OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, January 14, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-01-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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GONdllESSlONAL hm 0 1lwoy < mrB fihco8 twber
BonfttMErtmnrida Introduces ft SA1
n wufch ltt flaeo Sen Grunt
on the Rotlrotl List
Tho Senate Pm cb tho BlioraittuDMis
Be8oiutlonaDduJc ip tho later
BtatoOoinrnexou Bill
Tho HousoVotoa to ExtontUuo Laws
of UioTJultodStates ovar tho
Oklahoma Lands
Wahhinoton Jn 13 Iii tharen
ntothls moriihiK Hale from thoooru
mltteo on appropriations rejwrtcrt
bivok tlio IttHt naval appropriation Mil
sent over toy llio houio ainendeA toy
RtrllihiB nut nil tho provlsloiib for n
ciiango InIIiooxIbIIublaw Mr Halo
aald that lie would call It up Uimor
row Mr Dnlpli of Oroiron from tho coin
inlttro on public lauds reported favor
alilv tho Iiuiibo hill repoallnK tho pre
emption tho timber oiiltiiro and thu
desert laiidH acta anil modifying tho
liurtrnttoait act
Mr Kdiuunds of Vermont lutio
duoed a hill authorllni tho prorldont
to appoint and plaeo on tho rotlnd lint
of tho army ouu ponton from iiiuoiik
thOHo who had been itonorals In tho
army of thoUnltod BtateH orKonoral
lHohlof of said army
MrdldmundHtxpmiod ahopo Hint
tho unanimous consent of ho senate
would lto Riven for tho Immediate eon
Kldoratlon of tho hill Kvory aeimtor
Jioanld would Bco tho object purpose
and application of tho hilt U mould
nuthnrlau tho president to apnolnl
Glen Uraul to tho retired Hat InitH
form It obviated thodlllloulty observed
hi tho KitxJohu lorlor oase
MrUncle red of Missouri naked that
Hhoiitd li laid over till toniorroiv
tn tho motion of Mr Jlawloy of
Connecticut tho senate took up tho
tfherniauDavl reuoltitlnn and Hcnator
Vaueo Hiiolcit uMii It Ho < tuotcd from
duo Hhorinans letter In allusion to
ho ilitdliiK of Gov Vancia olllelnl
correspondence In tho ovceutlvo man
hlon llonald that no part of tho otll
olal correspondence was ovor kept In
llio executive mansion Tho litter ro
furred to by Clin Hlicrnmn wits not
round In llu > copyhook lotorrod to for
tho roamm llmt no such h < ttor waa over
there Ho asserted on thu honor of a
Kcntle man thai no letter making tho
threat that Uon Blierman alleges to
havo lieen inado was ovor roocivod by
thoHpeakur Itoin Jcd onion Divls
At thoooneltiKloii of Mr Vances ro
marlH Mr Haw toy Halt that tho pur
pntoof bin resolution wiih Dimply to
mako Hoccmlblo what ho regarded an
Information of historic valuo Ho did
not souk this debate mid tlld not wish
to prntotiu It Ho had no ill oiltlon
wantonly to asaall or exult over the
men who had lost tint whenever shuck
wore proMtntcd which brought thopuitt
to view an In thlHillnuiiHitlou ho iiiuhI
maintain the standard ho hud main
tained In tho war and oharactcrUo as
conspirators and traltnm tliiwo Who oil
trailed In conspiracy and trcanou
Tho tlobatucontinued at Homo length
whmi dually tho resolution waapaaacd
f > i to 10
Consideration of tho Interstate com
merce bill wim rouiincil tho peiidlni
tpiiMtlon beliiRtm Mr IUowhh aniouii
munt to tho ameutlmont ol Mr Tanco
Mr Vances aluoiidmout was that no
railroad company Hhonld bo allowed to
chorion higher proportionate rate for
thooarilauu of Hiuall than largo par
culHaml Mr HrownVamondmuut pro
po od to oxteud ttila prlnclplo to all
meicantllH bintliivHiandRO forbid nitr
ohantu irom olmrHliiif iiroportlonatoly
