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HERA Vdss-ssii Tii Wh Mi iHt' ' El Paso Piano Co 1 A BIQ TMlU j -FOR A j SMALL PHICE. i The Herald home or buaiuess I AMim .....I6C. PER WEEK. 11S San Francisco Bt. Sell on Easy Terms. Prices Bight, Bert Stock In the Boutnwea. uomnwi- dene, ollelt EL PASO, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1898. PRICE FIVE CENTS. S1L FASO BA Tl 1 irr VOL. XVHL NO. 225 sMssWssslsWsMs1ssssssMssssWs OOSMUA . RAYNOLD8. President; ULYSStS STEWART, Oeahlar; THE FIEST NATIONAL BANK El Paso, CaDital and SurDlus H. L. NEWMAN, Banker, W. M. AUSTIN. Os"; El TPaso. A General Banking er Mexican Money and Exchange Bullion Bought, a Arm x ucrvau 9. R. MOREHEAO, rV-tsMant; J.O. LAOKUNO, Oaahier: STATE NATIONAL BANK Established A legitimate banking business transacted in sll its branches Exchange on 11 the cities of the Cnlted States bought st psr. Highest prices psld for Mex- losa Dollsrs. JUAREZ r Banco Comercial of Chihuahua, CAPITAL, $600,000. May and Mil Mexican Money snd Exchange on all the principal cities of the Republic of Mexico, the United States snd Europe. A General Banking DmaCTOMSt IUT9 TSRRAZAS; ENRIQUE O. OR K L: JOl M. r a J i d MAXIMO ttRAKACIR: LOI4TKBHAZA8. Jr. dvl Jum, alMJlFU KKUUDtH, MmmJMr.r LES1HSKY. A.BOLOMUN. B. P. MICHELHON. B. J. FREUDENTHAL, Presldeot, Vice President. Secretary. General Manager the H. LESINSKY CO., Wholesale Grocers, and JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. We carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and guarantee all our goods nrst Isss. We solicit the trade of dealers only, and give especial attention to mall orders. SBLLINd OUTjsta- TO CLOSE I have decided to sell out my Juarez store, and invite the people of this city and vicinity to come and make their purchases, taking advantage of the low prices at which the goods will be sold. This is an opportunity to buy cheap and you should not miss it. JOS. GOODMAN. PORT OF LIVERPOOL STORE, C. Juarez, El Paso Development $10, $12. W. nr well aware that there are thousand of Slnvle and Double rWauod Suit offered at the b)'e prices In this city and els wtere, ta ti snood . tbee sr. offered in tm other store lor ! than, from iS.60 to iliUH. It was an exception. oppor tunity that placed ltiee suits at our rommknd. Tnelr gonOuexH Um apparent that If you set) In era It will rot take much argument on the prt of our snlrfMir.en to make you a pun h.aer. Thn cloth areHaln l'ur .Dd Mark nilxturea, fancy pattern-d rough facnd ebevlots, and iro"Hi faced e ass I me res, f.shl'-nHbly tailored and Tery erl-eably Uoe1. ordinary aad eitraordln.rv shaped men Sited with equal f:cllltr ud the purchase money returned If you ar. di-aat lotted. GOLDEN CLOTHING OCTflTTERS FOR M. W. FLOURNOY, Vlee-Pr.sld.nt JOS. r. WILLIAMS. Asst. Oaehler. Texas, SI60.000 H. L. NEWMAN, Jr., Aeat. Oaahier. Texas. Business Transacted Bought sad Bold. Gold sad Bllrer puai.3 c . JOSEPH MAQOFFIN, Vice-Praaldent; J. H. R J8SELL, Aeat Oaahier. April. 1881. BRANCH thr - Business Transacted. ). ORSB L: JO. M. FA J JTKRHAZA8. Jr. Ythe.r Bueo Mitero of Chihuahua. BUSINESS! Mexico. PAr, 1898. MINT The Greatest Gold Saving::::::. Machine on earth Territory for sale cheap to the right man. Call, and see this Wondereitl Machine. P-uP Rli-rL- 4fc NeittofllacWs LClllCI UlULrt) 't? Grocery Store.::: Co. box 568. El Paso. STYLISH, SINGLE and DOUBLE BREASTED ALL-WOOL... SUITS. 50 N D EAGLE HOUSE, MEN AMU BOYS. IjHE $15. Here's A POINTER.... dp To P Interest::: In making up your list ! of Family Supplies, con- sider quality, and call j -AT- J. B. Watson's GROCERY STORE. Cor. San Antonio aad Stanton Street 0000000000000 o $20 Shampooing, 25c. g The latest and best. Cleans the hair and leaves It soft as silk. A Perfect Dressing. .ELPAS0 O Grocery Co., O a Cor. Overland snd Oregon Sts. O PIANOS On easy payments. Select one of these. All modern style up-to-date ltS goods. The Waverly, Price K00.00. The Crown, A Piano and Orchestra combined. The Fischer. The Artistic Piano of America. The Schiller. Costs les, worth 100 cents on every dollar of cost. The A. B. Chase, The only Octavo Pedal. The Decker, Known everywhere andjby every body. Try them In o"r store, or you may corn ma d a free recital any day when you may choose to favor as wltb your presence. WG. WALZ CO., Music Store. Bicycle and Hew ing Machine Depot. LPA0 - - - - TEXAS SCHUTZ bsss-AND SON. Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums AND GENERAL Housefurnishing GOODS. San Francisco Street, EL PASO, TEXAS. A On terms to suit all 8 Purchasers. Plana Tnnlnr. Pnllhl Repairing. ) W. G. DUNN SSO San Antonio St. A. H. VYHITMER. D. D. S. DentUtry in all its branohea. OSes sver Santa Fs City Tlck.t Offl.a. . "Fone151 JDZa PASO, TBXAB -, .n n - Itr" SAMUEL 3d EDITION, LIEUTENANT HOBSON Takes Some Large Guns Into San tiago- Santiago de Cuba, Oct. 5.-Lieuten- ant Hobsoa has b roug-ht to Santiago a number of six inch guns sod ord cacce of smaller calibre which was taken from the Almirante Oquando, Vizcaya and Infanta Maris Teresa. He will start 70 men st work savin? LIEUT. HOBSON. the Cristobal Colon today. The men will have to build shacks on the shore to live In. Hobson la still con fident of his ability to save the Colon. The Infanta Maria Tereza will be ready to sail for the United States from Guantanamo next Monday. Lieutenant Hobsoa ssys he will eave all the big guns from the Spanish ships as soon as the derrick boat arrives. The air bags and compressed air ap paratus ior tne worK on tne tjolon are here. GENERAL WHEELER Vindicates the War Department. Washington, Oct. 5. General Wheeler resumed his testimony before the war investigating commission to day. The review of the charges form ulated by the New York World which was interrupted by adjournment yesterday continued 'If there were any 'camp horrors,'" said the witness after some charges bad been read, "the commander of the camp was responsible, for he had au thority to get all that was necessary for the comfort of the men. I do not believe there was anv lack of food." LEAVE M0NTAUK Sixth Cavalry Off To Huntsvllle, Ala. Montack Point, Oct. 5. Camp Wikoff is being thinned out. The sixth cavalry left this morning for Huntsville, Ala. This week companies F. and G. of the engineer corps and the 10th cavalry (colored) get sway to the aroe camp. If the seventh infantry had been sent, according to Colonel Young's reoommendatlon only the three remainlag companies of the en- pi eer corps and the signal corps would be left. GOOD NEWS Sickness Among the Soldiers De creasing. Santia'GO, Oct. 5. The sicknees among the fifth regulars has great ly dlm'nisbed. Only 157 of 650 men are unable for duty now. Yellow fever is rapidly dlssappearing. Favorable reports were received from the 9th im munes, 25th Kansas and 5th volunteers who are encamped on San Luis Plateau. AGONCILLO Left Washington For Paris This Morning. Washington, Oct 5. Senor Agon cillo represeatative of the Philippine revolutionary government left Wash ington this morning on the way to Paris where he win lay nis claim before tthe peace com- AGONCILLO. missioners. Regarding the re sult of his mission here he said: "It is s mistake to say that we are dissatis fied wltb what has been accomplished for the Philippines since we have been in Washington. While we have not accomplished ail that could have been desired by our government and our people, yet we are fully satisfied." m B 1 m . waa, a. 4:30 p. m. P. M. GENERAL Charles Emery Smith's Address. Omaha, Oct. 5. This is Pennsyl vania Day and Postmaster General Chas. Emery Smith was the orator of the occasion. His remarks were con sidered significant of the administra tion's stand on the questions discussed. Smith took up the discussion of the war and its consequences. "The halo It has held upon American arms," he said, "and the glory with which it has exalted American names, fills us ith just pride and exultation. Reluctantly accepted by the president and only under the supre.ue mandate of humanity -and justice once under taken, and the unerring sureness of its aim, the unfaltering vigor of Its direc tion and the unbroken - sweep of its success, stand unmatched on the pages of war. "The resplendent victories of . Ma nila and Santiago, the swift creation and mobilization of the military force, equal to' contending armies with which Napoleon and Wellington de cided the fate of Europe at Waterloo, the annihilation of the two Spanish fleets and the capture of two Spanish armies, ti'ie complete