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Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 11, 1884, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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Interest Increasing in the Coming
Worlds Fftir Oandfdates for
County Oummissioncrs
Olitw T Lyon Aired a Republican
NoinWee for Governor at the
Dallas OonTcntion
Hpoclnl totheOUelte
Hiikiwian Tey Sept 10 Several
young gentlemen of this city went
over to Dcnlenn laat night to attend
the concert given for the liunelll of tlie
ladlis association to ralso funds
for nn exhibit from Uent
m > h nt iho New Orleans Worlds
position They returned oti tho early
accommodation train and report tho
entertainment most excellent Tlio
ladles of tlio Shcrmaiiiaasoclatioii will
glvo it supper Frltlay lght Scntein
bei VJ in nldof ihlfotiraujaudabie on
tcrprlso Many of thetprogresslve ladles
of the city both rimlils and matrons
uro working lumcbtly In this cause
and they do not Intcjd to stop their
efforts until ample means are obtained
to make BbcrmnuH display equal to
any other In the Texas dopuitrncnl
No such opportunity has over I cou of
fered tosliow to the tvorld what Texas
cnu produce nnd what her cultivated
people are In comparison with the
rest of the world nnd for this reason
no lover of his stnte or city should
withhold auythlng that can contrlbutu
to thu end nought
Many readers of Tit n Gazette will
he Interested Inlhenowfl contained In
tho fo lowing mnrrlugoannouncement
Prof W U Vinson of Davidson col
lego North Carolina was married nt
that placo on Wednesday evening
August 27 to Miss Lllllo Jltlpcr The
ceietnoiiy was performed by Jtov J
i lreseiuyof thu O 8 Presbyterian
church lrof VlnBon was for several
years n teacher In Austin college nt
Sherman mill hus n reputation hen as
one of thu very lust teachers over en
gaged In n school In this city During
thu last J car of his stay he was senior
professor and chairman of tho facii ty
and during that time the college was
more prosperous than over before
In Its history Ills departure to mora
remunerative work elsewhere was
universally regretted in Blicrman but
lili friends here will uono tho lens con
gratulate him on thu new found Joys
of married life
Col George James of Tishomingo I
T Ih In tho city JIo reports thu
Otolith and hunt tlmis prevailing In
n > country count to those In Texas
W T Htrotiierof Dclawnrolleud ar
rived In the city yesterday and iu
porta thu cotton crop much Injured by
want of rain
G W Paeeo of this city returned
from a trip to Dallas Inst night
and being nno of thu
truly loyal took counsel with those
of lllfo Ilk on the political situation In
Texas Hosuystlio feeling among good
Republicans is growing stronger dally
Intnvorof putting out a straight ticket
fur all statu dikes In Texas and thu
pinuabllily Is that thu forthcoming
it unci nt Dalian ulll namo tho men
v ho are to be o He red up a living snerl
lieu on the political altur In November
Wo uro not n Itepublicau God for
bid but havo no objection to offering
u llttlo gratuitous tulvlcu to that party
oil thu subject of candlilutei
As it Is now determined In their minds
to select kiiiiiu man for governor who
fully represents nil tho elements of thu
puny nnd Judge Itlnkley has refused
and still refuses lo becouio tlio utand
urd bearer we beg to suggest thunnmu
of another ultUon of Sherman who In
nil tho requirements o unconditional
loyalty lu all thocat of unquestion
ing parly fealty In all that could test
hla devotion to tlio lag In tho trying
times of war or Inspire his devotion iu
the piping times or peace has
inudo up a history taut
challenges tho respect ami Should
secure tho support of tho partv from
Itcd river to tho Gulf and from tho
Sabine to tho IMoQruude lie lias
given evldeuco of great business
energy nnd versatility of talent In
that liu hai been u busliif sa partner
with most pronounced and aggressive
Democrat In Texas uud a political
partner of Cuney in manipulating iho
votisof the men and brethren of
Cuurys color In thu Chicago conven
tion hero lllalue nnd Lugan were
nominated llohas hobnobbed with
more railroad mnguatca and rodu
more miles on lend head tickets
established moro lumber yards and
