OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, February 04, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-02-04/ed-1/seq-4/

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1 >
tt A
Continued from Flnt
claim to havo received to the Prlneees
Louises first reception Tho entire
family atlected tho English cus
tom to a remarkable extent and
by their bigotry of English Ideas they
alienated several persons who were
otherwise Inclined tobetrlendly Bint
Dudley left the New York hospital
four months ago and returned to Can
ada whtro alio has been connected
with the English government secret
Morvlec Bho came to New York only
J Plerrepont Edwards the Hrltlsh
consnl wai asked to day If the British
representatives had taken any action
whatever relating to Mm Dudleys
case Ifo replied that he
did not know why the
llrltlih nutltorltles should act volunta
rily In the matter If Mrs Dudley
claimed Ilrllish protection It would he
given her Tho consulate would ad
TdreMra Dudley If she asked their
ld n a Ilrltbdi subject
Ottowa Ont Ktb 3 rn the
hotiso ofcotmiioiislAit night great ex
citement wan caused among the mem
hero by therrcelptof tbenewsnf tho
shooting of ODoDnvan Itoma It was
Mist tttated that ho had been killed
mid when further Intelligence Btatcd
that ho was not dangerously wounde < l
thn feeling of disappointment wua
vety marked
iTNMiTiuca at riramuiut
PrrrtiiriHO Pa Feb 8 The
ChronicleTelegraph this afternoon
Hay Dial It Iirh cotno to knowledgo
from woret agents that the Socialist
have fetored arms and dynamite and
are roady for outbreak and attack on
the OHpftslletH Men from the Jio k
Ing valley a d elsewhere are Mild to
Ire here ready for btfdtiexH S ns
tlonaldevelopments are expected
PmunUHO 1W Feb 3 The pub
lication of a Iftij < tliy article In the
ChrmioleTelttfr I > u this afternoon
In which it was angerted Ibat
there wiw u ornanlntlnn of dyna
miter in this city who
were armed and walling for a pretext
for an outbreak created great excite
ment among the timid ami considera
ble alarm The story as published U
as follows
Within tho past two weeks Informa
tion ban been obtained piece by piece
whlcli shows that hero in Pittsburg
tin re la
TMidy to break forth at auy pro
pitious moment TlU Information
is ti > the eflecl that dyuamlterH
are armed and supplied with explo
sive and ready to cause an outbreak
wlienevcr a favorable opportunity pie
wits Itself For wmthI mouths
Jtuwluti and English spit have
Imsoii at work In Pittsburg and
vicinity endeavoring to learn
who are in sympathy here with tho
Irish dynamiter Pittsburg for a long
time has been tho source of < i largo
revenue to tho dyuamlterH
Nine worktngmen out of every ten
of those who aro out of employment
are HOclalUUoally Inclined There nro
at this moment several thousand mm
In this country who would not
top at anything which uould
curry out their views as to the right of
the jioor men
to ran Ievisiawioss oi tub men
There Iuih been m > hesitation on their
part to talk openly In meeting and
In the tires Tlieee men havo gath
ered kindred spirits from Chicago
troni the Hocking valley atid from
thn anthracite Hint bituminous conl
mine of tho weatorn part of tho stnlei
Themi men have been drifting Into the
city sltinly and lu p lr Torn month or
more They have come hero they say
for work but in roullty to takoa hand
at any movement of plundor and re
volt against the law that tniiyhenr
pnliMil Within tho pant three weeks
from it tlioimmd to tlfteun hundred
havo bun received by men lu this
ulty Homo come with money from
Caiiuda otlierH from Western points
and eonio from tho 12wtern cities
Those arms have been put into tho
hands of only of those whosooharaotor
Ijknowniindwhocau bo relied on In
addition to tlieHoarmsu largo quantity
of dyn mute has beeu obtained by tho
revolutionists Homo of this was
brought from other points and
some was made hero by men who
aro now doing this sort of
work for tho llrst time This dyna
