OCR Interpretation

El Paso daily herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1881-1901, March 02, 1901, Last Edition 4:30 p.m., Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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41 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
New Troubles For Mrs. Freeman.
! The troubles of Mrs. W. J. Freeman,
the alleged niece of United States Sen
ator Depew, appear to be Increasing
rather than diminishing.
Special Detective Ben Williams of
the Santa Fe railway company, came
in today and this afternoon filed an
other complaint against the prisoner.
Detective . Williams's mission was to
endeavor to learn the whereabouts of
a ruby ring, which was missed from
San Marclal soon after Mrs. Freeman's
arrival there. Mrs. Freeman denied
that she had been wearing the ring
since coming to this city, alleging that
she had been wearing
was wilts ijciuuftins " .. -.
In addition to the charges already
against ber. it Is now alleged that
a watch belonging to the yells-
Fargo office at La Tuma. wnicn
was supposed to have been burn
- ed at the time the depot was destroyed,
has also, ft Is said, been- unearthed.
Mrs. Freeman is still an inmate at
the county jail and if Hon. Chauncey
niu la her uncle, as she claims, he
has neglected to furnish bond for her.
The Freeman case promises to be
one of the most interesting in the
criminal annals of the county.
Alleged Train Robbers Bound Over.
The three men accused of robbing
the G. H. train east of the city were
bound over to the grand jury by Jus
tice Spencer yesterday in the sum of
$500 each.
Detective George Harold, who has
been responsible for the arrest and
conviction of many outlaws In the past
is confident that the men are guilty.
He has had so much experience as a
man hunter that he seldom makes an
arrest unless he is practically certain
that the evidence against the party Is
sufficient to convict. Probably one of
V.s best pieces of work Was the lden
;Atinn nf Rnmnimn Parra. ten years
after the death of State Ranger George
Fusselman. as tne man wno iea iue
band that committed the murder. Par
ra swung for his crime and one of his
pals was sent to the pen tor lire.
In the box car robbery Harold first
convinced himself that Reyes. Luzon
d Tiren were more or less impncaieu
and then brought about their arrest.
Charged With Murder.
Cecil Murry. a negro wanted at Dal
las to answer an Indictment for mur
der, was brought in last night from
Ijob Angeles, and lodged in the county
Jail by Constable H. H. Jacoby, of
Murry was arrested at Los Angeles,
had fled. The officer went
east on this morning's T. & P. train
with his prisoner.
Jury Failed to Convict Walcher.
A Kingfisher dispatch says:
vrho lnnr In the second trial of Jim
Walcher. charged with killing Colonel
John Stone about one year ago. were
unable to agree, and after being out
fifty-six hours were discharged by the
court this morning. Insanity was the
main defense.
4fValcher was captured in Juarez and
spent many weeks in the El Paso jail.
When our little dsy it ended.
When the dusk and dark hare blended.
When the lights of time cease Kleaminf;
O'er these tent of earthly dreaming.
Lord, be near us!
Do not in that hour forsake us;
Let not dust and darkness take us;
Send thy dawn's clear splendor streaming
From the east of our redeeming;
Father, hear us!
Q. D. C. in Rood Words.
Zeb White, He Tells Hew Be Treed
bandar Coon.
Copyright, 1900, by C. B. Lewis. 1
"One Sunday, mawnin seven or eight
years ago 1 got up feelin sorter can
tankerous," said the old possum hunt
er as I asked, for a story. "The old
woman seed that I wasn't peart, and
she let me alone till arter breakfast.
Then, as I started out for a walk
around, she says:
" 'Zeb, thar ain't no preachin at the
skulehouse today, but it would look
mighty decent fur you to sot down and
read a chapter in the Bible."
" 'What furr says I. ' .
"Fur to show the world that you
respect the day.' says she.
I reckon the world don't keer
whether 1 read the Bible or take a
" 'But the Lawd does. Can't nobody
keep on bustin up the Sabbath as you
do without somethln happenln to 'em.
