r i
Ttt tW
9 at fW
at I
for the Necessity of an Extra
3 111MB Mlonof Congress About Even
ly Divided
Appropriation Dllli Will Occupy tin
Tibs of Both Homes for tha Beat
of tba Season
fASinwoTOW Feb 8The eondl
gl ujlnejs In congress Ibbucu that
minority in either house can easily
U n ex ra session but if the pur
i to do so is anywhero entertained
I fact baa not becn made knoffDi
jtbelendera in botU houses express
onlolon that the appropriation bills
all b paeed before tho 4b of
This will rtqulre tho
of important
ndonmeut many
sorts which have perfected
aehousoor theoihtr and it way
liled that not much general legls
than that which may be
n other
atea to the appropriation can
nytveutbe enacted
dlcusalou In the senate upon
jls < motion to so amend tho rubs
hitUidy as to allow the general
iUt matters germane tothosub
Bttlkrof tho appropriation bills
U appended thereto ub
wiille it iiiil no direct result
risintoiutupiu tho record nn
Hsloa of senatorial opinions that
roles of tho houso are to rely In
ofrevlilou yet lu the eauio sen e
withe way for tho solution of dif
lea which are ntwayH expected be
ithe two houses as the and of a
i draws nigh for tliu
trial confnrenos will in
of this discussion feel
lUiberty to assent to merltous
nloD8 coming from the house as
i than heretofore The motion
eerred to the commltteeon rule
Id It be reported favorably It will
If matters mill iurther by legal
a practlco which though cou
rt undesirable and ofttti mis
oui Is recogui7ed as almost an
ntlTe necessity in certain emer
acliou of tho house tomorrow 1b
forward ti with much Interest
supposed that the chances for
traccction will thereby he either
ltd to a probability or reduced to
k boats will assemble at Ion
basin contluuatlou of tho last leg
eday I he most active nromo
the river and harbor bill hao
need tbelr purpoo to resist
adjournment formality at
oclock noon and
mediate reassembling as on the
emulative days They will en
Ir to continue the last legislative
Vrooghout the week If necessary
re the vassaee of their measure
vote to take a r < cr88 instead of
jvuromtm last nlitht the friends
river find harbor bill werefoitud
nstroDg majority but tho Ibsuc
ot then tqimrtly made ns be
that measuro on the one hand
ae of he regular appropriation
ilih a prospective extra session
tho other Knob will be
ue tomorrow Qi the thirteen
TProprlatlau bills only one
fltsryacaieniy bill hai parsed
U elu o ingress It awaits tho
of the president Tint consul r
iloautlo aud the District of
ljla LrllU have pissed the
ouses but Htll await the
n < of dlflareucos The
bill Is upon tliu senate
ar ready for consideration by
Mte Tho army Indian aud
total bills havo passed the
Tho pohtofflcH aud legblatlve
re and Judicial hills are on the
> lmdar The remaining reim
portation bills tho sundry
vy fortlilcailon aud general
y bills havo not yet made
rptrance in either house
fcrarse of alTalrs in the senate
Nn present week Is involved In
table doubt Wcduesday will
led to the counting of the elec
The pension appropriation
Urobably be taken up tomor
a passed The Indian army
Mfultural appropriation bills
Shanda of me senate commit
Pproprlatlons and may be re
la time for RCtlou upon one
of them before tho end
week Tho ubflulshed
on the silvercoinage bill
wal senators havo prepared
opon It If the measure be
by other than appropria
ble is that it
a prospect
wpwtd of before tho end of
< The ellver men who at
ttened to prevent action upon
claim to have strength
> strike out the
lch looks to stop
sge of standard sllvrr
less reaion to post
3 If shorn oithU it moit
ture the bill will simply
