OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, October 16, 1884, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1884-10-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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Continued from Flint lnc
Uio Ucpiibllcmis his frlonds olalm his
Tho indications nro that Johnson
tlio llcpnbllcan candidate for supremo
Judge hai n majority lu Hamilton
county of 3000 nod Unit ho has run
uhoadof tlio other candidates not
withstanding tho opposition of the
liquor Interest IT tills Is confirmed
It will show Hint tho temperauco Dent
ooratM scratched their own candidate
and voted for him
iniAwc iiuim cm 110011 iiomeis
ToiaKDO Onto Oct ID Tho result
InthoTonth congrcsaloual district la
still in doubt both parties claiming
tho aucews of their candidate Tlio
doubt hangs upon tho majority which
Attawa county will glvo llurd and
this cannot now bo definitely ascer
Oincinhati Ouio Oct 18 Tto
turns rccelvod from all parts of tho
stato are uniform In shrwlng an In
creased vote In many places tlio in
crease Is very marked Another feature
shown li that tho people wcro moro
than ordinarily arrayed in two grent
parties both tho Greenback and Pro
hibition vnto bclnir comparative
ly insignificant Tho voto was
as distinctly marked as if u
presidential ticket had been beforo the
people A matter of ijreat surprleols
tho largo voto received by tho Repub
lican candidate for Judgo of tlio su
preme court There was 11 general be
lief that ho would fall far below tlio
reel of the ticket owing to tho dlsalieo
tlon among tho saloon men on ac
count of his opinion on the
Scott liquor law On tho contrary
it appears that ho has been carried
with tho remainder of tho ticket nnd
hero In Hamilton county his voto U
greater than that for Robinson
Clark county It Is estimated gives
litOO Republican majority Rcdoto
county gives about 0l Republican ma
jority with Judge Johnson leading tho
ticket Athens county gives Qros
vonor Republican for congress 1000
The town of Uollulro shows 11 Blight
Democratic gain Galcon Kent
Coshocton Lancaster ManMlcId and
Bomcrsct also show small Democratic
The Republicans hero are jubilant
Crowds uro on tho street and upon tho
least provocation arc shouting and
singing The appearance of liutter
worth tho congressmanelect from tho
Iiret district near tho postohieo at
tracted a large crowd Ho was lifted
up aud carried some aistance by his
enthusiastic supporters and was fol
lowed by tho cheering crowd until he
left tho street
iion riiAnrKH si andkuson
Columiius Ohio Oct in Later
reports from tho Fourth district show
tho election of Anderson Democrat
to congress over Hlnk Republican
Toiiirno Ohio Oct J5 Tho Inter
est in tho election win so great that tho
vast crowd remained at tho political
hoadmiartors nearly nil night Early
this morning when a Republican
victory was hssured tho enthusiasm
found vent In various ways Hundreds
qf men with tin horns Joined by
others with torches formed in
procession uud marched through tho
streets Tho whole forenoon has wit
nessed no abatemmt of Interest espe
cially In the result of tho congressional
ll it Hurdclalnisn majority of 200
white the Republictus elultu Romels
election by 200 to 500 Tho returns
liomo in slowly aud it may take an of
ficial count to settle It Nothing has
been heard from tho back townships
In Attawa county
CoiiVMiiUR Ohio Oct 15 A prom
inent Democratic volltlclan reasons 11s
follows about tho election
Tho heavy Ucimlillran snlnn linva been
umd m UiBDltloii w erow tlio PemornU
linva EHlnrd In ttiucomilry TliualnUolum
bua tlio llepublie 11a znln wlillo tliu back
t i tilnrKriinkllii countywliich woliuvo
falncl kr i 1I10 llinncnUlu iimjnilty wncro
Uta lhl will lio found tiilia tlio ca o In
Uio lofn lili > at other cnnntie not yot
heard from Tno Iteimbllcan majority will
