> r
Tho Brazos Eelires Within Its Banks
and the Situation Improves
Materially at Waoo
A Man Drowned North of Putnam An
Account of tbe Storm at Valley
MillsFloods Subsiding
Wheat and Oats iu Many Places Remain
Down While Cotton Will Have
to be Rtplnnted
Waco Tjjx Mny 0 Tho week
ends with it much improved state of
affairs horo Tho river 1b now within
Its banks and moat cf tho inundated
territory h clear of wotor Tho peoplo
who werodriven from their iiomca aro
returning nnd tho business houses
will bo rcoccuplcd by Monday
Tho railroad companion havo large
forces at work repairing tho damages
The Missouri lacltlc roud is running
nil trains with regularity nnd tho
Central and tho Texas Bt Louis
roads will run Monday Peoplo aro
beginning to feel ahtcrful again and
hopes are entertained that tho weather
now will bo dry and pleasant
Mont of the cotton hinds In tho
llrazos bottom willibo replanted nnd
with u good season they will mill
yield half a crop
Putnam Tux May SO Mr Back
us living live milea north of Putnam
win drownod lust Tuesday In trying to
cosa Deep creek Ilia body was found
yesterday about two mlloH from whero
ho intended crowing His wlfo and
one child are In England one sou and
u daughter uro here
Vallky Mills Tkx Mny 30 On
Wednesday morning tho citizens of
our town wero aroused at daybreak by
n fearful storm of wind ana rain last
lng for moro thnuan hour After t ho
rnln ceased wo had sunshlno and
clouds nlternntely Toward nightfall
it was evident that another rainstorm
was browing nnd by 7 oclock It com
moncod to fall In that Intensified form
which tho natives lmvo dread or at
this season of the year on account of
an occasional ovoiflowof thoBosntio
For two hours tho north wind
brought tho innsl Kitllon determined
and terrlllo rain that wo havo over
The Santa Fo train duo horo nt 8 p
m wan met by tho storm soon after
leaving Temple and was nearly tin
hour lato in roaohlug horo After
waiting nt the depot for some mluutea
it Htartfd down tho Incline Into tho
main Uwimo valley ThoHintaFo
lallroad entering tho valley horo runB
north through It for twenty milea
leaving It at Meridian Aa If In droail
of tho twenty mlloi of gloom and
uncertainty thotraln loft tho depot on
Blow tlmo After proceeding about
ono mllo tho train loturnedtho train
men whely deciding to atuy on tho
jafo eldo With ominous dread tho
cltlena watched from lighted win
dows tho return of the train All
minds wero now satisfied of an over
Wo went to bed nt ton with every
thing out doora dark and gloomy Wo
uwokouttwothonext morning tooeo
tho clouds gono not without ioaving
their impress however for tho moon
wan shining brightly upou ono of tho
must beautiful and fortllo vnlloya In
Texas covered with water Tho wntor
reached Hh highest mark at I beat
lug tho rise of lust year by about
twelve InoheH and being tho highest
on record It is now falling rapidly
nnd tho wntor la within tho banks
Wo can give no accurate estimate of
louso which will bo principally
against tho wheat crop tho rain find
ing It ripening and badly tangled bv
tho winds Tho cotton can bo plantt d
again Tho land being fertllo and In
duo ix will grow a good crop of cotton
with nn occasional shower Tho corn
Mill bo Injured esnoclally If wo do not
have a rain to wash tho mud from It
Jiftor tho water subsides
Valley MIHa l now tho northern
terminus of tho Gulf Colorado Bantu
Fe ami our hotels have temporarily
all they can do
Lonovikw Tisx May 30 Crops
are indeed excellent possibly no hot
a tor woro vvor scon In East Toxas
Tho fanner having been necessitated
to living dose nnd exorcising n rigid
economy during tho lust threo year
finds hlmaolf In really hotter circum
stances than la gouerully supposed
and with hli present crop prospect of
course n smllo of satisfaction la tho
prevnllng feature of his oountonauoo
Dknuon Tkx May SO At last we
aro having lino weathorwhich should
It oorttlnue will do much to overcome
tho damage to farm Interests by tho
iccent storms
Coiisioana Tux May 30 A torrl
Mo rain fell hero Tuesday night Tho
whole oountry was covered with wntor
Live fiHh weie uaught on Main street
1 horo were no trains on tho narrow
guago road cither way for eoyeral days
