r I 1 i 6 WOST PERFEnT MADE Iltparod by pliyilcUn with m < I I regard tohcnllli No Atnmgiilit llnn or Alum Cnir Colorado fc Siuilii I c THROUGH TEXAS DAILY TRAINS IIKTWKKN FORT WORTH Untinrne Turn Del Mnrgsn McOregnr toil uwipiuhoi Oitrwou Mllnno Caldwell HomervHI orenhMfi lfcillvillo Unaenhurir 1Iimi ton nnil Ualveaton NEW ROUTE TO vaaota and Montgomery vl Homervllle THROUGH TICKETS Anil llaggago Cliooki to nil 1olflU lteiioliuit by Hull or He Tli Hammer llmito to Now York vln UulveMou uuil MALLOItY BTKAM8IU1 LINK To ami From Ilurono nl Lowest KlltCH SPKOIAL ADVANTAGES To IkUIoii WlahtiiR to llrlng friend to thin Country HUVK KTl tr TIUIKHi OUT WOUTII 10 MIVEHTON AND HOUSTON < Port Worth 71 n m Arrlv llcmaton lliM p in Arrive liilvcilon lliM p in l v Inlvealoii 8U1 it in J > av llonalnti vln 1 II A H A llyUW n in Arrlv fort Wort 1160 pm for furtlinr Informntloii nddroaa iwoitlll nillllul U I UVHK loncrnt lnmvniior Union riotat a tit Agent Clalveaton Kurt Woilh Now TImo Oitr < l raking Kflot Docembor W till TltAB A rAuiria W it Arrlv lnv Wo801 dully jBilwpm BIUp m Mo ft dully iOSpin No E 7 dally icptHnu in KAOT WaiWl ilMly m 7W m Ho SOO dally liWpin oKKdally opt Hun7il0 p in MUbOOllI lAtiiirmi N0HT1I ArrlV IeVe Mo ludMly M m lo Ill dally via lllM iM p in bM p in flOUTJI r > o 191 dully jiM p in Hu 1M dally via linllM7im m 7M a in IT0HT W01I1H A UCNVKIUUTTI U < ave Arrlv HurlUIinnnd Tli m uatUhbotiiut 650 n in OULT 0Q1OHAI10 A BAHTA ri mouth Ixjuvb Arrlv Mo j dully 7ilS mi No 74 dully ICQmdaUnniti p in No inn Nn 1 dully I lliMp m No W aocunimoilnUnn 7lU a in niiNinnnor tiiaini No Wi aud 801 bstwoen HI IxiuU una Kl IM I INo Xnua 131 between fort Worth ami N wOrlf > An Nmi Mf > iid S07 Ixtwnon Fort Worth mwl Jnlnrmln No m mid 1S1 betweon Fort Worth HU Ixinli mill Trnim kititliionlnl No lMiunllM tiotwwgu M n Anloulimud Ut liulavln linllu NoS und 1 b lwon Fort Worth Homton mil l lv ion o l iuhu Union Tloket Ak uI oiiAiKmorTiMEl On unit AlUrHoptinb ril IBM pMngu truln wlllt l v Union Pipnt 7 Orm Arrlv nl Wlehlln KhII li 43 p ml Lmvh Wichita PhII Sup m Arrlv Fort Worn o no p in ii U Fhobt Hop OaiJKUIl NOTIOICH Hrtiind Vnabylrrlan churuh Jiiiim ilreot lltinr Hocomt It M Mooro punlor Hnlilmlli acrvlotm at It it in Hmuli y cliool at ID 41rliyl Kvinlns acrvloo nt tho tiitivriinrla with milou mooting Uvrryboily InvlUH Honllv fdilo lUptlit church corner of HI IonMiivctineiuiit llroadHrnyHiimiarichnol nt 0 m n m VrcnuhliiK Uy lh potior J a itllmpU t II a in N wvlw t nlKht 4Jn to lh tnlicrimcle Flmt lUpUit olturch J iinluK aveniir wir iarinluini or We t T nt l ltov W H Tyn piMtor Public wor hlp Hint vr4riilug nl II a m by tho pMtnr lUrllim und tho Lorda lupper lo follow th KKimoii A good choir will h > nd In n purl ot new or mimiaytcboo at v 30 w in W HTaylor uprlnlenddnl Tlio publlo eonilally tnvtiod Our ata atn Oreo to nil wlioulllroniK Iho pnitor will mttmltltd Inboruarlo in thuovoulPK FortWotlh 1rriiiytotUn church coruor 1 oUrlU niul Ctalhuuti tlroetti OWIn to tlio l ct thai Iho rtiurch la uiultrsoltiif tupatra thorn vrlll ho nn rvlciofnnyklud tiwtay lilt hoped thu church will ho ready for m vupatlon hy nextHnbtmlh UumbirUnd rrvahyterlan church corner Taylor and PKlh ttiiHita H v It MTlimoii piator Preaching At II a in lttcopltonof jneimiem ntiur Iho xoriiioiii HUPAUltU 1 chutrti