extinction of Spanish cohv nial power, once the pillar of tht mightiest empire on earth all this ac complished in a hundred days, with marching success absolutely unbroken, and magnitude of result still unmeasur ed and with loss all told, including ravages of disease, far less than in pro portion to the number involved than that of any other war. of history. "This war opened s new career snd we joyfully turn from its thrilling drama to the grandeur of kthe peace ful mission which it ushers in. We turn to the contemplation of peace and its duties with the consciousness of new position and new power. We have stepped out on the broad stage of the world's action, we have ad vanced from continental dominion to the world's influence." GENERAL LEE Receives an Oration at the Theatre. New York, Oct. 5. General Fitz hugh Lee went to Wallicks theatre last night in full uniform. He recelv- GEN. KITZ HUGH LEE. ed an unexpected ovation. At the close of the first act a bouquet of flowers was handed Alice Neilson, who was sing ing the leading role in "The Fortune Teller," She promptly burled the flowers at the general in his box. The house cheered, vociferously. Then all the actors crowded on the stage and sang "The Star Spangled Banner" in which the audience joined. Many per sons came to Lee's box for a shake of his hand. Quite an informal reception was held interrupting the performance for some time. May Go to the Coast of Spain. Washington, Oct. 5. To make s demonstration on the coast of Spain, in the event that the Paris commission fails to agree promptly on a treaty of peace, is said to be the actual purpose of the battleships Oregon) and Iowa, with a fleet of colliers, and other ves sels which are now ostensibly prepar ing for a long voyage around Cape Horn instead of going to Manila. This is believed to be the real explanation for the delay. Boston and Petrel off For Tien Tsln. Washington, Oct. 5. Admiral Dewey cabled the navy department to day that be had sent the Boston and the Petrel off to Tien Tsin yesterday. He does not state why the Baltimore was not sent but It is supposed the Boston was substituted because she can get up closer to the city. Will Lay It On Sampson. New York, Oot. 5. A Washington dispatch to the Herald says that the army official intend to try to make Sampson a seapegoat for the deplor able condition at Santiago. Another Witness. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 5. General Jos. P. Sanger left this morning for Washington to testify before the in vestigatlng committee. Ji ItlfcY anUULU meynereme un minystogo New York Tribune. Demand All the Philippines. Paris, Oct. 5. The American peace commissioners held a secret session to day. General Merrltt was closeted with them during the meeting and discused the situation In the Philip pines. There is much speculation here as to what the United States will claim concerning the Philippines, but nothing definite can ba learned. The opinion is growing here that the American commissioners will-demand all the islands. An Uninteresting Election. Atlanta, Oct. 5. An election is being held throughout Georgia todsy for the choice of a governor and other state officers. The campaign has been one of the most uninteresting seen in Georgia in many years, all parties having evinced little interest in the contest. The election of Allen D. Cancler, the democratic nominee for governor, is conceded. ' A Million Dollar Fire. Clarksville, Tenn.,Oct. 5. A fire broke out in the Grange Tobacoo Warehouse occupied by Gill and Turn- ley, general storage of tobacco, this af ternoon, burning about 4,500 hogsheads of tobacco. Loss on tobacco and build ing estimated at nearly a m llion. Declared Him Untruthful. Denver, Oct. 5. Chaplain Mclntyre was subjected to the most rigid cross examination today by the judge ad vocate who made a sensational state ment that purposed to impeach the credibility of the witness, declaring .Sim untruthful. Shot to Death. Annapolis, Md., October 5. At 2 o'clock this morning, Smith Wright, colored, who assaulted Mrs. James Mor rison, a white woman, on the night of Sc -pt. 2, at her home near Jones Sta tion, was taken from jail here by a mob and, fliiot to death. Mountain and Plain "Denver, Oct. 5.