OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, June 10, 1885, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-06-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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T T WfB r T
ibsolutely Pure
nrl r never varies A marvel o p i
jeiiu and wholesomenees Mor co
g lhan the ordinary kind and canno
fiii competlon with tho multitude a
it short wolght alum or phosphaU
l told cnlu in cupi
i Co 106 wall Street New York
JBcmarlcablo Cure of n Ilorso
loUamesrjFlomlng n prominent gro
ft lueiclinnt a member of tho tlrm r
lalrg and Lofton Augusta Oa mnkes
Twiowlng statement or the treatment or
ilubloliorvo with BwlUs Specific
tie fall of lt8J I had a valuable colt
owlth asovero oifeof plukoyo which
trdln the moit fonrful case of blood
lamlni I havn everseen After eight or
lumontlm of doctoring with every remedy
ittcouldbear or I despaired of a cure
ibli time the horse was unablo to move
rftse of swollen limbs Ilia rlcht hind
Wi iiim large ns a rutins body and had on
W jrerJorty running Bores lie had also a
In aberot largo sores on his body and other
J > ill lie was a most pltlablelooklng ob
it H > tinrl I wiw iidvUcd to end his suriorlng
iMH tli lbe Bhotgun Ho was a valuable an
nual aland I did not want to lose him Alter
teem tlng my brain In search for another rem
an moio olllcaelous rethought of BwlltB
ifcH < dno I kne it was invaluable to the
< jran family as a blood purifier and why
turn and It not he for tho animal as well I
rtfl l not hesitate but Bent last July to Atlan
ta Or a supply
MSA lbegauilie treatment wlthl or of S H B
os ad or of water three times a day This I
> ntlnned for n week Tbtm I Increased tbo
m n ot of each and continued for a
1 Then I Inoreasodto 80s wndrauit a
rKkwben 1 went back to 0 or airalu Tho
f < mltwas tliatatboend or tho first week
Jaborae had a fair appetite which ho had
otbad si ce his sickness At tho end of
iiKComl wetkecn greater Improvement
I < apparent for manv of tho sores weio
oar iinllng nicely and the horse manifested a
WB wire to niovo about At tho end or the
m Jlrtweek he began to uow gain In flesh
1t > l had foil nppetlte The swelling had
am ikoul dliupprnrcd I used In all about 15
UeiofHwIfls Hpecille and when I quit
thf ulfie the bono had onl lour small sores
im f on him and they healed up liume
< W InAu gust last all sjinftoms of the disease
< t > nucdaway and up to date no signs of the
ton ntuta of Tho trouble have made their ap
V pnrance and the horso has done u mules
r work on my la m
f regard It as one of tho most remarkable
III om I have evor known Thus this groat
fctdltloohasproNen a boon totheanlmal
u veil as tho numun race
Angusta Ga Jan9 IfBI
Sean for book on blood and skin diseases
IIU moiled free
THE Bwikt Sncirio Co
cf 1 Drawer a Atlanta tin
For ij ytir at 37 Court Place now at
nl r tluctlal Hi Iff llT u U l rhjiloUo aol u
a ii Mru bu rncuwwiii
otiirnmtorrhoa nnd Impotonoy
biKtill of ft U ftbus la youU miuI tscuc In tat
orotHtr e u m < l roJud f Km of it lc
jftftrti Ntrromum Btmlnftl KmlwltmJ olM mjU
wbdrtiof DlmQM of eiabl PtfMUt Uriuor rby
nDnr rtmijMoiilne jUmlo UB lmo j <
to of lr > Um l B iu I ro ir to rttferlBl
nr1 CVPHILlii fjcttitlj curt od ft
StS2 ftmiS fiiwa Gonorrhea
LEET Strltwrx OrcUll IHriBt lot Koiluro
Miud orcritoili > e > i qultilj ouiol
II li Mi < vldont lot > rb ielu bo tjl p c1 l fUenooa
louulgcl > o < llll u4 in Uo Ikouooll > >
u alti irtlkill Ihjltlo o l c
JWBnl Fonoo lo or cti lie It U Inoootnlrot u
1 tt ettxli > rlrtiiiral n lloliin ta tl M trlrum
wmibmill or firr nr boro
Ctiros Guurnntootl in nil Oaso
< S Su HlC S50Ulr or br fctur fr t >
J tn rttKbblo oJ t rmi cd c trtcu wooLstu
f109 m ot to or ftdir urlr trt lor ttr
FJ ou SbouU U rt J bf 4U i4 r X N > S
hw ofroailf AlUor W Sun4 T M fc
Cloi > uriio Toxns
Formerly tbo Pennington Hotel
Sample Rooms Attached
M1W K S HALKY VnopailtTBras
017 St Charles StreetSt louls Mo
iIM f l 4a lt f Iwo WKlltl ColltM boo booalMHJ
SS2 ml l trimot or oil o l >
