A m v Rl I 5 I kjr ffKW UOLIOHED EVERY DAY llATlJ OB1 SUIISOIUITION at iMii oaJisomnKita PotUiei Frtpaid by Ot ruMWuri Rally Weekly OiieYaar 110 001 One Year Htx Month 6 00 Hlx Month ThroMonth Si llireoMonth 4too mm 70 BO Jer Wee ia cent 11ATHS Off AMVEIITISINO FontfiaiTKn o v xWiiamcw ItMiiltUinee bjr draft po Wjme < monef order or in retfilered latter t rUk of orrtre gorro poodono I ollclUd upon nil new 0lromptlnfonnnUcra oteTor happening of Konerel Intyrc will lio properly eompennatcd AH eointnnnleatlom Intend pulillcn llonrnwit li nccompanlcd hy iii wriiyry name ami ddro not for publication buv Man evldoncoiifKOOd faith Adrfre letter nnd eoramanlcatlon of very character to Tub UAxrrrr Tort Worth Texas MONIlAY MOItMimil > OTOniiK80 TUB WOJtLIVS KXrOSITION 50000 Coplei or Tlio finolto to lio Illstrlbatcd nt Now Orlcniw With ti vlow of having Fort Worth fully nnd faithfully represented In tho Worlds exposition to ho held In New OrlcanH next whiter wo havo secured tho services of a special reporter who will prepare n detailed description of our clly nnd fully represent our busi ness men nnd business institutions our Industries and In fart ovorythlng necessary to place Fort worth before tho world In its true light nnd tho maltor bo furnished will lie printed In im rxtm edition at Tim Gazhtth or not les than Jl thoumnd rapirt which will he taken to tho Toxus de partment of tho exposition nnd then Klven to thousands who will throng that quarter during tho exposition Those who wish to appear In this extra edition should hand In their naineH to TiikGazimti office and their wants Will bo attended to Lovjmi Maionh A Ioun Tun demand on tho Bpaoo of Tint GaxbtthIs very grouttheso dnyH No unneoewmry delay 1b > ormlttcd hut It oltcn happens that wo nru forced to de fer pulillontlon ol matter which Is of ltss current Intoroetthan that to which wo give placo TIiIhIb Tins Gakuttiib excuse for uuy disappointment on tho rnrt of any ono Tun election In Went Virginia was not for cnngresMnen hut the voto in Mm congressional districts bIiowr that tho DomoorutH will mnko a clean sweep of them In November The coiigromlonnl delegation of that Btato li now made up of threo Democrats nnd ono Ilopuhllean Tho Flint dls trlot which In 1882 elected doll Ito publlran by 1800 majority has Just turned around nnd given n Democratic ntnjorlty of 1300 nnd In the other three < llalrlctn tho Demsorntlo ma jorities are groatlylnoroahed This Is ono of tho tlilimn that tho Abu Press failed to noio FfinnuATi supervision of oleotlonn Instituted to bulldoze tho Southern whlloB nnd make thin section hoIUI for arautUni 1h having II natural result Northern men who IndorBcd tho out rugo on tho South nro now being edi fied by such now as this which canto to Tun Gazhtti ye terdny CmiiABO Iiik Ooi Hln ronuitectliiR upon tho BtiporvUlou ut poll In ItiU ctlr on election iWy nntt tlitinnpolnlmaiH of deputy I nltcJ HUtet iiminliiiU unit ilcputy herllU tho Time thin morning prints tho follow ing The DcmocrAlu tlmt Utomyouo hundred oflhem orgmiUtil yentcrttuy whuttlmy rvro ptoutetl to etyIn n vlgllimco oommlltco It 1 compooJof deicruiliioil men who ururc ohcJ thill no Intlmuhitton or vlolanoe hall mlo nt the Chlengo polio ut lcitit thero hull ho Unne ilutio by tlio Hepuhllcntm Thta vlgt Inncacommltteatt toproroka no fight nor to lnilnlgn In any ne Ions iv the content merely wordy hutlf nny hull oozing I nt icinpUd by ituegroorolhorilopuly marthal it U to riUt It nmt > r uuy li moamt U khut toicathntthn nhooter at once mifTom tho dnmofnto Bo the mntter UtiiUuncl if the Idling lic p grorrlBK theio will bo trouhlo In tlilcngo on cloellon ilny Ditoreilltablo to Port Worth In considering tho occurrence In