to MAih HunsaizuiKRa
iPoilatir > tpadt by Wi IublUfitri
Daily Weekly
Quo Year MO 001 One Year J1 00
Six Months n 00 Six Month W
Ihrto Months 3 001 Three Months M
Vn Weot craw
remittances by dran pontotnco money
order or n registered letter ntrlslc of onuo
all nows
C rrc pondenco Is solicited upon
prompt Information of eventt ami now
Dnppenlngs of Beucrel InlercatsoUoltedand
will bo properly compensated
All communications intended for publica
tion must bo accompanied by the writer s
oatno and addressnot for publication but
an ovldence of good faith
Address letteni and communication of
every character to
T Jazettk Fort Worth Teias
Who wroto Dick Nelsons speech
Tell the truth
It Ij useless to discuss Hon Bclvas
eligibility to ofllce It will never be
questioned There will be no necessity
for It
Juwik Nohton takes his nomina
tion seriously and will canvass the
fetaloas tho ItepubllBun uotnlneo for
governor i
The deadly cotton gin Is getting in
Us work SpeclalH to Tub Gazette
yesterday report ono death nnd the
aniputatlou of an arm
WKim Fianaoan has at ftst dis
closed to tho country what ho la here
for He Is to have tho United Stales
revenue collectors ofllco
An innocent wan lynched was
the nowB from Galveston printed In
yesterdays Gazette It Is a volume
compressed Into n hoad lino against
mob law
Let uervous people not jump out of
their wits when they hear a rumbling
uolsoln a day or two Dick Hubbard
Is to open his end of the campalgu In
tho North
Ax anxious country Is holding Us
breath to learn tho nature of the com
pliments passed between Mr Blaine
and tho editor of the Indianapolis
Sentinel on the occasion of tho
formers visit to that city
Both Blnjuo nnd Cloveland have
or should have the blessings of nil
uowspaper parngraphors for their epi
grammatic sayings Hum this
letter or Tell tho truth Is Just
Xhe thing for n first lino paragraph
TuunE Is still nuother dlffercnco
between Clevelands scandal nnd
Blulties Blaluo told on himself tuul
Clovclnud was told on by a man who
In 1831 was kicked out til tho ltnjitlat
church for lying and drunkenuess
As iono as tho opposition to Democ
racy In Texas shows so plulnly tlmtlt
aspires only to coutrol tho federal
loavoa nnd Ishts Just so long will
thero novor be any opposition to De
mocracy in Texas worthy of tho name
The great Interest felt In tho politi
cal news throughout Texas Is evinced
by tho steady growth of tho circula
tion of both tho dally uud weekly
Gazette Not even tho hard times
prevent tho people In town and coun
try from inveatlug In the news
Col J II Bhitton stato engineer
will have his annual report out In Jan
uary It Is to be expected that ho will
repeat what ho told a Houston Pott re
tporter viz That moro peoplo get oil
and on the trains la twentyfour hours
nl Fort Worth than at Dallas Hous
ton Galveston Bin Antonio and Aus
The GArrrrK special yestcrduy
from Queen City In Cass county re
ports great dissatisfaction with tho
local nominations madohy tho Democ
racy Tar Gazetti regrets this
Tho dlB9onMous in Bexar nud Cass
speak badly lor Democratic organiza
tion In tho Q counties This Is a presi
dential year nnd tho lines should bo
closed up Itwcro hotter to havq no
conventions at all than to bolt their
Tnum is sotno Consolation in tho
reflection that Becrelury Chuudler Is
bo earnestly engaged In tho recovery of
his baggage nud cipher correspon
dence about the theftof tho presidency
In 167G nil on board tho worthless
sunkeu Tallapoosa that ho has little
time to devote to the organization of
another scheme to thwart the purposes
of tho people nud mriko tho bondhold
ers laud pirates nnd strroutora mas
tors of tho country
Tin Irish Democrats of GalvoUon
nro determined that their nationality
shall not bo misrepresented by tho ac
tion ot n faction which led by Mnl
loy a Republican olllceholder as
sumes to cast them among tho sup
porters of IlUluo Tho great cry that
has gouo up from all parts of tho
country that u largo majority of tho
Irish will support Blalno Is probably
caused by Just nuoh uureprceeutallvo
nnd unauthorised action as tho lato
Malloy meeting at Galveston
1 o
Tub example of Alvarado whoao
action was reported In yesterdays Ga
zktte should bo followed by ovcry
