tlMati jjjIG AIALONB FORD BALTICS AND BANKffiKB Sot TEXAS ders National Bank JNO N1CUOU4 VicePresident Houston and Second Streets Fort Worth Toxae ASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 430000 II B toyd J D Rood Zauo Ootti D 0 Bennett Goorgo Jack tor 8 B Buinott E B Harrold and E F Ikard TMMCTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS T HOOSETT VicePresident H 0 BmunoTon Cashier A tor Cirenltr We also negotiate the Sals of Vendors Lien Rotes MONEY TO LOAN iotiywi and upwards on pastures or large farms for a term of years Vendors lotiuod Apply to 8HATTUOK J QXWXIAN Now Orleans ZjO nCEjPort Worth orert ty HaSaunl Bank Ban Antonio Bo edad Btroel iTKSIAM Established IStt FORT WORTH TEXAS SATURDAY JANUARY 17 1885 itEE CITY NATIONAL BANK Of Fort Worth Paid in 18000000 Snd > BO00000 n aw r pertalntac to Conservatt ve Banking receive careful and Afl prompt attenUoa rawnon all theprincipal cltlMOf Europe Collectionsft specialty DiftKCTona H RVyLOMAX OBAOOBTT JOHN rflCHOia AND Q R NEWTON Freit TnoaATniBAliVloePrest NHAUDtnoOaahler FOUT WORTH NATIONAL BANK istt in Is Tldball Van Ztndt Ct Fsrt World Texst STOCK PAID W J12500000 irrmP SJ500000 Vrin business transacted Collections mads and proiuvlly remutett x MJSfttJirtncIpHolUe oIKurop DiiiKcrouai i omit T5M A Tldball N Harding J P Smith J J J arris K J Beall Etal DO BiiNNUTT VloerrcBldenU KBiIAHKOU HRST NATIONAL BANK Cashier 0 W HOUJUOSWORTH Assistant Cashier TRADERS NATIONAL BANK tfcrtk Texas Second Street between Houston and Throckmorton FITAL PAID IN 3125000 SURPLUS FUND 810000 i retral banking business Collection made and promptly remitted drawn all the principal cities of change on Kurope WJBoat J T Hossott Tnolllniwvrorth Bx J H Adams H a Edrlngton JFKUU BH 3IUBNT8 LOAilS OOLLEOTIONB OrerThlrty Tear Experience In Land Titles In this StaU Smiths Texas Financial Agency Scltb Jarvls Blook 511 Houston Street Fort Worth Texas as OoY rnor Ireland Austin Texas j Attorney General John DTempleton it HonBlohardCoke USSenator Waco Hon8 IIMaxey U8 Benator Kstlonal Bank Fort Worth Fort Worth National Bank Fort Woita KH Bankers 10 Old Blip NY Latham Alexander ft Co Bankers Wall 8U NT ton LOANS jfiajrm loajvs i In tarns of 11000 and upwards for from two to ten years with permission tuiy time before maturity Investigate onr Installment Loan 1TBANCIS SMITH Sc CO BAN ANTONIO TE2UB Kamproann Block W Q BATEMAN isale Grocers and Comiisn Merchants Na 121416 and 18 West Seoend Street Corner Throckmorton RT WORTH TEXAS CAMERON CO Wholesale and Iletall Dealers In ftrlb Decatur Weatherford Go don Baird Abilene Colorado Big Springs and Pecos fell line of Building Material Palnta Cement IJmo Eto J P SMITH President 611 Houston BtTeet FoitWortn Texas B l 84if DEPOT FOR HOBTHWESURH TEXAS FOB FIXTURES PIPE FITTINGS ETC COJ E AJSTJD GOAL TA Seat and most Complete Stock of Gas Fixtures Booth fStLouia Newest Designs Constantly bolnzBo ceived and Kept in Stook We make a 5IALTY OF GAS FITTINGS Wholoiiilo and Kotall XJoolora in SAS nfMNSS ETC M tteeUed as fuet ot maar pnrposos being cieapsr and better 1 MMoad lota or less to all potato W tt barrel suitable for rooflnffi palnthut troaworlc irt Imwy w 0 0 1S jTST53 > isjraroEss f 84S HOUSTON 8Ta FORT WOBTHr TEXAS Ju