fWt Ship WreoM Off
plaae Spreading Bapltlly
i and
cochin i wau
u >
Tho Times Hong
sSys Heavy lighting
between the French and
reported from Chinese
fSU lo Times Hour
vh of yesterday savs that
shelling Kechiug
I presumed they Intended
a place ItH possession
Slue as It wilt absorb tholr
French steamers
are at Hong
i e protection of tho French
iltllUT KElAiniNTI 1IIX
sent i The French con
ehal has been appointed
Hue tho capital of
tJeiit at
u believed that Admiral
Ith the llot is near Hue
the track of vessels repair
i after the engagement at
ad Foo Chow Tno attack
was prompted by the de
of the coal
lta possession
en would provo extremely
jFreiHh lu enso war was
hdtue neutral parts closed
t j are frustrating this
flooding the mines and de
ileTuaiplng machinery
Kot jFfiii vmd
Npt 5 The Temps states
Ini Chang has uot been de
3HH government
irritation of tho
t 5 Tho
wfl ngaiust Eughiud Is
tithe public AntiKnglisli
it selling by thousands on
Pel > It is reported that
utes Minister Morton bus
knowledge of Prime Minister
Umated to the government
acton that tho time U oppor
Amerlcati mediation between
id China
mon lrixtit 101 HNAIS
Sept j The larts Bayu
sch forces lu China will not
tJilthelr attention to tho ccupa
l ft Island of Formosa
says Admiral Courbct
Inurced may blockade the
Y chM from Hanoi say thatnf
hcdtltaof tho lied river are
inqull condition and tho
jiposttiou well defended
J ciioliia
l K sspt i Tho pope has sent
fclto Naples ta be distributed
sullerers of cholera
< of aplo3 ate now oxcltlug
tires the suspicion
It archbishop is in complicity
cltdurlug tho past twentyfoui
here wero twentyseven fresh
ven deaths
lEEiiAdii vtnaimw
Sept o During the past
tar hours thero wero 122 Hush
ioleraaud thirtyseven deaths
4Ial bulletin shows the rav
ilera for the last twentyfour
follows New easts 1U
I Sept i King Humbert has
1 his visit to Naples
was a popular demonstration
n Campo liassj and Aneonu
the royal decree suspending
fectsand syndics from places
arhltrajy local measures have
dopted ugainstlhc cholera
mayor ot Clvlta Vecchla has
ispended from olllclal duty for
log his olllciuls of tho decree in
anayor of Spcia has succumbed
kid Sept 5 Six now cases of
and four deaths uro reported
Novelda ten rases auu four
at Mouforto and two deaths at
t MAitsiurcs
isuilks Sept 5 During the
Tfour hours ended tonight
leaths occurred from cholera
B SBpt 5 It Is olllclally oil
ed that cholera has appeared at
ux Three deaths liavo oc
Urom the disease already
MX Sept 5 Advices from
Ialaud state that the large eral
Alp Lastlngham from Loudon
Wellington New Zealand was
lu Cook strait on which
fgton 13 situated All on board
fourteen of the crew weie
BoN Sept o Additional nd
r m New Zealand say that the
l ship Lastingham had only
Piwengeis on board when
t s Sept AiIvIms from
onU stuto that banditti hnve
Waging tho country Forty
wions were killed by them dur
KKept > A conference will
a wre Monday next to draft an In
ll ° ail law for tht protection of
° I authors and artists Tho
of Frauee Italy Austria
uerniauy win tend dehpatai but
Irnment delegates wllh be pres
Iogland or America Juthe
complete governmental rei >
t iUo u lH pected that the con
will be a failure
who understand the Polish language
ami thirty trusted servants from St
Petersburg will be tho pcraoual Rt
tendants of tho asar during his stay in
this city
AVahsaw Sept 5 Sixtyfour per
sons Btupeoted of plotting against tho
oaar have beeu nnested a number of
women Included Tho imlloe have or
dered all warehouses shots and tav
erns closed at ft oclock oftoh night du
ring the exits visit Kaon police
agent is charged to yatch five houses
iikhkls JtFPriSKD
SyvuiM Sept 6Tito rebels at
tacked Kassala and were repulsed with
great Jo s
Caiuo Sept > A skirmish has
taken ltlace near Slnkat between tho
Hadeuowas and Omars The latter
were defVawd and many of their num
ber killed J