moro for retail paroelii than for whole
alt >
Mr Vnuro atld that ho would havo
thought Mr Browns iimcndimnit a
J otto If ho hail not known tliat Mr
dlrown had uovor purpotratotl a huo >
ceKHfulloko In his llio fiitiiithter
Mr llrownH ameudmuut wan not
rreetl to
Mr ltayard oppotrd Mr Vaucon
anuiitlmput hh an attempt to do what
nolthor oooKnurt nor any human
power could do deprive properly of Uh
natural Htrength null tako from It tlio
woHkuoro of Iih luhoreiit defoot
Mowtra Hheilltthl of llhodo Inland
and Bawetl ot tNow Jersoy atHOop
m 1 tho amendment iiutl Mr Vauco
tlelentkHl It
Tho amviidmeiit wan hot agrrml to
Jtr Hlatur of Grcjrnn propOHed an
uvnendmont uialdng all rebatea un
lawful Not iir cd to
A mnwiKo wan lecelvud from tho
pruHldent recommending a provlidou
for oompeiiKntlm tho Hpttclal oleotoral
luoMiuugurH Jlvferrod to tho commit
teo on nnprnpi liUlonu AIpo a motuoigo
from thngrtvornn ntongliuorlti ohargo
of tho Yoiktown luonumout reporting
KkoouIIvo xftiHlmi ailjourued
TUB 11111 M5 Olf HKlUtl llMTAVI V1W
In tho hou > o thin morning Mr
Htttoktlngor of 1 milium rltlng o a
imestJon of > crponal privilege ucnt to
tho olerkH dcclc and had read an nrtl >
clo in ycatordayH Now York Bun
olurgiuff tho nommlttoo on publio
tmllillngn with logrolling to paw bllln
for thoorecUon of publio buildings In
a vuluaio eay of flSOOOtXK
glviiiR Mr Itundnll great credit for
lighting and xptlug tho Job
Tho titateineut In tho artlolo vahl
atocliBlaporas to thoamountinvnlvid
In tho bill w H wronir Tho amount
Involved wan not f 16AXKiUoii but was
7227000 Tho amurtlou that thero
wan any combination aiy binding to
gvtlierofthetto blllnofarna Itwforml
to him or hta oomlnliteo w m wholly
gratuitous entirely uncalletl for ami
utteily falM >
Tho HH > aki > r lut J Worn tho houso a
nielnigo frvu tho prevldeut traiiMiilt
tlng tho report of too Hovfrnmeut dt
whom or tho Union PauIIIo K llro d
company lltfurrtsl
Thohouiioproi > o tle4to the coiibIiI
oration of tho biitltnwi ivpottisl from
tho committee on Jiullulary
Tho following billK amoog cllicni
weronwsetli To extend tho law of
tho united BUito over ccrUilu unor
nraukwl territory touth of luoiUie of
ltiPfftllng bo timoh of ncotlon lisw
KovfVotl Biututc iih prohlbltH tho jiro
motlon to a portion m oommhiil < uoi
or noii oniiulu loiml ortloow In tho
To regulate tho Mlfcct of tho Judg
montn and deorceo of tho United
Htaton oourta In any Htato by providing
that tlioy nhall tako clleot by way of
lion prothcrwlno to tho enure oxiout
and fft a llko manner ae Jmlgmont
and dtdreea ol tho cotirtii Of euuli Mute
Mr llrowno of Indiana arlitliig
auld I perform tho rati duty of an
nouncing to tho lioiixu tho tfenth of
Hdhuylcr Colfax at ono tlmo epcakcr
of thin lioioio ami Into vloepreMdent of
tho United Htatea A telegram was
received through tho AHfoolnted lreos
this aftcrnooon about 2 oclock an
nouncing thl ad ovcut I ollur tho
following resolution
WhortttH Intolllgcueo Iibh IuhI
Tenohed title houno that Bohtiylcr Col
fax for mnny year a member of thin
body and Ita speaker anil latft vice
prihldeiit of tho UuIImI BtaUo died
thlfday at Mankato Mlnu anil
Whereao tho decoanod waMadlstln
guhhidoltlrcnof thoropubllo and a
oonxplcuoiiB llguro In lta hlHlory and
Wlitirtftn It In lit that thin bonne In
which ho no long forvetl and over
which ho presided na Bpeaker Hhonld
glvo < xproeelon to Ita Borrow for hm