town In Northwest Texas Tho Cot
ton Centennial exposition will bo an
opportunity to advertise the state and
tho towns in tho tato which should
not bo lost It Is to bo hoped that
every city and county In this section
will avail Itself of tho chance to make
their advantages known to the peoplo
who will gather at Now Orleans front
all parts of tho world
Ir Mr Dohoney of Paris the tem
perance enthusiast nnd Greenback
philosopher would have his theories
reduced to practice In Texas ho should
learn wisdom from tho old negro of
Annapolis of whom our Washington
correspondent told a few days ago
and strike for womans suffrage Glvo
tho women tho ballot nnd whisky will
bo knocked on tho head and tho
whiskyheaded bo knocked out of pub
lic life and power But the blessed
women dont want the ballot and
whataro you going to do about It
Ok Win Pitt Kellogg a Republican
nominee for congress In Iioulslaua
the eongrefslonal committee to Inves
tigate the starroute frauds soya In its
report that Gov Kellogg thought tho
government case against him failed
becauso ho held that tho offense con
sisted In the receipt of drafts and was
barred by tho statuto of limitations
No denial Ismade that ho was guilty
of conspiracy to rob tho government
but the crime was committed so long
ago that the law will not punish him
Ho will make a model congressman to
work with a Republican administra
What Will They Do With It
A correspondent wants to know how
It Is that Democrats In Texas nre
asked to seud money to Ohio for cam
palgu uses and how It will bo ex
ponded The Gazette cannot clve
nspeclflo answer as to what purposes
it will ho applied to but infers that It
will bo Invested so as best to advance
tho partys Interests In that stato Mr
Arthur P Gorman chairman of the
national Democratic executive com
mittee makes tho request for n gen
eral contribution of money to ho used
In tho very close states andsays Tho
number of our opponents la small but
their wealth is great nnd will be un
scrupulously used An active and
vigorous campaign must be made
against them Their paid advocates
must be met and defeated In debate
upon the platform The organization
of nil who nro opposed to
them must bo perfected In
every state city nnd county In
the land Money is needed to do this
honest work Your committee reus
ing to adopt tho inethodB by wjlch
tho Republican party tills Its roasury
calls upon ull good citizens for tho aid
which it requires
Wo aro not of those who hold
that tho cud Justtllcs tho means
and maintain that tho corrupt use of
money In Inllueuclug elections Is not
Justllled becauso tho opposing party so
uses money There Is no ground Tor
suspicion that money sent to Ohio to
forward tho Democratlo canvas will bo
so used Tho chairman distinctly
points out that such funils aro to bo ap
plied In honest work
If our correspondent has a dol
lar or two which ho wants to con
tribute to tho common cause lu Ohio
ho need not be deterred by any consci
entious scruples as to tho uso whloh it
will be put to It will doubtless be
laid out lu n Judicious mnunor and
whero It will do tho most good
The Drummer System
The Gazette prints elsewhere n re
ply to an article that appeared In tho
Galveston News on the 20th ult Tho
Nows may bo correct in part for Gal
veston may havo employed more
drummers than Us wholesale business
Justified Other places also may huvo
been compelled to shorten sail But tho
stringency of tho times not n defect In
the drummer system Is perhaps the
occasion of economy Every lino of
business Is keoplug olo o to shore those I
hard times nnd It Is not strange I
that drummers na well ns other em
ployes must go till times grow
better But this dos not Jus
tit any expectation thnt
tho system of drummlug will go and
i docs not furnish any argument ngalnst
I tho system That sj stem has its ban
fits too clearly recognised now to bo
ever cast aside Tho drummer U a
necessity to tho mercantile buyer and
open orders would novcr glvo tho sat
isfaction that tho drummor does He
rights all wrongs between seller and
buyer and is a guarantee of competi
tion as it were to the buyer The
merchant in Fort Worth himself pre
fers to buy from drummers and open
orders nro as objectionable ns to tho
