OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, June 08, 1885, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-06-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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IVontuut JTejtald bjl tht llMUhrrt
Daily Weekly
Ono YcrM llO 001 One Ye r ll 60
HI Month 6 00 Hlx Moulin 7
Three Mouth a 001 Threo Months DO
Ierweek sflcenU
JUmiUawei bp Dntft pottrMce money enter
or In reoUtered filer < UrUknf vfflce
Ourretjtondtnce U tolldted upon all newt JUo
lYompt infornutllon of evenli and newt hint
ptnlnat 0 general Met Ml lotkUcd and will be
properly compeiattd
Altcimmunteattont InlemUd far puljlkntlun
muttVeaecomtxmleit bit the writert name una
aldrettnitfurpublleiUlunbulat an evidence
of aarA faith
Iarltci ivrittng to Tiik UArKTTK on butt
titti perionat to thctiutlvct will pltrue incloit
Worth Ttzat
Tetteri ritallna to Inulnen Pf any kind
be addrcucd to TUB UAxrrTK lort
Thk boom Is on Keep hor boom
Idr On to Ilrownwoou
Thjy dont Jiavo auy woolpulling
in Toxas but thoy pull or tho wool
trado vigorously
Whkn W W Lautf Hailed for Ham
burg another bright gubernatorial
liopo faded away from Waco
MAKKway for liberty 8ho Is erod
ing tho briny dcop und will booh bo
ready to tuko her stand In Now York
Tun record of Bill Ohundlors ad
ministration shows thnt tho United
Hates navy cnti stand moro repairs
than a twentydollar spring bonnet
Tun Herald says that negro wenches
are permitted to marah four abreast on
tho public Htrcuta of that city and push
white ludloi Into tho gutter at will
Wkh Fianacian may wrap himself
around with the drapery of his unused
rovoinio stamps und go out to beg u
word of sympathy from rjmdonstook
VinN Senator Terrell talks to a lot
of Missouri Hohoolboys ubout corpora
tlona lu Ids own statu ho whispers bo
loudly that thu eohoes aro heard all
over Texas
Kanhuh who endeavor to monkey
with thu border Mexicans aro advised
to sprinkle salt on their withers as a
precautionary measure before ap
proaching too dose
To run Han Antonio Exprua Pco
plu will coutlnuo to get oil and on at
Foit Worth Hoveu days lu tho week
Wo couldnt help It If wo would and
wo wouldnt stop It If wo could
AN Austin railroad that cost 000000
whs sold under execution Wednesday
for 160000 ltallrond enterprises
seem to thrive about as well at thu
capital us over at Dallas Perhaps It
is lu thu hoII
Hi tic at doubts Is dafnncd and ho
that dallies is u dastard ltutabntja
Johnson should cease ids hesitation
luslantor and throw himself luto thu
breach as tho Galveston News reform
candidate fur governor
Tin Texas Ht Louis Narrow
Gunge railway will surely bo sold un
der foreclosure says tho Bt Louis
Hallway Register and it is equally
siiro that it will bo madu Into a staud
rd gungu road Dallas Democrat
On to the southeast
A MAiinoAi > from Fort Worth to
llrownwood would bo tho best payluc
railroad property In Texas Tho conn
try through which It would pass Is
rich lu agricultural resources ami prod
ucts Is thickly populated ami has no
r a I road
In makino up tho prohibition
slato for thu next election it will bo
necessary to consider tho claims of
County Attorney OUut A prohibi
tion uttornoyK nml would be lu
keoplngwltlv n prohibition governor
and Houtonant governor
ArrRii tho first of July tho prloo of
carp will go up from a gratuity to 15
per hundred that bclug tho date when
tho ilsh commission Ib to ho converted
from a public to n prlvato enterprise
People who have pouda aro advised to
send lu their orders early
8moii may do very well for tho par
lors and tho pulplUbutthp old version
of tho Testament will Rtnml the rav
ages of time Thero Is no other word
that can fully express n mauB feel
ings when for instance ho sees Ills
best girl lisping sweet nothing to nu
other fellow
Wiikn a raugor forco of about sixty
men Is calltjd upon to aeslst a deputy
United States marshal In ruuulug
down Bmuggltn It is about tlmo for
6000 pampered federal soldiers in tho
statu to go further east whero they will
bo entirely out of raugo of oapturoor
Tun Examiner ay they havo
plonty of water but a mighty Bnmll
supply of whisky lu Waoo Tho Ex
amlner knows how to squeal in a mod
l l but a lf expl natory sort of way