Lampasas Tkx May 30 Tho
heavy ralus havo censed Cropa hnvo
sullored sovorely Muoh damage was
mistftlned by tho grain crop whloh la
ulmost ready for harvesting
TuunnLL Tex May SOTho olouJs
liavo cleared away and tho prospect Is
Is now fayorablo for some fair weather
Harvest is nearly here ami ir the
weather again becomes unfavorable
nnd Incloment a Jarco amount of
small grain must bo lost
Terrell has been shipping vegetables
to various points Peaches nro already
on tho mnrket nnd tho fruit men will
begin to ship In a few days Tho crop
Is Indeed prolific Oen J 8 Grlfilth
told your reporter yesterday that he
would havo 2000 bushels of thoearllest
varieties for sale or shipment
Tho other fruit men havo largo quan
tities but tho freight is so heavy that
they do not realize anything com
pared with what they should receive
as a net return
Cadijo Pbak Tkx May 30 Tho
weather has cleared oil beautifully
There was not as much damago dono
to the crops as was at first feared
Tho millers which produce tho army
worm aro In great quantity In this lo
cality and it Is feared they will mate
rially damago the cotton crops
H pedal
Mcoiuao TKX May 30 Betweeu
5 and 0 oclock Wednesday morning
wo had a very heavy rain with con
siderable wind Farmors think wheat
will right Itsolf whero not too ripe
hut It Is fiat now
BriroN Tix Mny 30 We havo
had heavy ralnn recently but Uolton
has not been damaged aa other places
wero damaged
Ban Antonio Tix Mav 30 Tho
Missouri Pacific traluu aro running nil
right now
Mishuite Tkx May 30 Wo have
now had no rain for twentyfour hours
Tho Indlcatloni aio fayorablo for clear
The lato freahota lmvo damaged tho
cropa seriously especially tho small
grain Yet wo believe tho yield of
tills class of produoo will be 25
cent greater than tho uverago Com
certainly looka lino Cotton is dolrig
rlratirkably well considering tho num
ber of Jloods since It came up
in wish oocNry
AunoiiA Tix May 30 Our sec
tion is down with tho saino complaint
that tho rest or Texas eeoma to ho
mulcted with nt thla tlmo too much
rain Our grain farmers tell us that if
tho rain will stop now their cropa of
wheat oata and barley will not bo so
rloualy damaged A good deal of bot
tomlaud cotton has bem covored
and washed up by tho recont heavy
ralna nnd tho corn iu a few localities
lma been partially damaged but wo
havo lino prospects for all cropa loft us
Gonzalis Tex May SOTho Ban
MnrcoH river la very high uud la ovor
llowlug Its valloy Tho Guadalupe la
rising rapidly uud fears are enter
tained that It will also ovcrtlow lta
Tho rainfall has not been great horo
and farmers aro getting along quite
woll with tholr crops whloh of all
kinds woro never moro promising
Tho oats harvcut Is progressing finely
Grass la abundant and all kinds of
stock aio doing well
The Iron bridge over tho Guidalupo
river has been repaired and travel over
It resumed
Every llrstclasa doalor sells Opera
Puirolgnrotte Avoid Injurious Im
Cues ami Cnlla Lily
Flour tho beat brand known Ir to bo
found only ut the Fort Worth Grocer
Co o
T 11 A
May 101885
Received or It U Parrott bualuena
manager Texas Benevolent association
two thousand dollars 12000 being
payment In full at all demanda on aa
count or the within certificate No
2000 terminated by death or Malcomh
T Btewart W T Stijwuit
Witness M Mandolvle V T Bar
T 11 A la a Texan institution
Every ablebodied Texan should Join
Wkikau Mny 181885
Reoelvcd from R 11 Parrott biiBl
nosa manager Toxti Henevolont as
sociation five thousand dollars itfOOO
In full of amount duo under certificate
No 4110 terminated by death of Mrs
FJCook TCCooic
Beneficiary and guardlau of children
Witness J JMollowayT A Hill
T U A is n homo Institution and
Miperlor to tlioeo of foreign birth Let
Texaus patronize It
Ban Antonio Tkx May m
Kecelvetl of It Parrott business
twentyfive hundred dollars In full oft
U Slft U Juo lercertlficito
> n t
5502 W 1 Wright termlnalod by lu
sanlty aa per artlolo 8 psgo 0 bylaws
Mits 13tLKN P WmaiiT
Witness D Sulllvau a Haust
a 11 A the ouly institution grant
nj5 Jl beueftt In cases of lnstmity
total blindness and loea of limbs
Fort WonTii May S3 ISSJ
Received of It U Parrott business
