OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 08, 1884, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1884-09-08/ed-1/seq-5/

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HiBoftho Chinese Foreign Office
S i od for Advocating
tj ttJLi of Swain Germany and
the Fif
15 J
sept J r1 ° iePullm >
rfeirln t0 lll ° ortlcr of Ult
f Ilong Kong against tlio
ftf KuKltflito lho French
1 tl at If t10 employment
JfVJu Is forbidden they can
MIsced by Americans
pi 7ihe Voss Un
Idol tch denies tho report
> rUseof thu German squad
iTlWCblncso waters
> l
riAiMi >
u 7 ThoTeinps explains
trtnott that thu French had
awrdcdICleting aslesultlus
aS fact Vhll Admiral Courbet
iJ jnboaDajard was inspect
eof KcehniKi the Chinese
fortification upon tho
founding four sailors The
to this
flSuofwar replied as
lho Chinese bat
i ddiiollhtd
which Admiral Courbet re
r h Tonnuiti wIln UlQ steamer
rt 1 ° National states
BRajsIan minister at Paris has
instructions from his govern
Win tho fulfillment or the
ii18 under tho provisions of
blnn engages to open new
commerce for the Russian
shot jiiMsrir
vSept 7 Prof Ougarda of
ea lst college lu Franco com
Hlfe with n revolver His
Krtill with cerebral nuiemlu
aSept 7 Thu three vacant
jthe French academy will ha
1 Senators Dochcrvletor uud
iodM Rertrund the secretary
t Sept 7 Lieut Gibriel Fo
been appointed French lnlula
liicnt at Ogowe on tho West coast
b pt 7 The Ropublique
states that tho discussion has
ivived In tho highest olllclal
f Vienna regarding the con
Paris on the
Jf questions
j i I invrr
MY Ha maSept 7 Tho Nile
Jfc f filling slightly Tho steam
1 Lm have passed the 11 rat cataract
J iwy that unless the large Balling
htartImmediately they will be
y Ietopasi the third cataruct a
i jut hence
10 regiment li proceeding to Ssrass
sriil embark there fur Dongola
bis Sept 7 Iieu Tain advices
thit the six members or the Chl
Vrtlgn olllce who advised the
anient to make peace with
liavo been dismissed The
a w lio ud vise tho payment of the
ally demanded by France arc
aed with punishment
saw Sept 7 The car cirl
rowltWi aud tho grand dukes
ks Vladimir aud George ur
it Welna today They were
ed with great euthuslasm They
J tho monastery of tho Holy
t and later reviewed the troops
larty will reach Warsaw tomor
aud reside In Jazienkl park
lifSU has already been closed to tho
Tho of Hussia Ger
and Austria will meet tho l > th
Tin itiioiivoii vji itoxiit
xnoN Sept 7 Tan Hill tho
Ingham boxer challenges Hilly
arils Charley Norton or any
American lightweight boxer
MOK a side oru trophy equal
t amount lu value Hill will go
ew York to meet the champion
ron rbcipc rront Cannihnllsin on a
Snoweilln Train
w people who havo never been on
erge of starvation can realise
heap hoarding
fdlut realisation of hunger na Is
n when they tuke u meal at
W Then thev leach for ovcry
Jtbat Is iu their eight and their
i roll in frenzy and you can
ch them and Imagine what
rwoulddoifhardnievied nnd no
i for ten days Right huo at
there havo been narrow escapes
canulballsm when trains have
mowed lu for a week Only n
pie of years ago a train was snowed
tstof ht Paul aud for four days
Lrewas no food except the cotton
fUluitlsused to oil tho engines
t barrel of shell oysters After all
food was gone and tho traveling
J had eaten the leather tiro buckets
chewed the Hustenuuce out of tho
cushions they held n cousulta
In tho
Wed to kill aud tat a girl
bio rear coach bho was
t twenty year old nschool teach
proreeslon rosycheeked and
Pf lout the right ago to eat Tho
blTi f
appointed a young
85 lor a youug man to do to go and
Rlrlhe bus been flirting with
M days in a snow ttoriu that the
J have decided to eat hor but the
Hjawong traveling men I severe
a the man had to
y lie went In tho
t k a g nco ad s
smile snt down beside her and told
her he hall a proposal to make and
with a smile thru was worth two In
