OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, May 03, 1885, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-05-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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T tt > 1n IndleMlon VI rnltncne
Mllln if remedy or DImum of th
uid lWrr
inralmiMo i for SlMawi peculiar M
u mil all who lead sedentary Urn
V Injure the teethcausehcid oheo
con tlrttlon < XA r ron mtdlclrut do
Wind purifies the blood rtlmulatei
dtcBlJs the aslmilaUon of foodro
ariburn nd Belching and itreugth
noKlM and nerves
tcnnlttent Keren Ludtuda Lack ol
At It lia no equal
he mrslne ha nboTo trade mark and
A Uw on wrappe r Ta I e no other
r awKumtaiciI rn mirnoAi na
lfi tO lf > li IIlllKll SB
Good Solid Colors
niLOVl > IiOTS
lroller City Tex
iiit to Owners of Stock
Liniment Iodide Ammonia
a nil Unalghlly Iluncliea Cures
In C U < o Hplnal Alenluulll
< nees Quieter Vouudor Weak
pavlu Ringbone Wlndenlle
le should bo without It lUllrosd
nd express companies h1 uso Ulies
and In the great racing Ktables
nt and Lorlllurd It lias achieved
One 1 rial will convince
lit QILKS Box 313 Si Y lO who
out chnrce give advice on alldls
alttoon the management of cattle
11 druggists at 50c and SlOU holtle
larUatfZSO In which there la great
The Unlmont In white wrappers Is
irose that In yellow for cattle
oLamb andHockloy Counties
A Hunton the Route
iado Tex May 2 L C
of St Louis who left here ten
o accompanied by J H Powell
> r Knight and J J Nelson or
Lamb and Hockley counties
is north of here returned to
Ir L 0 Nelson owns 128100
land In Lamb and Hockley
i Ho went out to examine It
> proved a very pleasant one
id his lands satisfactory They
30 best class of pasture land
i abuudauco of grass and wa
r Powell who bytheway la
shot with a Winchester rlile
nothing over Nelson ua a
> an Autelopoauddeorabound
country they went through
son although fresh from the
lied the first antelope on the
te afterwards killed Boveral
inthor and numerous wild cats
suidupthohurtwltha little
n by killing n Mexican lion of
proportions Ho is so well
with his estate that he will
Jd soclt tho same with cattle
TJea as soon as practicable
ityls 6tlll improving antltho
inciaco saddle shop is rushed
Id live saddles today and re
iraers for ten more They re
> aie orders from New Mexico
ulcipato a largo trade soon
ather is clear and w nn
Peak are agents for the eel
Pennsylvania lawnmower
To Strangers
forget to call and leave your
s with Jas H Martludale the
mg tailor of Fort Worth and
Dilate ready for a Bult write
Pies All measures taken and
6Q416 Houston street
< lercr Co > a Faultless Cigar
best fivecent smoke on the
an continent Sold only at
cigar store 400 Main street
r north Pickwick hotel Also
brands of line imported and do
el arb and tobacco Smokers
of every description always ou
dwd twopound tomatoes for 8
rcan at Montgomery Coa
received at Henry Peaks
ire window and door screens
re ntttiug for chicken yards
las II Martlndale
tag tailor 416 Houston st
n directions
are followed in tin
jUver Loaf Baking Powdor the
w always satisfactory and the
naker never has room for com
For Sale
hundred halfbreed shorthorn
Jot J Smyth
Grand View Tex
Martlndale tho Importing
Vf Houston street baa always
le largest line of woolens In
iii i ftucl leave jour mean
in the city and when you
nit write for Bample Dont
place corner Fourth and
JH streets
Rookwall Oonnty IWants a Railroad A
fine Agricultural Belt Out Off
1rom the Market
The Building of a Line 1rom the Fort to
Greenville via Bichardson and
Rockwall Proposed
ItocKWAM Tex May 2 This
county was unknown to the map of
our state until the latter part of tlio
winter of 1S73 The county organlzv
Hon occurred In April 1S73 following
the pasaago of the act creating tho
county At that time the county was
sparsely populated the total voto being
about two hundred Since then a con