when It runs short of neccsary pro
YMons Tho brethren will plcaso
m > hI In their eontrlbutlona by cx
Oon properly owners should prepare
for tho hegira that la to get In towards
Fort Worth Business men from dead
towns will Boon como trooping In
Tuoy must not bo forced to do busi
ness lu tents Let houses bo provided
in tlmo for tho refugees On to Brown
Cokokessman MiMs chart of tho
distribution of postofllco pap Is not as
satisfactory w it might bo to his con
stituents In fact It la stated on good
authority hat several gentlemen nro
practicing with their littlo tomahawks
In order to gist In good lighting trim
for a tilt with Roger Q next year
Tun light of Fort Worth is set on
a hill to light tho weary feet of others
Even Houston has caught tho inspira
tion Bays tho Horald of that city
A movement ha bcori put on foot
looking to an organization of ttio busi
ness men of tho city for tho further
ance of measures calculated to advanco
their general wolfare
Tim Oazkttk was wont to Bay tho
leaso law must go Tho Dallas Hor
ald lu Its owlish wisdom objected to
tho parrotlike argument Tho
leaso law Is practically gono Wo sold
On to Woxuhuohie and that also
was unpleasant to tho Heralds auricu
lar Tho Waxahaohlo road Is secured
now wo say On to Brownwood
How does tho Herald like that
Thk lettor of Enrolling Clerk Boyn
ton togothcr with our advices from
Austin Indlcato conclusively that
whutoyor fault thero was lu tho mis
fortune which bofell tho localoption
bill Is not to bo attributed to him
Unless Indisputable evidences of fraud
can boBkown tho Jury will havo to re
turn a verdict of accidental homlcldo
It wouro bo a pitiful sight to
soo that proposed rout agont wrest
ling with 2000 miles of Illegal barbed
wlro fence In tho Interests of com
mon humanity Tim Gazettk protests
that tho governor should call out tho
otttlro military department armed
with torpedoes and nippers and in
trust them to tho command of that
gallant son of Mars Gou Phil
Oni of tho spoakors Baturdoy night
said thero was no largo subscription to
tho fuotory fund At tho risk of bo
ing guilty of a localism In Journal
Ism and belugchargod with editorial
ly advortlBlng a business common
iustlco demands that wo remind tho
spoakor of tho contribution of ono
bank In this city which was 1100
nearly 10 por cout of tho wholo
amount raised
Thk meanness of tho Dallas Herald
has bcon suppressed as long as was
possible The following la tho latest
malicious uttoranco of that moribund
sheot Tho great majority of tho
malo population of tho Fort wet their
whistles with logor beerorlongdrlukB
at tho Whlto Elophant while thu
weaker Hex take lemouado and It is
hoped without a stick In It No
wonder tho pooplo or Dallas want a
change Tho ladles of Fort Worth aro
us much entitled to immunity from
such vicious Insinuations as aro Hiobo
of Dallas or any other city lu tho
Lot Brotherly Lovo Continue
Homo gontlomon In Fort Worth who
wero ablu to contribute liberally to tho
Waxahaohlo road did notcontrlbuto at
all and for this failure they are bclug
Bomowhut harshly criticised Tho
Waxolmohlc road Is now secured It
can avail nothing to indulge acrimony
and hard feollug Thero aro other
enterprises to bo promoted Unity Ib
esstntlal Lot it prevail and let
brotherly lovo coutlnuo However
ono may regard It each man had a
right to glvo or refuse to tho Waxa
haohlo load A falluro to do eowaa
not necessarily tho result of lUiborallty
or disregard of Fort Worths welfaro
When future enterprises aw proposed
and when tho final account is struck
then wo may look for tho names of
inun who gave nothing to any of them
and cry dead weight Until tho end
Is readied lot us wait aud seo If a
mans Judgmout not his llllberallty
did not dlotato his notion Let unity
If tho News will lu of no aorvlco to
Dal as or North Texrw why In the
devil did tho people of Fort Worth
want It so badly t Dallas Times
Do you really want to know Ilo
ctuiso of tho
advertisement tho re
moval would havo been Beyond that
tho Nowa would not bo so serviceable
to Dallas as tho Times la or bo useful to
Fort Worth as Its own papers are For
uearlv forty yeara tho Nowb was the
only prominent paper lu Texas and
people hero recognized tho advertise
