OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, April 16, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-04-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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TholBritlsh and Indian Troops Suffer
ing from lha Intense Gold of the
KuSsIa Demand an Explanation n to
tbe PreVenoo of BritiBh Officers at
i uhoXuihk Battle
ooltl W mllior In AIkuaiiUUh
I onuon April 16 Military move
tuViiaTn Afghanistan nro oxceed ngl5
difficult nt present on account of the
almost unprecedented severity of tho
woathor Incessant storms of enow
mid hall on the mountains and rain in
tho vajloys havo ewolion tho rivers
Into floods which are luipossablo by
nny moans of transportation with
wiiich Gen Lumsdcns forces aro sup
plied Tho weather is exceptionally
cold and this fact tells moro severely
on tiio British officers and Indian
troops who nro from the South than
uribn the Ituesltnis who come from
the North
Knslaixr Turn to Kiplnln
Premier Gladstones appurout hcsl
tation over the Kushk river allair has
cmboldoned ltussla and sho is now
taking hor turn in asking explana
tions and withdrawals Tho report is
confirmed that M do Giers has de
manded an explanation of tho pres
ence of Capt Yates of Gen Lumsuens
staff at tho Kushk river battle and of
tho part ho is said to have taken in
provoking that engagement
Spoelal dispatches from St Peters
burg oven assort that Jlussla has de
manded the recall of Gen Lumsdon
himself on tho ground of his pro
nouncod sympathy with tho Afghans
in their hostility toward Itusslu but
this statement Is doubtful
TlioBulInn lnlt l tl
Tlio govornmont is still wrangling
with Turkoy over tlio terms of n pro
posed AngloTurkish alliance Long
Interview botweon Karl Granville and
Musurus Pasha tho Turkish minister
and Fehmi Pasha the sultans special
envoy aro of dally occurrence Tho
sultnula coy and is coquottlug with
both England nud Russia He prob
ably never felt his importance in
Kuropcau politics ao keenly as at this
moment wlien Mr Gladstouo who
formerly described him as tlio tin
Hpertkabio Turk Is bidding for his
favor against tho Russians who whip
ped him In 1877 Tho Husslans aro
making tempting overtures to Tur
key baiting iho hook with provinces
on hor northern boundary tho pos
session of which would tend to conspl
iduto and porpetuato tho Turkish em
pire in Europe Tuo solic
itude if both England and
Jtmla for Turkish friendshln
Is of course caused by tholnttorscou
trolof tlio Dnrdenolles which com
mand tho entrance to the Ulnek sea
There Is however this important dif
ference between the suitors fur Tur
keys favor Englnud could force tho
btrulta mid Hutala could not No oidi
nary vessel of cither navy could pass
tho Dardoaellcs Castles and forts and
butteries Hue tho straits from tho
Uioiu sea to tho sea of Marmora but
tho forla could bo silenced by two or
tliioo of tho British monster turret
nhlps bucIi as Indexible Devastation
Terror Alexander or Herculous
then thoao floating steel forts
could bo stationed nt cither
end of tho straits to protect
tho Nuglbh and exoludo tho llusslan
vessels These facts aro as well known
o tho sultan as to tho British ad
nitrulty and It is Irmly believed hero
tliat his friendship will oventurtlly bo
given to tho sldo carrying the heaviest
A Unhlnct Council
00 i > m A cabinet council Ib now
being hold Nothing is known as to
the BUbJoot undor discussion but it is
bolloved to be with reference to the
Augloltiisslnn dllUoulty
Lord ntillorliih Speech
LAHOitB India April 15 Earl
Dullerln tho British viceroy of India
lias nrrivod horo from IttwuMlndeo
lie comes olllclally to confer with
Mnh arlah of Cashmere Tho viceroy
was mot by a groat orowd nud ac
corded a splendid reception In reply
to an address of welcome presented
by tho olllcera of tho municipality iho
carl spoko olllclally of tho AngloItus
Hlau situation In significant words
Among other thiugs ho Raid
Coming from uii important inter
view with tlio ameer of Afghan
Istan whoso dominions no far
as I havo boon able to ascertain have
heon tho scene of an uuprovoeablo at
tack it is a great satisfaction to find
tho princes and people of India ready