tinual stream of Immigration has
poured Into tho county until nearly
every acre is under fence and nearly
all in cultivation and tho same area
cannot bo found In nil North Texas
that produces more grain cotton nnd
other products than does this counly
We can also boast of being theJsmaU
cst county in the state but we aro at
tho eamo timo the richest In lands
aa wo have no poor land whatever
and every foot except the beds of tho
oreeks and branches Is susceptible of
Tho only impediment to our posi
tionin the front Is that we aro yet
without a railroad in the county Wo
have been disappointed more than
once on the railroad question first by
missing a branch of tho St ijouls
Texas narrowgaugo from Mt Pleas
ant to Dallas and last by the falluro
of the Gulf Colorado Santa Fo to
build northeast by our town to Green
ville and Paris Wo arc now watch
ing and waiting for any road to build
through here or evon propose such a
thing and our people would gladly
welcome such a movement coming
from nny point that would enable us
to soenre rallrood communication with
tho world
Our county town is located eighteen
miles from Terrell on tho Texas
Pacific and Is about tho same distance
from Piano on tho Texas Central and
thesamn distance from Farmorsvllle
on the Jist Line twentyllvo miles
each from Dallas and Greenville mak
ing an area of nearly two hundred
square miles of tho finest country In
tho state and one that needs a road
Worse than any other that we aro
aware of
Every year there are thousands of
bushels of grain wasted for want of
transportation Tho farmers of course
feed It to their stock yet they could
nnd would turn it into money if they
had a convenient market You are
aware that when oats and corn in
the ear aro hauled twentytlve miles
tho producers profit Is a very light
oue nt prices ranging from tweuty
cents and less to forty cents per bushel
When on tho other hand If we had
transportation by rail East South or
West tho prices would bo more than
doubled Our people would extoud
liberal assistance to any company that
would furnish tho relief fcought At
any rate they Have proposed to do so
heretofore and we think they are more
anxious now than over before Some
of them in casting about for a road
have recently suggested that wo ask
Fort Worth why a lino
of road starting from tho
Santa Fo at the Fort via Grapo
vine oi a little south of it Richard
son Rickwall and to Greenville
would not pay If built
Wo appreciate the push and energy
of your city for every enterprise that
will add to its eolid wealth and wo
beliovo that all that is necessary is to
call the attention of the Forts fore
most men to tho practicability and fu
ture advantages to your city In
inaugurating such a movement
There is no doubt aboultho substantial
aid that can be had along the llnopro
its Grapovlne aud Rockwnll
Kosed already heretoforo expressed
tbomselves and the other points along
tho route would do equally as well
Our crops aro comparatively late
Thero has been too much rain The
stands of corn aro medium Some
cotton Ik at a good stand and some is
not yet out of the ground A larger
crop than usual Is planted Oats and
wheat are promising well Provisions
for the year among the farmers aro
plentiful and all ought to do well this
Our county has lived under tho local
option law for Bevcn or eight years
and has prospered wonderfully in se
curing sober industrious and enter
prising settlers
Health of the county Is firstclass
Our county court convenes next
week and district court the week fol
Bncklens Arnica Salve
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever
sores tetter chapped hands chil
blains corns and all skin eruptions
and positively cures piles or no pay
required It Is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box For sale by
H W Williams Co
Tho Town Cleansed by a Religious
PbyslcEomo Improvements
