Soldier From Fort McIntoaliFors
ComradeName find Loaves
for Moxico
Editor of tho Imdo Times
PiVi Gitr a Hundred Ponmls of Melted
Tjpe Metal for
sdo Tux Jan 10Please put
redocounts up two points
Yesterday mornlm n
ortMelntofl Janus Sberldnh de
fa 30 lu tbo Mllmo National
k in theaf ernoon h a roommate
till D > lv forged a check for the
meant then de nlied 510 of it to bis
Ijfljlt and afterwards drew 20 on
i Jtk of the rtepnoit Then ho
Stoihepnt t le all tho clothlntr
S irMnira Hint h0 li
ln l decniped for tho
strd Interior
rf jifo 1 ftTtf arc hi Ing made for
i capuronud return here
A yion lnj himself Cnllu
nlVll rlrlick this vPlasro In S p
amber h t He Ik RtKMit iIvp feot two
SVlnhfct Montiv built welgh
He hns block hair a
nir HOrcunits
round em00 tu aiinll hindB nnd
est line fn Unnwlne gray eyes a
ierratjnrnn k Ho M of a cut pitou
tJusprtjnrdMtnltinn and Ib well
dcwlfd00 rf vprv 1 > PBSnK address
u b a very insinuating manner
He rot to be Intimate with
mlt of our clM7 ns
uirt w empovpd as local editor
uflhulijrrtn Tlm i wlich with tho
irorkba < 11rl ainil nsatver f metallic
orecoatlt < ite < 1 his mennpor livelihood
gointiweR be msdn known tn two
nrnninfD men here thnt ho had nn
Jnpoitonltv of prncuHne Pilver bul
Ikafmm Mrx oi nt n figure consider
ibI b 1ow P real valn and he nr
rmijfd with thoin to deliver It hero nt
17 a e k esoh o ke welebing six
lOnps Tin fir t lot pnved all riirht
ind > r the v rent t it ho tho hal
inee ws9RUj ted to a Hunter one ami
a the weliM was all rlcrht noth
iojr was discovered until it war
lirned that Campb ll bad
Tinlchpil tnklntr with bim
iVrat fw > that ho lintl col octotl from
forty dlfi trent perprrn In 2 contribu
tions aachnneea In 4 tin rsfll of n horse
indliisitY belnuclnc tn MmJ Penn of
the Tlni Then It became knowti
that bf side tilmr tbo type of tbo pa
rernn which bo worked to rppjtfliicn
hlilocd news Iip bad carried off over
ihlindred pitinrtsof It Tbo gontlp
man to whom ho had sold seventy flvp
prurnls of hip pilver flmt ecared and trn
Inff to his room dfpenvtred thirty
pound of theetntrrmdy for delivery
B which when nlj sed to tpstp prov d
wnrthtppi Thpy Iiiva wlrprl all tmlntn
looethe frortlpr but email hop > 8 ire
mterlalnrd of IiIp cap urp It Is tho
illfkcftworkpdFrhftne lienrd nf in a
Itip tnip anrt nptfpft Ita urojeonr nvpr
1500 ramnhell was known at TVar all
w C Clark and provlnuB tn that as C
Clmky which Ih Hiippoped to bo bin
tiht nnm TlioMippopod ailver ha
wenshlppd to New Orleatip which
hct leeninlnir known tn Colin nn
diwMfauwd lit in to pklpbeforolnbad
Mldthe rest nfi stock ftamrriieli
> p eli l cnrro pnndPtit of tho Now
Orleans Tlm < > Democrat and of neveral
other large dslle
JDjnucJDs Testimony AcainBt tho
Deputy SheriffsNeRroes Ohal
leneed and Beaten
Ciscinnati Ohio Jan 10 In the
Springer committee Inveslleation to
< yOT Pprapne was tho flrst wlt
fe He told of being assaulted and
HTerely beaten l > y the deputy tlierlir
wcauEshe protested apaicBt the brutal
treatment or a colored man arrested for
UlfMl voting
tJJ Ghanon a deputy marshal in
tbejtlneieentli ward denied that he
wot at anybody or intimidated any
ooe He bad a difilulty wlh a man
Bdtbrtaieiudto kboot him but he
did not
On crossexamination ho said tliatho
w killed Uo men during his life
ileiwIndicted In oie case hut was
Wcr brought to trial In the fiber
j the grand jurj Ignored thocuse
Mr tlutcher un intoruoy told of a
wberoaiie rooll rlug to vote In
jne Xlirtith want wai forcibly Uken
Horn the polls beaten ami driven
bderaon Bennett colored testilled
luitbe was challenged and liume
S lappidlu tho face He was
Pmiedtrom the polls arrested by a
Wty sberliraudabuBed and heaPti
wnway to the stationhouse He
bJ 0CD ttaBeH ni > ° n phowlug that
alttal tie afiHrwarils
PPelnuii deputv inanlml and
iJVi1 El8hUl wur1 Berore reach