hold more lumber at bigger prices to
tho Western settlers than any man In
till Texas and la today ready to swear
that Hlaluu Is a ealut and the llepubll
can administrations of tho past twenty
years havo been houest If tho party
Is not so utiioasounblo as to oak for
more than tills In selecting a enudl
f Into for go pernor we humbly submit
the name ot Oliver T Lyon of Bhen
man Applause
Mr J II MlUlkcn of Weather
ford was In tho city last night
talking up Jllaluo nnd Lo
gan for tho November election
From tun hluillug and slid proposi
tions In hetlurge sums on tin vote of
Now York Ohio Indiana nnd other
xtates last night In front of tho Itlnk
ley house It js very evident our best
informed Democrats uro not a bit
seared Wo heard n well iwsti d Texai
thut Irelands majority would bo
greater thnn at tho election two years
ago Wo also heard a KehtlcirJarToHor
to net a Mexican silver mine valued
nt JlifilDOOO inntust f300UOQ that
Cleveland would bo elected president
T A Sullivan a member of tho
niescnt grand Jury and for t > vo
terms a member of the Giayson county
commissioners court prior Id 1882 will
probably become a candidate for com
iniasloner ugalu Thoro has heou great
presuro on both Sullivan nnd Undo
Hilly Wheat to oiler for reelection and
permit thopeople to put them back
iu ibis Important body aid both theso
old veterans havo concluded to suy
Not my will dear friends but thluei
bo ilano They retired two yours ago
ngaliHt tho remonstrauco of many of
our best citUeus uud tho progressiva
pait of our people will dollglit lu put
ting them back hi ofllco ugalu
> i
A Iratul llirbfcuoToltiy
Hpcclal to tlm anietlo
LvmpasahTkv Hept 10 Ltmi
picas will have her big bartieouo and
latlllcullou tomorrow on the rounds
of tho Park hotel Beats and a pavil
ion are already irepnnd for teera
thousand nnd the dinner will be
spread On the slmdy bank s of tlio Sul
phur where the logic anil elocution of
distinguished statesmen will echo to
the solemn sighlDg of tho wind In the
grand oaks and mlnelo with the mu
sic of the clear rippling waters
Gov Ireland and Senator Coke
In company with lion J It Hector
and other distinguished gentlemen
arrived this evening on tho Santa Ko
train and wero received at tho depot
by the Lampasas Hides and a large
number of citizens Hon JD Bayers
Is expected tonight The people of
Lampasas nro not fuslonlst ana will
roll up a handsome Democratic major
ity In November
Six of tho rock storM recently burned
are being rebuilt and others will soon
go up > < m
Too town Is generally Improving
notwithstanding tho shortness of tho
cotton crop and thero are fine indica
tion for rain but nnno has yet fallen
Five Men Unmet to Death Iijr tlio Ex
plosion of a Kettle ot Varnish
Nuw Yoiik Bept 10 Shortly after
noon toduy a lire broko out lu Crag
nluh Japan works Brooklyn adjoin
ing public school No 27 A large ket
tle of varnish caught fire and explod
ed scattering the contents over live
workmen James Hodgkins 40 years
old was burned to a crisp Sydney
Mj rou John Mnnalian John Conway
and George Jeffreys were fatally burn
ed Tho Haines were extinguished be
fore they had time to spread to tho
MITcheid Dau Sept 10 A tre
mendous tire occurred In tho center of
tho town today Onehalf of a block
Was consumed Tho L tcher brick
and stouo building thu large drug
Btoro of 1 F McGovcrn with n num
ber of smaller buildings are a total
loss The total loss Is estimated at
123000 Letcher Co 110000 1
F MeGovern 25000 L O Gale
20000 Bhourer Co 10000 Fox t
Willis photograph gallery fSlXK nnd
other losses amounting to 25000 In
surance covers about onethird of thu
New Yimic Sept 10 A llro at 2
oclock this morning lu a brick build
ing at IIS Walker street damaged the
stock ofir II Thayer dealer In neck
wear about JfiooO W 1 Williams
Co dealers In woven wire goods
0WXi Other losses foot up 7K0 all
covered by Insurance
Cicbhi Kit Pa Sept 10 Tho jean
mill of Charles Hoberts In South Ches
ter burned this morning Tho loss is
0000 partially Insured
itoiii uuhmi >
Kmawouth Mi Sept 10 Tho
City hotel nt Pauley burned this morn
ing Loss 12 KM Insuraueo at00
X Scliool f > ir Israelites
Bpectnl to the Uaiotte
Mausiiam Tfx Sept 10 Two
negro boys wer arrest d near Mans