mite Is stored lu threo secret maga
alius which nro only known to tho
loaders of tho movement This
sounds extravagant nud read llko w I hi
sensation perhaps but It is true
and known to he truo by tho persons
who have Interests ut stako These
ni n complain that they canuot llnd
work that they ore stiller ng from
hunger and lu that pica
claim that thy aro Justllled In nny
movement against the mllllounlrua
and capitalists Several of theeo inon
or havo discovered tho condition of
Hiiurs lu part or have notliled
tluipollco that there Is au uneasy
restless feeling among themo tho
truth can bo readily proven
I ho police liavo not bcon
Idle In this movement aro all
uta of olompuu Onrmau Russian
Italian Swedish 8wbs ana French
Socialists una revolutionists auu Irish
dyimmlters havojoiued forces Thoro
ro RiiKllsh interests to bo readied
by Irish dynamiters nud English
representatives too and they know It
A month ago tho looal Socialist wore
at swotds1 points with tho AuarchlsU
pure mid simple now they nro warm
friends and allies
A IHOt AMONO Till booialuts
Nkv Youk Feb 3 Two thousand
persons gathered nt tho Socialist meot
iUR last night in Concordia hall on
avenue A In tho Oerman quarter It
was lumorcd provlous to tho moating
that trouble would bo caused by Justus
bor oftholr adherents who Intended
to capture and control the proceeding
Hie ltes ridiculous elotiieut of the
partv heade by Kdltor Hahclsch of
hoVolks sltuug exo determined t <
hold tho extremists lu oheok Tho vo
luminous circulars printed In Kugllsti
sfissasmsB E fsss
V > < WII lWlMl
I nil1l IWJMiWMn i nWi i w BW
the Hchwabatostcrowd whoIn return
Issued a flaming lptendlary Bppeal
applauding the dynamiters and threat
Police Capt McCullogh of tho Elev
enth precinct attended the meeting
with a posse of men Bchelsch called
the assembly to order and in snch a
way that n tumult ensued In which
chairs and clubs were used
and revolvers wero fired
Capt McCullogh commanded silence
and forced his way to thbplatform fol
lowed by his men Bchwab saw him
and shouted Its the police kill
Tho Infuriated mob turned on the
ofllcera and Capt McCullogh was
stiuck on tho head with a chair and
knocked down He regained bis
feet nud at tho point of their revolvers
the police kept flic mob at bay The
Hociallsts then wanted to resume their
deliberations and tupplementcd their
demands by drawing clubs and pistols
Gspt McCullogh was reinforced by
twenty pnllcemen This enraged the
crowd still further and they again at
tacked the police who responded with
their clubs and the rioters wero badly
With the exception of Olllcer Rotwho
In tho face and few
was slightly cut a
bruises suffered by Capt McCullogh
none of the policemen wero Injured
Peter Drown one of the rioters had
his leg broken and was sent to the hos
Justus Schwab was the only nan ar
rested He skulked away before the
riot was over but McCullogh found
him In his saloon on First street Ho
submitted quietly to the arrest
His ball was refused and he wa
locked up After the light a pistol a
dynamiteItomb and several short black
clubs were found in the hall
Senate Substitutes the Oullom
for the Reagan Bill
Tin House Considers the Blrer tad Tin
bor Appropriation Bill
Washisotov Feb 3 Before the
senate met this morning the desk of
Kiddleborcer of Virginia was the cen
ter of attraction to vUItord und euch
senators as were lu tho chamber A
beautiful harp rested upon It
n tribute m it Is presumed of
IMddlehergers Irish admirers The
harp was over two feet high Tho framo
was ootnpo edof tearotes hyacinths
heliotropes iiid mignonette Tiie base
was of a7ftlean euphorbia lilies and
other rare 1 xotlcs The strings of tho
harp were wreathed with pinllax
Is that a Welsh harp Senator
Dawes of Massachusetts atked of Sen
ator Jones of Nevada
No HaDator Jonoj replied It Is
the harp or Erin
Mr Miller of Now York preeented
tho credentials of W M Evarts elect
ed United States ucnator from the
stato of New York Tho credentials
which wero unusually lengthy were