as retirement and teoolu
Isle dollar Tho private
WareIlkly to recelye at
° n until the
o Mr The hill to
> on of contract labor that
as a state
ogion territory the
ofellure bills tho bill
anrtLro a londs
subject to
d the IUclllc railroad Blxty
li measures which are
tlni n ny otbe to recelvo
d ti Benao during the
aalnder of the
Wpriatlou bills are not bo
0 Presentatives if
irroi i n coaiIttee Is sucoess
f th IPno DB further con
< oai anl arbor bill
eSifi Dproprlation bill
a i l up Immediately
Ciini bl wll > be presS d
othatci to teimi tbe sundry
m Vi Way uo tal en up
wn iB t1eo nieasurtB
0n humclent counumo
> the p H5 eieu day nioy be
M induration of unob
orkliig for an
y Ftb8 TlleLioy
WioiiiU WM Blven to
Gliding an Epls
ibis p0inti aml WflB
I118 A 088 lue PrccecdB belug
ubiut 80 clear of expenses
A cake was v ted to the prettiest
young lady presentthe price of votes be
ing flvo c nu each MlssVnna DeCor
dova of Kimball was tho auccesiful
ondldat The vote was as follows
Ml s D Cordova 105 Miss Kate
Hlmms 92 Miss Anna Hawkins C9
nan Miss Lorena Wluts
There is but llttlo doubt now that
Morgan will soon have
an Episcopal
phurch as there are several parties
hero who will donate largely tothoen
President Dlac Gives a Brilliant Re
City op Mexico Feb 8 The Ibe
ria association haa sent a recent draft
of flO000 to King Alfonso for the
benefit of the sufferers by the recent
earthquakes The Iberia subscriptions
opened In thlscltv for the Spanish suf
ferers will reach 50000 at least
PrtsUlent Dms gave au elegant ban
quet last night in honor of Charles
Crocker aud Gen McDowell of Cali
fornia Thedlplomatio corps attended
Joaquin Baianda the minister of jus
tice and publlo Instruction and Man
uel Dublnn secroiary of the treasury
uertt unable to attend tho banquet
They are coullned to their rooms by
Tho Stockmen Receiving tho Daily
Signal Service Bulletins
Kyle Tkx Feb 7 The weather
has been beautiful tho past week and
farming waB never more active than
at present The grass is coming out
aud the hitherto dry prairies aro be
ginning to don verdant robes Our
farmers were never more hopeful at
this stoaon of the j ear and all antici
pate large crops
Oursiockmen havo mado arrange
ments wlUi the United Bmtes slgual
service flloo at Palestine to got the
da ly ucaiher leport for this mouth
Be vera I largo stone home will go up
iu Kyle during the ensuing season
Col K J Bhdge and MUets Flora
Storte uud Audio Breedlovo returned
Thursday night from the Baptist ex
cursion to Biltlllo Mex The young
ladles especially were elated with tho
trip and found orauges no cheap down
iu mo laud of tho Monttzunias that
one of them declared that she actually
ato twtlve in one day and it wasnt a
very guni day tor orunges either
Mies Kittle Mlddlebrook went to
Austin ytnterday to spend several days
with friends
llioIiHavIfSt SuoiTStorm of the Season
Cuicaoo III Feb 8 Decidedly
tho worst snowstorm thus fur this
season sot In here tonight Tho
llalies falling very fast driven In
blinding gtisU from the nnrth and be
ing very wet cling to everything they
touch It thestonucontlnuuithotraluu
will be greatly delayed or blockaded
before morning Inquiry at 10 oclock
Bhouedtbat the telegraph wires had
not experienced any trouble to speak
of From othor points advlced iucll
cato that the storm Ls abating It is
snowli g at Omaha and sleeting at
Bitrlugtleld III
A rrlghtftil dutipuwder Eiplosicm Iu
Ban Fuancisco Pal Feb s
The steamtr ltlo Janiiio arrived thl
afternoon bringing Hong Koog advices
dated January 0 aud Yokohama Jan
uary 10
Tho gunpowder works at Vatshau
