i K
i i iii K Hl
Will utartlo th whole community with their
Grand Clearingout Sale
In order to make room for their Spring Good The finest stock of Staple
and Fancy Dry Good will be put on sale In order to make the required room
Away Down out of Sight almost are the prices in our Staple
Dress Ginghams reduced from 10 and ISjc to 6c
Cotton stripes cut from 10 to 5o
Soft finish Bleached Muslin reduced to Co
Half Uleaclied Domestic cut from lOo to SJc
Hxtra fine Cambric Muslin cut from 10 to Sic
Tare Linen Towels one yard and 0 In long 22 In wide out down to 26c
Nice long walttcd Cor et cut from tl25 to 60c
Comets In Blue Fink Ecru andUlockrwluewlfiomtS 1225 and f250tol
A line of White Corsets at the same reduced rates
Your chnlftn of all purn Silk Blbbons in widths from one to four inches
cut down from 30 2530 3 and 10c to tho uniform price of 16c per yard
Under fire yards will not be out
The Lowest Cut Ever Made on Millinery
One Lot Heaver HaU cut from 11 28 to 25c
One Ijot Mim Kelt Ilato cut from U to 25c
One Ix > t Jllt e Kelt Huts lined with Velvet cut from 76c o 1ic
One Lot MlMea Ifiits with Applique trlmriilnjr cut from f2 to 125
We hiivo out the life out or prices In our BHOB DKPARTMKNT Five
niimitfti spent in this department will convince you
Goodw ISxitotly itH A civ ei Lise d
1 > an w jru IliV BUBO U H j
113 mid 115 HouHton and 112 and 11I Main St
1 um Holllnic UoHt Quullty
And guaranleo It to be equal If notBuporlor to any In tho market
Would rwrtctfiilly reter to nlnoteutlu or tbe coonnmeni or Coal In llio city All orders by
elUier telephone to Ornla Kl utor will receive prompt nttenllon
Our stock of high grado goods 1b now full and complete and unbrace some
tho finest ImportalloiiB evor yot ollored In tho city Having established
tho reputation of handling only goods of best quality wo proposo to keep our
stock up to IU prcaont Btaudnrd and eollclt your ordcrt Very respty
This boaullful nud elegantly furnished Hotel will bo opened for tho recep
tion of guests on Tuesday tho 3rd or February It will bo repleto with overy
comfort w J M0HPHY Mannrjer
the Daily Gazette
U ce at ruMtc UouHocoufl Htreet It
tn n Haatton and Throckmorton Zln
UtiJ ot tbe 1oitoOe UecondcUM
W Uer
Caudldatea art multiplying and n
numbor of shadowa aro cast beforo
those who aro yet to announce
A iiian named Williams wiis or
roatod yoatorday at his homo on
Throckmorton street on tho churge of
Tho two wounded conductors aro
gottlng along fluely Oniwloy is going
about ami Talumgu expects to bo ublu
to Ret nrouutl tu a fow days
Officer Coker arrefilra u man named
8o tty Batiiduy on tho charge of
burglary In tho lower iart of tho cltv
The prisoner was turned over to tho
county ouloers and lodged In jail
Mr Don 11 Adnras jays ho will not
boa cntulldiilo for city marshal IIo
dtdlrett to return his slucero thanks for
tho call of Many Votert mid to as
siiro them that ho appreciates tho com
pliment ntul tlulr friendship
Prank Hums who for nanny months
hasbcouou tho night watch ut tho
Oocldonlal saloon is quite sick and has
beett confined to his room for somo
time Ills patrons nilns hh cheerful
ho was at hla post
City Marshal Kealnformsa Uazkttk
roportcr that tho arrest of tho men
Poole Ijampton and Cox charged
with horaostoallui has been the
means of locating noven btoleu horses
This Is a prolty good oipture and Mr
Ilea thinks he has broken up a gaug
of homo thieves
Tho uamo of tho doctot killed in
Alvarado night before lant was Allen
and not Moieloy u stated in yeatur
daya Qabottk The partloufars of
tho klllliiBappenr In another column
Welborn who did tho kllllnc la at
large and the oftlcera of this county
aro looking for him
Two men named Peterman and
Johnson were arrotl lata BaturJay
nfteruoou by Ofllcor Wm Kushlug on
a charge of tueflnf a got of billiard and
pool UOla from a hoimo In tho Fourth
ward Tho otllocr recovered somo of