managor Texas llenovolent Associa
tion two thousand dollars payment
In full under certificate 6703 tarml
nated by death of M E llrltton
Wltncai J S Eisley J P Woods
f 1J A luco Jn < 0 of organUatlou
has paid boutllclariea two hundred
auBventyllve thousand dollars
tor full Information address
It 11 Pakuott Manager
Tko Pnre t and Best
Soda > wator In the city ut Fred L
Khigadrug store Main street oppo
elto postnlUce
Continued from Flrat Iaeo
otery were made by Col T M Gibson
exfederal eoldler nnd Congressman J
H Rogers Tho atteudnnco was very
At > ew York
Nkw Yonic May 30 Decoration
day being a legal holiday all tho
banks exchanges and downtown
offices woro closed and tho city had
much tho appearuueo of a Sunday
Tho Bovonth regiment while march
lug from tho armory to tho position It
was to occupy in tho procession pa
raded past Gen Grants house Tho
general stood at tho window and re
viewed the regiment an It filed past
Mrs Grant Col Fred Grant
nnd his wife Mrs Jessie Grant
and other members of tho family stood
atothor windows When Col Vnsa
was abreast of tho house he saluted tho
general and tho latter lifted his rlsht
hand and returned tho courtesy in
military fashion A group or four
prayhalred men who fougUt In tho
Wilderness stood on tho ateps of tho
uouso opposlto tho generals resldenco
nnd on the gonerala nppcaranco lifted
their hats On noticing his wan ami
emaciated appearance thoy wore very
much aflected
President Cloveland breakfasted nt
Secretary Whitneys houao this fore
noon Shortly afterward Gen Mc
MaUon arrived with two coaches The
general and the president entered one
carriage nud Btcrotorlea Endlcott nnd
Whitney tho other and drove to the
Windsor hotel There they wero met
by a delegation Irom tho G A 11 and
escorted to tho grandatand whero
the president waa to review tho parade
While at tho hotel carda were uont to
the president Tho latter It la be
lieved wilt leavo town Sunday after
2iw Yonic May 30 Tho entire
city today presented a holiday ap
pearance Flags fluttered from many
nubile nud private buildings Tho
streets especially along tho routo taken
by thenroccstdou wore filled with poo
pie nud largo crowds were gathoreu in
the public equaresJ All tho monu
ments In tho fquarfca wero decorated
with iiowora nnd bunting
Tho procession of the G X R and
tho accompanying legimenU started
about 11 oclock nnd marched down to
tho grand stand whero tho president
nud Ids friends revlowcd It Gen
Slater lode at tho head of tho first
division of tho National Guards Be
hind him was his stall tho
Twentysecond Ninth and Elev
enth reglmoutp tho second bat
tery of artillery and the Soventh
Sixtyninth Eighth nnd Flrat regi
ments All of tho officers sulutcd the
president and ho dolTed his hat
Then followed tho dillorent posts of
tho Grand Army of tho Republlo ami
tholr Invited guests iu carriages
Among thh prominent veterans
presont wero Generals H E Davlos
Henry A Uarnum Juo Cochran
Chti P Stono Danl E Blcklea and
Edward Jardlno
Tho llro department waa also repre
sented lu tho prooesulon
Noah Ii Farnham of post No 45
wont to Now Havon Conn to dec
orate the gravo of Col Farnham
At tho grand atand besides tho
president and Secretaries Whitney
and Endlcott wero PostmasterGen
eral Vilas Gen Huucooic MnJ Graco
ond Gou Doubleday
Honor to ZiiclmrluU Tnylor
LouisviiiTiK Ky May 30 Tho
irmb of Gen Xnchnrlah Taylor nt the
old Taylor homestead nix mllos from
tho city waa decorated nt noon today
A largo crowd took pait In the cere
monies many Mexican vetorans being
present Tho monument wns elabor
ately decorated with wroatho of flow
era and Hags At tho base of the
shaft stood n IMcsUo picture
of tho exmajorgeneral uud exprtsl
dent In n worn frame Tho entrance
to tho tent was sprinkled with flowers
and heavily draped with tho national
Everywhere evidence was noticeable
of the consummate care that had beou
exorcised In arranglug for tho colobru
lion or the day Memorial nddresaea
by Gen Jamca Ekln and Gon Green
Cluy Smith or Louisville were read
At roullvlllti
liOUisviiiiE Ky Moy SOTho
gravea or tho fodoral soldiers wero
strewn with flowers thla afternoon and
tho usual Dtcoratlon day exorcises
were gono through with An addnsi
