Oroator wi
t Waxes
5pbae bB alteod
flghtTha Bnto
American In Custody who
aKnow 8oniething of the
tBlB Box and Bog
IU >
Jan 20 Thoexoitenieut
nklndied by tho dynamite
elIli continues Rumors
Tent la t evening and this
Unl Cunningham who was
would liavo a
t the
ty at tlio Thames police
rep ° rt caused tue court
trceta In the vicinity to bo
lliu excited citizens Extra
wplaced on duty to keep or
e letlm against Cunningham
If the cr > wd could have
ulir kinds i > n lilm be
irfi BB
LncritoiQ It was learned that
QVrt bad arrested another
SSneetlon with tho explosions
thi Cunningham would
liDtd together at the Bw
Cwurt Tho people In the
H tbe Thames court then left
Election of tho Bow
Her which was received by
etterdav la now believed
valuable In
to other
Iff It Btatca that tit Pauls
lnd tho oillco of the Dally
4 are among tho buildings
threat n to
ill djnamlters
Westminster hall and tho
ere closed today to everyouo
he government oWdUIa en
llnfuolng th structure
ireristo diy luvo been stopped
police anil parcel examined
rohestoait public buildings
ily guarded Nobody Is ul
itnlor without Bubmtttlig to
> tt scrutiny The tower hui
lament housts are surrounded
itrlrt Col Majendle is inln
aalnlDg the tcene of tho ex
Iramenee crowd of people
icted to the vlolnlty of the
nd Westminster fho two
nCXaud Cole who wero
by toe explosion In Westutln
jre making favorably pr >
ilrpea are emeriaiued of Choir
newspaixra denounce tho out
vigorous terms Thb Free
one feeling prevails through
land regarding the Uenalsh
5 and that Is a deep earutet
fiiy 1 h the Injured no lees
earnest wish that the dlaboll
orjjia Iki brought to Justice
tfWllh atouol of human feel
ii rtgret the escape of tho mis
r Tue police liuvo arrtsted
m n on buplcton or corn
Wha Bituruays crime Ho will
pitied at the Bow atrtot pollco
Jtmm Gilbert Cunningham
mmted yesterday on sua
ibtTlDg something to do with
Beroutrajsc was examined to
t > e Bow street lolice station
chuge of having caused tho
> a at tho Tower preferred
blm Ho declared that be
Eugllskman Evidence was
trowing that the man gave
dory replies at tbo time of
ngusiu wus ton lined in the
rttt pollco station today
strong guard of
chanted on suspicion
lelty tn ibo explosion lu tho
I > udon Tho prisoner la
m ye ra of aue of medium
ltk dark hair and eyes
Wnns aud a blnlster expres
ne euillluBly surveyed tho
ad the crowd which congre
Hbluto get a glimpse of
o or Abberltu deputed that be
the prisoner at tho tower
me prisoner waa confuted aud
Wudlciory anawera to the
prop m id d Tho prloner
Ctr and flHt gave a wron <
f to hli i co of uoodo fuen
l Ihv ho llvel in Boar
< t Wut chapel that he
Otba nicks at Ltverpoil un
< liilDg of the year when he
jTulon lo try to better hlm
JflNe the voyage on tho
loottho Wbltofltar lino
t wrarther dopoaed that tho
known at ula lodgtuga ib
W as Daltn A box
blunging to the prisoner have
l dbVtuepolice their cou
t JH made knqwn In
JW ph revealed tho fact
Vytyham was unknown at
Sd loogingg at Llveiiwol
Wtor ot
tho house tneto
he could remember
j om the one described aa
> i lha prisonera hands
i2alctlgthat bo la usod
friff Iu eaklng he has a
d h A merc n wnU He
Ti i h0 constable was cor
Mn piUoi lut reused to
uttber Hb ro
tin w
lhif aZK 0lf WKCUINO
w talned lu the White
anatltV has been doubled
r gathering of an
C r wd of exclF7w In
lrC 0xclte citizens i In
Jia th < vicinity of the
l ud
curaea and numerous
nori heard and
ponld bUhRt desperate at
a I re 0 ror the presence
vLT a wthtary
ullih Uluf8 to he parlla
Jewerday were tho
ihs rikru ° aKa he Prlncoaa
nk pl cn
hrldgo the
of n
blne l lu8ton aud several
S l nd numerous
Cte Vi nou o of commons
wounded poltcemsn
have recovered sufficiently to make a I ham which exactly fitted In the door