lleld Li yesterday for placing ob
structions ou tlio track of the Nuw Or
leans Pacific division of the Texas nnd
Paulllc Tlioy have been committed
to Jail to answer
Our IsruelltUh lrleuds havo inudo
arrangements lo open a school for tho
spulal purpose of educating their
children A competent teacher has
been secured
Hpecl l to tlio Oaietle
OiKiiUitNH Bept 10 T T Gam
mage fnited States commissioner
addressed tho citizens of Cleburne to
night at tho courthouse Col Gam
mages purposo la to organize a society
to procure suitable exhibits for tlm
Now Orleans exposition
Fifty bales of cotton wero shipped
Fell From a Tree
Hpectal lo tbo Osielto
Hot SiMiisas Am Sept 10 A
llttlo boy a few miles lu the oountry
fronv hero fel froma tree yesterday a
distance of thirty Teet crushing his
skull but ho may recover
iiarantlno ou the Mexican llorder
Washington D C Sept 10 A
petition from railroad authorities hi a
been rceelved at the treasury depart
ment otklug that tho quarnutluu on
the Mexican bonier be raited It Is
not probable that thu request will Lo
granted during the prevalence of yel
low fever In Western Mexico
CottonSeed Crushers In Scrct Scislou
St Louih Mo Hept 10 A num
ber of cottouseod crushers from the
South havo been In secret session here
for two days past but nothing definite
regarding their proceedingcau boas
certaintu It Is understood however
that thu cottonseed nil Interest is suf
fering from over productlm and that
ouo of the puriiosca at least of tho con
ference hero Is to form a pool for the
protection ami regulation of tho trade
Tlio Quarterly Slatenifnt
Nku Yoiik Bept 10 Tho Western
Unlou quarterly sjajfjment bIiows tho
net revenues for tho quarter entllug
June 30 1051 79 amount of last dlvl
delld paid 1109SOO surplus July 1
after paying tho current debts ami In
terest 1157403 Tho usual dividend
of li per cent Is declared payablo tho
15lh of October next The books will
eloao September 0 open October 0
Nkw Yohic Sept UX Attho quar
terly meetlug of tue Western Union
Telegraph coiupsuy today George J
Gould was elected vicepresident in
tho place of Aligntin Sohelldeutnsed
Sam Sloan waselected a member of
tho executive oommltUo in the place
Dried beef chipped or li bulk nt
Turner Mi lures
i neit York omo = 8o wobtti btkkbt i
e o
lM ii m
A Hot Wato iu tho Enst People nud
Horses Prostrated
Nrw Yoiik Sept lo Tho weather
Is intensely hot The Etreetcar lines
havo almost suspended A number of
people have been prostrated but It Is
Impossible to learn how many Nine
deaths have occurred at the Bellevuo
hospital from tho heat Tho street
car olllcluls state that should the hot
weather continue olio moro day the
lines will havo to suspend outlrely
Niw Yoiik Sept 10 Tills morn
ing at 0 oclock tho thermometer regis
tered SI at 10 it was b0 ° at noou 90
and at 1 oclock 13 ° This was the
liottistday oftho year No tdr was
stirring ou the streets and few ven
tured out unless compelled to The
stagu and car horses suffer terribly A
largo number nro being prostrated No
deaths and few prostrations from
sunstroke have been icported yet to
day but a large number will probably
bo reported lu tonights recorit Tho
signal oilleo renorls that tho heat is
general lu the Ktst nud oilers Blight
oncotirugcment for tomorrBw At
liellevuu hospital four persons wero
brought lu sullerlug from prostration
Nlnu died thero during 4thp night
This Is n largely Incroawllmortallty
PmiADEriiiiA Pa 8ent lo
Thu In at here Is intense Five men
died from sunstroke at tho city hos
pitals laat night Two new cases were
reported this morning The animals
at the state fair are sutler log terribly
Tlie specimen poultry uru dying aud
being carried oil by the basket full
Tho bloodtd horses are constantly
washed with ice water and nro great
ly distressed Five hundred dogs at
tho bench show and cuttle nro In a ter
rible condition
Cnmlldntcs Pay
Correapouilence of the Garotte
Cmfton Thx Bept b This has
been a big day in Clifton Our e6n
gressman Col Wellborn addressed a
largo gathering of citizens of Bosquo
county here todoy He spoke one
hour aud confined himself to the
tnritr If there Is any county In his
district whero his views on thu tarlll
are mipopulai It la this on account of
