> v i1
The National Board of Trado Memo
ilaliaoa Oongresa oo the Lead
ing Isnes of ths Day
Seoretrj MeOnlloeli on tbs Bmineaa Out
lodk 8pe Var Oarliala Pajia
Visit to OUTclaod
Secretary Teller Recommends tho
Opening of tho Oklahoma Lands
to Settlement
Wabhinotom Jan 30 When tho
national ix > ard of trado resumed Its
session today n proposition from tho
Portland Oregon hoard of trado re
citing tho necessity for tho Improve
ment of tho Columbia river was taken
up and Senator Dolpb of Oregon
offered tho following
Jtesolved that tho necessities
of eommerco demand tho speedy
removal of tho obstructions to
navigation In thu Columbia river and
tho Improvement of tlio bar at tho
mouth of the river and mo recommend
to ooiigreaa that aulllclent appropria
tion lx made to secure the completion
of tho Improvtments already com
menced on tho river and bar at tho
earliest practicable tlmo connleknt
with tho economical cxpondlluro of
Tho reanlutlon after n debate was
unanimously agreed to
Tho national bank act was tlio next
subject dlscuaud and tho following
rwolutlons were adopted
Jtesolved that tho executive coun
cil ol tho national board of trade re
spectfully memorialize the banking
and currency committee of tho house
of representatives to carefully consider
tho propriety ol ho revising or amend
ing the national bank act as to muUo
tho prlnolnal featurui of the law
more elllclent CHpeelally tho limit
therein expretaed of loaning money
not la excess of onetenth of the capital
of tho bank coanyouo corporation or
Resolved that tho executive coun
cil bo requested to memorialize con
grew to ho amend ftecttoii 6200 of tho
rovNed statutes relating to national
banks aa to render the section prohib
iting tho cortitieatlon of checks where
no funda are on deposit to meet tho
aame moreellectlvuiu tho method f
enforcing the penally for viol it Ion of
tho same s that tho penalty will bo
rigidly uud strictly enforced
The president called up ilia follow
ing proposition Hint anbmitted by the
New Yirk chamber of commerco
and second by tho Philadelphia
hoard of trade
It la tho opinion of thla chamber
that congress should at once pa sati
not tosuapeud tho coinage of standard
silver dollars
Resolved that tho continued coin
agoof dollars from U21 gralna of silver
threatetia permatteut depression to our
national stnndHrd of value for which
ronton ciingivss la respectfully urged
to reiMul thu law making euch colucgo
Aaor a utbatc during which two or
voted down ami thu rtsolutioti by tho
Philadelphia board of trade wan
adopted tho board then adopted with
out debate on the motion ol Howo of
Cnloaga tlio following rwoltitloti pro
bunted by ho Colour i boird of trade
itesolvod that ho fullest lutodl
genco la riipilsUu to the preservation
of a proper iiulllbrlum heiwemi tho
great ludistrl a of ttio country and
that n depaitmou of commticu uud
icauufaclurrHhhouId be established by
tho govcrntuetit to gather nccoesary
Also that wo Indorse tlio bill now
befiro congress prtuetitod by Repre
HiinU Ivo Dunham an act to estnnllsh
n department of commerce and re
loniumnd ita adoption by tho congrvue
of tho United States
Tho question of foreign dlsorlmlua
tlon aguluit Amotlcau pork prcaontcd
by tho Chicago luard of tradu was
taken up and too rcsdutloua of tho
Chicago board wero adopted without
Tho qunttlon of reciprocity treaty
with Cauadu waa then taken up and
the Now York board of trado aud
transportation presented tho follow
Unsolved that this hoard favora a
icelprocliy treaty with tho Oomlulou
of CaiiHda
provided It be truly rtclp
rooal In Ita provisions
Tlio resolution was agreed to aud
tho general subject of reciprocity
treaties wai reforrotl to tho executive
A resolution of tho Philadelphia
board of trado with regard to tho re
moval of the disabilities in tho shape
of taxoa and licenses upon oommerolNl
traveler aud huloiaing the drawer
bill now before enngrtsa for tho re
moval of suolt dUabllitUa was agreed
to without division
Tho in xt quutlon of adopting tho
resolution of tho New York board