--The Mountain and Plain festival proceeding today was a band concert participated in by twenty six organisations. A Hutchison, Kan sas, band is expected to carry off the first prize. Training Him For Congress. This morning while the Herald re porter was On his rounds Charlie Pat erson called to him and said: "If you fellows keep on expatiating on my qualities 1 wil 1 sure go to the legisla ture, as that was the way that the Hon. Miles Crc'wley landed where he is at present, f -He was first de nounced as a wa "d heele,r then he was sent to the 1 egislature and the papers in ODposlti'on to him jumped on him and be was e.'ected to the State Senate. Then the y tried to have him impeached, and tha only gave Miles som free advertising for the race which he made for c ongress. He made the race and was e.tected. Now that is the eood work wbiib is being don for me by the Herald, so you can keep on if you want toi" The New Fire Department and Jail Building. The local architects are busy as can be making tbe plans ror tee new cn.y building which they e:cpect to present to the council st lt meeting tomorrow night. Some of the ;srchiteM5ts have kept the plans which they b ad sub mitted before but have out dow n their walls, to as to cheapen the coat Jf the buildings and have cbanged the 1'nslde finishing, but on the whole have .kept the original ideas. One of. tbe architects said: "We have made a very careful calculation of the cost and we are willing to stake our commission in the matter that we can put up our building for thie amount tbat we say we can If tbe others are not willing to do the same I thlnb: that the council ought to require it of them for they might go abead and put up any kiad of a talk for tne job and 'when the time comes to putting up the building, four the money they say they, then it is all out of the question, for they can't put up a fanoy buildLng at a cheap building price." Our Latest Torpedo Craft. The old saying, "When in peace pre pare for war," is illustrated by the .fact that although tbe war with Spain is over the navy department will open bids for tbe conptructlon of a dozen tirpedo boats and of sixteen "destroy ers" of the most Improved order. The torpedo-boats will be what might be termed the Por'er improved. They will coat about 8175,000, and will have a speed of at least twenty-six knots an hour. The torpedo-boat destroyers are exceptionally fine boats; they may real ly be said to be the Spanish "destroy ers" bettered. They will cost about $295,000. K. G. Skerrett, wbo gives tbe details of tbe plans in Harper's Weekly, thinks that competition will be lively, and tbat every ship yard ' on both coasts is apt to take an acti ve part. Base Ball. The home team having heard bo much concerning tbe Alamogordo ball team, are makincr an effort to get up, a trame with them. Tbe Alamoeoi-do team is stild to be made up of first cl ass eastern ball players and tbe ho me team is more than anxious to mi set them. Buy voor coal from "O'Brien C oal Co.," the. agents snd direot shippers from th, Cerrlllos mines. 'Pboae V. Camp Wikoff, Montsuk Point, L. I. One of tbe regulsrs, wbo wss with his regiment, snd was present at the battle at San Juan Hill, related a little Incident of his observation a few days ago as be sat In the shadow of a tent in the company street trying to keep cool. " Wbeu the battle was over," he said, "I started out to take a walk up the hill, and I was partio-larly interested in noting just what things the regiments discarded first when they went into action. The first I came across were intrenching tools, cooking utensils, knives and other things of like character which the soldier usually carries with him in the field. The ground all about was strewn with them. A little further up, possibly half way, I came across the rations that had been thrown away, and away up near the top of the hill the last of all to be discarded were tbe Testaments snd prsyer books the Young Men's Christian association had distributed while we were still in Florida. There were a great many of them aloner tbe crest of the hill, but I think the eood people of the association would be glad to know that the men threw away everything else that might prove burdensome or in tbe way, even to their rations, which were scanty enougb. before