My eyes are a leetle weak this mawnin.
and if yon'd sit down and read me that
chapter 'bout the children of Israel
crossin the Red sea I'd be powerful
"That's what I orter hcv done, of
co'se," explained tlfe old man, "but
when a critter is feelin cantankerous
he ain't hisself. He's mad at his wife,
his dawg, his gun and everything else,
and he won't git decent ag'in till some
thin has happened. I whistled to my
dawg and went off up the hillside, and
Received a Pardon.
Ryan, the consumptive prisoner who
was sentenced to a two years term in
the penitentiary a short time ago, but
who was sent to the county hospital
instead of the state prison, received
the cheering news yesterday that he
ha'd been pardoned by the governor.
The pardon was obtained through the
influence of Senator Turney.
District Court.
Judge Walthall heard several appli
cations for habeas corpus writs this
morning and postponed all of them ex
cept one until next week.
The hearing of two men charged
with breaking into a G. H. freight car
was held this afternoon.
New Mexico
IContinued from First Page.)
Indebtedness accruing since Jenuary 1.
1897. to February 1. 1901. The bill was
vigorously fought and on the final vote
Abbott. Bateman. Walton. Winston.
Martinez. Pendleton and Dalies voted
against it. t
The house this afternoon killed the
Martinez peddlers' license bill.
Walton's bill prohibiting the employ
ment of consumptive teachers and reg
ulating the election of school directors
passed the house unanimously.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 2. Chief
f ounsel Stary of the Santa Fe system
nnounces that the parent company
hvill absorb its three branches at Al
buquerque immediately. These are the
valley road, the South California rail
way, and the Santa Fe Pacific.
Persons who can not take ordinary
bills find it a pleasure to take DeWitt's
lttle Early Risers. They are the best
ttle liver Dills ever made. Fred
f?chaT-fer, druggist.
lave )uu aujruimg iu exciiange :
0 in The Herald's POPULAR
I S.
Buttermilk. Telephone No. 156.
the old woman didn't call arter me.
Mebbe I'd got half a mile from the
house when the dawg took arter a
varmint and run It up a tree. I Jest
j got a glimpse of the thing and took It
! fu a coon, but I orter bev known bet-
ter. Every ba'r on that dawg's back
, was standin up and his eyes as big as
sassers, and if I hadn't bin cantanker
l ous I'd hev figgered It out that no coon
' could excite him in that way. The
j thing to do was to tie the dawg to the
tree and go home fur an ax. The dawg
didn't want to be tied, but I managed
It and went back.
"'Hev you cum back to read to me
'bout them children of Israel?' asks
the old woman as I arrove.
"No; I've cum fur the ax to cut
down a coon tree.'
" 'Are you gwlne to risk your soul fur
the sake of a coon?
" 'Don't be silly. Coonsklns Is wuth
60 cents apiece, and we are out of
'lasses, and the Lawd ain't gwlne to
punish folks fur gittiu somethln to eat.
even on Sunday.'
" 'Zeb,' says she as I was turnln
away. 'If you've got a coon up a tree,
mebbe It wouldn't be so awfully wick
ed to chop him down, "but if I was you
I'd kinder smooth it over with Provi
dence first. Beln as you left the dawg
on watch you kiu read me that chapter
befo' you go. I've sorter forgotten bow
clus Pharlo was to 'em when the wa
ters rolled back and kivcred him up.'
" 'I don't Ixtlieve It ever hapix-ned.'
says I, feeliu a new streak of cantun
kerousness coiniu over iue. i
"'What! Do you deny that?' I
" 'Reckon I do. and heaim of other
things besides.'
" Then. Zeb White, you Jest git ready
fur a calamitous calamity! It's denyin
the Lawd. and the Lawd ain't gwlne to
stand It. Go on arter your coon, but I'm
sayin good by to you. I sball be a wid-
der befo' the clock strikes 12.'