5leNls he mob
s was ataiked by a
ihTn ton house where ho was
5 ° e
oy one of tho mob He
jnerirardj was taken to
hoppltal In n patrol
r He shot twice at the crovd
j J egan to purtue him
Oeu of
DetfL to cssfs
arr sUd tor uonr stdeoco
inrl i UD 1aeertalncd wtru legal voters
fuJi Ued tLtm released Oue
etC K to tuo Pol to vlet the
lSf Was releawd looliite to vot
T Levvl 0 Rpublican
thf at tue xth ward polls sold
bv J i ° ui > ie ataned at that plute
l tJtmo ratio colond man chal
iVfPn celoud voter and lmmedl
him The witmss was
Jud e y lbu orowd for UU tt0t8 as
th I11 Ktn 9y olorol testltlid
onM B Ww Wstcd thouih ho had
iH11 resident und voter
tosiiL ollttt ntroducod Mr Bar
WboR t If c uy maisiml of Puls Ky
cr in UUia l0 ltt g a num r it
Sn Vr ortd p r e comlntJ to
tioYi n Swl fow ll4J before tho ehc
lion 2me t io back after tbo eleo
On om8 lever came back
ompSlwm iat > u be said that
Jon regulla
ni bat no uch wanaut
bvhVA If > i d in the r idejee
b i Wurra priseuiul tiad no
m a t
nalf trUM ehargd but
Uwh r l1B tieputj mar bal
te y u ww certain persons i
pa I tbe 0l lavlt
h the nunant was issued
nnd aIm the warrant afterwards l ued
by him for theatre or police nlllom
who had arrettd deputy niareliBls
He was certain that the warrant ho
heuedto the dimity maifhals oou
talucd thonamepof slxorauven per
6ona and deoilh d the ofleneo of oon
eplring to voto IlloKaliy
Harry 8 New city editor of au Tn
dUnnpollH paper tesiified that
he camo to Clhclnnatl with
ten men whom bo broucbt
nt iho ttqumt nf E G Haibbone lor
tbo purpose of apdttlug ludianapnlls
repeaters Ho gave tho namreaud lit
eciibed the men hp reliable for the pur
ljoeo nquired He ban Information
that BUapiciousmen were coming here
fmm ludlttuapolis and thought it
iieciBsary thai men should ho eent to
watch them
Oa cropsexamination ho Bald that
bis men all ncitil as deputy marshals
receiving uop y from Manhnl Wright
Tho wltuefsrecelVHl money fmm V
S Capellon of the Liticrilu club to par
thoexiH5UPestf theue men
II ah sides cxpttft to cl se their tes
litnony lomormw
Homo Seekers Pouting in Work to
Begin at Onco on tho Denver
HpeclRl to the Oatetto
Wichita Falls Tkx Jan IS
Many now Jiomo liunters nro turning
their way to us now Lnnd in pmall
tracts has been sold to some Germans
this week and quite n colony of Ger
mans la being mado ilvo miles south of
towu Business is picking up no lit
tlo There has been In fattt more land
sold for nctual settlemout the
last month than any other
mouth since the starting of the town
und thero is aimo t nn unceasiug tide
of immlurauts thrciu h here V > the
cheap school lands lu Wilbarger and
Hardeman counties Let it bo under
stood thnt wlillo tho school fuud owus
onebuifofall WilbarKura muty there
Is not an aero losed aud fir this rea
son the people who would
distribute themselves generally
along lie trontler of Tolas
nuaucouutof leases and wire feuces
mnss themselves in this M eca tin
trammeled by wire or lease We anx
iously look to the action of tho ltglsla
turo in the matter of land law If
they are determined to keep the water
by all meanH sell the valley lands and
reserve u strip next to and around the
water NutonPjin ftxis hut In all
new countries the II st lands tahen up
are those fronting on rivers especially
is this the caM lu dry counties tn cause
the clouds generally follow water
It is understood lieio that twenty
miles of the construction on the Fort
Worth Doiver City railroad lias
been let und that the men und out Jit
will be hero touiorron The said
company Is negotiating with Tarrant
comity for laud
There Is quite n demand for Vernon
town lots und thnt town is having
qtiltoa boom and In June at which
time the railroad is to
be there it will be ihe
terminus of Fort Worths greatest out
let When tbo roi > d art ta to Vernon
the mining cnmpHUv will put In much
