OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, May 03, 1885, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-05-03/ed-1/seq-8/

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l > i
t f
mown In new and seasonable J > re s
tin fmc l nna of the createil narrates ovor
Good White Embroidered Robes
We hare e ated the bsrjalns ot the hmou In Whito and Kent Embroidered
Itnbcs Each dr i pump tea single box will a f blon rlatt showing style of
makliij K chllobeeoatMn ISJy rdimatctlBl lnebeiIHy rdiwliloembroid
ery nnd V > i yarJs narrow
Spring Tide Checks
A ur d beantllul India Mneii fabric In handsome plaid effects Regular cent
finality thin week < M cents
AJilvellywlllnntrreiweiind will Improve by wsshlog A spcclul bargain at 20c
Just Roooivod Thoso Popular Checked Nainsooks at 10o
A great bsrgaln this week In Kaney Turkish Hath Towel S150 per doien A
pure Unco Towel IS 12 eenlt each 20 pieces Bleached Double Damault Jerinan
Table Linen03 laeli wide nnenunllly at 7Sc per yard an excellent iuallty Irish
I lneiSo per yard
Spring Clothing
Our general stork of Men and Youth suits la now Hie largest and moat
atiiplcteln Uio Went Woiterla substantial mil that we can recommend as low
a J0 >
Wo how the cream of tho style equaling the best Merchant Tallorworkcul
anytrlmmedin the most elegant manner nod made up of the dnesl Imported and
lltTmtlfe Woolens at prices from It to ftt
113 and 115 HouHton una 112 ami 111 Main St
> v
B Sublctlon8 6ond Street H
iween Hamlan and Xluuckuiorton to
uted al tba toitofflea aa tJecondcUs
Mix thousand dollars can bo had on
long tlmooii improved business city
property Must Do loaned out at once
M 1KM East Filth street
For Sale
Three hundred shares in Tho Bettos
Furniture Company of DenlsonTcx
nt10flpor ehare Parties desiring a
good paying Investment uow have an
opportunity For particulars and In
furmutlon address V II llcttcit sec
retary jDoitl ouTex
ToCltj Subscribers
Tin tiAKKrrii compauy now re
quires me to auttlo In full every Sat
urday for all papers haudled by ma
during the week nml in tirder to meot
thin rcnulmneut 1 am forced to tho
necessity of collecting from every sub
sorlbor at tho cud of each week
If tho subscriber ptufcra ho cau
paymoulhty In ndvauce 1 shall In
the futuro bo governed strictly by tho
above rules and hope every subscriber
will conform to tho tumu willingly
If tho torma mentioned above dti mil
milt you please notify me Immedi
ately hothntyour paper can bo dlscon
United aficr Utof May
J AH T Mkiton
Jas H Martludnlo ho Importing
tailor tin Houston street baa alwaya
on hand tho largest lino of woolcna lu
tho state Call and leave your nieaa
uro whllo lu Iho city and when you
want a milt wrlto for Biunnles Dont
forgot the place corner Fourth and
Houston tttceta
Pott Worth Donvor City Stage
Fourhorse Concord coaches leave
Wichita Falls dally on arrival of
trains from Fort Worth for
Ftoiu Vernon ovory Mnuilny
Wednesday and Friday on arrival of
atago from Wichita Falls for Claren
don Fort Elliott ntti Mobeetle oou
uoutlng with lines for Oamp Bupply
Dodge City Fort Haacomb and Santa
to N M Faro rvasonable Ilound
tripa at reducwl rnten
MnUHger Wichita Falls
Llmcl Lime lhncl
Hound Kook Llmeworka manufac
tur 3 whlto lime of tho very beat
quality Order solicited For prices
eta tutoress Mautin vt Wai u
Uound Itook Tex Proprietors
A car of Bteel nails at Henry
Peaks hardware store
Jaa H Mnrllndale the importing
tailor 115 Houston street has alwaya
on baud tho largest line of woolens lu
thoslato Call and leave your meat
uro whlto In tho city and when you
want a milt wrlto for samples Dont
forget the plaoe corner Fourth and
Homitou streets
Water Cooler
All slcea and style at W P Lewis it
To Stranuers
Dont forg t to call and leave your
measure with Jaa H Martludale tho
Importing tailor of Foit Worth and
wheu you ro ready for a suit wrlto
for sttinples All measures taken aud
no charge 115 Houtton street
