< Ci >
The Daily Gazette
Odce ol robVtcatlou Second Street Be
tween fionkum and Throckmorton Kn
tered at tho Foitoffloa m BecondclaM
John Tennant of Waco Is In tho city
8 G Caston of Corslcana Is In tho
city Joslah RoblnBon of Waco Is at tho
H M Mullcr of Henrietta Is at tho
J B Daughorty of Dallas was In tho
city yesterday
T L Dunlap of Meridian Tex Is
at tho Mansion
Stove Maddoxa Roulal phiz was seen
yesterday around town
J K Ashby leaves tonight on a
business tour through tho Eastern
Miss Luov Ford of Wcatherford Is
upcndlni a fow weeks with relatives
in tho Fort
City Marshal W M Rca has re
turned from a trip to Galnesvlllo and
Denlson whero ho had been to collect
Bomo flnes
B R Walker tho genial proprietor
of tuo Ilantern houso has been con
lined to his bed about four weeks suf
fering frotn an attaot of rheumatism
Tub Gazetto hopes to seo tho gen
tleman out again soon
CoJticll meeting this afternoon
WV Holt and Wlllio F Allison
havo been licensed to marry by the
county clerk
Twentyllvo Indictments wcro sent
down from tho district to th county
court yesterday
Edwin Day of this city and Mian
Hattlo McCamant wero married at Al
vord on Bunday
City Marshal Rca has telegraphed
for particulars of tho killing of his
deputy Wlso In Mississippi
John F Lehano of this city and
Miss Katlo Mullano of Houston will
bo married In tho Rayon City today
R F Holhnan hai sued tho Fort
Worth base ball club for 13985
board and room rent in Justlco Zluna
Tho recorders courtroom hai been
iixed up with a railing to keop pris
oners wltuossos and tho court sepa
Howard Peak and Miss Alice Rurko
of Galveston will bo married today at
the residence of tho brldos parents In
ColW T Bands of tho Theater
Coml < mo < haaabruu now Httlo girl at
hu houtp two miles east of the city
Mother ami child aro doing well
A dozen men In Dallas lost Bunday
asked tho Herald reporterif Dallas had
thrown the ball gamo oil Tim uiu
plro did not bet on tho gamo and the
crushing calm still reigns in Dallas
base ball circles
Special Judgollydo Jennings being
disqualified to try tho caso of D O
Konper et nl vs the Continental Meat
company ct al Gov Ireland has ap
pointed Bawnio Robertson ot Dallas
n special Judgeto try tho case
In tho district court yesterday Rob
Fossott charged with theft of a horse
was acquitted by tho Jury Tho caso
of Thus Davis charged with theft of
V from tho person was on trial when
ciurt adjourned until this morning
Mr C II Murdock ono of tho
most popular hotel men In tho state
has becomo associated with A K
Fisher and togothor they havo taken
chargooftho Grandvlow hotel on tho
corner of Wcatherford and Rusk
streets Tho Orandvlow Is u now
houso newly furnished and overy nr
raugemont for tho convenience of
guests has been provided
A flno exhibition gamo of bosu ball
will bo played at tho baso ball park to
morrow afternoon at 4 oclock between
tho Fort Worth and tho Reserve nines
Tho Resorvos will havo Bllch and
MappeB for their battery whllo the
Fort Worths will havo Crosby and
Moloughney or Rlack This will bo
tho llrat of a sorlcs of exhibition games
between tho two nines Davis llur
man Suecd and Kurtz will give tho
InHold support to Bllch and Moppes
and tho game will probably bo closo
and exciting Admission twentyllvo
cents Ladtos free A special invi
tation Is extended to tho fair sex Tho
gamo will bo playod on Its merits
1lalrt Suits
aro now tho leading featuro In tho at
tiro of gentlemen Tho exceptionally
11 uo stylos now in tho market havo
mado them deservedly popular not
only for business but for other pur
poses Tho largest assortments of
Scotch aud English plaids cheviots
corknerows and overcoatings In tho
stato of Texas la to bo found at Doug
las llroH merchant tailors 703 Main
street Dallas Dont sond your monoy
out of tho state Flrstolasa work is
dono hero oh oheap as In any largo city
aud Douglas Rroa will lit you as well
as any other house
Wild Freaks of a Tragedian
St Ijouib Mo Oct 0 Johu Mo
Cullough passed a qulot day but bo
camo vlolontly agitated tonight Ho
wont to tho Union depot and attempted