Uonham Tkx May 2 Whllo tho
greatest city in Texas is enjoying a re
vival of religion under the preaching
of the renowned evangelist Pearson
the second future great Bonham is
belug shaken from center to circum
ference by Elder Clark of AddItau col
leeo who has been delivering a series
oflcctures from the Bible for the past
two weeks to crowded houses and still
the good work goes ou A goodly
number have put on the whole armor
and have been buried with their Lord
In baptism and raised up to waik in
the newness of life
ThedlUercnt Sundayachoohoftbe
city cave a grand Mayday picnic on
FrldSv the 1st Inst which proved
grand success Tho committees
Mm much credit for thelruntlr ng
eilorta to make it a P forttin
little folks whoeujoyed
most extent It was held ini the
the residence of
beautiful park near
Maj O DGrace
The Bonhatn home on tho west
side of South Mala street under the
new management has assumed gigan
tic proportions It ha been added to
and romodoled from collar to garret
and whon completul insido and out It
will rank as firstclass Pllo Wyatt
tho proprietors aro both experienced
men in the business Mrs Lou Wyatt
tho accomplished hostess presides
ovor tho destiny of tho culinary de
partment and knows exactly how to
cater to tho tasto orn hungry man
Tho longlookedforaudwcpeoted
Dill Arp has come and gone His
lccturoon ThoSwlngoftho Pondulum
was grand gloomy and peculiar At
times ho w uid soar aloft In oratory
find suddenly recede aud toon JU ec
centricities would flrop Gut Which
made It yery amusing to tho enlight
ened audience Taking it nil In all
wo consider it a rare treat such n one
as Bonham does not ofteu receive
Wo mako no pretentions to poetry
but below wo submit n few lines dedi
cated to our old friend Conductor J
M Chase of the Transcontinental
Hording mules ror glory on the T A I
Wants two hundred role a day per <
Working like thunder currrlng down n
rinds It all for glory und thinks he was a
cnr reward will be horenfler
Of this yon are well aware
After you have climbedJohn
Up Jay Cloulda golden stair
Four Men Killed in an Encounter
With HorseThieves
has just been received of another
bloody tragedy in tho Indian territory
A po B0 has beon for several days in
pursuit of somo cattlethloves who
havo been stealing cattlo near Dela
ware bond lu Cooko county
Tho thieves wore followed noross
Bed rivor and yesterday morning the
pursuers found tho bold oilenders in a
house on Lees ranch Tho posse sur
rounded tho house and attempted to
dlslodgo them Tho thieves opened
lire and a light ensued in which four
of tho poiBo wero killed nud nuother
wounded Tho thieves woro protected
by tho house and escaped unhurt
The persons killed wero Jim and
Andy Roll and an unknown man from
Cooko county and Sergeant Guy of the
Indian polios
Further particulars cannot bo
learned at prerout The Rolls Were
respected citizens ono of them belug
a wealthy cattleman of this place
Thero is n general exprepslou of lu >
dlgnatlon nualnet the dastardly perpe
trators of this outrage
An Enterprising Reliable Hourc
H W Williams can always be relied
upon not only to carry in stock the
best of everytnina but to secure the
agoncy for such articles as have well
known merit nnd aro popular with
the people thereby sustaining tho rep
utation of being always outerprlslug
nnd ever reliable Having secured tho
agency for tho celebrated Dr KlngH
New Discovery for ConBumptlou will
sell it on a posltlvo guarantee It will
surely cure any and overy allectlon of
throat lungs aud chest and to Bhow
our confidence wo invito you to call
und Kct n trial bottle free
Tho Extras Restored
ChuAdq III May 2 Notice has
been given by tho Western Union
Telegraph company that it will pay
Its operators for all extra work This
is iu accordance with tho custom lu
voguo till a fow montltB ago and for
the restoration of which the operators