lwn lta regard for IiIh memory and ltn
Hympathy for hie ramlly tlioiuforo
bo II
IIKwolvcd that thin hotiBodnnoTr
Tho rcMolullon waa miaulmouBly
adoitcd and tho houno adjourned
A Now BualnoBSIIouao Bomm Other
flpPClRl tO tllO tlHIOltO
1iuit Point Tix Jan is Mlm
Lulu Collier an accompllnhvd uiunlo
teacher of Whllenboro wan In llio city
Holiday and prenldcti at tho organ at
tho morning eervlco In the M it
Mr J It Bliortrltlgo proprietor of
tho West fldo llveryelable roturnett
thle morning from Ban Jiwoanil rtmf
Krauolect Cida whuro ho Bpoiil tho
holidays with relative Ho aaya tho
Holdtm Htato 1h a great country but
Texas Ih ouo butter
Work was commenced today on tho
foundation of tho brick block to bo
erected on tho West nldo by MomrH
Nowbury Weeltn Hulll iioamag
iilllcuutHtruoture III by 1 1 feot anil
thrvoiitorleB In height Tliuro will bo
two largo BtorcrooiitH lu tho second
ntiiry and an operahouHo lu tho upper
Col Armntroug Into of Pluno has
commenced the oreetloii of u hand
nomoreNldeucolu tho vicinity of Davlil
Dr K M Kauirht of Doiiton and
Dlntrlct Uuptity 0 M r U 01 < wa
In tho city today and lectured before
tho lodge title evening and liiHtalletl
tho nowly elected ollleent
A petition In being ohcutalod ami
numertiisly tdgncd to the leglMsttiro
in favorof tho prohibition amendment
A Young Man Charged with Paunlur
Oouutorfolt Monoy
Hpoclnl to lUfl lH t > tto
Waco Tkx Jan 13 ltob llallard
a young man was arrentetl lst hint
night by Deputy United Btatea Mar
hIiii Hoelluer charged with punning
counterfeit money could not furnish
ball this morning and wan Jailed To
night a brother anil other rclativea
Tom Hill county arrived atitt are link
liigarrnngtiiientH to ball llallard A
o > prlau In tho complainant against the
young man and ho hujh It is a putup
Job on him
J M McOormlck of Diilliin npcolal
minder lu chancery was to bo hero to
day to hear canen agalunl tho Texan > t
Ht Iiotiln railroad He telegraphn
from Hrlultley Ark today that he in
waterbound tliere ami cannot reach
Waco beforoBsturday
Henry Maun mamigerof the iirunm
Untiring mill wan married It night to
Minn Iitlllan Howard formerly of New
York The ceremony took plaeo at
tho tenldenco of Mr J W Mann
iirenldeutof tho Waoo National bank
ltrltle ami groom both ntand high
At the directors meeting of tho Clt
Ik uh National bank today Win Cam
eron and li 11 lllaok were rct lectPt
prenlilent ami cnnhler Tho tllreutorri
of tho Waco National bank elfOted J
W Maun piCHldeut ami John 1C It two
A cold wet norther linn net lu to thy
HorooThloven Captured lu tho Terri
tory A Faint Btoro Attached
Kircliil lu tlio lawtto
OAiNieviitt Tux Jan Ill
BherltrMeClalnol Moutsguo came In
on last nights train with two prison
era chained togethcrwhom ho had can
lured In tho nation Their names aro
Idols llrooka and Jim Henderson
They aro charged with the theft of
homes in Montague county The prln
ouers rtsdatiHl arrtst when tlmt found
but dually yielded
In a runaway yesterday Mr Val
Poolb of the Teunifitto store was
thrown violently to the ground and
considerably bruised The home
Htnrlrd ata furious rate up California
street and was not checked intll It
ivaehed tho public stiuaie Tho wagon
ami hariiisa weiobioken to pieces
The Hebrew ladlesof this city met
yesterday oveulug and perfected their
nrgaulxttlon of a ladlrtt aid xocictv
Tho attentlauco was large The fol
lowing olHovie were ohoten Presl
dent Mrs 1j A Ciiliiij copre ldent