favoring a government postal tolo
graph ptovokid considerable opiKwl
tlon but waa finally adopted by a voto
ofUl ton
The board then adopted resolutions
favoring tlio leiuovaluf tho tax upon
alcohol for ut c lu tho manufacturea
aud aria declaring that tho drawbaok
on exported goods Bhould tqual tho
dutlea previously paid urging con
gross to tnako tho necessary appro
priation before tho close of thu malou
to pat tho harbors lu a condition of
deftuse approvlug tho pondlug bill
allowing the president to veto sepa
rate Itomi In au appropriation hill
favoring au extension of the
pnwtdeutlal term to fclx year
and making the posldeut ineflkiblo
for ro olectlon and heartily Indorsing
tho recommendation of President Ar
thur U congress speedily provldo a
detlnlte method of fettling electoral
disputes like that of Ib7u aud a repotl
tlon of which seemed possible in the
recent election
A resolution Introduced by Mr
Gauoof Cincinnati urging tho passage
of the bllUeut to oougie by Secretary
McCullooh to provide for the postpone
ment tho collection of tax upon
whisky lu 1 nd waa takeu up ami
after a long dtseutalon was adopted
without d I
Tho bwrd then aljourned sluodlo
tub iiD8tKiiaa l > ttiihjKaia or tub
WABHihOTOK Jnn 00 A confer
ence was held In tho treasu y depart
meat today on tho geucrat question of
w < mm
the business proipecta of th country
as aflected by the alleged dtpreclatlon
of silver
Tbero wero present Etecretary Mc
Cnlloch Treasuror Unnan Assistant
T > ia urer Acton of New York and
Messrs Dowd Geo H Oo and Ver
mllyea bankera of New York Tho
secretary aald in referring to
tho conference that the vlewa
of all were In harmony on tho general
qucotlon that the state of tho national
finances doea not call for any change
in tho present polloy of the adminis
tration There Is no cause he said to
apprehend any Interruption In the
general bu lnesa prosperity of thocoun
try nor anything to justify adcprecla
tlon In tho value of illver certificates
WAHiirr iTOv Jan 30 Jlepresunta
tlvo Haudall returned to Washington
today from Albany K Y where ho
wai In couferencH with Presidentelect
Cleveland Speaker Carlisle left for
Albauy last evening Ho will proba
bly return hero tomorrow
Wakhinoton Jan 80 Inrcsponso
tothe senate resolution callng for In
formation In respect to the proposed
opening of the Oklahoma lands to set
tlement tho secretary of the interior
says that while the lands retain their
present status they will continue
to bo a source of trouble
Ho can see no good
reason why immenBO tracts of unoc
cupied lands shall be held for the In
dians to roam over as they aro desira
ble for settlement Hut until the ex
Ising state of atTalrs shall have been
changed by agreement with tho In
diana the Integrity of tho treaties
should be maintained
Memorials from tho Indians protest
ing against tho openlngof the lands to
strttlem nt accompany the communi
The president haa appointed John
Cliarlou member of tho board of In
dlan commissioners vlco Agnew de
Washihotok Jan 30 Tlio house
committee on claims decided by a
otB oro to I to report the bill provid
ing for the refunding of the tax im
posed by tho government on the states
and terriloiles as a war tax under tho
nclsof convress of August 1601 and
June 71WI2 aud reloaslng thorn state
which yet < iwo the tax
The amount Imposed upon Texas
waa 1355107 of which 22o099 Is still
Washington Jju 30 Before the
voto on tho ratification of the Nlca
raguan tnaly was announced yister
day Senator Kdmunds changed from
yea to nay In order to bo in Dosltlou
to enter the motion for recouMderu
tlon which bo has alnco entered
Koimtor Fair to day ecut tho follow
ing telegram In response to his lnvl
tatlou to attend tho atlvor convention
W sniwnxny D < Jan SO
To lion Itohl Prlgga chairman Carioa
Clly Not
Your Invitation to attend the silver
convention at Carson City has list
boon received and I regret mylnabllhy
to respond in person Pleaao extend
to tho convention assurances of my
hearty sympathy in tho movement