corner llnln and Nluthtt rreta 10 a in duui invtUur 11 a ra public lceactilns hytho paatort rW pm Mimtyirtii > ol AcurJIal InvlUttmi la ex > tended to tho s nerat publlo to ltnd 111 all tlicto aorvlexa o afivlcia at night Oiugrruatloo willworihlp l th tabtrnaclo ntnlnhl Ht And church forcer Ituak and Kaat IHUi tln U Fourth Hunday ntl r F ter HimdayMiool MnJH It lUemrt np rlu teadont 4 > a mi morulng prajer holy communion and aomion nt II a in Con rM llon cIm win lueot tho rector Initio church at I p to Evening aorvlce and rmou nt TUt Pru Trinity MIilon Bun daynicliool at tho eh p l oomer Ht Uluta nvonuo r > ad Anna atrott at8Wp in Hunday oerrlca at tho Fourth tllicel Motif oitlilJSidaoopal ehnrob Houth Hov A A isillwopaattf HitndayachoolatvtJ a m Iwartilug nt ll i in by thn praildlng Idor IWv W WHtciktou I vefoaatat 4 pm Noaorvlco In the vcolug on ac count of tho union lulling i in labor ua eii Jh > IIMartludMri Jmpnrtlui tailor 115 IIoiiMou at AYJjHIt Arreutn In Van Zandfc Oounty for Running an Illicit Distillery Hpoclfll Tvmk Tix May 1 Our llntrlct nndcounly clerks loduy movrd Into tholr now ofllcm which lmvo Jtmt bcon completed Thn oIHcch lmvo nil tho Intcot coiivunlonctH liicltidln lire proof vitullM mid uro oh linu aa any in tliontalo MwHro W O Gentry und W JV Jniifs woro in rented ycfllerdny In Van mult county by Deputy United HlKtcH MnrHlml Flucli olinrRcd with runnliiif mi Illicit dlBtillury Tliey lnul u tirollinlnnry examination today lioforo Jml Wood United HtatcH cothiulMiloner and wore hound over to tho next term of tho Inltcd Htaten court lANHAUDLK QUAItANTlNK Troublo BrowlDr Botwoon tho Oattlo moa of North and Bouth Tomo Han Antonio Tkx May 2 Trouble In browliiK between thu cattle men of North und Boiith Tcxiih The North Texas cttltlemen jiropoHO to en labllHh a qtinrantlun MKuliiht nil tho cattloHOiith of thu lino of tho TuxnH Iliolllo railroad traolcs AHpeclal ilieetinK of thu executive coiumltleo of the Houthwentcrn Live Htoclc iiHioclntlou whiuh Ih oiio of the largcHt mid HtroiiKeet a HoeluMonH In thu United Btut n W h held hero yen terday with cloarnl doom Tlio l an liiiiloiiuriintlno wuh tlio Ntibjeot of dltciiHiiliiii It Ih not known what notion wnH determined upon hut it uplrlted Houthuru caltleiimn mild uucli n iuarautluo lino an thu ouu propooed could not lio maintained even with tho aid of WlnoliiHtcM HAN ANTONIO An niinRatlan Noblomnn Invcntii In a Toxan llanch Hpoclnl Han Antonio Tix May It la ilellultely nottlud that thu depot of tlio AraiiBaa Vam road will bu located on Houth KJoorth Ntreot Tho proposition to tiHo thu lower part of thu ipmrlur manturH building ntKoverumont jiohl hero or thu barracku Iiuh liven almti doiitd and now bulldluKH will bu urected atu probable cent of 160000 ThuOlyiinTuriUann ranch twunty liilhM weHtof here wuh wild today to N Ormay an JIutiKurlaii liobluiiian Hu eiuuo beru recently from latAKonla by liorHebauk ThocleoUnn of oIllcerH for thu now county of Valvurdo will occur In a few Inyo There aro about el ht cimdi dntcH for each poHltlon Thu number ol deatliH In Him Anto nio for thu week waa thirteen WINNMISOKO MootliiR of tlio Wood County Tonch ora ABfloctntlon OthorNotcfl Hpnolul WiNNHiioito Tkx May U Otir Mayday celobratlnn wan a fjrmid hiio ce M Kvcry feature of thu carefully arranged programme wn presuntitl