of an
A i uni
1 a Necessity
hiTb fore the Benito and
Js B111
Befcre th >
ling Ue Indian appropti
amendments was ro
i with
ll nlsccd on tbo
iWttIdtlintleha1 observed
Krterathe statunent tbat
n lisof tbe Beuato were en
s TiraseiBloniind naked for
K i toTb condition of the
MM that ho
of experience In
commltteea In both
the work ou
Uilon bills In the House
t7up than usual for a short
Lrin of Alabama referred to
bill introduced
cd borbor
and n discussion
i tuterday
Kb constitutional power or
Iijto orlgluate
cenernl tenor of the re
Ei la opposition to preclpita
lunation raised by Morgan
u iw
tbat the appropriation bile
id to pet thniugn and denied
Kepubllcan souators
there to boun
felon the responsibility for it
Tifpend upon the party
ieiil of the uext administration
Haar from the cointulttco on
Jtu and election u
Ijim allowing Geo E Spener
ilimator from
Ifthe actual and ueeeasary ex
ilnmtiQtaliinghlaBo t
Kitpbjeu l < m of Mr Cooltrell tho
ItM went over a day
Roar from tha conference commit
h electoral couut bill reported
Jb house and senate conferees
aibe to agree The dlsigree
Bllr U > ar said had taken place
Ijjitweek orthoses n
JTex a Iacillo laud forfeiture
the perilling special order was
1 before the senate
Bijlr moved that tho senate
i to tho consideration of the
JVinWyk called for the yeas
Us on Air Blairs motion I
ferrcd t 30 to 10 Tho labor bill
bjrefore taken up and Its consid
er procetdcil with Tho lubor
i t house kill and la entitled
let to Prohibit the Impurtatlun
MItnUon of Foreiguera ami
ii win Contract or Agreement
etloim Labor in tho Uultod
KlisTvnitoriej and the District
siMeisbe debato arose on till
ificrnhlch the senate without
b adjournal
ehouemet at 10 oclock In con
lllonof Thundays xeeslon
iraotloQ of Mr Pays m of Illinois
Dentto amendment was concurred
MhehouH bill to prevent tho un
Lloccupaiion of public lands
r Willis of Kentucky moved that
fatbehoue went Into coiumlttee
livanienn tbe river and harbor
lldibdes ou the pcurilm section
< xl In an hour and a half
R < d if Maine ralscl tho point
I this motion was not In order Af
JomtdUcuvHliin Mr Willis movitl
1 tbespi e l on tho table Agreed
121 nays lOij aud then
fin it us two iniuutis past 12
kk tbo house udj urnedaud wan
Jeduteiy called to order again aa
> J Hessian
ptoewoilit of Mr VvMlliJ It was
Bred thai at 10 oclock tonight tho
f thoDld take n recess Until 10
tit oiimrrinv The houso then
jjtlnlorornmlttfoof tho whole on
utifllie apprnpriatlon bill the
Jingquestlcm liolng on tbe point
derral8iil by Mr Holman or In
tuzslnst the paragraph ullowlug
U > islcnniiensitiu to American
Ttshlps for carrying tbe ocean
JbatpwW overruled Mr II > mans
ft of order against tho subsidy
BMntlio poauiUuo appropriation
r Holman appealed from the de
voorthnchMr but Uih committee
p whole b u vote of 180 to Vt bus
Holruau men moved to strike
line piiagraph aud to fn ert an
lament appropriate 125 WW for
E pnriailon of foreign mails in
TM > lway transit aorus the ltli
f < Panama nud rteuuetlug f > r
from seciliiusSQTB
Jy n xr
F3of the Rsvisen SiatutP
Ilt7 trvtlMu said Mr Hilman
B d in the bill proposed todlrect
to vetiels wtioiher car
or mt If tbe government
C >
iM Into a tic
with the
fcuiiBbtp c that
mpanv power
wipor tin wliioii had been press
i vAneiisure wlilimuch industry
f ecnlvH 1143000 whpre It now
LleJ1000i d it would ncelvo
f wiieiher It carried mulls
I ho or
wasa nUedeubildy
hfJ ot 1vaa linulrfd what
ptoen ua t puc tbe wjdl of the
rnruent Into tho pockets of tbe
5 iwpli iu lulld
order to up