tiu EMfintons to mkkt
IB hiin Sept 5 Tho National ia
vette says Three emperors of Germany
Austria and Ku sla will meet on tho
15th Bltmarck will return to Berlin
on the llth
Home Sept r > Twentynlno mlucra
perished by tho lire In tho sulphur
mi no at Nicosia In Sicily
Corniu Chrlstl has a free wool
Stock thieves
Xueces county
ato depredating in
Tramps are becoming numerous
throughout Texas
Temple will soon have a splendid
system of waterworks
Shroveport is nllllcted with fast driv
ing on the public streets
Denton Is now shipping fruit at tho
rate of 1OO0 boxes per week
The Austin Dispatch heads n column
Clovelaud defeated already
Fort llend county expects to make a
good cotton ctop If no worms come
The now paper at Texarkana la al
ready engaged In a row with Its neigh
The Jtmplectlto says that JellVrson
mosquitoes now sing long metro al
A cowboy tried to take lu Austlm
recently but was captured aud jailed
Ho cussed out the olllcers
Tho Sherman Courier thinks that
tho Idle young men of that town
should havothe benefit of tho vagrant
Tho population of Ureuuvillo U In
creasing at the rao of twenty per
week The newcomers aro all very
Tho yield of cotton lu the vicinity of
Henderson will on y average about
four hundred pounds of seed cotton to
the acre
A number of the country papers and
somoofthe city oiips have ohauged
the crow diet ottered for revised
The Glonrose Keporter Is enthusias
tic over tho growth of that little town
and predicts for It a vast amount of
Angora goats shear from four to
four and n half pounds of lleece which
Is worth In thoAorth from llftyelght
to slxtyflvtt cents per pound
Tho Temperance Uanner is a now
saveii column pajHir published atTem
pleby JL lemon It U a fairly
made up paper ami has a lino Held for
A Laredo boy Is so incorrigible that
he has been put In shackles by his
father which ho Ingeniously slipped
otrand returned to his old pursuit of
petty thieving
i4 saw Sept eSpeclal police I of Tun Gazette in courtesy
Hoit Hon John Voting lltown Took tho
Demagoirnei Hldo OIT
WMMngloa 8r lt
N0TNi t h at boU1 n < m lluU f has oh
trudod himself Into the pre idenlUl
arena as a sort of nlrate Hying the
lilack tUg rome of the mmiim created
uy him when a membflr of tho house
of wprwentatlvw have a rellshatle
llavor When In the Fortvthird ixm
gresj when Jnmes O Itlatne was
chairman of the Judiciary
committee by appointment of
eourse of the speaker as the mouth
piece of the oommittee he reported for
tho aetlon of the hotiso what is kuown
asthochll rights bill It led to a
heated debate In this congress as n
member wa9 John Young Urown of
Kentucky a man of Intense declama
tory and oratorical ability
In conducting the debate Butler had
been unusually severe Nettled by
some of his strictures Urown took tho
lloor and a scene of Intuitu dramatic
Incident followed In his prctatory
remarks Brown defended the
South from tho accusations
of murder nnd banditti
which the Hepublicau press had
hurled at It Ho called attention to
tho fact that a neimblleau committee
of congress had tabooed tho whoisale
reports of crime llutlcr however
had revived it In a speech made tho
day previous To this Urown took
special exception and ald Now
again that accusation has come from
one L speak not of men but ot lan
guage nud within tho rules of lids
house that accusation against that
> eoplo has romo from ono
who Is outlawed in his
own home from respectable society
whose name Is synonymous with false
hood whols the champion aud has
beeu on all occasions of fraud who Is
tbo apologist of thieves who Is such a
prodigy of vlco and meanness that to
describe him would sicken Imagina
tion aud exhaust invective lu Scot
land years ago thero was a man whoso
trade was murder ami ho earned a
livelihood by selling tho bodies of his
victims for gold Ho linked his nauio
with tbo crime aud today It Is know n
throughout tho world as Burking