this city beginning with tho arrest nnd ending In tho cscupo of Mr T I Oourtrlght tho people of this clly havo nothing to do with tho question of his guilt or inuooenco of thu ohurgo upon whloli ho was nrrcstod by olllccrs from Now Mexicoj but they linv much to do with tho effect on Fort Worth of theso occurrences Tho btihl propo itlou is whether legally qualified officers holding legal writs In their hands can executo them in Fort Worth Tho demonstration Satur day night was a demonstration of tlio weakness of tho organized forces of law Tho sympathy of friends Is n natural feeling and of itMicro can bo no condemnation unless aa In this case it sots Itself tigalust tho suproniacy of law Then It becomes it question with tho people whether law or lawleesness shall rule If an nnulyels of theso ouourrerecs ahull bring tho law abiding citizens of Fort Worth to a realisation of what is needed to strengthen tho law they will not prove an unmixed ovll to thu City As tho ensu nowsUtud nothing that has over happened in Fort Worth beforo hus been so lnjiiiloim or so dis creditable to it and nothing before hus over given such Impottis to lawlessness Any tiling Hint feuds disregard of law nnd contempt for tho power of irtw of Jlcors Is fur ntoro huriAil to society tlmn a ir or violation of n law and If ovcriuprooiv contempt wainionifwtcd THE GAZETTE FOltTI WORTH TEXAS MONDAY OCTOBER 20 for tho law and Its cxecntlvea It ha been nhown In tills city Fort Worth 1 lnrltlng cap llal to como hlthor Tor In vcatinent It aways to sub tltule civilized incthods nnd rellnemont for lawlcsHwnyB Hut whnt lndtieornont to cnpltal or to Immigration can he found Inn demonstration llko that of Saturday night which only lacked leadership to Indulgo tho wildest ex ocmcb Tin 0azkttu repeats that nothing in tho history of Fort Worth was over no liijutleua to It or bo dis creditable to lift power to maintain tho supremacy of law nnd If tho spirit which ban given tho clly n tasto of IU powor Is not chocked It will spread and Btroiigthon until It contrqls nnd gives character nndtouo to tho city abroud Tho manner of Mr Courtrlghta es cape Is detailed nt length In the local columns of Tint rjAKwrrn TJto vig ilance of tho olllccrs from New Mexico who had him In charge which wan so market In tho trying hours of fiat tirdny night was bo relaxed on Bun day that tho prisoner guarded by them wna permitted to go out to ft restaurant to his meals And In day light In n public restaurant In a city of 25000 people men rushed In and tho prisoner escaped front tho men who hnd como so far to arrest him Tho tilncrcdlt to tho city will bo temporary if Ha lawabiding peoplo will Ink It upon thoinselvefl to check tho growth of that spirit which upon this occasion demonstrated ItsHtrongth nnd tho power of lawlessness In thin city to orgnuirli In opposition to law and In menace to thu poaco of tho wholo city Ho Will Yet Bo drowned Frank Ilurd tho chumplon of free trade was beaten In Ohif > by n small majority and It was his frootrado Viovvs that defeated him This Is de plorable for Its ellect will ho to mako timid rovenuo reformers hosluito to avow themselves If they think tlmthy so doing they will Incur tho opposi tion of protected lntoreHts Frank Jliinl was a hero lio led tho bnnner of rovenuo reform in the nsHault upon n protectionist stronghold and ho fell with his fuuo to tho foe Though de feated for tho while tho country has not heard tho lust of him Men of conviction and courage to light nil error that poHaesses tho popular mind are loo few lo bu laid nsldo and forgot ten Tho cause that ho reprotents will win when men seo clearly and Frank Ilurd will como to lib reward beforo many yMiri A Kclio of OarpotBiigijm