man to whom he sells in turn The
Gazette Is not speaking of
drummers but of tho drum
ming system and cannot bellevo
that the push and cnterprlso which has
been Injected Into the American busi
ness world will over let that system
go The retail merohnat would
never permit it for to him the drum
mer is an educator a necessityand a
guarauteo Tho system Is without
doubt tho outgrowth of competition
but that same competition will main
tain it and if to safe to expect that the
drummor Is n fixture lu the commer
cial life of America Thedrammof
will not go nnd If ho did and became
a farmer as tho News suggcBts what
would wo do with his productions such
a year as this
Tho Blaine Scandal
If tho Dcmocratlo party cannot de
feat Mr Blalno on his puollo record if
his letters to My Dear Fisher aro
not sufficient to turn from hiin tho
rightthinking members of his own
party If he is not to bo
beaten on tho ovldonco of his
thrift In ofllce then ho cannot bo
by assaults on his social life Newspa
peis which harp on these things only
detract from the forco of the record
ajralnst him nud evluce their own pru
rient tastes Tho following from the
Chicago Herald is cordially indorsed
by The Gazette
The attacks which Democratic organs aro
making upon Mr Blaines private character
cannot bo defended in nny manner Mr
Elaine Is a married man with a family of
grownup children In private llfo ho has
long had tho admiration nnd cstoom of thou
and of pooplo without reference to their po
litical inclinations Ills homo has been a
happy one nnd his domestic relations so far
as tho public could Judgo have at trays been
lngulailvple Rant No man has taken
greater pleasure In his family nnd peoplo
who hnvoknown him Intholiomocliclebear
testimony without exception to tho conll
dence and contentmont which prevail be
neath his roof
The revival of old scandals of asocial na
ture with which his name has beon connect
ed cannot Injure him In tno estimation or
tho public but they will cause much pain to
those closely rclatod to him whoso feelings
It will do no political patty any good to
wound HIh children are now grown and
his wlfo Is an aged woman Every Insinua
tion cast against him strikes them with
greater forco than It can him nnd will be
sure to icsult In drawing sympathy to them
rather than III will to him It Is a shame
that nner twenty years of publlo lifo a man
whoso domestlo relations havo been wholly
pleasant should bo confronted with Idle
Bcandats circulated during hi youth and
which whether truo or false can hnvo no
possible bearing on his character to day
Mr Elaines political career Is pub
lic property Tho letters ho has writ
ten the speeches he has madcv or tbo
votes bo has given in coagross nro all proper
ly enough subjeots for Inquiry Whatever
his most renlovu defenders moy iave to say
probably no man will bo mere willing to no
accord to his adversaries tho right to oritl
clsothofothlnsstbauhlmsrir Ho has ben
long enough In publlo life to know that the
acts of a public servant aro common proper
tynud thai fair discussion of them Is legiti
mate enough Hut beyond these thine no
man bns n right to go
Ills to be hoped that the scandals I raked
uprromnmuntyand nlmot forgotten past
nirccllog tho honor of one of our foremost
men and of a woman long since dead will bo
permitted to drop by nil newspapers making
nny pretense to decency
A Newspapers Dnty to ItaEcaders
The editor of tho Waco Examiner
has a grievance against tho editor of
the Houston Po3t and entertains his
readers with reciting how ho hns been
abused by the Post and what excef slve
provocation ho has hnd to excito 11
feellng toward that Journal
The Gazette does not meddlo in
other peoples huslness nud 1 not
reudy or disposed to venture nn opinion
as to the merits of tho esse between
tho two gentlemen who control tho
columnsof tho Post and tho Examiner
Without referring particularly to
tho presont Instance but discussing
tho matter from tho point of journal
istic ethics wo consider tho airing of
personal feeling In tho editorial col
umns of tho press n decided lowering
of Journalistic tone and an Invitation
to the publlo to regard editorial expres
sion as merely tbo individual predilec