J l > tn lhn pttticua l St
u > r wi > bo ul oil oU rtidtm k
jSJWIIi Oonorrhtra fllwt htrlctare OrthltU
f f A r Mare all Urinary Diseases snd
yjMlltle JUtruwatfm aod MerrarlU Aflectloas
ffi 1 > or Bones > r tinio ar
MM 4 i wi KitiioprtV ipl s rijrr > i
TiIVerrn heual Pebllllr snJ Impotencr
malt trsllbo la rootli naul > la notftror
t Z ut i Mniooi oiJ o BltblloMt J blUlr
S5Si M wUro aomorr 4 pl oa <
o ori
JiftMSit 1 orrnuiM
nH lt P r oto io u aauaa l
tSmA ati are lo l
f Ptr a7
C 1i b n frM fara >
wSi 7 u Oeo or b m U r o aal lariat
lt Crlatrr Kldaer and llladder Troaliles In 0U
tjlallllaamnaloal uillt tbt eltr for A
JJ wtooi Vo ueiUulilirraliri f
aVJK5i lr tUah ot a erm n el pjjrt a naaerlfc
aa In mala or female
° r tje
Floe Writes
11 tilt MiJIc > fiOclaf
HJ < aal
Oor tnr a4 rrol f i Jlh
rrta < wbrnuibooi voi a IV
itoStf fJ at atttUoj uS MWfc kaw lira ww
Wit s nff W afUUM a a 1a V Jkajlj
< >
LSJ MUr rrpau aiUodatai4 vaaaraa
0ommlsslonor8 Court ia SesslonPor
oonal Notes
Sunday was a pretty day and the
cliurctiea wero well attended Nearly
forty peoplo united with tho Moth
otilst church Tho moetlugcontinues
with more penltouts at tho altar than
at any tlrno during tho progress of the
Mies Mary Koach daughter of Capt
JN Koaoli has returned from Ten
nessee where she has been attending
school for tho last eight months Uer
many friends wero very glad to have
her among them agtiu
George W Itoach profoaaor
has returned from au extended visit
through tho mountains of Tennessee
Sir Henry Millard formerly
cashier of the bank In OIsco has ac
cepted a position In tho Citizens Na
tional bank at this place Mr Mil
liard la a young man of Bpleudld
habits and has a hearty welcome lu
tho social clr les of our llttlo city
Work has commenced on tho
Caruthers building ou the cast aldo of
tho square
Commlsslonero court met yesterday
as a board of equalization It has a
considerable amount if business beforo
Crop Prospects in Northoast Dallas
Duck Cheek Trx June 9 Our
villago is sltuatedslxteen miles north
east of tho city of Dallas In Dallas
county on a stream by Its own name
This Is a beautiful country well
adapted to farming and Is thickly set
tled Tho farmers aro of fair quality
industrious and energetic They tako
conslderablo Interest in oducatlng
their children and in the building up
of their county and village
The village consists of threo dry
goods and grocery stons and two
blacksmith shop3 and wood shops
Tho recent heavy rains havo
damaged wheat and cotton
wheat by being blown down and
cotton by drowning it out Tho farm
ers are far behind with their work
Wheat will bo about an average crop
In this part of tho county Oats will
be good but no better than last season
Coin la looking very well Tho gar
dens aro tine Tho peach crop will bo
Our health Is ilatleilng
Tho Duck Creek high school gave
au exhibition last Friday night the
night being line a large crowd was
prosent Tho school has been under
tho management of Miss Adalaldo
Stubbefleld A professor from Nlckle
vllle Collin county will tako charge
of Tho school for the next two mouths
and run It under the normal system
Ho comes hlahly reennmended and
will bo largely patronized
Very Reinarlnblo Itfcovcry
Mr George V Willing of Manches
ter Mich writes My wlfo has been
almost helpless for five years so help
less that she could not turn over In bed
alonp Bbo used two bottlo3 of Elec
tric Bitters and la so much Improved
that sho Is able now to do her own
Electric Bitters will do all that Is
claimed for them Hundreds of testi
monials attest their great curativo
powers Ouly 60 cents a bottle at H
W Williams Co s
An Embryo Metropolis Midway Be
twoon Harrold and tho Falls
Bukk Trx Juno 0 Doubtless
many readers will ponder over tho
name or Burk and wonder where It is
for It has scarcely had a name long
enough for It to become familiar to
many As tho beautiful scenery with
which this place Is surrounded tho
beautiful flowers of every color and
variety which bedeck Its fertile soil
need only tho refreshing spring rains