A reminiscence of carpetbag rule In the South has come to light In Mlchl gnn In tho Hliniw of ono Moses once governor of Houth Cnrollnn lio has beon lnjull for theft nnd tho exploit which lid to his urrest and Identlllcn tlon lu Michigan was u swindling game Tho old curpotlmg governors of tho Houth huve had bitter times bIiico being driven from the fat places where they had been put by Ignorant negro votes when tho whites wero dis franchised llulloek of Ucorgla has had to 11 eo to escapo an Indictment for embezzlement Ohumberlalu of Houth Carolina Is regarded n a Husplclous charaoter by tho people among whom ho now lives and Is trusted In nothing Kellogg of Louisiana has twice been Indicted for tho dofraudtug of tho government nnd escaped only on tho technical plcn Mint when his crimo was found out It had been committed no long ago that u con viction wiih bnrrud by thu statute of limitations j Moieaof Hnulh Carolina aa wo havo seen having ouro boon convicted nl felony Is again arrested us a common swindler There uro others once tho rulers over Southern Btale whoao very obscurity and worth IcBsnrss probably havo nlilolded them from infamous notoriety sltico they wero oast out by tho whltopcoploupon gulnlng control of their etates They nru nil relics of whnt tho Itcpuhtlcatis did for tho South when negro rule prevailed aud tho vicious crcnturos and manipulators of negro Ignorance rov eled In high places und stole without shamo tho oxctwlvo rovenuo drawn from tho taxpaying whites of lmpov orlshcd ntates They had their day as hasovory dog and their end Is not lo bo lamented Monoy on Hand Tarrant county Is reported on tho as sessment rolbi as fifth or sixth among tho counties of tho fitato lu nggregnlo wealth yet its tumowed valuo ot money on hnutl for 1881 was fll SO aud thta year that column Ih tepro sented by n blank Many counties of much Inferior wealth reported In 1SS1 from t > 250 WW to 300000 of money on hand Lamar stnudlug at tho head with W 17000 followed by Harris with f53i000 Washington with 303000 Kaufman with 181000 nnd many others with over n quarter of rt million Tito first reeling is ono of surprise that n county so wealthy populous and projtsiwlvo as Tnrrnnt with nolty thu fourth among tho cities of tho state should display such a poverty of money on hnutl In Mint rofpcot being distanced by countloj of comparative lualgntlloMiooi but a moments thought will oxplatu why this Is so nnd show Unit Hlmiodtficiroillt to tho county Mcmoy BU hnud moans money tut employed in bu liiM8 Idle mid im produotlvo capital Tarrant county has none of that Wo believe in tho nimble sixpence horo nnd follow clo o In practice to our belief Tho diligent sennut whoso llvo talonIh wore turned Into other flvo talenta is our pattern not tho slothful ono who buried hix talent nnd upon demand rendered it again to his lord without Increase and received his tit reward by being turned out of tho llrm Wo dont bury our wealth or hoard It up in old sooks stulfed in chimneywalls Our business men put their cnpltal Into enterprises that will build up Fort Worth nnd men of humbler means put theirs In homes nnd Improve ments It is tills spirit that has niado Fort Worth nnd nourished it until It now stands among tho first of Texas towns Idlo wealth Is poverty for It feeds nobody and employs no body and represents In tho form of money on hand so much money retired from circula tion nnd Is to that extent neon traction of tho currency As long as Tarrant county can con tlntto to add lo Its wealth nt tho rate of 25 per cent n year as it has done in tho kst year It can get along without any money on hand to ossoss and does not need to bo envious of thoso counties that report hair