o Pe UIS ctat cut It itad beW llUi 014 > TKJt lEl Hen J J eat n m > m > it ii m m far bi ioti ft 5 l m Trfl k l W1N0 HAJWltB AJMJJ BANKJliUM JNO NIOUOLS Vlcofruldent THE CTPY NATIONAI SANK i Of ForfytWorth atfJLiPalclln 18000000 t Fund 1 to in B tur rrUlnnig OonwrvnUvaBanklnc rectivo careful and ii prompt attention I itrt drawn on HI th principal cities of Enropt CollocUoni a specialty Bisw directors j osyIiOMAJC 0BDAO0ETT JOHN NICUOUB AMD OKNEWTOM Bifn THtmATu > BtL Vloltwc rtilAaiiuiuUiiuuM flRT WORTH NATIONAL BANK Scocsmn li Tldball Van 2andt ft C Fort Worth Texw H 5T0CX PAH UP J12500000 tsrUSD 1500000 miwr fcurintss trantaflted CXillectloni malt and promptly umllled Ex Jiiftit principal oltlN oJ Korop mKKCrOUBl I ui l Tj2 A Tldbalt N Harding JPBmlth J J JuvteKJ tuall D 0 BiiNNKTT VlcePrealdant HRST NATIONAL BANK J T HOOSETT VleeProeldonU U 0 iCoomuTon Cuhler oliongs drawn on nil the principal elllei of ISnrope XJBoai J TUonctt HolUncrwortb EltiVNOIS SMITH Sc CO ITOBTH TEXAS StTkieri National Bank MiOIVEY TO LOAJV jtfftWwid npworda on putarea or lure farms for a term of j r Ntl 214 IS and 18 Welt Seoond Stretl Corner Throckmorton PORT WORTH TEXAS M CAMEEON CO Wboleialonnd Ratall Dealtra In bro rcisr wtttriord and Gonaton Streals 2xr y RTHt TEXAS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19188k OH NEWTON CBtnlar KBHABUOLD CaihUr Houston anil Second Streets Fort Worth Texas 1 im CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 430000 DIRECTOR M B Lod J D Boed Zauo Oottl D 0 Bennett Goorgo Jck 103 S B Buxnott E B Harrold and E F Heard TRHHSACT3 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Q W HoLLinOBWOKra Aulitant OMhlsr TRADERS NATIONAL BANK jVirlb Texti Seoond Street between Houstta and Tnrookmortin iffAL PAID IN 8125000 SURPLUS FUND 15000 jttisinl banking bmlnw OolleoUona mads and promptly nmlttaO E J ILAdarni Ha Edrtntton JrEllU ail On Final and Kanohca and on Vendor lien Not w negotiated by BAN ANTONIO TEXAS lvarapmann Block Vondora < parcSii l Apply to 8UATTUOK HOICFMAN Now Orleans La iOTICESForl Worth over City National Bank Han Antonio BoWad itreet sUSllI O A AROIItBAID Cathler TEARC1IIBALU Aut kMhler WlCdlTA FALLS TEX SACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS OUJULEOTIOMH JK WlliOLVXTY Correspondence Solicited Worth Decatur Weatherford 6o don Baird Atileie Colorado Bia Springs and Pecos foil lire of Building Matrlnl PalnlB 0 rnent Tilmo Eto E3 JE3L Is EJIiiuESJEet leading Buggy and Carriage Bealej of North Texas JEOIAL X OTTIOJB Kml of Panoy Groceries embraces aB flue a lino of good tu wn bo t9market and wo have Just perfected arranRements for dally anlp Ircsb Vegetablea from New Orleans c 3 ZOEjXjXj Port Worth efts GO or HouBtou Ht Port Wortl SELLERS AND STATIONERS uf l fortU Ea oB ll B flopaCroqnet Kte Lnd rm n PlanoV ailkCnMCOTNTS cS3 < oo llDEAXEI FISH X533AXaia S > Port ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED uiuiatm No 8tS HOUSTON ST FORT WORTH TEXAS Telepliono conimunlcatioii ivJtli all important points 311 and 313 Houston Street Strictly FirBtcloss HALE PIANOS Beat Mcdlnmprite Piano Made FACTORY PRICES DUPLICATED A Numucr or Second hand Pianos Client PIAJDsTOS Standard of Excollonco THE NEW ENGLND n Whoteulo and notall When you go shopping call at Taylor Burrs nnd set A f STOCK OF oods in Worth Texas SPRING GOODS RAPIDLY COMING IN Dallas CloMurno Decatur Sliormnii and Send all orders for Goods nd Samples to Fort Wortli ITexniS Ibomoetlmpnrtnnt mtulml coMcro n thla connlry bave iurch U 0 lan Jt iVnd nnoaud Ihio arnall In uif at tula imlliu tl n nod ludorwd by Ibo cmlnont Dr K lt > nrK Ornnd Upright and Huuara Flanofurteii lu a vtirlety of Mtylc < Id riwuw takrn In ex cbanRP OritMlotiirn nnd lull lulorniutlvn cbetrfally farnlabed on nppUcatloa < MASON HA51LIN Cloili Warren AND SKONINGER THE BEST For the Least Money 9 urniture Descriptive Catalogues fUrnlahed on application Fort V ortla Wholesalo Dealer in JSc > 2BZcia TVo arc now prepared to enter into contracts for either the Miiei Lots il Ml U POR S 3P3ElXICrC3 3D3BHJXVJIal aEntT XilberaJ Advances 2WCnde on XlivoluifteH Wo have on our Hooka a Desirable List of P Quoenswaro Crockery nnd Glassware CORNER SECOND AND HOUSTON STREETS FORT WORTH Grazing Lands Stock Ranches City Property Etc Seeond Street Between Hotston pd Thrjckmorton YORT WdnTH TFXA8 VOL IX NO 218 THE MIGHTY AVaLANOIIE Tho Ltttla Mining Villago Alta Visited by Three Snow alidea In a Single Night Thirty People Known to Have Been Unuhea to llealb While