petitioned General Superintendent
InstaulIf Itelloved
Mrs Ann Lacour of Now Orleans
La writes I havo a son who has
been sick for two years he has been
attended by our leading physicians
but all to no purpose This morning
he had his usual spell of coughing
nnd was so greatly prostrated in conse
quence that death seomed imminent
We had in the house a bottlo of Dr
Win Halls Balsam for tho Lungs
purchased by my husband who no
ticed your advertisement yesterday
Wo admluiatoredltandhewas instant
ly relieved
Pendleton Sails for Germany
New Yoitic May 2 Hon Georgo
n Pendleton United States minister
to Germany sailod this morning for
Bremen on tho steamer Werra He
was accompanied by his wife and two
daughters A number of friends
trathered at tho dock to seo them oil
The departing minister and his family
were In tho best of health nnd spirits
Desolation in Jam
In some parts of the country the
earthquakes have left not a tree stand
ing nud the soil Is a wlldorness look
ing like tho bottom of a driedup sea
In fact tho region Is in as bad a way
as the wornout stomach of an old dys
peptic Earthquekes cannot be pre
vented but dyspepsia can and the
timely use of Browns Iron Blttow will
do it This beet of family medicines
can be bought of any druggist nt a dol
lar a bottlo Dont lot your stomach
become a desolation for the lack of it
Still In the Kin
SiBINikieu III May 2 Incom
petent clerks of the house committee
in recounting the balloU from tho
Thirteenth district yesterday an
nounced tbatKlupphai a majority of
eightyone over Mulheran the sitting
momoer Tho clerks made au error of
1200 in favor of Klupp As a result of
the recount the present member will
retain his teat
in Answer Wanted
Can any one bring us a case of kid
ney or liver complaint that Electrlo
Bitters will not speedily cure We say
cannot as thousands of caeca
already permanently cured aud who
are dally recommending Electrlo Bit
ten will provo Bright disease dia
betes weak back orjany urluary com
plaint quickly cured They purify the
blood regulate the bowels and act di
rectly on the dlteased parte Every
guaranteed For ale at llfty
centaaTwttle byll W WiHUms
For lame bask eide or cheat use
Bhllohs Porou Plaster Price 25
cTnU Bold by H W William < fc Co
Wo oiler 100 pieces beautiful fast
colored nrlnt lawns at 5o worth 10c
Wo oiler 20 piece Merrlmito sateen
dresa goods very allghtly damaged at
ICo considered cheap In other stores
at 2 O
Wo oll isr 20 pieces Merrliuao uateon
dress goods at 2 < u f > 0u Is tho price
in other store
Wo odor 101 mens odd coats at 350
worth 0
The great war impending between I
KughuU and Russia luduoes ua to
publish the nboyo plolures England
with al no3t unlimited reeouices ofj
men and monoy Is begging for nn
ltonorablo peace Rtmla arrogant t
and overbearing demands war lo
uutte her people and sustain her tot
teriugcmplrc Eugland from her In
dlan possessions alone csn put ouol
million men In tho Held and thero Is
moro money today in Lombard sticot
London than thero lain tho balanco
of tho world If thero is war tho end
can bo seen Prluco or Wales of Eng
laud is virtually King of India Tho
Princess of Wales Is now traveling in
Irelnud looklmr around to boo what
can bo dono to please tho Irish people
Tho Irish are good soldier Russia
has a population of one hundred mil
lion England has a population with
her possessions of three bundled mil
Wo odor 100 mena coats and vests
nt 5 worth 10
Tho reason wo mulfo theso very low
prices on the nbovo goods Is because
tlioy are it little too light for winter
aniln little ton heavy for summer
We oll r 100 meus odd coals at 100
worth IK 60
We oiler 11X1 mens allwool caiisl
meio suits at > 760 such goods as are
sold in all highpriced stores at H
Absolutely Pme
rail powder never varlec A marvel of pn
ttyilrenxtnndwholeeoxtieoMi Morocco
comical than the ordinary kind and canso
