OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, February 18, 1885, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-02-18/ed-1/seq-3/

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i tun
ntOity Attract tho Great
PffitariM = or Assom
rt Sin the South
Eir > o itio
n Ureunds and
m wMt Capacity
I DoubloEola of Charles
tun tie
ftFranco and King of
and Arts
VHiiul Worship of Onion Made
rkoBen ryBoaltybyProt ns
8 Mowers
wd H
nrlUlBE Btory of Rebecca and
Ivanhoa Tro
all eaUd In Pantomime
I TJfat Brilliant Cortege KeoalU
or GliUd
dBi lifal J endB
HE 4
p Orleans Lv Feb 17
nllliDt baa conspired to make the
at the
1 a attendance present
jnl be largest evor known In
Orlfans There Is no dnnger
uthere was last year of tho en
j being Inundated In the tnldet
festivities and there has boen
irroptlon of travel from wash
b the various railroad Hues as
jvu tben Tho exposition
nr has helped materially to
the crowd Thero aro six or
itbousand persona in attendance
noctctcd with it in oue way or
fcrtlilicr na commiasloneri ex
iBiorworklnguien and thoro nre
eilsofvteltois in tho city who
not come down to New Orleaim
the rsrulval alone but who
tit Ibis season to 6ee tho expoM
nil knotting that they will iud
Orltansat It best nnd brightest
serowd now hero la Universally
iittdatfraai CO 000 to 90000 but
fflultto maho anything llito a
rtilimate of It tho people nre so
krrf New Orleans wblch used
iriry lad hotel city has made
iloptovenieuts in this lino since
tipotilon opened and Iris cstnb
rtidiziQ hotels several of thitn
due capable of accommodating
On more people But us usual
tmtbslk of tho visitors have to
aMmutaodntlons in boardiug
aofsftt rooms in prlvtte ftunl
Tta days ago there was room for
pwrJaon tlio regiatera f tho ox
a tareu for informaion and
ocdafion created especially for
ipn arriving hero Toilay thero
latoom available and hundreds
fflOM are camping out tempore
rltb cota in the halls parlors and
jrooms of the hotels
i England has contributed far
I tlin tlio ueiml share of visitors
jtir The thousands of Eastern
rcalnly RostonlauB and New
> ai wintering in Florida on ao
pofthelr health have taken ad
iH < tbo excursion rates from
xi U ray Nbw Orleans a visit
wr laruo Massachusetts excur
tucked here n day or two ago on
towerClty of St Louis and
awing met with tho kindest at
7ll tn cltzena of the
isri i irl > aloteached NewOrleiHB
tmywhero being given ro
i at Memphis Vioksburg
SROBgeand netrly allolhei river
aanere people have not forgotten
teterously Boston camo to their
m the bin overllow of 1874
wirneof Rkodo Inland and hlB
m arrived hero Tuesdaywlth
turn party of ladiea and gen
fiota Providence Another
rty of over 300
person reached
May troin 1orlland Mo while
mi excursions of llfty to stsv
epeople each are so numerous
qulto lmpoBslblo to even
M tbera
1WJ usual nas furnished its
J1 of visitors especially tho
b Chicago St Louis nud Clu
ineie aro a dozen steamboat
M M0 t0 30 ° ea0l > rom tUi
7 m 8 who havo come down
Vhe round trip their boate
u wiarf and thua fur
t ii i
ill Issenirera rooms and
ul g their stay hero But tho
reaso naa hev f
B °
fi Mtbraaka Dakota Kan
Jwa who comblno buslueas
we ba iT vuerally
Pr oi
a Preaent
> irs aro
lb 0 3Sh ve tu Liulh of them
WHunday or tnevery day
teiL ro > val and securing in
the vvorat accoruuibda
I ly i
p Miihi j very Southern state
vl TO a b Uut of New
fttt WSP aout > cet
Sa 5iifJ2i unfavorablo rates
KHi a m irtiiiRg n mielfupon
n no
uuuy are the familiar
hrteitneu Uwe Tbe Teicaa
Mtrit lon a lvtd eeviral days
wsM wreofCol Elliott the
Miaa t00er Waco sent a largo
an c4 chrfrUred neveral
ihtaLa ralacecaiB and thu
I A bv yrv coiuforlaWe for
r fc Worlu 1 ulta °
deBcrlpllona would do Justlco to that
great boulevard as it appiaml ywtcr
day and today Thero havo been
crowds tliore before but nothing like
thatofihlscarnlval Thostrangeniln
tho city arts treblo those of Bny pre
vious year not even excepting that
when tho Duke Alexis vllted New
Orleans and when tho crod wasfo
dohio in certain streeUi that Rcvrral