Mrs Jake Hchlllj secretary ami
treasurer Mrs Lacki The member
ship at jntxent coii > lhta of sixty latiles
Metttuga will tako plaeo the 11 ret
Wednesday In every mouth
Tho people living norofs llwl rlv r
In tho nation manifest considerable
Interest In tho building of a bridge
airossthat stream They say that If
Ualucsvlllo < Iocb not raise nutllclont
cupltnl for tho oonstruotlon of tho
bridge they will Invest In tho enter
Win Jonwiof Dallas a cnnlraotorof
stone woik le In hv city ana will
suptrviuo the rock work of Pecan
Yesterday the wnterworlmoonipauy
turned tlio water Into thu uow nut Ins
on Lindsay avenue The water le now
re ulMWiuy p n iirlvntu soldier who fttrulehod lo ilyo uioro plugs Giving a
i mrtt TUits oirrio an WOHTH RTIIBKZ
very excellent service to tlip Booth
end Thoatook of pniutn and wallpaper
belonging to J W lUrtioy ban been
attached by K M Uoeenthal Co ol
Bt tiOtiU for 301 and Jno McUralh
of Chicago for f W4 Tfao ohorlir le uow
taking nu Inventnryand It Ih Btipiio ed
tho anneta are eultlctcnt to Batinty the
The young ladles of thin city will
glvo a calico party nometlme during
next mouth Tlio InvltatloiiH will be
prlnlod on calloo Tho ladleHarosac
peeled to wear calico drennea while the
genlkineu will bo expected to wear
calico tlen
Tin AvoitLiUd faik
A Partial List of tho Stock Awnrdn
Nuw OitiiNH La Jan IS At
tho worhlo exposition today tho at
tendance was mont grallfylngly large
In thoBtook ntablet much lutercntwan
manifested lu thowardH na follown
Bweepntokes Leat wether two years
ohl Murphy entered by Taylor ol
WayniBVllle III
Ht < nt sheep under two yearn Gar
Held entered by J H Potto Bon
of Jacksonville ill
Htst llvo wethora under two yvara
llwl prenilnin Potta Bon ami mio
ond premium Tho Taylor
The remainder of the nwardu will he
announced tomorrow
The Horticultural association today
decided to extend their session from
four daya to two weeks
Soldlom Massacre their 0 flic era and
Cronto Havoc on tho Border
Ban Dimio Cat Jan 13 Tho
Cource arrived today with a dispatch
for tho Mexican consul Htatliig that
the Mexican Boldleis stationed At Kn
Houda Mcx tlglttyllvo miles south of
here Friday night lantjmuiderett their
captain whoro name Is not given his
wife i nd Hovoral otherpcrsons They
then lied In a hotly taking anna anil
ammunition with them They mur
tlertd forty men A telegram was sent
to the captain of tho gunboat Demo
crat which had been Ijlng at this
port to como to thorcecuobut tho vo
sol liad aalleit for Him KrancUco
Application wan then made to the
captain of the United States Klglith
lnfintry to forward such mslstauce iib
woild preveut depredations along the
boundary line Tho request was
promptly granted Tho Mexican citi
zens aro greatly al irined as tlio muti
neers ore known to be a deaperato lot
Latih iV dlpetoli Jnst received
says that the mutineer havo passed
near Canipo Mcx and aro making
for tho United Btates territory
An American Heiress ttlll
Nkw OMKAN8 La Jan 18 At
torneys representing Mrs Maria Per
kins Kvaus tho wlfo of W 11 Kvans
opened ihotmcBtlou of succession to
Myra Clark OalucB and ottered for
probate a will of tho tlato of Jan K
ISS5 naming Mm ISvans aa adminis
tratrix of the estate Mrs Gaines leaves
au Immensu properly lu this Htato
and Washington City This will tho
olerk ntatcd was In Mrs Oalnes
handwriting Bomm atler the above
proceidlug an attorney appearetl In