fourteen nillts from Cauton exploded
December 2 and killed 250 employes
The Coreau government haa agreed
to Japau asau indemnity for tho
outbreak agalust the Japanese and the
hurnlugofthe Japantse hgitlon D <
oember 0 131000 ens 104 400 also < o
puulsh all the leading rioteis It Is tald
that the negotlatlorm were carried on
through Gen Foote United States
It Is rumored at TlenTsln that
Russia will toon make another eifoit
to annex Corea
St IiOuls Exposition
Bt Louis Mo Feb 8 TheExposl
tlon and Music Hall association has
Issued its prospectus for the second an
nual oxhlbltlou which will open S p
tcmbcr 0 and continue 40 business da > s
clo6log October 21 The prospectus
Mid lutes the association on great
success of its exhibition last season
and promises that the cnilng one
shall be superior in every respect
and especially in the mechanical and
machinery departments There la
also a new feature to be added a com
pleto exhibition of tho various pro
enssea of the Ash culture and a fin
display ot live Ash in aquariums
Numerous applications for tpace have
already been made and the outlook Is
or the moat promising character No
premiums will be awarded
Coleman Comity Court
HpCI t
Colkman Tex Feb 8 Couuly
court adjourned last night The fol
lowing i > ato casea wero diepos d of
The Btate vs F Nairn for gaining
uulliy and lined I0
1om Hughes for aggravated assault
Judgment not irullty
Tot Dilscoll for gaming pleaded
guilty anil llued 10
R N Higdon for carrying a pistol
Judpment not guilty
G V Deli for gaming bond for
lelted and alias capias
A O WlllUmjiu for assault and
battery pleaded guilty and was fined
15J D Davlam for assault and b a
tery nladed xiilny and was lined 5
1 JThnrnUin for permitting heep
otTeeted with scab to run at large ver
Joe Myerc for exhibiting alcamlug
Ijsiik pleadtd guilty and was lined
COfiB H Plttman fir Kamlng pleaded
guilty and was Oued 10
Rube Carroll fir exnlhltlns a gam
insbank pleadtd guilty and was lined
Walter Dxon for dltturblqg the
A number of cases vrne Mntinuid
and several old cases were retired
Owing to tho Ruling Low a rices tho
Acreago Has Fallen Off
Some Damage by WinUrKilling W
Insects Reported
Milwaukee Wis Feb 88 W
Talraagols in receipt of lato informa
tion as regards the average condition
and prospects of the winter wheat
Missouri J W Banboru tho secre
tary of the state board of agrlculturo
says The area sown to wheat is 10
per cent short of 1681 I hear of but
little damage to tho ulant as jot
Illinois Tho acreage sowu to
wheat is about 10 per cent short of
last year Borne damage nothing se
rious was reported In tho southern
part of tho state Tho ground Is now
covered with snow and it will not be
possible to tell much about the condi
tion till tho snow goes ott
Tennessee A J MoWhlrter com
missioner of agriculture s je Tho
crop ofTcnneaseo Is fully SO per cent
iu acteage less than last year and the
damage by the fice70 Is all of 10 per
Kansas The atca sown io wheat lu
this state Is about 39 per cent as com
pared with last year Some of the
largeit wheat growing countries In
tho state have reduced their wheat area
from 25 to 60 per cent owlug
prlmlpally to tho ruling low
prleeof wneat during theseasou Tho
OJtidltlou of growing wheat In not up
to the standard Borne dMricts report
damage by iueeetr In tho fall aud
owlug to the Hverlty of tho winter
mauy predict injury by winterkilling
However His tto eatly to till muou
about the latter
Kenluctiy AJ Ilowcn commis
sioner of agriculture bi > s The
acreage cown to wheat lu this state Is
from 10 to 15 percent lets than that
of tho previous year The wiuter has