n million dollars on hand contributing nothing to anybodys wealth or happiness Not Booted and Bpnrrcd Our sprightly evening contemporary will not bo permitted to forco Tin MHTTHlntoa false position From qulta a number of paragraphs relating to municipal ndulrs wo reprint two from the Evening Democrat of Satur day Tint OAktti It uppoiirii 1 not boeteil and ptirrnt It in not on n mission or knight errantry Tjik UArmTi In recommended to rend a work entitledDon QuUoio It In refrwihlng to know Ihtt Tiik 1a kktik4 Intention ol turning on an Intviiio light houhllmva been only for tho purpmo of enabling 11 to Milnoldo with tho vlow or tho council and nld It to find out vrluit Hi dulled nnd right ore Tun UAkisttb stnrted out neither to coincide with tho vlows of tho council nor lo antagonlo them Al derman Audrows started tho ball In motion by Ids resolution for n com mittee to Investigate the economy of management of public nflalrs by thu city council Irovlous to this action of Mr Andrews thero had been no llttlo dlHcussloii by tho taxpayers of thu waterworks purchase and by tho peoplo generally of tho street railway Imbroglio There wob n demand for news for Informa tion concerning all theso questions TumGakktth Is seeking merely to uupply that demand This paper Is not u partisan of either of tho street railways hutlf tho action of tho city council has been such as to placo It in tho attitude of u partisan of cither the people wunt to know It f nnaAZKTTK and a majority of tho taxpayers favor thu purchuso of tho waterwork8but all want to know If tho city Is going to bo made to pay too dear for Its whlstlo Tho deslro Is general to learn if thero Is economy In tho fliuulclpal management Tin Qakhttu would turn on tho calcium by ptlutlng such facts as It may be nblo to gathor It Is not booted and spurred for a cru sade ngalnst anybody 11 simply wishes to print tho news for Its read ers The Democrat In tuklng u lively hand In tlio matter If that paper would servo tho public und knows anything why not lull it Hut Tun GAKtrrri Is unwilling to bu forced Into an attitude whloh It does not occupy There can be oxtrav aganco without dishonesty Thero can bo partisanship without corrup tion Let tho Democrat help to get at tho faotu und slop trying to put Tin GAirm In a position which ho far ub wc know theru Is no rcuHon for any paper to runtime Comfort In Mm Thought Chicago Herald Ohio went Itopiibllcnn by 10000 four years ago without any stumping by either of the candidates Not a Lecturer Loulnvlllo CourierJournal It was u mean man who said that Mra Look wood was trying to advor Mho n lecture tour Mrs Lockwood licliiji a widow no longer lectures i Krerybodf Dance Now Orteau llcnyuuo Tho Ohio election gives Intense sat isfaction to all parties to the Demo crats because thoy expected nothing to tho Republicans because they did not expect so muoh A Growing Population Cincinnati Kmiulrer Tho voto oast on Tuesday Indicates for Cincinnati n population of IDUlHX A few moro deputy marshals and bull dog pistols anil wo could ihow half u million population on paper a i i Whr It 1 Joes Periotml Organ llontton Age Tho honorable and veracious Joseph Mulhatlouls tho nomlucoof thetlruui mors for tho prosldonoy In the event of his election tho Galveston News need hoto for very little favor or pa tronugo during the next four years from tho national executive Thoso Who Kelp Thrinnolres New York Timet Heaven helps those who help them solves la tho latest motto of ho Jllulno local prgati On that theory Mr lilaluols entitled ton great deal of icj > vons holp for according lo hi own letters If thero Is anything ho hus como norosa lu tho lust twonty years to which lio has not helped himself