SUII tonlin
Month 75
m Tliroo Monthi M
V xmltUncoa by draft poimrrioa money
irdtr or In registered letter at risk of offloe
uorreipondenco U solicited npon all newt
nompttnformBtlon of eventa and new
isrponlncs of general interest souclteU and
will b properly compeneaUxl
All communications Intendod for pnbllav
tlonmmt bo accompanied by the writers
turn and address not tor publication bnt
M an evldenooof Kood faith
rartles writing to THie UAIkttb on bull
nr i personal to themselves wilt pleaso In
tloMiatamp for reply
All letters minima to lio lncM of any kind
hould b addrouiod to TllK GAZETTE Fort
WorU Texas
t u wrapper ready for mailing to yonr friends
abroad call be had nt the countingroom
trios 6 corn
Visitors to the exposition will rind Tllic
Uxtrrni on Rale at Uto V Wharton A lires
rv o 6 carondelot street Now Orleans La
Parties tending stamps for subscriptions
It Tub OAzkttb will plonao hcr In mind
t Hat wo cannot u o 6 and 10 cent stamps and
llinrelorocnnnotuccoplNtmnpsof those do
Tub Russian bear can elevate tho
prlco of tho American hog hlghcrn
ANOTiiKit batch of notaries In tho
uamoofnn olllcohuugryyiooplo Gov
Jrelnnd wo thank you
The Chicago Herald is tho Waco
Dty of Lake City ournallRm This Is
Hitylng moro for tho Herald than tho
Herald thinks
Bayh tho Auatln Bun LotthoBon
ator who consults outsiders before ho
oilers amoiidmouts ask to have his
frlond seated by him
Bhfokh condemning our representa
tives it should bo ascertained whother
or not tho wabble In their walk
comet fr m tho rollorskate
Tun BUpremo lodgo of tho ICnlghts
of Honor of Kentuoky iavo recovered
the sum of tlllltIO 18 Illegally hold
by cxBupromo Treasurer Brecken
It will bo noted that Mr Cloveland
has appointed none but Democrats to
olllce And ovcry appolntmout has
been a good one oven Higglusbeing
Mild to bo whiter than ho was nt tlrst
TiiRonHTiOArnv tho rascals are
gono mid Texas has ho far Boourod
ouo marshalhip ami two poatoUlcos
It may bo monotonous but to tho
credit of tho stato on tho ledger Is
1115000 Democratic mujorlty
Vmxx Woktii takes no stop back
wards It owns its waterworks now
and thero is no llnor system In tho
ftnte Tim QAiSKTTt will havo moro
to say on this consummation which
should be gratifying to ovory cltl7cn
If Is astounding how much people
know about tho salaries paid tho pro
fessors In foreign schools hero luloly
Scarcely a papor roaches us but what
has accounts showing that by compar
ison our professors aro ou tho verge
of starvation
Boka rmmosldenta should be ap
pointed to federal poaltlous in tho tor
iltorles and if tho president wants to
llnd out tho will of tho people In those
dtatrlcts lot him suggest that an elec
tion bo hold to secure their choice In
this way his nppolutments would meet
lie popular demand
MYOluim of tho Ihlladelphla Times
got thawed out while ho was down at
tho exposition ami over sluco ho has
been pouting out good things about
tho Sonth It might bo observed that
as it general thlmr tho bitter partisan
iHtlio obscure man who lias never
been down to eco us ellhor us a guest
or on tho inside of a poklkr ti coat
John Butii wants to amend all his
treaties so that any ouo charged with
murder or conspiracy to murder any
tulor king or member of the royal
family can bo extradited for tho af
fense An ordinary being can bo ro
moved and no questions asked but
when a royiil scion la attacked look
out Wonder how Undo Bam will re
gard this move
Tin Chicago Times didnt got any
of tho chicken plo on ho late strlko
this pop In the teleprapn strlko In
years gono by its prlco was 10000
and In the moro recent ono of two
years ago It held back Mlont until A >
iiftO was represented when It sat down
on tho boyu Your Uncle McCullough
