OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 09, 1884, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1884-09-09/ed-1/seq-8/

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+ j
The Daily Gazette
Offlea ol IfttbllcaUou Second Btreet Ma
tween Iloniton anil Throckmorton Kn
it red at lb roitonlca as BecondclaM
Additional locnt on Fifth page
Tunlplo i foils ton la still In tho olty
Ilnu Ilarnet Ollibs of Dallas wan In
tho olty last night
Mlw 51 nuil Johnson an accomplish
ed hellb of tills city Is vlshlng friends
in Ulg Springs
Johnny Logan whoso hip was dis
located a few days ngo by n full from
tree nud which was replaced by Dr
JJcall In still in bed but Is Improving
W T Grlgsby who woh taken quite
nlok whllo In Dallas on Sunday ulid
who Is now conllnid to IiIh homo In
tills city was reported bettor yester
Mr John O Marsh hoa been hiKtallcd
In hi new position a < agent for tlie
lntlllc Express company at thin place
Mr Marsh lias been connected with
therxprcMcompanyfor a longtime
and his promotion Ih but u llttlug and
just recognition of Mm merits
Fourteen to nothing
Jit anyhbdy heard anythlug drop
In the bate ball line
Win Huckubeo nud Mrs Moggie
RurnMde woro llcouncd to marry yes
terday by the county clorlc
Tlie Tarrant County Mtdlcul and
Huritleul society met In the ofllcu of
Dr II W Moore last night
The county commlraloiierscnuld do
no Work which would be appreciated
mnru limn to cause tho courthouse to
lie lilted iiji with gas fixtures
Alice Thompson the wounded wom
an khot by Win Ileflncra few nights
ago in the Third ward Is still living
mid wm resting comparatively easy
lint night
Deputy Shorlll James Maddox ar
rested two men in Dallus night before
last rir killing a livery man named
Kane Fort Worth olllcers do good
work when they go away from home
A fellow who wus looking for a light
on thesipiarc yesterday got It with a
vengeance Iloth parties were arrested
by Ollleer Cooper They were very
bloody and caused u great deal of cx
ultciutiit for a very lurge crowd
In thn county court yesterday Judge
M I Priest was elected special Judgo
In the absence ofJudge Iieekhum who
has a leave of absence for several days
In tho oiso of Thus JI Mllllnglou vs
thiT ic Jtillwiiy company u verdict
wasieniruedln favor ot the plaintiff
for JMn
The calaboose prisoners liuidoa break
for freedom night beloru lust about ii
oclock and six of them onaped Their
names are Lawrenco Dowees IS Hue
carrying a pistol lien Grlltln carry
ing nruwi knuckles 1 line Mundav
ilir lng 3 line John Decker mid W
T Decker carrying pistols tti each
llHHtiinun woro unable to pay lino
and ro ts und were hold In default
OniMither wtnt Willi them
An alarm of lire was turned on from
box I about i oclock p in yesterday
uml In u chort tlmo tlo entire liro de
partment was out searching for tlie
llninos whloli piove < l to bosome glass
burning in tho yard of Mrs Million
who live on Weatherford street The
t < iM Ices of the department woto not
needed A great deal of excitement
was ciiusid by the lMer Smith hose
carilriuo running up Main streel This
foiupiiny lias u lino team but they were
a short distance behind tho Daggett
The county commissioners were In
session yesterday ooiitiderlng mid
imping on tlie claims agulnst tlio
county Tho llmoJnfiut waif found
on the prulrlu oiftliu Dili of August
was tuonght bofore tlieni and they
gmo It the inline of George PutHiuoro
TheJuryupw lntod toasssH the dam
ug M fur rights of way for the new sys
tem of straight county roudn will not
make their report until tho November
term of the court One or tho com
iiiMouuih said yesterday that ho
thouirht the damages would fall below