Tho chair Edmunds stated that
the papers rud did not contain any
certillcate from tho governor as re
quired by the act of congrws The
papers were referred to tho committee
on privileges and elections
I lie senate resumed consideration of
the Interstate commerce bill Senators
Plumb Vance Heck and Cullom were
tho principals in tho debate that fol
Mr Muxey favored the Iteigan bill
It was a constitutional measure he
sala and would nilord tho relief de
Mr Sherman said thero was no
doubt but that congrcea hud n perfect
constitutional right to regulato Inter
state commerce
Tho house bill provides that no dis
crimination shall bo made between
iiaanengers on account of race or color
but that the furnlsbtngof separate nud
equally comfortable accommodations
should not bodtcmed discrimination
Mr Iiigulls moved to strike out all
of the provisions except tho statement
that there should bo no discrimina
tion on account of race or color
Mr Jngalls motion was agreed to
thus striking out tho proviso regarding
separate accommodations The vote
for strlklug out was 14 to 17 Messrs
Iltitlcr and Jacksou wero the only
Democrats voting lu the atilrmatlve
Mr Cullom then moved to amend
by substituting for tho house bill tho
senate or commission bill Agreed to
yeas 35 nsys lb
A motion to adjourn was horomade
ami tho call for jcos and nays dis
closed tho absence of n quorum It
was unanimously ngrecd that Immedi
ately after tho morning business to
morrow tho bill should bo takon up
and debate closed t 3 oclock when
tho dual oto on tho bill and all
amendment should be taken
In the house this morning Mr
lllaud of Missouri from tho committee
on coinage reported back tho resolu
tion Oilllng on the secretary of tbo
treasury for Information as to whether
the clearinghomo association of New
York or auy natlonat batik refuse to
receive silver dollars or silver certifi
cates lu kottlomcut of their balances
and whether auy olUolal ot the gov
ernment accedes to such practice
also as to what amount of gold came
Into the treasury In exchange nt par
for silver dollar or cortlllcatoa during
January ISST aud what amount of
silver coin was in the treasury on tho
1st or January 1870 aud
every year thereafter not held
or tho redemption of sliver
cert tlcate also what amount of the
reeo pt of tho goverumeut has been
received In silver coin or certlilcatoa
since the 1st of January 1870
On tho motion of Mr Eaton of Con
nectlcut theseuato amendment to tho
house concurrent resolution makimr
arratigomeuUj for the counting of the
electoral vote was ncned to
Mr Cox of New York from the
oomm ttee on nnval ntrairs reported
back the resolution calling on tueseo
retaiy for Information as to
original plans or the hulls boilers
etc for the Chicago tho lloaton the
Atlanta and the Dolphin and the cost
or such change Adopted
Mr Stewart of Texas from the
committee on foreign affairs reported
the resolution requesting the presi
dent to take all neee aary and proper
measures to assure to Jue It Santos
an American cltlxen imprisoned in
Ecuador n sp dy and impartial trial
and to protect him In his life and pro
Tho house went Into committee of
the whole on the river and harbor
bill the general debate being limited
to thiee hours
Mr Dreckenridgeof Arkansas crit
icised the bill
Mr Price of Wisconsin rald that a
careful reading or the bill must lead to
tho iirelstlble conclusion that It was
marred and scarred with sectional In
equalities and acts of Injustice
Mr Willis of Kentuoky stated that
the committee on rivers and harbors
had never been divided on political
Mr Washburn of Minnesota faored
a liberal appropriation He api roved
tho provision for tbo Improvement of
tho Galveston harbor but thought that
for tho covernmeut to enter upon a
work which would ultimately require
tho expenditure of 8000000 without
plans or recommendations was little
short of midsummer msdntfs
Mr Hepburn of Louisiana euggoH
cd that it might bo moro economical
for tho United Btates to move Gal