with one accord to rally around tlio
standard ol Great Britain oven at a
distance from their own frontier It
Is impossible to aay how tho present
crisis will end If It unds in war that
result will bo in splto of tho earnest
nnd anxious endeavors of tho British
government to avoid so dire an as
sault nud In dollauco of their most
moderate and conolllatory conduct
Tlio Cnuadlnn Velotiins Told to lie llenUy
Kinciston Ont April 15 Tho
Imperial pensioners ou being paid oil
today 5 wero warned that in tho event
of war botweeu England and Kuasla
nit uudor fifty yeara of ago might lie
called into service Tho voterana ro
oelvott tho uowa with great satisfac
ThoOthcr Power Mint Look Ou
Paws April 15 La Palx f Peaco
aays that in tho event of war between
Muglnnd and Russia tuo other pow
ers espeolally Franco must remain
strictly neutral La Palx hints that
much an agrcemont already exists
renin Open Her Territory
Tkukhkn April 15 Tho Tohcreu
Gajmlo states that tho slato has con
sentod to tho marching of Russian
troops aorosn tho Persian territory to
reiurorco tho army now operating on
tho Afghan frontier
Overhauling the Indian Nuj
BomiiAV April 15 Tho govern
ment has decided to overhaul tho
llfty voaela ooinprUdng tho Indian
iieetandli iiinltlpg n large imrcbase
of provisions from private firms Tho
70000 animals enroute to Plschon are
loaded with Stores and provisions t
The 1rneilt Bllniilloii
London April 15 In tho cabinet
consullntlon today tlio AngloRus
alau situation it is said was repre
sented to bo as follows England and
Russia havo agreed upon a basts for
delimitation of tho Afghan frontier
subject to a satisfactory explanation
by Russia of tho recent attack on
tho Afghans According tothUschomo
It is said that Ponjdeh will bo coded
to Russia provided the nmcor con
IteoruUing for the British ns y con
tinues with great activity Tho ad
miralty hna invited tho navy pen
sioners to enlist us volunteers
Gen Prlnco Dondotikofl the Cos
sack commanderinchief of tho Cau
casian pro Inccs has gone by way of
Baku to make a tour of military In
spection through tho provinces of
Actlvo preparations for war nro nt
present making in nil tho Australian
Anothor Mossacro Feared Tho Farm
Lands Kaldod
Winnhim Man April 15 A
dlspatoh from n Hudson Bay olllclal nt
Battloford etatea that no dellnlto news
lias been recdved from Battleford A
man from Fort Pitt bringing intelli
gence from there was captured by tho
ho No
Indians In whose hands now Is
IndiatiBaiolUBkht about Battloford
and It is supposed they havo gone to
Fnrt Pit Col Irvine sent a dispatch to
this city last night stating that Kiels
forco a cousldoiablo one and
was very
consequently ho did not deem it wise
to Ieavo Prlnco Albert as tho garrison
and clttciiB needed protection
Gen Mlddlotons forco reached
Humboldt last night nud will camnnt
that point until tomorrow morning
wailing to gather supplies
WiNNKiEO Man April 15 A
Battleford dispatch says that the
country north of thero was burned
yesterday for miles by tho Indians
traveling westward All the farms on
both Bides of tlio rl vor were raided nud
tho horses and cattlo driven away
Signal 11 res were seen all around but
tho garrison wns powcrlees to do any
thing but hold Itself in readiness in
tlio event of ail attaek
John Ohinamau Guilty of Murder in
tho First Dogreo
Ban Anokio Tnx Arrll 15
IIuiigAliHuug tho Chinaman who
Is accused of murdering ChinSing
heroin July 1SS1 wan convicted of
murder In tho first degrco today ami
sent to the poulteutlary for llfo
Chas MiIIh and Horace Weaver
wero givon two years charged with
Comollous Williams nud Chae
Golden wero given five yenrs each
charged with robbery
Pleas Watson and HungHo will be
tried for murder tills week
A few cattlo trades havo been mado
horo this cprlng ut fair prices Tho
drlvo will bo very light from hero the
moat of the cattlo being bought for
Texas ranches
Gov Martin Issuos Sis NinetyDays
Quarantlno Edict
ToiiucA ICan April 15 In ac
cordant with tho recommendation
of tho Ktnto Sanitary Lt ve Btook com
ralBslon hb a precautionary meastiro
against tho introduction of pleuro
pneumonia Gov Martin lias ordered
n quarantlno of ulnoty days against