1M tho friends of silver staud united
11 m and trnj audourallver thosavlor
of tho nn lonul ttoasury In tho tlmo
of need will again tako lta JuH aud
equal rank with gold lu tho commer
cial marts of tho world
Jab Q Paib
Wahhinoton Jan 30 Tho house
committee on foreign ullalra has ro
ferred tho dynamite resolution to a
subcommittee Tho opinion la gen
orally ox prefixed Unit no action Bhould
bo takeu on tho subject by tho house
Wahhinoton Jan 80 Secre
tary Tollor was again before tho
house committee on tho piymontof
pensions bounty and backpay today
to testify In relation to Ills alleged
connection with the tramfer of the
pension claim buslne of N W Kltr
gerald to Geo Lemon another pen
slonclalm agent
Wasiunoion Jan 30 Secretary
Chaudler In response to tho house
resolution for Information concerning
tho business upon which tho Talia
Kioaa win engaged at tho time of hor
loss fraya that ehe was then ou
her customary frelghtlug cruise but
had bon at tlmea used to nabio tho
Becretory of tho navy to visit tho naval
statlnuHorveMtelaorthe president to
liiBpect ships or squadrons
Tho Despatch and Tallapoosa
aaya tho secretary while
serving tho purine Indicated aru n t
tlio niott aultablo
vessels Tbey
should be replaood by other
and newer abip whenever
tho construutloa of tho uavy In ao
eordauro with modern rMittlrement
has aulll loutly progrejerd The prao
tlco of other naval K > wera may atlord
a proper guldo to our action All
maintain a part of tholr navy not only
iw ttausporis dispatch steaiueia aud
tendon tut also as vessels used
by the
high naval nnicers aud the govorn
mmt olllclala on Inspictlon and rt
vlewa of ships and Fquadrona
Washinuton Jan 80 The follow
lug oonilrmatlon was made by the sen
ate today Postmaator 6 8 Menger
Lampasas Tex
m m
Kotea fmm 3 > ffenon
Jkffkusou Tjsx Jan 29 One of
the aame partlea that had tho light
yesterday met auother young man on
the atreeta today and they had a
tussle One had au axhandlo aud
thaothcra hickory stick No serious
damago was done to either party
Mrs H rtl of Bhreveiiort La
who has beon visiting Mrs W J Bd
i er V Uu olty > l6fl yesterday for
Purls Tex aewmpauled by Mrs Bed
botry whoto thoy will reumtu a few
daa visiting relative and Mends
The ateamer Alpha arrived today
with a good load of freight J j
a ct
t inw toes omoa 4 wobtb btkbt i
O i i I i o
Hoar of Massachusetts Occupies the
Day in tho Senate on the Pa
cific Hallway BUI
The President in a Message to the House
Becommeda the fietnrn of the
Alert to England
WABHivaTON Jan 30 In the sen
ate this morning Mr Beck of Ken
tucky presented a memorial from a
number of naval oflicere protesting
against the passage of tho resolution
giving the thanks of congross to
Commander Schley and Lieut Kmery
Tho memorialists say that the reso
lution would advauco these gen
tltmen one grade and that thla
advance would aflect all
tho ofllccra now standing above them
in the list of their respective ranks
They say Whllo not wishing to
detract from tho merits of theeo most
excellent and worthy oflicere wo
would respectfully represent that their
services In tho Greoly expedition wrre
not of tho character which entitles
them to such marked distinction and
advantage over their comrades
Mr Hoar of Massachusetts from
tho committee on judiciary reported
favorably tho resolution providing
that the two Iioum h of congress unom
bluiu the hallof tho houte February
11 to count th electoral voto Mr
Hoiroallrd up the home resolution of
similar Import mid after amending It
to corrcsjKind with tho eouato reoolu
tlon it wia agreed to Tho amend
ment Increases the number of tellers
Mr Hoar asked the unanimous con
Bent to talto up tho aclllo railroad
bill Ho did not wish to push tho hill
to a voto toilay buthe would llko to
have the bill and tho aceompanylug
report read when he would make a
abort statement on the subject anil
thfn proposa to let tho bill stand ovor
till tomorrow Tho bill and report
wero then read
Mr Hoar then coutluued his re
marks After referring to the evils
growing out ot the early management
