OCR Interpretation

El Paso daily herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1881-1901, December 12, 1900, Last Edition 4:30 p.m., Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064199/1900-12-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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nbllsbed Every Evening Except
Herald News Company,
An Independent Republican
Rigid Enforcement of Existing Laws
la the lrst step iowa.ru mu
nicipal Reform.
H. D. SLATER, Editor and
General Manager.
' Business Manager.
entered at the postoffice at El Paso,
Texas for transmission tnrougn
the mails at second class rates.
Dally, one year $7.00
Dally, six months 3.50
Daily, three months 1.75
Dally, one month 60
Weekly; one year 2.00
Weekly, six months 100
Weekly, three months 50
The Daily HERALD is delivered "by
carrier in El Paso, Texas, Juarez,
Mexico, and at the El Paso smelt
ing works, at fifteen cents (15c)
per week, or sixty cents (60c) per
Subscribers failing to get the HERALD
regularly or promptly should call
at the office or telephone No. 15.
All complaints will receive prompt
In order to insure proper changes In
advertising, copy for same should
be at the business office not later
than 10 a. m.
Rates of advertising in the Daily
or Weekly HERALD will be made
known upon application at the bus
iness office. Those who prefer can
K have a representative of the bus
lness department call upon them,
who will quote prices and make
contracts for space. Call telephone
No. 115.
Classified advertisements for locals, ten j
(10C) cents per line ,r "i
sertion and five (5c) cents for each
additional Insertion. Special rates
upon five hundred (500) or one
thousand (1000) lines of local, to
be used in one month, will be fur
nished upon application.
The Herald has often laid stress on
the importance of teaching the young
how to express themselves, in speech
and in writing, in clear, forcible Eng
lish. Spelling and the construction of
sentences are not the only things to
be looked after; punctuation, though
often looked upon as of secondary im
portance, is as much a part of correct
knowledge as spelling. It is unfortu
nate that the carelessness or ignorance
of teachers should be excused, as it
has been since the system of public
education began, by saying that "every
one punctuates to suit himself," and:
"that there are no general rules to be
followed. Everyone has heard this
statement made by those that ought to
know better and probably do know
better. It is simply an indication of
a slipshod intellect. There are rules in
punctuation as there are in spelling. It
is true that some variation is allowed
in their appplication, but there are cer
tain uses of punctuation marks that
are firmly settled in correct usage. It
is these rules that should be taught
children and compliance with which
should be insisted upon. Nowhere do
we find more evidence of slipshod
punctuation and actual ignorance of
the fundamental rules than in the
statutes as passed by the average
state legislature. The higher courts
are constantly being called on to in
terpret the meaning of some law that
is obscure because of the wrong use of
a comma or a semicolon. Money loss
es on account of such blunders have
been tremendous, and much embar
rassment has often resulted from mis
understandings so caused. The state of
Massachusetts is just now all stirred
up over a case of faulty punctuation,
wherein, through error, an exception
is made in the operation of a liquor
law that is objectionable to the tem
perance element, and at the same
time a hardship is worked upon hotel
keepers that was never intended. The
error might look insignificant enough
to the average legislator merely the
putting of a semicolon where a com
ma ought to be but. it has already
caused much litigation and rancorous
controversy, and the end is not yet
Faulty construction of laws is a great
evil, and this little matter of punc
tuation has as much to do with the
errors that are made as has the use
of words. In business life, too, grave
cnuerences often arise through the
mispunctuation of orders for goods
or specifications in contracts. Mis
takes of this sort are simply the results
of carelessness, and every effort should
be made in the schools to train tne
children in these things so there will
be less cause for embarrassment in
The president in his annual message
to congress expresses pardonable grat
ification upon the fact that the policy
of the United States In China has
come to be recogrized as the best by
all the powers. Even Germany, re
luctantly enough, has gradually ac
quiesced in our view, at least to the
extent of modifying her original de
mands. There are some jingo papers
in this country that are continually
nagging the administration because it
will not take the lead in calling for the
wholesale butchery of Chinese leaders
and even the deposition of the reign
ing dynasty. Strangely enough, the
most bloodthirsty demands have come
from the church people, the friends of
the Christian missions, in a spirit mat
little accords with the teachings of the
master. The attitude of the United
States was assumed in the face of the
most trying circumstances, in the face
of fierce opposition, in the face of for
eign protests, and yet it has been
right from the first and is right now.