the bush she told him sho had mis
trusted something of the kind ever
since he squeezed hor hand tho even
ing beforo when they were playlnc
cu I no Ho said the proposition he
was about to moko was the hnrder
from tho fact that he hud tarried In
tho past few days to lovelier an he had
never loved another woman but in
tlmdB like these we must stllloour feel
ings nnd do our duty and a ter came
to his eye as he looktd at lho rich
red cheek and tho true blue
eye Ho said the propol ho
was nbout to make waj ono tiiat might
strlko her as peculiar 8he said that
wrs all right There was uo use beat
ing about the bush and if he wanted
her to marry him she did not see nny
objection and when she got back to
Bt Paul she would throw up her Posi
tion and they would get married at
onco Theyouug man was slightly
taken baek but ho said that was nil
light and he would be the happiest
man on earth and ho throw his arras
around her neck aud began kissing
her The traveling men in tho bag
cage car were looking through the
door nt the young fellow
nnd the girl and wonder
ing If he wai going to be all winter
about it nnd when they saw him
kissing her they thought his luuiger
had overcome hlin and bo was taking
n meal out of thu < est place and It
made them mad and they went In tlio
car to remonstrate with him When
they got to tho rear of the car ho had
quit kissing her and she had opened
ti big basket tilled with cold chicken
and everything good aud had spread
a lunch and ns they came along she
said Gentlemen assist us at
our weddingbreakfast Your Irleml
and myself nrn to be married
when wo get to St Paul Tho boys
took hold and helped cat tho lunch
j congratulated the young fellowthough
they reprimanded him for turning
traitor at a serious moment but ho
pulled out a box of cigars nnd thev
smoked for u llttlo time when a relief
engine was heard to whistle and In
mi hour the stalled train was hauled
out of the snowdrift and on the way
to St laul and that evening the can
nibal and his victim weremmrled aud
tho assistant cauulbalB were witnesses
The young people aro keeping houso
now aud no doubt the stories of Oree
ly aud his men will cause them to re
member the great snowstorm when
they camo so neai tatlng each other
mzxii istati
A Finn Fall and Winter Market
shadowed by Kxperts
New York lIeraltlStnt
No sales were made yesletday on tho
Real Kslate exchange and Indeed for
the present week very llttlo Interest
will center there Only four parcels
of realty arc up for nubile miction two
of which will likely go oil under thu
hammer of tho auctioneer on TLurs
day one on Friday and thu fourth on
There Is n general belief among real
estate experts that the market in the
fall will betlrm nud that good prices
will rule duritig tho fall winter and
early spring Capitalists whose funds
have been invested lu stocks and other
stcurltles of lluctuntlng values have at
last realized the fact that next to gov
ernments and a few other securities
real estate Is the safest property In
which to Invest end when the fall
business opens there will no
doubt bo keen competition for
Improved parcels the rent
als on which will icalio them all tho
way fioin live to nine per cent on tho
Many lints improved tenement
houses nnd private residences that ate
now being erected by builders will
likely bo thrown on the market by the
i resent owners who will with what
is realled thereon go into the market
and purchase vacant lot for Improve
ment next yiar
Terrapin in China
In tho medical reports of the lu
spectorgeueral of customs In China
Dr Macgowan gives an amusing ac
count of soma of tho reputed ikjIsouous
animals of that country and of super
stitious connected with them Ho
speaks of the terrapin as the thrte
footed tho redfooted singleeyed
sunkeneyed etc which aro not to be
eiiten Thothreoand fourtood terra
pin may be eaten but tho llvitoed