to board a train Ho uoclarod that ho
would go to New York Tho conduc
tor resisted his ellbrta nud McCul
lough knocked him down Ho
then got into a buggy
and started for tho river but
was overtaken nnd returned to his
room Ho is In chorgo of kind frlonds
whoi will tako good caro of him His
old friend John W Norton manager
of tho operahouse will spend tho
night with him Ho declines to go to
Hot Springs with Dr Kollor anil In
slats either on going to Now York or
on ononlng an engagement here next
Tho rovontie cutter Uorwm arrlvod
at Hau Franclso from Alaska Bunday
night Btie brought down the crew of
tho loocrushed steam whaler Row
head Tho captain rcporU that a now
volcano was discovered at Four Moun
tains The whalo oatoh was a good
average Tuu Kowafea river has toon
rally explprwl An ofllolal report will
t < 88KIMfeW
Wifii iinra i
J B Minton Boing Weary of Llfo
Llns Down by tho Waysldo
Separation Trom His Wife tho Alleged
Clause of tho Seed
A horrlblo suicide occurred In n
houso on Terry street yesterday morn
ing tho victim being J B Minton
near Inspector at Whitesbore Tho
particulars developed at tho coroners
inquest before Justlco Zlnn yesterday
aro as follows
Minton and his wlfo separated sev
eral weeks ago on account of his cruel
treatmonl to her Ho drank a great
deal and sho says this mado her llfo
miserable Sho camo to this city soon
after their separation and rented a
room from Mr Maloucy on Terry
street On tho 23rd ult Minton
tried to commit sulcldo by tho mor
phine route but failed Ho afterwards
canio to Fort Worth and
had been Hying around ever
since Sevoraf days ago ho
was arrested for drunkenness
His wlfo had been Bowing for a living
and yesterday morning Bho met her
husband on tho Street and he insisted
on talking with her Bho wont back
to Iter room with him Ho mado
threats against her and she searched
him for a weapon nnd made hlui take
olllilscoat He begecd and Insisted
that they should llvo together again
but sho told him that ho had promised
several times before to bo kind
to her and sho would not
trust him Ho then auld
tho furntturo In the room belonged to
him and ho would move It out Sho
finally became frightened when ho
drew a razor and threatened to kill her
and himself and ran out of
tho room and went up to tho city hall
and notified Deputy Marshal Scott
who returned with her After sho
left Mrs Maloney heard loud and la
bored breathing In tho next room and
when the room was ontored Minton
was found lying on tho bed with his
head on tho front edgo and his
throat cut from ear to
car Tlio bronchia and
jugular veins wero severed and tho
whole front part of tho bed was soaked
In blood A largo coagulated pool was
on the Door and tho room presented a
most ghastly spectacle Ho died short
ly after his wlfo aud Olllcer Bcott en
tered tho room
In her testimony before Justlco Zlun
Mrs Minton stated that on lost Thurs
day tho deceased had como to tier
room In company with some olllcers
to havo her arrested that sho
had agreed to sign a deod to a houso
nud lot In Whltesboro If her husband
would give her tho furniture that ho
had sent her n lot of trumpery and
then wanted her to sign n deed which
alio refused to do that after sho was
arrested sho asked Olllcer WiiUusbiuc
what It was for and that ho had said it
was for murder aud referred to some
thing tho deceased had said aboutthelr
dead child at Whltesboro that the
ofllcers Bhowed no warrant and
told Mr Malouuy to guard her
until next morning but at B oclock
that evening Bho was told that sho was
Mrs Minton had brought suit for a
divoroi In Grayson county mid her
husband was awaro of It It Is BUp
MMcd ho became desperate and wanted
to frighten her Into Blgnlng tho deed
In tho lotters ho left ho stated that
100 would be found in a valise in tho
express olllce but whon his ellects
wero taken from tho olllco no money
was found lu tho vallBO Tho deceased
was an Odd Fellow aud belonged to
tho Knights of Honor Ho left a lot
of express cards on which ho had writ
ten of his determination to kill him