duns iuhI Traps
The Fort Worth gun club will glvo
j two days shoot next Friday and
Saturday and all gun men from neigh
liorlng cities have been invited to par
ticipate On Friday the members of
the Fort Worth club will shoot for two
lino mins purchased by money whloh
was left over from tho assessment after
the lute statu shoot In this city Tlie
mutches will tako place on tho old
base hall ground north of tlie city ami
some excellent sport Is anticipated
Suits Filed
Tho following suits have been IIled
lu the district court Cnino and Dreed
Manufacturing company vs Jt I
Tumor suit on u promissory note
nmnuiitlug to 1333 00
Win II Miller vs Texas Invest
ment oomimiy suit on note for
Jake Johnson vh the O O B F
lty Co suit for 550 damages for In
juries to property
0 IT Djiy vs tho Ci C 8 F lty
Co Milt for f 1000damages to property
13 T Ikard vs Samuel Shy ct at
suit to enforce u veudois lion
Llantm Cheroots
Are tho best mid thoKeuulne
Cant Mult llurjliody
NurrUlown Herald
A vltinry mau recently told hlaSougro
gatlun lu describing ii 3freu that it
will always bo Sunday there This
nwumuco ought to plet > so base ball
nines tluco tho decision of n New
i It Judge tlmt there is no law iigulnsi
playing bate ball on Sunday mm per
h > us who devote th day to llshlng
may mako extra Hurts to gut there
hut tho Hiuiill boy wlio Is obliged to
neoouipauy his parents to church twice
a day and attend Sabbathsohpol In
tlioatriipou wlllbuaptip golu train
lug for sonio other place wheiou Sun
day doesnt coniedftemr than o cc a
and full welgbu guaranteed
We offer to customers general the following Standard Coals viz
Ttio lent Coal mint J In iha BouUiweat ror domeaUo and tt nm pnrpotes
For licttlaE nail itcftm parposc
Boual to Knglliu Connel and iperlally odaplcd lor gratet
and watte
A Discussion of Btato Issncs by W S
Tho Noxt Representative of Tarrant
County in Opposition to tho
Lease Law
A crow I of not more thiin sixty
pcoplo nsHeinblwl In tliu courtliousa
lout night to attend a regular meetIng
of tho Young Democracy mid liuar Mr
W S romlleton npcuk on tlie lgmiea
of tlio present cauipulgn mid tho
platform of tho Democratic party
enunciated at tlio Into tttato conven
tion at Houston
The president called tho meeting to
No committee being ready to report
under the head of now business tho
resignation of TJ lowell ni secretary
of tho club was read and accepted
The ptealdeut thon declared the of
fice vacant and Mr Ed F Vurreu
und Mr J J Kunnally were placed In
nomination Mr Warrun wai elected
on a vote and duly declared the hccic
tary of tho club
Hon Hyde Jennings waa admitted
to active mcmlii nlilp In tho club
Capt O 8 Kojnedy was received
Into lionorary meinlierslilp
Mr Wurreii ollcred a revolution re
gretting the resignation of Mr Powell
uh Hteretary It wiw adopteil
A coniiuuteo was nppolutcil to wuit
on Hon V K lendltUin ami iwk him
to deliver an uddretx to tho club That
gentleman reapouded and delivered n
speech of about one hours duration
Mr Iendletou commenced by Hay
ing ho would speak plainly and clear
ly Ills viuws upon the < iuchi1oiib which
presented thcnipclvcti to tho voters
of IVxus In tho present campaign
and upon tho platform or
ho parly enunciated nt tho
late Houston convention but Unit up
on his own views upon tliu question of
ltMieu law or antileae law Tlio speak
er tald the Issue threatened to ussunio
propiirlloim which would cuiuo tho
disruption ol the state an event which
overy true patriot should condemn
that tho llrst duty of tho state ii to
provide for tho settlement of tlio j > h
llo lands and the question was wheth
er or not any leasu law would retard
tho settlement or tho frontier Ho
