB - - - SHELDON RT.DG O FOSTRR. ATTORN EY-AT-L. W. Special attention iriveo to Real Es- ' ate and Probate Law. Will prac'" . n all the courts. ROOM 8. MUNDY BLOCK. ti KA8H. . . TTOTAR Herbert S. Williams M. D.; C. JH. Practice l'mltad to Eye, Ear Nom and Tfcroai. - - - - EAR.... MCSBT BLM, Ipmpbell Real Estate Co 1 sr : - - 3. ZZ This company has business and residence lota for sale on easy 3 T terms. Will exobange lots for labor and building materials. j-T Will sell lots on monthly payments. Will exchange lota for 3 - improved property. Houses built to suit purchasers on easy 3 terms. Call at our offioe in the Sheldon block. r g - B. F. HAMMETT, Manager. If UUiUiUiUiiiiUlUiiiUiUiUUlfiUiUliiiUiUUiiUlUiUiUUiiLK THE STAR LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Comer Wet Overland aad Santa We Streets. "fflggSfragl -THE ONli MORGUE IN THE CITY.- I. SOHLDSTGER, sNew York Tailor MAKVK OF -sStyish. effect Fitting Cothes.s- AT LOWEST PRICES. Work speaks for itself Dne trial will convince vou. SHE3LTOM Gives the FOR HOUSEHOLD AT THE LOWEST. Try Him 116 Oregon Street. "SOMETHING NEW f. At SPRINGER'S, All of our new goods to T H. BP RXNGrOER, rurniture, Orookery ahd CDeLxrjp&te. 216 San Antonio Street. HOUCK & DIETER, IMPORTERS and JOBBERS FINE WINES AND WHISKIES A fWWTSl tYivJ WILLIAM J. IMP BBBVfina OO. 8b. Loots. Mo aUMUO AUr 1 PABST BBBWINQOO.. MUwaukae. WU. 213 El Paso St. Washington Dining Hall. No. 4, TAY BLOCK, Little Plaza. BEST RESTAURANT IN CITY. - ALL THE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON. RBOULAR, IS TO S P' If. V H1NO & OO PROPS JUNO "3rOXJNrO. IfaR Link Restaurant, 13113 Ell Paso Street. A First-Class Short Order House. CVnfvri Dv and NTight. J. K. McGIBBON, SUB El Paao Street, New and. Second STOVES, ST. CLAIR STEEL RANGES, CROCKERY, LAMPS. GLASSWARE, ETC. Refrigerators Cheap Emerson & Berrien UNDERTAKERS 324 & 326 El Paso St. Phones 71, 68, & 1 9 Hearse and Carriages Furnished: Fine Merchant And dents' Furnishing Goods. n wr PA80 HTPHUT, The Most Direet Line to Kansas City. St. Louis. Paul, Omaha, Boston, New York and Philadelphia. a Northern Through Trains. Smooth Track. Fast Time. Klegant Pullmau Pallace SleeDera on cars to Denver, Kansas City and Chicago. Tourist Sleeping cars semi-weekly to St. Paa and Minneapolis and onco each week to 8t. Louis A Boston. I All trains not having dining cars Harvey Full Information cheerfully furnished .T. S. MORRISON, City Ticket Aitent. Office. Faryo Bulldlns. Corner El Paso irttun pviuss a mm iuoa.uu tro rvBeUOG Oj OT VIA Mexican Central Ry. By this route you tiavel COMMODIOUSLY, QUICKLY, CHEAPLY AND SAFELY. Pullman Palaoo Sleepers are run between Kl Paao, Mexloo Guadalajara aod Tampico. . , ' For ratas aad othsr Informatloa, apply y on" 82 J- CALDWELL. Prop. Caldwell Undertaking Co. 305 S. El Paso Street, ' The Leading Undertakers, Phones 107 and 02. CALL8 ANSWERED DAY OR NIQHT. J. E. NAQLEY. Manager. 806 l-o San AntnnlA Mr. Highest Price GOODS. AND SELLS ALL ISTBTVSn old stock was burnt and must have take their place. SL.PASO THiaCtVS. El Paso. Texas Opera House Block. - hand JBirnitrLPe in Order to Close .Out. Kit PASO WAS Ghieaim. Oe nver. St. and Eastern Points all thmnirh trains. Dallv Tonrlit aton for meals at the famona Santa m. cii. upon application to p. B. HOUGHTON, General Agent. and San Antonio Streets ' Tailoring, el paso, xax. B. J. yCUMN' Cwanmerofal A&mt, Bl Pot