Ira redacod below luco
The Republican leaders do not con
cede to this but they are on tho look
out for a reduction below tho high tig
uro set lust night They talk of im
proper manipulation but they say
tint under tho conditions of tho cam
paign and tho fact that Ohio had been
captured by tho Democrats twice In
succession any majority is a triumph
Colommis Ohio Oct 15 A dis
patch from Toledo says that Frank
Hurd concedes the election of Romels
Republican to congress In tho Tenth
A dispatch from Hamilton Ohio
says that James K Campbell Demo
unit Is elected to congress In tho
Third dlstilot by 118 majority
iiomfis tlkotui >
Tomcdo Ohio Oct 15 It Is con
ceded that Jacob Romels tho Republi
can candidate for congress In the
Tenth district is elected by 2000 to 3
0H majority
Cincinnati Ohio Oct 15 Unofll
clal reports from tho Third district
olect Campbell Democrat to congress
by 411 majority
vonTrTiiuri countum
C0MJMHV8 Ohio Oot 15 Forty
hreo counties show a net Republican
gain of 12029 Including Hamilton
county but not Cuyahoga Franklin
and Lucas O tho fortyJive counties
to hear from twentyone gavo Republi
can majorities and twentyfour Demo
cratic majorities for governor In 1883
Jilftytliree counties glvu a net Re
publican gain of 10075
COLUMiiUB Ohio Oct 15 Unofll
olalretuiiH have been received from
oil tho counties In Ohio except the
JKe following Carroll Qeatige Lo
ralnc Medina nnd Trumbull Thcto
counties In 18S3 gave Republican ma
Jorltles segregating 7077
The following counties show tho un
official Republican majorities on tlio
stato ticket
Aihtabuln U Athcni 1O0
Clinton MHM OoluwHro iJ >
OMIIa 130 Hamilton JM
tloaan Vm Mahoning I0M
Monrnn Ol Iortnuo < S8
itinmralen H Columbiana WIS
Kayoito IBM Ortono MM
HHrdln HDI Huron 11
Lake 1 I c s
Mtlga w Morrow 0
1rotie 28 Union W
Clarke CCOi Clfrmont JJ
Cuyliocn SUM Fulton 6
luornnoy 7M llnrrlnon Mi
Jnckmin 871 I wronco 1SW >
MndUon IM Miami M5
Nobl 28 Heloto 70
Vmi Wert Wurryn 1 < C
Wnahlnnton lull Wood 600
ToUl 75111
Tho following counties give Demo
cratlo majorities
Adama 71 Allon 1SSI
AMiltnd 709 AuitlnUe suuu
llrown IHO Ilutlar MW
riwluwum 710 Crawford SlilS
I rko 1il Donnncc lleo
Krie 001 Kalrllcltt 11B
Franklin BU Hancock 0
llonry 1375 Hocking 701
Holmes 2 IS Knox ISO
1ckmg inn Marlon 742
Merror CM Mnirrw 219
Montgomery SI Muskingum 21
Ottawa 14U1 Vnuidlng 010
l > rry 12J Il kerlnir Mo
tntiitiro 182J lllcnlnmi 1770
ttrrra Ill Handuaky WI7
Hintcu 121R xiielby 1ia
kiaiIc an ruaenrawna luuu
Vinton M Wayuo 420
Wllllsma 07 Wyandotte 712
Total 415
A kill Ions to tho nbovo majorities of
lS8f nro tho flvu counties 1111 Heard
from gives u net Republican plurality
of 10070 Tho 11 vo counties will prob
ably Increase tho majorities of 18S1
so that tho plurality will reach
Republican congressmen have been
elected In the First Second Klghtb
Ninth Tenth Twelfth Fourteenth
KlghtcciuhNineteenth and Twentieth
districts Total 10
Democratic congressmen havo been
elected In tho Third Fourth Fifth
Sixth Seventh Thirteenth Fifteenth
Sixteenth Seventeenth and Twenty
llrt districts Total 10
Tlio Hlovcnth district Is still In
CoMiMiiim Ohio Oct 15 Lorain
county gives Robluson for secretary of
stato 217 majority Trumbull county
with two precincts yet to bear from
gives Robinson 1175 majority This
will bring bis majority up to 12001
Medina county gives a Republican
mojorlty of 1200
TorKiio Ohio Oct 15 Tho official
voto of Lucas county on secretary of
stato nud couRresMinun Is as follows
Robinson 8203 Newman 7000 Ro
mels 8850 Hurd 7250
Wiiukmno YV Va Oct 15 Tho
returns received nro very meager aud
In Fairmont at noon out of 501 votes
cast 237 had beencnunted giving Max
well 150 and Wilson 87 Complete re
turns from Pleasant county ulvo Wil
son 703 and Maxwell 505
Incomplete returns from Ohio coun