JhiL OF 0000 Surplus Stock Ten days spent in taking stock reveals the fact that we have 50000 worth of gooda that must be sold in the next 60 days WATCH THE WEEKS OFFER We will fill orders C O D with the privilege of examination not satisfactory can be returned at our expense SEND ALL ORDERS taut GOODS AND SAMPLES TO Pins u IAfc < We tiavu on our Booka a JDwlrable List o FIRST DEPARTMENT 2000 worth of Ladies Misses and Childrens Woolen arid Merino Hosiery at 50c on the Dollar Discount taken off at time of sale THIRD DEPARTMENT One lot of Silk Satin and Velvet remnants in lengths from 1 to 10 yards at 25cper yard reduced from 1 Another lot at 50c reduced from 150 r FIFTH DEPARTMENT 251 Blankets from 150 for a 104 to 15 for a 124 California Blanket at 13 off Discount to be taken off at time of sale 193 Comforts worth from 1 to 5 at 13 off Discount to be taken off at time of sale EIGHTH DEPARTMENT Tha remainder of our stook of Ladies MiBOSaad Childrens Wraps as follows 6 Childrens Cashmere Cloaks worth from Si60 to SO will bo sold at from 75 toS6 3 Mi8es Oloaks Havelooks and Newmarkets worth from SB to S20 will bo sold at from S2 50 to S10 a4 Ladies RusBian Circulars Newmarkets and Dolmans worth from 5 to 860 will bo aold at from S2 80 to S i5 v 5 Plush Sa ks regular price 30 S40 and 60 will bo sold at 15 20 and 30 Discount made at time of sale All goods FORT WORTH CHINA COMPANY WnOLOESAXB CHINA GLASS AND QUEENSWARE THE Mcoiar stock or Avalon Calvertine and Bisque Ware KVKIt OFFEUKD IN T0B STATE JB OSTt Ornnmeiitnl Goods Chandgllers and Lamps in Great Variety WorttL T03SZOJ3 iMtnn IVEES POND Pianos tho standard of excellence WEBER Pianos strictly firstclass HALE Pianos the hest mediumpriced piano made MASON HAMLIN CLOUGH WARREN and SH0N1NGER Organs tho for the least money SIX 23lCL 313 KCooJ3to23 tSlaroot We are now prepared to enter into contracts for either the i i liiel tots iii Stock FOR e2 3tXKrC3r X > 3BXjiXVElKa 3e JLit > er l Atlvanees Mado on Piirchasos best Q Grazing Lands Stock Ranches City Property Etc tcsrsso b XjiOirzi rcSr db oo Second Street Botwesn Houston and Thrflckmorton TORT WORTH TFKAS jj t s r VOL IX NO 0 BOREAL BLASTS Trains Delayed in Every Quarter and in Soino Instances Abandoned A Business Lull Buffering Among Stock general Thwugh out tlia State Reporta of Heavy Losses Oomiog in Tha North Visited by tho Heaviest Snow of tho BeanonThreo Indies of Snow In Texan IfKOlI OVKK TIlH STATE special to the Uatette liAltKDo Tkt Jan lC Bhw p tbnt iuo welt Uketi care of will not Ira tif f ctoil by llio norther uow prrvalllriB bulthwllbkept tlxtUa nutt lambs wilt wilier ncrloufly Ouo man luw lost over nix liuudretl alrtaily A lira Fnow at tr < h Opeelal to the Uasette Waco Trx Jan 10 Tho hcavtat mow eliice 1H70 fell liwl nlnht bolng nbout tliren Incbea deep on a ilwtu Invel Tt la vory ooltt lonllit aua llvo lock will DuU er Thrco luetic f uuw lit llrovrnnooJ nwml to tun Uatettn IlRowNWoon Trx Jnn 10 Tho sloot tuid rain of yceterday wcro fol lowed Inat night by n odd Idlnsard and auof fell to tho dtjith of throo Itichpa tiheep and cnttlu nro to purled Ulii In turgn tjunutlticB by rtHSoii of tho Bnvoro cold At Iai i > aiH Jrtclal to the OuretUt liAMiASAH Trx Jen 10 About ono llioli of miow fell