luamniiuer highly cicdltabluto all parlulpatliiKiatuI to tho utnioot mitU fuctlon of thu vnat niidlenco present Thu coronation ceremoulcH at nluht weroeHpcelally IiiiiiohIiik twrntytlve beautiful youiiu IiuIIch and llttlu RtrlH participating Thu reKular moethiir of thu teuvliont amoulntlon of Wood county wuh held hero today A very nleiuitiK mid In atruutlvu proKrammu wan carried nut Thu next regular nieutltiff will bo held atuitumu May > 0 Many prominent peraoiiH mo in town mnoiiu wtiom wo notloo iIohh Ilattlu or thu Jtittiimu Mall and Crooltot Wllllama of thu Mlneola Mon itor Ilianconceded fact that tho Mar hIiiiII < fc NorthwtHtern railway will be built to this placu at nodUlant day A FLOATING UAlITOL Tho Beat of Qovomuiont ofWoat Vlr Blnla Itomovod to Oharloston WiiiiKMNo WVa MayS Wheel IiiK la no longer tho capital of Weat NMrglnla The atato archlvca tho gov ernment propurty and tho ollUttra and their famlllea left thin morulng on tho aleamem Hcllu 1rltiuuiiud Choaapeako or Charleaton which ttndor tho pro vtalouaofnn nctpaaacd In 1870 by thu leglalature beoaino thupernianentaeat or government fur thla atato on and atter todny This la tho aecoud tlmu thla city luw ceased lo bo the capital It was made aticli when thu atato waa formed At tho cloieof tho war Charleatonbecamo tho capital In 1875 Wheollng was uiado tho capllal again tho city agree lnit to furnlah nuarler freoof coat ao long aa tho capital ahould bo at Wheel ing Thoaleanura aro expected toreaoh Charleaton tomoriow night Tho uowatatuhouao there la not yot com TT THE GAZETTE FORT WORTH TEXAS SUNDAY MAY 3 pleted only a few of tho executive ollleea being ready tor occupancy The TUimura Olty Asaumea Control of WatorWorkorrult Drop Hpvclnl Tniittmi Tix May B At last meeting of tho olty council authorities reaumod control of waterworka and they aro now tho the tho tho In charge of tho walerworka comtnlttee Tito coinmlttto projioaea to aco hint they aro kept In good working order that there la always a supply of water on hnnl in wwe of Uo and that the hydranta aro put at auch a prlco aa to coino wltliln tho reach ot overy cltlxon of tho Incorporation Corn la beglmilug to autTor from tho Wet weather but a week or two of fair weather uow will enable farmers to place their corn and cotton lit good condition Tho fruit crop ia heavy and tho proa pect ia that thu ao much talked of can l R MtaolUhniMit that wo lanvcnt get will bo much uootcd It Ijoweuthal of Now < Ul iu ha pitched hla tent hero and will eugagu In tho furniture trade Our people ulvo him u hearty welcome Dr W T OhlldreHsi F M Koach Dr Webb and otberx who wont to California hoiiio time auo returned yesterday moriilnn delighted with what tliey aaw and mtioh bcnollled by tho recreation nilbrded by tho trip Woukljr Statement Of nvernKO actual unrollmcut nlteud aiiruaud tnrdlnexHol thn city publlo schoolaof Fort Worth for tho week otidlm Friday May 1 183G IIU1III JH NO I 4 < No 3 No il WOl lltl4lll4ll > HIHI IH tl > l No 5 v0 Iff ft No 7 lllghBchool ToUil m in 141 07 07m 137ft win ill iiuT 7M 301 Tholrio Itiiifr Mr In Dalton wlioln hero aa tho manniror of dipt Jan Dallon thecel obraled Olilcaijo piilllat received a toleKram from hla prlnolpal yea terday which rend Will bo In Fort Worth Thuiadny Tlio mill bulwuBti Uapt Dulton and Mr John 1 OIow of thin city