Is not golug to get left on ovorythlug
Vldo tho GloboDom
Mu CiKVKiANu you mo n brick
A harp twoblaited knife run through
tho Democratic majority lu Texas
would bo a good thing for tho stato
Huoh a majority ns exists In Texas
tends to iBBJlenco ami mediocrity in
tffll CRUJllaiuiUvUHhi Keenou tho
way you have begun Mr Cloveland
and you will become n saint In tho
presidential calendar
NiWfUAtBii men are coming Into
promtnonco every day Ilonry VII
lard was once a millionaire and a rail
road magnate Btanloy discovered tho
Congo country Oliver Pain Is engin
eering tblngB for El Mahdl and
Spoopendyko Is chief of an Indian
tribe out In Arizona If wo were not
afraid that tho Dallas Times would
hear us we would say that Jo Balnes
was cecrotarvof stato
TiiKBherman Courier says Clov
Throckmorton Is reported to bo
fatigued from the win tors work at
Washington and Is taking bis much
nooded rest at his homo where His
said ho does not wish to bo disturbed
by tho affairs of business for tho pres
ent Pilgrims of tho postofllce depart
ment who havo contemplated a visit
to him In that connection will for the
present dlroct all communications to
tho president at Washington
Whiin tho Austin Sun of tho 19th
instant said that tho senate had to ad
journ owing to ono of tho senators be
ing drunk why In tho world did It
not put tho senators name In small
caps so tho peoplo could locate tho
proper intm A drunken man is a
drunken man without distinction
whether hobo a senator when sober
who has tanked up ou lino whisky or
a section hand who hint taken a few
jlltgors on payday It la vory unjust
to tho remaining members to tell half
the story Bleat it out man and let
us hear who hols
x Settle tho Country
It ii strnngo that whilo tho state
government Is nettlingeome method of
detection Into tho nllalrs of the
in mads of tho prairies they do not
conclude to pass laws that will settle
tho country and organizo civil
government therein If tho West was
settled and local government insti
tuted thero would bo no need of stato
rent agonts stato dot otlves and
stato rangers A little moro attention
to tho Bottlcment and a little less nt
sontlou to ways and moans for its gov
ernment would re ult beneficially to
all concerned including tho school
Divide all tho Wistorn territory In
to counllea thirty miles square as tho
Pauhaudlo 1b dlvldtd attach tho un
organized to tho nearest organized
county for judicial purposes put all
tho lauds on tho market at not moro
than 2 an aoro soil to each actual set
tlor four or llvo sections do away with
tho complexity in securing title from
tho state repeal tho leaau law and In
vito homeBoekers to come then peo
plo and civil government will tako
tho plac o of cattlo ranches and rangers
nud thoro will bo no noed of Inquisi
tors dotootives and other odious legal
machinery Wrong lnprlnclpal and
a failure in practice tho lease Infamy
but leads toother Infamies
i >
When tho laud bill whs returned lo
tho house with tho scnato amend
ments a lively discussion ensued over
tho question of concurrence As a
sample of tho statesmanship practical
acquaintance with tho needs of Texas
and knowledge of tho West which ar
rays itself at Austin lu favor of
a lease law wo append a few
of tho arguments used by tho leaso
advocates m urging concurroncoiutho
souato amendments
Mr Pounder replied In favor of con
currence in tho senate amendment
Ho thought tho pasture men wero go
Ing to talto tho West anyway and It
did not mako any dltlerenco whother
ono man or n dozen loascd tho whole
Mr Crauo argued hit tho larg
leases wero conllned to unorganlz d
comities while tho sottlcr hunted tho
oreaulfd counties
Dr Camp of Llmestnuo said the
aotual settler In the West was a oko