which uro transformed snakes and
thu sixtoed which uro trans
formed scorpions as tho people be
lieve aro fatal poisons to those who
eat them Rut for thorough bushiest
habits In a wicked animal the three
legged terrapin has the llrst place if
statemeut be true A
the following
man of Tnttsang ordered his wife to
cook u threelegged torrnpin which
bontoand went to bed boon after
ward ho wns changed to blood nud
water hh hair alone remaining the
neighbors suspected foul play anil In
formed the magistrate He ordered a
condemned prisoner to eat one of tho
trlpedal cephaloutaus This ho did
tiaugs or hunger will bring a a iu tho morning tho judge In
to There are people who board jecei his blood water and hair and
hoardingliouses who have iqtiitted
The Bate War Declared to be Only a
Little Difficulty Easily AdJMted
The Bears Arraying Thenufthet for an
Attaok on Wall Street Local Not
Wall street Is watched with Interest
by nil holders or rallrod sureties and
the respective frlonds of tho bulls and
the bears are elated or deprwsed as
the market takes a favorable or unfa
vorable turn
Cammack and Woerlshofler who
have led the bear campalsns that have
beun so successful In tho past two
years have started In again aud thoy
will try to innko the fur tly ere long
Gould knows all about It uud has put
hhueelf on tho defensive Deaoon
Whlto has hurried to bin aid aim they
will make their stand with Union Pa
c llo and Western Uulon The quarrel
fellow who
the widow of tho oilier
Water null WIno In Venice
A travollug rorrespondent of the
Rait Lake City T Ibune writing from
live entirely
Venice says Tho people
tirely upon cistern water collected by
drains from nil the nclghboilng
houses Into bronze cisterns situated
in tlio city
in every little square
Hero three times a day you can see
a crowd of men women and children
drawing their suppy and carrying it
away in their graclu copper bucket
much like an Km era
It liwks very
Rut speaking of water rem ml
aro not much given
mo that the people
but consume
that beverage
miantltles of wnie uud as we paufcd
a dingy tile lane one day wo saw tho
sin plo process of Its mauufao
very 1
tun 1 had bleu ou the lookout a
along for that charming sight hcati
tlfuliy dtscrlbed bv tho iwet when lie
sieaks or tho maidwith mllkwhlto
ankles splashed with w ne How try
log are lifes disappointment r saw
leforo their grajxj
foMued laiite but I came away with unpleas
antIrapreLlous Under the beat of
clrcumstnuces it is unple nt to put
have olhen put
will probably be over Uulon Paclllc
although tho boars will try to smash
the Graugers and some of tho Vnnder
Today tho glantB of Wall street sliu
py stood glaring nt each other Tun
biars were wnlllng for some adverte
news with which to knock the market
nud tho bulls were waiting fcr the at
tack result the dulkst day In tlu
North west was weak on stories of a
fresh Granger war and uUtho stocks
decreasedearnlngs but St Paul Inched
up because tho < niclnl report of Its
earnings made ahss bad shoMugthan
was expected Railroad people say
that none of tlio trunk Hues havo open
ly nuuouuced reduced rates for tickets
and that ttiero will probably bo no
change until the id In tho North
western Tntlllo association jis that is
tho date that tho Chicago and North
western company has given for with
drawing from the pool It is not piob
ablo that a war will soon
follow this nn the result of the
withdrawal and the roads will very
likely cotitluuo to operate on tho old
basis of rates until anew association Is
formed The purchaso of tho Rlalr
system ol roads by the Northwest com
pauyhai complicated nlliilra in the
tripartite alllauce aud it can not bo
very well revived on tho old basis
As to the general market there Is
really nothing new The general sit
uation continues unchanged although
tho bulk of tho news la of a less en
couraging n > ur Exports have been