people were fatally injured and
crushed in it And to thtMj strangers
New Orleans ban but two trees B
Charles and Canal sua from thceo
they JtulBtupon seeing the processions
On Canal every building boro tho Bex
baunera and colors of gold green and
pnrpte and strings of pennants swung
across tho street from eldo to tide
As for thocrowdit filled the galleries
filled tho banquettes and eurged over
Into the Btreet and neutral ground
perched upon the statue of Honry
Clay or even stormed tho cars and
obtained slippery uncomfortable Beats
The carnival opened yestorday with
iho arrival of Hex Instead of coming
by river this year a he has been wont
to do hitherto ho arrived by tho Illi
nois Central or Jackson railroad An
immense ciowd blocked all theatreeU
In tho neighborhood of tho depot and
as the train steamed In bearing the
royal party greeted it with shouts
and huzzae that could not havo been
louder or moro earnest it it had been
tho president himself
It is a standing tradition that Bex
must not appear any two years or days
IntheBame character LaBt year on
the first day of the carnival ho was
Charlea II tho inerrlo monarch
and in tho second tho mighty Solo
mon Yesterday ho catno as Charles
VII of France mounted on a snow
white horse and In a complete suit of
golden armor over which waB worn n
cloud of blue velvet and ermine
A large escort of troops composed
of tho statu aud city militia and visit
ing companies tho Washington Artil
lery Iioulalaua Field Artillery Conti
nental Guards Crescent Bltles Louisi
ana II lies nnd tho cadets from tlio
Htntti military universities of Alabama
and Louisiana As rpeclal escort to
tho king wero two squadrons of lan
cers in now uniforms Tlio members
of the carnival court the lord high
chamberlain lord admiral and duke
of the realm composed of prominent
citizen who aro membera of the car
nival nidation followed Tho end
of tho proeesalon was made up of four
flnatB containing various comlo aud
burlesque characters Harlcqulu
Pollcbtntlle Clodocho and Flageolet
were amuim one of tho wild gtotctquo
danees of 1arls A comlo army was
composed of tho Swiss admiral Ku
Kllah HoreeMarines barelegged High
landers and Prussian generals actually
borno down by tho welidit of their
military decorations Comlo love
wound up tUB parade with
Venus ns an old womau with
a houeeful of children and Cupid as a
dude of tho perld
Tho pioctssiou startt d out Bt
Charles street stopping In front of tho
city hall whore Bex was met by tbo
mayor who turned over tho city to
him surrendering its golden keja lu
evidence of tula At the heid of Canal
street tas tho royal llnillla in watting
for his majesty and hl army with
tho lid Blcbaidtou as ilagshlp every
pillar and post decorated with bunting
and flags The carnival parly em
barked aboard tho Blohapison which
pushed out fiom her place at the
wharf amid the roar of Hie artillery
the ringing of htlU aud tlio bowingof
every steamlHiat whistle on tho river
fiotit Tho fl > tilla then formed in line
of battlo tho Blcbardcon Una with tho
royal party with some d zeu or so lit
tle tugs frisking gaily around her nnd
followed by fouitcen other steam
boatB oil bearing tbo royal
colore and gaily decorated and con
talnlng 12 000 to 15000 pasengors
As the fleet paastd the United State
menofwar Tenuessco nnd Galena
saluUd her with twentyone gunB and
all tho vessels In thu harbor dipped
their lings
Tho eutiro carnival lieot lauded at
tho exposition grounds and thero dis
embarked marching past the horti
to tho
cultural and machinery halls
intislo hall of tho main nulltllng
where n throne had been erected for
the king After a reception oy the
management or tbo cxpoaltipn the
royal party remained seated in state
lu the muslo hall receiving the thous
ands of persons who desired to pay
homage Tho entire court party theu
suddenly and mysteriously disappear
ed to refresh and recruit themselves
far tho parade aud festivities of tho
next day
If Canal street was bright and bril
liant in tho Burning it was simply