The jingos know little or nothing of
the real conditions in China, they are
staking nothing, they have no respon
sibility, while on the president and his
advisers in such a crisis as that
through which we have been passing
and are yet passing, in the orient,
rests a burden the like of which these
lesser men can never know. The deep
est thinkers on Chinese problems now
give their assent to the dictum of the
vuneu States at the very beginning,
that the integrity of the empire
should be maintained and that any ne
gotiations that might be entered upon
should be carried on with the reigning
Manchu rulers. From the first the Uni
ted States has insisted that the Chin
ese had rights as a nation that the
world was bound to respect, and as
The Herald has before pointed out, the
United States has all through this
Chinese muddle played the role of
the conservator and peacemaker,
greatly to the world's gain.
The Grout oleomargarine bill in de
creasing the tax on uncolored oleo and
increasing it on the product colored to
imitate butter, is only working to pro
tect the citizen from fraud. The bill as
passed makes all articles known as
oleomargarine, butterine, imitation
butter or imitation cheese transport-
eq- into any gtate or terruory for con-
Sumntlon or sale sublect to the nolice
power of such state or territory, but
prevents any state or territory from
forbidding the transportation or sale
of such product when produced and
sold free from coloration in imitation
of butter. The bill increases the tax
on oleomargarine colored in imitation
of butter from 2 ,to 10 cents a pound
and decreases the tax on oleomargar
ine uncolored from 2 cents to one quar
ter of a cent per pound. Oleomargar
ine is a legitimate article of manufac
ture and commerce except when it
poses as cow butter. There is a decid
ed sentiment against it and a pur
chaser has a right to have what he
wants and to know what he gets. Good
oleomargarine Is undoubtedly better
than bad butter, but bad oleomargar
ine is much worse than bad butter and
the best- oleomargarine is far from
being as good as the best butter. The
two are different articles in taste and
effect and me United States ought to
give the cow a perpetual right to the
trade mark "butter" and other pro
ducts should be forced to seek other
The paragraphers are having all
kinds of spoit with the French general,
Mcrcier, who" came into new promi
nence the other day by making a lurid
speech in the senate in which he show
ed how easy it would be to invade Eng
land. One writer admits the force of
the general's contention, but hints that
it might not be so' easy to get out
again. Another refers to Weyler's ter
rible typewriter, and intimates that
Mercier's weapon is scarcely more for
midable. o
Emperor Wilhelm has enlivened his
empire and the world by an efferves
cence of his light, airy humor. His
chancellor Count von Buelow recently
remarked to the emperor that his
grand palace needed cleaning and that
the countess did not get at it. His
emperor the next day sent a hundred
pounds of soap to the count's palace
for a good joke. It would be but a
tame world for newspapers and na
tions if it were not for Kaiser Billy.
The Kansas scnool book commission
is investigating General Funston's
knowledge of swimming. The new
Kansas history for the schools says
that Funston swam the Marlino river
in the Philippines and captured pris
oners. Now comes alone a Captain
Hardy of tne 20th Kansas who says
Funston can't swim an dthe books
may have to be changed. The general
impression is that Funston gets across
the rivers somehow.
The newspapers are disputing
whether "the courtesy of the senate"
will be a complete antidote for Roose
velt's strenuousness and many prophe-
sy that our next vice president will lead
a quiet, unassuming life. The "cour
tesy of the senate" is something of
a brake on the career of any idea but
whether Roosevelt's rush and progress
can be impeded, only time and trial can
Now is the season of sentimental
deforestization when the mountain
sides are robbed of the drooping pines
and the trees are brought into the
homes and decoratea with tinsel, can
dles, and gifts to make a juvenile holi
day. There are rumors that- the ship
builders and armor plate and gun mak
ers of America, France, Germany and
England are to combine in a world
trust of the' materials of war which
if true, will put war more on the com
mercial basis than ever.
If there be that secret alliance with
Great Britain of which the Bryanites
loved to talk during the campaign, the
English newspapers are not in it, for
they are extremely dissatisfied with
McKinley's message.
The criminations and recriminations
between the British and Germans in
China, with regard to looting, seem
to be a repetition of the historical oc
casion upon which the pot called the
kettle black.