allor 415 lTcutou st 1
To tliolirrnicn
Don B Adams ia hi bed sick with
ullllolis fever and tumble therefore to
solicit his friends to aid him in get
ting tho petition of uhlef of tho tiro
department This will bo an oppor
tuno time to give Don n lift 113 he la
worthy and deserves the place being
0110 of the best firemen on tho force
Dons Phi ends
Jan II Mnrtlntlnlc
Importing tnllor 115 Houston si
10 Cow Horses
In good flesh wantod by Cottrell
Kemper < fc Co at the Fort Worth
horeo market on Slain nreet This
firm also havo four head of stalllonByot
for Bale Call and seo them
llardnaro Stock for Sale
Tho tlrm of Johnson Ambler
YMing haven full and wellassorted
stock of hut dwnro They aro located
lu tho best buelness portion of thla
city Wishing to sellout they would
lllto to lind u buyer
00 Cow Horses
tlesh wautcd by
rn good Cottrell
Kemper Co at the Fort Worth
horso markot on Main streot This
firm also havo four head of stallions
yet for aalo Call and see them
Jas II Jlartlndnle
ImjiortluK tailor 115 Houston at
To Strangers
Dont rorgot to call and leave your
measure With Jas H Martlttdalo the
Inumrtlng tailor of Fort Worth and
when you aro roidy for a suit wrlto
for samples All moasuros taken and
no charge U5 Houston street
Kcrjboily Has a Clmttec
Within tho next thirty days
otter to our outoftown trado an excel
lent opportunity to get rarely ottered
values in the few belowdescribed lots
of goods Do not luvltuto to send us
your order at once You can run no
risk whatever as wo havo tin estab
Ilshed reputation we mean what wo
say If tho goods which you order of
us aro not as di scribed you may re
turn them Tho decided bargains
which we aro ctlVrlug for tho next
thirty days are as follows
A ° h03 5 PleCMpf W ck gros gralu
sUlcltluohra nt ft per yard Tills
quality would bo considered cheap at
> l Vi perynrd
A lot of SM pieces of black gros Kraln
silk extra heavy quality at 13 iM > r
yard this always sold readily at fl To
per yard
A large number of pieces of altsilk
Bpaulsh lace black and cream beauti
ful patterns full four Inches wide at
20 cents por yard
Auoiher lot ot nllsllk Spanish laeea
in black and cream uovel designs live
inches wldo 1 cents per yard
Fifty pieces of all silk Spanish Uui
pure laces ctoam and black six Inches
W de at 40 cents i > er yard
thirty pieces of Spanish Guipure
Matclasseo laco cream and black six
Inches wide very heavy at 50 ceula
Two hundred pieces
tlguretl Batijtes
thlttytwoluchca wide JO cenU per
Two hundred and flfty pieces whits
India linen prettiest whlto
for summer drosses at 10J cents per
Two hundred doreu ladles regular
made solid cardinal navy and seal
brown hose at 25 cents a pair
A lot of skybiuo and pink lisle hoso
at 50 ceuts a pair at
oANOKit Unas
m Dallas Texas
dyff001 Iwum In the
tfttttOBtSCJtt k tVvw
Fort Worth Gas Light Company
Otlico 511 Houston Stroot Fort Worth Texas
Bole Asents for tho
Wholeeale and Itetall Dealers In Beit Ilrandi
I oniiHylvunIiv Antlirnclto Ilarrt Coal
In Kcc and Hal iliee aUo Standard Brands of
EtXsuSuOEbisivtxrr BC goal
At favorable prices which will be shipped to any point In North Texas lu quanliUee to eult
and laUifactlon guaranteed TE11MS UAHII
Caltlo shipments are growing
Three fromo storehouses going up
on Main street
Climbing Up the Golden Stairs at
the concert toniglit
Henry Tucker was buried yester
day by tho colored Knlghta of Pythias
Only 50 cent admission to the con
cert tcnlght by tho Nashville Stu
Tho Nashville Students quartette
Is u team that has never been excelled
luFoit Worth
Mrs Benton has an invitation by
telegraph to rcproduco Aladuln in
Cleveland Ohio
Tho sacred concert tonight by the
Nashville Students will Introduce
some excellent music
A equad of colored inon belonging to
801110 sooretorder paraded tho streets
yestcrdaygolng through a drill lu line
The Trinity Is now falling rapidly
11ml by Monday tho work or cleaning
out tho waterworks miction pipes cau