very light of I lie railroad earnings
show tip viry p nir and tho Vandcr
bllt roam cm be doing llttlo If
anything more Ihnn earning fixed
Tho corn crop is watched closely
and todays news In the street was
that Western weather had been very
favorable lor a few days Rut dullnees
was the only feature uf tho trading to
day Tho battle royal will begin soon
and then tho fun will come thick aud
Tho rumored rate war among tho
railroads l likely to turn out to bo llt
tlo more than a family quarrel Tho
lato advices from Now York say
Thcro was no important change lu
tho rales of passenger trallio to tho
West made by tho ticket brokers yes
terday It is understood that tho
evidence has been seemed of tho
sale of Chicago tickets at tho ofllecx
ut 117 against tho rate SIS fill
as heretofore maintained Tho brokers
aro selling Chicago tickets at 10 and
tho only p rtaiico attached to these
Irregularities on the part of tho West
Shoro is that they may bo used by the
old trunk lines as the Justification for
an open cut at their town olllce There
seemed to be somolhliig moving In
tho air in tho opinion ol shrewd
brokers because of tho unusual num
ber of spotters that were cnuvasslng
tho Rroadway otllces ill order to get nt
the lowest current sales This fact was
Interpreted ns indicating a possible
preparation by boiiio of the pool lines
lor more open lyaggreedvo feteps than
have yet been taken A gentleman
Informed as to CouunltHloncr Finks
opinion said It Is Incorroct to tay
that there is a passenger war There
is none The faet is simply that there
aro no regular rates and eoino linos
aro paying commissions while others
are not There uover has been
a ikkiI on passenger business
so far as a division of business
and settlement of balances under tho
division Is concerned Agreement
regarding rates etc have existed unci
none or tho old trunk lluea havo with
drawn from them but It Is tacitly un
derstood that the experiment of pay
ing commissions shall be tried until
the West Shore and Lackawanua ate
willing to accept a division and to
over relations with tho scnlpers Mr
Fink Is not lifting ids llngerut present
to end the trouble liecauso ho believes
that If the cutting goes ou long enough
the new trunk Hues will get so sick of
the situation that they will bo willing
to cooperate with the other Dues Ho
was confldent that at tlio proper time
the West Share and Lackawanna will
bo glad to accept the trunk lino agree
ments and thai the Grand Trunk will
consent to abandon Its old policy of
nijing commissions even while tho
American lines were not doing so
Therels no principle Involved In the
present cutting uud no dispute except
over the allowance of commissions
Thcro Is uo telling Just when the
music began hutjust us the ttrect car
turned Rlullcmuns corner the at
mosphere was II led with an unearth
ly noise iu the vicinity of tho Union
deiiot So exciting wus It that tho lit
tle mules pricked up their ears and
made the street car go with a whiz
When within a hundred yards or so
the nobe became more bloodcurdling
und as soon as tho car topped
of tboMiaeottrl Pacific Express
dozome None of you can
me I am here und I mean
or diut up I
grew twice his ordluury re his fury
was tnagnltleent nnd ho called lu
thunder tones for i > onio ono to put up
or shut up
Whatever the question was uo ono
will probably ever bo informed hut It
must havo been notorlou ly untenable
as several gentlemen upon Inquiry
npproaohwl him and ottered to lako
him up Ouo gentleman pulled out n
handful or Uvea but ho wag Jostled
R ldo by nuother who reached down
In his Inside vest pocket pulled out a
handful of bills nud ru hed up to the
speaker oilerlng to cox or his money
You say yon will put up asked the
Yes sir Ill cover your money
Well you bet your llfo Im your
man My money goes rover It
How much uo you want to hot
demanded hoof tbe fat roll
How much do 1 want to hot