utateraent It Is rernitod tbatthepolof tho residence in Whltechapel
lico found near tho spot where tho Drat
explosion occurred an article
which the dtcllue to deorloo It Is
believed that this article will furnish
a clow to tho guilty person Inspector
Denning says ihat on heulng tho aee
ond explosion he ran to tho spot and
raw not a soul nn the place Tho i u
tranoe was blocked by debris Ho
noticed tho smell of sulphur aud gun
powder Cox and Coe It
is believed have luruUhed
certain descriptions which wilt lead to
tuquiriiM that may r cult In tho
of tbo outrage Col MaJInulo 0 > day
oiAiloun lu pectloa ot tho explosion
ut the Tower of London as wall as ihe
chaos w uld permit The Marlul
Henry illlra which bad been hurled
from their Btauds remained In con
fused heaps on tho fl or and rendered
Impossible a near approach to the ex
act pot where tbo explosion occurred
Tho scene
Col MJImlcl sh bo Is tallBflrd
that djnamco was used tooiuio the
ox plolou He Bays that about t ur or
five pounds of tho explosive properly
omipretBrd would only tueaxuro four
or live cubic inches and could easily
bo concealed In an overcoat pocket or
In tho fold of
The tower olliclala heilevo that a
woman debited tbodyuamlto lu the
building Tno i > o1lce eouio time ago
ha < l reason to bellove that a woman
was conttnntly passing back and forth
between America and England for the
purposeof importing d > uuiulto B le
wa frequently watched but evldeuce
bu lllclent to warraut her arrest was
never obtained
The examination ot Cuuulugbatn
has convinced tho pollco that they
bavo secured a prisoner who had a
guilty kuowledge of Saturdays crime
it was tuoven that Cunnngbatn Is
a native of Cork Ho lived
Bt least Ave years In tho
Unllcd States and he arrived
lu Eneland uurlitc last autumn Ho
came from New York His preteme
that bo was an Englishman was well
carried out for a few hours after his
arreot his appearance favoring It
iniNa iaooUAULY oocicneyish
but lu excltelutut under the close
crossexamination of the court he for
got hlmaelf for a moment
and spoke rapidly aud as
distinctly at an elocutionist
and clearly demonstrated thit his
cockneyiBtn waa a clover piece of dla >
guiae It wassbowu that the prl
had been known In Whltecha > e
Dalton Hlaetatement that
in Ilverp < l is diHprove
inisii KM oo Ja xji
It is rep < rted Qp ljBHHP
lng that oneof the j t ftS ESSS r
way cotporotIons has detifio ffwala
ichHrgo fp tn Its employ Immediately
all l > er8ons f Irish birth
Tho istlniaiea naue by tho govern
ment Inspectors place the amount of
pecuniary daniHue wrought by the ex
plosions lu Westminster ball tho
ioiihp of commons and at the t iwer at
75 000
It la repined Ilia the poltco have
dhcuvered an Important clow which
they are follow log wlilt diligence Al
ready elghtmen are underrurvelllance
It la rumored that ever l arrests will
bo made tipeolal precautions bavo
been taken lor the protection of the
Block exchange aud tnonewlaw courts
against dynamiters
Tbo police deny tho report of the
arrest of another man this afternoon
on tUplcion of connection with Satur
days crime
All the royal apartmeuis in Wind
sor castle have been ordered closed to
all visitors This step is taken by her
majesty In consequence of the extraor
dinary measure jtenerally advised by
tho ministry The queen ouducted
herself to stoically throuuhout all the
previous dynamite panics that Her
presentaotlon fracts much attention
Dublin Jan 26 At the Mill street
county court todajr an examination
w s held before the pollco magistrate
into the case of Patrick Leary Thla
U tno man arrested on the 22d Inst in
connection with the discovery of a
box of dy lamlte behind the Mill street
police barracks Leary was remanded