wai made by Col T Z Morrow
At Cincinnati
Cincinnati Ohio May 30 Me
morial day was observed hero by ti
procession of the Firat regiment of
the Ohio National Guard and several
posts of tho Grand Army of tho Re
publlo Tho soldiers graves woro
strewn with flowers at Bprlug Grove
and other eemeterloa by the hands if
tho daughters of the veteraua
At llrooVljn
UnooiviYN N Y May 30 The
Decoration day parade In Brooklyn
was n groat success Flags flew from
all tho public buildings and many
prlvato dwellings Tho courts and
publlo olllces woro closed and all tho
uiouunienta In tho city were ndornod
With flowers and Hags The military
aud various posts of tho G AR
paraded aud wore received by Gov
Hill nud his otfllt
At St Lunli
St Loots Mo May SO Tho 11000
graves or redoral and Confederate sol
dlers In the Natloual cemetery nt tho
Jeirerson barracks twelve mllos down
tho rivor woro decorated today in tho
usual manner About C000 peoplo
went down by steamer and railroad
and nfter thoexercIae8accordIng to tho
ritual of tho Grand Army or tho Re
publlo under whoso direction tho cere
monies were conducted the craves
were profusely strewn with flowers
aud n national saluto was fired The
procession from tho stand where
the exorcises took place to
cemetery was escortedby the
United Statos troopa There waa no
oration or speaking outsldo of the
Dispatches rrom tho Interior points
noto the usual ceremonies nt all the
cemeteries Geu Bhormau wasprei
entnt Springfield Mo whore there
was u great turnout and mado an elo
quent speech
Tho Ordor of Ohoson Friends Oolo
brato Their Sixth Anniversary
Gaiwkston Tex May 30 Tho
oidor of Chosen Friends today began
the celebration of their sixth anni
versary at Schmidts garden Their
procession this morning was n vory
creditable affair Headed by the
Beach Hottl baud they marched
through the principal ntreots of tho
city and th on repaired to tho garden
Tho Knights of Pythias and the Ital
ian societies of tho city also partici
pated in the parade tho procession
being so largo that It wns divided into
two divisions Quite n delegation of
tno Chosen Friends from Houston and
other points nro hero participating in
the festivities which will contiuuo
through to morrow On arriving at
tho ground this morning Miss M E
Peterson presented n handsomo ban
ner to the order Mr Charles Cul
moro of Houston delivered nu address
upon tho aims nnd objects or tho or
der Tonight n handsomo display or
fireworks was given nnd dancing was
kept up until the Sabbath broke At
tomorrow afternoons gathering or the
Friends nn address will bo mnde by
Rev J VoorBangor or Houston and
W J Uurko of Galveston
Fresh and Choice
Brands of Imported olgars Morris ci
gar storo 40G Main street one door
north of tho Pickwick hotel
Roller Toilet Paper
At Fred L Kings drug store
Another Compliment
I havo traded with tho Fort Worth
Grocer company for three years Durt
ing tho wholo time through sunshluo
nud rnln hall and storm and black
mud my Roods woro promptly deliv
ered In liberality of prices quality
of goods nnd generous woight X have
never dealt with a house which gave
aa general satisfaction nnd I havo pur
chased groceries for the last elghteon
years otaomo fit tho beatfltorea in tho
BouthiiLcaUJconscientljusly recom
mend tlo Fort Worth Grocer company
to nil especially to strangers who will
always And uveiy nrticlo they may
want and ako find each member or
this firm exceedingly accommodating
and a true gentloman
An Or HousBicnnvEii
The Faultless
Is tho leading 6cent cigar Morris ci
gar store 401 Main street ono door
north or tlio Pickwick hotel
On to YFaxalinchle
And stop In at Kcinpor Bros nnd bo
supplied with tho best roasts chopj
steako dried meatB or all kinds coun
trycured hams shoulders and mid
dlings and bomemado lard nt whole
sale nud retail
Dr Hamilton
Will open hla elegant now hotel in
Cloburuo on Juno 018S5
i ttw
Not the glass or Icecold lemonade
we didnt get nor n vlov of the lovely
landecapo jtiat outsldo our growing
city and which we poor dovlla acaroely
ever have but in theso times or de
pression of business nnd scarcity or
money It refreshes und makes a fellow
feel happy olean down to tho bottom