tho balls where tho muu had pawned
them They aro lu the calaboose and
complaints will bo made against them
this morning
H Thurmond of Denlson is in tho
H Q Bedford of Seymour Is In the
W M Bquyrea of Gatesvllle h In
tho city
L H Dyor of Clarendon was In tho
city laat night
8 W Wilkinson of Belle Plains Is
In tho metropolis
F II Prldhum of Victoria was In
tho city jeaterdiiy
George Ellison of Decatur arrived lu
tho clfy last night
J W Pitteraon of Decatur was in
tho metropolis lust ulght
Wm Uurke of tho firm of Burke
Bros of Gulvwstou la in tho city
Chan D Citos J W Hull und W
It llokrell of Decatur tiro lu the city
H O Williams und W B Hlooker
of Austin were nmonjrthe late arrivals
Juj H OliverJ V Creckrum aud
O lizelle nil of JLuim Tex were
among thu Into arrivals
Wo aro ulad to neo Oicar Sellgnifui
ono of Csaov Bwaaeys travellug
men out asalu on tho Btrueta ufter n
protraotetl Bpell of fover
Wm Cappg ono of the caudldatw
for city attorney was confined to bis
room yestoidny antrnoon with a
slight attack of slokncta llecxpcots
to bo uut today
More Light
Bo long aa tho platform at tho Union
depot la wrapped in darkness Just so
long will tho lightfingered gentry ply
heir vocation with Impunity Em
boldened by success oue of these ex
perts picked tho pocket of a passenger
on tho westbound train last nluht
and though ofllcor Becker secured two
susplolous looking characters who
rushed out of tho oar Just as the alarm
waB given the patty robbed could not
Identify hla man and they were ro
loased It Is a shame that such a Btato
of attain Isi allowed to oxlst aud tho
only remedy for the evil Is moro light
ou the platform Additional watch
men have been placed on duly by tho
authorljlw but they aro powerless to
protest the traveling publlo so long as
they have to feol their way for pick
pockets and thieves
Yesterday was about aa near perfect
as Texas days can be
Fort Worth Gas Light Company
Oifico 511 Houston Street Fort Worth Texas
CoIslg viic3 Coal 12m
Bote ArenUfortse
WbolraJe uxl RUU Dealer In E t Blsadi
IoniiMylvnnln Antlirncito Hard Conl
In Fee and Nat cliee alio Btandard Urinda of
At f TOrmtle price which vrlll be ihlpped to any point In North Tiu In qcanllllcs to lult
aadnUiruUoatnaninteed TEHM3 CA3U
From the Hospital to the EaceTrack
Without Change of Cars
Whatever may bo tho outcome of the
present legal dlfllcultles between thu
rival streetcar lint In this city the
ofilcers of the Rosedalo company will
gain cormlderablo admiration for the
pluck with which they have fought a
strong opposition
First the Txas Iaolflo railway
enjoined the Itoeedale company from
laying track ncrocs tbe reservation
butanlngeulous device wai put dowu
between iho Texm k Pacific IrackB
after the injunction was dissolved but
pending an appeal to tbe high
er court aud the Itoeedale cars
crossed the disputed ground with
Impunity The injunction of tho
Fort Worth company prevented its
rival from connecting the two enda of
the line at Blxth and Houston streets
but n urw company the
Queen City wns organized and the
council grunted it tho rightofway
over certain streets covering tho dis
puted ground and being almost Iden
tical with tho franchiso of tbe Rose
dalo nnpau Under the franchise
of this now company the connection
waa made aud yesterday
tho RoBedalo cats were run
ning the e ii tiro length cf the
lino aud were filled with passengers
Mr David Uoaz ono of tho ofilcers of
thollosedalo company nlood on tho
corner of Houston nnd Second streota
last evening with n broad eiuIIh on his
face aa ho wutched a car filled with
passengers go down the street A re
porter told him If ills emllo grow much
larger It would reach from the hoe
pltul to tho racetruck
lou bet your life said the pleased
official and a man can rldotho whole
dlstauco for five cents
The TcxIllooU Question
FokT WoimrTKr Jan 311885
To the Editor of tho Qniette
Like the ostrich hiding IU head