8 of Jbn Roach fir Iu
at iMnT ill John
Rach was the nlBgcr
I ° wxlpllf Why shiud the
JMnrnentKo down on its kne Ui
Ran aud him 0
aeriM casing tbe malls
n l ° forel
Biiol tlo ns when n
onis were catrviuK them for 150
hi b < Hart for a Demo
wlu i llul6tratlnn Junt once inre
inDr 1 ice aud atrde
d Amertcau pe < iple Bnd iu a
ouli ifc r ° a uew prealrtenteUci
orauiaAe oath Hike
utiZl f Sttatrernrru tothe couutry
D r ° lIew should go down on IU
llV5 Jlln oatll aa a preludo to
i bv mk dbau ensued participated
oev y 8 l > or New Jersey
twlti MWPid Warner ot Ohio
ii unr N w York and others
l Uo
uine of Pennsylvania ex
surprie that the Demi
syanS iy abomd star out lu tbis
uoJi7nnnki1 u < te the Democratlo
tot Ci ° mlroI of tin irovern
y gtantlug eubaldlea No man
could characleilj this provision by
any othor name Who was
to ho benefllcd by It Largely
tho Pacific Mall steamship company
Ho found among the directors of that
ompany Jay Oould Riuell 8 no
Sydney Dillon and C P nuntlngdnn
and It was the Ititlaence that back of
this to get the subBltly out of thU gov
ernment Tbe Democratlo party
nouia bo held responsible beforo tho
country for the net The gentleman
from Texas Mr Reagan hadfouRht
to prevent railroad discrimina
tion and yot thee rnon having
control of the Pjcltlo Mall Steam
ship company were directors aho
lu the Pacific Rallroul cnmptny
and paid these companies 95100 a
month to keep their rates up so they
would not enter Into competition with
the Pacltio Mall These were the gen
tlemen who were to bo benefited hy
this legislation and yot it was said
that It wai not n subsidy
Mr Holman modified his motion so
as to movo merely to strlko out the
provision wlthnuttho Insertion of tho
oUiuao raPDaolug tho litctions of tho
Revised Satutes
The motion was objected to 103 to
07 am Id applauso on the Democratic
Mr Hoar gave notice that he would
demand the yea and nay vote
In the houso on motion of
Mr ISiacham of Pennsylvania
an amendment was adopted pro
viding that the rate on dropletters
including tho delivery at tho letter
carriers offices rib all be two cents per
Tho committee then rose and re
ported tho bill to tho bouse and tho
previous question hnvlng been ordered
on tbe hill the houso took a recess un
til 8 oclock the evonlng se eiou to be
for tbe consideration of pension bills
At tho evening session the houso
passed n number of prlvato bills and
took a recess until to morrow
Report of tho Bouth American Com
mission Sent to the House
Tlio Indian Appropriation Bill Butchered
by the Scnaio Ocmraittee
WA8UtNaTON Fob 23 The presi
dent has transmitted to tho house tho
report of the South American com
mlsdon forwarded fiom Havana con
taining suggestions as to tho removal
of obstacles to commerce f mud In tho
uniiocesary detention of veseels at
quarantine It concludes
If our rnmmirclal relations with
Central and South American satcs
arx ex euded it Is obvious that the
pnrt which naturally seeks au outlet
down our greato t river must be freed
In aiine wav from tbo too stringent
regulations which wo tiro luformed
in tbe past have worked such disas
trous results
WasiiinutoN Feb 13 The Indian
approbation b 11 as reported
t > the senate Increases tho
home bill f 162000 Tbo cotnmltt o
but struck out ull provisions for the
payment of private ililnis prowlnsr nut
of I ndiau depredations but has substi
tuted a general provision re
quiring tbe secretary of the In
ferior to report at the next
BJMlonall olamiB of thU nuture to
wether ulthsuch Information ngard