crand at night for tho outiro popula
tion of the city homo folks and stran
gers were congregated thert t see tho
of Proteus a
parade and proctsslou
carnival association composed mainly
Krii dTr lllon dTth ofweth7mrchauUmembrsofthe
fc iointrnwJVit7 notion exchange and cuamber of
iuwe t aud BpanUh Amer
S ota farm and Iowa da
a Friday aU Saturday an
party of merchants aud
i Sonl Iowa 2500 atroue r
M Illlnu Ceutral railroad
QR i > rm9 of Due coaches
nlnNi Hi la rF0 x urelon parties
SJielVi ffi6 1 1 H ludlug a delega
ECt J WiUTemplns and some of
i >
storeB were brilliantly Illuminated as
usual during the carnival thero boiug
a marked increase in the number of
electrlo lights and tho eiiiRboule
vard was Illuminated as brilliantly
Down tho aticet came an immense
Chinese lantern over twenty feet n
heluht borno upon the heads of four
whlte lephants mec alllous
of brilliant 1iu b ad rued lis Uaiud
told that th present parade of Proteus
would llliihtrato
Protous himself that god of change
and transformation h d metatnor
phosed himself for this day anil ap
peared aa Tienize tho Son of Heav
eul and Chinese Jupiter be trld ng
the fabulous Chinese Phoealx the
Tong Hoang tbo great yellow dras ° u
which stares at one from all Chinese
biuners ami pictures Theu lo w
tat >
following order cime lie other
leaux Illustrating Chinese mythology
and cosmogony
The Cnlueae Gensi fop creation
of the llrst wan Ponan Kiirl
from the lunwnw egg the shell of
wlilch Is the llimauieiit the whlto the
nlr the yolk the earMi ItseH
Tu IMwr of F KtenTbUtableau
of the fanua
wa7a literal production
2fXT Dalhu and a other p ce an pa a fJf wN ffiAd g tbe
XtS1 J u > desrbei years ag B ra each
u e glories U ueti
a ntn but uono of these tovrer eight
The Cbaae Trading Company being
one of our largest adversers our re
porter called on Mr Chae to ascortaln
what sueeeashad attended the extreme
low prlres of their great clearing sal
Reporter Mr Chaw how r yon
getting along with your ciat cUmilug
sale at tho very low prices you adver
Mr Chase Koi tV first few days
it waaouly fair but h a ueu luipiov
ing ever since first ono person aud
then another bought and showed the
goods to their friends that brought In
others and these brought in more Wo
aro bUBy now all the time The people
generally know which sldo of the
bread is buttered If they taste it or look
at It
Reporter Is it tho intention of
your firm to close out their business
here and quit
Mr Chase No sir The reason
pf our making Uubo very low prices
is that we aro overstocked with agreat
many kind of goods which the hard
times of last year nnd the very good
opportunity Induced us to buy and
then persons came into our store sorao
tlmo ago and said they could buygoods
like ours lower In Dallas aud It net
tled us You see wo aro tho leading
store In Fort Worth in clothinggents
furcishlncr goods bats and caps and
mens and womens boots and shoes
besides which wo koep a full line of
staple dry goods And as regards low
prices wo intend to protect tho repu
story growing smaller as It mcended
and was composed entirely of por
celain covered with those grotceqin
and fantastic Hlble llguro ouo sees on
Chlnere crockery Around each atory
ran galleries ol gilded Iron covered
with HiousandB of little bells which
Jlnghdand rung In tho night breeze
At tbo eiimuilt of the pagoda was a
bronze Idol of Buddha himself
The Lai and Auurel tho good and
evil eplrlifl by Thorn tho Chinese
Bwear lu the lowest of the twentysix
heavens situated in the center of
Mount Nuounio 30000 mllea above
the earth
Tho mausoleum of one of the Tartar
klnns of China Bbowlug tho magnltl
cent Chinese sepulcher Tho latileau
represented the enrppo beingparrled
into an Immenoedlllce adorned with
statues of lions elephants and tigers
In the center of the building to be
burled with tbo monarch nro large
Bums of gold and silver royal robis
rich viands and this to enable hu
niHjety to havo a royal old tlmo in
tho next world To protect this treat
ura from tho ghouls aud thieves au