taken plncuattho Driving park next Hun day Thu atakua tiro 1V > 0 iv hI1u and Khlurccclptu thoouuKaluluf thu moat pulutii In live louudH to bo declared tho wiuuor Thu ndmltalon fco will buii Mr Ina Daltnn who rutireaentH Capt Dalton dealrca Tin Gai iti toalato that ho will match 1atay Car dill ngalnat John I CIowh unknown on Uiu Haino terma ouu wcok aftor thu OlowDalton match tnkea placu Mr Cardiff thu IVorla Giant Ih willing to meet anyone barring Hulllvaii District Court II W Morten vh Fort Worth Com prcflH Co waa concluded yeaterday thu court trying thu oaau and rendering Judgment for tho plalutlir hut by ro quoatof defendant counaul hold up hla final dvulalon until Monday moru lng to hear other authorltlcH for de defendant Job If Jtrown va Wcaturn Inlun Telegraph Co which has twice boon tried in thla court and aa often re veraed by thu aiipremo court wuh ugalu lulled for trial when deruuitanta attorneya HteinnioiiHt 1olldn Dnllaa filed hllldavlt for removal to federal court at Dillus on thu ground that thu dufeudant could uot get a fair and Im partial trial In thla county but tlio court after hearing authorltlcH over ruled thu motion and thu cnuu will again bo tried Monday Noxt In or der waa thu habcaii corpua caoea ouu or Horacu Matlookwhontanda Indicted for murder of Mr Youngblood in Ar lington iaat winter Thu court after hearing ovldouco remanded thu tie loudaut to Jail without ball Itomly Lcdercr I Co a Inulllcas Cigar 1a thu beat livecent anmkuoii thu American continent Hold only at Morrla cigar atore 100 Main aticet ouu door north IMckwIck hotel Alao uhnlco brandaortluo imported and do meatluclgnra and tobacco Hmokera articiea or every deaorlptlon nlwnyii on hand Iletiiro Frnmcn All atylea andalca andof thu moat handaomu moulding made by Ilnk ard V Joyce UU and tit Ilouaton atreet Ulvu them a call All atylea of ftirnlturo aold on thu Inatalimtnt plan Thu ladlea of Fort Worth who uso Derfumeaaruapcclally Invltud to try Klnga uneijualed Nerolu cologne moat klUJito and laitlng ever sold In Toxaa Htantlard twopound tomntoca for H centa per can at Montgomery A Coa Iluy thu White MounUln lcocruam freeera aold by Honry A Peak IralnCradlcM Thu W A IluIImau Iinplumont Co lmvo Just received a largo lot of grain oradlca which thuy oll or very low to thu trade HHclal prlcoi to dealera Property In Wichita Falls lex lor Hnlo or lWclmiigo Dwelling lioimo of flvo rooma altu ated on two lota In tho town of Wichita Fnlla Tex Will sell or ex change for city property In Fort Worth Austin or Han Antonio Ad drew l O Box 103 Wichita Fnlla Tex Iinwiimoworn at Ifonry lVaka To trnugcra Dout forgot to call and leave your menaure with law H Marllndale tho Importing tailor of Fort Worth and when you are ready for a ault write for aamplcB All meaaurea taken und no charge lift liouaton atreet itomly Uderer A fo s Faultless Cigar la tho licit llvocont atuoke on tho Amerlian contlnont Hold only nt Morrla cigar atore 100 Main atreet ono door north 1lokwlok hotel Alao oholco branda of lluo Imported and do meatlo clgara and tobacco Hmokora arllelta of ovury deaorlptlon alwayn on hand Ja II Marllndale Importing tailor 115 Ilouaton at lreserlptlona Filled at all hours tlay or night at KlQRa drug atore 50li Main atrtot Choice Country Cured aieata hania ahouluera mlddllnga brcakfAat baoon now lard