tion of the editorial manager put in
type That lnipersonnllsni which
should distinguish editorial utter
auce nud which nlone gives influ
ence to tho editorial page cannot ex
ist lu tho midst of personal
recriminations We do not say
that tho editor should exclude from
his columns everything that ho feelB
and that he should bo faultlessly an
selfl9h for that would require a virtue
that is not human But selfdUplay
nud tho seeking of personal ends
should find no place there Still lees
should tho respontiblo manager of a
newspaper intrude his private affairs
Into Its columns and make of
only a vehlelo for tho expression of his
hates nnd his likes So far aB a news
paper Is his property ho has tho
i undisputed Tight to speak as bo choos
es therein but so fur as it is n publlo
Journal luvltlng tho contldonoe of the
public claiming to bo an expositor of
thing as they ooour and asking favor
as a uowspaper ho has no right to in
flict upon his readers tho relation of
matters personal to himself except
Indeed as a matter of news in the
news columns nnd as n distinctly
personal concern Strict Impartiality
should at least bo tho pretense If it li
not the practice lu all editorial com
ment nud dlsciiBslon Least of all per
sona in the world should an editor
wear Ids heart on his sleeve
The Gazette does not contend that
no personal discussion of any kind
should bo allowed Buoh a proposition
would carry with it a denial of the
propriety nudduty of consurlugrogues
or recogulzlug merit Tho distinction
to bo borne In mind Is that in rebuking
rascality and pointing out the rascal
tho editor is using tho power of his of
fice lu the publlo behalf Ho is not
supposed to speak In resentment of tho
wrong practiced upon himself as a citi
zenhut upon the entire commonwealth
of whloh ho was a member mounted
on n watchtower to detect the ap
proach of tho enemy and sound tho
alarm Hamuel J Tlldon ueyercom
plained that ha had beeu defrauded of
his Jut t rights iu the seating of Hayes
ho properly recognized that great
wrong as nn Injury to every citizen of
tho United States nnd so donounced
It Had ho parndod it as an infringe
ment upon his rights as between him
self and Mr Hayes tho country would
have taken little Interest in his com
More Communications on tho Subject
Cisco Tex Bept 17 USt
To tho Editor of tbo Gazette
Answering A Horse Question in
todays Gazette B wlh glvo A 512 50
difference between horses L A H
FoitT Wonm Sept 01S8I
To tbo Editor of tho Gazette
I do not see now nnyono can say
that 12 fit la tho hoot to bo paid It
A nsks 35 and B asks 10 boot
clearly the difference between them is
45 and if that be split It leaves
22 60 as tho amount to be paid This
is ono caso whero tho difference Is as
certained by addition nnd not subtrac
tion I say tho differenco In their
views is 45 Houseman
JToivr WoitTlf BopU 231881
To tho Editor of tho Gaictte
How can Horsemnn in your paper
of tho 23th say tho difference Is 457
Suppose each man asked only 10 to
boot would it not be a stand off
Would they not have to swap even
but for that 25 jnoroti9ked by one
And would not that 25 when split
give 1250 as tho boot which one
would have to pay according to tho
JASOX Tbx Bept a > 1831
Editor Gazette
In your Saturdays Issue tho 27th
Inst answer to A Horso Question
I answer 1250 Istheamouut B pays
A as 23 Is the difference
The Campaign Fund
CLiPToy TkX Sept 29
To the Editor of tho Gazette
I see from your paper that they are
making an eilort In annin to raise a
big fund to use In the election to help
Cleveland out
Will you please explain to your
readers how such a fund is used lunu
election Your correspondent says
something In defense of such methods
The substance of his explanation U
that the other party does it nud hence
It becomes necessary for tho Demo
crats to rnlse n llko fund
To tho minds of some of your read
ers the propriety of such proceedings
Is not very clear but there may be
something In It that we do not under
stand no doubt thero is Please glvo
us a full explanation and ventilation
of the campaign funtl Wo are thor
oughly lntereited in it
Gazette Corhesiondknt
Tlio Nows and tho Uruunncr
To the Editor of tho Gazett
The grand old woman of tho