self aud giving directions for his
burial at Whltesboro by tho side of his
dead child On one of tho cards he
I will ask to be admltled aud If not I will
get In ulllio window and kill myself by cut
Hog my throat On another bo wroto All
nil be well when Lam gone I aald ray
and aakoi Ood to forglvo me 1
Tho following letter which ho loft
was written In whltesboro an Bunday
October 61SI
May Dont think mo hasty about tho
basoacU 1 did my best to kill myielfou tho
S3d of bepternber by taking morphine but
failed You remembor 1 told you that I
would kill myself and 1 will bo good as
my word and on or before the 10th of this
month You can behold me as you will so
that when I am dead then you ran look on
me and say thai there Is the man who loved
mo and said ho would ant htmselfior mo
and ha has rulllllod Ills promise I
donldalhislomakojou reel bud J do 11 to
prove to you that J lovo you to death The
grave will bo a weary place for me It Is a
happy thought for me to think that 1 cun
fulilU my promise to yuu I havi got Iota of
good friends lu this woild I hato to leave
but rather than bo out of your sight 1 will
make peace with all here In this vale of tears
I wont wrlto to my mother but I want you
to wrlto to her Her address Is Jlllnn Sabine
county Tex She loves you nnd will be glad
to hear from you 1 want all the
people to know that I am dead You
will geiaome money after 1 am gone J
woulo do tho work here but waul you toseo
imvlieA lamdesdand If I ao It hero you
wont see me and to dlo nnd not ico you
wont do as yuu are all 1 love I wont let
auy ono see me commit tho aot but you tml
if jouwoni Ittmosltdorrn In the houso I
Will Ml ou tho porch and die In the sight of
one 1 love I wont bo drunk I wont drink
adroporeatauythlug Imuygetorr on 1ST
and maybe on 1M till a m 1 wont
see you until after you got my
letter Thero aro lots of peoplA
that wont bo surprised to hear of
Uioactucdtomewlllsayl wns ufool Just
llkoynu said to commit the deed Ilut I
wont know anything about wbat is said
You know I told you l woudSaud I had a
gi dmludto do it before yon Jen home but
i did not think y u would leave to soon hut
whon I went home I found you gone ami I
made up my mind to kill myself and get out
of trouble Some may say I nm craiy bull
am not It Is lovo that forces me to do It
Ddtth U sweet to being away from you and
out of your presence II seems to mo that
my heart will break lu spite or all I can do
bm I will hold up until 1 causeyou
and say toolbye lho blood will
run nil over nuu about me and then yon can
assure yourself that uollilrg but lovo makes
mono It I will try and 3l as cool as a man
well cut to be so ntarhla grave bat wheu It
coues li dlo for a wuuian that I love It It all
tbatwlllCAUtethe blood to How from my
nock ir 1 llvo I will bo In hell aud 1 cant my
wutiio I will go when lam dead Hut it It
better for you to be alone than for both of ut
to be alive and unhappy When I klstyiu
I will be out of my ratud aud cant sttud i
low he very ground that you walk on and
formy pan death Is not as bsd at people
ihluk It U only a inomout and all
la over with I tried lo get my photograph
taken today but failed and I know that yuu
have three or four Pirate send ono to roa
tarn at the giavryard now with MrMo
CHrtrlotllttiechlhlan < Ihave a wish that
II was me O death I welcome you andClong
to be In the grave and nl peace wllhmjslt
My head hunt me eo bad that I can hardly
ttand to write nntil I can get to you 1 want
j ou to be sure to have tun pat In tho Whltev
boro cemetery by Ada T Minton ao that
henimy brother wintj I will bo looked atlor
Btid tuairrttVA tuttd for Vnnr tnlv lit
At tho plaet I want to bo burled
Tho following was wrlttc i yeeter
Wo offer to customers generally tho following Standard Coals viz
Tho best Coal mined in tho Boulhwest for domesllo nnd team purposes
Forhoatlog and steam purposes
Eoualfo English Cannel and specially adapted for grates Cornea In blocki free from dirt
aad waste
Testimonials after trial proves It to be the best Coal lor smithing purposes ever brought to