more machiueiy and work on a broad
er scale und soon thereafter they will
pour into Fort Woith tuo products ol
these rich copper mines and there Is
no reason why Fort Worth should not
become a gmit brass und coppir man
ufacturing city
A MUidPslpiil Murderer Cuptnrcd
Special to tbo Octette
Corsioana Tex Jan 10 An offi
cer froin Bloomluir Grove brought in a
murderer J E Lupton today He
is wanted in Mlsaislppl for killing his
brother last summer A reword of
1500 is oll ered for bis arrest
Th IVuks Fnllures
Nkw Yomc Jan 10 The failures
duiing tho lust seven days reported by
It G Duo Co in the United States
numbered 3S2 iu Canada 38 total 420
as compsred with the total it 4VJ for
the previous week The laurel are
still unusually heavy lu tho Wtsieru
Southern and Middle states
Notes from Otrertou
Gorrcuponilenoe ot tbe Queue
Ovkiiton Tts Jan 15 Mrs
Florence Wheells wife of Mr I M
Wheells died jeaterday of consump
tion She was bulled 3esterduy
A cold wintl prevails which brings
ilusluess is booming up ugaln and
faraicrs and merchants are more hope
ful Tbo acreage cl cotton and corn
pluiiteit In Hits Htcilon this jeur will
bo three times greater than last year
> ote8 from Lamnasai
P oUJ to tne Utietic
Iiamiasas Tux Jan 10 Messrs
Snjder Phillip Murray and Sher
man olllclali of the 8 nta Fe railway
spout list night lu our City
V W Alllburn funerinendent of
tlio Erie Telephone company 1b iu tbe
Charlie Hubert the defaulting
manager of tbe telephone conipau
wulvtd examination und his bond was
placed at f 1600 which he has not given
PcrryJlejerMin Nuptials at Jefferson
CorrefiKindeneotf tbe Qaitett
Jefkkiison Tkx Jju 15 Not
withstanding that tho rain fell lu tor
renlB last night tbe mauy friends of
Miss Leila Lee Pwy assembled at the
church of the Immaculate Conception
to witness her marriage to Mr SatuJ
Meyerson of Bt Louis Mo The bridal
party proceeded to the altar to Ihe
strains of Mendelssohns Wedding
Msrch rendeiot on the organ aud io
lin by Mr and Mrs Frank The cere
mony was performed by Father
Cbauda The happy couple with at
tc dauta and Invited giusts udj uirned
to the rtsideuce of the brides
mother wliero they were tendered a
grand reception Tho brldul presents
were ixoeptlonally numerous and
costly Mr and Mrs Ueyirson left
today for a vlait to tbe exposition
Kroui thero they go to St I juU their
future home
h 1 Colulu who uns boen on trial
piuce Mndsy on ttieehurgo of murder
wjisaoiuliteU today
Tub Texas Legislature Counts tho
Votes for Governor and Lleuton
Wm M Emu looked Upon as tho Sne
citior oi Senator Lapham A Muddle
in the Illinois Home
Special to the Untette
Austin Tkx Jan 10 The two
houses met In Jolut session todoy to
count the vote for governor and lieu
tcnautgovcrnor which stood
rou oovicmtoit
Norton J1
l0KKCTIA5Tev a
3l BSI
i i7
I lieje were 12iyHMtiug votei for
covernnr 003 sSattorlng votes for
lleutenantjgovern > ir A numb er1 or
votfs for Wuh Jones and ff W Junta
were lncudea lu tho former
Tho ItmiiBiiratlon Is to take place
January 20ih
Ilie Houii
In the house tod y Ml Hayucs In
troduced a bill to establish a reform
atory Instltuto for youthful convicts
Mr Underwood introduced a bill to
tnakodrunkcuneps a cause for divorce
Mr Tallinn tcovol toreoonslder the
resolution allowing each member
twenty cnplfsor Ihe daily newspapers
and the whole matter as postponed
until tomorrow when tho resolution
will probably be reaonsldtred und de
feated In accordance with tho action of
tho senate
Sppaker FoUer has announced ho
oosltlnn of his committees of which
tho foliowlug are tho most Important
Chairman of judiciary No 1 Mr
MclClnuoy of Walker bounty
Chuirmnn of Judiciary No 2 Mr
Tuiltonof Hillcouuty
Chairman of the committee ou con
ptltuMnnal amei dincnts Mr Taylor of
Ited Ulvercounty
Chairman of tiio oommltteo on In
ternational Improvement Mr Armls