Ho could not go there or at least he
could not stay thero Ho waniod laws
enacted without regard to tho actual
settler as thero was no uso of quarrel
ing about him
Mr Woods of Kaufman declared
that tho cattlemen would havo com
plete control of tho West In ton years
and ho wanted to tqtietzothe living
grease out of them while they were ac
quiring it Ho favored a vigorous
leaoo law
Mr Jones of McLennan advocated
tho grass commlealoncr Ho seemed
to llko it chiefly because tho frco
grass men opposed It
Now hero is n questlou vitally af
fecting tho welfare of by far tho largest
portion of tho state uud to a lees but
by no means Inconsiderable extent
tho welfaro of Toxas Ami these aro
tho sohor serious argumonta of men
who wero elected to make laws for tho
peoplo If statesmen talk ho Is It any
wonder that tho press having less In
dividual responsibility for legislation
should treat tb > subject as it does
Or is this alleged statesmanship tho
fungus growth of a misleading press
Somo of theso arguments read moro
llko tho dogmatic paragraphcr who in
sists that free grass means only freo
range for u rich cattleman than llko a
statesman In search of tho truo laud
policy for a stato that has enough pub
lic land to provide homes for moro
than a lialfmllllou peoplo
Upon tho laud polloy of tho stato do
pond in largo nieasuro tho growth
aud development of Texan Wo havo
heretofore escaped tho evil effects of
Hnanclal depretslons aud sliort crops
becauio of tho money brought Into
the country by land buyers and rail
road builders Moro than ever Texas
needs to sell land now A land policy
that shall attraot not dotcr Immi
gration will not only sell stato lands
and people tho frontier but It will fa
cilitate private sales Tho settlement
of the country will produce moro rev
enuo to tho school fund than tho leas
ing of the lands There is no moro
important subject of legislation than
tho disposition of tho publlo lauds
and yet men aro In the legislature
who discuss It In tho manner
ported Poor old Toxas
A Nogro Ohurch Bnrnod Tho Wator
Works Question Bottled
Lampasas Tk March 21 For
the past three days it has bton cold
and misting rain tho slight frost of
Tuesday morning did no damage
Tuesday night ntar midnight tho
negro churoh situated in East Lam
pasas nearly n niilo from the square
was destroyed by tiro suppostd to
havo been the work of an incendiary
Our city Is on wheels A skating
rink was oponed last night and will
no doubt cuntlnuo during tho season
Considerable agitation has been had
tho past few days over tho location
of the water supply for the
waterworks Borne of our citizens
firotested against the action of
ho council and atapublioineoing
a coramltteo of threo prominent citi
zen b was appointed to confer with a
llko committeo of tho council The
meeting of tho committeo yesterday
resulted in tho approval of tho oitj
councils aotlon and tho work of pro
moting tho water works goes ou Mr
F O Brown of Fort Worth tho con
tractor is In thecityarranglngfor tho
laying of tho mnlnB locating tho en
gines etc
Petitions pro and con aro being cir
culated In regard to the placing of
criminal proceedings unilor tho juris
diction of the county court which with
our present population seems to bo
Many improvements aro making for
the accommodation of tho expected
summer visitors who will bo enter
tatned right royally this season The
Globo hotel has built an addition of
threo stories and now Iihh u capacity
ot nearly seventy bedrooms
Stockmen Proparlng to Raiao Feed
Building Improvements
AiiiVNY Tex Maroh 20 Tho
woathor ha been cloudy and cold
sluco tho 20th with an occasional rain
Grass is growing rapidly and a few
days warm weather would turn all