snd warm rays of tno suu to unfold
their beauty dispel their fragrance and
produco everything man wishes to
cultivate for his own necessity com
fort and profit so we need
only man Industry and perse
verance to rank among the first of the
stato Heretofore this locality has
been known only to the capitalist ami
the cowboy who herded their cattle
over Us broad domain but now since
the Fort Worth Denver City railway
has extended Its line this spot has
been selected for tho location of a
town because overy one who Is capable
stMsand knows that
ble of judging
allordlng such faculties
such a country
ties cannot long remain dormant in
this advanxed state of civilization and
C ° Eeclntfy opened by the extension
Burk in Wichita county Is 130 miles
west of Fort Worth fifteen miles west
of Wichita Falls sixteen miles east of
Harrold the present terminus of the
road nine miles from Bed river on the
north and five miles from Y chita
river on tho South It Is situated
most beautifully on a high rolling
nralrle the noil of which Is a mellow
loam well adapted to the cultivation
and production of all tho small grAln
as well as cotton and corn the yield of
which will compare most favorably
with tho older and more settled por
Ions of Texas The surrounding
country is prairie with an occasional
of trees along the creeka which
group abundant and oouveulent
water for stock lu all seasons Tho very
h t of water can be had for family use
feel Vegetation l unsurDMBed and
fine vegetables can be had here now
LI anywhere Potatoes beans peas
Kps ud other garden true too nu
S for mention are grown sue
Sly as well as all the frulUcom
c fn this climate A farmer near
her has pSs and apricots and
° Pleasure
more genuine
sud chickens he
the rralriP < I r
c n find on
uni turkey
along the creeks and when
tired and thirsty ho cin Beck tho re
freshing shade under tho widespread
branches of nomo old oak ou the rivers
bank and enjoy good Hshlug
The land besides that of tho railroad
Is owned by Mr Burk Burnett now
of Fort worth who came hero ten
years ago and ho with tho railroad
company will oller overy reasonable
Inducement to tho aotual settler Mr
Burnett says that this placo will In
the near future bo tho countyseat and
Justly It should bo being nearest tho
center and possessing facilities that
no other point as near possesses
No onp now of ordinary Intelligence
or of a very limited acquaintance with
the fertility and productive yield ol
theso broad boautlml and healthy
prairies believes tho story originated
by stockmen that this western country
would not sprout pees It waa to
their Interest to koep tho settler away
for well they knew that when a man
ofnorvo and industry tried It they
must necessarily emigrate No ouo to
look upon the rank vegetation now on
tho pralrlo and creek bottom laud can
doubt au avorairo yield of anything ho
ohoosoa to plant It Is also a good
shiep country Ono party within a mile
of tho station who was for a loug tlmo
a resident of Southern California has
several hundred head ot abeen Ho
says thU county surpasses California
for sheeuraUlng
Tbo Fort Worth Denver City rail
way has paved the way to the most
beautiful productive ami healthy
county lu our Lone Star stato where
tho poor man who hai tired him
selfout working wornout land In tho
oldor states can secure n home and
lu ix few years by proper Industry and
economy rest from his labors
On Wolf and Beaver creeks threo
and five miles south as on Wichita
river there aro good settlements
whose nearest town and postollioo Is
Wichita Falls sixteen or eighteen
miles distant They ouly await the
coming of somq merclmut to bring
him their trade and produce
> i
A Wonderful Dlwoiorj
Consumptives and all who suller
from any alleotlon of tho throat ami
lungs can Hud a certain cure in Dr
Kings new discovery for consump
tion Thousands of permanent cures
verify tho truth of tho statement No
medicine can show such a record of
wonderful cures Thousands of onco
hopeless suiTorer now gratefully pro
claim they owo their Jives to this new