Wanamaker's life insurance policies
amount up to $2,250,000 and the moral
is that it pays to advertise. Wana-
maker asserts that by big advertising
he secured his leadership and success
General Funston is heard from again,
He has been plunging through more
rivers and surprising and routing
more Filipinos as dashingly and in
trepidly as ever.
Roosevelt will take a holiday in
January and go hunting mountain
lions in Colorado and New Mexico, so
as to be fresh and invigorated for the
vice presidency.
The American plays for big stakes.
In New York they play progressive
euchre with grand pianos and auto
mobiles as prizes.
The offer of Columbia University 'of
New York to educate five Filipinos is
practical philanthrophy.
The czar advocates disarmament but
goes right on increasing the Russian
The Story of Oklahoma
Frr m the G'ob-rininrrat.
It is an absorbing tale which is told
by Gov. Barnes in his annual report
upon the condition of Oklahoma. As
we know from the census returns, Ok
lahoma has a population of 398,000,
The governor tells us that the assessed
valuation of her property in 1900 is,
in round figures $49,000,000, an in
crease of $6,000,000 over 1899, and
within her limits there are still almost
6.000.000 acres of public lands subject
to entry. The $49,000,000 of taxable
valuation represents $135,000,000 of ac
tual value of property. The products
or her farms, mines and factories in
the fiscal year aggregated $75,000,000,
She has 100.000 children enrolled in
her public schools, with 2.000 in the
higher educational institutions.
Here are a few of the material facts
of the condition of Oklahoma. They
furnish a powerful argument for her
Immediate admission to statehood
These are some of the superficial facts
in connection with a locality which
was not onened to settlement until 1889
and which was not organized into a
territory until 1890. Uutil eleven
years ago Oklahoma was virtually a
vacant spot on the map. Eager pio
neers had been peering into Oklaho
ma for years before 1889. and some of
them Payne. Couch and many oth
erscrossed its boundaries and estab
lished settlements in it. but they were
ousted by the United States troops.
and it was made practically vacant
land, as before.A minute before noon
of April 22. 1889. the instant of the
opening, there was not a single in
habitant in Oklahoma. It contained
50.000 inhabitants by sundown on
that day. Such a deluge had never
been seen before since the world be
gan. One of the most remarkable feat
ures of Oklahoma's growth is its sym
metry and solidity. At 2 o'clock on
the afternoon of that opening day a
bank with $50,000 capital was estab
lished in a tent in Guthrie, a town
which began to peep out of the prai
ries a few minutes earlier. On hun
dreds of thousands of acres wheat be
gan to be sown that afternoon.
Scores of towns were staked out before
sunset. Schools and churches began
to make their appearance the next
day. Just a month after the opening
ay a convention met at Guthrie with
the intention of forming a provisional
government. Twelve months after
the opening President Harrison put
his signature to the bill creating the
territory of Oklahoma. The territory
which had 61.000 inhabitans in 1890
as 398.000 in 1900 or, rather, had
that many on June 1 this year. The
population has passed the 400.000 mark
by this time. Nothing in Arabia's tales
of enchantmens surpasses the peop
ling of the prairies and forests of Ok
The Governors Of New Mexico and
Arizona In Wathlnaton.
A conference fraught with much
promise for the people of Arizona and
New Mexico was held last night says
Chicago dispatch. Governor N. O.
Murphy of Arizona and Governor M.
Otero of New Mexico were the two
conferees, and immediately after the
conference Governor Murphy left for
Washington to inaugurate the cam
paign which has for its object the ad
mission of the two territories to state
hood and the repeal or the clause ra
the Shafroth irrigation bill that ex
cludes the territories from participa
tion in the proposed irrigation appro
priation of $10,000,000.
Both of the territories desire to take
on the maturer honors of statehood
and in both the people have empowered
their governors to intercede with the
authorities at Washington.
Work for Statehood.
Governor Otero, in discussing his
mission and that of Governor Murphy
to Washington, said:
"We are numbers of the governor's
committee that is to be present at the
centennial exercises at the capital next
Wednesday. We are going to Washing
ton for other reasons, however, and
we are in hopes that congress can be
prevailed upon at be present session
to pass bills admitting the two terri
tories to statehood.
"The people of both territories are
very anxious for the honor, and they
have often expressed their desire to
have the matter brought before con
gress. They waited upon me a short
time ago, and, although I felt it would
have been better to have the legisla
ture take the first action, still they
have been so clamorous for immediate
action that we are to try to get a bill
through at the present session.
