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The Growth and Development of Texas
Under PreeQmsa Bule Versus
the Lease Law
Time for Oar LawMakers to Befleot
Upon tho Oonjeijuences Likely to
Betult Trom a Lcate Policy
OiiAxnvuw Tkx JuneJlW
To tho Editor of tho Gazette
Tho action of the Frauoklyn Catllo
company In warning tho stockmen or
curtain portions of tho Btatonot todrlve
cattle irom thoso sections through
their rango wait cngorly adzed upon by
ltatclaW papers to point a leaselow
moral and to bIiow tlio great danRor
underlying society from tho spread of
freegrass ideas as well as to call at
tention to tho utter selfishness of frce
grats mon According to this vlow of
tho caso tho Panhandle la glvon ovor
to Irco grass and tho Francklynn free
grass corporation soornlng to ralso
yearlings on lauds that pay
h rental to the etato of Texas
Scarcely a week elapsed whon tho
Iorl Worth Qazutik a paper given
over to hardness of heart and porvorso
itdvocaoy of freegrass horesy called
attention to tho lact that Bottlers wcro
inuring Into tho Panhandle tho coun
try of tho Francklyncompanyand tho
same papers commenting tliorcon do
clared It an evldonco that tho lease
law does not retard tottlcment and
that If every faograss man would but
shut his mouth and overy freograss
paper would but dry up and remove
oaerllcglotis hands from tho sacred
vestments of that holy law tho land
fiucstlon would sncidlly sottlo Itsolf
viewed In this light tho Panhandlolu
rioting In tho blessings of th lease
Wo cannot see how tho two lines of
argument can bo mado to harmonize
Wo will not try but wo want to Hay If
free grass men and frro grass papers
dry up tho land question will bo
settled by a low men getting tho
lands and tho balance of tho boys will
got kicked out Wo do not claim
to bo wiso In all thlugs pertaining to
thin truly vexed question but wo
think wo know a fair suuaro argu
ment when wo see ono Wo aro not
forced to a subturfugo or sophistry to
prove tho correctness of freegrass doc
trine but have merely to point back a
fuw years to the unparalleled growth
and development of TexaH uuder free
grass rulo and let that growth that
development atiBwer for it Rut you
cannot down it leaselaw paper or hem
lcaBOlaw man from tho fact that they
argue In a circle and Hko tho man In
the fablo blow hot or blow cold as
secmsto them btst to defend an ab
surdity Frio grans is not Hellish
Tho policy that would place tho lauds
upon the market for safe to tho sottlcr
on easy termathat would opon up
tho public domain oven though that
domain has bten segregated and Bfit
apart to tho usoof rich and poor
small Is selfish or narrow
lance and uo
vmfloy But tho policy that restricts
the uso of tho range to tho iloli aud by
a ey item of competitive bids reudora It
iKKslblo for a few men to monopolUo
tho cattle growing interests of
Texas Is not only narrow
and selfish but Is unwlso
and unjust That actH of lawlessness
wero commuted before tho lease nono
will deny that small herdsmen wero
oppressed by their moro powerful
neighbors aud In bouio cases woro ter
rorized by lluo riders Is perhaps true
but It Is equally astruo that tho men
who acted tluiB or permitted these
things to bo done have uot experi
enced a ohango of heart and that tho
leaso law has not plaoed beyond their
powtr theso enormities unless It bo
ludeul that It ha movod boyond their
reach tho men upon whom thoy prac
ticed tholr enormities Tho acts of
meannosB have not been rendered lea
possible or probablo and under tho
workings of tho law tho
llttlo herdsman stands liss bIiow
and unless ho has leaned lauds Is easier
moved thau ho waB boforo tho puBsago
of tho law Thero Is Just this und only
this dlnVronco under tho old regime
free grass a fow moix tried to monopo
lize tho range under tho now regiino
leaso law a fow men do monopolUo
tho rango Ono had uo sanction of
law tho other Is Banctloncd moroH
tho shame by tho state
Tho action of tho Friinoklyu Cattlo
company deserve and should receive
moro than a passing notice and
and rellcot upon tho consequences
lluoly to result from n polloy that per
mits a fow syndicates corporations or