'I wasn't troubled i bit in my mind."
said Zeb. "but I was sorter aHtnnixhcri
when I got back to the coon tree. Bits
of ha'r was lyln nround on the ground,
and the old dog was gone. 'Pea red to
me that thar bad bin a fout around
thar, but I didn't figger fur long. It
was a tree which stood alone, and
away up in the top I could see the coon
hldin away iu a crotch of a Hiub. It
took uie but half an hour to cut the
tree down, and all the time I was chop
pin I was sayin to myself that the chil
dren of Israel never passed through
the Red sea dry shod. Jest befo' the
tree fell I heard a yeowlin and a snarl
In from the varmint In the top, but I
took it that the coou had got shaky.
The tree went down with a crash, aud
I run up with a club to give the cooa a
knock on the head. I hadn't reached
the fust limbs when he cum out to
meet me, and all the ba'rs on niy bead
rlz up to once. It wasn't no coon 'tall,
but one of the biggest wildcats I ever
laid eyes on. He hadn't bin hurt by
the fall, but he was mad 'miff to eat
nails. I had skeercely made out what
the varmint was wheu he lit on me and
got to work. I don't reckon you ever
met up with a 20 potiud wildcat with
teeth and claws In good trim, but if
you ever do you'll find that buzzsaws
ain't iu it with him. The varmint
knocked me down at the fust jump,
and he had torn oft half my clothes be
fo' I could git up. Then we went at It
hammer and tongs. I bad denied the
children of Israel, and so I had to de
pend upon the club. It wasn't much
; of a weapon to fight a wildcat with.
I The critter dodged half the blows, and
' the other half didu't seem to hurt any.
I yelled fur my dawg, but he didn't
! cum. I yelled fur the old woman, and
I 'liout the time I yelled I cotched sight
of ber two rods off. lookin ou. She had
! my rifle In her hands, and I hollered
fur her to cum cluser aud shoot the cat.
" 'Zeb White,' wz she. 'it ain't fur me
to mix in this fout. You went out in
defiance of the Lawd to cotch a coon.
and if you've cotched a wildcat In
stead it's a proper punishment.'
"Her words made me mad and
teched my pride, aud I determined to
kill that 'cat without ber help or be
clawed to death a-trylu. I got in two
or three good blows and sorter evened
op things, but it was nip and tuck.
Bitueby, wheu I begun to weaken. 1
Bays to the old woman:
" 'I ain't axin you to shoot the var
mint, but you might shoot off a paw or
two and gimme a fa'r show.'
"'How alMiut Sunday?' she asks.
never ruovln a foot.
" 'It's a purty good day.'
"'Is It the Land's day or a coon's
" 'The Lawd's day. I reckon. Gwlne
to stand thar Jill the meat Is clawed
oft my bones?'
'"Can't tell ylt. When the Lawd
brings about a calamitous calamity to
punish a man fur denyin him it's far
folks to be kcerful how they mix in.'
" 'Nobody has axed yon to mix in.
says I, and then I went fur that cat
like a hawk fur a chicken. Fur the
next five minutes I had the advantage
and was leginnin to feel peart, but the
loss of blood Iiegan to tell, and I found
mvself grow in weak. The old woman
noticed it and called out:
" 'Zeb, how about the Bible r
"'I'm a-believln In it.' says I as
makes an awful blow at the cat.
"'And how aliout the children of
Israel?' ,
"Tui a-i'Iievin In them too.
"'Did they cross the Red sea dry
"'I'll bet they didT
"'Was l'liario overwhelmed?
"'He was. and I'll lick any man who
denies ItT
"'Jest one mo question, vCeb. says
the old woman as she enms forward.
'Are thar gwine to Ik? any mo coon
huntin on Sundays?
" 'Not if we never hey another pint
of 'lasses Iu the cabin!' says I as the
cat rakes me across the shoulders.