Yes how much put It up
1 wnnt to bet money 1 want to hot
a half a dollar aud 1 dare you to
cover it
Tho gentleman with tho largo roll of
bills wns the mast disgusted man lu
town lie left then right quick
LorisvniK 1C Hopi 3 Tho
Southern Association of Railroad and
Steamship Freight Men met In secret lia
session hero totiny Representatives
of freight deptrttneuta of tho Louis
ville vt Nashville Cincinnati Bouth
ern Knst Teunesice Yirglula fc
Georgia Western t Atlantic Rich
mond Danville Central of Georgia
Georgia Paclllc and other Southern
and Southeastern toads were present
The afturnoou was spent In discussing
tho proposed withdrawal of tho Kits I
Tennessee Virginia Georgia from
thoiutsoclatlnu the future tualntotianco
of tho Macon aud Atlantic cotton iwjol
and tho uniform system of billing
merchandise for itoliitM north of tho
AmiflTA GA Mr Jas S Davanl
geiitml freight and passenger ngont of
the Port Royal road lias resigned and
goes to accept tho samo position on lho
Louisville New Orleans fc Texas
with headquarters In Memphis
OoiUMiius I mlThe 0 II < fc 0
load Is soon to erect a telephone lino
from Griensbtirg to this city
Tlio railing behind tho tnloii depot
looks like a stock pen
A now gig arrived by cxpivm last
night for tho Driving Park association
The frame at Dallas was tho solo sub
ject of discussion at tho Union depot
Incoming passengers report lho prai
ries burning fuiiously In vnrlnue dl
i cctlona
Trains were crowded from Dallas
owing to tho base bull excursionists
coming lu
When exprost messengers compare
notes on tho relative merits of railroad
hotels thoro Is fun
Tho Transcontinental aneoclatlon
has adjourned at Saratoga to meet lu
Chicago September lo
The Clnclnuntl Southern will uso I
Mann boudoir ears Instead of Pullman
sleepers after November 1
Col Kmniett of the Air Lino Is pro
pnrlug to run a cheap excursion to
lNitiwkynnd return tho next week
Mr K F Suttcrlleld has been
appointed freight ugelll for lho Haiti
more Ohio railroad ut Wheeling W
Vn There la more express milter handled
at Fort Worth than at all tho other
Texas towns combined So fay the
If you think there U no work
In an expiess otllco Just wlpo your
glasses anil look at Agent Koon In tho
Missouri Paclllc
It Is ulco to work on tho platform of
the I ulon depot there It nothing to
do only haul a carloud or height on a
pair of trucks Its nice
Geoige W Friedloy of this state has
been appolutid general solicitor of tho
Louisville Now Albany it Chicago
road sin ceedlng Dennett 11 Voting
Chicago Northwestern earnings
for the fourth week lu Atigtut uero
tOHi 800 a decrease of tM7tKR and for
thu month 11V decrease of
51071 iO
The icdltced livestock rale Is ou a
basis of twenty cents per 100 npiinds
from Chicago to New York This rate
was In vogue on tovernl imocuttlng
linos before It was made general by
Commissioner Fink
J 13 Ohnperllng husbecnappointed
superintendent of the Dayton division
or tho Toledo Cincinnati HI Louis
road vice W W Cuniinlug resigned
O li Henderson general inuuager
announces that W T WlllUms now
traveling ugeiit of the L H W will
bo apiioluted general freight ugelll or
tho above division
Robert M Hughes who recently
resigned tho > osltlon of assistant to tho
rresldontoftlio Rlack Diamond sys
tem will take charge or the editorial
department of tho Nntlone1 Trade
Journal arid Railway Review of Jsow
York Tho llrst Issue n this paper
will not appear until January next
Hughes goes thero lu November The
paper will be issued monthly und
owned by a leudlng philanthropist of
that city
Poutkmoi nt OitioHepl 1 This
citv has been In holiday attlro today
celebrating lho visit of 150 merchants
from along tho Hue or the New Cin
cinnati and Eastern Railroad who
came as tho guests of the merchants of
Tho railroad carried them
this city
freo of charge They arrived hero ut
1W p m und havo been treuled lo an