wealthy mon to monopolUo tho publlo
lands placing them In tholr hands to
lteop back tho tldo or Immigration it
state of aflalra moro likely to leault
from a polloy that fostora and oucour
ages monopoly aud discriminates
against tho Bottler and tho little stock
mah That action If permitted to pass
unrebuked will bo repeated aud tho
example sot will bo followed by other
leases and It Is only a foretaste of
what will bo very common If tho
state persists in a lease polloy
Tho West Is belug Bottled gradually
alowly not because of tho loaso law
but It splto of It The earthhungry
AUgloBaxon will bravo tho dlftlcul
ties and iutrtcooleo of law thrown
about tho lauds by tho leaso with the
same hosltauoy aud caution ho braved
tho tomahawk and scalping knife of
the Comauohes
The influx of settlers Into tho leaso
sections has hecu slow and gradual
but If tho law U re
pealed or bo mod I lied as
to strip It of Ita obnoxious features re
moving all discriminations against aud
restrictions lu the way of settlement
the Inlliis would bo greater than fol
lowed the expulsion of tho Indians
from tho fair pralrlca of tho West
But lu tho light of present Indica
tions vro aro forced to concludo that
lease law advocates stand In with tho
Galveston Nona for an oven and sym
metrical development of he state and
aro uot willing to seo tho West settled
ami developed until their sections aro
tilled to overflowing with a thtlfty and
liulUBtrlouj population P ut tho West
demands unequal show with tho bal
ance of the state aho demands
the removal of all restrictions to tho
vale aud sotUemont of tho laud she
deaiands tho substitution of a sale sys
tem for a lease policy she demauda
the abandonment of an absurd system
of nsrrowmlndedilwltlshntws aud the
tiilwtUuliou ol it beWl libetul tUtt
menllko policy and she guarantees
when it Is douo that she too will
evenly and symmetrically develop
with tho balanco of tho state
W J It H
In Answer to J II Cranllll
nooH vntV Tex Jane 51185
To the KOItor of the UizeUe
Tho gentle robuko administered
by tho Weekly Gazkttk of May
15J to those writing In favor of
prohibition for their Intemperate uso
of language and aspersion of motives
was most tlmnly and opportune That
our German fellowcltlzonsnroao law
abiding as tho natlvo born Is ad
mitted by all who como In contact
with them that thoy aro of convivial
habits ought to concern themselves
alono that there la no more crlmo
committed by them in proportion to
tholr population than auy othor people
la a matter of record and that thoy
aro it llbcrtyIovlng people Is ovldonced
from tho fact that they aro almost
solidly opposed to prohibition Then
why tho flippant allusion to them by
J B Cranllll In Weekly Gazkite of
May 16 Uo wo presumo J I
Crauilll belongs to tho masculine
gonder and for tho sake of
brovlty will refer presumably
Bays Tho foreign population es
pecially the Germans will agree to all
ho Liberia says Tho houso
passed tho bill and It received only
eevon negative votes In tho senate
Three of those votes wero Gorman
Ho first designates Llbertaa as till
fellow anel tlio Germans especially
will agree to all hosays Wo have not
tho honor of a porsonal acquaintance
with Mr J It Crauilll nor Llbortasi
but aa written languago is tho sym
bol of spoken language and spoken
languago tho expression of the
Individuals thoughts wo can Judge
tho two writers by their respective
emanations and ovory impartial
reader must admit that tho former
stands about to the latter as mud does
to marble
As abovo hinted tho Germans op
pose prohibition because they look
upon It as an Infringement on their
liberties guaiaulecd to them by tho
constitution of these United Btates
Inasmuch as It alms to presdrlbo what
thoy shall drink or uot drink As the
possession of any good without a
strenuous cflort to obtain it is nover
more proporlv appreciated by tho pos
sessor thereof thau when ho 1b deprived
of It bO it Is with our German fellow
cHlrons with regard to prohibition
Coming from tho greatest military
dcspotUm of modern times thoy can
moro keenly dlsceru any effort that Is
mado to curtail or subvert the liberty