he aald that tho stock of the Paeldo
roads hod almost entirely chaugnl
hands It was now largely held
liersoua lu humble stations In life by
widows orphans and tho trustua of
charitable aud educational Institutions
and the savings banks that hold aud
managed tho funds of such poraons
and Institutions Adams the presl
dent of the road had made an analysis
of tho stook and fiom auch auatyals It
appeared that only about onesixth of
tho entire stock waa now held by per
aoua who could be supposed to hold It
for speculative or suckJobbing pur
poaes Itdlduot therefore seem to
Mr Hoar to be Just or right for the
United HtateB to deal with the ques
tion of the present condition
of the Paciilo roada by
constantly remem > erlng and citing
ugamst them the faulta or wrong do
lugs of twenty ycara ago Tho roada
should bo dealt with todiy with ab i
luto justice taklngeareof course that
the Interests of tho government wero
properly looki d after Mr Hoar con
tluued at great length lu explanation
and advocaoy of the oommlt oners
bill hla argument for the most
part being Bimllar to that
lined In the report ac
companying the bill which ho aald
would be published
After a brief dBousslon participated
In by Messrs Hoar Bewell and C < n
ger tho hour ol 2 oclock arriving the
matter went ver and tho chair laid
before tho senate the luteraiito com
merco bill on which Mr Pugh of Ala
bama addressed thesenate He favored
the commission bill and oppoeed the
Ileagan bill
At tho conclusion of Mr Pugha re
marks the aeuate went Into executive
aisalon and when the doora were re
opened adjourned
A communication from Speaker Car
lisle waa laid before tho house this
morulug designating Blackburn of
Kentucky aa speaker pro tern for
Tho chair laid before tho
communication from tho secretary of
uavy In response to the house
reaolutlou calling for Information con
cerning the recent collislou of the
TallaiKwea Referred
The eeeretary statee that thenteamer
waaoa her regular freighting crulso
Mr Townshend of Illinois reported
tho postofjlco appropriation bill ite
ferrtd to the committee of the whole
Tho houso then went into commit
too of tho whole on tho private cal
When the oommltteo ot tho whole
had passed half a dozen private bllla
tho speaker laid before the houso the
following tnepsago from the president
To the Houso of
When tho expedition for the
relief of Lieut Qreely and I
hla party was being prepared
In the early part of the year 1881 aud
the Bcarch for suitable veasels was be
ing made tho Alert then tlio
property of Great Britain and which
bad been tho advance ehlp lu tho ex
pedition under 8tr George Nares was
found to be peculiarly fltud for the lu
tended service This government Im
mediately offered to purchase that ves
sel upon which her uifjeatya gov
eminent generously pretontcd her to
tho United Statei refusing to accept
any pay whatever for the vetel The
Alert rendered Important and tlmelv
servlco In the expedition for tho relle f
of Lieut Qreely aud hlB party which
In lis mult was received as satisfac
tory by the government aud people of
this coun rr I am of the opiui n
that tho Alert eboud now be
returned to her majeatyn voverument
with a eulWblo acknowledgment for
Its generous and graceful uci of courte
sy In so promptly putting the vessel at
the service of the United States and
I therefore recommend that Jhe
Hiithorlty maybe given by congress to
carry out thla purcose Itefernd
A communication waa also read from
the secretary of state recommending
thepaseageof a joint resolution per
mlttlm military officers to be sent as
military lotructors to Corea lu com
pliance with thnrtquest of the Corean
A recess was taken until H p m the
evening session to be lor the consider
ation of pension bills
I he hou e at the evening seasion
passed thirty pension bills and ad
journed until tomrrow
Tho Report Adopted by tho National
Silver Convention
Denvkk Coi Jan SO Iu the na
tional silver convention thla morning
tho committee on resolutions presented
majority and minority reports