or hla boots to step Into tho handsomo
office of the M S E and B A of A
aud Beo how busy all are and to loam
what au immense business they aro
K Tf you had been with ua on
iTidayyou would havo been wonder
rully refreshed and opened your eyes
wide with astonishment to learn tliat
In that ono day alono this Institution
disbursed tho lmnipnso sum or 28G0O
to Itn living members on matured
ondowment coupons Its a tact
burely this la n grand Institution or
bouovolonce or which every citizen or
our city should bo proud and to which
everyono who can gain admittance
should bo attnohed
Go to KemperBros
1013 Main street for countrycured
meats of nil kinds and homemade
lard wholesale nnd rotall cheap for
Tho Faultless
la tho leading 5cont cigar Morris cl
ear store 100 Main street one door
north of the Plokwlok hotel
Ifyounetdanvthlng In tho furnl
lure Hue call at Fakea Coa nud In
addition to as low prlcea aa can be had
elsewhere thoy will give you on overy
ff9 purohaee a chance lu tho hand
some f3000 bedroom suit to bo given
away next January
BntnWa Sweet Corn
Fifteen cents per can tho beat enn corn
Lfe7orW at tho 1frt Worth Gro
lJtejVnmBUlU ob0 Rven way
by htikes
next January took the
5ml lnat i U e JJ ° ulvlllo expositor
ii XJ000 Emy Purchaser of
goods to tho
amount of 0 ror cash or
on the installment plan wl 1 bo given
n ticket whloh ntldesThlm
chance In to a
tho suit Do you want It
Smokers Articles
Of overy known description Morris
olgnr store 400 Main street ono door
north of tho Plokwlok hotel
Roller Toilet Paper
At Fred L Kings drug storo
Ry selling furniture on tho instill
meut plan Fakes Co have kept uielr
buBiuees up to tho regulationMnmi i
otwltbatJndlng Xf swcUv r
and as
a nd
they oiler with ucemont
every single ml to th
Januwy Ult to ba sWba MW
Ripe Peaches Pinras
And now roastlngenrs
market nt tho For
on the
The English Llborala Feel Suro of Peace
But tho Conservatives Smell
War In tho Air
The Public Has Implloit Oonfid noe iu
The Grand Old Man nnd Trado
Begins to Improve
Paris Drained of Flowers to Bhrowd Her
Poet Doad While tho World
Sends Tributo
London May 30 Today 18 the
dullest nous day London hos had for
months There seems to bo nothing
going on worth writing about All the
statesmen whose notions generally
furnish tho staple political news
except Mr Gladstone nro away enjoy
ing tho Whitsuntide holidays nnd tho
premier la roatlng oven from talking
The Liberals seem to bo satisfied with
The Conservatives however appear to
bo crowing ovor It It Is generally bo
llovrd among tho politicians that Rus
sia has ngroed to allow Afghanistans
claims to botli Zulllcar and Maraohak
It does not appear howovcr that the
czar agreed even provisionally to nny
treaty binding him to refrain from
further advances Many eflorU have
beon made to Bouuro from him such im
agreement nnd their tulluro teuda to
strengthen the conviction that
In order to gain tlmo and sho is de
termined to continue her progress
southward The Conservatlvea find
in thla Btate of ailairs a subject for de
nouncing Mr Gladstones manage
meut of the dispute Tho Tory papers
dcclaro that uuieaa
Russia gives Eug
land a guarantee against further
advances southward coupled
with a pledge to respect
tho Independence of Afghanistan
thcro can be no probability of auy
durablo peace Tho general public
on tho other hand seem to place the
In Mr GiadafoueH jSiatement that
yoaco Is assured Under the prospect
held out by this nssuranco a general
and manifest improvement is going on
In tho Industries of tho country All
tho building and transportation trades
are busy Farm laborors are In do
inand both nt homo and iu the colo
nies Tho immigration returns oven
show a decline
vicTon uuao
Dlspatohos from Paris thla evening
stato that Victor Hugos will be
queaths tho copyrights to tho govern
ments theatrical works to Paul
Meurlco tho dramatist und tho copy
rights to hla other literary works to
August Vacquerl who mar
ried nugoa daughter Josphlne
Bo great haj beeu the domand
for flowers for trlbutos at his funeral
that the result Is already a flowor
ramlno in Paris
Tennyson has sent n diadem com
posed or Irish HIHpb Politicians of
all shades or opinion me sending floral