Tho Speaker Does the chair under
stand tho gentleman to bo referring
In this matiner to a member of tho
Mr Urown No sir I am describ
ing an Individual w ho is lu my minds
eye Tho Speaker Tho chair understood
tho gentleman to refer to a member of
the house
Mr Urown No Mr I call no
names This mans namo was linked
to his crime aud today throughout
the world It Is known as Burkitig
If I wished to describe all that was
pusillanimous lu war inhuman lu
iniuc forbidden In morals and In
famous In politics 1 should all It Hut
ThoSpeakei The chair thinks tho
geutlcmaii from Kentucky did not re
ply In good faith to tho question put
to him Tho chair rcgarus tho whole
discourse of thu gentleman from Ken
tucky as referring
Mr Urown Tho chair had no
right to auttiilpate what 1 was about
of tho Times coidially Invites the co1
oiteratlou of auy oiieinullned to Inves
tigate tho subject
Surgeon Blacks llody Tonm
BOSTON MAS Sept > Tho head
lets body of Dr Black surgeon of the
Tallapoosa was found lloatlng in the
Washivolox Sept jWimt gulf
Generally fair weather stationary
X Campaign Slander
Meridian IUU
I Dahoney chairman of the
state prohibition executive committee
has tailed meeting ol the committee
to be held at Fort Worth next Mon
day to nominate presidential electors
for the national prohibition party
Fort Worth U about tho mo t inap
propriate place in the state for that
kind of a crowd to jneet
We Told Em So
Meridian IIUOc
When the Houston Post mado a
faUeshow of sympathy for the Fort
Worth Gazette during the late
troubles of tho latler Tiih Oaziitb
calmly advised the Tost to keep its
sympathy as It would from all ae
counts be needed at home very soon
It U a cold day when they get ahead
to say
Mr Halo ol New York I Insist Mint
the words of tho gentleman from Ken
tucky be taken down
Tho Speaker Tho gentleman from
New Yolk asks tltat tbo words be
taken down That will be done
Tho climax of tho speech created
great excitement mid confusion The
impulse among many members was to
offer a itsolution expelling Urown as
a meinbor of th ° house A debate
however followed and better feeling
ensued Those who wanted to save
Urown gave him n chance to crawfish
Ho was u gatney youngster and would
not losort to sublerlugo Dodger
Dawes used to such cxpediontH arose
and said
I would Inquire of the gentleman
from Kentucky If he has any remarks
to make upon the character of tho
Most of the state papers largo aud j langtiaeo ho used
small are running that soulsilrrlng i Mr Urown Island
whoopemupIilaJane romance cir
titled the Orlglti of Ammonia Tho
plot Is laid In a box of baking
Deniaou thinks Houston Is hard to
please when complaining of tho ther
mometer at Si > degrees lu the shade
At Denlson the average height Is lol
degrees lu the shade and no rain In u
The bottle of beer found In the
wall at San Antonio with a label
dated IMS has been claimed by Uncle
UauMcGiryashls property under a
deed of trust madu to him In 1SG0 by
Hamp Cook
The Corpus Christi Caller denounces
as unjust the proposition to tax bach
elors for tho support of children
whom they have no claim to It
would cost moro to move this ou iho
bachelor than would the tax amount
Lsredoboa6tsofa genuine oldtime
haunted house At night bright
lights are seen and sounds of dancing
by th record
Tho debate which followed gave evi
denoe that a resolution of censure to
Brown would pans Butler complete
ly knocked out took but little put In
it except to say Mr Sneaker I de
hire simply lo say that tno courtesies
and proprieties of the occasion which
has unfortunately detained the house
for some time eeeni to call uMii me to
make ono observation The gentio
11 men of the minority were engaged in
i Imntliiis nril lirliinlni to the
hunting up bringing
attention of tho country the various
shortcomings and wrongdoings of mine
under circumstances when I could not
reply to them In tho language or it