ment of Fort Worth tuch a removal
would havo been But they didnt
ralso any money to brlbo tho
News to come here to light tho papers
now In exlstenco Oh no dearTlmes
and tho more our people think about
it the more glad they are that tho
Nowa wont to Dallas
P 8 Let all the truth be told if tho
heavens fall Furt Worth alsownnted
tho News became Dallas was trying to
get It I For once Dallas downed tho
Fort aud for onco tho Fort rejoices
thereat You ice our people didnt
kuow at tho lime how much tboNowa
had done to klU dnlveatou
Ohoap Lumber and Prosperity
Tho Dallas Democrat supplies us
with an editorial thla morning which
wo uso with pleasure especially as our
own people aro looking at tli o Waxa
haohlo road in precisely tho satno
light For this much thanks
Fort Worth soems in earnest about
opening avenues of trado to tho south
east Bho may expend hor energy and
enthusiasm In reaching Waxahachle
as Dallas has dono In reaching Kauf
man but wo very much doubt It Tho
business sense and foresight in the
movers of tho Waxahaohlo projection
seo tho advantaged to be dorlved in
making Fort Worth a cheap lumbor
market and the onward movo in the
direction of Waxahachle is but tho
Initial step to making tho lumber of
Southeast Texas add to her wealth and
prosperity by attaining tho trodo of
tho prairies that need the lumber for
After Fort Worth shall havo passed
through tho dlllluultles of obtaining
tho right of way botweon the Fort
and Corslcana aho will bo ablo to ad
vanco rapidly because of tho cheapness
and facility for obtaining material for
construction and earnest asslatanco of
the luhabltantswho havo long wished
for communication by rallwoy with
North Texas
Freeatono county through which
tho lino will pass and which has
never had railroad facilities excopt by
tho Cotttral that baroly touches hor
western border will grant not only
tho right of way but a largo Bub
sidy to any lino that will pass
through tho couuty thla tho Fort
will bo cortalu to got whenever
asked for Tho lino of thla road will
cr ss tho Narrow Gaugo system of
Texas at two points will opon up
cheap material for manufacturers
aud will be glvon airlino communica
tion witli Now Orleans
Northwestern vs Southeastern
Mr Powell ono oftho Bontlornou
Interested in tho Northwestern rail
road Is now lu Now York perfecting
arrangements for building tho road
Thoro aro no hugags or tomtoms In
this work Tho management is pro
ceeding in a busInosBllko practical
manner which should relievo all
doubta as to tho road Tho Fort Worth
method of giving four yells to ovory
apadofull of dirt thrown will not bo
adopted on this lino When work Is
commenced It will not stop but bo
nulotly pushed till at loast seventy
ilvo miles of tho road aro built I Dal
las Times
Thk QAunrrn ha only fond wlshos
for tho Northwestern Tho moment
that road crosses tho Denver that mo
ment 11 becomes a feeder to
Fort Worths wholesalo trado
Feeling thuB earnestly we re
gret that tho Times encour
ages Its peoplo to look to New York
for tho money to build tho road in
stead of whooping up hugags and
tomtoms and yells and money
subscriptions among Ha own peoplo
Capital la cautions prudent and con
servative Arcu > Yorlcra aro not going
to build a road from Dallas when they
boo Fort Worth forging ahead as It Is
Wo warn tho Times now that as long
as Dallas sits down and roars
at Fort Worth pluck and
does nothing elso but depend
on others Just so long will Dallas lag
aud retrograde Wo love Dallaa it is
a North Texas town j It must not
drop behind Waco Austin and Bren
ham lot Us peoplo awake arlso and
follow Fort Worth Tho lark in the
Held quieted her young with confident
assurances until tho old farmer re
solved to cut his wheat without wait
ing for peoplo in Now York to holn
Fort Worth wanta that Northwest
ern road bcoauso it would como cheap
to thla city Lot tho Times beat tho
loug roll sound tho trumpet got up a
liURag or two Incite its people to
yell and to raise money to build tho
road themselves Eisteru capital
helps tlioao who help thomselvea Lot
Dallas gird on Its armor for tho fray
for the pioud young city of Fort
Worth Is already in tho field equipped
for tho contest Within tho last fort