tributoa to the dead poet Tho
ladles or Muchason In Alisla
will send a girt or flowers
The multitude or telegrams or sym
pathy received by tho presidents fami
ly from Spain uud Italy Is a proor tf
tho union or the Latin races The
worklngclastu In Paris have no sym
pathy with the communistic move
ment and it is hoped that their in
fluence will be able to preserve poaoo
on Monday at tho ceremony
Sixty oaseu of cholera have ocourred
In thoprovlnco or Valencia Spaiuand
there are several cases of the disease In
tho city of Valencia
A subscription Hat has been opened
in Parla to seure in marble or bronze
Pioper representation of tho lato
Victor Hugo
The funeral or Victor Hugo it is ex
peoted will cost the government and
nlclpnllty at leaat 20000 franca
Four anarchists wero tried at Vi
enna yesterday without jury The
ringleader waa sentenced to ten years
at penal servitudo and the other
threo to seven flvo nnd three years re
The Freemans Journal of Dublin
assorts that Rev Dr Walsh of
uouth college will bo shortly ap
pointed archblehop or Dublin by tho
A terrific storm has occurred In
southern Hludostan Bovoral casual
ties are reported At Hydrabad a meas
tent was struck Two officers of tho
Hussars were killed by lightning
LeBosphoro Egyptlen or Cairo In a
loadlug artlclo attacks In a most oilVn
slvoway Englishmen In sorvlco In
Eeypt It la thought now that a
second suppreealon or the paper may
bo deemed necesaary
Vemodl a village In Hungary or 230
houses hiiB beon destroyed by fire
Tho peoplo aro destitute
The runeialeorvlces ovor the lomalns
of Lieutenant John Loomla Shook or
Fn e1 States navy who committed
iiM place rI < ly nt Green
wich The members of tho American
legation at London attended
3 uBan nttval officer has been ar
rostod at Cronstadt on
suaploIon of be
ing connected with a plot to acquaint
JMiglaml or tho method or the closing
doe ° f Cronstodt with torpe
r ftlof l ho nerln Pators have
nlarmht articles over the trouble bo
tween the sultan or tfauzubar and tho
Oenuauy Ivwt Africa company They
think that Germany may be compelled
andltel 0 WRr aKftn8t both England
M Lesaar the RuaMan special com
mlssloner will start Immediately from
London to join Col Rldgeway In Af
ghanlatan for the purpose or carrying
out the special details of tho work of
marking the Afghan frontier
Dispatched from Glbraltn state that
M rih < ahosUock was felt at that
Ontrnges TooAwnil to Relate
Bilyeu City N M May 30The
bodies or Col
Phllllpa family mur
hJS A thA APaces havo been
Ed Bo iA1J wore norrlbly mutlla
° dftU8hter had beon
hung up
flU a w
f npat m < stuck m the
lLerhead Mre
h u IhlHIpsoyo
brutnlljmmnf ii
frantlolh W
teXGt8Dt n
Iron workers pffi1
Sumtuerlya hwS
bar of iron nSsi
churchatStp ail < J
W B Bhattuck
Tho WoodruffOhm
Hardware oompan
Toun made amiiJ
day Their JIablffi
55000 nnd their ul
In tho Dominion
yesterday a grant 1ft
dltion to the Untf
coat of putting
cattleman of LwenVS
R C Johnson
an aidt
cltj last night aui be
suiotde A woman vrnfc
tho trouble Johmonj
Reports from
Mr L A HollInpTOl
milea east of Foritta
started up hla Down M
last Friday In short ttmi
wet andltdldtbeflnslR
saw done It cut clou itf
vatod straight boucd f
formed evenended ci
bundles did not mH 1
up the coming w k
tho several hours rati
short grain and lh b
other 11 Uo It
Mr Royster and Mr E
up themselves and km
with their perfect wotkh
clonic fifteen othuv ill
Corner Houston atn Eji
Fort Worth Tex
Call This Embi
At tho Icecream pulmi
Rro They nre prepwid i
date all and would btpu
largo attendance thlttrta
Smokers irto
Of every known itn
cigar store 40G Main ib
north of the Pleltwlctliw
At 1013 Mill i
You the beat state
meats from Kemper Bt
sale aud retnli clieap fore
Our 8foraquarter l
and 2rorSicents b
over sold in Fort Wont
Compounded at 0 M 1
lower Main street
In going or comltr i
call at the Icecrosm f
What nro ffe 11
A question often wt
We will if
for To pro
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cordially youw
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Drug storo for used your if
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Among the m yXf
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Mala artet