2P ite
ro iMA aojiaamunna
CotUtgt VejxiM l ft rublUhni
ju t v HO DO I One >
Hlr Month 01 fill Monlb
TMM Month SOOriMcoNoDUii
nnrtrJtRKi > iiy oaiuukiw
25 cent
wtiNtanim ott avvmoatioi
mltlnnfM tiy draft potuomco money
erdeTofln rsWred IfttW t rl or om
oorfepoodenc l olleiu > d upon nil new
Prompt Information of tmpU wd nm
PP Xb of ceneral Internal elicited and
w r fmX > lS for MbHej
Sam m
V r UM a nmnuleoUon of
Try 5S g errlt K rt WorthTMr
lu wrapper ready formalize to your friend
Rbruwi ean > u < ui ttl tl10 outillnifrtoin
Price 5 cent
lMlt Writing Hi TIIK OAmTK on lllll
dm puiMinil to them will pletno inolow
tmp for reply
Vlltnni In Uio efiiotlUen will find Tun
Utmr en wlont Ueo K Wlinrton Allron
No 0 Oarondelet Ht Now Oiltftti Ia
1 k therula any Tewtabury in Texan
Uio Galveston Record Is going to rind
It mil
I r Untold day when the Abilene
tjiilll ntfflectH to liopou to u allpius
ilAjri 0Kii
the title of Hie
I writing for herself
otty of eeclaeltuiUaal
Thh bureau uf statistic and inaur
nnoe seouis to lio aMioted with prema
tlte < lw y
The bulllight which are wltnefscd
annually hr the Mexicans arc being
orled down
Wjihn the relohttag falls to comply
with RlBiniirokM demands ho throntomi
to work himself to death
VANnnnmrc In charitable hut ho
keopa his mortgages Judgments
idlvo whllu hngoea along
Tim Corpus ChrlBtl Caller calls Gal
veston lCidsvlllo This li tin Im
provement on Vlrato Island
Tun Dallas Times trletl the vlrtuo of
nu eighHi 0 twper on Saturday
Thin Ih to make ut > for Christmas
A uoou many mechanicaro looking
torBome one to show them how to got
nwny from tho Now Orleatw exposi
n < m
lHKSIDNNT AiituWs iiieisuge will
bo known in history us tho farewell
motsageoftho lust lleimbllcau presi
The oig of tho uhlrt should bo popu
lar in Now York Thirty centu Is tho
price paid for making n do on of these
Mavok Pumoh of Galveston seems
to bo tho beet abused man of the pros
unt day Ho ought to sympathize
Tun Waco Kxamlnur s also of tho
opinion that thoso who < nimt to sail
into position on a high tide of prlutera
ink should expect to pay for It
Til iiy say now that Col Moody ro
Ititttt to divvy with tho lobbyists If
this Is the awe tho titictflloti arisen
Whittle tlio 520000 thoro ft > i
Instbad of creating more oillcos
HUppniQ wo allow tho governor to se
lect a eabluet wherein a largo number
ol otUceholders may lo provltlod lor
H Tcsuis goes to begging from the
national government Mho should ask
for assUtuneq for tho people of Texas
and not for the dovlUllsh of tho oistor
KnuiiKY of motor fame syeniB to bo
comlug out nil right Ho Is not such a
fool as was thougUt nor Is Our jolek
asleep when ho Is Ualtug In moto
Tins Kmilo Recorder died tho death
of tho Just on tho evening of lhe M >
It woa a bright Ultlo rhect but loo del
lcftto to withstand tho rtorm of news
paper Hie
I i
Ir Ilawm will promise to burn his
book ho ought to bo kept in the tsorv
leoof tho government signal service
und nil Desperate cases must bo
treated heroically
Tins cold weather Is severe on those
Htatcftuteu who aro in thu habit of
taking early morning walks to their
front gates to see if their oouulry U
calling them to thu front
IP yon stand right close to some of
our rUIng young HtaUsnien you can
hoar them murmur 1 cat beat Ire
land for governor next time but he
would make ft splendid eonator
WtMiUM M IJvahto lm
inenuiil telling Iho people Hint ho will
bo a candidate for theneuato H owlU
Wabiunoton hotobkoopors realise
the change in Uio niralrs of tho gov
eminent mid In anticipation of a hord
of hungry Democrat havo rained tho