automatic how Is altaclud to tho door
which might havo been used for the
tomb of A T rttowort with nood elrect
for if anybody attemptB to open the
doors the bow discharges arrow nftcr
arn w at him
The Chinese Heaven This heaven
was strange enough a subterranean
cavern whose roof of stalactites and
columns of crystal dazzled the eye
Seated upon a mound of precious
stones was Taen II > ang sovereign or
heaven and around him tho o who
detentl the treasures of hoaveu with
beautiful feminine faces but long ser
pentine bodies
The puWco of tho Grand Lama the
Buddhist pope nt Bhasa in Thibet
The birtnof Kong FotiTIen known
to us as Confucius The plauets drag
ons and serpents here represented
to the lowly residence of Con
fucius father to pay homage to the
Infant philosopher
Bhowed a ChlucBo juuk sculling down
tho Hoangho river bearing
upon Its prow a Chinese prince
and princess with a gaily dreaaid
retinue celebrating the feaktof lanterns
In houor of tho now moon The rich
paintings and gildings ol tho Junk
were set oir to advintage aud were
mado still more brilliant by tl o light
of hundreds of Chineso lauerns of
formand colorbatiglng from tho
sides of tho vessel festoonlugitimaatB
and bowsprit Tho scene was still
further enhanced by tho continued
discharge of rooketa and other pyro
the first and fabulous
neror of China with the head of a hull
and the body or a dragou was renre
iented In the act of receiving like
Moses from heaven the YIang or
Onlneeo book of laws Bohl was
seated by tho bauks of tho U > ang ho
with dragonhorse before him hoar
Intr between Its outstretched nrms the
Theancestral hall of tho emperor of
China with the emperor accompanied
by hla varlou tributaries paying trlb
ute to his ancestors
Konantl the Chinese god of war
rldlnu In mldalr on n chariot drawn
down arrows
by winged horses showering
rows Upon the Eieuth the enemies of
ThMe nTpleof Fo or BuddhaThls
of the
presents an exact counierpart
larcest nnd most famous temple in
of Canton
China near the city
Within tho temple aro threo golden
Btatuw the three Bortiwttrintiy and
unnnnbWFo tbe
Buddha Dhamaand Btngatuasarpe
In three different bupes
foro each idol is an altar upon whl h
the hochangs orprieats are ollerlug
iUOeo Hoang theflrst mortal emperor
of dagm
wfin the body a
Issuing from the val
aud n ne hoads
Wo offer at absolute cost our entire stock oi Jlcns Rttits of
ing Irom tho Ioneitt to tho best
We offer at ubsoluto coBt our entire stock of lloyii clothing all
qualities and 8izcs
Wo offer at nbsolulo cost our entire stock of Lntlies Cloaks Cir
culars Jersey racke0 Arc Wo bought tho goods Perember M at
sixty cents on tho dollar Among Ihein nro Silk llush at l
worth 10 Ulnek Satin at 10 worth 20
Wo offer for snlo nt absolulo coat our cntiro stock of LadioB
Worsted Dr0h8 goods
Wo oiler nt ubsoluto cost our cntiro stock of Hoys and Mens
ley of light in a chariot drawn by
eight birds of paiadlse
MlnVa the sovereign of virgins
with the head of a bull aud body of a
dragon leaving China aRcr a reign of
ISO years in a charlgt of clouds drawn
by eight unlcorna
Ti Can the Chinese Pluto passing
Judgment on UiobouIs of tho doad sur
rounded by his imp and devils ready
with Instruments of torture for the
punishment of tho wioked
Tho Buddhist Paradlioor Heavena
beautiful garden whom tho loltis lbiw
era grow In profusion whero diamond
trcos with gold aud silver branches
are to bo fouud aud where showers of
the magnificent tolo or flower of
Heaven fall In profusion like rain
Glchon or Gulncro hell was very
much like the idea nt the niedhoral
Christiana SplrltH robed In lUmo
wero to be seen rushing frantlcdly
about iu the midst of tho glaring
lire whllo other spirits enveloped
In Ice were alutnherlng lu iltruei
Those two hells wero aide by side anil
the Chinese commentators expressed
their inability to soy which was the
The procession waa universally pro
nouueed ono of tho best ever seen In
New Orleans Tho representation or
famous buildings In China such as the
tower of Fo Keen the palno of the