probably be commenced
A seedy individual who was con
victed of vagrancy in tho city court
yesterday requested tho secretary to
ohorgc It It wus not charged
Tho birthday of Mies Ida Ilea
was tho occasion of quite a pleasant
party yesterday evening nt tho resi
dence of her parents ou Kast Second
Architect Sanguluet la at work ou
plans lor 11 twostory buUdlug for tho
Steele Journal Publishing compauy
It la to bo built on Fourth street back
of tho IlullmanSlmpson building
The children of the Christian chut ch
and grown people In all about LOO
went to Vuu Zaudts grovo yosterday
and had a dollghtful picnic A gen
tleman who was present says ho never
saw suoh n bountiful and splendid din
ner lu his life
lloyltin < fe Finch Is tho new law firm
composed of IX J Uoykln s Henry
Finch with oflloo over Twombly
SouonMalnstroet Both gentlemen
are well and favorably known nud
The Gazctti wishes them a full
measuro of success
Tho contest over tho position of lire
chief la glowing more Interesting as
tho day of election approaches About
tho only prediction that appears to
havo any foundation is thatuach com
pauy will give Its own man a compli
mentary voto on tho ilrst ballot and
after that all Is uucertuiuty
Tho matlneo for yesterday after
noon not having been advertised long
euough beforehand there was not a
eulUcleut nttendauco to Justify tho
Original Nashvilo Students lu giving
a performance Those who had come
were oituor refunded their money or
allowed to uao tho ticket for tho even
lug entertainment
The authorities received information
yesterday that Win Wilson sIIbs Jt
J Dander arrested Friday as nn es
caped rouvlot from Nebraska is also
wanted in Now Mexico He will bo
held hero uutll fuller particulars aro
received from that territory Other
circumstances havo doveloped to show
that Wilson la a very b d bad man
Tho pollco committee holds a moot
ing Mouday evening to complete tho
Hat of recommendations for appoint
ment qu tho police forco Tho
bora deny tho authenticity of all ru
mors whloh aro attoat regarding
chaugea lu tho personnel or salary of
the forco and say that no ono outsldo
of thenuplvoa has had Intimation
of tho action they havo taken
There will ba no Bervloes today lu
tho Ilrst Presbyterian nor will thero
beany Sundayschool owing to re
pairs being made In tho church The
old plastered cciliug has been taken
down ami celled with lumber The
waHi will be papered and the odlrtoe
repainted and repaired and will bo
ready In two or three days more for
use Sundayschool sud most likely
divine services will bo held as usual
Sunday May 10J
The denUens of the jail are making
themselves most disagreeable to tho
families living just back or it since tho
warm weather naa come aud the win
TMW 0l ° iiU 1nv > en opened
Tho i n birds
Jail auitnm themselves by
addressing tho ladles In familiar and
vulgar language whenever they come
out of their houses if tho gentlemen
JV d r nceylle were informed that
Jniwln d ovy8Woul1 closed If
th y < J not behave themselves they
would behave J
Thieves brake Into the drygoods
low of Mr U M Boweus on Salu
street Friday night between 9 and 11
oclock and stole Mr Jtaweua valise
R of shoes Jeweiry eToV from the
Two tovolvcrs
elghtcallbre Cee thlrty
bulldo Amerlcn
make wore also fllcht d from the sliow
Seyeiuy dollars In
and about ten or llfteen dollars fn
iK iH60 fr ° m lho drawer
Mr Uoweus
thinks he knows
who the
parties are so look ahirp
Bofore the stylra ara picked over
select an organdie at Randall A
Chamben Co s for 3Sc
Mr K W Curtis of this city left for
lA Paso last night whero ho will re
main for a few weeks for tho benefit
of hla health
Mrs Geo Cornelius wlfeof the pop
ular night clerk of the Pickwick has
returned to tho city from a visit to her
relntives In nillaboro
MaJ J O Wright a largo property
owner of tho Fort loft with his fami
ly yesterday morning on a visit to his
old home in Madison Wisconsin
Mrs John S Estes of uraubury