court with allot her will naming Win
II Wilder ami Jas G Christmas ex
ecutors Tliono parties were aston
ished to hear that succession had al
ready been opened mid ataortcd
that Mrs Guinea could not write Jan
uary 8th being too ill Tho will they
ottered was dated January fith IBM Is
tn nuncupative form under a private
signature her mark In tho preseuce
of live well known cltlrens who
signed iiHwltiicBcs After milking a
few biquesta to others Mr Gaines
wills her estito to he divided equally
between her six grandchildren
To Hotels lleai tlliiKHouscK Ilcetau
raids mid Prlrato Families
Tho Fort Worth Grocer Co ollera to
this class of tratle s > eclal Inducements
for their patronage having six olal fa
cilities for buying all gradea of grocer
ies produce etc which tn able them
tu sell the same lo cash buyers antl re
SKUislble parties at leas llguios thau
any other home lu North Texas This
Nller Id to parties who doslro llrstotasa
goods at retail ami at Jobbers prices
CalI aud see us
I IVel Hotter
How cheerful a man looks when ho
Is saying these words And what a
delightful thing It Is tn help to make
him feel bettor And what a prlvl
lego to know that ten thousand people
all over tho United Btates aro today
anylng I ftel belter becauso thej
havo been Inking Urowne Iron Hit
ters 1 Mrs J A Ktlnon of 08 Meilford
treet Chelsea Mats writes that she
flittered will kidney disease and blood
troubles am that she lined three bnt
tltsur llrovnrs Iron flitters As the
result of tills treatment tho av 1
feel better than I have for a long time
and I bellevo X wu cured
viil 1 Ni
Enrnishins Goods
Tho county cnuimlaslonors say their
action In dispensing with gaslight l >
tho county Jail was ciumd by tlio ex
tremely heavy expense of the gas
Tho November gas bill for the Jail was
about 11 and tho jail lUHnagemeiit
was then using seventeen Jets Tho
ooiumlnslouera consider the question
and were In favor of cutting off tho
rrh at once but Mr McCain thojallcr
said ho would uso nil potnlblo economy
ami cut tho number of let
to bo used down to eight Iltit
when tho bill camo In for
last month It amounted to 01 70
Tho cniiimlmloueru oamo to tho con
clusion that mich an expeuslvo luxury
Iould bo iliBpenncd with and bo an
order was entered on the court record
to that clleet
Tho court also contemplates dispensing
with thotiHcnf gnu In tho courthouse
but Ti i K f 1 Akttk hopes an order to t his
etl eot will not bo made aa RiiallKht In
the building Is Indispensable to lis uso
by tho citizens who piy the taxes
Diath ol nu Knpllsh Parl at Illg
Ureclnl lu Ilia Uicllr
Hid BiitiNtis Ticv Jan ii Tho
llarl of Aylesford F B A died at
tho Cosmopolitan hotel at IkllO this
ovourng of lutliitniiiatlon of the bow
ls Hurl Aylesford was a large prop
erty owner in Ttxas His remains
will probably be sent to Ktiglaud
A New Entrance Into Texas
Br Louih Jan 13 Tho olllcers of
the Texas Bt Iouln railroad re
ceived Information today that oon
ncatlon will soon bo completed
which will glvo them entry Into
Dallas Independent of tho Texas
Central railroad This will bo eltect
ed by tho extension ofthoTexasTrunk
read front Centre Its prenent terminus
fifty mllos iouth of Dallas to Athenn
ti here It will Interned the Texas Bt
IjOuIs railroad
This modlelno combining Iron with rnro
vorUhUo ictilrn iitilrkly nnd eomplttcly
< tirvn ll i riln
ItniUrnllnil dilute
rlUoi > itllulitrliiLlilllaunUlvtir >
t It nn unnitlliiff ivracOy for Dlrfiuenortho