simply belltvlng theu IU whole body
la concealed tho selection of the booka
of two threoor four publishing com
panies la lust what the companies wish
Already VnuAntwerp Bragg or Cin
cinnati D Appleton A Co of Now
York aud othera aro in whot lu
called a pyndlcate of publishers
They have pooled their earnings One
of thews syndicate houaea would go in
and tho result would bo a monopoly to
nil of tho members of tho syndlcato
Mr IBgonmy very Innocently bellevo
ho Is doing a Fervice to tho children
of Texan If no why la Mlwourl
trying to got clear of this kind of adop
tion Why did Virginia throw off tho
Butue and why should every state
havlug gono luto tho state adoption
become tired of It
Beware of state adoption I beware
of accepting tho preeenU of the Greeks
As to Telephones
The Lougvlew Surprise publishes a
letter from J K Dunbar
general su
perintendent of tho Erie addressed to
the manager of tho exohuuge at Long
view in which ho siieaks as follows of
tho PanElectrlo exohango In this city
Their exohauge at Fort Worth is giv
ing tnUorablo satisfaction nud will
Boon drop to tdeccs of Itn own in
efficiency Their telephones are a
As Mr Dunbar Is evidently
notpcslcd wo will state for his
that tho assertions given above aro not
warruutcd by the facta The Puu
Electrio exchange In this eity is giving
good eutlsfuotlon and there is no dan
ger whatever of its
dropping to pieces
Tho instruments so far from being a
failure reproduce tho voice clearly
and distinctly and there Is no
occasion for a persou to yell himself
hoarse as la too often the case wlih the
machine Wo have n PuuElec
trlo phone In the Ball aud Wire
aud the editor of thla p per haa oue at
Ida nsldeuce aud we unhesitatingly
dcclaro tho results lintohm and the
fervice given at central all that cau be
Trie above from tho Ball and Wire
I fully Indorsed by Tim Gazettb as
wt > aro using thu phones of tho Pan
Electric Ah far an Fort Worth
H con
corned Maunger Dunbir will hear the
tolling tho
of Bell In thla cltybut
never of the dlasoluilou of tho Pan
Elcctrlo Bnmethlng hai dropped but
it U not around tho l au s central office
Llrao I Lime I Lime 1
Round Rock Llmo Works amnu
factures white Utue of tho very best
quality Orders aoHelted For prices
etc addreea Maktin Wauh
Round Hook TVx Proprietors
At a Hucrltlce
Lot fiOxlOO In block BFellda addl
tlon tit this oltv TbU property must
b Bold Call and make
a reasonable
otter Goo B Loving Go
Just lUcetred
At Turner McCluros a shipment of
lino yum sweet potatoes
do to Tuueeri
Corner Weatherford aud TylorBtreeU
for tho best quality of Forney hay
rom and other feed low for cash Call
telephone 273
Aa Argument Aeainst tho Valued
Policy Clause
Tho following circular waa handed
Tub Gazktti by n flro insurance
agent in the city It has been eent to
every agent lu Texas of the company
sending it out
To our AsenU In Texa
At the last term of tho United States
district court for tho state of Texas
them waa reudered a Judgment against
tho Royal and California Insurance
companies for the full amount of their
policies upon tho Hlncbman Ironclnd
warehouse destroyed by fire last May
The claim waa mudo aud the pnrtles
allego and stvear to the actual canh
value of the building ns being
J45U CO while their original contract
to build It was only 2700 The defense
wb that the building w9 only
worth 2100 nt the tlmo of the
fire aud that It would only cost 2700
to replace the building This decision
was rendered under the provision lu
your code know n as the Valued Policy
Clause Wo were aware at tho time
of thu introduction of this clnusa Into
the code that wo were llablo to bo sub
jected to such decisions but hoped
vour courts would not enforce it to
tho letter but it teenm that it is to be
enforced strictly and In consequence
wo are compelled to protect ourselves
against frauds which may bo perpe
trated upon us uuder tho provisions of
this statute
Therefore wo beg to say to you that