neeu very unfavorable alternate fret7
lug aud thaw log havo llftid tho plant
to tho surfuce and It Is In a badly crip
pled condition
North Carolina Tho art a sown to
wheat Is very much lees than last year
aud the condition Is not very encour
aging on account of the long continued
drought last fall The winter has been
unfavorable aud much complaint of
winterhilling Ib heard
New YorbThe area sown to wheat
is somewhat less than last season
The condition Is qulto favorable No
damage by winterkilling or other
c lUaca Is heard of
Georgia The extreme drought ex
tended almost to wluter and has
caused a large fallingcu in the atea
bown The condition Is very unfavor
able owlug to tho weather durlug the
fore part of the winter
Mluneots H II Young statistical
ugent of Minnesota says in regard to
spring wheat seeding The area
oowu to wheat will probably be 10 prr
cent nhort of last year or not more
than t 600000 acn s
Dakota Jan 11 Karnes statistical
agent of Dakotrisujt Not muro than
oneeighth of the crop In Northern
Dakota and threeeighths In Bouthem
Dakota remain In the farmern bauds
uud the elevators are kept well clearid
out If the prices remain low the area
to wheat w11 not bo Increased this
nisansTED with Englands volicv
ALhXANDHiA Feb 8 There Is nn
Intensely bitter feeling among all
olasscs heroogalnst tho British policy
Tho general opinion is that it will lead
to tho ruin of tho English A lutlvo
paper Mlrat Asslhark says that a
number f Turkish officers have lately
joined El Mahdl
Pakis Feb 8 Geueral Ed Dlnthe
wellknown Mohammedan agent now
In Paris has bien Interviewed on the
rebilllon in the Soudan Ho thinks
that Gen Gordon is still alive
hut if dtad that ho fell
fighting El Mahdl he aj s
would respect Gen Gordon as
a prisoner and might be willing to
oueu negotiations to exohaige Gen
Gordon fjr Arabl Pasha whom
Et Mahdl honors as a true
srvaut in tho cause of Mobammid
El Mnhdl might make a partial peace
with tho English but never a perma
nent peace Hw would refuse to accept
tho tltlu of viceroy or any other title
from thekhedUoor from tho sultan
hut would remain ElMahdl He aimed
ut the conquest of the Soudan and
hopwl that u rlslug would tako place
In Arabia against theTurka
Rome Feb 8 It Is Bernlofflclally
announced that the Italian forces took
poaefcslon of Maesowab thn 6th Inst
tho natives welcomed them but tho
Egyptian authorities formally pro
ttsttd against their occupation of the
London Feb 8 The ncwH from
Gubatlatbat the rcbela are actively
preparing for another encounter
Loopholes aro being made In
the houses of Metunneh and
the rebel vldcttes maintain an
active Wttout fearing a British
> iauk mi the town The rccettt con
voy from Gakdul when threo miles
distant from that point met u thousand
ret > el cavalry and Infantry The
rebels were shelled and soon dis
persed Tho convoy was unhurt
The light camel corps has arrived at
Gubat El Mahdl Isdrawiug immense
kiipplles from the Merarvl district
A Foray by the Striker
Columbus Ohio Feb 8 The
Hocking volley was excited last night
over tho rumon of a concentrated
attack by tho strikers Over 400 shots
were fired in the neighborhood of
Nelsonville about 10 oclock but no
damage was done The patrol trains
drove tho strikers off
The Socialists In tlereland
Geger of 02 Linden titreet formerly
an agent of Iho Inlernaiion TVorklng
tnma Association of Anarchists says
that there four groups of that order
in this city with two hundred m > rn
bers and mauy sympathliers Two
are Bohemian and two German A
fifth an American group will
bo organized tomorrow He