lug them as may have been gathered
by t eagentaof tho department T ie
Uaiuresof ihe hou e bill problblllMz
under heavy penalties tho sale of tire
arms to the Indiaus that ainemliug
I he statutis relating to iheBnlllngof
gplriiuous Ibjuori to Indians
tliatautborlrlng the presidont to open
neirnilatloiis with the trteki Semi
Doles aud Uhorokees fir tho purpose of
opening to aettlemont the Okluioma
couutry aud that hlcb subjects Indi
ans clnrged with the cominlaIon < f
crimes against person or proporty to
the laws of tho territory where ttie act
Is alleired to have been committed are
stricken out
Washing row Feb 13 Tho actiug
postmistergeneral hai sent to om
gresi a letter to himself from the at
torneygeneral setting forth tbe desira
bility of securing the postal r conlt of
the Confederacy for use In settlement
of lainn proseuted by parties hicar
ried mdm lu tho Sou h In nntowar
times aud whose accounts had not
bieu adjusted at the outbreak of hos
tility s
WABHUscnoN Fb 13 The Fecre
tary or tbe Interior has authorized the
cimmlaalonerofthe general land of
tlo to rec > iinlre Ilu1 clnlm of Louisiana
tj indemnity for the swamp lands sold
ofoiherwlsetU i HHl f bv theUutid
Binte < between tindate of tbo swamp
nnt September 6 1658 and the act of
Manh 1ES7 8r iitiiij ludtmnity Uuited for
th land disposed of by the
Bdunbt Tkx Feb 13Tbo sleet
which commencexl falllug here day
beforo yesterday at noon has turned to
a regul r blustering bbow storm and a
ti ayy fall f snow is threatened
Ctttle and Bheep are said to bo sutler
Ing terribly In c insiquence
Asp cial train will arrive hero Sun
day with a delegation of ouaUirs
A tu querado sKatlng e rulvalcame
oil at the operahoiie touight
The rresldeniEiect Kfstlag
AlBA V N Y Ftb 13 Presl
dent elect Cleveland was o mpara
tlvtly free from vHltore tcday aa It
was his d slre to bo so A delegation
from Mlcbiuan headd by 8 8 Kll
bourn of Lauxlng called on him
urged O Uudo M Barnea
trv nf tin Interior Mr
Ladies approve
liittle Joker
Tha Smate Substitutes Peacocks Land
Bill for That of Houston of
Wheeler County
Ths BUI to Make Gambling a Felony Dh
cuued br ths Howe Taj lots
fiallroad Bill Panted
Austin Tkx Feb 13In the sen
ate today judiciary committee No 1
reported unfavorably tho bill abolish
ing tbe Insurance commissioners
The followiug Mils were allowed
To provide for working convicts In the
rock quarries
For tho relief of railroads by extend
ing the time of thofoifeltutoof their
charters uutll 1837 for the uoncomple
tlon of tho number of mlloi of road as
required by law
thelann bills were takennpand the
bill of Mr Peacock of Morris couuiy
was substituted for tnatof Mr Hous
ton of Wheeler county Tho bill was
thsnmade tho special order for Mon
day Tho bill abolishing the office of fish
commissioner was passed yeas 19
nnjs C
The bill was passed fixing the venire
of suits In cases where writs of at
tachment have been wrongfully hworn
Tin liousr
In tho house to day the chief ques
tion of Interest was tho bill of Mr
Tankertley of Harrli county niaklug
gambling a felony The discussion
was animated
Au umendmentwnH offered by Mr
Thompvon of Hi xar county providing
a echcdtile of lines ranging from lKR
to 00 according to the size of the
cltv but It was defeated
Tho opponents of tbo bill took
alarm and made some attt mpts to ad
jiUm which wero umucceeeful IJy
geltlm of the commltteeit
up reports
however the 1sue was postKined nud
tbe bill goes over In the regular order
The railroad bill of Mr Taylor of
Red River county was passed
ltprovldeBthatintho caso of a io