In the Irrigation Bill.
"Another piece of legislation that we
are to make every effort to effect is the
naming of Ne wMexico and Arizona in
the irrigation bill that Congressman
Shafroth has introduced. For some un
accountable reason the names of the
two territories have been omitted in
the measure, which calls for an appro
priation of $10,000,000 for the purpose
of constructing an irrigation system in
several of the western states. Just
why the names of New Mexico and Ari
zona should be omitted we are at a
loss to determine. The only reason
that we can see for the omission is that
we can see for the omission is that
tha congressman from Colorado is mak
ing an effort to aid our cause by ad
vancing an argument why we should
be admitted to the family of states.
Why, we are wards of the govern
ment, and as wards are entitled to even
more consideration than are the states,
and we trust that our plea for a share,
and a good share, in the appropriation
will not be set. aside."
Never Did Think Much of Her Hus
band, and Makes no Secret of It.
She Began at the Washtub, Edu
cated Herself, and Became the
Head of the Family.
Mary E. Lease, lawyer and political
agitator, will this week fight for a di
vorce from Charles Lease in the Sedg
wick county district court. The pe
tition will allege incompatibility, fail
ure to provide, etc. For the past three
yearsMr. and Mrs. Lease have not liv
ed together. Mrs. Lease has lived in
New York City, while her husband has
conducted a drug store in Wichita.
Mr. and Mrs. Lease were married at
Osage Mission. Kan., in July. 1873.
Thev hare four children, two sons and
two daughters, all except one of whom !
are of age. The youngest son is with
his mother in New York.
The beginning of Mary Ellen Lease
was at the washtub. There was no
luck "in her marriage and she took in
washing to keep the pot boiling. She
already was the mother of two chil-
The groundwork of her little knowl- I
edge was spelling and reading, but it
wasenough for the ambitious washer-
woman and she made good progress.
First she studied at night after she
had done her day's work and had put
the children to bed. But this was too
slow for her and to make time she
nailed her lessons to the wall and
studied them while she stood at the
tub or over the ironing board.
In course of time Mrs. Lease was
capable of higher things than wash
ing other women's clothes. She taught
school and in other ways made her
brain help to take care of her family,
meanwhile two more children came to
the household and yearly the load be
came heavier.
Her husband did his share but the
two temperaments were incompatiabl
and they pulled at cross purposes. He
was a. piuuuer, cuuieuicu wun leiung
tomorrow take care of itself. She liv
ed in the future. She was ambitious
to make a place for herself and her
children. I
It was in 1888, the year of the union .
labor campaign. She was out in the
rain, with some neighbors and they :
took refuge in a hall where a union :
labor meeting was in progress. The
meeting was short of orators and
somebody suggested Mrs. Lease. She
never had addressed a public meeting, !
but among her neighbors and in clubs
she had discussed economics .and after
some hesitation she took the platform.
Her remarks were a revelation to all.
including herself. She never had sus
pected her powers before. It was the
opning she had sought, and from that
hour she has been on the platform.
She wen tinto the campaign at r-ce
and again in 1S90. 1892 and 1894 ?he
it was who set upon the trail c" .Tovi
James Ingalls in 1890. and "v.e -"d
more toward his undoing than snv
public speaker. In 1S9.1 br reward
was a membership or the state boara
of charities, the first ar-' o-'- woman
who has ever been a --?rb- o that
board. In 1894 she h- k with Gover
nor Lewelling, and hrrrafter she be
gan to sulk. In 18?" c',' wen to New
York and took up the cqse of the re
publican party In the ca--n1" of lSf?
She was on the same side in the recent
campaign. She lives in. Ne"- York
City with her four children, and in the
city directory, after her name, is the
word"lecturer." Her- son Charles, has
a nosition in the revenue office.
When Mrs. Lease was in the fullness
of her reputation in Kansas there was
great demand by the public for a
glimps-" of her husband. Her own
portrait was constatnly In the napers
and the portraits of her son Charles
and of her daughter Louise were also
in public prints from time to time.
Even the pictures of the boy. Ben Hur.
and of the youngest child, its mother's
namesake. Mary, were occasionally
seen, but no sign of the face of Charles
Henry Lease, the husband and father,
appeared. He was vaguely described
to be a little shriveling man. who was
content to wield the pestle and mor
tar in a drug store at Wichita, but
what he looked like nobody knew.