ty iudlcato tho election of the Demo
cratic county ticket by 300 majority
Hancock county shows a Republican
gain of fifty In tho stitto ticket
In Preston county thun precincts
which gavoGarlteld 111 majoritynow
gives Mnxwcll 215 majorlty
It Is estimated that Preston county
will glvo Maxwell 1100 majority The
town of Piedmont gives Maxwell 100
Wilson 220 Tho town of Cumcron
gives Maxwell 07 Wllsou 112
OiiAiiriHTON W Va Oct 15
This county will glvo Maxwell tho
Republican candidate for governor be
tween HOO und 500 majority Ho gets
tho fusion voto Jfayelto county U
tub dejiochatio htatk tickkt
Wiikkmnci W Va Oot 15 Tho
Republican stato commlttco concede
tho election of tho cntlro Democratic
stato ticket by 8000 to 1000 major
Tititi K Moitr couNrii a
WniKiiiN < iW Va Oct 15 Tho
Murlou county Democrats elect their
full ticket except for tho legislature
aud prosecuting attorney by u ma
jority ranging from 100 to 150
Taylor onuuty gives Maxwell 337
jorlty a Rei ubllcuu gain of 150 and
elects tho cntlro Republican county
In Ohio county with one precinct to
hear from WiUoufl majority Is 288
Tho en tiro Democratic couuty ticket is
Wiikkmncj YV Va Oot 15 The
following majorities have been re
ported to tho Republican state com
mittee Lewis county 70 Democratic
a Republican gain of GO Harbour
couuty 100 Democratic a Republican
gain of21t Rrooko county II Dem
ocratic a Republican gain of 30
lleasunts 143 DuuiocratfouRepublican
gain of 05 Summers 20J Democratic
11 Ropubllcan gain of 200 Greenbrier
050 Democratic a Republican gain of
223 Fajctto 175 Democratic Monroe
300 Democratic
Tho Republican majorities are
Rerkeloy couuty 55 u galu of
210 Murlou county 100 a gain
of 383 Preston county HOO u
gain of 402 Taylor 317 a gain of 101
Kltohlo60S again of 275j Monanga
hela 800 a gain of 315
Advices irom Chuilcstou Kanawha
county place Maxwells majority nt
1100 Thu uullru Rcpubllcuu ticket Is
elected by majorities ranging from GOO
to 1200 Six out of nine votlug iilaces
In Tyler county glvo Maxwell 230 ma
ukukkivy Coirr
Tho official vote of Berkeley county
glvea Flick Republican for supremo
Judgo 321 and Drown Republican for
uiprcme judge HI majority Max
W 7 if tli
well carries tho county by 53
majority Tho Democrats havo
tho sheriff statesattornoy 0110 mem
ber from tno houco of delegates and
0110 assessor Tho Republicans carry
ono member of tho house of delegates
oue assessor and oue surveyor
Mr Rlaltio miido a special appeal to
young men at Cincinnati saying To
day the strength of tho Republican
party Is In the young men of the coun
try of whom Itposstsses n vast ma
jority This remarks tho llostou
Herald Ind wts formerly the case
but it Is not truo today in this section
of the country Oue f tho most
marked features of the revolt aciiinst
Rlalnehm about here however It may
bo clsowhcro Is tho fact that tho young
men aro strong In it Tho case of
Judgo Hoar and his sou Is representa
tive We happen to know personally
of many families where the father
still clings to tho old party which was
tho prldo of his youth white tho sons
not held to It by tradition or strong
prejudice havo recognized Its degrada
tion and stepned over to the other
Mr Raunoy tho Republican mem
ber of cougrees from tho Third Ma a
chusetts district has put himself In
direct antagonism with Blaiuos
declaration that tho preservation of
tho present high tariff Is tho great is
sue in tho present canvass Air Rau
noy has written a letter in which ho
favors a reduction of tho revenue and
niys ho believes In tiiUlnir it from the
duties on Imports und not from tho ex
clso tax on liquors and tobacco Ho Is
opposed to Increasing tho duties on
wool aud white ho favors discrimina
tion to protect homo manufacturers
ho refuses to make u swccplnir declara
tion nfiluBt all that is known oa raw
material lit this connection