paid a visit to Fort Worth yesterday
and called at TiikGazettk ofllce to
leavo as a token of neighborly good
will a beautiful bunch of lowers
Mr Frank Flcnuer and lady left
yesterday for New Orleans to be ab
sent at the exposition several weeks
During their stay they will visit
friends in Louisiana and then return
At thb Grand Central W W Fol
lett Shreveport La V H PooUv
A H Asbury Colorado City Tom
Davis Gainesville L E Williams
St Louis Mo II M Martin Ala
bama H W Phelps Canada
At tho Ltudoll H M Martin Ala
bama Henry Kane Jjampaius If T
Crawford San Antonio G H Brady
Joplln M < > G P Jones ABhovllfe
N C G W Bowman Dalla H S
Millar Little Bock Ark C Fifslm
ous Charleston S C A Leldy
Memphis Tenn II Adams Coral
cana A H Murray Now Orleans
At the Grand View hotel F I
Clark city J II White and wife
Mauslield Jttdgo R D Heckham
cliy E L Walker J A Stewart
Rrcckiurldge B A Baker Mount
Vernon D It Bruce Colorado O H
Lowel Hamilton 15 E Davis Marl
on Fla L L Wallce Mobile Fla
0 0 Clifton Betma Fla B J
Moore St LouIb Ed Muubou Chi
At the Mansion W A Latham
Pontine Ills P M Walker nud H
W Davis Weathertord J C Carpen
ter and wife Mrs Shauaker JM
Holmes Miss Anulo Holmes MIbs
Knight E Blley and lady Decatur
Siin C Anderson Cleburne L S
Bugboo aud W A Lockridge Kansas
City Mo 1 W Carter Caldwell 0
W Wood Kansas City Mo JL Til
ley Washington John P Lnughliu
aud son and Gordon Randnll
Dallas Jnniea O Find Mar
shall L M Fanlngton Chicag
Geo S Wlutor Cos ton Mass M 6
Foote Durango Col Fdward Jagiuus
Clymer N Y L V F Randolph N
Y K G Buchanan and A M Hens
loo aud wife Indlau Territory S B
Goode Cincinnati J W Burford
Clear Fork Valley Tom Irvine Bowie
Texas O W
Follett and wife Cle
burne E G Douglass Sherman
At the Pickwick Robt Noble Big
Spring John Oliver Big Spring
Nave Borden A K McClcl
Ian Chicago J B Van Dorn N Y
W B Wowham
Henrlotta W 0
Hill St LouteThos Walsh Kansas
City H Hamilton Dallas J K
Dunbar AiiBtlujE K Sakor Dallas
J 0 Ferret Orange 8 J Wanner
Dallas A P Thomas Burleson
Bon Jacobs Galveston Wow
Scott Texas Henry Kane Lampasaf
V H Williams
C 0 Rumsill
OahiesvlUe F A Francis New York
h W Wllburn Ban Antonio J M
wJSrWKowark N J < w Ives
W P Herring Bherbroo Cal C L
Low Albany N Y HIi Lepley E
H Lewis Boston Martin Levy Tox
arkaua J hn II Stone John P Raw
laud Gainesville Sam Lazarus Sher
man Win Wrisloy Philadelphia
Thos P West Jacksboro D T
Bowar Henrlotta W P Grins T 1
Allen Kansas City M Dillon Gal
It Must Bo Ii ockI
r ten months I have sold
over 1100
bottles of Dr Hartleys South Ameri
can Cure and has
It been done en
tirely ou tho merits of the medicine
With no advertising further than
notice In this paper stating where It
could be found I the
am only agent
In Tarrant county and sales
my are
gradually Increasing Ask your neigh
bor who
has used it if it la good If
they say yes call at tho Hotel Pick
wick newsstand whero you will al
ways tlnd It on hand
E M Rowi Agent
Attention Knights
Ai ml > fr8 of Qefin Cltylodgo
No 21 K ofp are hereby directed to
appear ot Castle Hall at 8 oclock p m
Monday May uu Jn ruU uuformi
All vliltlng knights are rermeated to
comply if pohslbloW
W L Looan C C
Randall A Chambers Co aro telliutr
nice styles Huen lawns
at 10c l c anu
Uondy Lederer Jb Co s Faultless Cigar
Is the best livecent smoke ou the
comient 8ul <
only at
Morris clgr store 400 Main street
one door north Pickwick Hotel
a o
choice brands of line imported and do
niwiloclpraaud tobarjoo Smoker
hand Vy Uwrrirlon l ys Sn
Including all kinds or
Oassimere Suits AlpacaB Seersuckers anil Fl <
Bnlbriggaii Nainsook ami Oauzo TJndonreur
Wliito mid Percale Dross Shirt M
Linen Colin r Cufrtj and Hai
Prices all marked down In plain flguros and rcsuiatcd to loll thnf
t people complain of Tf
Corner Houston and Fourth Streets
Wholesale Dealora and Importers
XjiqLULoarjs 4a3Qca Oigai
Agonts ror
Schlilzs Champagne and Anthony Enhns Bottled
< tO < i Houston Stroot
Fort SrCTortll tjj