to await further developments
When Cunningham wa flr t placed
under arrest be declined to give
his address belug presed ho
nave several addresses to dlllVrent
questions Each of these was visited
the detectives The result was the
discovery of the suspicious bix and
bag at a number glveu by tbo prisoner
ashla place of residence In Bcarborj
street Whltechapel
Expetia examiulug tho locality of
the disaster lu tho parliament build
lng hava rached tbo conclusion alter
true ng the progress of the debris tbat
the explosion occurred In the pasage
leading from tho aye division lobby
to the veata In the southwest chamber
usually occupied by the public secreta
ries Pbo parcel c ntalulug dyna
mite was placed u few feet teyoud the
bmleratthomtranceofthe house of
commons the location being pre
cisely Indicated by a hole p owed
through the masonry a foot thick A
tlswure waa also made in the brlcKWorU
of tho arch near by Mueh surprlso
Is expressed that theexploslvo was not
placed directly under the barrier In
which caso tue damagt wouid have
been far greater All indications
that tho explosive p <
eeaaed the downward tendency
peculiar to dynamite Odors Indi
cating sulphurlo or nitric acid ana to
tally unlike the smelt f gunpswder
were nntlied after tbeexpln Ion
A notice haa breu isued by the
police authorities asking all the visit
to the parliament buildlDg S ur
day to give the police any possible in
formation regard g a rnan
and woman aeon In the building
tbat af eruoon under tUfplclotis clr
cumauuees Th woman Is be
lieved to have carried the dynamite
under her cloak Fifteen detectives
rrived at Dover from London at
midnight last night Haven of them
bavo afnee deparUd for Cork to keen a
tookout lor Aplclou oUr terB that
niftv have taken part n
Tootbem aro
the consultation with tbo French
nclo e
found In the
dPteptivea Keys were
JShrn of te prisoner Cunning
claimed by him as bis place of
abode lao keys which fitted
In tho locks of thesuplcloua bag and
box unnlngbam Is tbo only sus
pect now lu ouatody
It la now known that thInfernal
maohlnts used to caui > o the disaster
Ignited by sulphurlcacld which worked
through tbo oottnnwool aud ato away
continuously Tno process occupleu
twenty minutes and this allowed the
conspirator to ctcapo befoio the explo
sion took place
An oQlilal notice Is posted at the en
traucx to the law oourts eni > owerlng
the pollco to Bearch auy I a < or parcel
befoio the bearer shall be allowed to
tnUr The queen haa summoned tho
coutrollor of the royal household
to tho Oiborn house tho queens
residence on the Islo of Wight to do
pcrlboto bcrthontturo and extent of
Saturdays disaster lu London
In tho oouncll chamber of tbo tower
of Lnnaoti whole cases made of plat
g nB a quarter of an luch
thick aud contalidng armor wero shit
t red by thf lotc of tho ex lolon
The wall ag i tat which tho dyiiamtto
was plaoedia sixteen feet title uot
withstanding which tho plastering
on tho oppotl e side of the wall
for a radius of eleven feet was
shaken to the Hoar leaving tho stone
work bare Sveral good photographs
of tho explosion have lieen secured
Not tbe slightest traoe of any mechan
ical apparatus or fuse haa been
found lu the Tower or In
the parliament building This
act strengthens tho oplulon that
no infernal machlno was used to effect
tbo explosions but tbat tbe agency
employed was dynamite In s me sim
ple form packages containing flvo or
is pounds being deposited In the
Tower and parliament builditiss
Closo luHpeoiiou tthnwathat the ruin
la more appalling than at first sup
posed Tno povtofllco In the lobby
wus destroyed and several larg blocks
of stone toiirteen Inches thick aud
averaging half a ton were upheaved
The magazine atHjdo park la pa