night Fort Worth has secured
Tho extension of tho Fort Worth
Denver to Harrold
Buforda Implement agenoy
Tho cotton factory
Tho Texas Wcsleyan college
Tho Waxahachle railroad
And already tho hugag is sounded
tor tho Brownwood road
And already the germ for a road to
McKlnney has been planted
Fort Worth would not hit Dallas
below tho belt Let Dallas bettor It
Belt now or be forever lost amid cities
of tho third plans
Ooleotlon vs Election
The Democrat of Dallas in speaking
cf tho pyatcm of balloting for a choice
of postmasters uaea tho following re
markable languaso
Now although when thero are
many applicants aud all competent
men for that responsible position it
may possibly work satisfactorily but
in tho abstract It is neither Just uor
practicable as In many cities and
towns thero la au element largely iu
tho majority who can by tho popular
vote and tho liberal use of Kentucky
beer and other persuaslvo modes eo
manipulate tho vote that a totally in
competent aud irresponsible man may
htcure a mnjorlty or votes which will
result in inelUcleut servlco and serious
trouble with our mall
The Democrat pursuing its peculiar
Hue of argument gravely states that
from uU iutltuatc knov edsc o i
voters in hla district the comcreBsman
dan relect a poslmastor moro accept
able to the peoplo than thoy could for
themselves This Is a remarkable doc
trine and ust precisely what was ad
vanced In England by tho opponents
of tho extcnalon of tho franchlso bill
It Is unrepubllcau aud diametrically
opposed to tho spirit and teachings of
our Institutions If in fact an exer
cise of the popular franchlso la
neither Just nor practicable then
tho wholo fabric of our boasted system
of selfgovernment must fall to the
ground for the duty and privllego of
selecting our servants and rulers are
Its vory foundations Tho chief
feature of our system of government
as contradistinguished from tho mon
archies of tho old world Is that the
individual citizen rich and poor high
and low has an equal vote and voice
iu tho a Hairs of tho country Each
must feel an equal responsibility since
each vote ia counted and not weighed
In tho scalo against money bags If tho
olemont feared by tho Democrat Is
so largely In tho majority it la
a wonder that It should resorvo
Its errors and mistakes for tho
particular caso of a postmas
ter Why Is not Kentucky beer
used to elect men to congress for In
stance who are totally incompetent
and irresponsible and when elected
and oxerclslng that divine right ac
corded them by tho Democrat of
thinking and acting for tho common
herd why Is It that thoy havo suoh im
munity from errors wllfull or accident
al Hurely the Democrat la mis
taken That obnoxious element bo
dreaded Is composed of laboring men
who havo nothing porhaps but a
cottage nothing porhaps but two
willing hands Tho merchants
farmers and tho congressmen ac
cording to tho Democrat aro
not to bo bought with a drink and
therefore they should dothoselectlng
Aside from audi arguments being tho
rankest kind of political heresy they
aro gratuitous and undeserved Insults
thrown in tho face of every man who
does not happen to bo a congressman
or a merchant Tho vast army of
honest aud Independent tollers who
wear overalls aud sunbrowned skins
may not ahlno luminously as parlor
ornaments but thero is perhaps as
much averago Intelligence as much
honesty as much freedom from bribe
taking and as much sterling inauhood
that soars high above all corrupting
lnlluoncos among tho mechanics and
artlsanB as can be found In any exclu
sive sphere or goodygoody social con
dltlou When Tub Gazette reaches
l hat paes that It will bo afraid to trust
tho ballot to such mon as these it
will meekly bow Its head to tho Inov
ltablo and submit quietly to whatovor
fetters tho divine rights of kings seo
fit to place upon It In those days It
may bo obsorved Tun Gazettk will
not bo doing business at tho old Btand
Bctoro Taking
Dalian Times
Only eight thousand dollars more
ia a written wall with sorrow In everv
Leaving tho Old Stand
Ban Antonio Light
Tho colioctor of lntorual revenue for
tho First district of Texas will remove
w olllco from Galveston to Houston
If theso removals keep on It will bo a