cattlo coming from Urn following lo
calities Tho slates of Connecticut
Pennsylvania Now lorsey Delaware
Maryland Virginia West Vir
ginia Ohio Illinois Kentucky Ten
noasee tho District of Columbia
and that part of New York lying
south of tho north lino of the Btato of
Connecticut and also the counties of
Callaway Boono Audrain and Mont
gomery In Missouri Ho also directs
that such cattlo shall be permitted to
cntor tho state only nt Atchiou
Loavcnworth Kaneas City ami Fori
Washinuion April 15 Seorotarv
Whitney has recetvod tho following
tologrnm from Admiral Jouett I
crossed tho Isthmus yesterday Good
order continues Our thirtynine
men aro all sound and comfortable
Panama April 15 The peace com
mission has left for Buena Ventura
but no good results nro anticipated
Admtrl Jouett visited Panama yes
terdayand inspected tho detachmout
of marlucs ouduty hore who are a flue
body of men In excello nt health nud
spirits Au attack by tlio government
forcea from Buena Votitura is almost
iuovltnble but at present they havo
no IraiiBiwrtH
Court of Appeals
AusriN Tkx April 15 Tho pro
ceedings In tha courtof appeals today
woroas follows Bland vs tho Slate
from Wise county reversed and dis
Kramer vs tho State from Cooke
county tho bauiu ordor
Draub vs tho State from Gonzales
county rehearing refused
ltillwoy vs Ferguson from Farrln
comity anlrmed
Vaught vs Potter from Cooke coun
ty nlllruiod
Tlmbrook v tho Btato from Parker
county reversed vnd dlsiulsied
BncUus vs tho Btato from Baylor
C9usify rcYtrsed nnd remanded i
The Naughty Sons of Erin Qv8 Ventto
Their Hatred of Their Future
The Prince of Wales Stoned and Eotton
Egged A Terrible Eight on
tho Streets of Cork
Com April 15 Tho prince nnd
princess of Wales arrived in this city
today Tho railway Btalion and tho
BtroeU in Its vicinity wore crowded
with peoplo awaiting tho arrival of
tho royal party Whon tho traindrow
Into tho station lt was greeted by
cheers An adrtrcea of welcome wus
delivered nnd muoh enthusiasm pre
The prince and princess of Wales did
not ropeat thor Dublin triumph In
Cork During their progress ou tho
parade workmen nnd boys ran
alongside of their carriage and kept
up tho chooring of tho Nationalists
who lined tho entire route and mado
continual hootllo demonstrations Tho
conduct of tho leaguera uroueed tho
loyalists to a high pitch of cnUm
elflHin and they mado tho streets
echo with shouts of welcome Tho
wonder Is that thero was no violent
breach of thepsaco dining tho royal
progress It is thought that
iho presence of tho princess nud
her ladyliko grnclousuess to tho
peoplo was the element that con
quered Irish gallantry The prlnco
of WnIo8 betrayed Homo feeling when
ho replied to tuo address of welcome
presented by tho magistrates of Cork
Tho prince and princess soon af tor tho
conclusion of tho procession departed
for Queonstown
While tho prlnco nnd pi Inccss wore
being driven in todays procession n
Nationalist throw a vegetable at tho
royal carriage Tho vegetablo struck
ono of tho footmen Many stones
were thrown by roughs nt
tho peoplo that followed nnd
cheered the roynl carrlago and
the polico sovoral times fired at tho
roughs No injuries nro reported
Immediately after the procession was
over n meetfngof thoNntioiiul League
was held Tlio meeting declared
that the Loyalists attempted
to get up a fictitious
demonstration of welcomo in honor of
royalty nnd passed n resolution of con
gratulation to John OConccr who
escaped tho hostile demonstrations
for tlio victory ho hnd achioved for tho
National cause
London April 15 Up to this even
ing there was n feeling of relief in
government circles ovor tho news
from Cork which all tended to show
that tho visit of tho prlncoof Wales to
that city had passed oil quietly
nnd had evoked au unexpected
amount of enthusiasm Early in tho
ovouing tho government otllclals de
clared that tho attempts of tlio Nation
alists to organize an opposition had
resulted in n failure and that tho
extent of tho Loyalists demonstration
was surprising These declarations
wero hardly uttered boforo tho tele
graph brought accounts or rioting in
various parts of Cork As
tho open carrlago containing
tho prlnco of Wales was crossing Par