prices of board and lodging about fifty
Ior m1
Tine Amorloau government Bhould
employ ODonovau Rossn to blow up
tin tariff question with dynamite
Tho discussion of It uiuetlloe business
no that capital look Itself up In 11b
vniiUn and tells tho worklugman to go
HiciitTONn llitmvw who was said to
havo taken mi everlasting hath In a
watertank and Bont his Bplrlt In
search of lil forSfnthcra lact winter
I 8 ld to havo returned to earth and Ih
nt procent furnlUI K baokhono for tho
GalviHtoti Itcoord
Tim Old Alcalde doe notpluofor
a cabinet position Watohlns tho
youth of Texas vainly endeavor to
Ittsso the leiral rookits whloh thograud
old man ohoola above their heads Into
heavens olhoroal blue Is B enough
for any ordinary American cltUeii
llitoniKiiNoiiTON cloen not try to
shirk tho oliargo of wanting t10 vin
lty rl vor dug out Ho has becu worry
ing over the project twentyfour years
mid uys If tho horrid Yankcea had not
put down their Iron rail over the level
pralrlen tho mailer would havo been
necoiu pllshcd oro this
Tiik Washington monument h tho
highest Hlruoture In tho world The
limn whoslteon tholonsolaw alter the
legislature llnally gets through wltii
It can look down on tho npex of the
Washington monument Not to put
too lino u point on It tho lease law
will bo knocked skyhigh
A Tkxan from Washington need
not have written a denial of tho Ar
kantuB an7ettos slander of Gov Coke
Some disappointed petty nlllcoseoker
probably sent out tho falsehood to tho
Wltlo Hock paper Tho people of
Texan know Gov Coko too well to bo
lnlluunccd by such nonsensical stull
QahiANI of Arkansas has been
callod to Albany and tho gosalpj are
busy making n cabinet olllco for him
If Garland Is selecled Our Dick will
havo to brush upon his Hpanlsli Oar
land Is it great man but unfortunately
for tho country ho wan ponnllosH and
had to glvo to inonoply what was
mount for mankind
A Niiii sum In simple prouortlon for
tho old children or tho nation to work
out 1st If It contH Galveston 20000
to lobby the Hoveiwiud uhalfinllllon
scheme through congress what will
Ifiads ami tho other bent fllarlee psj V
H may be however that the deep
water npostles prefer to solvo the prob
lem by addition division and silence
WiUMiwearo complaining of hard
tlmee over here lu that we cannot af
ford buokwhoat eakett and ham gravy
every momlug for breakfast wonliould
rcoolleot that 01i0 persons have been
evicted from their houioe lu Ireland
during tho ijunrtor ondlug Sept 80
Those people could not pay tho blood
ront doiuauded by tbo Inexmable
landlords and the only alternative
was tho workhmio
Don iNoiiusori Is reeolvlug much
praise for saying that when a man
truly lovea a woman she never grows
old to him Tills is a beautiful senti
ment but It Is not new Koine eighteen
years ago a ballad containing the Idea
win very popular ono verso of which
They B y you nreugoil nud urny M imH >
And tho trial of life nearly done
ltut t tno yauro m Ulr at tho d Maggie
XfUtu o and I wcto youni
Henry Clay often said that he ob
tained lib beat Ideas from laboring
men and meohaulos Iugersoll ipouih
to get hit from old songbooks
If thero Is ono niun lu tho world
who has the opportunity of leaving
his couutry for his countrys good
that man Is Gen Hayen Ho should
not bo succeeded by one of Uls under
strappers who 1 anxious to go through
tho haiiio perfoimaneu whloh haa mado
Huxcite department a subject or rldl
oule but by a uow clean mu who
will take hold of thii branch ot the
iubllo servlco and redeem It The
signal Bonlco should havo no connec
tion with the war department with its