veston to a harbor than to try to move
a harbor to Galveston
Ti o general debate then closed and
the lirsi section of the bill was read
Mr ONell orMlsBouri crltlcleed tbo
appropriation for the MMslppl rhcr
in that only tGOO000 was appropri
ated for the improvement between tho
source and tho Ohio river That was
not n fair Bhare of tho pork Laugh
Pending further uctlon tho commit
tee rose and the houso adjourned
A Woman Adjudged Insano A Shoot
ing Affray in Eastern Cooke
rn UHl
ClAiNKavjiiF Tkx Feb JyJudge
Hall yoUerday evening held an inves
tigation oh to tho lunacy of MUs Han
nah Vale of Mountain Springs men
tion of whom was mado several days
ago A Jury adludgid her Insane and
it was ordered that sho bo sent to tho
Information was received hero to
day of the shooting or a man by tho
name Goldstein by one Smith both
of whom reside u this county Sat
went to Whlt sboro and while thero
drauk pietty freely On their return
homo they quarreled on tho way Ar
riving nt Mrs Smiths rather late
Goldstein dismounted aud stopped for
supper After ho had finished his
meal ho started home aud was out in
tho yard when Cash Smith a young
man about 18 yearn old shot him
with h pistol tho ball striking Gold
stein in tho neok on tho right and
coming out behind bis left car Srnlih
then mounted a horse and accom
panied by au elder brother left the
scenoand has not bcon heard of since
Goldsteins wound It Is thought will
prove fatal
Messrs OFarrcll Bsattlo of this
oily havo purchased of John Wash
ington all his one aud twoyt arold
steors paying 17 per head for tho
foituer and 2 per head for tho latter
Tho sale was a vory largo one
Ibo French lain thn Koelmg 5Uues
Paws Feb 3 Admiral Courbet
telegraphs the wnr offlco todoy that
tho French forces nfter a severe flcht
carried tho Chinese works command
K lie Keelunij lines Ho states
that tbo French troops lost ulno killed
and llftythreo wounded during the
engagement Tho Chinese loss was
A Fight In tho Soudan
SiuimiFob 3MaJ Cuermelde has
arrived hero The Arabs made mi at
tack upon tho convoy sent to Kassaba
A stubborn flght ensued resulting In
the repulse or tho Arabs who lea 250
dead on tho field The couvoy lost
Sf i 6 ed KQK 2oi ha ent
6000 Abyssinian troops to rolleve the
at Galabnt and Goran
> < i
Wclboro tho AUnrado Murderer Snr
Aivauaik Tex Fob 3 ru forma
lion baa just oomo lit that Wm J
Welboru desired to glvo himself Inlo
the hands of ofllcers Accordingly Of
fleers Best and Tom Coulter havo gone
after him It la current that ho Is
pretty badly wounded in tho ehoulder
and that ho Mitlered considerably
from loss of blood while escaping from
the sccuoof
tho trogtdy
JBrclruBlTtly Wholesale Dealers In
X3 3E3 353 I dC X TJ 3VE 2
Capems GaMy Factory Cor 4th mA I
Mra Dudley Recognized as a Woman
Who Onco Attempted to
Commit Suicide
A Fund Being Balaed for HerOunmcg
bama Accomplice Arrested The
Qaecn Proposes a Eeward
London Feb 3 Heparin have
been circulated here that Mrs Dudley
before colng to America once attempt
ed to commit filicide aud was
sentenced to u term of imprisonment
for the oHliise The chaplain of the
prlBon in which she was confined being
advised of her attempt to kill Koss
htH taken passage on ono of tho outgo
ing steamers for New York Much
sympathy is expressed for Mrs Dud
ley Many subscriptions are ollcrcd to
tho fund to aid In defending her
Duiilin Feb 3 Irish nationalists
aro circulating n report here to tho ef
fect that Mrs Dudley was in tho pay
of the English govcrment and was
sent to New York by the London po
London Feb 3 Mra Dudley at
temnted to commit suicide by taking
poison aud administering chloroform
to herself while on a train on the
Great Eastern rullw ay She said when
arrested at the time that she was a
govorness Her christian nnmo was
Lucia Sho was kept In prison a fort
night when her story was Inquired
Into and found to be correct Sho was
then releabed
Extra editions of tiie newspapers
containing the cable dispatch from