lead of Marlon county
Chairman of tho committee on
finance nlr Upton of Fayette count v
Chairman of Hie commlttre on edu
cation Mr Fo < tcrof Grayson county
Chairman of rhecommlttroou peni
tentlaiiep Mr Hayuesof Washington
Chairman of Ihe committee on state
affairs Mr 8teelu of Freestone county
Chairman of tho ootnmiltee nn agri
culture Mr Cundltr of Harrison
unioitNa KVAitrs rou SENATOR
Nbw Yomc Jan 10 A petition to
the New York legislature asking the
election of W M Evarls to succeed
Senator Lapham lu the United
States lenato has been circulated in
tile Produce Xdiange and recelvtd
over four hundred slmiatures iuclud
Iugevery f Hlc r ortliat Institution
Aluany N Y Jau 10 At noon
today Hon George 11 Slnau and
Royal B Henrns anunuueed UmBeltV
withdrawal from tbe senatorial con
test iu favor of Evarls
NewYohk Jan 10 bluce thoan
Houucement of the withdrawal of
Ituxscll from tho senatorial race the
friends of Minister Morion have
cabled him advislmr him to withdraw
also This leaves Evans a clear Held
SimNQKitLi III Jan 10 Upon
the assembling of the house this morn
ing Mr Haynes who was elected tem
porary speaker aud afterwards made
himself permaupnl speaker said that
ho had a constitutional duty tu per
form and In tb pursuance of It mid
that he would Instruct the door
keeper to notify the senate
that tho house was reaularl >
oriranlred and would proceeo at 10
oclock this foreuoon to canvass the ro
turns 1 f tbo state olllcera
Mr Fuller Republican moved that
the houte direct the doorkeeper not
to convey the communication
Mr Hayucs ruled the motion out of
Mr Fuller appealed from thedecis
Ion of tbe chair
Mr Wtal Democrat said that a pa
per signed by Haynes as speaker was
an illegal document If Mr
Haynes wanted levolullon he West
was in favor of opposing hlni by re o
lutiou Tho house should proceed
to permanent orgsulrition aud save
the taxes of the 1 eoiile
Mr Huynes called Mr Crafts to tho
chair aud said that If he hud done
wrong tho penitentiary was open
for him Mr Haynes said that Gov
Hamilton threatend to iirntecute the
legislature if the houso adj lurnid over
till Monday
Gov Hamilton denies having made
the statement credited to him by Mr
Sacbasibnto Oal Jan 10 The
ppnato organised this afternoon with
Kulglit oue of tbo Democratic Read
outs as president pro tern
ooNoitessioNAL isLKoririN
ItALEtoir N C Jun 10 Senator
A B Vance was renominated by the
Democratic caucus by acclamatlou
to day
At the special election lor congress
man to I lit lit va < an < iyo9uied by tbo
resignation of Scales scatterlug ro
turns Indicate the election of Reed
ToifcKA Kan Jan 10 Tho Re
publican caucus tonight unanimously
nominated John J Ingalisfor reeho
tlou to the United 8 atee senate
Resuming at a Induction
PiTTfiniJKa Pa Jan 16 The
Champion Coal mines in tho fourth
pool resumed to day at a reduction of
Ij cents per bubel fur mining the
lowest prices paid for years
The Caledonia und Neel mines have
notices pusfed ordering a similar re
AIIdinar Courerenee
St Lou8 Mo Jan 10 Tho rep
rtseutatHesof the Southern Ktns
tho Br Louis S nFranel < the Ar
kansas Valley and the JonUville Xeir
OrleauB Texas rallrosds met
hofo today to consult In
regard to opening oiumciton
between Boulheru and Gentrnl Kan
sas and New Orleans over tho mads
mentioned but up to a lute
hour tonight tbo result of
tbo conference cnuhl ho
ccftMned It Is believed however
tti nodelluHo action was taken ami
that number meeting will bo hold In
the near future
Wm Felix Henry colored was exo
eutcd hero today for the muider of
Henry Ross and Henry Depugh both
colored Ross and Depugh wereslngle
men They wero found
murdered in their houses
at Ricky Fork ubmtt tlx mba from
Alton iu March 18S3 The crime was
irottdto Henry wno was arrested
convicted aud afterwards coufesstd
liedeed Durlug thu list few dajs