Bpoko of those who viewed tho publlo
lands us so much territory set usldo for
educational purposes and who did
not euro whether these lauds wero set
tled by actual settlers or not of those
men who aro oppoul to tho ltaso law
becaiibo they wuiitcd tho grass free
without nay and without uuy interest
lu the soil and oftluidu who wanted a
free rango because they tielleveil it was
the best policy to materially build up
the vast resources of Texas aud arguing
Unit a leaM sjBUiu u Inimical
to the sittlemeut of tlio frontier ho
said fie wus uualteriibly opposed to tho
lease law passed at tho lust session of
tliohgislaiuio He did not think tho
legislature und Gov Ireland should ln >
tooluavilj blamed for tho passage of
tho law as It was u new policy aud un
tried Ho Bpoko of tho governora re
cent speech In this city and saIdtho
governors teasons for not vetoing
the bill should be accepted Ha re
ferred to tho Roberts policy of dispos
ing or the lauds as u villainous polloy
Ho thought that at this day tho peo
ple had seen tho workings or tho lease
law aud ho was conthteut that It was
best tor tho people Unit It should bo re
The speaker said that tho llrst duly
of tho hour was to provide for tho set
tlement ol tho country that such
should bo an axiom of tno Democratic
party that such was tho vlow of Clov
Ireland and Mr Ollibs and both of
tlieni favored UiWvlewof theiiiiestiou
Ho rererred to tho remarks ot Mr
Ollibs to tho tlRct that tlio settlement
of tho country wai tho llrst und school
revenue u secondary ooulderutlon
I iioii this liypothisU Mr lendloion
asked tho iiiitstlou Dxs u leasing
system which can bo successfully op
erated work ugulust tho settlement of
tho frontier and said undertake
to say that no possible leasing sys
tem can bo put lu operation
which will not reiurd tho settlement
of tho country and prohibit tlio build
ing un lu tio West or ii worklug aud
weultuproduclng population Tho
speaker then went Into u minute aud
detailed argument or how a leasing
eyiteni does retard tho eettlemeut of
ttio frontier aud said that tho watered
lauds wero not placed on tho market
for the reason that if they wero told
the other lauds could not bo leused at
all that tlmo watortd lauds wero
KUKiinteed to capital whleti would
lease Immense bodies whllo tho settler
who Is debarred from buying watered
lauds would be kept uut of tho coun
try He uext alludid to tho talk t nit
tlio Wut was not uu ugrlcultural
country and said he knew that no
man was justified liibaylug this or that
Bectlon was not adupted to agriculture
Aud that those men who went West to
fcettlo did not depend exclusively upon
larni ng but upon their cattle no
matter how many for his profits and
ujxmS 10 acres the maximum amount
lc am hoy he onild kcrp but Vow
Ctomea In blookn m rrom dirt
Teallmonlfila afler trial proves It to > the owl Co1 or smlthlnir pnrpo M ever brought to
tblnatale 1rleafburto ilx dollars per Urn loirertbau Korge eonl bas been aclllng
For beating purpoevs
IncorJ lougthilioor aawed and drill
Knrilomestloand Monro purpose
Tho varlons kind or fuel ni noted nbovcwlll be aold at rnvornbla price In largo or email
quantities as denlred at yard or delivered to nuy part of the city lrompine s rnlr dealing
Fort f ortli GaslisM Co Fuel Department
Tclcpliouo t
Olllco Stnilli Jnivls lllock 511 Houston SI
catllo and at tho same time carry on a
running business
Jn speaking of tho clTects of the
lease law the speaker said that it
seemed to him that the law was con
ceived lu ignoranco of ltsrcMilts upon
tho pro perity 6f tho couulry
In alluding to tho operation of the
lease law and lis results on Immigra
tion ho said I heard n man In this