fu al by the railroads or their agents
to take and transport any paseuger or
property or the willful negligent de
tention of the latter beyond tbe time
reasonably nectsrary for Its transport
ation tho plainuil shall recover all
damages aud costs of suit and spe lal
damuges to tho amount of 10 > ereeut
per month
Tho bill creating tho new county of
Val Verde was passed It Is taken
from the counties of Crock tt Kinney
aud Pecos and Is attached to tho fol
lowing districts Thirtyeighth In
iIIlIhI Twenty first seuatorial aud
Kiebtyflrst repuseutattve
Too bill detlnlui tho dudes and
regulatiug the appointment of notaries
public wai passed with nmeuduieiitH
for eecre
promised tbat be would remmber tho
lame The pre ldeuelect havlug had
hla stetnlou calld tothe Washing
ton dlspacbes said
Oho t see I by are making my
cabinet for me dovn Washington
of your amoklng
striking out Ihu clause exempting tbem
from Jury dutv aud adding Hie r < quire
tnent that their names shall bo Inserted
In the seals
A number of petitions wore presented
for the retention of the ranger force
and the submission of a prohibition
umeudmeni to the poiplo
Linn of Calhouu county Introduced
a bill which It is undersiood Is
based ou figures obtained from
the comptrollers department It
places tho revenue tax rato at twenty
11 vo tents aud thu > ciuki1 ux al ten
cents This Ih based on the asump
liou that a reformatory will be estab
lished The occupation Uxea are
chang d but llttlo On I it w era It Is
lucreuRed to 10 and on land agents It
Is reduced toflO A drummers lloen o
is increased from 35 to 60 Tho liquor
tax Is loft as at present
A number of other Mils were Intro
duced tbe most important or which
To provide that sheriffs shall file an
affidavit with tho county clerK that
their deputies are of good moral char
acter and not ipiolnted for the pur
pose of permitting I hem to carry arms
To give lessees u Hen upon the prop
erty of their tenants
To remuve adverso occupants and
claimants Irom land belongiug to the
To punish tha deferring of brands by
a Hue of from f 100 tof500
To authorliitt nod compel the owners
of buildings or work done by con
tractors to withhold pay for thubfii
elltof laborers eutagMl thereon If tbo
contractors fall to settle with them
A Slto for the Tederal Building
ot Senator Ruger to vole Tho Uo
publUaus were surprltcd at this action
aud claimed that ou Mr Kugers
promise to voio with them they dt
ulded to bilng un the motion for a bai
lor At noon tho senate decided to
Join tho houso In n jolut session and
shortly afierwatils tUiyclght senator
Joined thelU representatives Repre
sentative Irtrkcr nominated Gen Lo
gan nnd Mr JL negar spoke for Co
Morrison He euloglied them both as
nldlers but ludorscd Morrisons tarltl
When it came to tho votowjth ono
absentee on eaoh side both parties ret
fused to vote nud an adjournment was
taken till noon tomorrow
WacoTiuc Feb 13 Tho commis
sion of seven to locate the fediral
building in this city made un award
today purchasing a piece of Mound
at the comer of Fourth aud Fraukllu
streets comprising tho residence prop
erty of Or D R Wallace aorl Mis
M G 1lsteln The price paldlsSlOOOO
the sellers lo remove tbe buildings
from the ptemlies Ab a numbor of
parlies had site to sell there Is somo
kicking but tho general puiillo com
mends tbe selectlou which is con
venient to the business pait of the
It Is stated tonlaht that dtectlves
havo wnrhed up a case of arson In this
Ity where a party burned property
to collect Insurance aud that arrests