excursion on lho steamer Mlnnlollay
a display or the lire department nnd
an entertainment t the oiierahouse
Tho procession of lho rarrlusiM iu the
eccort was over u mllo In length
The Louisville uud Nashville lliiati
K ° for tho l auo orjV
alal plan pwvldes
was seen iu tho vard in m WiM a per cent tenforty bolide
olc < I secured nu tho r
by mortgage railroad
I demand d V rty nlfiVXWi < preferred
cstlculntlng violently and
of the assembled crowd to put up i stooJJ r0IC ow Cumulative This
ing u makes
orshutup Finding < taK ri l 101 the capital i5i > coiiimoni and
i a more demonstrative and fairly i Mmr i iircfc rVed Tim now Winds
became j
fumed with rage You cant bull uu d gtoek uro ho 0H rcd to tho prea
what I
havo the
say put up
to buck It
money nud the uerve
Ill back you all elown
Ho pranced up and down
aching for tomo ono to lake
him up and one gentleman
remonstrate wuuum
your foot in U but to with him
tut shareholders for which purpose
tho companys books close September
M Olllclals do not deem It advisable
to state the tonus ui Jn which they
will oiler the new iwuo
In pursuant with the instrtictloiis
of the general iwasengcr ugenlH tho
district passenger agents of tho lu
lana oil Hutu met eMla a uom to
organize a local association for tho
preservation of rates Mr Nichols of
tho Hoe Line was uiado chairman
and Mr Deerlug of tho Jefferson
ville Madison nud Indianapolis
seretary A resolution was
adopted ngreelug to maintain rates
until September 10 when tho general
agontstnert It mw ngmsdtonrgiiiiUt
an association patterned afi r tho
Kansas City rate club This provides
for a forfeit of money in ca e n rate it
out the ticket sold and an atlldnvlt to
bo proof against tho seller Tho
agreement nlto will provide for the
redemption at full rates of all ticket
sold below tarltr prices
IntereeUng Roligious tolling on Varv
on Suhjectt
Home and Foreign Ohuroli
Minlcmrv Notes
The committee having In ohnrgo tho
revision of tho Old Testament lmvo
consented that several members shall
undertake tho revision of tho Apocry
Mrs Walls beggars meetings In
Rome coutlnuo to bo a great success
Kaeh meeting Is attended by some
hundred and llfty i > oor creatines who
leant scriptures aJd hyinus
Tho Protestant Kplscopallans re
having their Rook of Common Prayer
in tho Chinese language for
uso lu their niU lonary work Tho
work Is being dono lu Now York
Mr Moody when asked whether ho
was perfectly satlslled with tho wink
accomplished in connection with his
recent labors In London replied
Very much pleased but not satls
lled 1 ant never satlslled
It la significant that nn Itilldcl Jour
nal recently admitted that through
out the length and breadth of tho elv
lllred world there Is not a single nook
or corner to bo found In which tho
autocratic yoke of religion has been
shaken oil
A Sundayschool pupil Illustrates
responsibility lu this way lloya
haa two buttons for their spenders
sos lo keep their trousers up When
ono button comes oil why theres a
good deal of responsibility ou the
other button
Tho two Moravian missionaries to
Alatku havo reached Nuthlgak nud
ascended tho Koskokwlut river lu
skinennocs Largo ntimbom of Es
quimaux aro living in that part of the
territory which they Intend to explore
Kllrabeth Cady Stanton miikis lho
remarkable statement hit ho bint Not I It
American Review that It was at a
Juwlsh polygamous wedding that
onus performed ills Hut miracle and
isjlygamy was pmcticed by Christians
for centuries It would bo very hard
for K C S to prove that
It Is stated u nn Illustration of tho
power or special prayer ollVrcd for tho
Moravian vessels that for 1111 years a
ship has annually loft Fugland for thu
Moravian mission lu the Arctic legions
of this continent und that not u single
ship or passenger has been lost ny
storm Iceberg or wreck
In tho xplorallnii of tho old Templo
area in Jerusalem ouo of tho stone