the dunmtd man had appuuod
to flqd great consolation lu
rellislou aud hhs uttemltd almost cou
siamly by the o erg > men La t night
ho dm uot sleep but passed thu tlmo
In playing a French harp telling
Btorlis uud sinking Bongs IliU morn
lug hodiesaed careiullyand at Sooloek
the death warrant was read to him
Rev M Depugh tho lather of one nf
tUemuidried men visited the con
Alter Joiuiug lu prayer tho doomed
mau wu pinioned aud led to tho gal
lows The blsck cup as adjusted and
ut 1113 the drop wsb spiting aud
twelve minutes Inter he was dead
A It A a It riKND lVKCHtni
Vioksiiuko MibSiJau IB Tues
day lust a colored man named Daii
Carnaliau Bt a place about ilve miles
from thl city outra < ed choked aud
heat a joiihglady Yesterday Curua
hau wsOiiturca by tho cltinua and
promptly hanged
San FitA > nsco CalaJbu 10
Wright Lwoy wm hangul today at
1230 Ou Auk 13 18S3 ho decoyed
Nicholas Skerreltanaiiod capitalist
wliom ho had fereoualiy knman for
a JoLg time Into one or Blurrett
empty huuiea ou tho plea that ho
wautid to rent While Inside lie told
Skerrett that he w < uld hill him unltss
he gavo him n cheok fir a largo
eum of in ney Skerrett refused
Leroy theu knocked him down selr d
him by the throat and while continu
ing Ins thn ate choked him to death
Ho observed n llrm demeanor on the
ecallold und stsertid his Innocence to
tlie last HU neok Was broken in the
m i
Opun lllnu lo M trliitf Iiiileppndiics Bell
PtllLADBLlMlIA 1A Jail 10 It
was said hero today thetau organized
movement had begun to prevent tbo
Liberty bell from being sent to New
Orleans a number of gentlemen it
was added liavo sub cilb d a large
nun of money to tske legal mcatuies
to keep the btll In Piilladulphla
A Sleumr Overdue
tiONimv Jun 10 Uravo fcura are
entertained for the safety of the packet
steamer Admiral Morrison plying
between Dublin uud Holyhead Sbe
is now eighteen hours overdue at the
litter port 1 here whs Bevere storm
last ulght and it is feared that she hus
been lost Tho Dublin ageut ot the
line has telcgraphtd lhat the Admiral
Murrhon had but f > w ptssengers
> >
Nutrs lreui liyle
Spiclel to tbe Onuitte
Kyle Ti x Jan 10 An unsuc
cessful attempt was made to break
into tbe stora of Mrs JohuBou lust
ulght It is supposed to have been tho
work of trump us two or threo of
these individuals wero Been lurking
urouud town yesterday
A large lot of cotton perhaps the
last for this season was received ut the
depot today
Mexicans DIbjuiMM IVllh Ihtir Jliu
l > ti r
City Of Mkxico Jau 10 The city
council baa withdrawn Its power of
attorney granted lait year 10 Ramou
Fernanda tho minister to Framo
empowering him to negotiate
ucity loan abroad This resolution
has beeu cabled to Feruuudtz There
Is a geuerul deslio for thu recall or Ier
uaijdez who is uotcumlderid wonhy
to act us the represei tutlvuof the Mex
ican government in Paris
An Old1 Imp Intrigue
Tho Baltimore Sun publishes a letter
from CambildgivMd which gives uu
accountuf tbe lludlug of a box of rec
ords lu the cellar of tho Murray man
sion nneoftbeoldctit houses in lhat
tootiou of cmuiry Among them wire
four volumes In mauutCiipt consii
tu lug no iniirunor Jean bun ihooorre
IKiudeucn beiweu William Vau B
Murray United S ate mlulsier lu ihu
NVlhetlands in 1707 on tbo one side
and George Wathlugtoti and Alexan
der Hamilton ou the other Tbe let
ters covtr the period from 1707 t 1700
Inclusive and are a revelation of the
inner political life of that uiy
They begui Juttafter tbe dsle of the
battle of Murmgo while Napoleon
Itouapurio w s in the midst of his
gruad military career us a soldier and
couaiu ninny rfereuces tn the little
Coislcsu who eho k Europe from cen
ter to circumference aud startled the
whole civilized woild Itseems that
tbo Murquls de Lafayette considered
Napoleuu ai already masterof France