discovery It will cost you nothing to
idvo It a trial Frco trial bottles at
H A Williams Coa drug storo
Large sUbU
Stock Pocb Doubled 30000 Court
Houso In Viow
MidlandTnx June 9 Tho rail
road company has doubled tho size of
tho stock pcuri to accommodato in
creasing demands Midland uow has
as good shipping facilities as any point
on tho Hue and when this years busi
ness Is figured up It will count hand
We have had two deaths lu Mid
land lately W O May of Houston
who came hero a short time ago In tho
lastBtages of consumption and tho
sou of Mr Laurence who has bcou a
longtime suUercr from blood disorder
occasioned from ineaHleH
Mr Welsh our freight agent
handled twentytwo loaded cars at
this point ou last Friday
The Town compauy has agreed to
glvo 3000 to build a coiirthouso on
block 55 the public fcrjuare Tho peo
ple or Midland county feel that that
amount would give them public build
ings good enough for years to come
They proposoto tako n lesson from tho
architectural abortions called court
houses In the countiesoaxtof us which
cost from forty to seventyfive thou
sand dollars Anything Is good enough
for the county officers and if the
county has money to spend lu publlo
buildings let It bo placed In school
The establishment of agraded school
at Midland woutd bring moro ranch
men and their fAuillles to the placo
than any Inducement that could bo
of rend
At last Midland has n newspaper
The Btaked Plain was born last Thurs
day Everyone Is well pleased with
tho appearance tone and nromlsed
polloyof the paper Mr lUthbun
tho editor fays in Introducing him
self and paper to tho public To ad
vocate tho Interests of those who set
tle hero to bo their representative lo
help mako Midland the central busi
ness point cf the staked plain and to
mako money aro tho object of this pa
per It will not bo tho special organ
of the cattle raiser the wool grower
the furmer or of any other slugle In
terest hut of all together thero Is
plenty or room
This jwllcy If followed will accom
plish tho desired end As Mr Rath
bun has a level head and always has
It with him thero Is no doubt of his
Ia marriage declining asks an ex
change No It js generally accept
Browns Iron
MAf + ri wktU tlwnuitdl
priparallooa ul Iron
wifraj ajaw
cur 7
tta aa
tlt nv l
care I dUrilM mn u W r oe
Drapersix fllitlnHn ChllU nnd 1
Tlrr < tFeeUnruemlDel > lllt7rnntaU
MdeII eJc wIJml > IIi J lirsadNfnrril
rlaIor all Uwm ailmanU b > 1 pnHTtbtd lUUr
mlaala liU oil Alvr tnwtnefa mMlelBaH acta
Mr W nui ii wll ll riaf i
bmitittmtwtaiaxra TnaraaacWalSiatitaoam
Know Uie dl t w tepr l a earn
I j womn Uh S rt la tuatilf tan nfl an4 autrt
Tba naa U to at om i T etrn Hia aUa elwa
t > v ui2t rcixpomtoU itoakj inrnmaM
dioapt ara faocfiabal d ra vrtj wta tiaaoano wrti
aw o
liraiwiviocwialw itaifM
fur ha chill BoraftiUa firorat >
ivt Is
tliltarataUia OM V trn aaollctiw Uu <
Janata ilpUnuaoJ iiy ru mr 4U
tt Omlw Jtas Trtila > tark and ealwed Jul ilt
< tmpir TAKIiMXlTIIBRo
i r
1 liomas Fairly Kii KUltor Chase Trsillni Vx lJtt Worlht
DkahBiu Will you plcaso luforin me If any of tho other stores lu Fort
Worth havo an advertising editor or would probably llko to omploy ono I
would llko such a poltlou ami can glvo satisfactory rofdrenco I oongratlilato
you upon your lettor to President Cleveland ltwaslutonsoly loyal to your
town Yours respectfully T W D
T W UrUrs Toxt
DkaiiBiu Konoof tho storca horo but tho Chaso Trading Co havo an nil
vertUlng editor Wo think they could notnlUird todoso Tho Chaso Trading
Co Is really Hvo stores lu ono a drygooda atoro a clothing storo a gout fur
nlshltig storo n hat and cap store a boot and Hit u store Their prices uro vory
low but they oell n great many goods of all kinds
THOMAS FAIRLY Adv Editor Chaso Trading Co
Wo have mimorous applications from both men and woman who have
money they wish to Invest and desire to become partners lu our store To all
of these wo will say that wo aro nwaro that our storo Is popular but It Is loiv
prices hayo made It popular and that tho Helling of goods at tho extreme