trolled by tho police There ia great
excitement throughout the prnvluoeof
Ulster Tho loyal olasses attibuto tbe
activity among tho dynamiters to
tbo weak action of the government
against tho conspirators A meetiug
hai been called to urgo tho govern
ment to enact more vigorous lana
against American and other revolu
tionary REt In Eoulaod
Mr Chnrlea DaVltt was interviewed
today In regard to tho London out
rages Ho said that dynamite had
been used very seldom in
Ireland nnd leas In America
than waB generally supposed
Oe eald tbat he believed that Patrick
JFord and ODonovan Ilnsa wero uw
actuated by merceuaiyorbUiodthlrefj
motives Tno dynamiters cotiHlat of
two dames those who are o uvinoed
that It U lmposslblo to persuade En
elbh Btateatneu of the reality of the
Irish grievances by leirul methods
aud those who Imvo m fie rod for tbo
Irish cauo At > d their friends
It ia reported that c tlliuitigham has
nixdoHU Important revo atlnu lu con
sequence of which all trains leaving
London for the seaport towns are ac
companied by detentlvo
Constable Cole wtio wai s > terribly
Injured in bis attemp to prevent tho
explosion at Westminster hall made
an importaut statement this afternoon
Ho said that when ho picked
un tho bundle on the stona
leading to the crypt he
noiiced that it waa very heavy lu pro
port > n to IU bzi Ho cletermltxd tn
carry It outside of the building be
cause he aaw emnko lrsulug from the
bundle and he believed it to be some
sort of an inf rual micblue Junta
h reached tho top of the stairway be
saw an oily aubstauco oozing from the
bottom ot tho bundle This stuff
burned hishandsaud compelled him to
Ho has no nolltction or anything
that happened aft r that
This slat moot oonllrmB Ihe
theory of the pillco that the cbemloal
fuse was arranged lu euch a way that
U burned through tbo cotton plug lu
acrted between tho fuse and tho sub
stance Intending to explode tho dy
There Is a movement nn foot to rals
funds by popular subscription to re
ward Cole for lii < plucky tii rttoavert
the disaster Tho man arre ted today
on suspicion of being concermd In tho
outratiea Ib still In cusndy but tho po
lice refute all Information as to Ills
name or their reason for believing blm
Montreal l Q Jan 20 A sus
plcliuslioklug bix Wa < found In thi
lobby of tho poatoflloe abiut 7 oelock
this evening It was at onco
removed to the police elation
The box Is made of bl ck
tin and
wolghs three pounds It ia
Tom Ochiltree Intrudes on the Ex
ocutlvo Soasloa or the Senate
and Is Marched Oat
0pt Bads Agreei to Work for Deep
Water at Ualvctlon on a 8alarv
of 810000 per Annum
Washington J u 1M When tho
senate went Into executive seaIon to
day Representative Oohlltree of fexai
was In consultation In tho oloakrootn
with Senators Jones of Nevada and
Maxey of Texas relative to a Texas ap
pointment Tbo three remained In
coherence more than half
an hour during which tlmo
tbo senators ulscuBsed tbo
treaty under consideration Mr Oohli
tro left tho rloak room and gug
u > on theohamber fl > or went to Beu
ator Coko of Texa to consult with
him Tne latter was couferilu with
Senator Vet When Mr Odlltreo
tapped him on tho shoulder Senator
O > ko for a moment was nouplaascd
Turning to Ochiltree he said
What In tho devil are you doing
her D int yon know that wo are lu
executive seoslou
Senator Vt > t laughed nnd warned
Mr Ochiltree not tn let Senator Ed
rnuuda ei > o blm He will arrest you
and put you In Jail he
oontlnuid Assistant Bergnant
at Arms Chrlatl appeared at this Junc
ture txhlbltlng much surprise at
Ooitlhrees presence He o > ked no
questions but taking tho Texan by
the arm hurriedly eecorted him to tho
senate uoor told trim to get out aud
closed the door iik > u him