nell bridge some one in tho crowd
At his royal highness The missile
uilpsed its aim but hit one of the foot
men behind the carriage and tho
crowd cheorod During tho nftor
noon tho dctectheB arrested a
rowdy who was seen throwing
atones nt the procession A mob spoed
lly formed nnd attempted to rescuo
tho prisoner Tho detective llred his
revolver but without hitting any ono
and succeeded In taking tho prisoner
to tho polico court whero ho was
promptly released on bail furnished
by tho mayor of Cork Early
In tho evening tho Nationalists held a
mass meeting whero
wero mado and Iho latest London
newspapors containing accounts of
tho royal progress wero burned In a
bonfire After tho mass meeting the
Nntiounllets started
through tlie
olty In parties numbering from 50 to
600 Doors nnd windows wero
smashed Hags nud decorations torn
down nnd heaped up on blaug bon
fires and mauy gunstores were
broken into Tho policemen whon
oncountered elugly or in small
squads were attacked and beaten
unmercifully with tholr own troun
cheon In many casts tho pollej ral
lied andClIAltOUD
upon tho mob but they wero invari
ably surrounded and repulsed The no
llco then resorted to the free use of
their revolvers und bayouota It was
hand to hand lighting of the most
desperato sort tho polico standing
back to back and receiving nnd
iulllctlng terrible injuries At
midnight tho Btreota were prnotlcally
In posaesslon of tho mob The police
men who remained uninjured could
not nttempt to do moro than remain
In their positions and act on the
defousivo In addition to the attacks
from tho crowds In the streets tho
polico woro exposed to a murder
ous volley of stones from tha win
dows of tho houses and other points
of vantage The belief nt midnight
was that tho streets could not bo
cleared without the use of artillery
tui uior uukixku
London April 10400 a m Tho
rioting at Cork has been suppressed
Mauy arresfB were made and tho hos
pitals aro full of wounded polico and
Convicted of Murder in tho Second
Four Davis Trv April 15 H H
Doughty was tried today nnd con
victed of murder In tho second degree
nnd sentenced o live years in tho pen
itentiary for shooting Policeman Thos
Modo Iti n house of ill famo 1u El
Paso July II 1S83 Tho Jury was out
all night Doughty Was ably defend
ed by Congressman Lanham and Law
yers Blacker and Stevens of Kl Pabo
All tho remaining cases were con
tinued tilt the next term
Tho Sick Warrior Expresses n Hope
That Ho May Rocovor
NwYotiK April 15At 0 oclock
this morning tho following bulletin
was Issued by Gcu Grants ntteuding
Gen Grant has enjoyod n refresh
ing sleep of eight and onehalf hours
His pulso Is 74 and of fair volume
His temporuture Ib normal Ho Is in
clined to bo cheoiful and chatty and
has nt present no pain in his throat
nor has he Buffered from any during
tho night
Tim doctors in consultation
New Yoiik April 153 v M At tho
consultation visit nt p in Drs
Souds Shrndyaud Douglas were pros
ont Dr Barkor was unavoidably ab
sent Gen Grant was found to be in
an improved condition as compared
with that noted nt tho last general
consultation Tho treatment pursued
was recommended to be continued
Nkw Yoiik April 15 When Dr
Shrady left Geu Grants house after
tiio consultation today ho said in
answer to n question that tho general
condition of tho patient was improved
How do account for this
yon steady
improvement was asked
Tiio gonerals bad attacks havo
been caused by complications asso
ciated with tho usual progress of the
disease These hav been ovatcoino
for tho presont nnd of course ho Is
bettor The temporary irritation In
the throat has been relieved and tho
result is what tho bulletins have
And do tho bulletins state tvery
tlriim was asked
Tho bulletins deal with tho plain
facts nnd frets only responded Dr
During tho consultation this after
noon Gen Grant said to his phy
sicians Tho doctors outside 1 am
informed aro writing nboutmy ease
and talking nbout it and somo
of them seem to think that
thoy know moro about It than
you gentlemen do but itls like n time
of war when tho mon nt homo think
they know bettor about it nnd how to
do it than the generals who aro
on tho field fighting