the largo sheep Interests hero hut lie
did not nvonl the Issue he rather
sought It If the Democrntlo party
would tollaw this policy It would be
W F Ramsey 12q the winning
iwlltlelan of Cleburne made his open
ing speech today us the Demoeratlo
elector Ho followed Col Wellborn
and those who heard him say that ho
presented tho claims of his party lu a
masterly manner Young hopeful
gifted and Industrious there is a
Ijriglit future lu storelor Mr Rainey
W II Locttett ol Morgan followed
next nud gave a thorough statement
of his views at a candidate for a seal
In our next legislature LooUctt U
well and favorably known here aud
will get the big vote so far as your cor
respondent has learned Ho has lived
In this county most of his life has
held manv places of trust here aud
ttiuds Well throughout tho county
Mr MeGaugbery the leaselaw can
didate from Hood couutynext spoke
Hu pronounced tho freegrass Issue a
humbug but may change his opinion
on this before many months
We aro always glad to meet Mr
Julian Kolld of your city He accom
panlrd Col Wellborn today
Mr Fields of the Dlado Is hero to
Col DeBerry of Cleburne is here
looking after his chauccs for district
Judge Many of thu county candidates
mo preseut
Not lullty but Insane
Bpeolal to the Uuett
Fokt Smith Am Sert 10 The
Orlando Bond murder ease terminated
yesterday by a verdict of Insanity
Judge Parker refused to release Bond
upou that verdict until some proper
person could take i Iiarge of him He
was then remanded to lill whero he
awaits further nolle n of his attorneys
Jurcn of thu 1lro Department
Geoiioktown Tev Sept 10 The
Uescuollojocompany gave tho largest
ft3tlval on last evening ever held in
our city The largo courthouso was
crowded and the election for fmeen of
tho tiro department was very txcttlng
and close over twelve huinred votes
being cast resulting In the electron of
Mlts Corlua Taylor daughter of dipt
Taylor chief of tho department Both
thu companies wero out In full uni
form and the ailUlr was a decided suc
cess over tJX being taken lu Cant
Taylor was reelected chlof
Cotton Is coming in rather fast nnd
bushufis Is picking up some
Todny a rustlo couple came In from
the post oaks aud wero Jolutd In mar
riage by our fat Justice but tho groom
forget the important part of the cere
mony the Ties and our worthy magis
trate mourns the loss
The university opened here with a
larger attendance by about fbrlv than
at any other previous year Tlie stu
dents nt present represent about ttxty
Austin Te Sept 10 Tho en
trance of Wash Jones Into tho guber
natorial nice was so geneially conceded
hero that the announcement created
no Burprlse It Is doubted whether
with the Republican split he cau poll
as many votes as before
Chartered Cisco Land Coal Manu
facturing aud Live Stock compauy of
Cisco capital 100000
Gov Ireland and Commissioner
Walsh left fur Lampasas this
tp spoak at the barbecue uud ratifica
tion meeting there tomorrow
A Fine Tobacco Crop
fiPItlNCUIBLn MAssSept 10 IJx
haustlvo reports on the tobacco crop
from 600 correspondents of the New
England Homestead covering all the
seed leaf totucco In the growlne see
l our of tho United Btntw lEto
that tho crop now nearly harvested is
bo best In growth ana quality that
has been raised for years The tobacco
jcountioiof Ohio rillnola aud Indiana
are tho sections reportlngunfAVorably
It is seldom that tho Insanity dodge Is
resorted to In tho United States court
here and Judge Parker seems disposed
to deal with it rigidly Bonds crime
was the murder of John Smith one of
his neighbors In tlie CliocUw nation
near StoueWall Inst April He
Is a boy sixteen years old
rather eccentric a hard student and
great reader Hard study la supposed
to havo aflected his brain nnd he Im
agined that John Smith and George
Townley his uncle with whom he
livid intended to kill him He dis
liked Smith uud expressed a determi
nation to kill him lownley talked
with liond nnd supposed ho had paci
fied him but whilo walking along the
road together aud Smith suspected
nothing Doudsuddenly drew Ids pistol
nud shot him In tho back breaking
the spinal column and causing death
lu a few hours Pond was very un
concerned and made no ellbrt to
The Tanners nro Happy