on and after the 1st d yof February
you will writo for thn Hartford noth
ing on buildings in frume rows of
more than four buildings and limit
tho amount of insurance on any and
all buildings written for us at 00 per
cent of their cash valuo Aa several
com panics announce they will discon
tinue writing on buildiugs jou will
use great cuutlon in the selection ef
risks on tho rhuio This course we
find ourselves obliged to adopt as a
meusure of safety and wo dttdro to
Impress upon you tho importance of
tatting action by Individual or united
eflort throughout the state to Becure
tho ropeal of this obnoxious provision
of the code
Below we give you some reasons for
taking thla position
1 It contravened and overrides tho
fuudamental principle of ilro insur
ance which la indemnity and hereby
changes the jwlicy to a mere wager or
so much money say 25 or 50 premi
um against 15000 loss
2 It will legalize Incendiarism and
rraud by enforcing a payment in munv
caees much beyond theactual Iobh
X It will debauch tho consciences
and demoralize the pructlceaof holaers
of tiro Insurance pollclea by continual
temptation to burn their property
4 It takes away tho rights of mak
ing contracta otherwise legal and
proper except ou this forced und un
usual basis
5 It overthrows the highest Hanc
tlbns or Justice human and divine by
muking property worth more to bum
thau to keep
1 It injures tbe commonwealth by
ottering not merely a temptation but
a premium for the destruction of prop
erty which ouo destroyed cannot bo
restored aud takes no much from the
common stock
7 It makes no aliowanco for depre
ciation In value by time and change of
circumstances or other causes
8 It gives no opportunity for the
adjustment of differences between par
ties to tho contract but compels a
rorced and arbitrary pajment wholly
ulsre ardluithe equities in tho cast
0 It makes an Invidious dUtlnc
tlon against tbe contracts of lire In
suranco companies aa oomparert with
all other contractu for which there is
nofuuudUlon in tho character of the
busluess and
10 Ab all restrictions and burdens
upon business of any klud must u 111
mately loll uj > on tho consiiiu r so this
must ultimately result in an lucmiue
ot the cost of iusurauco owing to the
Increased burdons by reason of the
heavier rati of losses and exponso
Many other reasons will ocour to t on
why this law Bhould not retmlu uiou
iour statute book aua we desire that
you will commuulcato at once w 1th
your nenator or rupresentMtlvo the
reasons why this statute should be to
pealed as detrimental to tho Inter sta
of the great and growing state of Texas
and emhtrmlng and injurious to
thoao who are engaged in protecting
the property owuew of tho
state from
Tomatoes Uurseltaddhb
Celery lettuce ireah beets new pota
toes soup bunches parsnips carrots
at thu ort Worth
Mr Claude JackBon has moved his
grocery business into the
corner brick
Btore houje JuBtopposlto hla old stand
corner Firth add HoUBton
gmdjoU of millet seed forsalobyW
KIAttereon corner Sixth and llous
Tnm Street Potatoes
Juyt received at Fort Worth Grow
Gos also lino lot coconuts
Aro now In Gentlomen desiring perfect fitting
Winter TJn < lor > vonr Sold
Up Tova 509 Bouton
Our stock or Overcoats Rnd Wlntm
Clothing Is the largest In the city aadM
Borne as fine goods as wer V
ever shown In the Blate Wonowoffer
special prices on theeo goods and wiri
make it to your Interest to call aadj
00 us M
WoiiTn TexasT
315 + 10 51012 gtpect
go ° t and gi2oe Popt Vo
Mohris At 415 yesterday after
noon February 1 nt tho Grandvlew
hotel Carl B son of John and Carrie
Morris died of pneumonia aged 19
months and 10 days
The deceased was nn only son and
the Idol of hla parents He waa an un
usually bright child and a general fa
vorite of all tho permanent gueflts of
tho hotel After an lllneBS of fifteen
days and much Buffering he passed
awnyjustas he was beginning to lisp