enjoyed by them under our existing
laws That prohibition means tho
abridgement of fhoso laws and the
final subversion of tho existing order
of things Is a well known fact patent
to any Impartial observer aud so far
Its advocatcH aro revolutionists Pro
hibition Is also onumunlstlu and des
potic In Its designs Inasmuch aa It
alms to pluco tho people moro directly
under tho supervision of tho govern
ment which aim tends directly to
wards centralization tho bane of all
frco Institutions No doubt many
prohlbltlonistB have read with
horror tho proceedings of
communists lu tho old world
as well aa of thoso lu our largo cities
and yet they occupy a similar position
only on a different part of tho Hold
The science of modern government Is
that tho people who aro governed tho
least aro governed best ami aro tho
happiest yet prohibition soeks tho
contrary It seeks to causo tho people
to retrograde toward the operations of
anolout governments when liberty
was supposed to bo aggregated lu tho
ruler and tho govorned had to prove
their liberty Instead of tho governed
being free as In our government tho
proof to curtail their liberty resting
with tho government
That mohlbltlon tends dlreotly to
of affairs howover romoto It may up
I car la admitted by Mr J B Cran
llll hlmtelf In his communication
whero ho coolly and complacently
points us to tho prohibition existing
ovor In tho Indian Territory Pro
hibition of it very eatlsfao
tory character cau bo had oven
should It bo necessary to roduco the
people to vassals aud wards of tho
government or In other words placo
them lu a condition similar to that o
copied by tho wild tribes of tho Indian
Territory 1 Ho further saya it is not
expected that prohibition will pro
hibit any moro thau capital punish
ment keeps men from committing cap
Hhould causo our lawmakers to pause tol crimes or laws prohibiting theft
keep men from stealing This Is a
Bophlsm very nicely placed Buppoeo
wo put It Into this shape All
laws onacted for tho government
of a free people which havo the sauo
tlon ami moral support of all good
oltkens will be rcspooted and obeyed
and cau bo enforced thoso that havo
not tho sanction and moral support ol
all good citherns aro merely a blotch
upon tho statute books of tho state
aud canuot bo enforced aooordlng to
their Intent That thero aro JiiBt as
good men opposed to prohibition as
tlioro aro In favor of it wo presume
will uot bo donteel by the most violent
prohibitionist Now can tnoy point
to auy gooel man win la opposed to tho
enforcement of tho law prohibiting
capital crimes theft oto Lot tho
reader draw his own conclusion
Mr J B Cranllll in his allusion to
Llbertas Bays that thodovilgenorally
gets lu his best work under a nom etc
jilumo Could It uot bo possible that
tho dovll In Llbertaa caso could be a
departed prohlbltloulst
Ws are told that tho llrst devil was
ouoo an angel but trying to become
equal to God tho latter cast him into
outer darkness Our Savior Is tho son
of God He lathe founderof Christian
religion und He engrafted upon it tUe
Institution of tho uso of wine which
has been lu use for eighteen hundred
and flftyonoyeaw As prohibitionists
oondemu tho u o of wine they must
necessarily condemn our Bavlor who
Instituted tho use of It Ho being
God aud they claiming to be
wiser than Ho Is or at least equal
to Him may havo caiueel Him to cast
Homo departed ooldwaterlto Into outer
Now In all candor It Is n very
strange fact that the class of people for
whom prohibition is Intended do not
want It and thoso who do want it can
take It to themselves at any time with
out the formality of au election or an
amondmeut to the constitution who
lu fact aro taking H already If their
pubao cxptetoloiu ate to bo taken m h
criterion of their prlvaloactions Yet
still thoy persist lu meddling with
a nextdoor neighbors affairs which
ought not concern tleni In tho least
It Is certainly a most inonstrous prop
osition to bo submitted to a treo peo
ple aud all honor to tho three German
votes in tho state son a to who helped
to defeat the proposition Wo ato op
posed to drunkenness and all Its at
tendant evils but wo aro equally op