The llret advocatcH tho enforcement
of the Bland act to lta limit thus se
curing tho coluage of 4000000 silver
dollars monthly
1 ho minority report favora free un
limited coinage
It Is not likely that either report
will be adopted as presented
At 5 oclock the majority report
amended in some Important particu
lars was passed by a unanimous vote
It reads aa follows
The ataea aud territories of Kan
sas Colorado Utah New Mexico
Wyomlugaud Arizona lu convention
assembled ot Denver Col Jan
1S5 adopt tho following n solutions
aa a of principles
1 That we are In favor of tho doc
trine of Umotallsm
as embodied in
the lawa of the United Slates previous
to ib73 and wo urge tho enactment of
these lawa at tho earliest practicable
2 That in the interesU of trade and
commerce wed mani tho free and un
limited colnag i of gold and silver bul
lion at the present ftandard of coinage
3 Wo demand that
congress shall
pass an act directing tho secretary of
tho treasury to withdraw rroru clroula
lion all the one and two dollar bills in
order to give largo circulation to tho
standard dollar
t Wecondemnthesecretarleaof
treasury for their unlawful evasions of
provision of the Blaud bill and
other lawa relating to tho amend
ment ai d demand that the
clearinu houso balances and
obligations of the government ho paid
without discrimination in
gold and
Yr orli K ° w anddiver ceitlflcate
Resolved that it is the eenso of
this convention that
a law
amendatory of the uationalbank act
be enacted whereby mid bauka
throughout the United 8 ates shall
tteep not lest than IB per cent of their
legal reservo in national standard sll
vercolnand also that the redempilou
fund of said bank shall bo In silver
U That until congres shall re
store silver to lta anoent right
with aud institutional equality
gold in respect to
coinage we demand tho liberal con
struction and faithful execution of the
Provisions of the Bland bill
j the demands and reootn
about to be made
are based on broader grounds than
auy consideration of mere sectional
lam or protection of a particular lu
i thyy are the wollnlgh for
gotten terms of tho wlso constitution
niyf uu dfr > < thla nation fa
gained ta place a the foremost people
BHlobei that sliver needs no such
as a excnded
ot the Past that this
touohug the dearest lntoesti of ev
t h n beluB nmr brw > land in
volv a the question or whether the
Hon ahall be ao chanced
to Increase the ol
llxwl Inoomiaaud Hna boudninrl Keaaud other
ofidl other
property and
altolnvo ve
tho proper execution of our conlutu
tlon and our lawa
TanoCToa omoa n galS
JSzcltulTtly Wholesale Dealers In
Furnishing Goods
Patent Medlelnea at Mannfaetarera ratog
Medlclns ta NOKTH TEXAS at Bottom Priest
N09409 411 and 413 Houston St p
O E REED Proprietor
Manntactnrer of CTjoppeil Feed Ground Cotton Beod Plain and BolUd UmLh
Com Oats Barley Hay Cord Wood Stove WoodrKSBr1
t Frea delivery Hill Northeast Corner Savonth and Hnik 8M
London Trembling irom Threata of
Fresh Dynamlto OutrnBOS
Another Arrest Mado
Uetemneh Strongly Held by El Maudis
Bandarhe British Preparing
for tho Etbels Attack
London Jan 30Sr William Ver
non Harcourt home secretary has re
ceived Informal Ion that tho dynami
ters threatened to blow up tho Bntlah
museum Extra precautions have
been taken to protect tho building
It was retained lato this afternoon
that tho Scotland Yard authorities had
arrested a d > namlter at his lodgings
iu Westmlnsterdiatrlut and had found
au infernal machine concealed in hla
Mauy ex ra policemen have been
placed about the British museum build
lugs Iu tho courts where theantiqul
tlea aro displayed the exhibits havo
been railed olt eo that only a narrow
pawagoisleft through tho mlddio of
tho courts lor sightseers
have been mdo to blow up Holyhead
railroad terminus aud hotel and
the Brlttaula tubular bridge
and the Menals auspeualon bridge
crossing the Menals sirults American
tourists will bo somowhat concerned
by these reports aa this la one of their
favorite rouea ISxteusive precau