"That ended the fight. The old wo
man mixed In and shot the cat through
the head, and I tumbled down and lay
thar fur half an hour lxfo' she could
help me hobble home. 'Bout all the
clothes I had left on me was one boot
aud a shirt collar, and it was fo weeks
befo the bites aud scratches let me git
around ng'ln. On the fust Sunday I
could sit out I saw a b'ar up the moun
ting aud started fur my gun, but the
old woman held up her band and said
" 'Zeb White, take a cheer and sot
down. Yes; I know It's a b'ar, and we
are owerful short of meat, but we've
got somelliiii else to do. As soon as I
git my hands out of this dishwater I'll
fill my pipe and sot down, and you'll
read to me 'bout them children and the
lied sea. If you read slow and don't
skip anything, mebbe you'll find some
thin 'bout wildcats too!"'
On terms tosuit
all purchasers.
Court Housi Block.
Independent Assay Office
A gent for Ore Shlp
rers. Assays and
Chemical Analysis.
Bullion Work i Sprrialtj.
o. aos
Cor. San Francisco
Chihuahua Sts.
Kapolrota am Welllaarloa.
The Ceutury quotes from Dr,
tTMeara's unpublished "Talks With
Napoleon" at St. Helena this Judg
ment of the Imprisoned emperor on the
general who finally overthrew him:
"I asked blm if he thought Lord
Wellington merited the reputation he
had gained as a general. lie said:
Certalnly; I think he does. He Is a
very excellent general, and possessed
of great firmness and talent, but he
has not yet doue as much as some oth
ers. He has not -onqtiered upon so
large a scale.' - I observed that he bad
shown great Judgment and caution lat
terly, hut that at first lie had been too
precipitate in advancing into Spain. He
said that he bad shown a great deal of
ability in the campaign of Spain. 'It Is
lmimssllile,' said be, 'for man not to
commit some faults. We are all liable
to It, and the general who commits the
fewest In nnnilier Is the greatest gen
eral, and he has certainly committed as
few as any oue.' 1 then observed that
still he was scarcely to Ik- equaled to
himself. 'Why. certainly.' said he. 'He
has uot done so much as I have done.
He has uot conquered kingdoms in the
manner I have done, but be Is an ex
cellent general. ' His operations have
not been upon so great a scale.' "
A Yoamar Maa'a Qanr Prta.
"A pretty well kuown rhlladel
phian," says the Philadelphia Record,
"who is now at Atlantic City likewise
strives to attract the eye there by ap
pearing in the hotels and cafes aud on
the loard walk every night with a gold
chain around his neck to which two
big gray rats are attached. The rats,
plain, ordinary rodents, but tamed,
wear gold collars, and the young man's
gold chain is fastened to these. Up
and down his back and waistcoat the
rats patter, but usually they are seated
on his shoulder, whispering iu his ear.
Sometimes he fondles them or gives
them bits of cheese and cracker. They
seem lo be quite clean, but a peculiar
smell somewhat like musk irritates the
nostrils if one comes too near the
youug man's pets."
Assay and Chemical
If yoa went reliable assays and eaait
sas (Ira na a trial.
The only power crashing plant is .
assay office south of Deaver.
Oarefnl attentloa (I van ore thlpmsa
to ICl Paso smelters.
r. O. BOX 97. El Paso, Texaa
Use the BAR-LOCK Visible Writer
Visible Writing Saves Time and Labor.
Permanent Alignment Saves Expensive Repairs.
Saving Time, Labor, and Money is Practical Business.
RUNKLE & PEACOCK, General Agents.
It's Money
la your pocket If the house yon bajo
build Is constructed with
Building Material
from our yard;-and yon will 'mace at
mistake if yon buy soar
of all kinds from na. Wa carry the bes
ot everything la our Una.
EI Paso Fuel Co, ffir
Offilee: 411 Santa Fe St.