county say I havo u son with a Miiall
bunch of cattle who wants togo West
but dont know whero to go for Tear
tho laud will be leased over his head
that this was an liiHtaiicoof many such
cases und was a practical Illustration
or how the lease law kept people oil
tho rrontler Ho spoke or large
numbers or settlors who wero moving
out or leafed pastures either being
driven out or bought out by tho pas
tnrcmen and mentioned Carter coun
ty having its county scat Inside of a
pasture with tho population of that
county constantly decreasing as a di
rect result or pastures
Mr Iendletou said one conclusive
argument against a leasing system was
that all people who 11 vo on tlio nortu
west rrontler woro opposed to the lease
law Men who had purchased land
there with the Intention of remaining
us citizens wero unanimously opposed
to It uud asked How then can we
expect men to go there aud purchase
lands when those ulready there aro
threatening to leave on account
or tho Iniquitous system or
leasing the public iHiidrV
Ho was not opposed to a leasing sys
tem simply because It wus u leasing
system but he denied that It was pos
sible to rapidly settle tho rrontler
whllo any such system was lu opera
tion Hut to tho contrary on a liberal
policy similar to tho ono pursutd in
Texas before the leaso law the coun
try under a small taxation would soon
produce a far greater revenue than
would bo gullied to the schools
under tho present polloy Ho said
that tho leiiHe system Is an utter ratl
ine became while tho lessees only
leased less than 11000000 acres they
controlled n vast territory tor which
they did not pay tho state a dollar
while behind the color or their lease
and kept settlers away
Mr Pendleton noxt spoke or how
the value or lauds could not Increase
under ulense system aud laud leases
wero a barrier to their en
hancement Ho contrasted Dili
las Tarrant aud Kills counties
with counties in which theio were
great pastures Carrying this pulnt to
greut length he showed how n lease
system kept down tho value or the
hinds In pasture He could not agree
with the distinguished Mr Glbbs
who wished to glvo tho leaso system
a trial when oven tho head oltlclals or
tbogoverniueut had said It retarded
tho tettlemout of the country He
asked why tho West had grown so
rapidly and euld It was caused by tho
fact that those who went there had
tho benefits of turning their stock
up in the free range Ho said the laud
buaril saw that public sentiment was
changing and hud within tlio past
Tew days withdrawn the public lauds
from the market to bo remain
until ufter the legislature meets mid
he did not believe that any more of
the public lauds would bo leased
Mr Pendleton said ho had been
asked how he stood since the state con
vention and that he placed tho saino
Intorpreutlou upon tho platform as
Gov Ireland hod dono In his recent
speech lu tho operahouse wlieu he
had advised the citizens of Tarrant
county irthey were dlssatUfied with
the lease law to send u man to the leg
islature who would amend It that he
did not consider that the state cotivsn
tlini had the rluht to Bay to any county
what kind or mau they should nomi
nate to represent them lu tho legisla
Tho speech thowed that Mr Pendle
ton has Klven the subject carerul und
thorough thought Aud to give a full
outline or his lemarks would require
an elaboruto extension or space Tho
speaker was well received and his
argument was ulmost fuultlesj from a
fieo grass standpoint
Prohibition Meeting
Col E 1
Dohonoy uddnstcd a re
spectable audience last night at the
St Paul M E chiiroh to tho evident
edification and delight or all who
heard hliu And by request ho will