Fo were all careful aud exac copies
mado from the beat drawings uud
models of these buildings
After a long march through tho prin
cipal streets of tho city tho procession
reached tho French operahouse Here
tho parquet was foovered over so as to
form one of tho largest dancing halls
In the city An audience of between
0000 and tJOOO witnessed soveral tab
leaux after which they descended to
the platform and dancing became gen
oral aim was kept up to a late hour of
this morning
Today Marnt uias wnuuu up with
proper glory and eclat the most suc
cessful carnival New Orleans baa evei
known From the earliest hour of the
morning tho streets havo hen
thronged with pe iplo wlthOleanlaus
and vlBltors Canal street as on yes
terday was the center of attraotlou
andaomo 80 000 persons wero assem
bled thero to witness the parade und
the maskers Tho early hours or tho
morning wero given up to promiscu
ous and general masking There were
harlequins clowns m mkeys aud In
dians In profusion constantly pas
lug to and fro nnd Indulging In all
aorU of tricks aud Jess while wgons
filled with minstrel companies drove
up aud down the boulevard
At 11 oclook n signal gun waa
sounded which announced the com
ing of R > x This served as a algnal to
the mauy maskers a tbo street the
majority or whom disappeared
mysteriously and made way rr
the Bex procession which fllol Into
Canal street The Bco ifgras the fat
ted ox as of old led tho procession a
magnificent animal from renneasoQ
weighing over 4000 pounds Its horns
and hoofa glided the neck and sides
decorated with flowers His majesty
the king of the canlval wnouppeared
yesterday as Cbailes VII is today In
honor of tho exposition
Everything about the float was sym
bolic of the exposition Instead of
being mounted on a royal dais and
with regal canopy overheadtho throne
upon which Rex slta was a silver cot
tonpress In tnevery aotof nmiblnga
baleof cotton Into fhspe His crown
and scepter were made up of little
golden instrument hammers
Cud gimlets symbolic of industry
Behind him atood tbo four tutelaiy
goddtsses of Industry Agrlcultuiecar
rylng sheaves of wheat in her
banc Trade with Mercury
wand Navigation with Nep
tunuti trident and Mining
wRIl plcltaxo lu baud rendy to delvo
Into the bowels nt tho earth Playlut
hrmml tho kings feet In tho form of
handsome hallnaked Ilttlo boys woro
the arts nud sclcnoce ouch currying
Homo Instrument to tell his trade as
compasses hammers telescopes etc
Fi llowlug Rexuamo Louielauahnld
lug her court aud receiving tho peoplo
frim all portions of the world omfiig
to visit tho exposition Louisiana iter
Heir was seated In an ancient temple
Hmowhat dilapidated from war and
weather whllo below her at tho foot
of tho steps ascending to tho temple
wero her threo favorite daughters the
princcssea Sugar Cotton and Rice
crowned with wreaths of flowers Cot
ton wearing tho yellow bloom of tho
great Southern staple whllo Sugar and
Rice wero decked with tho beautiful
blue aud golden blntsoniH of thctni
plant Tho threo tupportcd tho poll
can courtof arms of the state and
gazed out upon thu blue waters
of tho Gulf of Mexico on which
a Bteamor symbollo of tho commerce
of Now Orleans waa departing High
above head ticrohed In mldalr was an
ItnuimiBO pelican the sacred bird of
Foltowlug JjOUisiiiia came represen
tatives of all the nations of tbo earth
whom alio han Invited to her great ex
position each attired in the costumes
of her country Japan arrayed as tho
mikado France as u Napoleonic mar
shal Russia In furs North America as
n Hloux chler Mexico as a rich planter
Spain as a matador and so on with
Englaud Germany South America
and every othcrcountry of all tho ilvo
In tho twenty tableaux that follow
ed mounted upon immense II > aU con
structed expressly for this purpose tho
plot of Walter
tation of thla town Tho people havo
had n hard winter and money wont
got plenty until the Krnssgtts good1
Bejwrtcr Where doyour custom
era com from
Mr Chase From every whin city
0AtuitryMU > Mnd travelers We treat