Chopped in Two.
Your dollar split In the middl
when yon buy coal that la hall
waste ashes, clinkers, slag
Why not get a dollar's worth tor
your dollar? HowT Buy hon
est, clean, well-screened, accu
rately weighed coal from
Payne Badger Coal Co
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
"Phone 889. Second and Chihuahua
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests wha you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aide
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans, it is the latest discovered aigestr
lat and tonic. No other preparation
an aDDroach it In efficiency. It in
4tactly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, indigestion, tieartDurn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgi a, Cramps, and
ill other results of imperfect digestioa-
P re pared b' E. C OeWItt A Co.. CblcagBv
Yes, the stme
Wacshii-Yfg Powder
that brighten your silver and cut glcvaa will clea.n the
Kitchen Crockery. Gold Dust Is v dirt destroyer,
nothing more. It never harms the article It comes In
contact with. It simply meJces It clean. For greatest
economy buy the large pa.cka.ge.
The N. K. Fairbank Company,
ChJoaaje, St,
lul New Yaa. Bo..
"'Sunset Route"
Nothing- Superior to the Sunset-Central Special' or Pull
man Standard and Excursion Sleeping Car Ser
vice, operated via Sunset Route and its Con
m nections between all Points
North, East, outheast and West ,
S. F. B. MORSE. Pass. Traf. Mgr..
Houston. Texas.
Tu J. PARKS. O. P. A T. A.,
Houston, Texas
Of MEXICO wu enow you tear, me UtA
(CAN CENTRAL RY. reaohes all or h
Important points of Mexico. The laoi
land of Mexloo traversed n ita entires
Mexiean Centr, 1 1 Ry
oSera moak desirable resort for tbe rammer (aa well aa 1 winter) not tu.
Guadalajara, Lake Chapala, Afcuaaeallentee, . which are hi?h and dr
where every day In the year la pieaant and everr nlsrht 00
Sunshine and Strawberries Every Day in the Yearv
For ratssaMdoakerlaiersoaaloa. apply to
B. J, KUHN, Commercial Aran El Paso. Taxaa.
It is estimated that the dense foe in
Ixjndon costs the city from $250,000 to'
"iOOO.OOO daily in the matter of bills for i
gas and electricity.
There is Sometiiag to See Along tie
The Only Scenic Poutc
The Quick and Most Comfortable
wry to the Mississippi or
Missouri Rivers and beyond.
Lead and Zinc.
Write to Room No. 726 Century
Building, St. Louis, for one of our
illustrated pamphlets, entitled
"The Top of the Ozarks.
"Feathers and Fins on the Frisco.
"Fruit Far mint: Along the FYisco.n
"The Ozark Gfilift."
"There is Something to See Along
Frisco Line."
The most comprehensive railroad
literature for the home-seeker, in
vestor or traveler ever distributed
259 Main Street, ... Dallas.
1 02 W. Commerce St., San Antonio.
tlanta & New Orlear s
Short Line.
Atlanta & West Point
Operate Magnificent Vestlbuled Traina
Between Atlanta and Montgomery.
Mobile and N w Orleans, at which
latter point close and direct connec
tions are made for
In Addition to This Excellent Through
Train and Car Service
These railroads offer most favorable
accommodations and inducements to
their natrons and residents alone rhi
line. Anyone contemnlatinar a. r.hnnsra
of home can find no location more at
tractive nor mora onnilnrlva tn
perity than Is to be found on the line
vi mese roaas.
A beautifully Illustrated book giving
detailed Information s to the induce
ments and attracuons along these
lines, can Jte had upon application to
the undersigned, -who will take pleas
ure In giving' all desired Information.
B. P. WYLY. Jr.. R. E. LUTZ.
O. P. ft T. A., Traffic Mgr.,
Atlanta, Ga. Montgomery. Ala.
Pres. and Gen'l. Mgr Atlanta, Ga.

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