kinds of vegetation creeii
Mr Hwenton tho New York banker
bas shipped to thl point twolvo spans
of ills lino Kentucky mulos tobo used
lu plowing and cinllug a portion of
his largo ranoh lu Jones comity
Preparations aro niautng by all of
our stockmen to ralBo feed this year
This will rovolutlonlzo the system of
hundllnc cattlo In this portion of
Texaa Herotafore cattlo wore obliged
to ruftlo for themselves and their
owners calculated a cortln per cent of
loss but now thero seems to bo a de
termination to feed and grade up their
Mr W It Mooro isbulldlnga hand
some retldenco on Jacobs street
It Ih two story with ell btty windows
ouch end and Queen Ann roof
Mr Mooro is ono of our en
terprising cattlomou and believes In
enjoying the comforUi of life
U W Jtoae late of Dallas has pur
chased tho ontlto Interest In the two
ftory stono buslneps houeo on East
Second street racing tho court square
and Is renio iollng it preparatory to re
ceiving a larsro stook of goods
Tho largo twostory buslm ss houso
on Main street wist tddoof tho square
will soon bo complottd tills will bo
tho lnrgoat burluees hous lu the town
when completed being 20 b > lij
A carload of lino Jersty and Hoi
stluo cows has bee u sold hero this
Several of our cltlzons are visiting at
Now Orleans A huge number ex
pect to make tho trip next month
C P AhxKUdor Is building a resl
donco and business house comblued on
NorthMaIii street
Bonioofouroltlzens aro canvasslug
probable success of an Imnilgra
tlon suciety at this place This would
be a commendable emorprlso aud do
serves moro than a passing notioe from
thoso interested Our couuty has
never beeu properly advertised and
now would bo an excellent tlmo to or
ganize an Immigration society
f domo dlsousflom is botrd relative to
ho quarantine laws of Kansai and
New Mexico and tho probabloefTtct on
cattle to bo driven up the trail No
satisfactory conclusion soems to have
Von reached
on tho oontrary quPe a
diversity of opinion exists among tho
Cattlemen as to rociilts
J W Msnulng drmrglst has moved
his stook from Second to Third street
into a now stono building Just tlnishod
by Pat MoDouald
Albauy is blessed with a super
abundant of oogs of all sizes colors
and kinds If thero Is any town in
Toxas Bhort on ogs send lu your or
ders torms reasonable
BKVJtouit Tex March 2o Salon
it Lande our courthoiiEo contractors
with a forco of forty men aro rapidly
progressing with their work toward
tho completion of tho lltst etory of our
mugnlflccnt courthouse
Our ontorprlslng townaman Dr T
Belman has in tho hands of Contrac
tor Miko Donahue a twostory stone
building of buihhammer work as
lino a building as has eves been erect
ed lu tho West with Corinthian
columus and dorlo carving
During tho whole winter tho town
hoj been full of workmen who could
not do anything by reason of tho ex
tremelycold weatbor
Diuvroiuiit is much dearer than a
drnw on au Opera Puff Cigarette
Avoid imltatloiu12
Texas Gomes to tho Relief of Its Suf
fering Ohlldron
There Is Beat for tho Weary as Notarieo
ExrcUTlKOrrirKHTATEot Texas
ACtiv March 23 IMS
To tho Hcnntc
I request your consout to tho ap
pointment of tho notaries publlo
named lu tho paper herewith com
municated John IkiijANI >
Anderson County E F Atthur
Tneodore Ash J F Watts A W Gregg
M Glenn Theodore D Jones J H
Mead J J Wood J Conaway W L
Dardeu It M Jackson P L Bradford
W A Miller J M Emenou W H
Gill Benjamin Parker J W Bryan
D M Butler H J It yal
Arcnor county A Abercomblo F K
Dycus L W Heath
Armstrong county Charlos Good
Austin countyW C Cllett J W
Lott E D Rawls
Angollua county Homer MoMlck
les John It Mntthows James Mc
Knight John Y Foster Eli Gllleland
T O Moore E J Mantooth Joaepti
Chestnut J It Glllolond W J Town