says that tho worklngmen lioro are
rlpo for n riot aud that unless the
times lmprovo the greatest rev
oltuion tho world 1 m ever
Kem will bo Inaugurated Tho Bo
olai sta nro inorcaslnc in number
here very rapidly Gegor Is a rail
way fllerk
How a North Carolinian Played iho
IathorinLaw Racket in Georgia
Canton Ga Fob 5 Cherokee
county which Is responatblo for hav
ing furnished several Joe Browns to
tho world Is just now excited over an
affair equally as discreditable Ton
years ago thero arrived in this county
from Ashevlllo N 0 a smooth faced
youth named G V lipping It did
not take Epplng long to win tho favor
of the girls and as a result he was
soon married Into ono of tho best fam
ilies In the county In tlm ejils con
sort tiled and Emdng supplfikl him
self with a substituto from oqually good
stock This one tod when her bridal
days wore over grow pale and wauand
soon bid ndleu to tho valu deceits of
the world For a while n llttlo band
of black around Epnlnga No 0 hat
cave evidence thnt his heart was in tho
grave wlthwlfo N > 2 Flually how
ever ho met a third charmer wh > m
he took to his hearth stoue to cheer his
lively hours
It will thus bi seen that lu a short
tlmo tho grieftorn husband was sup
plied wltn three substantial fathorsln
law each of whom he worked us
against tho other and aeh of whom
was Haltered to think that uotwith
standing the necessities of
life his particular daughter
Htlll held tho husbauda heart An
each fntherlu law Imagined hlmoolf
thus to be the particular contldant of
Mr Epplug ach was carofut to
guard hU secret from tho othor two
About a week ago Mr Epplng re
ceived a letter which whllo sad was
yet not without its silver lining To
eacli of his confiding friends he
wont with his tale aud next morn
ing started on his return to North Car
olina where he would tiay the last sad
rites to his mother and tako jiostesslon
of a cnmfortablu estate
He did not return at tho appointed
tlmo Tho two fathers of tlio dead
wives called on the living wife to Mud
out the ciuae of tho good mans ab
sence They wore astonished to IIml
that site had left during tho night
lemlng behind the children of the
dead wives to J dtl her huidiand lu
Texas Then father inlaw No 1 was
hunted up and a comparison of ex
periences brought out the f ct Unit tlio
gracolcsi scamp had victimized ouch
for a uotiBlderable amount and having
realized to tlio best advantage bail
HiHtght tho fertility of au unwnrked
Held In tho virgin Htutc of Texas
Fninl Hull way Accident
Omaua Neil Feb 8 Au accident
happened at Creston Iowu today A
Clilctro Burlington Qulncy train
went through u bridge Meager par
ticulars bhow that sixteen people wero
wounded aud seven killed
Triple Holler Explosion
IcoitiA III Feb 8 Threo boll
era iu tho starch works ot tho
Flrmerch Manufacturing com
pany exploded lato Baturday
evculug The building which
was badly demolished by tho
explosion caught tiro nnd will
probably he a total loss Tho boilers
wero thrown a distance of severul
blocks Two men tho foreman and
watchman aro missing but It has
been impossible as yet to make a
search for them
St Liuli Socialists In Bontlon
Bt Louis Mo Feb 8 At a meet
ing of the BoctallBts this afternoon tho
labor question was discussed lu a
very temperate touo but a blackoor
dered circular was freely distributed
which was a bitter tirade against
Geimany for tho execution of the an
archists mid calling upon tho working
men to organlzo and revolt against
priestcraft monarchy and monopoly
A Bobemlun group of Internation
alists also held a meeting at frhtuh tho
preteut wago system ami ul hinds o