South sends up n humiliating wall of
agony and says that tho drummer
must go It Is a pitiable admission of
weakness In tho Gulf City nnd beyond
n doubt indicates that the boasted com
mercial supremacy of Galveston Is
gone but not forgotten Thero is
yet hope for Israel or rather Galves
ton The fossil remalnsof tho stricken
city may possibly be utilized for termi
nal facilities to aaalst In tho develop
ment of more enterprising towns In
Central and Noitheru Texas Tho
pernicious carrying system is now
bearing Its expected fruit nnd tho pro
gressive organ that fostered It appro
priately writes its epitaph Tho double
curse of long prices and long credit
with tho auxllllary castiron notes has
been tho boouieraugof Galveston busi
ness but they who bow the
wind must reap tho whirlwind
Thero is nothing chivalrous In tho
News lu making the drummer the
scapegoat of tho citys wicked folly
but It is quite consistent nil the same
as it uever evinced any sympathy for
tho under doc Tho palpable infer
ence Is that Galveston lias failed to
recognise the progress of things and
does not move with tno times It
clearly confesses that It must now take
a bnok Beat and leave tho Held to Its
more nctlve competitors How tho
mighty havo fullen The editorial in
the Nows of tho 21 th may doubtless be
construed ns nn apology for the whole
sale firms who now menu to lot out
tho Innocent of their destructive pol
icy butnday of reokonlng will come
aid If thaeftetoold formshould be to
let on easy terms I have
every reason to think that
some smart enterprising showman
of antiquarian turn would gladly secure
it for exhibition as n relloof that
antediluvian monstrosity tho carrying
system If tho drummer must go he
H welcome to tho land of freegrawt
where ewy ono owns himself and
whero hhort reckonings mako long
friends Pass tho old lady tho
snutf A VeteuanTouuist
A Sensible 3Iau
Colorado Clipper
There iaa gentloman In our city now
from away back lu Eastern Texas in
vestigating tills lease question He Is
tho Democratic nomlneo of his district
for tbo Iowet house and has no oppo
sition and ho feels it a duty he owes
to his constituents to Inform himself
on this Htiblect so as to bo able to act
Intelligently on tho subject when the
matter comes up in tho legislature
Jo to latcsTlUc JoTernor
Clatosvllto Bun
Goy Ireland is out among the folks
talking upon tho Issues of tho y
Wo would llko to have him give
Gatesvllle a small slice of nls elo
eiueuce Cant wo have hlp
Uatesvllla Ad < ance
We know of mw who say
dont llko Gov Ireland but
when asked f r a reason for
dislike can give nono If
have been mistakes In
Vnto for Ireland
Big Springs rantagrnph
Lovore of freo grass must work for it
and will secure tho reocnl or great
modification if tho lease law in the
legislature Pjisi Wash by ho cute no
figure in the matter
Candid nnd Decided
longTlow Now Era
Tho candor and decision of The
Gazette deserve great credit It has
nodupllclty nbout It Notnbit Its
positions aro plain lis Ideas good Its
arguments strong If you want du
plicity chicanery or fraud dont call
on The Gazette
A Vital Omission
Terrell Star
Tho ministers of this county havo
been remarkably successful In making
converts this summer but they missed
ono telling argument by falling to In
form their coneresratlons that tho daily
papers of tho bettor land will not re
port baso ball games
To Whom I
BMlvlllo Times
Five weeks from next Tuesday will
settle the question Tho suspense will
not bo long but its Intensity will
Increase from now until tho morning
of the fith when tho lightning of
heaven will sprcod tho news of victory
to every corner of the earths
A l > end Paper
Hlco Reporter
Tho Fort Worth Gazette is tho
liveliest dead paper wo ever know Its
ghost Is ns sprightly ns tho orlginnl
was nnd if some other pnpera could
dlo ns successfully ns The Gazette
did they might do so with an udvan
tago to their readers and profit to them
Tlia Nominee
Howlo Cross Timbers
The district convention of the farm
ers nud laboring classex of Montague
nnd Clay counties met lu the city oj
Bowie on last Saturday September 201
1881 nnd nominated M J MoNntt a
an antilease Democrat for the legisla
ture In this tho Fortyfourth rcprcj