und that his Ilnertylovlug libtluct
would only Inbitter his declining
years and embroil him with tbe com
ing dictator Therefore he wauled to
go bsck to Amines become u citizen
theieof ni d end tils days lu the l ud
for wboseliberlliabefuuuht
Luayetto was iixt to Waihlngton
the most loved and popular man lu
Amerloj JJctweeii him aud Thomas
JritertxiU then a candidate for be
prttldouoy tlire wssa warm attach
menu Tuts wu < known of course lo
Washington and Humllmn who wire
xry much opposed to JdVreons ad
vauceiueut t < > ilispreslden yand they
fiwred that tliu m > ul lullouiic nf he
brave aud ills iuguUbed Freucbmuu
would be thrown la favor of Ills
apostle of Democracy Of course they
Absolutely Pure
rata poird nsver vsrlM A marvel ot poi
Itj atrouwtb anil wlioleiomeneu Mors eco
rvomtcAl itian tli ardlnnry kind nU ennnoi
botoU tu compotlon wlt > th multitude o
low tent ihorl weight sintn or pbonpb t <
ponders tuutonlu mcuju iUitai lUxixr
lowncR < Vi lt vVall ttreet New York
OMcoHmlHaMroom MHrtOo nrt Mill
Dor U and Kt rand Avenu H and S3
itinKKIl LEE
Importers Jnbbrra untl HonMrn of Coffrt
GrlPUrMnf Bpto lUuufucttlrf ni of Milt
tardilrkl cluriiernnd Orooonbundno
Writs for xaraplm nnd Price
could not well help J titling in
tho nations loud acclaim of
ratification which followed the
announcement ot Lafayettes wish
and purpmo to en ps tbo Atiantlo and
bioomo un American citizen Hut
while they wore tiniklngovery demon
stration which Invited Mr coming ami
pronvlstd a welcome as n matter of
fact they wero most strongly aud reso
lutely opposed to his udoptlngany such
course To preveutthoconmmmatlon
or such a design tlieynpemd and car
rled on this correspondence wlib Mur
ray who nlfo Informally represented
our country with reference to Fratiro
They urged that ivery olw aulo Pliould
tie luterposed to his coming nnd every
poellilo expudlent bo adopted
This mass of corrcpiudouco un
earthed lu tho oh Murray mansion is
a revelation No ono presumes to
doubt but that Washington slid Hani
lilon realty ami slnecnly thought that
Jeltereonsoleelion would be pnjudl
unl to the best luterists of tbo infant
null < n but one cannot help crilli hlng
their coiino iiiitlcoiuleiinilng Its down
rlirht disliniiisty Wnshlnglon bus
hitherto beeu c insldereil ns ubkollitih
pure In ids luotivtsmid homst iu his
tsilit leal uotlniiand trank and strulght
forwaid lu wiinl and deed All thu
hUloriuus of tliu revolution carry tlilx
Idea nud nil tho bloirranlKirs of tin
SsganfMt Veiu > n Inculcate It sedu
lously Wero they ull deceived or
have they been dlshoiiot lu their
writings Or Is tills only another
demontratlon of the fact tlmt It U Im
isiislhlo for eontcmixirarles with un
era to write an Imiiiinlnl niatorv nr I
Mrs Smiths Case and what llto Rev Mr
MoKinslry has to say About It
rJZVZnc Ibave been a eartnl uf
ferer for flliteu yean uhmI or Ilia line wltli
H1 1tt PM aorHft i iiiieuVn
p oil iio I and
pio ilm He na lime
alwy U in told lut Ueie in cSie im
rnpnud lta > pnrii hodncoumgeil tlmt r w
iu tooniie nt H I navo 11 bsui
ulUiu td oiiieim that ilioro win not lb
s ll i roiriomlbecro nofmy lind to
Ibojoiesof ni > Kritnat waiDiitdl naiietiNnd
mHllwbllP Kn l v ouin eoiniiipiiee In
wbku Ijmi u Hive y p
pcoro c < but were not dren Ubt ir u tempi
edtoliCRllneniorN 1niiftcr their flrt hp
I1 16 y uld bufn end lun luiftlbm
until tilers ya n oouilela dr > teiI l
ulb f P1 come o imUiiim nn lo cJn k
u d Uok llery aim anSry und tbe burnlns
nensat uu would In UlmM InUiletnblu
1 whs t tlutrs nn lauio ttut I couia miiroely
kfi ab iitanu o uld not dr uyelf irl b
lUtsMUUinro 1 luiveijicdinsny r inHil <
sill lavc pl IIUI In a ehisle Infant lo I
Pltjlrlunbulbav ovrr < eii iiii only loi
poiHiy jeilef IIhongU litlped ftrn tne 1
ion rlaped rnyilii lo bo tadly iroublrd
fwir n < Li rB Je wlnr M 1 a
1b l uirrrud to inocliiiH