will be made to night The party im
pllctled Bteniiit high
The big ixcorrlou for New Orleans
leavrslu the morulntr comprising a
number of wealthy clizens and their
families They have charioted special
sleepers aud dining ram
X Break f f Liberty
VAKBonooair Tex FeK 13 A
convict escapd from Col Jack Bakers
camo near Planter ville about 0 oclock
this morning He was overhauled to
ulebt by Mr Anderson tho seciron
fireman near the sectloahouie south
of here He was taken back lo camp
The Fight Orer lli IlllnoUi Senator
SPKiwanELDJli < i Peb 13 Intbe
senate this morning Whitney placed
Gen Logan in nomination for sen
TwentyEight Victims Believed to
Ilavo Been Boasted Alivo in
tho AlmsHouso Fire
Maniacs Running Loose on the Streets
of Philadelphia to the Tenor
of Icdettrianci
PiiiutnELViirA Pa Feb 13 Tho
fire of last night at the almshouse en
tirely destroyed that portion of the in
stitution set apart for tho Intane Uf
QHJ lunatics confined there many are
missing but It is thought that mott of
them wandered away At 3 oclock
this morning
were found lu ward No 2 They had
been roasted beyond nil recognition
Several human forms can bo seen iu
the burning wreck in tbo cellar It Is
now ihouglit tbat twentyeight of tho
inmates pellshed tllHt the violent pa
tients wero locked In tho cells on the
third lloor aud could not
be reached Klght of them havo been
taken out dead and tho others havo
not been accounted lor Tnero seems
no doubt but that they are lost and
their remalua are among tho ruins
During the night many lnsano per
rons wire found wandering in dltler
eut parts of the city somo of them
naked The
nearly poor crenturen
generally seemed uiubu to
and in someuutea brgged ihtlr capors
pI > eousW not to thiow tin m Into the
river Others seemed to lake it as a
Kraud j ike and laughed gleefully
when tno subject of the lire was men
tioned Hiiotlier munlao cauio llyltig
down Siutli strict tarty this morning
wlthn mnutnlo attachid to his wrltd
and a few links of chain dangling from
it Ho shrieked uud laughed as he
Htruik right aud left amomi thu fright
ened pcuplo It was rouinl necessary
1X1 ubr vioiknci
and kurck him down before ho could
beBecurtd Another inadmau ctused
u panic In a street car by rushlm lu
half clad aud with hU face scorched
and blackened He sauk coweilug lu
tho comer It was roon found that ho
whs more frightened than thoso who
rau away I tic report that tho streets
nro fu 1 nf eio p d maultcs caused
alarm In West 1 lUlelphia utid
wiui uiuuli interest Tnu llriiniu are
still working in thu ruins Tiiey uru
wiary nnd half frexsti each uiaua
armor bu seaivh forthe bodies Is con
lluuid steadily There apuears to
have been a great deal of unnecessary
tniublo caused by rotten hoso aud
eearctty uf water supply the latter
falling a duen brawny firemen
cbupjiid a hole In tho Ice ou
the Suhu > lklll river hut when
tho bore was Introduced the mini ami
grinding bits of Ice split tho leather
aud thu attempt was a filluio The
confusion about tbo ruins the craftl
mss of tho itisauo people In Becrellug
themeelve the promiscuous manner
In winch they are being cared for and
Ihu inter wearluess of all thoso who
luVehad them in charge prevent au
accurate eMlmaio being made of the
loss of life aud proper y
One of he attendants lu the burned
asylum deicriblug tbe horrible scene
K While the unforluuato occu
pants of the cells were being smothered
to death by tbo smoke and blistered
nnd burned by tho flanus their ctles
were heartrending Somo of thim
cursed others luughtd hideously aud