Special to the Gazette
BnowNSViME Tek Sept 10 Dis
trict Attorney D McNeil Turner re
ceived a telegram from Corpus Cbrlstl
this morning stating that his father
inlaw John Woessuor had shot him
self Mr Woessnsr was one of the
most wealthy aud piomlnent citizen
of Corpus Chrlstl He was also well
known In this city Mr Turner lives
In Corpus Chrlstl but Is In attendance
on court here
Flags on tho customhouso are at
halfmast for Secretary Folgers death
Mr Watson manager of the Singer
Sewing Machine company left today
for Laredo where ho will be stationed
Tho rain of yesterday and last night
will make thousands of dollars for this
section Farmers and stockmen feel
hanpv as well as the merchants
Nothing was done lu the courts to
Exclusively Wboloaalo Dealorajln
Furnishiiiff Goods
At this the beginning of the Commercial
188485 we desire to return thanks for tie
ronage so and given us tbws
With our increased facilities we can serve
interest with better satisfaction than hereto
promising in the future to use our best effortt
ously bestowed
the city
> ortliTfestcrn Excursionists Tho Sun
day Lair
Special to the Oaiatte
Waco Tr Bept 10 Tho party
of Northwestern excursionists sight
seeing la Texjs as guests of the Gould
system arrived at noon today In
charge of Mej C Lewis Texas Immi
gration agent They were met at the
dei > ot by Mayor Wilkes members of
the city council and representative cit
izens and dined at the Pacific hotel
After dlnuer carriages conveyed them
over tho city and they expressed their
delight with Waco Thev left for
Iort Worth nt4Vp m The party
numbered twentyfour ladlej and cen
Ganibllug dormant here for jnany
months has so far revived that the of
llcers have commenced to raid the
tablishment Several of tho fraternity
paid today aud others uie
booked for trial <
The Sunday law too for
so long a
lead letter was brought to life aifuln
tofUy by tho urrest of a salouulst for
selling beer On Sunday
Cotton receipts today 200 bales
Market closed steady with 0 cents
per pouud as topuotcii figures
Ihe city council defeated a cow
ordinance last night Free grassi
and shrubbery for Waco kino
Thei ladles of Br Pauls Kplseopnli
church gave a lino lawn party tp
The new operahouse will be ready
for opeulng October 1 It will
seat 000
people comfortabjy
Itepubllcans aro jubilant over Wash
auuouncemeutf InThe GX
zbttb this morning
Bpselal to tho Gteite
Wichita FamsTev SepL 10
A meetlug of tho various committees
on the anniversary celebration of the
ii7th was held last night Everything
bea p nd uccos8 A race
track has been
laid oh near the grounds
S 4s b el B t > orouKhly prepared
The Henrietta
band will Tie engaged
for theocca lon aud probably onofrom
Dallas or Fort Worth
Some parties who are camped near
here are gathering up a collection or
With view
of makiig a tour through
to Jsorih with them
Ihey already havo quite a number
among which are twi panthers
A young man here
was bitten by n
large centipede lMt night
nor the centipedesujtilMfc
our damage
MtiUlns oN
merit a continuance of the conndencso i
Send in your orders and call on H3 wfien ha
JJrJ M =
rnndeua a flying visit yesM su
Italns in the Kortb fstl > > U
the Wichita river torl w
It has ralnedJiere aoofi TJ >
tho dust r
BpeclaltotheOaiette ffl
Down Texj
occupied by
A Table From Ceo1
Bpedaltotb0 l lr sSiX
mtl J
to perfectnrraugemwu jj
at au early w 1
to be given
Jiall It was dMldj i l
feant tabid W CmW
Kew tlrelof Orleans native ibeJ Coot teH A
inlaid w J
and to be
rk will b 11W
oitv sothatH1
eight balej of cotton WH JL
on our streets this m6mlM IB n
llttlo wdrk to bUy rs J
something to merchwu
has shown a tiWe morec
dav aud today tbanuwjU
Our merchants P
In their stocks for
to be equipping
the utmost iiVitW
season Just opened j
I notice also A
heavily laden wltU
In this and other
Itolrt Meyer of Mqff JJ
Beerlinll has t ugli l
of John Meyer and XfK >
uess at thelmld etana J
B F Morgan o fl U J
drugeU J
stock of ilrugs ttem WM
Mason ctreet to the
Trlmbls A
pronouneedof ke y AWit fit
Joldatfalr WSJvA
thooropiaalr auyT L
lug rapidly a tSne f
The drought li0st
to coi
are beginning
city of water T i
The LUUe Joker
ing tobacco

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