the reopla well nnd they like to trade
with us
Reporter Are you aonnalutcd
with many of them
Mr Chwe Some feces ate famll
lar as old customers but a large pnrtot
thcu are strnugfrs who tell ub thoy
have ben renomtneudptl to como to us
by some of their friends
Reportir Aroyou makingmouoy
at the prices you aro Belling goods at
Mr Chaso Wofranklyadmltthat
wo aro notnnd wo cannot keep up title
raoKct always but wo aro overstocked
with goods nud wo will Just let the
goods go for r while yot
Reporter Aro your0HOnndJia
suits of mens clothing ns great bar
gains ns you advertise them to bo
Mr Chase Our 10 biiIIs nre worth
10 nulls
our aro really worth 515
aud our f 12 milts nro really worth 118
Reporter I believe I will tnttoono
of your li aulU I dont need It Just
now but you might sell them all out
Is it not probable that your Bales of
clothing now will curtail your spring
Mr Chaso 1Y > aomo extent but
there aro somo people to whom It la not
convenient to buyjustnow thoy tuny
not havo tho ready money and will be
buying Inter
Commencing upon Monday January 26th and oontluulng for thirty days wo shall offer for pale at ABSOLUTK COST our entire stock of nrtlolea
below mentioned To you readeraof TiiuUAtnTTE whoare acquainted with our methods of buying bargains for tia to say that wo will soil you at AH80LUTK
COST tho great bargains we have had the opportunity of securing In tho last six months la Indeed Baying a groat deal It has been our purposo novor to
deceive you nud we believe wo havo merited your confidence This clearing sale of ours will embrace tho cheapest gooda oversold in tills city over sold lu
this Btate ever sold by any store in America Wo Intend to make a OLKAN BWEEP of nit seasonable goods and If you will buy from us such nrtlolo wt
you now want or may want In tho luturo It la almost as good oa finding tliom It la our mlsfortuuo to havo too many goods which exceeding low price
Induced us to buy It Is your good luck to have such a chance tn buy of ub at tho Ramo price wo paid Every ono has Rood oliancm In llfo to mako good
bargains but only those who avail themselves of bucIi ohaucos aro profiled by tliotn Whothor you buy or not you nre cordially Invited to como nnd te
Thoso who como first will havo the greatest ndvantago of selections for tho prices will malto the goods go Persons out of town need not healtato to order
goods from us wo will do Just what we ndvertlao to do Wo have no inclination to trlllo with tho public nnd cannot ntlord to do bo
Wo offer for sale at ubsoluto cost our cntiro stock of Ladles nnrt
Mens Woolen Vndonvoar
We offer for salo nt absolute cost our entire stock or latiHos
liens and Childrens Woolen Hosiery
Wo offer lor nalo at absolute efHt our cntiro stock or Whlto nnii
Colored Blankets and Ited ComforlH
Iorsoim sending us mall orders for suita or clothes will plcaso giro
breast and waist measure and length of Inside seaui ol imntnlnoua
Wo iniiko a specialty of Sleits Casslmerelauts we bny moro ol
them than any store in Texas nnd buy them lower we sell more
ol them than any store in Texas and sell them lower
We make a specialty ol Mens Shlrf > all and every kind and soil
hem at very low prices
In addition to thu alove goods wo oiler at low prices a large assottment of MenB Furnishing Goods Ladles Mena and Children Boots nnd Shoes and
Mena Hata aud Caps
OhaLsje TVadina Company lJoxiston street
Scotts famous nud
knightly novel of Ivanhoo waa told
Tne llrst tableau represented Rubin
Hood aud his merry mon lu tho forest
of Hhorwood seated upon tho green
sward under ono of tho mlghtleHt oaks
dividing tho deer they have Justslaln
Tho meeting lu the forest ot
Rrlon de Bols Gultbert the
ICnlghtaTcmplars nud the Jolly
Norman priest Brother Aymer
Tho Templar la accompanied by his
two Baracen attendants From a short
distance Gurth tbo swineherd aud
Wauiba thojestor surrounded by the
swlue and tho dogs of tho former are
watching tho Norman with scowling
Tho third tableau showed tho drag
on of SVautley of whom Wamba