red tape and noiueuelcal formalities
It should bo separate dtstlnot aud
alone uutrammelcd by any cauho
whatever It It cannot be redeemed It
should bo abolished
Tut GAHiTi ti natueeake of Bliel
byvllle Toun Is at liberty lohypoth
eeate the editorial paragraphs of this
paper They are good reading and
the Incandescent glare of their beatlllo
luminosity will light up tho dark
ylacca wherever they go It doeaTm
GAKtrmi good to see eight of Its para
graphs run Ih a orlglual matter lu tho
columns of lis esteemed uaimsake It
shows good judgment rcilued tastu
aud the faculty for walking around
tho river that Is too decn to wade We
dont want auy credit but na an act of
Juallce to the people uf the United
HUiio wo ask tmt when an Hem Is
purloined whleh rovers to Dallas
thoutat aud couuty bo given Glvo
itnUU tlni flnt eenicuce lu time to people omo ch no to find out whew
Iwxa H somvbody els is flwt U ibqothor ette of tbo Trinity Is
Borao AldermenHot the OHy
For tlio PMt f W > Cll ° J1
Worlh lm boon nmUlDK giant lrWMln
JW r lftve been
way or lin rovfrnem
built and ev n1 mile of tr t n w htm
thin bond were Iihiihi
nawd to do Ibone
> M
It ifcnifl t tatlitadiiyofroclionlnKl
com tbo clly Is in debt ndli r pl > frl
bnrely sli blo t dlncount of to por e ia
Tlie ell pay S p r enU a monlli for money
ftndlli pre entbonrd of nld rrnon liaveBOl
Into t t Mpnlo It I b st for clllt J wl
Ue IiimIo Howlys It M
u Imllvidonl to > n
ient > rnlly mucli en ler to oontmct ft debt
tb n It Is to p y ltllrenlmin llanner
Tiiollauuor la corroot la Its doduo
IonH buMUj prembefl are wrong Tho
Fort Worth papir sella at par In
New York but wo hnd some alderman
who In ovprhasto to spend money
couldnt wait until tho cush was on
hand but went on wjth thowoik and
tried to fono tlio city to pay r por
cent forfeit becauso of their lack of
prudence But lort Worths credit is
loo iiood to permit such usurlobs rate
of InUreBi and It will not bo paid
Thats all Kort Worths cndltlsnll
right It Is tho city council that needs
reconstruction Tho fact that the city
kicked at Ha Improvident aldcrmou
who wanted to mako hasto rapidly Is
proor that tho city known what It in
A New DopMture
A Kutlaud Vt genius has Invented
a machine for making paper from saw
dust which promlst to rovolutlonlio
tho paper industry and do nwny with
ragpicking In tho future A company
called tho Rutland Sawdust 1ulp and
Paper company 1ms been organVed
and proposes furnishing panorfor news
ppera books and other publications
and also making pjdls barrels mold
ings wallpupor mid many artlcloe of
commerce Tho oxpeimo la coni aru
tlvely Unlit a twentyllvo horeopowor
engine turning out between two and
throo tons of dry pulp por day The
paper Is said to bo Btrouger thau
nny other kind owing to the methods
adopted by converting tho wood Into
pulp which la dono by Iho stoani
pressure of idlers which do not grind
or destroy tho ilbre Tho sawdust Is
placed In it revolving cylinder In
which tho rollers are HUitloned and by
the aid of sttturu aud alkali tho saw
dust Ih softened and all gum and resin
destroyed The disintegration Is
gradual und proservoj tho full
strength of the wood so that when
rolled out into paper It Is much
stronger than that made from pulvor
Ued wood or rags Newspapers have
been printed on eamplcH mado In a
niachluo shop where cinders and dust
cloud tho atmosphere but withal the
paper Is llrui strong aud fairly white
It will rcduoe the price of white paper
The BsaC Mutes of TJexas
The Mute Ringer published at Aus
tin given a list of tho pupils enrolled
lu the deaf and dumb schools at that