posed to prohibition as an antidote for
it At soma future time wo may sug
gest a remedy for drunkenness how
over odd it may appear at first sight
Joseph Itonr
Special Bulletin for Hay
giejNUi Office Wak Depaht
ment Washington City June 1
Tho temperature for tho month of
May has varied but slightly from tho
normal temperature for tho month
from tho Missouri valley southward
to tho gulf coast In tho Mississippi
valley and In all districts to the east
ward of It tho temperature has been
from ono to three degrees below tho
normal and from one to two degrees
below In districts westward of tho
Missouri valley In tho north and
south Pacific coast regions tho tem
perature has been from ono to two de
grees abovo tho normal aud from live
to eight degtees below in Northern
and Central California except In tho
Bacromecto valloy whero tho torn
poraturo has been threo degrees above
the normal
Tt o mean temperature of tho month
of some of the principal stations is as
follows Boston 62 ° Now York 50 °
Washington City 02 ° Charleston 73
Jacksonville 71 ° Now Orleans 74 °
Cincinnati 67 ° BulTulo 03 ° Chicago
63 ° Balnt Paul fi7 ° OmahaCO0 Denver
01 ° Portland Oreg 60 ° Ban Fran
cleco r2 ° San Diego 03 ° Salt Lako
City GO
A cold wavo appeared In Dakota on
tho Gth the fall of temperature betug
from ton to flfto m degrceB A fall of
temperature of from ten to fifteen de
grees occurred lu tho Missouri valley
on tho Oth and a fall of from seventeen
to twentytwo degrees In tho Missis
sippi valloy on the 7th On the 8th
the cold wavo passed over tho Ohio
valley and Tennessee and extended
southwesterly to the West Gulf states
It reached the East Gulf and South
Atlantic states on tho tth tho tompor
aturo falling from twelve to twenty
two degrees
A Bccoud cold wavo appeared In
Minnesota and Dakota on the 16th
extended over the upper lakes on 17th
and 18th and t cached tho lower lakes
on the 10th Tho fall in temperature
was from twenty to thirty degrees
A fall of from eleven to twenty de
grosa occurred In New England on
tho 20th
In the North Pacific ooast region the
rainfall has been slightly above and
In tho Middle and South Pacillo coast
regions slightly below tho avorago for
tho month Thero has been a de
ficiency of fiom ono to two Inches in
the Upper Lako regions tho Upper
Mississippi and Missouri vnlleyB
Arkansas and Northern Texas lu
the Southwestern portion of the Mid
dle Atlantic states In tho South At
lantic states aud tho eastern portion of
the Eastern Gulf Bttttos nu excess of
from oue to three inches is roportotl
In the northeastern portion of tho
Middle Atlantic states and in South
western New Kuglaud thero has beon
it slight deflcleuoy In all other ells
trlots there has been but a slight devia
tion from tho uormal
Tho number of storms for tho month
is below thoaverage A storm 6f con
siderable energy appeared la the
Northwest on the Uhreochlng tho
lako region on the Gth accompanied
by rain In the lake region on tho 5th
and Oth which continued In the lower
lake region until the 10th Tho rain
area extended over Now England the
Middle Atlautlo Btates Touiiomco and
tho Ohio valloy on tho 7th High
winds prevailed In tho lako region on
tho 7th 8th and Oth and ou the North
Carolina coas on tho 10th A second
Storm appeared lu Dakota ou tho 11th
aud passed over tho lako region elurlng
the 16th aud 10th hlch winds prevail
ing over the upper lako region during
Kith 17th and 18th A storm of slight
euorgy but aocompanled by a consid
erable precipitation p < tesed from tho
Missouri valley ovor tho lako region to
tho St Lawrence valloy from the 23th
to tho 30th
81IUNO of 18Sf
Tho temperature for tho threo
months of Maroli April aud May In
the Mississippi valloy aud In all dis
tricts cast of it and lu tho West Gulf
staters wns from one to four degrees
below tho average For tho Missouri
valley aud tho territories lu tho North
west and on tho Pacltlo coast tho
temperature was from ono to threo do
groca abovo tho averago
Tho averago rainfall for tho same
period la as follows
In tho north aud mlddlo Paulflo
coast regions a dcllclenoy of from four
to eight inches a slight oxeess In tho