The Nlcaraguau treaty waa lurther
discussed for about twirhoura lu the
xeeutlvu Beaslou loday 8natois
Sherman Miller Ediuuuda aud lty
ard wero among tho speakers Bay
ards poehlon Is tubalantlaity that < I
Sherman Ha thinks tbat tbo Chu
lonUulwer treaty la still In force H
nleo holds that the Incoming admlui
itratlon ought not to bo emburaesod
by nny action upon tho queitlou at
this time
WA8KINOTON J n 20Capt Eads
was In constttiation with tho members
of the river and hatbor commllteo to
day relatlvo to tbo proposed Improve
ment of G ilvtBton harbor Ho refused
to accept tho proposition agreed U > on
by the commllteo Stturdaj and sjld
that bo would undertake the work
fir 3 percent of tho cost Tno com
2iili waH not dbposid to accep
yilojHBitoaUlon mid decided to auro
l HWilifal bo paid a Btlary of 10
< K3 I Mn n suiieiintend the
work amt BvOiK for each foil
of water galnod the Utter however
not to bo paid unt I u depth of twenty
live feet la obtalltd Copt Kids
agreed to undertake tho work The
pmpoeed appropriation orl < W0 < J00 to
begin the work niH < ti Suurday waa
today reduced to 1500 COO
Washington Jau 5W During tha
exaniluatlou of ludtau Commlesltmer
Price Saturday before tho seuato Com
tnlttco on Indian affairs he said that
he had ne er received n certain letter
alleging that men drawing
salaries from tho interior de
partment were very olosely
interested In the cattle buBlnos sb
testllled to by tho witnesses Ho also
said that tin iuch letter was on lllelu
his department
This morning Berry produced tho
letter with the following ludnraernont
of tbo Indian office No action
orn KxroitTu am > hi > out9
WabiunoiiiN Jan 25 Tho excesa
of the valuoof expoita over the im
ports of mo chandlso for twelvo
month endlug December 311881 was
I2M70 072
Tho total value of tho Imports of
merchai dho for the twelve tfionttia
ending Decetubor31 1881 waa 620
257 780 for tb prceding twelve
mopttia 187008210 belhg an dtoreaae
Of 07838 480
The total value of tho exports of
merchandise for the the twelve mntba
ended Decon ber3l 1881was740 303
80J ror th preceding twelv < ooiitha
J705200310 a decreaso of 45005614
Washington Jau Tho follow
ing nominations were made by tbe
president today >
Commodore Samuel It Franklin
Poslnissttr S 8 Mungcr Lam
pasas Tex
supposed to omtaln dynamite There ANAfittopitiATioNfOUOAVT kaiih
Is considerable excltemeut over the Oalviston Tkx Jan 20 tt a
find and exerts have been sent for to
examine Its content
London Jan 20 An American
traveler whoie name la uot known
was on a train of the Northwestern
railway going from Londou to Liver
pool j esterday afternoon when an ex
cited dlsjuaalon arose over Americas
responsibility for the explo
sions The opinion was freely
expressed that ihe United States
were greatly to blame for harboring
stton men at O Don ivan it H Tho
American defended hlacouutry In vig
orous language aud was attacked by
tbe crowd of paseugora Too Ameri
can drew a revolver and kept bta as
sal Ian ts at bay until tbe train reached
Cheter when bo Jumped from tbe
oarrlage aud escaped
Wabuinoton Jan 23 For the
Gulf states fair weather wind gen
erally southerly add falling bartmeter
Lend meynur ear a rolnutp re
marked Mrs Brown to IteV husband
theotUerovenlug VVItlyiJU give H
baok tomehoinqulr d with mock
anxiety Of course I will jou Idiot J
D youeuptiosol want to start Jau
uery Sue got the ear INoW York
Lidiua aup ovo
L4tUe Joker
Bpeclal meeting of tho city council
thla morning an ordinance waa pasted
awarding Cape Eads 10100 for every
foot of water established on tho Gal
veston bar The proposed plan
agreed upon by the river and harbor
ooinroltlee nf the house allows
3iKW for every foot of water obtained
The action of the Galveston city coun