boeoldln oomnetlon with the maintain o
tow Uxit hart weight alum or phuphati
powdera ctofdMifyfocup KorAXHxkjJi
Powosa Co 109 Won Street New York
Taut Weatherford Ht Kort Worth Tex
Galvanized Iron Cornice
BfcyUchU and Ventilator Tin iron and
Ula roofer K > ddrl r In corrvated Iron
loofln and elding tta j < Ute olderad rat
fnl 4lroualwTi < ae
will ntKrHxiN vicritnv ov imha
Every niece of Roods before innunfncturcd for us into Clothing Is lioronglilv tested nml spongeri
so that wo will bo sure tho garment will not fntlo or shrink and tho best advertising that wo can et
is tho praise given to us by our customers who linvo bottRlit of us for the past two ycatv
Wo oiler largatus in ladles boots shoes aud slippers and
call attention to our ladies und misses kid slippers at
Toe sold in tho high priced stores nt fl 25
We offer bargains in mens nud boys wool hats
Wo otter bargains lu mens boys nud misses straw hats
Wo oiler bargalUH in mens and boys boots nud shoes
We oiler bargains lu ladles mens and childrens hose
Wo oiler bargains In mons shirts
Wo sell tho best wliltellaunderedfihlrtHntJlJl aiidflDO
over sold lu tho state
Weofbr bargains in all kinds of cheviots poicals and
seersucker for mens ahlrts nnd childrens waists
Wo oiler bargains In boya clothing and good bargains
becauso boys wear out thelrclothingso fast that moth
era cannot aliord to pay high prices for them
Wo oliVr handsome fanoy prints at 5 I nud 7 ceutB
Wo oiler bargains In bleached shirtings
We oiler bargains In blenched sheetings
Weotrer bargains In woolen cotton and linen goods foi
boys clothing
We oiler burgnlua In dry goods
Wo otier bargains lu white goods
We oiler cxcellentsmall cheeked ginghams nt 10o and the
book fold Hootch checks nt 12o
Wo oiler excellent dress ginghams ntlOc same quality as
sold iu the highpriced houses nt 12o
Wo ofler n goodbargaln In all wool fnuuy oatwltnoreaat M
no Defter goods sold every day In this tmvniitl2 i
and f lOO
We otl or tho best ladles corset at > a ever sold In Texas l
tho prleo
Wo oiler the best ladles corset at 1 over sold at the price
In Texas
Wo arc selling the beat linen nt 2 jo ovor Hold at the price
In the United States
Wo aro tolling tho best linen towels nt 160 a dozen over
nold at tho price In Texas
We aro selling excellent bargnluu In white andooloicd
table damask
Wo oiler 100 nienti allwool cassl
mero mils at 0 worth f 10
Wo olfur 100 iuouh allwool cii bI
mere at 11 > is thu common price
for them
At 18 and 22 60 wo sell our nobby
custom work suits Host imported
fabrics made by morolmut tailor work
men and fully equal to goods which
merchant tailors extort the high prices
of 35 and 10
Oliase Trad iii Company Houston Jtroet
Tho Black Murdor Trial Set for Mon
day The Racos
Pahis Tex Mny 2 Thero was a
large attendance at the aes today
Tho track was in good condition and
tho weather was line
First race trotting Executor won
Mny H socoud Time 220
Second race pacing Buck Dicker
son won Joe Bower second Gen
Lee dropped out In Unit round Best
time 2112
Third race milo dash Little Joo
won Eulleld second Bell Maud
third Torrenco fourth Time 14J
The trial of Crook aud Harris
charged with tho murder of Sherlll
elect Black Is set for May A Tho
court haa ordered a special venire of
sixty men for this caso Court nd
journtd yestordnv evculng util May 1
lrof J W Youmaus of Toronto
Ontgavou most interesting lecture
hero this afternoon on elocution nnd
vocal music
Rev J S Mooro of Sherman com
mences a series of meetings hereut
the FiiPt Presbyleriau church Mon
day May I
Tho first strawberry festival of Hit
season was given here last night at
Woodlawu seminary
Tho farmers lu this section nro keep
ing up with their work pretty well
and they still hopo for a bountiful har
Facts for Tonrlsts and Uingffit
Whether for the tourist bout on
pleasure or business or tho emigrant
seeklngnfar Western home Hostel