in bo < m rmy uic
oiiraittd Ijhhi Juucliuwev r 1 wpasiivliwl
yId rand Mi t MiKlnili wli7
etl known iu tbrie reic t n Ctry jo r
lllllti oourse rr in tteir fiuortblo onlnbu
S rb2 ° rK fLe r vr tu Abu l ii e V
oudw >
kululy ks I oomroenred lot Hit
lltremtdesfcndwi bm lx wix I heiia
1U0 1 m aiHjiit n good new uud uu
nriUlSkStbalUiiiof no lid
I certfr Hint the anova nUltuiiut or iui
wilslscnrrect and IJo n wlib bcr in
redugtinysratiiuderortbegreulb nt bt
bat reiB vwl u Hiltril
V nhov < 1 alatenieSt I dor
rect nr inilth upr loinent man lu ibl <
ton muulij Iwobe llv < Il i u u wih
kuciwii UtMlrr In auitk end In mauruent
mill W1 MUr um < 0
lloiis at HUnitPad Province of Ooebtc
iliutwouiy + evvnibdnj of Ocliibir > i
UU iichIVkTiIV
itin tier nt 1nr Clonal
andi ievulieriOK ltiur < u toy and nerias
mi tty eur > L f Moll htIiV
Hob uu Heja s imi
CUTicuBA ItiMuveXT tbe new blood pnrt
lteran1 utciiu
anj CiTicuit soai Hie
K J cu tt a wauiriiM are oltl
ver > wiee Price CDTcViU fr e 1 BOAe
Xa UasoLvmiT I f
fnuer Ut k n4 tSralc 0 IKntoi
Now is the Time to Subscribe
Until February 11885 tho price of
the Weekly Gazette will remain at
After February 11685 the price wllj
be Increased to
150 PEB 111
OmesBsconU Street blw n H Mtott
ana Throonu > foni oipomte
Trnaerf National lurik
Coramlaalon dealsri lu
Real Estate
IM limns of snra rooms It well fur
nltnodHnd niled with km ud trutert lot
ojxnucornorHudtaudrtm atresia ITica
Si i c
101 Bmidl boute of S rooma lot UUtlM
College IIUI addition frontlui PemTayV
I r110 lonvenlent to aUeet cars
I 1100 0110
uaijdluislte 1SUW1 on Moatiromery
Hill To Imroabuiiiinliuvenuo Lowptlco
uud 0J r teriiix
lh VnelllUBoftroom onlleiknsp trret
J > l MxltH lre k care jikm tbe doori >
> Flrodwelling all new altualed on
crump airo tSlijia A iiood ciinnco for an
1T eU Proiettty r uU readily
IJ llalldlng lot IIUIM feet on WmI
Ilrondwunloiit 17N feet went or Poulti Maui
tltOlcniivenlnt lo street cnr ami In tho
nitMl sriatocrntli quar or of iho cllyi lm
proiDinunta couilm of feu o and tluu bsru
1 lee vr 0t
IW llulpllng lot lWxtno frontlnu Oalvra
l n avenue lh ltoedAlo Urtwt earn pans
Ibl lmptity la offtred at a bargain for
17 Ittxtldncotif U KllarrlM00xri fet
nirntir of Wet llrofcttwar and Urivmioii
nxenue Tiio Improvement ale na lollowa
ucmvenlciil nd oomfortible cotlaga or i
rooma uud kitchen wuab bou e cnlcken
hiui w Kt ami ctwl abeda goal clsiern
oto Very obewp at a 5 a
IW a dolrnblo boineattHtd libuia of 4
roiun anil Itpcben all well fl dabed alav a
ani4ll building mod for an tittlM water gas
mid wiv eoiinro loua tM SmOu feel ov
iiiiinontod Willi if oa a d sodded wtlh lbr
imiiliKt lAMntwl oomer of laylur and
itiurllitt cola llilidkimhlft propirty cuu
i o lititigiit for imjq or wttbout small build
ing for II >
till H i rottAt 5 rooma well fltilalied
lotlojdiw fionu llemplil 1 atreel nud la 5
b o kaanutii ur 1ennayUaula avenue Onn
yen enttolreelcnra true 1MU na fo Iowa
Jttpdoniilt urlx montlia balaurelitluontb
ly lu tulliiou tf fl each
II ttood rea dnnco large rooma l ot
nn IM feet con tr riurenco nud WeaUicrford
air Kin Irico It 6x1
tIJ llulldtnirlota 27 nneollyloK bound
by lllHtiap Itlurr Icacb and Hampton
atrctM convenient to street rare For cheap
aiidconvenloiit homea Hiee lola ore unaur
p sc l Illioa vary irom fBOl to fOO each
Hconrdlng to alio und location
ill Ki y MHyjiiHMiB m nne bulldlne lota
KiuiliofT P rallrond In Uroilea aubdl
vlalon couveiitoui to atiwt oara A gaiKl
bauoHtosel n homo Terma nf payment
Price Anoe0eftih8 Oiiudtl monlln rail
at our ofllee aud exttinlne map otaubdl
IIS Twoainryd < relllnr < ruima boMthy
noittubni lumd fl o location and la every rn
pecld l ublo lot 6xl00 loct reutafortSS
per nioito o truer Oih and Clrovo atreets
irico II < o ctiab
lie I < wnunc bnule 5 rooma norlbooat
cornorCbo ry atrrailn Felldanddltlounew