Missouri valley in all other districts
thero has beon a slight dcllclenoy
ranglmi from two to six Inches on tho
Atlautlo coast from one to three
Inches lu tho Mississippi valley and
from ono to four Inches lu tho Ohio
valloy and Tcunesseo and lu tho East
Gulf states W B Hazkn
Brlfe aud Bvt MaGen Chief Signal
OlTlces U B A
Clgarotto smokers prefer Opera Pulls
because ttiey do not stlok to tlio lips
Cranberry Saner
Mlneo meat smoked Bardlnes para
lino caudles hops auu sago at tho Fort
Worth Grocer Co a
Fort Worth Pharmaoy sells Persian
inscot powders at fifty cents per pound
0 J Pitman Co
Contractors for cement walks and ce
menting buildings Ofllco 60H Malu
Excursion Hates
Via Gulf Colorado Sauta Fo To
Galveston and rcturu 18 bo to Lam
paeas aud return 7 15 to Hour Lako
aud return 14 2i Tlokota good for
fifteen days from date of salo
O D Lusk
Union Ticket ARent
Ml s
Another shipment of the famous
Stillwell uucanvassed plghams will ar
il ve at Tumor iluCIure e tcaiorro w
An ExAssistant Postmaster Leaves
For Parts Unknown
McGreook Tex Juno 0 Since
my laBt only ono fight haB occurred
In town which was occasioned by two
rival hotelbeepers getting riled at
each other
Tho cxasslstant postmaster James
Hamilton skipped the town on the
lth Inst for parts unknown He was
short on his books about 1000 Of
course the oxpostmasters bondsmen
aro good to pay tho little balanco
A special tralnjarrlved here yester
day on the Texas St Louis railway
carrying L B Fish treasurer A 8
Dodge general freight agent and
Harry Lcandors division superin
Thirty carloads of freight have come
In on tho Texas St Louis railway in
the last four days to bo transferred to
tho GulfColorado Santa Fo railway
Among tho numbor we note one car of
binding twine one car of horserakes
two cars ot harvest machines which
leada us to Imagine that tho farmers
havo something to cut rako and tie
Ohurchos AroundTown Notos
Pilotv Point Tea Juno 7 Tho
sermon t day of Rev J R Wages
beforo the studouta of tho somlnary
was appreciated by tho large and In
telllgent audience present Tho speak
er showed that ho had given a great
amount of thought to tho subject
Christianity a Llfo Tho muslo se
lected for tho occasion was well ren
dered by Miss Mavett Ernhereon at the
Ilov Mr Hudglns of Grapevlno
camo up yesterday to witness the clos
ing exerclecs of tho semlnajy He oc
cupied this ovenlng the Methodist
Jimmy Johnson a wellknown soci
ety young man now of Gainesville is
vlsittug lu town
In regard to tho meteorlo display
last Filuay night witnessed at the
same hour lu Dallas Sherman and
this place as reported to ThkUazette
Dr A G Dowdell of Pilot Point semi
nary thoorUes thut that tho meteor
was of uu Immense size and many
miles distant from tho tarth causing
it to bo observed at tho same tlmo In
places distant from each other If but
one explosion took place
Willie tho son of Mr Gobager fell
from a tree yesterday which came
near causing his death Ho was
picked up Insensible with many sovoro
bruises but Is now In a fair way to re
Tho weather Is exceedingly warm
and the ground la fast drying and
soon the cry for ram will bo heard in
tho html
Large shipments of fruit and prod
uce are made dally
t 9 9
Stranger Than Fiction
Are the records of some of tho cures of
consumption ellectcd by that mnst
wonderful remedy DrPiercos Gold
en Medical Dlscovory Ihousandsof
grateful mon and women who havo
been snatcheel almost from tho very
Jaws of death can testify that con
sumption lu Its early stageB Is no
longer incurable Tho Discovery has
no equal its a pectoral and alterative
and tho most obstinate affections of
tho throat and luugs yield to its power
All druggists
OiFiURNr Tkx Juno 7 Judge
Hall of tho district court was taken
sick Friday and was uuablo to wind
up the buslnrsB of the term
Anderson Bros havo begun work
on tholr now Homing mill which Is to
be located near the depot
Ton cars of cattlo wero shipped to
Chicago yesterday
Miss Belle Chambers Miss Minnie
Balrd and Mies Poole young ladles of
Cleburne havo returned from Ken
tuoky schools
had a picnic yesterday
Hiicklens Arnica alvo
Tho best salve lu tho world for cuts