Atascosa county J L McCalob J H
Caveuder T M Peeler
Burnet county T E Hammond J G
Cook It W Gates Norton Moses It H
WiudN E Morgan J D Hlloy Albert
Gierke A G Wilcox Jonn Linn G
It Berry U H titcvart It L 1urber
vllld 1 A Cnamberlaln Miles Cook
Georg < Glllum G A Braudou Charles
Rise Itnbrrt RlBe D Willluma N W
To ey W W Hobuut
Bosque comity James M Robertson
N K Morgan A R Barry W D Tuoin
iiron J L Bcott J P Graco James A
Gillette John H Gotildy N A Evans
Peter Pearson John H Moses
Brazoria county G O Leonard
Bastrop c < iui t BSassR A Brooks
J B Woodrutr E Huugaman W R
Bell countyFD Smith
Bajlur county H S Melvin J T
Montgomery W H Browning W R
Botintr J R MoLaln
Bee county Sidney Howard
Brazos county J B Thomas
Bexar county W G M Samuel L L
Laey Sam M Johnson E U Reed
Frank E Corbett Gen H P Bee L D
Bowlo county O P Taylor K Yar
brough J O Ellis J H Honderoon W
L Wnltaker
Brown county F M Henderson F
W Henderson
Burietoncounty EG Banks
Blanco county W Wedeklud
Camtron touuty E C Korto
Cass county W E Duncan J F
Colemau county John ORandolph
Comaucho couuty
T R Hill A J
Colilu county J L uogg
Wilson M H Byrne M H Garnett J
L Wliite Tlion H Emerhon M W
Johnson S H Colo J H Jonkius Juo
Church Juo D Pjge K R Craig R T
BheltouL Butler F J Vance H O
Oveiaker J P CollVy Juo O White
Juo Walden B B Fowler Howard
PJekett P W BaldwlnO Bui erTevls
Hlekley Henry Caver J S Rlko A J
Cuudler J no T BuchanauGeo M Car
ruth James Kuykeudall Thomua
Hanllson W G Matthews E Nelson
JuoReuson Jus Smith Win Moyere
R It t Mitchell T E Shirley I T Lar
geut Jtsso Coiley L A Scott W J
Booth W H Biwle F M Bounds
Jesso Hubiard J L Molvauiy How
land Goooh G J Davie W U Brum
mltt James L Grter J C Rhea Chas
Hlttckwood Jno Pace J J Thompson
J D Nay lor
Cottle county Jno T Stovall
Oblldiesa county DC Curtis
Collingsworth county H F Hoi
Coryoll county ir N Rather E E
Caldwell connty Houry Rico D M
Oroaswolt JN Stoguer J W Camp
boll A J Rlto W B Walker Win
Alexander D C Chomborlln J P
< lay county W M Waddtugton R
T Rlcketis 1 M Willis
Colorado county T W Hunter W
B McCormlck Johu H Mulleu Carey
Shaw Krienoh Simpson Walter O
Joue John R Newsom D O Gregory
Camp oouutyJohn W Hooper Jno
P Ollel John B Ediilns L G Davis
W R Hntth J A Derrick E H Hop
sou t G Divls John A Thompson
talhouu county W H Woodward
Callahan county W U Cllett J H
Smith D Rlchariison B F Walker A
W Oliver J W Power
Cherokee cdtiiityE C DIoklnson
M Jernlgan J P Glbsm D McCall
WCBultonG W Mlddloton T H
Collier R II Obllilers Rial Smith A
Harrison U A Miller W O Kretlerlck
JohnDalby Finees Bruley O U Tay
lor U M Wade R S
Flnlay A J Chea
Denton cpuntyT M Smith J H
Dgau John tolllor J N Ruoker
J TM0 AT an ce Jauca Eaila
ttfU T i M Copley DN DkUou
W H Bu b E T Bates R W
A ° S1 v w T AuBtln H O Furcer
hou G T Walton James Hloks O T
Morris J U Smith Charles Everett
T A Collins O P Poo John L Bidileil
FuHr u ifan ° N Allen C It Baddy
W H McNtll J M Riork J M Ueasor
J E Busier N F Wakeileld
Iallas couniys tj McCormlck J
M S 8 V f Me E DSowers
J T Tlmbtrlake John M McCoy
Frauk J Smith J M Wheatly y
Donley count > rW D Kimoall J B
MoLellanJHParksJ G Murdock
Dickens countyw C Doekam
JcouutyTO Hannelly
DeWltt eountyJ H Moore
Lllls countjAnsonRalnoy J D
lrmpleton R M Clark R G Phillips
wi V V id OWtiam Thos P
Whlinil 6
K Dvl J M hllllps J
P H eUin H m RuodtiB O T Ho
can W U Fears J H Albrltton D F
Etstbud countyW
Falls couhtyFrank B Chilton R
HHunnlcutt TB White J F Knox
J V Wright Leonard Magee George
A Hodgta M H Curr > W A PAtrlck J
M gtuart Bamui 1 lirower J R Md
Donald Ed M McCullough Matt
Jons W J Finks W J Yates H A
Elam Wm Hander
Fayette county A FDornwell Paul
Fannin oounty A F MoRea WE