others yelled with pain with such aw
fill cilea as would llavo appalled tho
hardtat heart Tbo flremuu myself
and a puleut named Rulfcrty crawled
on our Hands aud knees lo suci of thu
men as we could reach and dragged
out fourteen Klght of them were
alive four were HUircattd to death
and two were so horribly burned that
they died before wo could get them
out of the building We could not see
any nf the men iu the cells of couiec
but we could
above the roaring of tnu flammi as
they came to reahzs the horrible fa e
that was u store for them When tho
firemen arrived the lire was
enveloping about onetblrd ot the
ru ln buildlmc aud was burnlmc
fiercely Ladders were quickly
run up to thu third 11 or to
the windows of tbo cells In which
the maniacs were favned Wltn an
ax he firemen attacked tbe grating
of tho oelli and succeeded In taking
nut seven men Knur of them wore
ulocated twlmth and
The lat loan tliua rrrcued was the
notorious Tim Burke who has been In
tbe Institution orer thirty years He
was brougtit from the Ea lon peniten
tiary where lie was undergoing life
sDleuce for murder Hu has hi l > d
nlnee he has been In the Iiiuue y
luiuaoookand two attendants Tno
fireman who rescind lilm states tnat
he died while belug taken to tbe
ground All of the Inmates were In
Obllunrj nt llonbam
f peel at
Bomiiam Tj Fib 18 MrsWm
Gates dbd last night In South Bon
ham after a protiacted Illness Mrs
Gates was a Christian lady and had
many irlends In tbecliy
Ms Claude Ilaocck who was
visiting friend In the chy left for bnr
home lu Paris ihls evening Horde
ator The motion to proceed to bal1 parture w a regretted by more than
lot was defeated owing to tbe refusal one youug man
Encouraging Prospects of Obtnlntng
tho Perioral Court
Tho Gamblers Trembling In Their Booti
Municipal Bleotioa ToreoiiU
Dkniboj Tkx Feb 13 Ono of tho
coldest spells of woathcr of tho entire
whiter has prevailed hero for tlm past
three days and tho streets are nearly
deserted by pedestrians
Our people are very much exercised
over thu establishment ot tho federal
court Dr Heuson who waadlspntcbed
to Washington writes au encouraging
letter and is confident that his mis
sion will be orowned with entire suc
cess Tho federal court It considered as
bltr a boom a a now railroad and
will give a impetus to all bniuohes of
trado Our people are so omlldeut
that several lots are being eccurred on
West Main etrrct as a site for tho fed
eral court building
Tho gambling fraternity Is iu a state
of trepidation over tho proposed bill i
making gambling a peulteutlary of
fense It Is stated that ono nf the par
ties Interested in tho Whl o KIcphaul
Is at present at tho capital wittchlng
tho courso of events Wo understand
that the gambling of the entire city Ib
under one roof the White Flophnnt
The Oaeottcer has entirely sub
sided on tho gaming question Mur
ry made a gallant fight but to
uopurposr He scored a victory how
over Inmaklug the gumblor go from
thuitround floor to the second story
which he claims Is all that was do
It Is rumored that Mr Murry will
convert his weekly Into a dully Ho
nubtlshcd the dally News for a num
ber of years which was always regard
ed as tho best dally that Dturlaou over
bud At present Mr Crooks of tho
HernldNowa is master of the
newspaper situation He controls the
HeraldNews and also owns ouehalf
Interest In thu Kveulug Journalwhich
Is represented by his son a youuginan
who ban not as jet attained his major
ity R Polk IlurhatiH one or tho
most brilliant and entertaining writers