placed round about the low parapet
dividing ho court of tho Israelites
from the court of IhoOontllef has been
dug up with tho Inscription lu ireek
still legible forbiddingaOentllo under
pulll of dentil to pasrt the pniapot
AJotntcftort Is being made by tho
uicmbem of tho Xbv Chinch lu Kug
land aud America to raise sulllclutit
money to erect u monument to Hwo
doiiborg lu Stockholm The intention
is thai tho memorial shall consist or a
church a hookroom and n pastors
fames Russell Lowell thu United
Slates minister to lho court ot Ht
Jaiuesata recent meeting lu England
in honor or thittioot Drowning said
soino good words for Calvinism Mr
Lowell n hlmseir an Unitarian
Among other things lie said Tlio
doctrines of Culvlli havo produced
Mime of thu uobltwt characters tho
world has over tvvu lho very llberinid
HUbstaucoof which udurlngcomuioit
weallhs are made Look at Collguy
for Instance Nny the lKilltleal and
Intellectual freedom We enjoy springs
as truly i > orhups from the loins of Cal
vin as front any where else
Tho Kstabllshed church of Kngluiid
has about eighty churches nnd congre
gations iu northern Kuropc of which
the bishop of London has tlio over
sight Thoso In southern Kuropc and
in tlio Islands or tho Mediterranean ui o
more than seventy In number and nio
under tho supervision of tho bishop of
Gibraltar Tho needs of Kugllsh trav
elers who havo Increased a hundred
fold lmvo greatly Increased tho num
ber of churches and under tho latter
bishop ten uro now In process of con
slrttctloii A church Is nearly com
pleted In Moscow while there aro
three or these churches within lho
walls of Home
That quiet unobtrusive folk tho
Society or Friends lejiorl a total mem
bership In this country of nbout 700H
ami In Great Rrituiu and Ireland about
isOOo Thoy carry on considerable
mission worlc Among tho vnrlous
Indian tribee they havo twentylive
Friends cnguged in teaching and lu
tho foreign Held are doing n noblo
service Thoy aro sustaining thlrtitri
missionaries Iu Mudagascur live lu
India and a medical mission In
Turkey under the euro of tho London
Yearly Meeting In Syria thoy have
two stations Rennudn and Mount
Lcbunon with tralulng home for boys
und girl three Habbuthschools and
nine day tcfionls At Kamumlluh
near Jerusalem thoy havo seven
schools Those aro under tho care of
it New Knglund und Louden Yearly
The 11oIiioiuoiiibh hi puvul un
havo iioinhialod for governor Dnvb
Preston In these days when presi
dential polltlew cannot he fully and
freely discussed In tho ainlly circle K
Is a positive luxury to read of u guber
natorial carilldsto such nr l us these
in a paper theClevelaud rresu which
ttvois another mrty treston is no
polltlciau but he is u man of large
meuriv a gonerous giver to all worthy
charitable aud religious projects uni
versal ly known and respected through
out the state un earnest Republican
for many yearehutdstlngul hrd more
than anything else for iiersonal lintnll
Ity and piety In Wl tho bank of
Absolutely Pwe
this powrt > r never var
ly ftlpniiiiie wliol
1m Amsrvelof rorl
ennmrmM itor >
pniiiiie oViViioTy kliiiir nrt raiiuiot
lioiiiM In competition
with tlio multitude of
nw t t thotl witffht alwnj or rjinwptiiitj
powder HtM only in eim HorAlj HAKIKO
Iottiikh Oo m Wall Htrect New York
which ho has bien tho liml fir
n generation suspended payment
Preston Issued a proclamation
dtclarlng that with tho help
of desus Christ ho would resume and
pay ovory dollar lho hank owed The
ungodly laughed nnd Jtorcdi hut lho
bank did resume pay all Its debts aud
coutlnuo ttt business inoro prolllably
than over before Hols withoutdntibt
tho most inlluentlal lay member ot tho
Methodist Knlscopal church In tho
state and will poll a much lamer vote
I him anv other mnu tho Prohibition
Ists could lmvo nominated When hl
naino was tlrst mentioned forthe placo
many of Ida friends In ono of tho other