Dalley Br K G Rogers W G Nuuu
M A Taylor John A Rusioll
Frio couuty L B O Gallaway John
Haja Gilbert William
Franklin cuunty T W Temploton
H G Btokoly J Q Nunn J S Davis J
P Huskey W H Baldwin J O
Gonzales county W B Fly T F
Harwood L N West Wilbur F King
Gregg county TM Camiihell J W
Boring T A Flowollen O W Hender
son JO Barnett Stephen May J R
Clemmons D B Terry
Gray county A S Williams
Guadalupe onuutj TMHumphroya
B M Holmes Fritz Kraft
Grayson oounty A P Flnlay J R
McElroy Robert E Smith
Galveston county W H Llsbony
Joseph A Labatt
Grimes county Samuel E Blako
Isaac R Lindloy
Greer county H O Sweet
Hamilton couuty R D Love
Howard county D A Walker
Hill county WII Marsh B F Vin
son D J McClellan F M Bush
Harrison couuty C 11 McGIH J G
McCown It W MoGimpsey T B
Buchanan W L Thomas
Harris county J II Dunks
Hood county W A Duke B M
Estes John P Esies TTEwellTJ
Duke J R Mr rrls J M Chad wick
Hatkell eouuty FP Morgan P B
Ward Waltor Scott Oscar Martin
John W Arledge
Hopkins couuty W A Greon H O
Batker T O Craln A A Henderson
E M Rogers R B Bly the W B James
Giles Garrison Joseph Brashor B T
Btophous W D Byrd H O Wood R
L Askow O B Williams W J Cllno
Will T Holderness G B Christian
Joseph Gist It E Bertram T A St
Clair Harvey Anderson J W Barker
Hunt county D M Yeager A S
Marshall L F Phelps J II Jackson
James H Patterion A Cameron A D
Jackson H II Wood O L Elder W R
Lane J D Hurst G P Mitchell J M
McCauiant E B Lewis John O Wil
kinson W P W st W P McBrldo 7
E Gaudy J F PacKett S R Ettor A
RCushmau EJ Muck EK Patrick
P A Norrls W H Key R L Porter
W O Vallandlugbam A G Titus
Hardeman county D Q Smith J
H Moyer J C Roberts J H Drury F
C ltatcilir J A Nabors G W Darby
Houston county J F Stokes G M
Hemphill county Ed Fletcher
Hutchinson county H T Groom
Henderson oounty J M Warren
W J Evans S M Bradford John S
Jones J B Bishop R W Wiley John
Neil J M Murpheo H M Goasett J T
JoilerBon couutv W D Ivoy
Jack county Mort H Siark J T
Johnson county G H Maxey D W
Adams C Y Kouns
Jones coumy O D Davis CV Wood
ruff Dan M Jones
Jaokson county Henry T Chlvers
Klunoy county W W Lamberts
Geo A Doogun
Knox county R D Goreo
Klmblo county Wallaco Blair
Kaufman county K A Thompson
Kendall county D W Grady F W
Lampasas county J C Hubert
Lee county N R May
Limestone county A V Fermin
J J Mwumo
Llano oounty W T Dalrymplo
Lavaca county C B Patton R T
Paeggll Teese Green R J Putney H
T Ivuhne W G Cbajman Ira Ezell
II O Ymu gkln S Sawell WmHStrlc
btek J A Whltlleld J H Anderson
Isaac E Clark
Lamar county W G Bulrd
Lipscomb county E E Polley
Marlon eouutyJ H ParsojB WE
Esios John Pouman Lee Bhernll
Geo R Beaid J A Lindsay V N Look
ett A J B Garrett W A Walker J M
Harner C G Graham J H Rowell P
U Rnwell R A Loomls
Morris county E Hondorson J
H Mathews W G Callaway W M
Cason John Spearmau J H Hart
Milam county Leonard Isaacs
r u H Clcmment J E Laugmorr B
T Mlddloton J H Simrkmun J L
Loctcett H N Roberts W I Helley W
M MoGreKor R I McCalla F M
Adams J H Graves AS Rustell B I
Arnold F A Terroll A G Wilcox W
AH ABkeuJohn A Smith James
r V pnPan countyG W Klnchloe
JW Speight W O OBrlon Thoa A
Blair Jas I M oore W O Barnott
Alfred Battle y L Baker R G Pid
oockoTDPenry E A McKeuuy J
R Bob neon R H Rogers W M Sloep
Vr L W gihy < A M Harris T M Ma
keig W S Klnchloe H O Williams
J B Vesoy O J Mo roe Hi rum Mor
gan John B Nichols T J Womaok
T J Prltu T J Talllaferro T A Tucker
nk Il 1 nnA ° Prfndentast Beth
Mills Alien L West D H Hardy J R
R 15 A Marshall Johu W Rldglll
W G Mibley J H Davenport Jr
Midland county AJA Bell
Montaguecouiity WmGarborough
J E Wlllets W H Wilson R B DtvV
J M Grlgaby Q F Thomas J H How
aid M B Hokius
Mltohell county R L Bortn J Good