hero lait night and 1 HI on tho grouud Tlio weath er Ih clear and cold yot Tho cattle ami kh op aro mMoruij very muoh Traliu lllnjKl at T ler Special to tn uaselt Tvxrk Tkx Jan 10 It rained constantly fitm ThutHdayovoulrtK until luldnlRht last nlht Tho Imlna are dolaytd ou all the roads It oom muncid suowlug at H oclock thU mnrnliig and Miiowed until 1 oclock this afirrnoou To uliht n dry norther U blowing and the ihurmomotcr In falUtc At TTlchlla r Ui dpolal to the Uasettv Wichita Falia Tkx Jan 10 Kverythlug In fioxen tip hero We havo about two Inches of miow The demand for wood and coal can hardly bo eupplled and u great niauy poor hungry cattle can lio cwu t ltiK to abetter themselves from tho cold pierc ing norther Wo bavn norm poor with UK and the town Im full of idtuuicnand trampa amoug tho people At JleOreaor ipeotal to the Uiuii McQKKaon TilX Jan 10 We havo had a great deal of rain within the past few daya and todny It Id tdeelfug aud a fierce noithor blowing which tendera It very diBogreeablu out of doom U rriitloo A iiiuuk Htoek Special to tno Uasette Ban Antonio Tex Jan 10 The cattle aud fchtep men now lu tho city report that heir lothia irnmtliobovere cold weather havo born very great Ouu gentleman In LaSallo county Is reported to Ijiivo lost In cattlo and aheep fully 160001 Amoug ahecp tho lowia aro aald to bo fully 20 pur cent and In cattle from 6 to 10 por sent As the luteimo cold weather lu this nectlou continues thu Iwa will bo yet greater Hands are out aklunlug the dead cattle to save the hldea At llulton Special to the Oarelte Bklton Tkx Jan 10 Tho prca cut week la oue that will bo long rc membcred as ono of exceedingly bad weather Tuesday there was norther which waa accompanied by a hard rain that lasted until Thursday at noon by which time it had become too cold to raltr and It began sleeting con tliiulug It at Intervals during tho en tire night Kiduy inorulug tho earth was covered novum luchen dtop with aleetaud snow tho thcrtuometer waa doun to IV above zero aud the wind atlli wblntllng Km chilly blasts frm the uorh M thawed but little during tho entire day I have nut had auy report from the stock InlerentK of the county but fear there will be considerable 1ob9 Thto spell of weather has been very trying onihcm The grass on tho range Is not very good aud now It la all covered with tltet nod enow Of course the bad weather Iim prac tically stopped biialneu Tbla has been the dullest week kuuwn In Hel ton for a long time At bhcrwiis Uptdal to tbeOaxette Hiikkman Tex Jan 10 The ground is covered with anow and it 1 etlll sleeting accompanied by a cold north wlna which reudera It very dis agreeable Wo havo every prospect for u bitter cold nlgbt Ilunlrieua Is at a decidedly low ebb m no oue will bo out this weather uuleaa absolutely nec essary At Ilaiw Special to the Gaette 1rAKO Tkx Jau 10 Bnow fell here laet night covering the ground several IncUte At nil Bpeclal to the Oasette Kylh Tex Jan 16 The cold wave atruck lu horulaat night and to night It is clear aud very cold No severe loakea araoog the htoclmicn lu this coramuulty are reported however The International it Oreat Northern mall train duo here at iMHp ut wat three hour lnt tlilii hvhiUir The Ooatiaue4 oo JTourth t sttt S A k Ivl