gentleman of tho minority whom 1 re
sped it did not take much courage to
do that Now 1 have been hero eight
years I have engaged In debate per
haps a great dud more than I ought to
have done I call upon any gentle
man who served with me during the
present uougiiMs I call upon every
gentleman who served with mudtirlug
the eight years I liavo been bore
whether lu all that Hint I havo ever
laughter and other uuaccouutablo j commenced a personal attack upon any
noises Usue from It Tho ghost editor man in this house whether I have
ever stepped out of my way to do
i any unkind thing or say auy
unkind word of a single man of the
hoiiMllllI was first attacked Be he
who he may sponk whom I have of
I fended Let this thing bu settled
I once for all for I have endeavored
I with studied courtesy never lo attbek
1 and I have endeavored one other
t thing sir when I was attacked never
i to leave a man until he was Mirry he
did it I have nojmore to suy j
The house then by a vote of llil lo 79
ogieed tn cenbure UroKii which
i Speaker Blalue administered as fol
i Tho speaker said Mr Johu Young
Brown you are analgned nt the barof
tho house under Its formal resolution
for having transgressed Us rules by
disorderly remarks and for having re
ported to prevarication when your at
tentlon was called to your violation of
decorum by tho speaker For this
that you be publicly ceusured at its
bar No words from the chair
lu the performance of this most
painful duty could possibly add
to the gravity of the occasion or the
severity of the punUhmeiit It re
mains only to pronounce in the name
ofthehoiue Its ceusuio for tho two
olfeneea charged In tho resolution
Mr Brown Hlr I wish now to
state that I Intended no ovaMou or
prevarication to the speaker and I
will now add no dlsrepcct to the
Brown resolutely ctucb ti > It that be
Absolutely Puce
Thl powder never vartf A murvclor pint
ty trenplli nnd wholosommtM More t > v
liomtTOltlmntlioordinary kind nnd cannot
> o sold tn cotmieiluon wilt tlio nmltttudn ot
low M ilinri wrlBUt alum or plioiptiM
powder tMdonlu tacmii Hoiai IIAKisa
Powdku Co 106 WiUl Btro t New York
meant no disrespect to the speaker or
tho house tlmrcuy conveying that he
mount all ho JiBd sild for Duller aud
so far as tho Kcutuckian was con
cerned wicked lien could make the
moat of It
Those UepublleuiK Who Aro Xol Poli
ticians Arc Against Blaine
Vahhinoton D C Aug 3D The
Washington correspondent of the Now
York Herald lurnlshes tho following
from a gentleman well known In olll
clal and political circles In New York
s ate who has always been nu ardeut
nctlvo Republican aud whoso opinion
Is not biased In the slightest by per
sonal prcfcrenceo His summary of
observations made during the past
threo weeks Is therelore tho moro val
uable as It Is reliable
1 havo been making a hurried trip
through parts of Ohio Indiana and
Illinois aud found nearly everybody
talking or willing to talk about the
coming election Buch conclusions as
it seems possible to mako concerning
tho present condition of the canvass
In those slates may be summed up In
this way
1 Those members of tho Hepublicau
jKirty who hold ftderal or state onlces
oi ato otherwise actively engaged lu
politics ato almost to a man faithful
In tho party nominations although a
surprising uuinUer of them admit
that sturdy Atlhur was their first
2 Thoso Bepubllcans whose liveli
hood is obtained from prlvato
tions and whoso political activity
goes further than voting nt geueral
elections are almoM to a man averse
to Blaine Homo will vote for him
in tho end out of legard
for supposed consistency others
will alptalu from voting and u
plurality will vote for Cleveland They
would all havo voted for Aithur and
tho most of them would In time havo
taken some active Interest in his cun
il Tho impression that Clevclanda
private life hus been generally Immor
al which has taken strong hold of