T Mul In Xtvier Itvan W J Hatoh
J U Morrison R II Looney A Mac
MoMullen county E S Atkinson
Madlsou county Johu Vernon
Mtrtln county Peter Smith Adam
Korlz John Markel John Souer Petor
McCullcch county J L Splller
Maverick countyE L Wutklns
Medina county Marshall Burnoy
Nueces omuty James W Ward
Stanley Wolsh Chas L Logo
Nowon county H F vvTlaon
Nacogdoches couuty n V Full
Nilau couuty J F Edison J W
Posey Josepli Boone
Navarro county J D Curtis R E
Prince P P Powell Goorgo E Sher
rard l L Jeser Rlolmrd Gowau A
B Leo H O Ialbott J G Way
Oldham county J P Ragland H H
Wallace W S Mabry H M Kimball
John W Cone J E MoAllIster A D
Panola county Frank Lawson
Polk county 8II Tackaborry B W
Maury J O Feagln TB Duuman J R
Oats J L Henderson
Palo Pinto J O Haynea J
B straughan W P Gibbs B B Garrett
n aXl yo
Parker countyJii WktL
B Roach y u fimythtv
BobertBon countyT
Ilusk a Csrwt
O Lovorett JameaVoS llV
Rains hine
countvR J >
MlllsADBruy btuVtjJ
San Saba couutvr fymm
Bhaokloford Murtet
John M Moore jlfo M Glffi
T j °
Bonner L Loving aft
Collier w f rxr a Jt MomTI
no couutyWw
Shelby couutyW V P
Throckmorton conntv n
noldsBr fllS
H ci
land M W NorthS vA
Granger T J PnJV
Templeton ABV UuichlM S k
Janus Harrison I 0 Z
Tucker worth J H Alexander D ip f
Levy Walker D bTbAwTj T3
J T Bl
ders H E Vaiontlne
L Sowell B C Hartn oSH
Hart T H Cuandler
au andt countyW l2i
B Kllgoro J G KeatbynErffi
a fi
t m
13d ai
it LI
W r
RoherUoii A G Ganawav A JihlW
M Blauiihter 8 J Barber K F Keiifcr7
W N Haideman THReedJWPiwIW
J R Kuler Levi Pfnnlngton i >
Wood countyM DiarlockT L J
RiihSell R O Caanbell Geor ti mpto
Cago It Bruce 0 B GormsrUi
Mayo L II Uurch Johu B Phlfc = r
John H New om J M Lankford
Waller county Jamra W KeaSi T f
Wharton cotintyB D King fU
WlchltaoouutyM BuuchI i Hi
O Gr < ut W W Flo d 11E HutTJI At
Houston N M M T l
ton B B Misrule J H BarvrlKJll
Miller J P Boyd T 0 Wll3 iUii
Van Dyke T O Thomsob R ft1
Wheeler couutyJ 0 B BtmlEI t
RIMng W L R Dixon MarkM A 1
W H Grigsby M1 Williamson
Wilson couutyH S Iluilii iei AK
Webb countyG W BrMlnlit
Juan V Benavldes E 8 Hcaisftw
W H Mowry Geo W WiwJm
R P Gu
Washington county0
rett Dr J B Moore CIiB r0
car Samuel G W BWHr
Wito county W A BoMKtBI
H tchett John BrownRB
M McSpodden W B Mwrtl
Wilbarger couutyB ffW
P Elliott O Wheeler DR Wi
Doan H C Thompson 1
Ytfung oounty A B 0mtBE
man O E Flnlay H W WWW
B Pope W CBIaklyBMMotW
C W Johnson B F Arnold
Zapata countyJsmnDoWit Ipttio
L t
l o t
ri cc i
All is Quiet In the Panbuflifl
cliestora Parading tie 8ta
Vkknon Tnx March
Thursday morning Isti yW y
in with JwJ 4
SMelvenD 8 FmdleywdCJ te
Thomas of Seymour J Sol
Honrletta and Robert F B f i
Parlstarted from S yaur o
should all bo turned lf eS TTK
opinion seems abouteqwS jw
and tho couuty sad town Mre j
ably excited Lieut Mm i
rangers aro here and ffZ °
to hold tho town 0 r
night wo seo three or fo fV
Wlnchefltors parading w
Nevorthlees there bff SuSi =
acts of vlolenee and tue P ml
nro that all parties will quietly t
to tho course of law lvc =
Last Saturdays tone llm
Guard was shown sour TO jr
elurily after havliiB futt0 in
oil he x
that It wss a redhot P P m >
stander J
not It was about ° i
Utately your colncWtd corWJPjnJJJU
his opinion
tho aforetnld bystander >
tnen he has made no
Ing tholato uupleasaot
P Monday morning fJ ft
his honor Judge JJ WJSjU
Court was WlS
grand Jury after eggj
was organized uS 01 a dtw
charge the lo >
of Criminal proctdure fl j
Judge W ft >
H > ylewood Hon A t >
Coif Barnett of
attendance on rt
ures during thoM
United 8Wi
USP total297 ffl
2o8 last week illhitttWi
Western states Bgaaibi
somo time P alncr
states auowpnia
asknments were rep
York city h j
Tlio beat smoking f060
J oker
t r
> rM