and iili klnda of dried meata vonlaon roaata i ckltxl beefctc at Kemper Iro I 8 Lower Main atreet wholesale anil retail cheap for cash Juat Xevr Line or lllnatr Sets received at tho Fort Worth China Coa TliMegoodanro cl KRUt and ahould have your attention at once Hold on the nM lhneit plan las II Martlmlale Imiuirtlng tailor llr Houaton at 1 u shipping early vegetables conalgn to Hntlth Thompaou A Carl 123 Kaat Fourth atreet Kansas City Mo Jaa If Mnrtlndale tho Importing tailor llfi Houston atreet baa ulwuya on hand tlio largest lino of wooloua In tlio Btato Call and lenvo your meas ure while In thu olty aud when you want a ault wrlto for samplea Dont forget tho place comer Fourth and Houston atreeta In offering Hllver Loaf baking pow der to ho publlo tho manufacturer simply askan trial with other brands mid la willing to nbldo tho result tStrctCAi nights iimOq mlaoiablo by that torrlblo cough Hhllohs Cure fa tho femedy for you Bold by If W Williams A Co Hook Jhcii Ann Hend your naniq and address for our lllnstratwl catalogue a book of over latipngea MknkkkHiios Memphis Tenn Shiloha Vitalhcr la what you need for conatlpatlou loss of appotlto dizzi ness and nil symptoms of dyspepsia lrleo 10 and 75 cents per bottle Hold byllW Wllllama A Co Jaill Mnrtlniliite Importing tailor M Houston at guaranteed chomlcallv pure aud to this la attributed Ita tm procedouted popularity wherever It has boon Introduced W A Hufiimtu implement Co has Just received a big lot of largo millet aeod which they aro ottering very low To Stranger Dont forget to call and leave your measure with Jaa 11 Martnulalo thu Importing tailor of Fort Worth and when you aro ready for a ault wrlto lor samples All measures taken and no chargo lid Houatoti atreet Housekeepers Will tlnd what they need at Water house drug atore aud It will pay to f ° tljw Cocoanttt aonp 0 cent acrub brushes 10 centa aaml soap 5 cent hotuekecpera paint any color and quantitycamphor insect t > owdereeto Jtt II Mnrtlndale Importing tailor llfi Houaton at AiSTD Manufacturer of the Celebrated iiver Loaf Bakin jITSTD 03ST tho Various nrtlcles already mentioned havo found It nocoaaary to combat ox cosiilvo fermontatlona whothor vinoua acetous or alcohollo which havo ovor atood in tlio way ot succeaaiully man ufacturing wlno vinegar and alcohol In our bouthorn ollmatu Tho uxtiorl inonbi liavo resulted lu thodiacOvory ppnwpnt wliloh complutoly obvlatea this dinioulty Tills agent la thu ox tract of tho harltof atroo ludlgonous to tho atato of Texas Cnrrylng tholr experlmenta still further they have naoortalned thnt thla aaino extract I aa completely controls thu only re I maluiug fonncntation known to the I rU and Bcleucea viz Blood for inentatIon < invhich la tho causu of fo vera as well aa of rheumatism S thS Z Tholugredlenta that outer into the lmvo nT aoaiiMMltrou of Hllver Loaf Baking 7 n 10 extrMtaor 8l u nm o i Powder are rendering it iipn y a most efllcaoloua as well aa dollghtful and palatable buverage 1 1 0 0 0 of lh0 l08fc tonlcs u Ita ellecta but tho nso of It oiroottiallv provonta tyrihoiualarlal fuver At tlio i ia u lmo a u rS ouro t0T rlicuma tlai i Dr Hughia Kxtract of Lemon and aiqgerlaputtip In casea of two ozon bottles and can bo found ut all tlratclaiw druir and irrocorv stores That huekin quickly cured n nounh guarantco