peoplo who live In small towns aud
rural communities has tended to put
Itepubllcaus who supK > rt him ou tho
defensive This exaggerated view ol
the llalplu Incident will not give votes
directly to Blaine but will Increase
tho abxentatlon from tho polls
J The iermau Beiiubllcaus arc al
most solidly against Blaine and this
Is such an alarming feature that a very
nctlvo but strictly qulot criisadolu his
behalf Is being carried ou through a
lioitof small German politicians who
tell their dupes that Carl Hchur has
been bought for a great prlco lu cash
to sell the Oerniin vole of the West to
tho Democratic party
Ko fur tho tarlll Is cutting no
figure u the threo states named
Manufacturing Industries are greatly
depressed Such business as Is mov
lug is done without profits worth
speaking about and there Is a sort of
latent feeling that tin tarlll whether
as a melius of fostering or Injuring do
mestic Industries has been grossly
exaggerated after nil It Is only tho
great lu somo sense tho monopolistic
eitnlillhnientH tltat liavo a direct In
terest lu thu tarlll and between them
and the mass of tho community
wherever they exist there is llttlo
II Co to this point tho canvass is
void of enthusiasm on either side and
rclloctlons upon Mr BlulLos pecuni
ary operations and bis administration
of the statu department aro about the
only topics of public Interest
Tho Jotter of Hon T C Found of
Wisconsin announcing his Intention
to boll the ItepuUlcau ticket and sup
port Clevuluud U causiug ijulto a sen
sation lu political clrcli ami gives
muili eucouriigcuiout to the Demo
KxCougressman Kldrldge of Wis
consin says hornet Mr Found at the
Itcpubllcan conveujluii at Chicago nnd
huwusverv much chagrined at the
defeat of Arthur Mr Eldrldgo
thinks his declaration now U tho re
sult ot having felt the pulse of his con
stituents Jfopays Wisconsin will
go to the Democrats The dcrmaus
will not vote for Blaine theres no
use talking and theyll carry the
state over
A Trump
Merlillan llliide
George B Loving has purchased
and will continue tho publication of
the Kort Worth GAZirrrrc the 11 vo
fitnolc Journal and the Wool Grower
Hurrah for George He is o trump
wheiover you find him but Is espe
cially an excellent Journalist and wo
wolcomo him back into thu fold
Heres three Iinea three for Dovlng
llemler Unto Caesar
Martdlai Illadi
Aud now the Dallas Time give all
the credit to the Dallas Herald Uhla
ht duo to the partiality of the TJiuoh
for the Herald JThe renomlnatlou of
the old ticket wan really duo to tho
Houston Po t Jtift as wan the election
of Wswh Jones two yean ago
Fort Worth Texas
Artesian Well Machinery
Cotton Glnsj Presses Ailns Engines j Russoll Forl
nblo and Stationary Engines and Vibrator Thresh
ors BubborHoso Rubber Leather and Cot
ton Belling Shafting Pulloys j Gas Pipe
Pino Fitting Brass Goods Steam
Pumps otc Avery and Oliver
ChilledimdiJohnDcero Plows
Double Shovels Georgia
Stocks Swcons Bull V
Tongues otc etc
Molino audjothcr Parm Wagons Seeloy Hay Pressi
Cano Mills and Evaporators Evans Corn Plant
ers Touts and IVanon Sheets ITngon Bows
Whcolbar rws Wagon y and Platform
Scales Snllcy Bay Bakes Suoko < > i
StatelGraln Drills Strowbridgos
Broadcast Seed SowersEle
vator Cups Mill Picks
Bolting Cloth Scotch
Barrows Bar
row Tooth
Barrows Single Trees etc Waller
PileMnRll Kinds ol
Twine Binders Mowers and SelfBakes
Stretchers Corn Shollors Cor andyShuck Shelt
ers Koiinesirw Water EieYiitos etc etc
Smooth and Barbed Wire
oNEiuuiaiiMiioN ms now in stock
J Ury lock ot
Mill Supplies
k ptcoDiUull ouii nd
CorroHpondonco Holieltod
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Corner HouNton and JPirftt Streets
JSxclntlv DeaUr lu
Mo St Main Btr t Tort Wortli Taxa
Wtr oorntjMth UxX thai ttiobett cool Mr aiwui Hit etaeaput and to that cod ke p
onlr flr vta toaJ which r biimhuiim lo or > mtrt yft will rtpalr ail ihott tbil
v 1