remain In the city tomorrow and de
llvor another lecture tomorrow night
at the same place No ono wishing
success to tho great reromi movement
ho is working for should full to hear
him to morrow night Let everybody
attend It Is very muoli desired that
tho choir of that church bo present to
morrow evening to open ami eoniuct
tho services with suitable sougs Good
music with a good causenever falls to
Freo Orass Tobacco
It Is the finest brand or plug tobacco
lu tho market Try It
> ot Hard to Find
Any little boy lu town can show you
Andersons gun store
Port AVorth Grocer Co Sucesaore to
Bpeucer il Tucker
Oroceii Wholesale Produce aiid Com
inljuiQU Merchants
> fe
311 and 313
Strictly Firstclass
Yesterdays Heat
Corrected dally by J A Cravens of tho
Pharmacy Co for Til r Oaikttk
7 am
10 am I
86 U a m
W 12 m
B1 J
2 pm
3 pm
pm J
i p in
i pm
Hf Impress
Mr H M Peck one or the most
popular attaches of tho Pacific Ex
press company has been keeping his
amps trimmed and burning keeping
his house in order uud in various
otlier ways prudently preparing for
the multitudinous responsibilities or a
contemplated benedlctluo slate The
boys seem disposed to him
glvo advice
ami encouragement and in some In
premature but substantial as
sistance When tho truln pulleu In
last night ho was handed un express
package by the agent und on
opening It found that It ioutalned a
garment or diminutive proportions
und odd construction resembling the
covering or u boxingglove with two
humbaonlt There was a consulta
tion among the boys to decldo what
tho garment was Agent Marsh
claimed to bean expert In such mut
ters and pronounced Ha pair or babv
drawers nud they did look that wty
hut thegenderof thegarmeu was ttfll
a mystery The frills on the bottom
were considered ludieatlve of feint
ilnlly but the waistbund had button
holes lu It beforo and behind
or be
fore and before It looked us If
t was composed of two liefores or two
behlndsso hat ti child wearing it
could not tell whether ho was going to
schop or coming home mid this was
considered prima fade ovldeuco that It
Was Intended mr a boy There was
considerable dlecussluu ono way nud
the other Mausfield glvluglt as his
opinion that tho garment was a
Mother Hubbard pulled beforo it was
ripe but he didnt know anything
u lt nd at down
on like a freo
gross mau in u
Hoiifl on convention Tho questien
is tttll undetermined and as nobody
wants to live in them for a whllo at
least the matter will likely be passed
until an olllclal Investigation can bo
had The proposition to wear it as a
nccktlo was met with a storm of oppo
lltt crUor thu
llttrH Previous quet
tlou The orlglnul owner scorned to
havo worn It a considerable tlmo before
sending it For the present Mr Peck
will keen tho thing In u special cace
separated troiu tho
other aulmals vu
t e limrkT imtUuff Jt ou
° Jnr1 > peek beware
AHU tliui am it the r t decay
Houston Street Fort Worth Texas
Best Dltillnmpritc Piano Jlnde
A Number of Second
hand Pianos Cheap
Standard of Excellence
Shirts to Order a Specialty
the most Important mualcal college In llftn
country have purcbaited 70raj 1 rand Pi
anoiamX theneare nil lu use at this Innutri
tion and Indorsed by the emlnont Dr K
Imud Upright and Hnnare Planoforteii In
nrarlcty of atylea Old 1lanoa taken In ex
change OatalOKuea and full Information
cheerfully furnlahcd upon application
Fort Wortli Grocer
compauy are
cloelDg out their stock or line Messina
lemons at a low price Call before thev
are all gone
Stcrt or Iron hondmude horso
ut the Park Shoeing shop Putnams
hammered nulls used Corner Seventh
and Husk streets
Cnish t ro lhirs charm
doublei eagle and name of Uhas S
on It Finder will bo liberally