ClnclnnaU Otllee Becond Btrcet
3E J E
Op Town 509 Houston
Night Bell at too Door
Dealers In all kinds of
Down Town I5U l
Soft Stiff and Straw Hats 4
Of ory Iiitrat ntylen
jSLt I > alalaxiL txx Bros
315 tH ° u < t ° n ghn > ectf
g ° o and ° e popt Wop > t e
Solo Aeonts for
Willi overyililtiu tho market Wj
pliuno ovnectlons Htrete
to tlilR liot l Northeast cornern
fl kS rfmiiufm
COlnBlHEbWffHffiktM 1
Tottlmonlals from the rooit
j In the United 3tate can be P
hnd their eleht Improveil by iwij
Blaesen are lilted to all ceoijlfl
eye by II W WHIUm W
Kort Worth
These not 4
glaises aro
any price
Next to V O Opposlto J H IJ
I Culver Anlt
I Ifew management f S
cr nr tcla6 raro polUsflflSS
I special lnaacenienu tof raui sil
nier niontb cool and cocu
I rooms welt rurnubedanilT w
Railroad Extension
HealthHot U
Work on
Colorado Santa Fe JL
pushed vigorously om >
numerous though real esw
ly higher than ayes
sands of people v ho uezTm
ent quack medicines n
try a course of
1 these noted springs WSJ
dy Invariably get on
covery and aro over
loud in
I vertisements
of now n
particularly our
Geronltno corner
streeta Ite elegant fu
of Its bed r
some comfort
business or ple at Ti
and its I Pul V
day which Is the 2v
Geronlmoa groat nuooesfc
i < H I
The Coldest s > jfj
i Sodiwater In the cUS
I the elegant
homes drug store
Schlitzs Celebrated Bottled Boer of Milwaukee Bottling vi
J Lemps Bottlod and Keg Beor v
100 nnd i2 Honsf on Cor 3rd Street FORT WOBT
To htrangerc
Dont forget to call and leave your
measure with Jas H Martludalp the
importing tailor of Fort Worth and
when you aro ready for a suit write
for samples AH nipasures tnKen aud
no charge 415 Houston street
C J Pitman 1 Co
Contractors for cemout walks aud ce
menting billdlugs Office 210 Main
Tho Port Worth Grocer Co
Oiler special Inducements to parties
who buy in Job lots for restaurantss
hotels ranclus and boardinghou > e
When you waut to buy a bill at whole
sale give us a trial at your bill
Their New Location
Ouo of the handsomest otllces in the
state when completed will bo that of
the spacious establishment of the Self
hndowment and Benevolent associa
tion ou tho ground Hoor of the new
Smith A Jarvls building No 508
Main street opposite the postofUee
This worthy and popular institution
some time since concluded that their
growing business demanded more
c fllce room and their wideawake sec
retary Col E M Macy began to cast
about for a more suitable building
centrally located hence they secured
ihetr presput location whero hereafter
they will be found during ofllco hours
always ready to transact business and
give any Information you maydeslro
concerning their inudable association
Given Away July 4 1885
One fancy three stem Turkish water
pipe valued at 25 one elegant amber
cigarholder valued at H5 two boxes
fresh Imported cluars valued at Sa5
A ticket given with each twentylive
cenU worth purchased Each ticket
good for one chance In the above
handsome articles
Call at Morris cigar store 40 Main
street ono door north Pickwick hotel
The regular monthly meeting of the
ladies of the Old Cemetery association
wJr TJ1 el d ftt the residence of Mrs
u it Jllgbee on corner of Fourth and
ten Btteeta ttt 230 oclock p m
Carpenters and contractor examlue
the new bright steel nails at Henry A
Peaks hardware store
Notice to Contractors
Bids will be received at Bsnguinet
Dawsons nfUco over City National
bank until Thursday May 7th for
the erection of a building for the
Mock Journal Publishing company
nans and specifications to be seen at
jwdcuiccon and after the 4th lnst
Bight to reject any or all bids Is re
ervcd 8axquinkt Dawsov
Ono of the Largest
And best stocks of watercnolera in the
state at the Fort Worth China Co a
on the Installment plan
Btrnngors vltltlng Koit WortSrl j
Hotel Llndell the coolest bo J
Elegant eontn brteit vltw ottyj
Inc country Tne table boualltwl

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