monopoly were condemned and revo
lutionary socialism advocated
f ill 11
Tlio Expntltlou t o in ml sinner
W tsuiNOTON Feb 8 The com
mittee of tho Unlttil Bates commis
sioners for the New Orleans exposi
tion which called upon Iho president
ytstcrday left with him a state
ment of the flnauciat affairs of the ex
position showing debts to thoamouut
of iW tJOO The comrnlttee also Ift
with him a memorial celing forth tho
untoward circumstances which havo
operated agtilnst tho successful con
duct of the exposition and pray
ing for further aid from
the government to the extent
of half a million dollars Tho com
mittee are hopelul of favorable action
by the president and will remain here
to urge thematter upon cougrim
Plltsbanr HuurniiDg iriih inarchitls
PiTTsnuitn Pa Feb 8 The story
that the anarchists are armed and aro
drilling men here and that dynamite
la stored in various parts of the city
seems to havo some foundation In
an interview with a reporter tonight
a prominent police official staUd
that he had reliable information that
dynamite was stored in at leait one
place within the city iltnils and that
n large supply of guns had lately been
received by the Pittsburg anarchists
which it Is thought haa been ship
ped from Chicago Hie parties ha log
theso arms are said to bo foreigners and
not worklugmen cot cf employment
but anarchists
HonJtHeph Frloit a piomlnentBo
clallstio a reporter admitted that the
anarcblar wire armed la this eity
that they had regular nights for drill
ing He ald thero were ten groups of
about 4O00 hcmuen In
Tho Safo in the Missouri Pacific Tickot
Offico Robbed
QnakerTemptiance Lwlurers A Money
Making Institution
Dcnison TSX > Feb 8 Tho Bafe
In tho Missouri Pacific ticket office nt
this place was robbed early this morn
ing of 400 An entrance was t fleeted
through a window aud It is suppD td
the combination of tho safe was left
on making It rasy to open Theto
is no clew to tho thieves
Dr Marshnll of Chicago who pur
chased a cattlo ranch in this county
some two year ngo hss purchased a
block of uround In this city ami will
build n lino residence stables etc
thereon soon
A Jacobs a merchant has let tho
contract for building a two tory brick
buslneshousoonMaln stroct 60x120
feet in dimensions Mr Jako London
s the contractor
Borne admirers of Mist Ida Uutton
feeling that tho prlzo for being the best
skater should have been awarded to
her hit tend of to Miss OtU Torroll
purchased and present id to her lout
night nt tho rluk a beautiful pair of
skaUs In n mnrooco caso
The Houston Texas Ceutral pay
car is slow In g ttlug around and tho
employes aro somewhat impatient
They aro promised rclltf aoou how
A movement Is on foot toward the
building of n mnrkethottso and the
establishment of u public market In
this city Bttch an Institution would
bo a great accommodation to our citi
Tho Rev David Talum aud his
wlfo Quakers addressed n full Iioubo
at the M E church Thursday night
on the subject of temperance it la
tho opinion of those who havu beon
long lu the temperance work that
their leolures wero the best that have
been delivered iu this city Tiioy
were earnest lmprusloncd convincing
aud logical Mr Tatum said thero
was uo denying the fact that there
was a tremendous Interest felt in tho
temperance cause In Texas and that
tho cftiiso of prohibition was rapidly
galnlug ground that It could not be
kept out of politics for It was already
thero aud thero to stay Theuudlciices
ho had mid reused in Texas would com
pare favorably in Intelligence morals
and respt ctablllty with those he had
met In any of tlio older statos