ol ti thui increasing tbe amount to
13 000 is taken with a view to oucour
age and induce Eads to accent tbe su
pervision of the proposed govern
ment work at tbe terms proposed
iu tiU pending hill The council al o
appropriated 2500 lo cover ihe ex
penses of a committee of live citizen
including Mayor Fulton who atari
lliirjaSlOS Jan 20 A oolllslon oo
eurred today between two trains In a
suburb of tbo city Both trains were
niUd with excursionists Tweuty
people were injured aud sotno of them
are now dying
Bt Louis Mo Jan 20 A freight
train on tbo Mbeourl Faclfio road was
derailed on a bridge near Isabella tta
tlnn about sixteen miles this aide of
JiUersou City One span of tbohrldge
Waa broken It la reported that no
t your smoking one was lijured All travel on tbe
road is clwed until repairs are made
Absolutely Pure
mil powder never vartea A marvel ot pnt
Ity IreniiUi ana nolewraeneM More eco
riomtel than tea ordinary kind an l b o
be sold In oarapeUoa with tbe mnltltade o
low teat ihort
ii u ii ri r
elElit alnm or j > ho pM
poHdera W ontu in eiipi UOTAIBAK1IM
1owdkb Co too wall street New York
OltloeandBalesroom Warebonne and Mill
and S3
CorandHtrand Avenus
lmportrrs JnhbtM and Romtlrr of Coffee
Orh deraof Hple Mannfaetnrera of Mue
tardBtlttRro u rand uroccrabnndrle
Wrlto for < n > pl a nd Prlwe
A R KEPt endorsed by the btat pbjralclani
end liiu l ta llttiouie
A REMtO mat Mr tt W ONfll Ooodwatsr
A a a > s raised tils wife from an lu > nlld
> < 1 and he be tevos oe li r IV
A RE ED or which a proinlneiil Atlant
neriMi n aald I wnold hava Riven tM0
wsm would a ulclde f r what two uo
tie rv Hrhiedlctued it form daugi la
A REMEDY In reaaid lo whlih H i f ll
ft IlrumUi i I t y lie i l
ra ieo I Instance tn Willi h it ffnlt < 1 rr
Ht tier all the utunt rrnrille > < h W <
A REMEDY bui which r It II rcriell I
Hi I bsve ued ror the
i r nisa
last twenty > e tbe ftslna yon are put
lion ever tottsn tngetlieWrttia dUeas
f r lcnill reromiiifii0 8
A REMEDY awiul which lr Joel Uranium
Jvtlunm said I have rmmtnrrt thfrnlfr
an hnvo no liasltalliiu t a vuina lie u
hii < IMiiriilaully rscninnisiul It
a REMEDY wtiichthetlevil II Johnennnaar
i r eiia ia aya he I a Uaed In his f m
ilv with ih itniosl aalUncilim d re
cIiminMided to three families who found
li to > ju twhtlllar ommeiiad
A RMEBY r which lembertoii lyrrton
liauiiiVun aayi We hava b n eltlng It for
iiwiiy > ar with toiialnntlr taeiiailiii
i iea thaarileie Is a staple wlUi u anui
A BEVwr waffh inar R nk1n Lamal
t ve anld M sro In four maii < tiaanil
ieersldlllnan > place hut what It wa
A REiSVoV rSiilch Ir naunhOf UflOiBi
01 itio most oUit
tlo u si I cured one
uiieoMsor Vliiirloui Mentru Uo f at
variaine within my kno led e with u
A R E UE0T whln Ur JttlInMNotMnl o
im convinced lhai 1 Is
Al a > s I fully
ii rJvarU l rthat rlasa of dlacaaea which
RF iEOT uvwhlcli MJ John C Whltnei
of Ala la we I and favurahly knuan all
Btatcaasa q rer inaar
> rihe United
2 ce AKint aira IUMdthls remedy be
fore lb wirim a large plantation on a
c al number of cufulwau uillt nbiolul
A rJEOY about which Mr J W HUsnuj ol
Oirtrvlll < U cerllflM that one bollc
red two nlembert of Ula family <
ktrual irregula liy of mauy yrarastaodlnr
TblsOrcal Remedy It
BrauMils Elide Replator
Hatd orTnatlieon the HeatUi and Happl
nrsaor Woman ma led fit
llr jn ld U nsl mrt lloit9 Allitf Ca
It W Williams Co wholeaala and ratal
acenU fort Worth Teian
Jjiia u iw aa
Bentley Bowyer
Will pmettoe In HUta and Federal Ooi rta
rja3srx > rucaDGnsTT
look nox as
Wichita Falls Tex
Kanebu and IaatorM BlaU and Opnnt
Hchool Lands and Railroad Lands foi
Hate or Lease Lauds Redeemed and
Taxes Paid Lands for Bala In Kvery Conn
ty tn Norweai Teiaa