place with tho ages uatnes of parents
or guardians poslolllco addresa causo
of deanew age at which deafness oc
curred whether or not parents wore
related how many deaf mute rolatlves
where born whero the fathera and
mothers were bom and the dato of tho
pupils entry to tho school Tlio total
number of tudelits enrolled is 120 be
tween tho ugeu of eljjht aud twenty
llvo years aud aro pretty well di
vided around among tho va
rious counties of Texas Tho cause
ofdoafiiosslaas follows Congenital
I3fovor 10 j meningitis 10 rising
in the head 7 slcknessO fall 1 ear
troubles l tiululuol meisles a
scarlet fever 12 unknown cusos 2
or alpolaa J spinal allcctlon 2 j and
one each ol poisou mercury snake
bite cold whoopingcough con
gestion of Iho brain neuralgia aud
typhoid fovcr There Is ono caso
dumb but not dour Tho agea nt
which doafneea occurred woro Con
genital 4S of ono year aud under 21
of two yoara and over ono Mj of three
years and over two 0 between throe
and cloven tho highest ago recorded
11 the rest not accountod for In 101
oases tlio unroots were not related lu
two caea tho parouU were fourth
oouslmt in two case second cousins
aud In seven cases first cousins the
remainder not given Sovotitysuveu
of tuotu havo iio mnte relatlvts the re
mainder reported havooueorruoroslm
ilarly eillictcd In the eleven cases
where the parouU were tola ltd thu
oll prlug had collateral kin ullllcted lu
uluo Instuuces and none In two Tho
states furnishing tho pupils are Texas
sixtysix Alabama four Missouri
ten Jjoulslnua four Tcnuvtsec
seven Kentucky tbrto Mlbslanlppl
six Arkansas eight Indliua threu
nud Virginia Marylaud Connecticut
Kansas Illinois New York nnd Veun
sylvunla each furnish one Wo havo
ono rrom CaimUa Scotland and Piue
bla each tho ro t not accounted for It
Is oslluiated that thero are at present
1000 deaf mutes In tho Hate nnd by
tho next census there will be 000
Some surprise la expressed t the tardi
ness of im rents aud guardluus In Bend
ing their chlldrcnor wards thero lit Ing
only about half tho number lu attend
ance that should bo The report of tho
superintendent shows tho schools to bo
In a healthy condition nud the pupils
doing exceptionally well
Mnllmttau and tlio Herald
OatunYIlD Av ftnc
The Fort Worth Gaxnxts published
tho biggest in lu th worul ami ovot
rlnoe tttat tlmo tin Dulloa Here Id haa
eavnd it Tnu Herald walled for a
chancs to dlsu t His public as bad as
THKGAZifrTKdld and got In Its work
Coke Interview Tho
on that bogtH
two great North Texas Journals aro
oven ouce nv re
Ilcrcrrluir to Clilcago
ailcniro Hernld
Thero are cities in whloh it Is as
easy to stun a Jury box as a ballot
PrspHo luckless Aldermen
Clnrkivllle Time
Fort Worth appears to bo In a
healthy llnanclal condition Her oily
bonds sell at nar In Now York
Hoppy Xmas Harney
OnlxMon News
A merry Christmas to you Lieu
tcnanlGovornorelect Glbbs may
your shadow nover grow le and may
tho oxectitlvo nintislou at Austin bo as
auxioim to recelvo you as you arc to
outer It
About What Is Wanted
Milwaukee Journal
What Ib demanded In tho Interest of
consumer and producer Is n systematic
reduction of taxes on froo trado prlncl
pie a reduction which will glvo the
consumer tho opportunity to bo froo In
his purchases wliich will give the pub
Hclroastiry ndo < iuate revenue which
will Btimulato manufacturing by open
ing ii lar o ritngo of markota for the
manufactured product und wliich will
open freo markets for tho purchoso of
raw material
Tim Turin1 Must o
Iiulnvlllo Courier Journal
War taxoa must go That thieving
tarlllmustgo Thu rovonuo must bo