his earliest words Tho death haa enst
a gloom over all in tho house and the
Eurcnta aro tho reclplonto of much
eartfelt eytupatby
The funeral services will taku place
from the Grundview hotel at 3 p in
today Thetrlend9andacqunlntancea
of tho family aro respectfully Invited
to attend
Duke At 7 oclock veslerday
morning at his residence on Thirteenth
fatreet John W Duko died very eud
denly of congestion of tho bowels
Tho deceased waa n saloonkeeperand
retired the previous night at 1230 ap
parently In ordinary health Ho waa
BHzed with a pain in the bowela about
330 oclock Dr Feild waB summoned
but could do nothing to stay tho nana
or death The dead mans father
lives near JacksborOjand ho htw an
undo at that place He leaves a wife
but no children He wa3 doing t
saloon bu iness on HouMon Bttet lu
partnership with Wm Routh It is
not known whot disposition will bo
made with tho remains Notice of tho
funeral hereafter
Xotcs From Honnr Grore
Honey Guove Tex Fob 1 Tho
skating carnival to bo held at tho new
skating rink next Tuesday night is to
bo the grandest aflatr of the season
The building is 40x100 feet and every
body will attend
New Orleaus is all tho talk here
Everybody Intends going Borne time
A Verdict or Not Guilty
WiLKESiiAnm Pa Feb 1 Tho
trial of Tom Mullen Polk Kennedy
John Loughner und Tom Huloy for
the murder of D J Williams doped
yesterday evening The Jury lato last
night returned a verdict of not guilty
The Bceno following tho
was most ex
citing The vast audience allowed lu
approvol by nhoutlng and stamping
Samuel Shepherd thu pugilist or
Cloveland who was arrested ror
lifting wussentenced to Imprisonment
for six
Messrs Sherwood < fc Haywood of
Farmer Youug county put in lait
season an engine und custom fburlng
mill on tho Reploglo systfitn both
manufactured by Binker Davis Co
of Dallas and aro now so overrun
with ordora that their mill is going
night and day
In the BoorHouso
Well tho man is not exactly in the
poorhouce but ho might hs well be
for ho makes hla homo the poorot
Klntl of a house aud everybody in it a
wretched aa himself Racked with
neuralgia tormented with dyspepsia
and lloored by debility no wonder the
man is miserable Mr M E Turraut
is no longer mlsorablo Ho write
from Nevada Tex to Bay I used
Browns Iron Blttcra for dyspepsia of
twentyone years mandlng and it im
proved mo at once
Prof J A AUlt
Instructor of piano organ clarionet
tmmtjone and euphonium Thorough
instruction guaranteed Terms mod
erate Address care Max Elser or
lockbox 337
Lampasas Springs
Ai the oeason ndvaucea all klnda of
bUBlneM Is Improving hero and every
thing la more nourishing particularly
our new h tel tho Bun Qeronlmo
which Is one of the most comfortable
hud elegantly furnished und best ven
tilated houses In the Btate It Is con
venlent to business and has phnty of
Mmplerooms Its occupant rooma aro
nI irKBanU 8ltwit high ceilings
southern cxpnauro IU bedding and
lhompion keeps the table well up hi
correspondence with tho rest of tho w
labHshment his reduced rates or 2
per day make tho San Geronlraovcry
K > pular
For tho host and oheapeBt feed or all
kinds callon W F Pattereon eoruer
of Blxth and Houston
lUlnwater Baths
cold and ehower baths only 25
osnU six elegant rooms at IS Gut
JinuB barber shop next to corner of
taad Main streets Abo Vapor
xud Medicated bathn EJaht chatra
37Et33r > 3jj
Real Estate and M
303 Houston StrutliS
Friday and St
ITob O ni
Tbe InlmlUVtte
Jn tlioropuliiCa
Feb 11 anil 10 VIM
Feb 11 Join
Feb S the WorldlOj
Rov Dr Saml
Offers hl > BOVlrc In U
the JewlKti public in U >
Ingcouuiry lleHortu
or lonu experience 1
children inlilnted or
will pleato uddreiu
lUbbl United Hebrew W
vllle Texai
Hundnj lUroiiThM
nud ClinlrCnfforTo
Hnd llitwut liirlorfc
Through Sleeper forJJ
IKV > 1Nfl ST tOV3
Two bleepen t or CW
x r crass W
Inc Oar n MranioM
d ttuiitlai < vlathe > >
Kor UckeU a 5fJ
t nlln j Dov ri1 > w