In pur uanca of the order of tbe dlatrlct
ooun of Victoria coun y mtdeontho
38 li Kay of Noeember A I 18SI
lucauoNo lKHnnlho docket of said court
wherein era a Cnnuon et al are plalutlfn
andthaTe urxintluemal M at com puny 1
defendant 1 will sell at nubtloaucilon on the
nrstTaiadsyineebruary Wi 11 tiln the
sdda > ofssld mouth at thesouth fr ni d oi
nf the couiUiou e lu the city of Kort Worth
at th nour or I oclock In the aftsrnooit to
tho Ulgbist bidder for ca h tt H ughWr
boutoadloafaciuryof tha said dsfeudunt
the Teiaa Comment 1 Mat company at
or < WortnTexas with all the roachluery
tootappliances aud appurtenance to tbe
Jinie bifonglnir ug thur wlih Ihe land upon
which the same atands l wlti twentyseven
and one fourtn acres part of tba Ja tea Han
deraonSharro hiadrlght snrvoe d icrlbed
by metes and hound in the deed from ri a
a UanA wtt nt lata U1
the above rootled decree
at I oclock ii
fir Washington to morrow evening in orthesameo
tbe lnteroatofdcpwaW Te s hJinw
oaived for tbe ttbovo described propert
wbl b U l < s than nfiytwo tb < usand aye
hundred dollars nnd on com llnnco with
tbe ermsofsalethe reoelior will eaecnte to
ino p irchaser a conve anoo of tba same and
will deliver to aald pnrcnaser pweMlou
thereof RIsidmah
Alto on
Tuesday February 10 IBW
m as aald receiver by vlrtnt
order I will aail on the same
oounbouM door tn Victnrta
slaughterbouse and lc factory ol
the aald defendant oomnanv at Victoria
T z witn ail the machinery loots appll
aueaa and appurtenanrea 10 tbe same be
longtos Uxether with the land upon whloi
tba same stands tnwtii l wentyelgbt acres
k own aa part of tbe 1uHan laoor conveyed
by A K Hall aud A > 1 Hall to said defend
ant company by deed of data November <
lltt and of reoordln Victoria county noo
of Deeds IS page S3 nnd in aad dead full
described No Did will b renelved for th
property wblch Is ee tbao thirtyfive thorn
Tbeunderstned will giro fnli Informatloi
tOaliapplteaola K It IaioilAK
ReoelverT O M Co Vlotorla lex
Vletorla rex JaiB Iwrt
HJEOli Sc J31JBi3R
Will furnish estimates of cost on all kln < ot
Buiidlngf ihtinwj Oooflun eU
JPOakA vVDiil XivJI VIs
Now Istltc Time to Subscribe
Until February 11685 tho price ol
tho Weekly Ga ttc will remain at
Aftor February 118SS tho prloo will
bo lnoreaeed to
AH thoso who ronow tlwlr eubsorlp
tlona beforo tho ilrst day of February
next can navo tno uoneht of tho prca
ent price hut after that dalo no sub
aoriptlon will bo received for Icon than
Tlio coat of printing paper has
to put tho Uaiotto
Refore Kcbnuuy 1 UW
vauccd until we can uo longer allord
An 8Paflo 56Column Paper
at so low a price as 1 Hut wo wish
to glvo all a fair notice of tho ohango
lu prlco aud for this reasjn fix a dato
lu advance that all may bo notified
Thoao renewing their subscriptions
look at tho label on yoirr paper and
eo whon your tlmo oxptrce before
Fobruary 11885 can do bo by
Paying Ono Dollar
But after tho ilrst of next February tho
prlco will bo
Tliero la no botter Weekly paper In
the Stato than tho Gutetto It la made
up espoclally for those who dealro a
Weekly newspaper and contains the
nowa trom all parts of tho world with
timely discussions of curront toplcn
Tbo Gazette Is printed In largo clear
typo aud la easily read
Market reports of all oommodlUoa
are printod each week
After Kebrtmry 11 SS
tOyCath to Accempaoy all 0rdera 8
Fvr wortu Tbxah
Texas PanElectric TeleptoBB Co
Our Kort WorUi Exonange la now In fall
operation with ovei w subsortbara
Builfim CaaaitUoni fit simiui
CI rjoitn a
ll > 0
a 760
The Contra OfBoeou PP tgu w r
olh snocrlbera inwsener boy JSS
riandeharalng or the aarv oa ° r wosmu
g r a o V a for tne nrst bejf hour for jjaou
tlddlilquathalfiour orfra Uoa 4 partthtsr
tit iucHIS