sentatlye district nud also Indorsee
Temple Houston for stnto senator fo
this Nineteenth senatorial district
The voice ofl200 solid voters of th
two counties was given in this conveuj
Hon and all who feel nn Interest
tho welfare of this class will cheorfultr
support their nominee
enactment of Injudlolous tntjasures
Gov Iceland should not suffer all the
blame Ho has been to Texas a con
pefentiouB honest executive and the
lamftroubles for which ho has often
beon beeu blamed belong properly to
a preceding administration If tho
governor comes to Gatesvllle wo feel
sure that even those who opposo him
lYlien They Wore Organized
Alvarado Clipper
Nearly every oo of tho catile syndlcnt
audcorporntlonslnTox < were formed
Oer freegrasa recline Dallas Herald
How could It have been otherwi < b
when thero never has been any oth < r
than a freegrasa reglmo In any cou i
try kuowu to civilization until tho eV
nctmeut of a leaso law in Texns i Tie
Herald might havo truthfully eat
however that thero has been uwre
chartered corporations organized in
Texas since theenactment ef tho hiM
law than in nil tho time prevlouato
that since tho war Thu record will
show this to be the case
Simple Hatter
Chicago Herald I
West Virginia Is a Democratic stue
Ohio is n Republican statf The Re
publicans hope to carry the forcer
this fall ana tho Democrats hope to
carry the latter Tho probability is
that neither will be succeisful It yill
be foolish to that tin Domoc ats
as suy
cannot elect Cleveland In November if
they fall to carry Miio lu October U it
would be to suy thnt BlnUe cannot bo
elected If his parly falls tc esrry Vest
Virginia in the coming lccul election
On the other hand if ono party cairles
both of them tha otiier night as yell
hang its harp on tho willow Tho
Democrats uauitot lose West Virsnla
and tho Republicans mist notloso
Ohio That is about all there Is ttithe
October elections The decisive Jght
will bo In Nov York and Indiana If
the Democrats can cart them Cleve
land will bo president If they cannot
the governor of New Yak will iave
an opportunity to Borvo out his term
Norlli and South Texas I
Dallas Timet
Tho bass ball contest for tho cham
pionship is about at an end The
clubs of other towns htvo yieldfrt to
tho superior Btiength of theFort
Worth aud Dallos clubs and as palia3
has the lead it la probate that it will
walk oil with tho poniant In thli
much can be read S4uth Texts as
usuttS has relied on luotaud nltuwl
advantages It die not sp nO a
dollar had plenty of pride In the suc
cess of Its boys and was as confident
one of its clubs as it wis that it wus
South Texas and Godi country Fort
Worth and Dallas w > nt into win
They spsnt their monty to win They
bought tho best material to ho found
lu baso ball shops Ttey played bail
as they transact buslniss on indrawn
exertions and wlthou Lope of provi
dential favorc The rsult of the baM
la only enterprise Dallks aud
ort Worth have UV Wero either
transferred to the coait with It pres
ent population lu a JPy the deep wa
ter problem would bescVved
A Parrot Tlftf Years
Laud and yater
The oldest InhsOitait in tho toolog
leal collection in thf Begent nark
London d d tbo ether day This
interestlivjladlvldun wasn speolmen
ofthowaek parrot rout Madrgascar
Coiucopsla vasa It was presented
c tho society by tho lato
Air Charle3 Tblfulr a corre
sponding inomber eo far biclc as
July 1830 Just tw < tears after tho
gardens were op ne < ThU bird has
therefore lived for fjftyfour ytars In
tho gardenB How tld the panot was
when It arrived we cannot ledrn be
yond tho act thit it was represented
as an adult blr < Upward qfhalfa
century may apjeara good old age for
a bird to aualh b t wo
know ihat a very much
more extended period of longevity is
claimed for paroU in our columns
Tho ancient WarttVossa parrotseetned
until very recently to havo oawled his
half century of jears lightly nougb
ttovortheless his keener remarked that
he was a little dull of late although ho
fed well One morjilng howeler tho
parrot was fouuajdead in liis cage
having previously shown nq yrnp
Will accoid hint an Impartial hearing 1 touts of illhealth
Narrow Escapo of Seven Mta ftj
Beneath a Caisson n jgf
Susrmohanna Elver 51