question whether or not Galveston is
doing business at tho old stand
Tho Southern End Speaks
Onlvcston News
Somo of our esteemed Texas contem
poraries seem to bo vory much troubled
about tho present hopes and asplra
Uoiib of the Hon Baruett Glbbs Lot
m kldJ V101 tme Iu Patience
When Glbbs Is wanted ho will appear
no has a habit of lauding on his reet
Cleveland nml Stormonlsm
Chicago Horald
Loss than one year ago a great many
people of the wildeyed variety were
going up aud down tho country in
forming tho world that if ono Grover
Cleveland was elected president ho
would move tho Mormon church and
oil its saints to Washington and be
come the hoad of it and them him
eolf Like a good many other prophe
cies then made this cannot bo said to
have been fulfilled As a matter of
fact the Mormons aro having consid
erably moro trouble now than ovor be
fore and all on account of tho enrorce
SfiM0f a 1 aw wulou mKht J8t as
well have been passed aud onforced
twouty years ago
Let tho Arm Clutch o
Houston roit
The armsqueezing custom of un
der bred or overImpudent youncmen
was made tho subject of a counterblast
uy the suddenly famous revival
preacher Rev Smu Jones In a recent
sermon at Nashville Ho appealed to
he young women if thoy would sua
tain their good namo and presorve
their Boirreapect to ruske theyounc
men keep their hands oil you lu
tuft interest of good manners as well
as good morals the preacher deserved
hety applause which made tho
gospel tent tlutter Boston Herald
1 ho Herald Is ouly one of many In
luontIM Journals that havo
this Billy and oilenslvo custom and
have renounced it unworthy of
nltlon in good circles Agowl manv
smart things may be salj tadetaSS
the custom Just as thoy aro Bald to de
fend the
Mother Hubbard dross in
case the dress In
pub lo is
considered vulgar and suggestive of
Wr yn thu foiruer the lady ia
made tho recipient
of treatmeut which
way become Intolerable InTultlmV ee
experimental and whWoV
according to circumstances
and the
un eulemanly principles of the ciMrt
It laa dauRerous and unladylike cut
torn and
thould be frowned Wn e
SMS0 relaUve
On lo Ilrowimoou
Waco Examiner
What will bo the next hobby of tho
Fort Worth Gazette
This Will Kill Him
Waoo Examiner
If only tho Herald had as llvo an
editor as Tins Gazette tho News
would find many anaga in tho current
that Is bearing it on to Dallas
Tcrrelli Speech
Waco Day
Judgo Terrells apeech boforo tho
literary societies of tho University of
Missouri ia devoted to tho considera
tion of corporations as tho enemy of
civil Hborty and labor Its eohoes
roach tho ears of tho hornyhanded
granger and tho tolling worktngman
through the colums of tho Texas news
papers which is strongly BUg eBtlve
that tho speech was made chietly for
homo consumption tho trick of a
pollticlon to catch public sympathy
by pandering to the communistic
spirit whloh has already taken too
strong a hold on tho pooplo That
corporations havo their abuses
no ono queatlone but thoy havo also
developed thegreatnesa of this country
by building railroads factories and
other workn of public utility
The worst featuro of tho corporate
monopoly is its acquisition of
immense bodies of laud which tho
theory of our government ought to
havo reserved as homes for the people
This Is especially true In Texas where
tho laws havo been especially devised
in tho lntorest of corporations Judge
Terrell haa been lu public life here
for many yeara During all that time
corporations havo been gradually but
surely absorbing tho domain which
ought to havo provided homes for
thousands of landless people and
what has ho done to oheok tho wronu
The day does not remember to havo
heard his voice ringing out In behalf
of tho peoplo and against tho monopo
ly which has deprived them of homes
A year or two ago however ho tried
to forco upon tho etato a atlll greater
wrongtho herd law Tho statutes
withheld homes and Judge Terrell
proposes to withhold air and sky
water and gras3 to create an exclu
sive right on the part of theso same
corporations to utterly drlvo poor men
out of Texas or force them into abject
depondenne on tho very class against
whom he now Inveighs as tho enemy
of liberty aud labor
The ouly olgarettes whloh do not