bruises sores ulcers salt rhoum fever
sores tetter chapped hands chil
blains corns and al skin eruptions
and positively cures piles or uo pay
required It Is guaranteed toglvoner
fect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box For salo by
H W WllllaniB Co
Bp Cial
Ammini Tkx Juno 7 Ono
Douglass was arrested and lodged lu
our county Jail yesterday for commit
ting nn unnatural crlmo
Mr O E Gilbert who was fined
200 for assaulting Taylor Thompson
mado a motion for a new trial yester
Tho Methodists at Buffalo Gap are
making an effort to complete their
church They will give a festival on
tho 10th
A mad dog got on the rampage on
south side of our town last evening
and for a tlmo kept residents In that
vicinity very uneasy Ho was shot
Very ltcmarknblo ltecovcry
Mr George V Willing of Manches
ter Mich writes My wife has boen
almost helpless for Ave years bo help
less that she could not turn over In bed
alone 8ho UBod two bottles of Eleo
trio Bitters and Is ao muoh Improved
that she is able now to do her own
Electrto Bitters will do all that ts
claimed for theru Hundreds of test I
ntonittia tt5ft tholr threat curative
iV Williams Co a
firstclass article for their
For hotels and restaurants
DuraMllty Stronath Fina Finish and
Whiteness or Silver Motal Ware
Weare now offering to our custom
ers spoons and forks
from tho celebrated silver metal
8i 0 8DpU 9 cosine merits
On i i pos
JXuy ° otHcr w w ldo front
wild t liver
goods aud wo cheerful y
ucoumcadihem to tucae dedrtaja
own ute
thoy ore
Theeo goods aro not plated thoy are
mndo of ono metal and aro tolld
Tho great objection to cheap plated
goods has at last boen solved with tho
appearauce of this lino of flatware
which combines with low price dura
bility strength fine finish and whlto
noss second to solid sllvor only
Bilver metal Uko all other motuls
will tarnish aud stain If used in acids
or placed in contact with sulphur as
lu yolk ot eggs eto But tho uso of
Puiz Pomado will at once restore it to
Its original whlto color
Wo eto not claim our goods as equal
to solid silver ware than which thoy
are so much cheaper or as possessing
the dead whiteness of silver yot they
more nearly approach it than any other
known alloy
Silver metal ware requires tho sauio
caro as solid silver goods viz To be
washed after each meal in hot water
and to be cleaned once each wook or
two with Putz Pomado or other pol
ishing substance applied with a cha
mois skin or soft oloth When thus
treated they wear down to a shado or
two of solid silver and will lost a life
time ft
PriccB and discounts furnished on
application Bo nuro to ask for silver
metal spoons and forks beforo placing
your orders Respectfully
Fort Worth China Co
An Old Silver Mino Discovered on Bed
River Drop Prospects
MontAauKT x Juno 7 For some
time past it has beon known that thero
existed ancient Spanish or Mexican
lver mines olong tho bluffs of Red
river in Montaguo county Old fur
naces and tho dross from melted ore
have beon found at several places but
until a day or two slnco the veins that
had been worked wero not found A
party of prospectors a day or two ugo
made an imp > rtant discovery of an
ancient shaft In a bluff on the river
near Cedar Springs which will no
doubt result in reoponing these old
mines They found cut lu tho
stone a iJIght of steps leading
down to tho mouth of tho tunnel
under a perpendicular cllfl on the
river and fouud that tho entrance had
been blocked with immense stones
They succeeded In finding the excava
tlon On tho ateps were carved two
Spanish names and divers murks wero
traced around tho point showing that
tho place had been Identified A
spring of cold water on which the sun
nover shines was found scoopeel out in
tho atones In the blult with
abundant evidences of former
use Tuofurnaca where tho oro may bo
smelted was found on a high polut ou
tho bluff and somo of tho dross was
picked up A year or two ago soveral
attompta wore mode to find this mine
In tho immediate vicinity being In
duced by tho traces of former works
found upon tho ground but tho pit
woo so well concealed that it was not
found until as ubovo related The laud