Passenger Trains Oollitlo on AlffiM
Bio GmndeA Block l pMn
At Millioin
A rircman is Scalded
Elktox Md Oct lIriurSMT
hb reached here thatcalasonJli2
tie Baltimore Ohio bridge < MB
Sisquehnnnn river at Fronell3 V
slnltntS oclock thtr mornl3 f
twenty men under It seven or tffS
fced ° 8UPP ° a0d h S
J A bulletin displayed at the tefa illr
jxchnngo states that between eixSr
even men are imprisoned hr 3v
idsson sixty feet under
water 11Ik
i be ng pumped in nnd thera MnW
feasibility oreffectSng S
jtfter tho tide hat fallen thelr Jgi
Seven men the entire
Were confined In tho caisson S
hscuedntnoon nt low tldonotS
being in the least Injured 2fifi t
i MiitAcuroua escape JUS1
Tho caisson was closed wltlfRS1
pressure and the water pumped
the first chamber The formftedc
descended nud opened the look wSyM
the men were found seven In lll yjf
nn exhausted condition Wheal1
id the men nllve there wia1
cheering Tho depth of tho walenSSS
slxtyllvo feet m
DBUVEll COIh Oct lTU90B33b
lug Leadvlllo express on the DenveyTJL
Kio Grande road collided with tieSSlb
coming Salt Lake train atS laK
nlgtit near Aciuta eighteen mlllRit
south of here Thirty passengeftvtflflV
lujured none fatally Onoenghieii5h
a deeper wero wrecked The telpgnME
wires were thrown down NoWLCO
wn < known of the acdrient untlTBS
arrival of the wrecked train heiSra
noon Wis 1
These trains usually passatAceofSSF
Last night tho Xeadvilio train arnpntn
first ttklng the Uding when a npear
ber of freight cars were dlscarrrffffl
ahead A brakemau was sent tocow f
these to the eujdno so they couldVpa
pushed forward to let tho wholea
olearthe maui track Tho brakei0
made the coupling The euKinsSsj
tho Salt Lake train which had ani B
mistook his stgual for himself S
engine struck the smoldug arc
threw it In the ditch Tno coachCsJ
lowing had Its furwnrd end thronst
the track into the dltuh Thet
car wus n
sleeper r
was thrown lu the ditch andV S
Every berth In theelteftsjl
upper and lower was occupIedljSS
day coach wns crowded hieraiaiiai
only a few in tho smoker hofe yo
Not one of the passengers were ci
and but few seriously injured L f
The following are the mostseri Sly
hurt sStlve
A Grant Albuqu r < iue iOT > < j js
located bruises
Mrs F P BerkBchy UqmSiS
painfully bruised SUai
A T Gunnel Judge Lake cecqjig
eevi re cut on tho head vW tE
W Batcher Asptu back senosckq
injured TlfieTl
H T Maderas face badly cutkoj
PrA UEMINE La Oct 1 Tht ffl
glno and four cars of n freight trjjfotgjs
the Texas Pacific were wrcckJjfSsi
morning They ran over a w Ji
FIreaiau Kerchoval was scsidrfraB
death Tho engineer wns 8licatjfrS
Alexandria Va Oat I Wj
saw aud planing mill of Wra
Giillo of thiscity was destroyed tyfjjji
this morning together with ffeW
quantity of machinery lhewKgK
lug woodyard of J E Hose WtA
burned The loss is 10000 F fijjS
insured fove
15 000 HIAZE
Special to tho Gazette J H
MlUJCAN Texj Oct lrJelaU
morning ubout 230 oclock a IWyTje
out in an unoccupied builalnft i
west side and consumed the pSiaii
bloor The following Is an t fSm
of losses as ue < r ay can he nscerttfeeg
Warrens Merchant hotel Gion
two vacant homes loss Haiti
Chlnskl Ward general mtt
dise Jobs 1500 Jnsurauce flw
stock anttHOO on hou o rn
J ASteele Bro liquors M < Jt
300Vl Insurance ll
codes loss JLn
B H Heverly groceries andlHjE
sa 3000 insurance 1000 SiS
8 Rubenstein seuorslniercMJ
Special to the Gazette
Special to ilia Gazotto
Tex 0 <
stock valued at 0000 insuredfyen
Part of ills stocK wus saved jJllKi
The tiro la supposed to havo Rfirw
ccndlary 4g
San Antonio
explosion in cotton gin occur
morulug at Fredrloksburg i ° i
Gennau named J Bfteclierff
ana two other employes 8T
i i
uty Sheriff Blair of Grayson Mjg
Texas accidentally shot hlrflScTg
Woldron Ark Monday andByTen
doath Ho had been pursulDg3
White nllas Klrby a TexM g
thief and in passing th u > Jw
dron described White to th yR
that place nud requested him w jyyjg
him in his capture 1 Whitei w ffiB
ward captured by tho Woldroa
and Blair became so Jubilant tlal
drew his pistol to celebrate W
elon but whou lu tho not of fflP
lire into tho air the pistol wentffiFe
cldeutnlly shooting him in fgf
severing the mnin nrtery n JET
medical nld could bo odmloffi
Blair bled to death 2jH