tick to tho lips are Opera Puffa
Watchos Clocks and Diamonds
Howard Tully is still doing business
at tho old stand and has doubtless
tho most complete stock of jewelry
watches clocks and dlamonas to be
found In tho state Mr Tully has
boen Instrumental in making Fort
Worth tho headquarters of North and
Northwest Texas for fine watches
Jewelry and diamonds and through
out tho territory tributary to the city
the name haa becomo a synonlm for
honesty Until njoweler convinces his
trado that he handlos only reliable
goods and that n guarauteo of quality
accompanies every package that
leaves hlB house lie ia by no meana on
tho high road to prosperity Faith
on tho part of tho patron
la essential to a Bale and
the secret or Tullya Buccess la found in
tho faot that he Is anchored for life
and handles only goods of high grade
Hlsstookla lust all that could bo de
sired and while the dull season con
tinues ho la making prices remarka
bly low Special Ugurca are given on
engagement auu wedding rings
Weill LaaiT
Ia the brand of the finest bottled pre
serves of all kinds of fruit nowlfor sale
at tho Fort Worth Grocer Co s
The Latost
In all styles of furniture at Plnkard
Joyces Call and examine their
Bpfendld stock
Boasted Coffee
Turner McCluro aro selling David
Nicholsons famous BluoBlbbou roast
ed cofloo David Nicholsons Red Rib
bin roasted colTeeFrauklln MaoVeagh
Co s Panama roasted cofleo and
freh roasted cofleo put up by Rloker
I < eo of Galveston
To Subscribers
To rallroada cotton mills or any thine
elso remember Plnkard Joyco will
sell you on tho installment plan any
grade of furniture kopt in stock Bo
call and examine gooda before buying
THy 0yr not Rrefldy dealing with
J ° 3el > 1 > H Brown he desires us to Bay
iy < m VxaJhe WCIU8 nur trade and
will make ic to your interest to buy of
nVI1 8tok of every description
of groceries ia tho most cornpleto in
the Southwest and ho sella them at
prices based on the prlnciplo of qulok
ealea and small proflta Send him
your ordera or at least write him for
quotations before buying elsewhere
Glass Goods In Colors
The Fort Worth China Co have Juat
received a handsome line of water sots
D bM gr C0D cannry aud amber
a M
Anything else n the fine of colored
glass ware can bo had at this popular
Zn CtnU
Sf9rtt3lUxan ftwn < W ten JHirtte
uilhtchom u havt
no running account muttpav
if I irfd Leave orders
ujrowns O llrowq
at Mrs
Clt ftnd d orlt to 130 Mali
between Twelfth and Thirteenth
e tilt nntrAni T
w rohe lifM uupMronVas ualL
nJX nu R t Uon us nurse for children
RE wll r in private ismily or hotel Ad
dres n
u u Anuotu 1ostcnice larker
J gJttMAtfl HKI1
N ssswssrei
also a laroerooM honi < ff
Mm 1 Adami
inrnlshed rooinx E
gQlt KKNTrm
ij corpor Wert Third 51
Ply at Morris clsaritore
TJou benttwo
13 lontly located U o < m2
nlshed or urrurnlihedleSJ
with southern exposure S
arms J tiarli Alm
fou BAiA unr nmt i
Rood localltyA
twoa tones el ht rooms
corner lot in flue oelghlraSll
Favorable terms if r
House care Omatu FmutIL
gmtj ALKTJVK t
gentle broke oowpjafctui
tclIlalrdTer < TT
bought and soldoa conn
eral advanceu made oa mi
have on hand lour head of r r a
bead stock entile 10O ruttdtlx
steers and heifers Farm h i
property paying aud Inwhw
por cent Money loaned fer i
pood rat en and
Knrt Worth
bet Meurlijv
VV 6000 to SWJ head of to m
canh and part one and Vnojmii
percent 1aporglltedgti BaaH
MisccLt aoarifl
ana plenty uf waterforMnl
Hues or two cattle I o for M
horses at low rate Flint xtosM
from Fort Wortb WmBBriJt
ANOTHER have met twUrtt 1
an association One of their
is that thoy will AiraUh w > 1
man who owes one of the m
water since February II ISA W
party desiring water phi I
one of tho association wlilfcnUt
flowing water eljhtf ptoJ
nte soft as ralnwaterwhlte
noala and soda the tnt l
theotate It may beneedtfttA
drank hot wbUo bathlnr 8i H
avo uckeuji BTANutraaiuu
North woal comer fW
Mnmbflm of yort W
TOSElH C Oflloe in the lertj
up stairs corner FJr t ana WW
BJYIUN attorneys atUM
ovorTwornbly A Sou UH
the State and Federal coara
tentlon given to colleouo
J Main street Fort WontS
and oommerelnl law new
to Hon Henry M TeUeM
rlor Washington li tt y
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