IWHBA . KATOLI)D, Prmlcirul. l jn
E31 PaSO. T3CL3.
Oa.plt.eLl stncl Sl-iriDlULS, S15Q OOG
O. m. MOREHEAD, Praaiaant;
J O. LAOKLANO, Oaahar.
A. lmftle DaaKlng bualnnn krnaoied in tail it brfcncbea "txebftnge O
iJ the cltiei of the United States Vioupbi at pnr. Richest oricw uaid for Uti
lean Dollars
L. M. Openheimer, President. T. ;M. Wingo, Cashier.,
H. L. Newman, Vice President. Wm. H. Webb, AssUtaat Cacier
J. G. LOWDON, Second Vice-President.
The Lowdon National Bank
Capital Paid in $100 000.
Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. Mexican Money and Exchange
bought and sold. 1 ' elegraphic transfers ta all points in Mexico.
Vic resident.
Wholesale Grocers,
ear a rtomyiei line n Staple and incj Groceriea. and gv&rantee all oar iooOi -.
is. we aullelt the tradd of dealers onlv. and give especial attention to mail orders
New and Serond-Hand Furniture
The New Store at the old stand Is where price talk.
i True Confession is Food for the Soul
l promised the public to nsy them more for their rex id-
and give them more (roods for their money than cy
buyer in El Paso. I make this talk and etand by it
Across from Zelger Botel
Everything at cost price until stock of Gents' Fur
nishing Goods is sold. We are going to quit this
Branch of the Business.
t m
! .
j A
j T
j T
: T
e'j Expert Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Parlors 305
Office Open Day and Night
324 A 326 El Paso St.
Photographers sought to kodak him in
vain: he always dodged and got away,
rnd Mrs. Lease said that he had hid
den the only likeness of himself he
had ever had taken.
To a Topeka correspondent Mrs.
Le:ise ouce promised to take this pic
ture out of the family treasures and
lend it long enough for the illustra
tors' use, but she never fulfilled the
promise "I guess he has hidden it,"
she said in explanation. "It is an old
fashioned daguerrctype taken long be
for I married him. It used to be lying
aroun the house any old place, but
lately he has hidden it. Possibly it
has been lost, nut it doesn't matter.
We don't count him any more."
Mrs. Lease was not proud of her
husband and always referred to him
contemptuously. "He found me or we
found each other." she said, "in Neo
sho county, at what was then Osage
Mission, now St. Paul. We were mar
ried in 1873 and I have been working
hard ever since."
This conversation was in 1894, about
the time Mrs. Lease was at war with
Governor Lewelling. Denver Post,
When you need a soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur
pose, use the original DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve, a well known cure for
piles and skin diseases. It heals sores
without leaving a scar. Beware of
counterfeits. Fred Schaefer, druggist.
Lowney's candies are the finest.
Potter & White keep them.
Briefs printed Just right
Herald omce.
at Th
Will I A MS. A Ml. Caahlcr
"" ' -. ! Oaafttar.
April, it8i.
a. J.
Oanaral Vinn
104 El Paso
El Paso St.-r
Telephone 197 j
& Berrien,
Dhones 71. 68 A 196
Old UcsvuiJS Sores, Ilucons I'atchcs in
mouth or throat, Copper-Colored Sriots,
Ulcers, Painful SwlHr.ss. Bono Pains,
Pimples, Boils, Scrofulaj Cnt irrh, Ehor
matisiu and every fr.m of Blooii Poi.,011,
quickly cured f irever bv t::kins: Botanic
Blood Balm (B.B.B."). Thoroughly tested
for 30 year. DrusnrNts. Sl . Directions with
?ach bottle. Bot.u.i;- Ulood IJ:ihii (tf.B.n.)
'leals every .t:ru, makes tin- 1'oh1 p'-i'e and
rich. Cures when ail els-; fails.
r"",1l 5 cent to pnr iostSke on Ftm Trinl
SottlCT. KI.OOD OO . .'.uuts, Ga-
Made from distilled water. Ask your
family physician or druggist act to the
purity and healthfullness of our ice.
Telephone No. 14.
El Paso Ice and Refrigerator Oo.
Flowers always make an appropriate
gift. Potter & White always keep
choice ones.
Mrs. J. H. Comstock, the florist,
has cut flowers, poted plants, and flo
nral decorations . 'Phone 493.
1 vajr pa

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