Soon after his throat was dressed
this morning Gen Grant said in re
marking upon his improved condition
that ho thought ho would get well
New Yoiik April 15 midnight
Gen Grant has been very freo from
pnln during tho afternoon and even
ing His condition has not materially
changed sinco tho laflt report He has
coughed infrequently and has not
been troubled by any accumulation of
mucous His pulse is 72 his tempera
turo normal Ho Is now sleeping
Tho Authorities Tako Stops to Pre
vent Its Introduction
Washington April 15 Although
no olllclal information has been re
ceived by the marine hospital bureau
of tbe existence of cholera In any part
of Europe the authorities aro taking
overy precaution to prevent itoiutio
duction into this country Tho bhuI
tnry Inspectors attached to tho foreign
consulates havo all been reappointed
by tlio Beoretnry of state The quar
antine stations nt Ship Island nnd
Sapclo Sotiud aro already in operatlou
nnd those at Delaware Breakwater
and Capo Charles will bo put in opera
tlon by tho 1st of May
Tho Atchison Topcka Santa Fc
Bowon Mass April 15 The
annual report of tho Atchison Topeka
Santa Fornilroad for 1SS1 was mado
public today It shows gross earn
ings of 10201 SSl expenses i > 3 55350S
taxes 121870 net earnings 7315000
being a decrease in tho net earnings
of 010017 as compaied with 1SS3
Applicant for Dliorcc
A novel caso was lately beforen Lon
don polico court where n woinuu ap
plied for a writ against her husband
Tho following colloquy ensued Magis
trate Has hn been Illusing yon 1
Applicant Yes sir Magistrate
Has ho struck youV Applicant
Not exactly sir Magistrate
Then whnt ha9 ho doneV Appli
cant H0squee7es me so hard that ho
hurts mo and I am sure that ho has
put my heart out of place I Loud
laughter He Bays he nisaus to do
for mo thut way nnd thou I shall not
bo ablo to show any marks of his vio
lence and peoplo wont know what
killed me At another time ho says
ho does lt all for love Laughter
He is continually squeezing ma in
that way aud lam ture he means
to iuuro me by doing lt
Im not oventrong nud Ivo
como to you sir to grant me a sum
mons against him for assaulting me in
this way Renewed laughter The
magistrate uralllng I am atrald I
cant grant you n summons for that
but I will tell you what I will do I
will sond ono of tho olllcera of tho
court down with you to your husband
und tho officer shall tell him from mo
that he Is not to tqueeo you so bard
for the future Laughter Tho op
pllcaut then withdrew
1 dont feel very woll this morning
complained Smith that baby of
mine kept mo walking with him most
of tho night He must bo a chip of
tlio old blook ventured Brown
Hows that no lets tho other
fellow walkPhlladelphia News
Mil i i
A Ircnt Discovery
Mr Win Thomas of Newton Iowa
sayf My wlfo has been seriously aft
feoted with n cough for twentylive
years and this spring moro severely
than ever before She had used mauy
remedies without relief aud being
urged to try Dr Kings New Discov
ery did ao with most gratifying to
BUlts The first bottle relieved her
very much nnd the second bottlo has
absolutely cured lier Sho hasnothad
bo good health tor thirty years
Trial bottles free at H W Williams
Co b dwig store Largo slzo 1
mm i mil
Tho Alert of tho Greeley relief ex
Pull Cigarettes
Will not stick to tho
A Cure of Pneumonia
Mr D H Barnnby of Oswego N
Y saya thothls daughter was taken
with n violent cold which terminated
with pneumonia nud all the best
physicians gave the caso up and said
sho could live but a few hours at
most She was In this condition when
a friend recommended Dit War
HALii s Balsam ron TirELuNas and
advised her to tiy it Stio accepted it
as a last rcBort and was stir wised to
find that lt produced a marked change
for tho hotter nud by persevering n
permanent euro was effected
Cutlery UnarantMd
You can buy a pocketknife from 10
cents to 110 with over two hundred
patterns to seloot from at Andersons
Cottrell Kemper Cuf
Of the Fort Worth horse market are
meeting with much better iucceas
than they least anticipated at their
opening Thoy keep elegant turnouts
and haciUoino horses Thoy have
ome tine blooded stallions and a largo
Jot of tiuo horses and mates on hand