thla stale Trice four to tlx dollar per ton lower than Forge coal hM been selling
For heating purpose
lncord length else or sawed and split
Fordomoetloand steam purposes
The various kinds of fuel as noted above will bo sold at favorable prices In large or s all
Quantities as desired at yard or delivered to any part or the city Promrineiw mlr dealing
and full weights guaranteed Respectfully
Fort f oifli MM Co Fuel Departmeiit
Tclopliono 235 Olllco Smith Jnrris BIoclc 511 Houston St
day morning on tho back of an ex
press card
Fout woiow Oct o ttsl
Mrs U I M Dour wile I pastille house
at 10 oclock lastnlghlnndate3u this morn
lug You know that when I mako up
my mind that I will don thine that I mean
to do It Now I will bo a corpse beforo 10 a
m and you nro tbo caun of all You
know that I lovo you to Death
and that Is why you ect a you do r would
try to picas you a gain nut I hao tun Told
that you would not and when I am Ded O
dont Let them Iletry mohear You no that
the Place is good for my Barrel expenses O I
Urns for tho Tlmo to come J U Minton
Tho verdict of the Jury was in ac
cordance with the abovo facta
Distance Lends Enchantment
Maud had a flno llgure good face
and pretty name Ono should Beo her
at a distance When she began to talk
you realized that bIio nover used Sozo
dont Her breath was much unlike
tho breezes of Araby tho blest
Fresh roasted Rlonosa coiree
Kentucklans Attention
To a flno ranch wo havo in this county
for sale within an hours drivo of tho
city Tho wholo 5000 acres or less
down to 1000 Col Rurgesaand others
ot Lexington Kv and vicinity havo
bought at about 10and cheap enough
yet double tho dlstanco from city con
veniences that this is Nobody elso
has this property nobody elso can
have for wo havo It exclusively aud
wo will sell It Can Uko 2500 to 5000
cattle or horses in part payment
David Roaz Pickwick bulldlng oruer
Main and Fourth streets
Rlonosa roasted colleo is tho best
Housekeepers replenishing their re
quirements in sheetings pillow cas
ings towels and winter qullta will
now flud extra good valuo at R C
Evans Co s Thoy oiler u heavy
Btantlard yardwldo bleached iiiubIIu
tor S cents that has never boon sold at
lest than ono dlmo per yard aud for
10 conta ladies will ilnd a lino cambric
muslin juat tho weight for underwear
Several lirstclass pianos for rent at
Max 3SleerB
Lluiol Llraol Llino
Round Rock Llmo Workfc manu
factures white lime of tho very best
quality Orders solicited For prices
etc address Maiitin Walsh
Round Rock Tox Proprietors
Cattle For Sale
Two hundred head of cattle mostly
heifers at RuBton La V B P
railway Would trado them for good
brood mares and work horses Address
J A IIhooks
Vienna La
Full dress suits at Dahlman Rroa
Tho very boat aBortet stock
of ribbons shown In Texas
is on exhibition at R
C Evans Co embracing the newest
shades of all tho posslblo colors in sat
in grosgraln nnd ottoman Also a
suporblluo of twotoned velvet ribbons
at chean prices R C Evans Co
Uniform and rellablo Rlonosa roasted
A Half Interest
Wo havo a customer who wishes to
buy a half Interest In a good well
located cattlo ranch in Northwest
Texas Could invest in cash from
thirty to forty thousand dollars
Gko R Lovikci Co
Ranch Land and Cattlo Rrokers
Fort Worth Tex
roasted colleo In pound
Ladles In search of autumn wraps
should seo what R O Evans Co
havo to oiler They ehow a grosgraln
Bilk Havolock heavily trimmed with
Jetted frlngo and Spanish luce for
1000 that would bo considered a roro
bargain by any largo house In tho
Eastern cities They also show one for
300 lu surah cloth that Is positively
Ask Dahlman Rros
full dress suit
to snow you a
Uso Rlonosatho porfictlon of roasted
Cattlo Wanted
Wo havo a cash customer for a good
ranch stocked with from 2000 to 8000
Sood cattle AddreiB giving bottom
gurcs and fuUdcscrlptlon details etc
Geo R Lovikci Co
Real estate and live stock agents Fort
Worth Tex
Rlonosa colleo fresh nnd pure
To Whom it Hay Concern
Having purchased the hooka notes
and accounts ot Win Rrown all per
sona knowing themsolvea Indebted to