Mrs Tatum addressed hcraolf
principally to tho w onion aud tinted
them io a closer comccratlon of their
energies to tho work
It would seem that thero would ho
au excellent field for all tho consecra
tion uvuIIhIiIo right hero In Deultiou
for your correaH > mlent wub told by one
who profesHes to know and who hiijh
It can bo substantiated bylndtt > putablo
proof that thero Is ono inatllutloii In
this city where liquor Is Hold nnd
faming Is carried on which pays out
n salaries alone 20000 per annum
and 1000 per annum for rent and Is
louring ovir 1000 per month now an
dull us aro the times
The proixsltlou toilcenee gaming by
the ftaio dors not meet with mtio >
favor among our cltleus
Tha Fourth ward schoolhouso Is be
fore tho city council iignlii with a fair
prospect of u pedy and amicable
settlement with tho contractus
Tho result will uenerally bo that he
city will havo pilid ou n considerable
umotiut for house rout whllo It had a
bulldltiK Htaudlug Idle and Just bo
canto somebody blundered
Tho old Limar houso on Bears street
has been leased by A W Spencer re
pilred refitted and refurnished In
fact completely transmogrified until
It is now one of tho pieasantest aud
neaUst summer buaidlugdiousea lu
the city
A knlfo and lilo wero found lu the
city prison by tho Jailer yoHerday
Mr Flaggleyseeiotury of tho Hoi
ley Manufacturing company who ar
rived here yesterday from the East
has In company with Messrs Dmko
Ortou gone to Gainesville to I tie pilot1
the waterworks at that place Theyi
will return heroin a day or two nud
decide aa to the course to be pursued
relative to the works In this city
Col Henrv Youreo aud Capt W L
Bcott iro contemplating a trip to
B ath America with a view of engag
ing In tho hualnets of building um
operating xtrvet 0 r lines
t < ir
AnnrcliNta arrested
PAKIB Feb 8 Tho pollco to day
arrested twentyseven anarohlaUi hold
ing ticret meetings
Wasuinhton Feb8 West Oalt
Local rains followed byoolderclesrlng
weather winds shlftldg to tho north
higher barometer
liasicess Uouus Uurctd
BTArFonu ConV Feb 8 The
most disastrous Ire ever known lure
broke out this morning In tho base
ment nf J J Gulllnno More In the
IVickwill block This blook togelher
with several others and tho water
tank of the New London Northern
railroad wero entirely destroyed The
liro was extlnguUhed at 030 u m
The loss is W 000
A FatalJoke
London Feb 8 A soldier pu guard
at the arsenal last night saw a mun
advancing and commanded him to
bait and glvo tho countersign The
stranger neither halted nor replied
and attempted to walk past the
guard of the line and tbn
beutluel thereupon plunged his
bayonet into the uianri body killing
lilm almost Instantly Tho occurrence
in the city of Loudon was exaggerated
Into tho sensational report thin
u dynamiter hud rande an at
tack on the arseual Investi
gation shOHS that tho man
attempting to run the guard watasol
dicraudcomrade ofthetentlnel whom
Allegheny he ha I tried to unuoy by a silly practi
cal Jike
Absolutely Pure
SVfP fl neT r W A > Par
ity alt ouclhmul VTlinlf oii nrii Mora too
ooroleM llian Urn ordinary kind and cannot
bo tout tn compotlon rtth the molutmlo ol
powdora oW only tn rwju lovAi lUxrno
howtiwH Co lw wnii siW New York
Orrtco anil Rnlmniom
Vjr w mt Hirana
Warol oum > and Mill
Importer Jobbtn ami Ronslm of Coffer
OrtPileriorHptoM Mantirncturtn
or Mat
tan llakluit lowuer and Oroceia llnndrlM
WWrltn for Hnnipl a mid Irlcoa
A Great Medical Work on Manhood
KxlikiistiHl Vitality Nvrtona and Iliynloal
lability cremutiim IXwllna In Man Krrora
T ouli mid Uioontnld mUorlt rMultlne