barn loth 0x4 u ft t IMcoUbOiMtU
117 Hunt aide rtmiuenos e rooma lOxtft
eaoli alalia line dry o lar urooa aprlni
marthe bo ae ruriuabea an abnndauro tit
w < ier st ull iiRtom aixty bcartur waolt
Ireea lot I6 x0 fivL Make u fair offer for
Ibla pronto ty
118 Hotel protMirty Furnllurn and Icaj
or hotel In thlacity oonuina 17 rooma good
patnuinro boli iramilcul and IchmI 11 con
veniena a Inr hotel purimara Irico two coatu
IIS Hou oof6 roomr newly pntuled unit
remodeled ronvenlfliit out bonava eto lot
ltOxloo lent Tuok ra uddltlon corner kaat
irtUni and Houib omh atnola conveulenl
loatotoara IrleaSUUU
tAl II llilnx > al uuU > luUellevlow aoV
dlllon iota lftnxW7 fet oouuded by airreui
uud ul ot a 1flot t7 JO Alan lot WOxM feet
fronting II olleattreot trlco I0LC
IU Coitugn houe rood stylo 6 rooma
goo I alublo nnd outhou e audi nacbleken
iiooae Dolhed e o city wator lot woxjod
felon Hllrottt avenue one block weat ot
south MtMrii irlcii awe
lit uuildlmtrlolliiox CD iiclnncorntrUUt
an i Florence alreita Prion nutX
12t Village bous i rooma and ball on lot
10 XIC0 feet corner Sd airoel and 1 lor at avo
nuti Ino PZ7KI
Ul lluua of 2 rooma one 11x18 thsotbir
I2x 0 on lot lOxti font corner lonnng
itvonuoand > oicrHintt atuei IrloollWi
Ul Kino to > toiy liouae 7 loomi 2 vrldo
halls Uewund wclinnlshrii throughout clly
witer good b rneto lotcuxlio ftt mtutio
ou nouih AUlu atrtut oorner Uroodway
Very cheap ul II VO
lit Too Hits in block No M FeUda oddl
tlo MfOiikM ISnilijs aubdlvltlon DX10U
foel ntcli on Wheleraueoi uiur trtclntll
road erlce JlJSucli
lt lion u nf two rooms via 16x11 ami
Idx B 1iiWxl featfencid iricot70 > terms
huif uiali iiulancvluouo jear
III ilocxl bouse two rooms llxlt and
Kx I lotiisxt ii hoi Vco 7 0 terms half
cji huuUiiculu llmoul a
ut iiousnsrouma iwo rooms llxtetwo
I xli kitrben 0xllHr > eballiia k and front
porclea lotoOMo ou UroVo alrool botween
tb audttu atrtcta Irloa fl > l
Bt Two bo laca oi > t Ibem now oaner
Crump and bl a let la The iargerthotvaa
renuior i permoc b the other for 14 lpt
U Mxioife t fries H66U
31 Hlxares on outb aide of 1st alrenL
n nr Cunnlughamn w II ail incloocd bv
plunk louce if aubdlvlded would make a
valuable do lion totUiteily Irico Mwper
acre terms any
i3 llwo Hug hoaao 8 rooma nnd bill lot
U > fXluif ileonir sthand Oalbnuu itroou
good oellito PriceMXl terms balrcaah
bal inoa nn time
S llnuj0 of 4 rooma renting now for 3l
lierniondi lot Ii7i3 o feot Jennings south
ido a dlllon Irlo ita < Ala bouse oft
rooms on loi roxlliofeel ourner ol Jennings
KVimnatuid IcUrHinna street rents forflB
perinnnlh Jrl othi
m iJiwe 10 1 block SAlford Veals
addition Irico 6iiror lbetbree1
m ot2 > xUHe t Jennings H uthaldo
ndultlon corner llendeson street nud Hag
rtt avioue Tbl property Is leuced blghy
mill red andn lutb dos fruit and orna
inunii trees lrir tuo
IW Halt of block II lloaedalo addition
200XZ niitu relet ilSon or will divide Into
lola Mftxluiund tfU at NIC each Also block
C of Itosedaleaudition jonuo Irico tlXO
orwllldlvluolntoJot lf du r d
HL A Hue dwelling wlib mansard rcf In
anulbwesb imriof clly loHi > uJJ > feet con
venient out ho barn eto very eboicu
property illcafoc An < lot iaiuxJXl fel
aiue lock a > 0 Ats S flua uuli ing lots
nuurthe auovoproperty v j < 4fuelreutscti
lit loud twoa ory limueas boute In
suburbs at > < m rotn isx lfioi and iwiigood
ro > a Jointugt roomasbuvesialotclaurn
etothrr tUanera ol an acre of lard giaxt
biul exittanil tteltaisblllbsil IrliieS e
iu FoururrM know > UTaOknoTo
ii ot iu miles sou ib it Ml from the court
houe Pilreiluu
i IPutk U of ItoMdaU addition enm
Umiuasloia iiiacouon wotaldeh ntu
Wain aim t tvrininua dneedale street rati
road Irimmfor Also two good dvellleg
boniiO I rooms taeb ou lots a xlW < b
W HUifc Dirett Irico I tSjiatt rti
Live tock i
ilk 1
f IV
t Pi
f Vt