tho said Wm Rrown aro hereby noti
fied thateald Indebtedness Is now due
me All of the aald notes and accounts
I have placed in tho hands of Bam
Kaiser for collection who will call
upon parties ao Indebted to mo and
collect tho same Prompt payment
will greatly oblige me as well as savo
exDOuee to those Interested Respect
fully Jos H BnowK
Jlnlincc Saturday 2301 31
Friday night the Grand Society Drama of
Tlie Planter fife
Holla Goldon n JGtlltrt
At Saturday Matinee will bo presented the
successful Comedy
Farmers Daughter
Saturday night the now and successful
society play of
The Master of the Forges
Holla Goldon ivh Ludy Clalvo
Prices COc Sc and 1
10 oclock 1 httrsday
Box shcot open at
OCTOHBIt 14th AND lGtli
Rlonosa codee sold by all grocers
Tho Wonderful Sells Show
On Tuesday October SJ1 at Fort
Worth tho surrounding country will
havo an opportunity of witnessing
what Is undoubtedly tho largest tho
best tho greatest and tho purest bhovv
on earth Honest in its advertising It
exhibits ovqrythlng It advertises
Honest In tho manner In which It is
conducted It Is free from that obnox
ious leature tho candy butcher It
is knorvn tho world over as tho most
complete show in all its branches over
beheld Tho zoological collection em
braces every beast of which man
kind has any knowledge Tho
Star Arcnlo exhibition or circus prop
er beats tho world and consists of 200
star artists giving a wonderful exhi
bition lu four great circus rings six
acts at ono and tho same time or a to
tal of moro than ono hundred acts in
ono exhibition afternoon or night
What tho Minneapolis Tribune of
Juno 10 says regarding thla wonderful
Tho Circus Such a crowd as
rushed in upon Sells Rro last even
ing is rarely Been ut a circus even In
Minneapolis Long beforo tho per
formance commenced it was necessary
to closo tho doors thero being from
11000 to 12000 people packed llko sar
dines In a box insldo tho tent Tho
performance was uu admirable ono
throughout James Robinson who
lias no equal as a bareback rider
Frank Gardner and Adelaide Codona
all performed admlrablo equestrian
acts Harry Long and Frank Gard
ner proved themselves most wonder
ful tumblers tho Purvis BUtera in a
slack who and globo act wero artistic
thoStlrk family performed wonders
with tho bloyclo aud Maggie Clalro
was a most daring aerial artist Eich
featuro advertise was presented and
nothing was iudlirerontly performed
Tho Bells Rros aro Justly entitled to
tho good name thoy havo won as hon
est and excellent caterers to tho pat
rons of tho sawduet arena
Wo can say from ourown knowledgo
that tho wonderful fl f ty cage meuagerlo
Is tho greatest zoological collection on
earth includlngall known quadrupeds
wild and wonderful ever clas liled in
zoology including in its vast entirety
tho only living pair of hippopotami
over beheld nnd tho only giraffes now
on exhibition anywhere Tho com
pleteness of tho show as a wholo Is cer
tainly unequaled
Jrandvlew Hotel
A now threestory brick building
corner of WeatherfordandRusk streets
under its now management having
recently changed hands Is now the
best 2adayhouso In Fort Worth
Rouullful table clean beds and large
airy rooms Street cars pass by the
door ovory fow minutes on both
Wcatherford nud Rusk streets It is
also but a block from tho Main street
cars thus alibrdlug easy and ploasaut
communication with ull parts of the
city Hoarders and the traveling pub
lic nro invited to give us a call O H
Murdock Co proprietors
Lost Keys
A bunch ot two or threo hoys on a
ring Tho Under will bo llborally re
warded by leaving them at The Ga
Ketti oflfco
Rloncsa colleo
flno llavor
full strength and
Drawn 1
Mnlo and Female Artists 11 houtnnds of
sights than tongue can toll I Moro of the
over bofore or will ever again be witnessed
greatest of all Amphibious Pachyderms 1 no ouiylivlng in
since tho Dawn of Creation as cnptlvoi by Master Man Th
sweat great beads of blood at ovory poro
3E3 3VE 3rP E5 3RL O 3E = L
Tho Olant Elephant
The Coalblack Pacrod Elephant
The unly Living
Herds of Glwflei Elands Dromedaries