The demand for a distinctly Ameri
can foreign policy begins to bo nnulo
moro emphatically ty the Rliilno ora
tors and papers Such n demand evi
dently Implies that so far wo have not
had such a policy but have systemati
cally let our fair fumonud our Interests
bo sacrificed abroad by inaction or
weakness Thero la a serious churgo
against Mr Arthurs administration
to say nothing of Grants uud Hayes
and thoko who mako It ought to bring
forward tho specifications und neglect
which make them sigh for it change
Tho country is gradually but surely
drifting away from tho thongs of par
ty thanks to free schools fr < io news
papers and freo discussion and It is a
wholtsomo sign when presidential
electors can fuco their party in the
heat of the battle withdraw from tho
tlokit aud from tho support of the can
didate and party resentment Is power
less to assail them Tho world moves
tho independent voter Is master of tlio
situation and ho will commission the
noxt president
Thero hss been nothing nisrodls
gustlngiu this campaign than the dis
graceful oxblbltlon which certain clori
cat lllthmongera hare made of them
selves A minister of tho gospsl of
Christ engaged In hurling stinkpots
at ills neighbor is n spectacle which is
neither edifying nor inspiring
Tito Arkansas Htate Fair
Hpeelol to the Cluetto
FoitT Smith Ahic Oct 15 The
state and district fair hero was well
attended today Curly tho chief of
tho Pawneo Indians addressed tho
crowd through an Interpreter A
band of Pawneo braves was In utteud
auce MIfs Collins and Mls Williams
tho celebrated women arrived
today and will ride a twomllo race
tomorrow Tho races today
Half mile dush all ages Won by
Sleepy Frank
Half mile heats best two In three
Won by Daisy Dean
Near Jacksonville Ala is an inex
haustible bed of fluo white Hint travel
which cements Itself when expoaed to
tho atmosphere and which makes a
very fl m uud durable pavement
Homo Idea of the extent to which
opiumeating has beon carried on lu
this country may bo gained from the
records of the Ban Francisco custom
houio When It becumo Itnowu that
tho duty on tho drug was to bo raised
from to to 10 a pound thu California
dealers brought in several million dol
lars worth aud us the supply ex
ceeded the demand it had to bo stored
away In various bunks and ware
houses Recently that which came In
uudor the old rate was nearly ex
hausted and the first shipment under
tho new consisting of 131 eases netted
tho Kovernmeut lu thu way of duties
The owners of live millions of vln s
In SjCm Angelesoouuty Culture build
ing their own whistles
Our Noxt President Accordod a Grand
Reception by tho Business Men or
Now York City
Ho Delivers a Masterly Speech Inter
rnpt d by Uproarious Applamo
JBeeohers Witticisms
A Scholarly Letter of Itegrot From tho
Sago of Gramorcy John Kelly
Calls on tho Governor
Tim Tiui to thi jiirrnoioiis
NnwYoitic Oct 15 Gov Cleve
land left Albany this morning accom
panied by Daniel S Lamotit hla pri
vate secretary and Mayor Ranks of
Albany It was tho express wish of
tho governor that no demonstration
should bo made lu his honor along tho
At Poughkeopsle however tho
crowd was co largo and enthuslastlo
that ho was induced
uud for IIvo minutes ho shook hands
with all who could reach him At
this point Senator and Mrs Nowbohl
boarded tho train Tho governor
chatted pleasantly with Mr Newbold
until Garrisons was nuched Hero
Mr Hamilton got on board tho
train aud entered tho car
occupied by tho governor They
greeted each other cordially nnd
conversed together until tho arrival of
tho tram at tho Clrand Central depot
tit about 10 30
in tiih JiimtoioiiM
a committee composed of Senator Rur
num chairman of tho Democratic na
tional committee Abram S Hewitt
Senator Arthur P Gorman of Slnry
J W Janus C I Campbell H 11
Lighter J R Coleman Kuyono Kelly