It was itwoy put of hU reach PROHIBITION TICKET Tho National Ticket With n Correct List of tho Toxnn Electors No Prohibition Stato Ticket in Held A low Instrnotfons tho 1AMIHTTUCU1S18 I To tho Editor of tho Unrctlo Tho list of tho Prohibition electoral ticket which nppcared in your paper of tho ICtli Inst was Incorrect All the vacancies havo been tilled Dense bo kind enough to publish tho following correct copy of tho natloual Prohibi tion ticket for tho Information of such of your renders as may wish to voto for St John nnd Dnulol IltnllllllTtON Til cur For pronldrntof tliolnlledMtntts Johu 1 HU John or Knnun For vlcoprcitdent William Daniel of Maryland Mentor i Hlntont large W Kllomnn of Oldwoll unit A Wlnhartof Ditlln Klrntdlntrlct Cha Cnlmornof llnrii Heron dIMrlct J C Wooden of Cherokee Third dlntrlct J N Hailborn of Harrison Kourtlidltrlct A II IMlmcrof i ininr Klflh tlltlrtct lr 1511 Winn ofdrnynon Hixtn tllKlrlct Judge K Ilovenlcnmp or Tnrrnnt Kevunth dltrlct Qcorgo K Clnlhlvr of Uol TiMiton Klghth district Hon Wlltclt llolmee of Ninth dlntrlct lteNWm Carey Crnno of Wmhlngton TiDtli illntrlrl Dr C H Klngon tmpnuaii lllavenlh dlntrlct iidcr ltnndoldi Cmrk of Hood 1rlondi of prohibition In thoRevernl coun tlcenrocnrnriitly reiuciitod ton o that llck rtnaro printed nnd unit tocvery ollng i > ox TliiTO 1m no rrohlblllou ntntn tfrjiclnod tlio ulnti illntrlctnnd county ticket can bo tilled In each county an may bo deciond bout Ynnr truly 15 It DoiioNnr Chairmen Btato Kxccullvo ommlttcc IHhVIITirillRTIIIlT Tho friend of rrohlblllou In end county of tho Ilnh congrrKolonul dlilrlcl nru ro iiiwio < l lo lmvo thofull clcrtornl tlckctprlnt cd In theircountlr with thomiitonml conn ty rnudldnlcitiind illMrlbute thoaino tolho Kovvrnl voting prunlnct Ily rmiuent of tho exot tillNocoiiimltlen nit C I Winn Chnlrmiui Kllth DIMrlct GAPT ALP 1L II IOLAlt A Slrong Candidate for Mm State Senate from Mm TwciityNintli District For thu aninlle Having heard that Copt Tolnr Is about to yield lo the wishes of his friends und outer tho canvass for thu stato senate In tho Twentyninth dis trict I thought it mjghtbo of interest lo Mm punpln ot his district to know who Capt Tolnr is lie Ih a natlvu of the county of Cumberland stato of North Car olina At the ago of Boventeen whuu tho tocsin of civil war was sounded calling Mm brave sous of our nation to the Held of itrlfe Mr Tolar was tho llrst volunteer In Woden county where hu thou resided who responded to bin countrys call Ho served with distinction llrst as private and nubac uiiiintly its sccnndlleutenaut of Co K Eighteenth N C Infantry Luuun brigade A P Hills division Slonowult luckuona corps army of Northern Virginia After thu battle of Gettysburg In ho was promoted to thu captaincy of his company for gal lant conduct on tho Held In that aud some twenty other battles which wero set forth In tho body of thocommlsBlou I loci f Capt Tnlar commanded tho sharpshootors of his brig atlo during the campaign In tonnoylvanla and In every trylug poult I on to which ho wns called ac quitted himself with great credit both to himself aud tho old North state Ho Is n liephow of Maj M Autry oi Texas revolutionary fume who fell In the bloody massacre whloh rendered tho Alamo so sadly historical in tho nnnnls of Texas bloody story Ho Is a Democrat of tho old school holding nn Bitcrrd the timehonored principles which are fundamental to civil liberty und constitutional government und Is over ready with thu same boldness whloh characterised hlssoldlur record to resist uuy encroachment upon theso principles from uuy hource whether state or todcral Capt Tnlar has loon n resldont of Wcstoru Texas bIiico tho fall of lh0 In 18bl with his wilotvnd