Many Others Wcto Iijurcd Twelve of tho D ad Exhumed Tho Living In Fear of a Repetition of tho OftlRBtropUo Salt Lakh Utah Feb 18 Tha idler party vcutloAlta to iwouo thu UvluKHiidbtluR buck tho drad who wero hilled In tho reoeut aoovrttldo whloh ovorwhcliiKil ihnt town returned mrly thin morn lug Twrtvo bodUs wtro brought down tho canyon lu mournful procos Ion tlnglo tile l thwl upon ttltHts Tho llrt lud boro thu budy of Mat tie Ulokoy Nrxtoamotho rtmalna of Timothy Mttdduti Jercmlnti Ht > Knii U if Iiviiuh JamtH WnUmi linrmy Gib Htm and Mm Fort wlih her baby lashed to lltT btCHSt TholnHhUd cnrrled tho four child ren of Kiward UalbU Tho following iiirmms reported dead wro rwcued nlvc Audruvr Wlitie after btliic under thoiiuow twelve liuur aligihly In jured trttlcrlck Culmnn nftcr being burttd sixteen Iiouih al o hurt but inn aeilounly Mr KcUt in ft drift hIx Imum BeBltlm theau Mr Kind though not oovtrtdby tho avalanehr was tmdly hurt Tho boly of oneoi tin Omuaiuen wauuolfoiiud Mia lronlllMffnii > hndn pu monition of Hie danger and b gg d er huabaud to tnltu her nnd inclr child to n placu of nafoty that fatal ulzht nay lug that Nliu felt turu nu nv nlauehu vm coining An liiiuost wm litltt to day and thu burlali > lil occur to morrow Mrs llollou Mrn JCelsl tvoundod Mr Hewitt Mm Joimton itml htr four cuildiuu an IlatiHOimn mid four children nro aillllu Alia lu constant lunger AriBOUIiij party will go out tomurmw moruniKio bilng them In Suow HlldMi lu that iielghbomod are of ilolly ocourrenco One occurred last Saturday In Superior Gulch which tho urvlvora at Altu fiU Hire reaiiltid In tho death of tiamuel trtiecoit n ranger nnd J White woiklng thcro Two men koIuk > eo If they wero cafe got In fcight of their cabin and turned whtn thry naw tho nuoHBlltte atari and lu an lnutaut al most llivouWnwv obiltemted In a sea of mow By thu cuucutslou of tho elido they Worn thrown vlnleutly to tho ground iliev hurried away for four o Auotlivr tilde It In rcx > rl edthata man iihiiimI McDanlels llv ItiK eon I h of Alta wbn lul ltd by tho alldo of Krlday nUlit Koth liiK hai brcn ateu or heard of him 11uce and in thrco alldta In Alta ull of uhloU toourifil nu Friday thirty pvrttona libve b > eu killed WACO Candidates for tha PostrauterBklp Tho Olty Without it Volea in Oountv Matters peelal Waco Tix Kb 18 Chan W HniltbayounR hudurcH man of this city la devrloplnn n iiuUt but strong oouteet for tho Who poNlolllco lio labickedby powerful bu lu < M ItiUu euccfl which la uot tho cme with aomo of tho other mplrantu whoso olalnm nro rather of n tontlmentalpolltlcal naturo Unit ex County Judge Grr aid enlere the raco H tilth will proba bly bo tho wUniff O im of tho other nRplranta lu M J J W Down for mauy yeira prmrlttor of tho Waco Uxamluer Jud o Urralda frlonda It mm bo reuimked have a Blronn lunli rlii < to mar him fur tint plaoo now IIH1 by United Hwte Marnhal M Kp Ttie tllslrtct cleric madooutUio l > a pern to < lav for ouiivejlug Hoiny Mosely Geo Levlnuu nnd A t 61 ore to Ihe penloutlary trt nervo their re prctlvu aeuiencrn Mo ely la u nouirliitiM horaclhlef and in now In tho Dallaa Jill Tli Uvllrf aaeoclatlon laid a meet ing Ibla alterunon and reporttd tho number of diMltitc people lu thu city decllolnx rapidly A taw wo ka ubo Iho association Had over ono hundred om forty pople on thu lint to whom It lurnMiud fond fuel eto dally Tho municipal cauvaea Krowa warmer overy day Tun candidate for aldermen have oominenccd loan I tiouuoa now and tha woods are full of em Hepro entail vo Jiuoi of this county who ro urued to Aualn y itUjrdav l atronij aupporter < > f Mr loaoockaland bill bellevliiK It thu Mat aolutlou of a vexed nueatlon The local itnt bontm the county commlralouera for to petti manderlng the fourcolllnllalooer preoluots that Waco can havo no voice at all In coun ty mattem The city la partitioned atnouffthrto praclucUJ thu < dividing her vote and rendering It linptwalblo for city votM to ooucoutratu upnany one oandldato Two of th coniuiW tlonera who uro ooutnryinon aald they tbuiurraUKtd the pre dnouao aa to enable Iho country vuto todomlnato that or Waco And yet Waco pay twothirds or the county i xe An Kittu l u Akkeu For Puihuuhq Pa Feb 18fta0 Bennett Co Iron manufacturers who lulled last aprlnu and got an ex lenalon having paid 40 per cent of their ilebU havo requeaud their cred Itora to grant a futtMr xteiinIon on tbo balaiee owing i Jit < lall Iroa trade Thenqu t no doubt will be cranted a the creditor aro fully at fledbo far a Ijvard from i