It Hold llama A Co uy Hhlloha by can bu so Curo Wo H W Wll Jutf1 V10 IlMOdoutod popularity pfHIlvor Loaf Baking Powder has awerla found in tho guaranleo of J if ° Vory u oheml When Hllver Loaf Uaklng Powder U used according to tho printed direction o each packago tho manufacturer n M tecH tmf ywrbrcaa will be nutritious wholesome and light fwi nna Consumption i uold bv a ° Knamiitee It 3Eciar e C siLTLciJL eJ BOTTO PRICE Stationary and Portable Engines Threshers Cotton Gins and Pr FLOUR COM AND FEED MILLS And all kinds of PEBPETDALHAT PRESSES MOM il II Bill Octxxo 3VCllli9 etiaca 23vapoiators II you uuod nnythliiB In our lino write tia aud wo will quoloyou our lowest prlcoi W A HUFFMAN IMPLEMENT COMPl FOH SAIii A Slondid Homo In a ood Locality A coltngorcaldoncG of twoHtorlea eight rooma Htibatautlnlly built cor ner lot In line neighborhood foraalo Favoiablo terma If dealred Addrcan Houae enro Qnxotto Fort Worth Tex A WYSCHETZKB CO XjuOl3XTX > ui3kaNII > 0231Sr3IJ3FtuauXji uQlODEII 800 CONGRESS AVE cor WEST HICKORY ST AUSTIH Jll Lands Kxaiulnud and Divhlod Titles Examined and Ierfectedj Obtained Taxes Iald In nil Farts of tho Htato and a Smi HuhUhw Trnnsantud Husliiiss with Htato Departments a jpeclafy l KUVIi3NTIV12 Of TyplioMnlarlal Fovor and Our for Ilkouinatlsiu nt Last Duicovorod By thu llrm of HugheM Bros manu facturing chemist of Dallas Texas This onterprlslng llrm havo for tho last llvo yuara been engaged In tho manufacture of baking powders wines elder vinegar etc Dr F IS Hughes who presides ovor tholr laboratory baa for tho last forty years been on gaged In tho study and practice of modlelno mid chemistry Thor also lmvo in tholr laborntory Prof Uoo O Calhoun who lias for many years noon tcachpr of chemistry also Mr J and terms reasonable MyP j Prlco Warrick a grnduato of chemistry Um liro ot aurpaseed In the In tho Unlvorslty of Phlladolphlu W H MiiM rf Mieso In IULLSBOUO TMt Livory Food and Sals 8h Transfer Line Thu undurslirned wotfld c lf tentlon of thu traveling puMt fact that hu la keeping > hotel In tho onterprlslng IUvmi Hlllsboro for tlielr special Hon In connection there keeps a llrstolasa livery t W tho very beat of outllta c cured at all tlmea Drtimmi a apoclally A freo bus will from tlio depot to the hotee rival of tialna under the b inentofP HHood MyboW Tliat Hllvor Loaf IlakiDJJ has taken a position aide U tho leaillng brands in thaa donees tho murlt claimed i manufacturer Tlio Iljc Ills simply wonderful tMJ Hon Hawkea celebrated mid Patent Spring I o w attained throughout tie States TeBtlmonlals from eminent men lu thocoum whoso lias iicen i f sight B their use TlieaoglaaseacaSSi In Fort Worth only front k0 Catarrh cured iw breath uecured by Bhilai remedy Irico 60 cenUi tor free Sold by H W Co To Strnegert Dont to call aud forgot B7 W n measure with Jan Importing tailor of lorl V J when you nro ready for jT for samples All mcaeuree T no charge 41ft Houston M 6Vou > wiooit icoi flJT chltlH Immediately relief lohsCure Hold by H > Co ArtcalaH AtiJ autzmana barber wj tho of Main an rp corner This is the finest MtabllwgJ lias tho best b t rj stato and natronago U respcclfu7 No Wii Alain street In Ing Powiler a found which places the Wffi houaekeepor on aa < J kU who havo rnado bre4uim for ytara p ycnrllBgi Si lOWorlWO yearlingor Apply to It O Kr oa