reduced to tho uieds of government
economically Administered Taxation
Bhall bo exclusively for public nur
po os Tho platform says to The
presidentelect says so All who uio
not Republicans say so Ho who Hays
not o has no place nor lot within Dem
ocratic Hues Tho cabinet with Ray
ard nt Its head will bo framed to pro
note It The next cougros with Car
lisle us It speaker wilt be orgailfred
to carry It out
It Was llmler
WcHtberford Sun
The arguments In Uio twolvopago
nonpareil Galveston News deepwater
edition aro very couclusivcly auswcrid
by tho Fort Worth Gazbtti In the
following paragraph of tcaroely as
many lines long primer
Tlio seven and a hulfmlllloiifl asked
for by Galveston it is said will bono
UtthoHUite that Is it will muko her
rich Supposing that seven aud ahalf
millions was devoted to opening up
farms in Texas and placing thereon
linucat tillers of the soil from tho over
crowded districts would it not enrich
Texas llvo to one If wo had onouuh
to come for ships would soon ilnd a
way to our Hhoroi
The Woman Hanker
Now ork Tribune
It la reported that Mrs Howe tho
woman banker who ruined to many
people in Dttslon and was sentenced
tn three > oars Imprisonment has on
her dleehargo Immediately resumed
her old business and boldly Invites
woman to deposit money with her
promising them u rate of Interest
which cannot bo earned honestly but
refusing to havo anything to do with
men Tho statement that many wo
men havo nspoudetl to this invitation
has furnlsludu text to Kuvcrnl Journals
and most of the commentators hold
that tho fact Indicates tho low stato of
tho averago fomulo lutclllgeuce us ro
gards matters of ilunuco 1crhups this
is a Just inference but if so it applies
with preelsoly thoraiuo force to men
as to women Take lu illustration tho
GrantWurd caso It was perfectly
clear from tho lirst that tho linn named
could not obtain tho dividends it paid
lionwlly The explanation given has
been an eilort to vlndicato tho business
sense uf the Investors at thu expcnfco of
their Integrity It Is alleged that they
Invested btctuuo they believed
Grant Ward wcro making Im
mense protltB by swindling the gov
ernment Rut further Inquiry showed
that tho butdncss xouao of tlio investors
could not bo vindicated even by the
sacrifice of tholr renututlout as lioiust
men for It was m < ide cletr that no
such robbery of tho treasury as they
behoved to bo going ou wua possible
and that a very little Inquiry must
havo manifested this to anybody So
it appears lu thoultlmate auulysls that
tho business men ami experienced
iluancleiH who put tholr money Into
Grant Wards bauds wcro lu nil ro
spectsna foolish reckless and credu
lous as the women who Intrust their
savings to Mrs Howe
Then Is In luot no substantial dlf
ferenco between tho two cases aud tho
dominant motive lu each is tho same
That motive Is greed of guln aud the
facts only show thot given tho neces
sary temptation and men aud women
can today bo Induced to part with
tlulr money as cailly as In tho daya of
the South sea bubulo Nor havo men
ouy ground lor assuming greater llnan
clal shrewdness than women In casee
of this kind Only lot the Inducement bo
stroug enough that Is to say only let
tho lntoitdtng thief oiler such profits
as maku It certain that ho could not
come by them houostly and orowds
will rush to hint In the hopo of Hhar
lug tho proceeds of his villainy lind in
thuo crowds the men shall uo no km
forward and catjor than tho women
lVrhaps however thero la a dlttVr
enco lu the character of tho argumeuta
with which men anil wo
men persaude tlicm elve3 to
embark In such uuterprlees