on the Ttxas press has retired from
thu Journal and that paper will for
the iirsout so w learn adopt tho
novel plan of having no edltm
Our municipal election takrs place
in April and n largo cnrH of candi
dates issprluglng up There will be
no less than eight caudtdaUs for oily
marshal Four hive already an
nounced The old whiclhorsp ex
Marvhal Hanlwlok who was elected
for Ihrcu successive terms nud was do
feated by the prisent incumbent is a
prominent candidate Wyatt Cut
ler excoustable Is also In the
race and from all present
appearances will be our n < xt marshal
Cutler mado a spcnillil reoord as enu
stable Manlmi Mall Is a candidate
for reelection Hu haa given Rood sat
isfaction nud it Is thought that the
raoo ilea between hi in aud Cnthr
Viewed from all quarters tlm light for
tbe marshaUhlp will be a deeply Inter
esting one
A number of our people are pre
paring to attend tho worlds ex
position at New Orleans Mr
helmet and coat nnpeariug as hard as and Mrs Bennett who loft Thursday
night will b followed by nthersnf our
prominent people Mr B O Murry
Mtid lady have gotio to Galveston to at
tend tho pros noiivhiii Ion and from
there will go to Now Orleatia
Your correspondent Is in communi
cation with a leiithmau In St Lnuli
who will visit hero In llo spring for
the purpose of operating a ootluiiseed
oil factory
Denlsou haa ono of tho lareest
skatluKrluks in tho state and is
larKely patronized by our people The
band is prisent at tho rink Saturday
if > CUFFS
fihcot qoodo
even maoc
him All 11am aoiH I
Unlngt d t lilor J
Aakfur Uum
lercaiile Trust Co
Capital 2000000
Undertake tbe care rt KfiTATKH la llii
Legal depository for TilUoT rUMWU
ana allows
I OIJIH yiTZOKMAI1 lrealdfnt
JOHN T mmiv VloeIrealdent
1IKIIY B itVIKVlrefealdenU
II A Iturlbut
II O Marqnand
A L ben n la
llutiell age
II MAlexander
Hldnry Dillon
vor fnOretn
Jniin w Hunter
Henry Day
J a a Ilalir
TlioiT Kkirl
Iyrua W Y eld
fted l Amen
til ay Ion Ivea
Win Mlv na
3 Hampden Kobb
Tlioram MIUand
Wblielaw Held
J r WHvarro
Jtieb IrvluJr
J W Alexander
Win U Hiroug
M llhitly
Jl V lUndolpb
JolmJ UoCook
K li Monroe
to H Hlornin
Oeorse U lUvw E K Wlnalow
EEHHY a DEmTkO Secretary
UO Broadvari K York
Absolutely Pure
ThU powder never varlea Amnrrol or pui
Uy alrenilb and wliolMoruenoM Mom oco
Domical tliMi thn ordinary kind and eanoot
btaoldln comnoUon with the mnllltnds ol
low teat abort
fMtl only in ni
nlum or phosphat
Powdkb 00 HM Wall street Mew York
Ortlco and Patraroora
Uor JSandbtrnud
cupt Uotal lUkino
Wftr lon aud JllUi
Avenue It and 85
Importers Jobbers nnd Roitilrr tkof Coffee
Grinder of Hploen Manuraetnrar of Mn
Urd llnklna lowderand Urocera Bncdilei
caWrlte for Hamplea and Price
Offlce Recond Htreet between llouiton
and Til rock morion apnulle
Tradors Matloual Hank
Oommlaalon deaton Id
Real Estate
Live Stock
lloruont Miarxe room Ml well fur
nlat inland
ruled wltli
Ueiw and water
Kimwjoornor KukRudKlnt abreeta Trie
101 Kniall limma of S room lot MilM
Onllega II111 addition froaUuft Ienmyh
vaunt avenue Convenient to atreet can
101 HiUldlDS alto lftOiUtl on Montgomery
Itlll fro tlnvonHurainlinvenne Lowrrlc
and eaay terma
IIS Dwellluiroti roomaonllelknapatrool
lov MxlW alrval eare l > tie door lllcx
101 Klvadwelllnea all new altaated on
OrumpMrorlBiota A attod clianc for au
Invralment aa tbo properly renU readily
li IIuIIJIiie lot H1il reet on W il
tlrnndwuy about 171 reet wrat or Bouth Atnlu
ttre < tcoivenlnl lo alreet cara and lu lli
moat armUicrutlo quurer or the ellyt lin
nniveineuM eoualat uf fence and fine burn