Ilti1i r > nntl llver
U Is lnvnluoblo lor DIwhim lwullnr to
Wniirn itnil nil nlio leml Hilonlnry lite
11 > lo < > not Injure the leelh eniiw licmtnclienr
I r hift ronnliuitlona friwnniRlrtnrttli
It tiirilicHniiliutlllm tho blood Mlmnlntct
dm npi tlte itlil > the H lnOUttoa or food r
1 i < lliiiitlnirn nml liclclilni nml FltciifitU
1 tin mtiiu lri nntl nm 1
I > r InUrnfUHiil IVmik IamIIuJc IjicVoI
I it r v Ac 1 tt Jiu no rqti l
fir The rrnulno h nlnn 0 itmlo murk unit
cii fil it < 1 linen on rnpisrr loko nootlior
nuu iiniwit i < oHu ttixiur iD
her elutplo romndlcs init WliK in
xnont on o Without tho u o of herb
moillonl notonco would bo poworlcu
tuitl yot tho teiulolioy of tho tluioi U to
noRlcot tho be t ofnlfrouiodloslor those
powerful modlcluoi that orloualr In
jure tho fyatom
iBKComblntttlooof vnUiobohorb cuo
rullj cpuiitoundod JVoca tho lannuUof
a regular Phytlriim who utotl this pre
norlptlon iMRoly in ItlRprlvMonrnetico
witliBrostiuocoM It U tnl a drlnlbut
nioodiolnt tuotl by many
lt In tnvuliinblo tor
Kii > xir hnd tit Kit rovrijAium
VMv lpitUisriOX e nndwuUo
curing will net hurt tho mtom
0 J Rhoitat a Wfllknowa Iron
of Sore Harbor ra writes t
Mj 1
irin Uil
m coni4tt y mtnlfd ljr f wr in
9JUP M tJJM v 110 iwod 1
mtor MnidW lUrlilklitrn ud In Hoti
buy u quao wril
E A BchfiUntrnier Dnurttit 717
Bt Olsir surest cieTofand 0 writes 1
isjr llmtn I n Mr mldo Mr an r
ttxiM by Kmta of tu oid < tuid mart rrvmltwel
lir linrv lu our Mix
flUS CJomnioreo Ut 1hlladolphl
iubtii rituaat Worm By rop K Ttr JTaili
g wSS Bfl
KxolnelTcly Wholestilo Doalern In
IAtont Modlolnew at llitnufnoturora rates
Modlclna luNOKTU TUXAB at lloltom rrtooa
Nos 40S ill ami 413 HouHton St
Fort fc
O 13 REED Proprietor
Mnnufncturorot Chopped Feed 1 round Cotton Hood Plain aud Bolted Moal am 1
UoniOftt lliirlcy lUy Cord WoodHtove Wood Kte
fST Free nollvory Mill Northeast Cornor Sovonth and Rusk Streeti
jr J K VP JE
Architect and Snpcrinicndent
Otllco over 1 Fcliwnrtr Co nrnr
Trmlrra Matloiml llnnk
Fort Worth
Cotton BELT Route
Ittllo Itork Camden lino Illuir MomrdiU
Chattauoo n AtlnntH C lrn ut Loula
ChlMigo Cincinnati IajwIbMIIh
Now Vorkl Phllitdvlphln lloa
ton and all poluU North
Kaal and Northtxut
Pullman Palace Sleoping Gars
On allTlirontU Tralui
Map llrao Table ltatoa nnd Tlckcla and
fnlt lufonnatlou clipirfully glm on appU
caUon to Ticket Agenu or to
denrrul lHaMnit r Acont
Itrr < lorand Uvuorn Mauagsr
ft Iouln Wo
ThU tlnn nrrora
Tor th wmlorUMj anil untd
ttuu irtcl Muoiri
1r WtNO NT
LOflH 800 n m oicinl
H <
ttlClitlr nirorTol lofW inJrCar
midiUgnut liirlorCur turCIiIuibo
LIIlMMIIHt IOUIS 040 i m Ully
Ilimunli Nlofprr forNnwSorl mid lb
oiilVTIirougliNlecpur tu llutlon
LSVV1 ° fir ruis 0 > I tlnlly
TwuHI cp raforChlcitguiiiid > rTaCAu < i
All AcnU Ball tickets nml ncnjroHU >
I Oar aeciuiHindallon throach la
dMttuiitlunvlathii pupulur
Wabaslt Bdiiite
Vor Uck U ond ganaral Information 1
taidins aboT apply to
TMtai Ac nt Union Utpet
Ultact HoutoEaslTta
< k
33L 22lf3ClS Oil
Union Depot passengers for
Colorado Now Mexico and fji
ferula oonnect with
trains for all lines 4
j3LTC3 23iSfi
Conitectlon la tuado with
trains for alljwluta In B
and Nebraska
Aeoommralatloua fast tlm 5
Palace Hotel Cars run 1 < T
Louis via tkdallo dally
ror Mopa Tlnia Tablf Kj S
or addrwa any of ths Tickat AS
Clan r a Itket Agant 0
A atrert

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