nud M Brs Oreen and Vanderpool
mot the governor at tho dopot nud
ufter an exchungo of meeting escorted
him to n carriage which ho entered lu
company with Senator Raruum aud
Col Lamout
Ciiritii > iivthi cnowu
A largo crowd hud assembled at the
depot aud when Qov Cleveland mudo
his appearance cheers were given him
which continued until the car
riages departed Largo numbers
of men rushed toward tho governor
and lu Id out their huud <
which ho smilingly gruiped Several
tlnitH lifter the carriage hud started
tho driver was ordered to stop hi < <
horses so that the governor could
satisfy thu desires uf those who
wished to shako his hand Tho
party drove to tho Fifth Avenuo
hotel whero tho governor
idlchled and Immediately proceeded
to his rooms Quito crowd had
fathered outsldo of the hotel and gavo
itarty cheers on tho arrival of thu
Democratic cuudldate Tho rooms of
I ho governor were immediately be
sieged by politicians nnd reporters
who were anxious to get
II word from him or tils
secretary but Mr Cleveland remained
lu his private room to which only a
select row could gain access
Up to 230 this afternoon Gov Clovo
lurid was kept busy receiving visitors
Among thu largo number were n del
riratlon from Columbia college tho
Cleveland campaign club committee
Perry Relmont Col Silas W Hurt
Oen Jas Stevens 8 S Cox Rev
Krsklno M White Ilov S
U Hastings oxQov Hoffman Oov
MoLano of Maryland and Gen H C
King Tho governor lunched with
Chairman Raruum Senators Gorman
and Joues Hon Jas rulltzer und ox
Gov Hollmau
Gov Cleveland continued to receive
vlidtors up to 5 p in Juliet Clayton a
little lulxH of Florida said that she
was glad to meet tho next president
Mayor Gracosson of nlnoycars saluted
Gov Cleveland with
HOW 10 YOU DO Jilt lllliSIDIINTy
Many local politicians called Col
Page Franklin Pierces secretary
introduced his wife und daughter A
delegation from tho produce stock
cotton petroleum mining grocers
aud dry goods exchange invited
Gov Cleveland to bo present
at n busluess mens meeting
this morning Tho governor ucceptcd
tho invitation Tnos Hurllu pre
sented Gov Cleveland
made by his grandfather In Connecti
cut lul7IK when his grandfather was
an apprentice In a simp and which was
repaired by thogoyeruorsgrandfather
when ho succeeded Harlln as propri
etor The repair marks are vlslblo on
thooasoof tho watoh Tho governor
was much pleased with the gift
thanked Hnrlln cordlully and nskeu
toiKWilPRfiI Jta l
bon <
iur ei
i orh
r tont Medicines nl
r l i
nnd ucfi
Modiolus In NOHTH Tl XAS at Bolton wJntil
Nos iM 411 nml U l Houston St 8
New threestory brick building juBtonentdii
class TormB S200 per day
c it an itnocKrieilll
Knlnreed nnd rpnirnlilied Four hundred footnoulh tost tUlP1
tlicntrlca nnd railroad pooj h > fctrtet cars to Uuloo dctoiruhjt >
Uiimlnntca ltntea tt ptr day iwFUi
i Y MASIKItSON lmprlfliir Main rinii nnd nuiUti flf
tho stugo und mado several uttempts
to speak
thi eiovmiNoits ri > kiii
He was nut allowed to proceed for
fully live minutes At last ho suc
ceeded in saying
Ladles uud gentlemen T thank you
for this kind reception and I ussuro
you that it Is a cuuso for congratula
tion that so many of tho business men
of this metropolis havo found reason
in the pending political strife for
Itlias ever beon my linn belief that
ono reason why wo ss a people do not
enjoy to the utmost the advantages of
our form of government Is found in
tho fact that our business men
uro apt to neglect their political duties
Tho Idea Ib too common that thero Is a
heroism und vlrtun
nud tho stern denial of anv Interest in
politics seems to bo regurded by muuy
of this class us tho least
oasrrvatlon of their private views and
business Integrity Tho safety of the
interests they havo In ohurge aro
closely connected wltho wisoadmlils
tratlon of tho government and It has