rue former knowunit roguery must b
at the bottom of tho business but hope
to profit by It The latter lu their In
experience may someilmaa honoatlv
liPlleye Itpoaalblo to cam sixty or u
hundred per ceul legitimately U
this d tlerenco exists It is nlatnfy uot
latter to tho
ng men and they can
have little object In maintaining r
seektug to demouslrate Its existence
The truth Is that however SaS
lmpo tors ihero may bo at auy ilme
JJ Mll dupw is nlw 7 Mill
arger and this i > eo iubo grood la one of
he strongest of human motives and
becuo those wh0 utllUo u may ttl
vain count upon lis olmomlngtholi
telllKenco of mauv
people Ami In
practicing upon this prevailing
U ujotUo
udveniurets aud swiudlers IV
derive far more ofihelr Ma from
men thtn
rntn wpineu
JoUor Wtmokl0c lobacco a WWo
Advertisements nnaer tat bend will b In
rlod nt tlio rats of flvo eonts n lino taeh
nterlton evon word to tbo Une Ilondvcr
ilnenient tnierted for 1bm tlinn as oont Xor
lea with whom wo nave no running nocount
n t pay In advance
Inc hnuacM
ton an
41 Ito
J nlelit sohool of Uio Iorl Worth litiMtnn
euilrso will open January BIU All of tlio
JlrtttlTutt n well a tlio eoumierolnl hrnnebe
will bo tmiRht Alxil nmotilno hlioutunjd
Cnll nt CdllOKCorwrllororlliforiimllon
imooM pAOroiua west
aiKXAH street lort Wortli Mooro
A Klnnesnn proprteiorR All klinl
i > r brooms runuo nml kept on band
nl rntatl mul wbolesnlo Merchant
mid fninlllcw will do well 1o cull or
Kotul upyoiirorder Special Inducement to
wholcwilo dealer Haimnuber tbo place 2os
West finvonlti itreet
WU J William lino wutolimiihor nnd
enzrnvei Flno mnchlno work done on bort
notlrw Mr willliiiiH li tbo ho t mcobanloal
workninuln thoalatoin ins lino
YV keeper lu Dimlly or hot 1 by a lady of
len venr oxperlmco lle t reroreiico ulven
Stnlolerm Direct 15 MTerroll Tox
WANTKI > 1MMAlW 111111a
V V do Eoneral bontowork Addresa 7U
Tnrocltmortoii ninot
V Apply
ue > H olllco todny
t AllOK
j room for rout
mm drove
71011 UKNT
nt 01nm bum
mw6 cm miKK YOUNb miw oan
X bo nocommodnted with brant and lurgo
nlry room In ueood uelRliborbood Adatewr
ATrANTBnriioiiiMrMAiticiJT iTtarii
V l > bl f r ninla from four taolRbt year
olo by Mitchell Iln A Co ono block well
of courthoiiKo lort Worth lox
nooaui iroit uknt
ooMroitTAiiiiY TiThnibiikd
411i oonior of rourlh
It YrhUy located on TlirockuiorUm be
tween Hccond und Third KtreotH Furnlturo
nil now MM Aiix C Walkkh
J ioil Apply ill All corner Husk and1 hint
OlSIOt xOll ItlSNT
mx r
liHclty Aluoono
For olllco ro mdittbHclty
well furulilitd room ihrco block from cen
ter of bUHlnci Apply to I W llollH 31
Houston slrrot
rou itiurr uwiiLijiNaii
rioiTiri 1stonh invklmno Tiouir
I < with IUn rooinM und kllchen furnbtbcil
Hiillnblulor Ijourilloc house corner Hicoml
and 1ioati
In town Corner Throckmor
id Kloveutb Ktrrct
lilJ irt0 n FY lio vE8T rKCONI
trcot Ih for Bale Accommoilnllnj
tuim8 Klehllunto ruuniM brnlde kitchen
MirvniilH room und iiutbulldliiuii Holme
elaborate UrounduHrsu I oruer int Would
uxclmnije for buelaeu houie Apply to 11
oTiriT F6u HAiiJowr a 10 my
H health noibelniutllclnnt to uno my
pTOinl HUpervlBKiii to th inHiitiRemontaf
tlio llcixlelbrook It Kol I oiler Him namewlth
fiirulluro fireaiontii bargain nnd on easy
term The houxu hue had a line run la well
located In the gro Ing a ty of trlorniloTox
Any ono enn innke mony who undemlnn < H
Ibolmmniaa Inr mrtlruUrH orII on r ad
dnwt Mr Win M Dunn Coimudo Toi
IM tiro riBliiurnnloutili tonotner with un
iixplred Jciifo ulu burgivlu Addren P C
story honko clcbi rooms two bath
roomi curnor lot 10 lout Rrjuuro 1ait tlmo