Camels and Zebras Tvclo tesms of Kle
pnanUandCamelnln Slllc and Bllvor Har
ness Drove of Kangaroos Droves of Ante
lopes Moose Capo lluOhlocs trained Ken
tucky Thoroughbrpds A wholo Cava cade
of iicphant > A drovo or Lnplnnd ttolnilecr
A WorldWide collection Don of Arabian
Lions lolar Scars Wild Tigers Leopards
lagunrs Hyenas Lairs of SorpouU Croco
diles Alligators Hosts of HenvenSonrlng
Ulrds Flocks of Ostriches Whole Clouds
or plumage A dazzling tuporb Glowing
constellation of
ainauiiio JUMETTA
Tho Cloud Queen nnd Iron awed Herculean
Honor X > on Tciunlmo IJoll
ThefJreatSpanlsh Four andBlxUorso Itldcr
IMllo jV loliil lo Coidona
Tho Intrepid Lady FourHorse Hldor
JUCImm Mildred Gardner
Empress of the Hide Baddlo and Grand ilia
tress or Manege Ittders
j > X1hh lollio Loo
Tho only living Lady Joggling Equestrienne
IUIhh MnpTBflo Oluixo
The Wonderful Flying Woman
DFrnnlc H Gurdnor
Master of tbo Horse and Greatest Leaping
Shirts to Order a Specialty
by Its Ponderous Locomotive 1U Oreat Trains aro Comin 7l > lu
exhibited at KwHtfcJf
icont Proportions tiL
In all Its Magnificent
groator than all th rast THEyoMLDREN OF EArlTH AND i
oceans oip wealth mw
In WorldB Of Wonder Tho Vast nnd Limitless Domains of Air EtrutiVwZA
orlshcd to complete this Olgantlo COLOSSAL AND ASTOrJ mif 1
An Autochthonlo Couvocat on consiailug of representatives M toe MmL
ovoy land and cllmo of sun nnd snow 1 Hundreds of Flying Steeds f llSL
Hugo Beasts I An endless Arm i
Curious the Strange and the Woi ftgt
Tho only nlllncludlog Zoological collection evprwltnesicd by
ese hugVs
Equestrian on Earth UvlngWiw Anlwsu iseaS
aThls Great f how undivided nllunlted will positively exhibited sttS
ItalnorUnlnc Dry or Wolblgcrnporllttlono thangeiiootbertibovK
Denton net Jilj lilllsboro Oct 17 Waco Oct 18 W othcrfordOcl0 ToS
Oct Decatur Oct 13
Henrietta Cleburne Oct VI DiUtas Oct 21
the nnArjTiFitr ptovbiS
jib john punvii SS
llUTLEIt jinn OAKU
And nearly M0 others tbettaei
array of Circus talent iopt isacti
wllnetscd in tho World <
Consisting of all tho VuWbeVv
Weird Wild WoDderfnlc fi
nge Barbaric Cllht d ttlRK1
from the Clans Tribes MlSLAU
World j
Troops of Triple Somna
Bomcrsnultlats AntlcoduiMj
tlcucrs Atbletof Uvmnitui
High BlackWire WallWrt Ei
Walkers High FljlngTriw
OS ut
asd Jorrl
Tho OmSS
EVer beheld completely era3H
surpassing all prevlouslr < tCrU
of lomp nnd HrllllanrT
Prancing Hor cs of UI pn v
gnylycaparlsontd Silk anil rS
Hundreds of Golden ChartotS1
Uorgeous Crystal Cages onlR °
Wagons lWJUrso iter rfi
Itoay Cblldrentbe whole
liroftclmilo CftTSlcRUO
Wbolesalo and Retail Dealer In all kinds of II
Orders for SEED RYE and BARLEY filled on appirt
114 116 HOUSTON
Live Stock
and Land Br
And General Commission Agent J
Money loaned on real estate ou long time at low rate of IntertHJT
Washer August corner Fetirth and Houston streets a11
Dime Sayings
full dress
lllssolutltn Votlco
The nrrn of W IK Cobb Bon la thla
day dissolved by mutual consent W
V Cobb withdrawing from the llrm
Harry Cobb will continue tbo business
at the old utand 111 Wtatlierford
Tctxxaos 33x txxola c3 do j
Ii now open for business nt 211 Houston stroat Fort Worth Tex o
building with the Texas Pawnbroker
This Institution Is established on Bound business principles for th Hs5H
sale limited banking and commlHlou bualucrn It supplies a necessity Ryk
the poor us well an Ilia rich can be assisted In wiving to lho end that they HrfC
selves become capitalists hli per cent interest will bo puld on all time sgr
nlclcel upwards Hulea rorgovurntng tho savings department will to pr1BF5
boons furnished depotlturo rh
Wa Xtftil < 1 rafui > Vitr u rvttunl n f n4taa fnlni li < wahiIk mah a I tit akfll 01 athj
tlonal Hank and tlen it Loving nV
Xh I si nsiltatlon though patronlrod by all classes especially lrtc
casses and otliers of small means beads of fatntles single men clerosi
can find a safe deposit for their turplus earnings however smtll
Bte Daliltnan Bros Tor a
0 ii J
of unolalraed frelRUt rfg
olllooofthe Texas BW
Will be eoW for cb fj
November 11834 onWP
for B ° ai