ters Stomach Bitters Is tho best pro
tector against the hurtful Influences
of climatic chaugo or malaria tho
most reliable medicine for general uso
ho can possibly carry with him It
nullified tho ellect of sudden changes
of temrxrature braces ttie system
against the enfeebling Influ
ence of fxcceslvq heat pre
vents injurious consequences
from a chnugo of diet or of using bad
food or water Is a Hue rosuecltuut of
physical energy diminished by tho
fatigue of traveltugtaud tends to coun
teract tho eilects of expoture in rough
weather It is much and servlceably
used by mariners and others whose
outdoor llfo and arduous labor expose
them unusually It is moreover of
great service as a preventive aud cura
tive of dicorderof tho stomach liver
bowels and as a general tonic
Standard twopound tomatoes for til
ceuts per can at Montgomery Coa
llomlr Ledercr k Cog Faultless Cigar
Is the beat fivecent smoke ou the
American conllneut Sold only at
Morris cigar store 400 Main street
one door north Pickwick hotel Also
choice brands of lino Imported and do
mestic cigar and tobacco Smokers
article of every description always on
t To Strasgen
Dont forget to call and leave your
measure with Jai II Mnrlindale the
Importing tailor of Fort Worth and
when you are ready for a suit write
for sampled All measures taken aud
ao charge 413 Houston street
A Primary Election to Voto for Post
HpeoiRi 1
BiiTOxTl May 2 A primary I
election for postmaster of city was
held today Thero wero tiino candi
dates Seven htiudrod and three votes
wero polled Of thU number Mr
Howol Tutu in received 210 tho largest
voto received by any candidate Ho
will be recommended for appointment
to Congressman Mills
Stnndard twopound tomatoes for Si
cents per can itt Montgomery A Cou
Silver Loaf Baking Powdor has nover
vet disappointed tho bieadmaker
Ten Dollars Damages Awardod
Against tho Santa Fo
Cleiiuiink Trx May 2 Iu tho
district court today a jury gave
Ellsom Moore 10 10 for Injuries re
ceived lu having aback which ho waa
driving rnn Into by the engine of the
Gulf Colorado Santa Fo railway at
Rev W A SlmniB pastor of tho
Bnptlst church and six others left
yesterday for Augusta Ga to attend
tho Southern Baptist convention
1 Wk W T4
rul li the only Otmrtored lUtery of u
Louisiana State Lottery Company
Incorporated in IKOa for 39 yearn by I he 1 < i
lalature foreducatlonul and charitable pur
poneiiwith n capita of llxxlMito which
renervo fund of over M0UUJ hu ilnoo Iihu
ad clod
Ily an overwhelming popular vote IU frail
ohlio wan made n part of the nretent tl
constitution adostul Doc i A v W
A Splendid Opportunity to Win a Fortune
IU Grand Hlticlonuinber Drawing will
take piano monthly It never dale or poit
pouch 100k at thu foltuwlne alatrlbntlon
At Hew Orleans Tnesday Hay 12 use
UnderthaHnpervltlounnd Manateuientol
Geo u T EAUDEOARD or Louisiana
andGeniUBALA EARLY or Vlrnlnla
100000 Tlokcls at Flvo Dollar Eaok
rictlont In nit lln Proporllta
X4stot raises
lOaplAUrlio tAOw
to l wo
no 1W >
IrltMOflWXX 120X
1997 lrlroe amounting to m JW5U
Application for rnt tn olnui tuoald h
mado to tho oince of tho oompany lu New
For farther Information writ clearly i
KVJleralt by lontalXota Kxpreu Mnn
Order Now York Kohanice or Draft ou New
OrJoaci IxjtUim with currency Invariably
by oxpreai We pay exprcnu onars < on all
< umi of S3 or upwardn
Addressed M A DAUPHIN
New Orleans La
Addrnai reentered letter ondiaake poit
office rnoneyordem payable to
New Orlum National Bant
Wow Orleans t
Cylinder and Machine Oils
Manufactured by
Tliey are sold lo the ooxsumkh ojr
Tlieyare old AJiaoiUTkfv on awhoVai
i Havo thoIHalera profit aid wrlto for prlce
Hole agent for N rtb 7rxo
I JyOxoviKwTrr
The Mirror
is no flatterer Would you
make it tell a sweeter title
Magnolia Balm is thecliann
er that almost cheats the

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