spoke in battle with the Kulght
Moro ol Moroattall who encountered
and slow tho monster by very sensibly
attiring himself In armor covered with
sharp spear points so that when tho
dragon attacked him and tried to de
vour him It wounded Itself In doing
soOurths dream showed a wild vhlon
of tbo swineherd who sees Hearne
the hunter pursued by his own
hounds and compelled to seek refuge
In a noleomo swamp filled wlthim
monto serpents nnd venomous inon
tent of all kinds
The Palmer challengo gavo a view of
he Interior of Ctdrlos oastlo which
Sir Walter Hcott eo fully
describes In his novel Rnwena and
Cedrln nro stated at table with uurth
and Wamba as attendants Ivauhoe
who lias juat returned home dlagulted
as n palmer Is relating the story of hl >
adventures in the Holy Laud
Richard In captivly In the town of
f < ra In Austria discovered by Blon
de be troubadourwbo harp In baud
la playing Jlleharda favorite ditties
discovering by these mean tho place
of tbo captivity of his master
The Joyous and famous passage at
amis1 at Aahby de ia Touche allowing
the arena and the knights all clad in
I aclio all ovor What a common
preatlort and how much It troait to many
a poor sufferer These hei h vo a
cauto aod moio frequently than It o n
ally suspected the canto is tt9 w i <
Kidneys Ho dlcap is rroro painful < <
aotiouathaq thc < c ond no tm9dy Ir > >
prompt and clfectiu as
No reniodj has iCt beeq dmcovcr
trjst Is to effertivo q all KIDNEV AND
SIA etc and yet it Is iimpls nnd liarrr
len Scieqce nd rqodictl skill hav
combin d with woqdcrfut mcceaa trjoi
qoiba VMlilcq nature has provided far tljt
euro ot dteaso It strcngttions and ir
vigoratea Uo vholo system
IIonTUdaTOiRlMMWUMi irtian > MifA Oa >
fmumu o < tdo U > a fello lumi j 1 m
ua rirur ttvm tudliml n tuA lUinrr dlneuv
Trr l nlii llcrh Ulttn I ldlor It will mm
jou ltuvcu sllllurljonjirill llon auliriH
lloo or IIm VMofir tml It I Uw uctt womlwtl
ccmUDAUea > nxdlduil lniU I aver M
D20 Oommorco nt rhlladdphla
yatker lc utWorui flyrnpheTcrroili
complete armor engaged In a tourna
Tho feast at Aahby casllo after the
tournament with King John and 1iIb
followera und supnortcis at tablti sur
rounded by guards nrmed with hel
mets aud crossbowh
Ivauhoe after tho victory receiving
in his tont thonrms or the knlghlslie
lias overcome Gurth Is IiIb attendant
Before the tent are piled tbo shields
helmets nnd swords of tlio defeated
knights whllo ono of their men has
brought to tho tent a inugnlllcent
horee which has bocomu lvauhoos
Ilowonn as Que n of Love and
Bosuty rfiurrounded by her molds of
houor sealed on a high dais and pro
tected from the suu by canopy of red
velvet supported on Immense bronze
lance Isrejrcaenlcd as about to crowu
the victorious Ivauhoe
Richard und tho Hermit Thu
scone was lu tho wildest and most
ruirged portions of tlio foreat A
dilapidated cabin Is standing uratd tbo
rocks und within are tbo Black
Knight Richard nnd Friar Tuck
making a night of it They are
seneil before a tableon which nreeev
eral flasks of wine Richard playing
some lovo ditty on his harp whllo the
prlrat Joins In the chorus
Rebecca the prisoner of llriun de
Bols fjulliiert In tho caatlo of Front do
Boiuf This tableau was one or tho
most striking In tho procaslon giving
an admirable re refutation of n hot
iuanca8ilewllh Its tall tow era and bal
tleiutntBlUdungonBniiilsubt nantan
pasaagm Its foiso and drawbridge In
ouo of thotullutortho lowers is JJo
bcwiBtaudlugui > oii tho idga of the
iireclpico and threatening to throw
boraelf out if tho Templar advance
Another chamber of the sumo r atl
was next shown where Front do llcouf
is engaged In torturing th unhappy
Isaaoof York In order to obtalu from
him tho etcrct of hla wealth The
iw > Saracenic attondaniH of Bols
Oullbert have partially dlrobed the
Jew aud ore preparing toroaat mm at
lira llev have lighted for that pur
pose whlloFrontde JJwuf la looklnic
ju with grcntglco
Tho Templar carrying oil Rebecca
il 5

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