children ho pitched his tent on thu prcMont site of polorndo City being tlio llrst actual settler at that place Ho was thu lutimlor of tho Colorado Clipper nntl as Ub editor from ilrct to lust bus stood for thu dofouso of tho rights of tho people against syndicates und unjust legislation by which cor porations havo sought to monopolize tho country If Capt Tolar should bo sent lu tho snnato ho will certainly bu able through his ability und great energy us iv worker to nccompllBh im much for lila district and Wc toru Tcxus gen erally us any other single member of that lionoraulo body Ho never loin Up when ho nnco lakes hold uud If ohcted I think I enn eufely say to our freugruss brethren that hu will not prove it dead hood In the onterprlso A Soiuiint op Tin IlrvK CLKBUItNU A Keport Which 1rorcd 1also CiiKiiuitNK Tix Oot 10 In my report n few days ago I stated that Mr Charles llotitou lessee of tho opera house hud asked to bo released from his contract This was tho current re port here ind was vent simply us u local Item Mr Urowu thu owner says that It 1 u mistake nnd that Mr Uenlou has never Intimated anything of tho kind to htm Our Exposition Han Angola Otandtrd Fort Worth wants an International llvo stock exposition In 1607 aud the Kort Is liable to got or taku anything Wo would not bo astonished to read In tomorrows Gajikitk that Kort Worth had located certificates on tho biggest half of Mm full moon Disinterested Adrlcc tlalrtslou Neir Tho Nows congratulates its Houston oonlenipornry tho Post on its energy und perseverance in tiding over lln dllllcuUleo Tho fourpngo form adopted yesterday mc ruing made u noat tidy uud Inlorestlng paper uud If Its luttnugonifut stick o that plun thero Is n good living basis for ulUmuto success It Is generally ndvls ablo to adjust anil acooidlng to tho bIzo of tho craft aud tho Post management should know by this Unto that It had altogether too much canvas spread on for the general safety of tho crow nbonrd Unsolicited ad vloo Is genoratly cnmddoted Imperti nent yet still tho Nows can scarcely refrain from advlnlng tho Post to stick to Its present form and reduced slzo A flinall but stifo thing Is profcrablo to n big and essentially hazardous thing nnd tight profits are hotter than heavy losses DAIiLAS Tho Contlnticd Drouth In Dallas County A Map for tlio Dig Fair Uorreapondenceor the Oareile DAMAB Tkx Oct 18 Tho candi dates for county ofllccs met this after noon aud mndo up n ticket Tho map of Dallas county to bo placed on exhibition at tho Now Or leans exposition 1b completed nnd is very fine It wns compiled from tho county records by Surveyor J M Strong nnd drafted by tho artist Mr M Zelgler Tho celebrated cotton cases will not bo reached lu tho district court beforo the end of December Tho water fountain recently discov ered In tho City park continues to furnish nil nbuudauco of good water for all city purposed notwithstanding tho drought Tho long dry spell has however dried up all tho water In tho surrounding country The ground Is so dry that fall crops cnuuot bo planted Thoro Is no water for stock A gentleman who luiB traveled tho country over In the last week reports that flomellmcH for half it day nt n thno ho win unable to got witter for Ills horso and but very little for hlmelf PILOT POINT Hpcclnl to tho Gatclto Piixit Point Tjix Oct 10 Tlio city was thronged ycetorduy by peo plu from tho surftiuudlug country und tho merchant did a fair business Tho receipts of cotton aro grooving per ceptibly less nn evidence that tho crop Is nearly gathered but with Mm largo amount of wheat oats nnd com yet in the gruuurles tho merchants look for u good fall trade Itev Mr Young of tho St Louis Christian Advocate Is lii