NeworK giving the details of the
snooting of ODouovau Rossaare Bell
ing like wildfire on the streets lu
every city and town throughout
llrltaln Nearly every person
seems Jubilant over the announcement
that the alleged chief of tho dyna
miters has hud some or his own medi
cine ulven him
Considerable excitement
was pro
luceil Kwluy by the announcement
that the friends of Cunningham ac
cused to have cuused the
explosion nt
the tower of London were already
beginning to
take steps to rescue
y from the Clcrkenwell prison
Early this morning the
police observed
man loltorlug in the vicinity of tho
They watched his movements
closely Finally when they Baw him
put something in the let
ter box or tho governor
of tho prlsou they arrested him
Wnen token before tho
magistrate tho
prisoner sold his nnmo was Goodyear
that he had
recoutly bcon discharged
The package which tho prisoner
fopped In tho governors box
was n
small parcel of paper on which were a
number of figurrs The police declaie
that the prisoner is known
to them that be had served
a term of Imprisonment
that ins testimony In regard to
himself was false Tho Scotluud yard
officials profess belief that Uoidyeura
action In depositing the paper In tho
box was simply a ruso on tho
part of Cunnlnghuma friends
to learn what they would
have torontcndwlth In order toeflect
Cunnlnghama e capoby blnwlngun
JhJ touf < < > the prison with iljnv
SlU n d 8lvlnB ye Prle < wan opivor
M H Gtteln a leading ed
i i i
itorial today advocates an ASglo
Amerlcan alllanoe
tiik quEKN suatiEsra x national
HjiqJee hM xP icd a desire to
contribute from her private purio a
ellectivo nny roward which tho
government may decide to oiler
for the arrest und couvlctlon
of the criminals guilty of the recent
te outrages The announce
ment of this
wish on the part of lior
> J ty so stimulated tlm pom ar
The police this evening made
other important armt in nnwtfon
IAtent Medlolnas at ilnnnlicturon ratsj I
iledlolns lnNOrtTU TEXAS it Bottom Meat
Noh409 ill nnil 3 Houston St
HN Connor Co 207HoustonStref
with tho recent explosions Thepris
oner was pursued several days and
was finally run down by Police In
spector Jarvls and Albcrllucn who
have been conducting the prosectlon
fpjt Cunningham It U believed
that the man who Is now tinderarreet
was tho accomplice of Cunningham
Ihe brown box wbich was purchased
and substituted for Cunnlnghama
brjwn trunk In hiB Preacott street
lodgings and which mysteriously dis
appeared from hia rooms in 8carboro
street Immediately after tho explosions
was found in the posession of ho men
arrested this ovenlng Tho prisoner
was discovered hiding in White
chape not far from the lodgings last
° cP lbCunuIngnam
It b M
that the police fouud in tho prisoners
ponscssloii besides the brown box
other evidence of a very Important na
UhiV hil M lbS ne f fy namea es
tnbllshing his
Identity Ho will be
T the Bo tw t PollcS
court tomorrow
ni i tate1 ln OlJomatlo circles that
tho iroverumenta of Russia and Amer
for the J J ynjS regard to u treaty
oxtradltfon of dynamiters
Tolled Angn Ilnll
arrive ll > Fort Wortu on the 6ih
inst ono carload of
very fine Polled
Angus bulls from 12 to 18 months old
Thiw ffom 00 ° ° Il0 ° Pounds
rhosu bulls aronutof high grade short
hSi S c0reautcred Polled Aukus
bulls This atock will be sold at a bar
pp y toJK F > BantUy with
Geo n
Loving dc Co
An Arrest for JTiirdtr
Ban Anoklo TeiA
Hynes alios V iM
re ted and failed l J
shorllT W J 1 °
In Hill cpaiiJg
murder SherlflJoh
tograiih of Howard
him from It but he
not tho right P81
Important Cli lf
Cn too W
City ok Mexico FW
on Imported UW ° tf
to 8 per cent ofto K
on uatioual Hi0
ceut on their value i
Changes hftveaWS
vor of tho tobacco
Tho law went Into
By tho new trcwW rf
goods hereafter will Wh
brought in bond anow
at tffo Interior c
importer must nw VjJ
and give
papers of theidnt
Tallway has formM
with the f
Stoarasliio comply ft1
on goods arriving
latters shlp

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