besought him to decline but ho
answered them by publishing u letter
stating that If nominated ho would ac
cept and for this especial reason bcsldu
others that tho Prohibition party Is
tho only one which recognizes God lu
lis platform
A Story or 1 lie Ocnrrnl ntdtli Lxplnliw
Ills Position lully
Wahiiinmtox Aug OS The ques
tion of tho day hero is which parly
will Gen RuilorHtiiltc hardest lllnlue
men say thoy bellovo lie will damage
Cleveland most and Clovclaml linn
with less conlldoilce perhaps My
Rlalno will faro wor o Roth sldoe
piofe H to hope thai Duller will hold
on and inukon good canvass for tho
good ho will do them ouch being con
lldont of deriving tho greatest advant
age Rtttier hlniHuir bus heun iitles
tlimid to llud out what ho thinks
and what his wishes are The gener
al never leaves a single doubt In lho
minds of his questioner nbout his
holding ou
As Tor lho rest ho relates a story as
follows A married couple somoivhat
advanced lu yeurs took pansugo on n
Hudson liver Hleninboat for Albuny
Tho husband was n loving ono In his
way and his being crabbed nt UiueH
did not multonuy dlllermico with the
wuyu ofhls wife who was ns nll oo
tlouato as u wife should be Ou tho
way up tho river tho husband had tho
misfortune to fall overboard Ah ho
went over ho caught a rone which
dangled by tho boats side Tho speed
ortho boat omisrd him to bob up and
down In tho water his head
now in and now nut tho good
wife In the gioalCHlalariu crylhi out
Hold on husband Hold on for my
sake tho Injunction to hold nu for
her sake being partlniilaily empha
sized As soon ns tho boat slowed nnd
tho linKdrovvned husband could gain
breath ho shouted hack Hold your
tongue you fool Dont you stippo o
Ill hold ou for my own Bake
Tho general adds that while ho
doesnt consider hluieclf uverlKiard lu
tho condition or thu husband ho in
tends to hold ou for hU own calm and
ho suggests that the parly lenders ecan <
their unnecessary encouragements
to hlin nnd pay attention to their own
llutler Onn of tlio Profesb
Reiijatulli F Rllltur wus lu 1MM I
nu ugeiit fur un uctroM Miss Hlldrith
HownUbod carefully tho door and
suw that uo man paid twice to got Into
tho chow llutler afterwords murilod
Mist Hlldrith
Seldom Alitor
JIcrcliHiit Travtller
Young men It Isnt ulwuys tho girl
who looks loveliest lu tho soft sweet
shudowH or tho dnrttenlng twilight
who takes that beauty with her lu tho
grim gray morning ns she wioitlw
with a kitchen stove
Tbe Horn or the Saints
Some three or four years ago during
tho progress of certuln restorations lu
the Cathedral of Hitillago excavations
werotiudeitukeii under thu upsa ny
order of the archbishop who hail a
hope of llndlng thu bones of tho elder
sons of ebedeo the patron saint of
th > cathedral und the nation The
pious search was rewarded by the dis
covery of tho three wcllprosorvcd
BkclefoiiH Tho opinion of tlio pope
was then tukou ou thu question of
Identity His hollnesi relerred tho
matter to the Haored Coiigregatlon of
llilce anil that authority hat nt
length tirotiouuced the hones to bo be
yond donbl those of Ht Inmei tho
Great uud two of his dlselples The
auuoiiucement has caused great re
joicing In Santiago uud throughout
Snaln Rut did It never occur to the
Siorcd Congregation that the skele
eotiH inlxlil have been thoeo of the en
tire family groujiybedeohliiiolf und
Ills two children This would havo
made lho relics still more precious
A popular London ixmuuiuu u u u
lis service n short tlmo slncen servant
whom he had taken out of charity
roni tlio worklioUH Ouo day sho
wan very Ins dent lo her mistress
vhermqnn thooomwUaii told hor tlmt
f It occurred aguln ho should certainly
< end her back lo tho placo whence she
rtime I wont go Micro she replied
oj any account if the worst come
o the worst Ill goon theiUge

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