tf denlred Addrot It K A Unzctta itlllco
VX Klftsnttho pawnlirkor noxi doortn
Dniilniio 3iJMnlii etreut llold uudallver
MiurhPBilliiinonilH und ndle jMvelrt A
tliio Iccilon of rltiKnnd eulld mllverwaro
ltuniombor the place lllJ Mulit atruut foi tbo
best barsnlns In tho city
Menhaving and Lonii
oar AddrcfaW A
niuoclatlon nt
Jt care Claxetto
trunk or vnllHo A J Aiulorson J > 3 Hous
ton Btroel enn supply jou wltli a now one
and will guaranleo u fit Lock hinge
latpa nil fiiMtenlng slnulo or to match al
way on hand
aro at Hot
3J euro Hotel Pickwick nuws ttund li
Howe agent
the F rt Worth Collco and To eturo
WoHilltnorholcesi braiidaof Mochu Ja < >
Cordova and Uio ooIIbc flesh roaaicd ovcry
dnv Ihuilnntlluoot imperialnuiiiiowdor
Japan Oolong and Kiml h brenkrual tea nt
Inweit prlcon luro unices a eptclulty ho
I03Milii Mrcet
AitfiaiAiTilvxii house naiuhai
tlowlng wnler o gbty Kalloua por mm
nte toll m rainwater wbllo anlpbur inB
nenlu and nodnlho beat bathing water In
thotntc Hmny botuoda lit Hot HprJucs
ilrauk hot while bathing Hltnilo tlckot >
nvo UokcU31 HrAJOKY A MaukikProp
Northwest corner 1ubllo square
b HWIPrlnte
Coder Hnpldn Iowa bno opened drcm
and olotiUmaklng 8tnbll limciitovcr Ml6
Lougbrldgoa mllmery toro Would be
pleased to liRvea lmro oflli patrouuiool
tbo ladles
lu cutting and Uttlug given
fc uSi
Gam and Hr iStriS W
B ce o1 5r
U MAlnirM rt
uui i
Itvyn toaiOuitmnt SiSl
and to all rommsrclia ttSa
v wioTK acSSif
RENTAL tb Irtni
on Ir 1 MaIantlkM
work miicooT tmt
Du j ir i itAwn
up Bialrn opi I
Worth r lTtctutlfiL
c > o cur lhrouUMin
kit 11 w MUOtUil
I unjeon omco oa Ml
rJn und lloaiton IaiTgi
ldenco aver oaw Wr
ldeuceini RtoCluH
Mn u y year oiporitinco in
bUKlueiw enable them to gtvenatUfiictlon
ntand ktylo Htainplng done
and IcOiSon
A are Invito to tho Inno l r Oopins
lioute IoiuuhI In Port Worth I0IS Ms la
Ureet Wo paint and enlargo lu India Ink
wnlcr oloni crwou or oil lonny lto we
KUarHiaeo flr lclu work and correot like
nes VbobiKrapu In Hie latrji tylo by
the luttunthucoua procowf Kino frnnu
cheap AgontHwauted
UKW llH Tll VVKOOIlHtolen
t3 > 20 Prom llutton Willow creek four
iiillus louth of Abilene ou tho night of Uoto
l > ril 18M one hoy bor e about I5 band
branded V on left shonder
cldeaddl nnaiuiriie
ftlo oue dun
I5U band high 4 years old w lb
hack branded 74 on iciv
ui a and
thigh When him Ween woro both hobbled
and bay wa wearing bolt W II pay W re
ward for any luormallniUndlnc to their e
eovery AddrotaJM Uendorsou Ae or
Tom Orcfn county
3 iy F uii
proprietor Ko ltu aud 1MB Jon
treetSWaTd iioriUweut ef Unun depot
Double nit tlusle room tor Iwtb Indies W
genUemen meal as wot lodglnir fftf J
lv W > mme
n w w Koutm
Ofilco and realileagiW
opposite UuoptftMl
StolOn m 130to4jte
u m Tolrphom NaH
rl VUydeUa tnl dri I
FttrceBon droit iikimK
one block onU of totniwi I
701 East Weatliertel aA t
rrom 11 to 13 to tad I to I uri
Upcdaity of aiiwiH f Wim
No MlfotlJenwlia <
M WAtLErlCifBEnai
AM No U MilnittMiitHi
WorUi DicmUmietUtcs
P Toxiulfliiilioiie
llooord Wadmpsnltal
Dlmltnir nrT THn i mw
lococnltM M Of
BctiMl Now m in to ijng
danoo than ny omieW
Sd e
Tenrnanshlp and cfl
out by other BcijoeJ
A Great Medlct Wrf
ovcry nanye jyJJ
contain J SSSff
chrdntc ae js >
SotoundWUe w >
BlycawlsiiichMPTg j
In Silt Mf
oven na5yottiS
regional n
ftHrJj til n
country t Ctu
funded la ewrJfg
Hond now ga
Natlo K7t
by the i
The Sole fA
youne for ui
for illef
cynu Hpcial attentiou a
Pure nrtetlnn witter hat cold wid Ov for it I i jpOJi
IwOut ii ecaw for uigUj bath oi
wSi y > gw
requirlne JSl i MlJffl
ouJilna WjlSrikHJ