Mm city uud preached nt Mm Methodist church this morning Dr J H Johnson Is hack from the Hot Springs very much Improved In health WKATIU ltLiOjei Correspondence of tho Onctlo WUATJIKItKOUD Tux Oct 18 Tho postoillco will remove next week to Mm Cotits Christian new block Tho now quarters will bu much bettor uud more comfortablothan thu present ones Itoono Owens Co will soon re move from their prcpcnt locution on North Mnln htreet to the building lately occupied by L W Christian on west sldo of the square Hon W It Shannon has relumed from u tour through tho counties of WIso and Jack Ilo wns out speaking on tho political forties of thu day Hu spnlcu on tho leaso law uud freo grass qucBtlon Mrs Kay died this morning Sho leuvoj u hiiflbaiid und several grown children Mrs Uuy lived In KnHtcrn Toxhb nnd hnd been to Minora Wells to try to regain her health but not im proving sho had started homo and got this fur and hud to Htop hero Willi her sons Messrs li C nnd W C Itay MUltKGOK Corroepondoncooflho Uarctto McaiiitaoiiTiivOct 18 Mr II A Tiiomason of GcorgttownTox bought 1M0 Worth iif property hero from Mr S M Johueon of ur town this week uud Buys ho has about 1000 ncres of long leaf pine timber which Im Intends having eawed Into lumber and shipped hero for distribution Mr J V Nurrls fur some lime West ern Union Telegraph opt rater horu but now w train dispatcher In tho ofllco of tho Texas St Louis railway at Tyler moved his family lrom heiu to Tylor this Week Miss Itayney of Waco is visiting Mr nnd Mrs Hotehklss of McGregor A pair of truck sculee will bo put in horo by tho Texas St St Louis nnd Gulf Colorado Santu Ko railways nt once Two dally tralus oaoh way botween St Louts uud McGregor will bo put on the Texas St Louis railway about tho last of this month Mr lllchard Torrana of Jefferson Texas has arrived and will mako our city his homo for some time A dunotng Bchool has been organized In McGregor i I Tlio Hallway Situation Unchanged Uuitalo N Y Oct 19 Tho rail way situation Is quiet An nillclal olrcular to tho New York Central ngenUi instruct tho isatiu of tickets nt half rates Including roundtrip tickets good for ono day only > Death ol a Pioneer Hpeclal to tho Uaictte San Mak OS Ti Oct It It M Caldwell an old and highly esteemed citizen of this place died last night aud was buriod bore today Mr Cald well was u soululaw of tho lato T W House of Houston and his death is universally regretted Tho Mills Starting Up Again Au < iustaGa Oct 10 Thu Enter prise factory which shut down for six weeks will commence tunning on full Mum tomorrow Tho AuguBta und King mills aro running on full Mum Tho wages have been reduced 10 per cent Tho three mills employ ibOO hands Tho Sibley mill whloh employs 000 hands Is putting in additional ma chinery Thu Algernon mill is ulso running Some other smull mills which havo been shut down several weeks will toon commence running nt reduced wagei Kxclianco Ifyoti wish to ixnhaugo llvo stool or tnerchundUo tor Texas lsuds oout m nlcato with Geo It Loving Co Fort Worth Tox LIONSJN TEX A Shew Border 1 Followed at Hiahtv ruraasnia s Escape Tho MidNight AttackBi < Beasts tho Second jblI TholrEopoatedAtti Special Corrcupondcnce ofUin U I Auinsfc Tix Oct in 1 was commonly Biippo e4tbi commonly known rs Ab lions had cnurthl pearcd from this tIJ information ol a startling Jll In Coleman county Uowitfir not tho case ami that thTtL animals BtlllexIstasailttDMiiJl llfo Thoi rtloulaniJniSM wcrotoh n tho clly ycete eral rcllablo gentlemen rroabi county and are about as f0tt duy Hist week n sliecfrhttil worked on ranch liolonelnthl Anson the KngiUh Mwl Jim Nexl creek shot an muLlI lug tho leisure hours of l and being unablo at ttio time A It