they gave up the Tea tamcnt tbat had been given them." A Sickening Smell. Yecferday afternoon as tbe reporter was traveling east on Sao Antonio street he was stopped by the shrieks of a property bolder on that street. The reporter stopped and was treated to the following, which, of course, wss great ly enjoyed: "Whst in h 1 ithe matter with tbe city authorities. There laysa dead dog out in tbat field-that stinks so bad that the neighbors in this vicinity cannot stand it We reported the matter to the chief of police snd to the city scavenger yesterdsy and nelgher of them have paid sny at tention to it. It is a disgrace to the olty to have the tax-payers subjected to this kind of treatment and 1 wish you would mention it in as strong words ss possible in the HsB- ald. The dead dog complained of is on the commons between St. Vrain and Hill streets on San Antonio and throws out a very sickening odor. Yesterdsy afternoon s crowd of workmen employed by J. C. Ronan, piled several feet of dirt on top of the dog and confined the objection able smell strictly to the dog. It is very dangerous this time of the year to allow dead animals to decay in the hot sun, especially in a country where smallpox thrives. Federal Court. The time of the Federal Court was occupied this morning listening to the argument in the case oi isa mondson asrainst tbe Pullman Palace car company, for $5,000 damages. Tbe case it is thought will be finished this afternooD. The Federsl Grand Jury returned the foltowing indictments for this morning. United- States against Chas. Bee cbsm, smuggling horses. United States vs. Luciano Terisxo, same offence. United States airsinst Eogenio Rod riguez, smuggling chile pepper. United States against Telesfaro Tap alacio, smuggling horses. United S ates versus Jesus Bezs and Domingo Ortega. Smuggling. United States against John Barins coyleand Epetaoio Aguirre. Smuggling mescal. United States against Sing Song for unlawfully smuggling of and fixing or counterfeiting papers for Chinese com ing into the United States. The District Grand Jury. The Grand Jury returned the follow ing indictments this morning: Franc'seo Alonda; Assault with In tent to commit robbery. L. E. Rumbaugh, one for theft of pereuu sou nouwer iur uurisi. Four cases against A. W, Morris for embezzlement.. Rito Patillo, one for theft of person and another for burglary. E. W. Randolph; theft. John John son theft James Ulanahan, theft. W. E. Barry burglary. Ponef ario Sanez burglary. Jose Rillos alias Jose Ramerez bur glary. Cristobal Gonzales; theft. William Boties burglary. Jak Philips, one for theft and two for burglary. Deeds Riled. i A. M. tioomls deed to Millard Pat terson, in consideration of $300, an un divided i in" teres t in lots 7 and 8 of block 102 of Campbell's addition to the city of El Pat e. Millard Patterson in consideration of $300 deeds to A. M. Loomis an un divided i interwt to lot 9 in block 2 and lot one and south balf of lot S la block 58 of Camp-bell's addition to the city of El Paso. A. F. Wallace todsy deeded to Allea Hart for a consideration of $500 lots aid 2 of block 235 ot the city of El Psso according to the msp of Campbell's ad dition. A Wreck Near Engls. Train No. 33 due INere at 7:35 this morning broke in two on a hill near Engle N. M. early this morning and, it is said one car is off the track and two more are badly damaged. As there are no colored porters on this train and the superintendent is st the o'herendof tbe line it will be very difficult to obtain the facts concerning the wreck. Prof. Zinzebar will continue his palm reading for the remainer of the week at the popular price of $1.00. His rooms are crowded, yet notwith stand tbe jam, tbe professor will make this effort to give you bis best atten tion. Come early. Rooms at the Pisrsoa. Hudson Hot Springs Mineral Water unsurpassed for cure of rheumatism In all forms, kidney Bed stomach disor ders. First class hotel and bathing accomodations at "Cass del Consuelo," now neatly finished throughout. Writs A. R. Graham, Hudson, N. M., for full information . Died of diphtheria Claude, tbe 2i years old child of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Warren, recent arrivals from Colora do. Tbe child is ssld to have bean 111 before eomlng here.