and tpect toon another largo ship
ment Call and see them at S09 Main
Btwet This stable keeps hacks for
prhate families only
Lightweight Woolen Stripes
Light Weight Woolou Plaids < >
Exquisite Patterns in Figured Challies
Changeable Lattice Brocade
20 cenuii
20 cent
20 cente1
20 cent
Chaugcnblo Checked Poplins i5oniiffl
All Wool Nuns Veiling Jn aVarirty of Bhndos 25 cents
4 t
And to name them Is a most convincing argument and in thlsi > oiL
thoy will Berve to bIiow tho unapproaokable bargains at > i < S
Randall Chambers
We still bave a good assortment of Straw Mattlniwp
which we are soiling at less than New York costaS3
a number of nice remnants in carpets at half valniiflf
to close out rldg
Misses Cardinal and Pink Ingrain and Lisle Hoseleit
in all sizes very suitable for tho fepoi
Bom KApril 15 A dispatch froni
Geu Ricol commander of tho Italian
expedition to tun Red sea states that
tho Egyptian garrisons of Serhelt
Amndib and Qharp which havo been
beleaguered for many months by hos
tile Arabs havo escuped and reached
Slassawnh whero they nro under the
protection of the Italian flag Shortly
boforo their cseipo tho garrisons of
Ghnry and Senheit made a combined i
sortie in which they killed u thousand
of the enemy and captured several
hundred hend of cattlo
The olllclal announcement of tho
appointment of Capt George WDavis
as aiddocamn to tho lieutenantgen
eral vice Major William J Volkmer
was made yestordny
o S
perlntends erection ofteMivdo
sinkiug of wells etc gtHj
Telephone Andersons guiwto JQ J
koylltting nnd locksmlthlnr e J
A Thousand Rebels Killed
D Palmer Kl
real estate agent Mldu4fwl
Green county Tex deal ia
gli t
Midland property euburbw feiinr
farms ranches and school tofc fsl
= rdae <
nmMKs 8iic
pedltion wlllbd taken fromNew York Giles Liniment Iodide Amfebt
to Halifax whero she a ill be returned I nemoves all unsightly Bunch fus <
to tho English government with tho ijimenesn in emtio upinai inA tin
tlmnlrn of fnni Hprnnu Knees Quieter ionndw
manns oi congress
LlmbB Hpavln Tungbone witftai
ExGov Hubbard of Texas and Mr No stable shonid be without it Bi
llufus Magie of Indiana the newly ffi 3 i8S > t
appointed United States ministers to i 0r Belmont and Lomiard it tu V
Japan and Norway and Sweden wore t wonders ono trial win convince
at tho state department yesterday and will without cliarsp lfvi BdrleemiS
received their instructions Tho for
mer will leave for his post of duty iho
early part of Moy
Tho attorney general has given an
opinion to tho president sustaining
tho eligibility of Mr Ijawton of
Georgia for tho appointment as minis
ter to Russia
It is reported that Chman Digiia
with but a tow followers left has re
treated to Erkowit
It is feared that the steamer Magre
ta bolonclug to the Eastern Extension
Telegraph company of London has
been lest iu the bay of DIscay She
had n largo staff of telegraph olllclals
on board
Champion Oarsmen Challenged
New Yohic April loTbo Turf
Field ana Farm will announce in Its
next lssuo an offer of 6000 by Mr
Petfer Duryear to row a ilvomlle race
provided William Beaoh Edward
Hnulan nnd Wallace Hois enter the
entries to bo closed July 20 with Ham
ilton Busby tho editor
Every firstclass denier sells Opera
Texas PanElectric TelepW
eases nnd alooon the mnuflgeramt jn
Bold by nil drucglstj at too and tU > > 43
and in qnnrtt at S5L50 in which thenY1
wivlnit The Liniment in white vrn nll
for family use that In yellow rorcWMP
BREVITIES Onr Fort Worth Exchange S sot Una
operaUon with over MO subscilWa plr
Gudnttt Connection per month
Tin line offer
Ter tba ccmtorubla and r pW
tnnapon ot puiecgn
Sumlnj Thronijh Sleeperfof > S
ftnil Chair Car furTaletlal JTr <
anil Klociiutlurlar Car for
TlirotiKh Sleeper forNewiurKi
only Through Sleeper tolli
Two Meep r for Chieucu
The Central Offlce on appUcatlosSfy
nUh enbscrlbers mwaenger bojt y S
errands charglnc for the eorrlce
Cer 20 cents for tho tlrat half boor jf
I additional half hour or fractional < fc
of Wcentu
All Agents eel ticket and caf Ldt
IHB Onr nrcnrummlalloiK
ileitlnatlonvlntliB popular
Wabash Bam
FJf otet nnd f n rM V Jtm
ixtiitx ixit aly to opiJ

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