tionary measures are being taken by
deteouves to protect proinsrty
thla afternoon at his lodgings In the
Westminster district on suspicion of
being concerned In tho recent out
rgea had been an inmate oftholodg
Ings two weeks and had been watched
y V8 P Ilco for several days
A black box was found in his room
the box labels indicating that It had
oome ou tho steamer Wyoming from
New York to Liverpool The prisoner
refuaea to make any statement until
he haa secured his counsel
Shanghai Jun 30 ItiporU have
reached hero that a serious engage
ment occurred between French and
Chinese menofwar off Malson jo
details havo been received
London Jan 30 A dispatch from
uortl atatea th it Metemueh h
aonoii by 13000 of FA Mabdla troops
uuder tho
command of Oliver Paine
an ex commuula of Paris
rrluce Louis Napoleon the sin of
Louis Napoleon haa arrived in
l gj pt It la stated thai ho intends to
tako a part iu the campaign
A dispatch from Guoat
says The
four steamers bent down the river tii
Gen Gordon have not been to Khar
toum for a mouth They have been
walling for tho British at tho Island
above Metemueh Tho vessels are
covered with heavy boards of hard
wood on the outside
and thin Iron
plates on the Inside They present a
battered apptarance being pitted with
bu let maras Tho
fuunolanro thickly
Indented with bullet marks The
Teesels resemble tloatlne houses rather
than war ships B 0h steamer
Vk veral hundred plucky blacka
K lhey are oomraauded by
Turblah oftlew who
have their wives
and famlllea with them
ruo Urhlshare
improving their de
fenses having learned that a force of
Ar 1 coming from Berbor to at
tack them Tho troops havo been put
I oiia uutll the supplies
from Gakdul arrive
Gen WoUeloy telegraphed today
from Korti that Gen EtrwS
tlon to Berber by the rlmr
making satisfactory nrwiti
idvonce scouts exchangefil
the enemy near Ulrti
GalvestonTex Jansl
tho caption of PoliticalhJ
Evening Itecord eajr I
Judgo Hurt of thecimta
haaboeu in Austin for Wf
It is said by some that bl
gubernatorial bee In hb la
that hRT mission to the iW
Is to Hx his triggers for li
henco TJio story further
North Texas will bj
to recognition In the gore
and that tho scheme ii sort
Gov Ireland for tho mitt i
North Texas forthe cblefnur
With Crawford Gibba ni fl
Dallaaltea seeking the
orophesled that the scrsmblti
lively one
Galveston Tkx Jsn S
criminal district ciutt t
counsel for Joseph lihodei
at the present term of murfe
tlrst degree mado a nwiis
now trial which the oW
ruled when notbe of s
was given Tula takn t
before the court of appwlii
Cook stayed tho sentence <
decision of tho highor court
sous convicted at thlsterBR
celved their tontences t t
lug from two to nine js
Speaker Carlisle 1
Albany N Y Jan
Carlisle and his wife m
New York today and Iw
went to the rooms nrepww
Mr Carlisle later was
a covered sleigh In compmr
Lamuut to PresldmteltCtL
residence Tho leiter im
whloh Speaker Carlisle
bany Is ouderstood tow
that the presidentelect woo
lo see him and avail hlw
suggestions that Bpe1
lUIe might hare
in regard to roesK
men for the cablnat It a
that Speaker Carlisle wW
uot nccept a cabinet posltta
uuxlous that Piesldeut i
shall appoint a tarlfl J
aa secretary of the tw
does not urge the aelecUJ
noiiuced froo trader but W
fled with a m u of WW
dpeaker Corllsle vmta l
with Oov Hill
Washinuton Jan K
while tho house was cc J
private bill for tho pay
illaudepredatlon claim K
of U >
was brUfly diBCUBsed
Mr Holraan or IndlM l
position that the govtrofS
only be held wnjfS
funds belonging WJT J
from which the pas eI1
mado jji
Mr Oeorge or Ore o n JS
strongly that thU was a
and mado an extended w
fivorof the position pl
ments liability even In <
no treaty funds or iS
Hidlans Mr GeorgeclIfL
and argued that tha wl
practloo of legislation
tended to the
of tho Indian depred u
He said
r iii
i iw
em Republicans
ury In the payment o CI J
uharacter along jt
> B
birdor and
that hltoncal fact 1 t
unjust now that m
removed from
Iwrdor Is
dlate vicinity to deny Wj
mo o numeroua fPEW
moderate claims of tns