rewarded by Ieaviiigsameat Plokwlck
GeoB Joving Co real
fVuL st ock Keuts lluvo
tiieir olllco to the commodious rooms
formerly occupied by the Texas lu
vestment Company Limited where
ull parties wishing to buy or sell uny
Kind of real estate
or live stock aro re
spectfully requested to call
Fort Worth Grocer Company
otssora to Spencer Tucker recelvo
dally Bhlpnienta or Western
and are at all times prepared to 1111 or
ders ror
potatoes cabbage kraut ci
der onions turnips carrots parslllps
etc 1 hey make u specialty of this W
partment of thelrhuslness and country
murderd ° We t0 8vuhen
nttlio WillieElepliant luuch counter
io Wh to Elephant luuch coun
y nt wl lmvo huslnesa lunch
from 11 to oclock Elcimut
ooiBstlngofilie raun a d pro mill i
roast rili of beer iff
and iotitoe5 tor
teen cents and regular dinner thirty
live cents Come uud try
F A Uounovi PjtoiiiiKTOit
U O Kvans Co aru now recelvlnc
new and attractive Eoods dally Each
dorartmciit la fully prepared to
the tusto of tle molt fastidious While
out shopping to day see what B fj
puns Co huvo to show In laces rib
bons hos ery and gloves Bargains
are to be had in ladles H S luVnd
kerchltfs orsllk and linen Maw
mitsito designs are exhibited in cl fr
ii Ha R lol llucew <
ri beaded and chenille nMjrace
capes and
handsome ellk Helms Their hosferv
Z ni a e slmn 50tMl8 of > Ib seasons
ClflBi k ii
For tie fa
Gents Furd
WholesalDandltotall Dealer In nil hinds of
Orders for SEED RYE and BARLEY filled onapplia
Urniioli Jta H < y < l
li VlM < DB bulldliiB Ulth TeTMftilSS P
Tl ln ilm im iUpyl 1DB V tle
InVii ifo t 1 Dll leil < > 0d business i > rliiclnleu ibTjo
ni i i
ml w
lS i < llnnklni aim miiniUkKin bufcluifs ft8iipnlle iSK
Ku iwo rcl > > onslsted In savlneto tho end ibuttiiey a a tZ
Sffiffiaa2 = BWssfessaSSB
M c iiVu id7r ifLriVr r f11rwin
ttn W
cl VnmVo < iinr l 1 c1 V n > hiase especially app < atelaQaMo
til mean bead nfratnrlef ulnitlo
ran a men clertinsnt
ullcannudaMifedepoiiito for their surplus
earnings hnwevtr mil
Fort Worth oml Tarrant Count Ileal
From this date
we will give especial
attention to the sale
rMrr V ° < 1 Improved und
unimproved U
Will Opon Mondaj l i
or uMl ii S lM CS
dffZl coC properties br 1U th ° I Ferrl hHH
city and country
I R r of
It Lovino A Co
Jteal estate and live stock agents
1ickTrlck Laumlry
iimnagcment Klne work
Prompt delivery Telephone Cm
Thoe tabll bmeiiUlllti itHe
In all Its uppolntmtnu KiSe
earte 3UDANlAr1
Pickwick Uuitu
New niiuiugemcDt Htt
Prompt delivery j
Parties having city prorertjt I
will consult their Interest Wf
siimoou the books of Geo I
Co j
Joycolowcut shoes fort
broad easy aud conlforliUi
monijeiiee Bhoe In every mpm
by a C Evans Co at prlcta I
Fort Worth Grocer Cou
Tuc l
cessors to Speucer p
strained hotiey at oiiedoU
cents per gallon Try
Ilooms rorrentatJIrfcCtt
store second and tblrd M
or Third uud Houston tlrW
Fort Worth Grocer Co 6e
Swiicer TucW
Grocers Wholesale Irodocetf
mission MerchMtMj
A Fine Bwf A
Clauson Sous K W
pogno IfyouwantbfcUMJs
for tho celebrated CU tf
chatupagne beer j
Pure China and silk ij
Holbrlggan hosiery J J5
olleredat prices to i
Kvaus Co
If you want a clear H
call Jror tle I flMl
original others are
Itestauronta and hotthfyS
supplies ot tomato cajsur I
mustard t J
und prepared
thus saving the oost of 8 S I
Call and see them ivno
cer Company i 1 i
New muusKemenl <
Prompt delivery Telepa i
iJniBlWBe i
Round Itack lJ 8
ractures white Hn T WF
quality Ordersso
address MABJJ
Bound Rock TeJJJ >
Call at Fort
atuvla strawberMu a
plant B t vlo I fflgfSW
grated pineapple itS
no equal In the r
guaranteed by J tt

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