to IiIh tent hu hung it on nl tondlugto return tor th night urter ho hud peuued fvl He returned fortheunteloMnl ufter sundown Tho nightttl nnd being startled by a trl looked around ami tVl tho by glaring cyci A largo animals who were Nt Il dlstaut The herder he Jl himself was frightened Uyl and stood ecrlptlon mctlonkJ to move for sovirnl j Whllo In this position tliotvoif whllo watching him moved around him dlstnneo of about twenty f L I thu herder somewhat rcwnl ubaudoned Mm untelope ao l uwny townrdB his tent abocll nillu distant He hoped t d lead fill beasts would reoinltf Btimu Mm carcms but lo hjl when ho had got u hundtril dlstaut hu found Mint tbtl following him at the turoi speed nt which he wan morlL tfien ran but the two < luulrto wllderncns ulno liicreiuctl liig and nppeured deierniliudtol certain distance from their 1 Arrived nt thu tent tho liudcl uuderncuth Hiiddcnly and t one of tho boasts guvo iJ and unearthly Jiowl uudle l of thu frail frontier hubltatiml tunutely Mm tent wus proftil eued dow n on all uldcs und t wlldcred man who Is a iietral Texas und is lnexpcrleuccd il senrched for his rlllo but wiil dlBComfort of thu sltimilon hi f ered that he hnd tail charges for the trusty wttpcal quietly Hit down to await l ments But further than i around Mm foot of Mm tout til was made to reach Mm liuniuf on tho Inside and thu lienkl ouHly avoided firing but 11 piecu till thu time bl hands Several times L > nlted Binall buiulles c title throw them Into the cren ntrl had thu tllVct of fttglitenlrig tho beasts forufewrauraeultWi but they returned sgrin m This porformuueu wus oontaj moriiliig whon Mm beasts te < nnd permitted Mm herd rj fc ranch heiulquaiters iienV luted his feurful r in u half crying w und fioverul times coiupkttlipt with excitement und rip could glvo no description 61 nocturnal UBsallnnts otutrta innto tholr nle I ho next night ho was return to the tent with wiw cowboy who declared that luformutlon obtained tbs wero Mexican lions of wmffli killed muuy n ono during lay on tho Texas frontier Tho cowboy und herder greatly comforted by Ids r compnnlon rotlred to rest lot soon uaer talk but they bm but u short whll btfore It nroused by tho growling of u Mm outside Tlio cowboy tw examined toverulbhoetlnglt ho had brought uloug nntll tho herder that they wen cnuplo of Mexican lions aMlj good siMirt was lu store vf statu of utlalrs prevailed lions leaped on the top tent nnd nltcniptea tho frail uwuy but wns promptly acwinni u shot rrom a Smith WW hands of tho cowboy lust away and with his oamp1 short dlstnneo into MioiiiW et growling tarrlbly lj stoined to enrage hlui andfiii tho tent iigaln lu u few begau teuriiiK Mm clotu Two shots wero required i hint nway this time and ln an hour thu hut was nsw time Tho cowboy now P Bhots In rapid succisslon iw cloth ono of which evw < j r cllVct for Mm hearts at a rapid rate uud growling I rushed from under coj now commoduted the lUclug W eral dhchargts from a 5 boy then atoml guard on tWj tho lent for Bevernl hour i not disturbed any wero during the night TlivPf blood wos seen on tho greJf eral places showing P ono of tho lions had vf Tim third night tho slirtPj and havo since guarded to headquarters nnd tm herder positively refu l Tho Mock ouneUUi them mout merluos Thu created couelderablo parU of Coleman my L will be hunted for tMM Jy lurking In tho Ill along Jim Vol prove that tho animals < t nuiniis or American tho autolop stated that undisturbed by the M known among naiuriuin will not > r tWi of Mils variety do not kilt Miein A they tho unfortunate sm Is a young Kaotern elzo has been made i i r I sv ilio occurronoo uud abnftdoo tho beep Z seen n < nthor persons have lately along Jim Ned