from Indlteretlun or xr Mioii A boob for
A eryuiunrauiiicmlildliina < Hl and old ll
conUtim i pre rrtplon > for acuta and
oilmuIo dlKpano imicIi or ulilch li InvalUHtilD
Hci tonuit by llionuiliori lio o jinrpnooror
J3yearn 1 micli iu probnbly linger bnluro f ll
to tlio lot iif nny puyMclau K > pniin bound
In brnuiirul Kroneninunltneiiibo i < Hlr < iveii >
In Kilt siiaranteoil Ui b n rtnrr work In
nvcry ruin mccliuiilrHl lllcrnry nud pro
roBliiimliliuimnyolhpr work wild In llila
country fnrti to or tba monvy wilt b r
rututed In every liiataiiro 1ilca only I by
mall poapntd Illinlmllve > Binpl i cvnu
Hemt now lolil miOnl iiwunlrd lh uutlior
by the National M dlral vmorlaUonto tba
oillccmcf wlilcli liHerora
TlieHcloiiroof Itronliould bo rtnd liy tha
yimiiK for liutruoiton nml by tho kntlcuid
for roller It whl licneniulliA iton Lnwri
Tlirrn I no iiiouibor ot noctely to whom tha
Sclcncoof Liro will not lis tiMiful wliellior
yimtli tuiroiiiaiinTdlini Inatruclor or dor
vyman Ariuwntl
Adilrrim lio lV liulj Mrdltvil InitltQtAorUr
W K l > nrkiT No I llninuob Mireot Ronton
Miu who m y bo nonamttw on alt OImhum
rrninrlnir kill anil exiwrtoiipo Onontonnd
obntllistnilW lnc tbiillinva UCAI battled
tha nklll ut nil oilier plmintML itmiaa
p l lty Hucli trrnt < l TUVCCI tTano
contully wltlioutKii lut n I Ouurun
An Independent Newspaper ot
Democratic Principles but not Con
trolled by any Set of Politicians or
Manipulators Devoted io Collect
ingnnd Publishing nil tliu News of
tho Day in the most Interesting
Shape and with tho groatott pottt
bloPromptness Accuracy and Im
partiality nnd to tho Promotion of
Democratic Idoas and Policy in th
affairs of Government Society and
Italu In Virlf IMljKiM
DAY per Year 0 00
DAILY per Month B0
SUNDAY per Year t 00
DAILY and SUNDAY per Year 7 00
WEEKLY per Year 100
lililrrt TIIKtmttKn TmU Clly
Now Yoik Herald
BrlKhtMl mi l Newy arid AecurAta ekjy
And nninoroin otlar fiaturo liu boen add
ed Alio a ooiuidrta Dtbkuatira airauiarr
or thDimwain ui UcpartrnentH It It read
by upward of litU a i lllloti pnopia and Ui >
good advortltlnie inedluui rontUInKraoiorleo
farina and bomei of ull dttcrlpllona to every
port of tlm countryv
ltcontnlia nt tlieL noial nowe orinerlatly
cdlllon of tlio Herald winch litatba Uritwt
circulation In tha Unlledriiatt
liHleprndvutln pollllo tll iha tnrxt vat
uablo chroulclii ol political utvta In tlio
world Impartially giving Ilia occurrenoca
ludoplnlonaof aft purllca mi tllat all iddca
mnybu known In Hi departiueijtsr
The Herat J haa ulwaya Ixieu dliUnfuUlibd
by the tullrjua of IU cabin dl < patch The
new IrariintUnllo UlrgrapU c blt will In
cfajw faoilltlf a
Tim Kami rpurlment of the Weekly Her
ald la practical llnoca to tb point and do a
not Klve wild llieorlca Iliofarmer will rave
iniuy niom tban >
From tile duttcitlou of Ibo 1iriii Oerart
merit aloua loucornliiir toll cji tie nupa
ti r bulldlnga Kniden ng poultry andagrl
cultural toonomy Die llnin InttrurU
thuliou > ewlfKud ihooblldien lu rrfard Io
aeonointiMl onrt buitefut new ill liw Ilia fa b
lona aud tte maklui of liuo r coroforta la
udditlon aro clvou lalett rtporu of tt d
Tbecondition of nmiejiolulniu of rulicel
laticou rtadlnir ro ry > pclal noTtlattce
hU an i liumur both ocul und political
tportlni ue popularcl nrr ib u lnc ol
well known peri u ol tlO world a ileiiarl
innutdrYoltdiolhaOrarotlleandl rlaaiace
Whllo Iho Wrekiy Herald tlveit lh lautl
kiiiI btii wor ibo world It a Jour
nal for the fami y
Hutao Ibeoar dniar at any lime for n fall
y ar IoUu frcotoany pun of ihe luitod
umtMuri nriftdu
Hid N tr Vor li rudlu l Weekly form
I il
< l