107 llullUlnir lot lWxtno rronllnir Oalvcw
Uin aveuue Ilia llonedalo trot cara paaa
ihli properly la orlrrod al a uarvalu for
li JOO
IDS ne > ld > nceorHKHarrl > a10tiaunfe t
canior or Wc l liroxdwHf and CIoIvmIoii
avenue Tbo linprovemvnla ale na followR
nounvenlunl nd oomlortible oollaan or 9
room and kitchen waali liouu chicken
bouae wood and coal aheda good clilern
tn very cheap al tfi o
I0U A delrabla liomealend boaae of
rooma and kitchen all well Untitled alio h
mall tiulldlnB uned for au ortlco water ih
and ae e < conneo loua Ul WalOO feel or
namented Willi trim ud aodded with Iter
iiudatiiaaa lAjoatcd comer of lay lor and
rourtli atieoU Tlilad > lralile properly enu
jobouBlilfor ei JOor wllbout aiuall build
111 nood reaidenco I I arte rooma Lot
5a 100 feel ooiitr KlorencuandWoalberford
tireeui Trice II tV
113 llnlldlnelola 37 line city tots bonn
e > l by llelauap lilurr Peacb and Hampton
IrecU ooiivcnlonlloatreetcura Korcficnp
and convenient lioiueaibe lola are uuaur
p aed lrlt ea vary Irom SOU lo troo each
Hcoordinn toalraund location
HI K ay pAymenla 2i One building Iota
nouiliof T A I railroad tn Uroilea lUbdl
vltlon convenient la elieel cara Agood
< jmnc to irel h linine Terms nf paycienti
Irlce VUHiolOeaili8enudVinonlua Call
at our olUce nnd examine map of anbdi
IIS Twoetorydwelllnk 4 rooma bealUiy
nelabboiliHOdil location and In every n
pecldeal able lot HI00 leel renUfor 2s
per nvititb corner eiti aud urove aueou
Price IWjOciu li
119 Dwelling bouae 5 rooma northern
ooruerClicry alrrelln Kelldeaddition now
barn lot HOxWel Irlc 12WUciub
117 Hontbalile roaldenca 0 rooma ISxlO
racli alto a Oae dry cnilur a coin aprloE
n arllie Iio > m furniiliea an abundance ot
water st all reaioni atxly beullng peach
Ireea lot IWxWO feU Maka a fair offer for
120 IlullJIng allee allnate In Hellevlew ad
dition idilf xJW f el bounded by aircota
andul > a IrloenI Aleo lot imrtn feel
fronUna II ollea HrreU trlce > 10W
122 Col tag bon e good alyle 6 room
good aUbte > lid outbou eaaucb aacblcken
nouao rotlihed e < o city water lotiOOxUM
frelnn Hllrond avenue one block well c
Bouth wa u sir U trlco SUM
120 Kuildlnv ol 1Wl w Ifelnncorner lBtli
and rinrence alreeta 1rloe liouu
131 Collage bouar 4 rooma and ball on lot
10 xlOO feel wiruer Sd alreet and ltoyal ave
nue lrl S17U0
12S Hou of 3 room one 11x16 the other
13x10 on lot lOilUO feel corner lennlng
avenue and r ur amlti alreeu lnce iixxj
137 Klnetwoalorf bouae 7 rooma 3 wide
bulla new and weltnnlabed tbrougboulcliy
nalergood b rneUlotWxluO f < wtaliuaU
ou Houiti Mlu alreet comer Broadway
Very cheap at tM
m TenloUIn block No W Kettdaaddl
tloiiMrooka < Ualleya aulwllvUton Maioe
WticeleraWeet near alreet rail
road rrlee I1ZS eaoh
I Uon > e of two rooma Tlai lSxll and
10x16 liitwxl u feel fenced Prion tfw leruis
balf caab balanoeln oueyear
1 0 Ocod bouae two rooma 11x14 and
10x14 lot zliu leeC 1rlce 7u0 terma halt
caabbalance In Umontii
III II oum 8 rooma two rooma Mxieilwo
1 xll kitcben 0xHUn < ebalibaekaudfroni
porcllealotooxlu on UrovaatreeVbetween
lib andctb itreeta Irtce KOU
IS2 Twobon eaoo of tbem new eprner
Crump and 1 aibeU The larger bona
renuiortai permomh the other for to lot
la OOXIWfoel Irloe IIJW
1SX Htaa sonaoolh altooflstatrool
mar Conn ngiiama w II all lnelo ed nv
plank fence if aulidlyldtd would makeja
valuable dif Hon to Uus eil Irtce uu per
acre lertne tiuy
bona rooma and nail lot
IS llwe ling
WxitoVX eurur sill and OUtomn JreeU
rood eUrta ITIeeHiSM terms BaUcMh
1 Ti
l >
t t
M a