always seemed to mo that If n regard
did not Impel thoni to take
u moro actiyo Interest In politl
csl affairs the desire und need of
selfpreservation should I believe
that to bo tho best administration of a
government which Is accomplished
when It Is conducted en business
principles and it Is nulte
apparent to me that the
uctlvo participation of jour business
men lu political campaigns Is un of
fectivo mode of using theso priuclplei
on tho management of ptibllrt airalrs
I coiotruu this largo aud euthualsstlo
meeting to a determination on tho part
of thu business men us thn promise of
a tlmo when they shall Unci tho path
of duty as well as Interest lu 11 practi
cal Inferferenco with political Issues
Uproarious applause punctuated tho
In Klilrtl
Deali only lu r J
BOOTS o3Qc3L SB hae
Tlio best goods me nlwnya tho chcnpeit nnd nono but llntcliuimifff
mode Special attention given to mull orttisjrt
t I atnln Stipot Fort HV
= lile ti
lln >
Main Between Fifth and Sixth Strceit Fort irun
The lindcralKncd would
mikkcbI to conauiiiors of Wood and COlKflr
rivorahlo limn to put In 11 winter atoct Wo aro ottering for UhduIS
nV dJ2Wy Vnr 1 of lio Illy Wo nl o lmva a mil uto aat
HATIOll COAL O10 boil Cont west of tUo MliMnlppl river na > 5wiVJ
tlon wlilcli wo av > Billing ui low prlcca lletta
Octubor 111
him to wrlto out a sketch of the his
tory of the tlmepleco
Tho business mens meeting tonight
at tlio Academy of Music was 11 great
success ICxMayor Oruco pre
sided Henry Ward llecclier
wus rccelvnl with wild enthusiasm
nnd beforo ho had llnlshed his ohorac
teiietluspeoch u roar was heard out
sldo und the crowd insldo know that
Gov Cleveland was coming Tho
chicr was promptly taken up Mr
Ileecher was tinablo to proceed Ho
stood with oue hand on Iho speaker
table watching tho cllect of tho
aovKitNoits AiivnxT on iiib iioiii
In a few mluutts Gov Cleveland
mudo his appearance His receptinn
beggars desorlptlon Every porstn In
tho vast audience rno to his teet and
cheered and waved his htiudker
chief or hut as though out of
hlssenses Mr lteecherappearedtobe
ureatly alleoted by tho enthusiasm
Gov Cleveland caiuo to tlio front of
A IlCaw
governors ipMclflSA
The cheers MtKffi S
Gov ClovelMid blfJ
Kecclit r sgalu cwik
Tho regiilatIoaonIi
a point to windvprisl
mux You liavtWwSu
Irotiro CheeitnH
The followlntli f
Tiltlen was reads SV
tcTjnleImlfofltnXilli >
inurltlno inorclituUWJ > y
drlika club undrtpriwi
trcliiMrs or bulWAS
oriliecloctlonor OiV Jl
totlio ortlcu ofpr i g 18
I rcKict that tbadelloa
lioaltli oompcii roeUCTr
Joining you on thatwjs
when It wn W
governor to cniaf Jl
tnnol ring vrbKh tt Jv
llvo nnd J udlcul i pt g
mpjorlly of 1I10 locif ar
Ocmocrutlapaity wiffi
thu llepuhlloun pafJIAS
ilucooxclinnge ralllni
atood by ray atda unliLai
waa ovornirown 11 < 3
opinion that the eWJfjj
HendrlrkaiN demaojMfj
or tho country IHatufgl
ubmiiHiil victory lvjij
Korormnont that
mf and prudent a > WJJ
muelatraey ot tho
with othtr counttl iB
economy In the nml
fur na that l Mg
tho eieutlvcf W
men linmunlty ft01
of patty a d i StI
tlon rroo orruvoritlOJ5
lntoroata and from tM 5
to wliloli aud Jon cbaafU
Hlancdl W
Great cheering fore
offildonu letter 0
escorted from the FUU
to the Academy of M
changes He ww eg
route 3
Tho crowd almostl
passage ol the carrlw
lurnaov Cle el n
John Kelly Genj W
governor of the tw
Tammany The f
revloweel tlio torchllfj
KcndrtoDle l
Ban lrandico
Au Atistrallsn fj01
far mid wide for b
had once made aJJi1
ever come In con
plainer thou hlroft
him Meeting on
thought was imlhr
explained to hlni W
oath ho had m W
platol r uested Jjira
rs Wliat wgffl
uglier than you S e
tho tquutter Jfk
sake Blioutl crie < HH
lltr 0
Jones conteniP ff
vorco from hUlfMr
asked her II his JSf
him look like a mgg
Xot any mote t l 2

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