belongs to parties hore who will at a
proper time reopon this old mine and
see what it If worth
Tho wheat crop In this county Is
now ready for tho harvest and is the
best by odds ever ralseel Oats are
splendid and tho crops genorally aro
clean and promising The people are
working aa they nover worked beforo
and upon tho whole tho outloqk is
promising after suoh a wet spring as
wo have experienced
There Is coming on a largo crop of
fruit with all tho other expectancies
< > > i
A Wonderful Discovery
Consumptives aud all who Buffer
from any aflectlon of the throat and
lungs can find a certain euro in Dr
Kings now discovery for consump
tion Thousands of permanent cures
verify the truth of the statement No
inodlelnc can show such a record of
wonderful cures Thousands of onco
hopeless sufferers now gratefully pro
claim thoy owe their lives to this new
dlsoovery It will coat you nothing to
Klvoltit trial Free trial bottles at
H A Williams Cos drug store
Largo size M
Silver Dust Meal
Dried beef chipped bcof evaporated
peaches evaporated raspberries and
pitted plumbs at tho Fort Worth
Grccer Co e
By tho Mldillo
Of this week Plnkard Joyce will
havo In a now Hue of bedroom suits
and should you antlolpato buylug any
thlug in this lino call and look at tho
nov styles beforo making your selec
tions elsowhere
Jfotlco to Contractors
Bealed bids plans and specifications
will be received by tho commissioners
court of Wilbarger county Tex up to
10 oolock Juno 1818S5 for tho erec
tion and completion of a Jail at Ver
non Wilbarger county Tex Con
tractors will please tile bids for either a
stono or frame building two cages
with corridor jailors room and cook
room Maximum limit of construc
tion 5000
Bids to bo mado ou tho basis of
lall bonds poyablo in threo years
bonds to bear 8 per cent interest per
annum The court reserves the right
to reject any aud all bids
Count Judge Wllbargor Co unty Tex
Cocoauut Sonp
Best quality 5o a cake O M Water
houee druggist
Artist Supplies
A largeasortnient of paintbrushes
nfi f8 Platle8 Iauels crayon and
oil studies
M received Mail orders
promptly attended to MaxEcser
D v1 Masona fruit Jars Just re
celved atthe Fort Worth China Cos
Look nt the Fort
Worth Frocor Co a Hat of tho finest
lanoy groceries and tho largest lot
ever brought to the city
Pare JMwuer
The ingredients that onter Into the
of Silver Loaf Bafc
J rVHd t0 attributed its
i Pf jaedjwpularity wherever it
Has bten Introduced
T hoUBnndaof tB iJLPtrl
A Single
Is Worth a Ship i
This wilt certify thait I
Immediate family rtM UJ
many years from men
and having boen treated > hZ
various medical doctor
Plotoly cured by owboiu rN
eldsFemaloRegulator iu
cases Is wonderful
bo called Woman1 mn y p
llaj John O Whltnerof AUuT
favorably known all 2
over th
as General
a Insurant A al
this remedy before
the war on t
In a great number of t
wtlh absolute lucceit
Dr J Davis of aSuTown u
Havo used Uradnelda
ly In my practice with enUra n
M T IIAIX Propriety
Ppeclal attention given to comatii
Btook mon
Missouri Paci
Is not a Hpeclflo It la In ray otS tt
known remedy for the dl8eufe J H
A lady of Bonham Texa trni H l
beon using your Female Rtftitfc taoo
eral weoks and with
great ben Ks i
of long standing and has baJWs
slelans I havo tried every nuttfe U1
hearofbutthoRegulalorUUnWja T b
has ever relieved my dlitrcwltf Mg ray W
Dr J Brnduelds Femali NOttWUIJ ft jTi
been thoroughly tested by miUip 11
rlety of coses and I am folly cm Tm
It is unrivalled for that daqrf S
which it claims to cure
J a HtW
Treatise on the Health and Btfc
Woman mailed Ireo to applltuk
Tiik Ukadfield REOSUmGl
II V Williams 4 Co whclMM
agents Kort WorthTexas
East Woathorford St Fort ff tti
tiAwrioivMaa or
Gnlvnnizeil Iron CeraJ KD
Skylights and Ventllaton T2lM t
slate roofers ardd alen In wrranW
roofing und siding tlu plate toldwt
vanlzou Iron at wh
Colorado Tex
This house has rocenUycbanfcd InB
will be run Intlrstoiau style K
Union Depot passengers
Colorado Now MexicoanayJ
connect with ExpTa
Connection is niade
Trains for all points
Connection Ismadewl
lug to tho North and Vf
Bedalla dally M tut
oraddreonyoftheri n
IMs ienger gtStgl