low prlcea that wo do Is a venture It docs not partalto of tho diameter of an
Investment Success Is not sure ami while wo bellevo It will bo n success wo
aro un willing to risk any ones money but our own If wo loso our money wo
cannot complain because wo cannot havo tho cako and eat It too but If wo
should lose tho money of others they could complain Wo would rocommond
to persons who wish to Invest money to put It Into cattlo nud Texas lands
Cattle aro very low and will not only luorcasu lu number but advauco In
price Good lands always udvanco In now HtatcB But If you buy cattlo you
must take caro to havo gtacs and water for them Persona often say to uss
Why do tho neoplo Hook lo your atoro In such inunborH Our answer Is It
Is natural Tho same naturo attends nil Ooils living creatures Tho birds go
In IlocUs tho aulmalH In herds or droves tho llBh III Mioals bccailsu thoy all
seek what to them seems best viz i f joil temperature etc and thoy go where
they can find them Bo It Is with people thoy nro all seeking tliu best of
goods at low prices nnd thoy dont want to bo cheated out of their hard oirnod
money and they conio to Chases THOMAB FAIRLY
Adv Editor Chaso Trading Co
2f > R H ln Street 203
St Louis and San Antonio
Union Depot passengers for Kansas
Colorado New Mexico and California
connoct with Express Trains for all
Connection Is
Trains for nil
with Expreer
In Kansas and
Connection Is made with all lino lead
ing to the North and West
AccommodationsFast time Pullman
Palace Can run through Bt Louis vl
Bedalla dally
For MapsTime Tables Hates cta caU ou
or uddres any or lbe Ticket AgeoU or
Pasttixer Agent Houston Texo
Oen Isa A Ticket Aui OaivestouTexaa
Ageui trort Worth T r
Palace Book and News Co
EllMOTex John H Klerakl Vroprietor
OCJiO X lvo rSovVHmriu
Bontli El 1aao street K > laso Tex
Teias FanElectric Telephone Co
Our Fort Worta Exchruif Is now In all
operation wltn oyer yDsabeCTlberi
Buslntii Cesntetlesi per nsnts 1500
RatWence S00
CUrsiratn JM
Tn C nj10aieeonsppUC4ttori a
will rnr
alan subserlliers rnoMeuger boys lo ran un
< rrands < tiitDerorth service of tneasun
rtrv uurortli ant tAirnosr tut aiittt
k4dUonal Jiklf benr or tffccllcnal p rtJhere
or lueaoU
11KA1RU4 m
Lumber Shingles Sash Doors Mixed Paints Eto
Houston and Main Tenth and Eleventh Strcois Fort Worth Tex
c Yatils Rt Fort Worth Wentliorfonl Mlllmp Uorilon 8wt > elw lor Colnrntlo Auroia
ami Ituscii
Wluilnaulo mi J lUtall Dealers In
Fort Worlb Docatur Woathoriortl Gordon Dalrd Alllono Colorado
Big Springs and Pocos
XJ XJtclGjr take rs
Tole > tit > noriiid tclcgrajili onlorn iruuiitly ntloudcil to dsy or lilgliU
1609 Main Stroot FORT WOflTf TEX
W B WELLS CO Proprietors
V KEtiHEDY Mariagor
Fort Worth Toxae
Wholesale nil Hotuil Dcnlors in IichIi 3IcalH of nil KIihIh
Awiply prepaieil to nil all orders In Hie city or by rail In tlis country at llio lowest rsl
TSa lOlH Houtli Main Htroot X ort Worth
Hrnoked snussgn a sreelally Telegraph nxl telephone outers promptly titleuiled to
Colorado Tox
This uousa bus recently changed hands and
arlll bu run Innmclua style
M X MrAXXi Pro > rIotor
HpecUl attention given to commercial an
stock roou
Knit Weatherford HU Vort Worth Tai
MAxvrJurrvuxuH or
Galranizcd Iron Cornice
Bkylights and VenUlatora Tin iron ano
slale roofers ar > d dHloia In oorrngale 1 Iron
roonng and siding Un plalo solder and gal
vanised Iron av a Ii >
runcral Agency and Oummlsalou llrokera
Terns A tacioc Land llond uivrays on
hand at lj vf t ritiotaiioria
JoilK ilAHKix A Aaciarr
Manager mraUi7
Real Estate Mortgage Loans
IrocortHl or borrowers In North Texax
OovremvomiMnOH Invltsd
Tim Great rojmlur ItouU botweon
Tho EAST ana ho WES11
Louisiana New Moifoo Arizona and
rftYorlto Ud W th
North East mid Southfust
Pullman Palace Stooping Jum
Dally Oetwru
Bt liouls and Dsllaa Kort Worth Zl
Vn o nd Han FrnncUco bIco Koi
> VortU and Now OrJwtus
Solid Trains
El Paso to St Louis
Fatt Tim FirtlClatj Eauipmfmr
Surt Dwntodon
Bee thai your tlcaet rtucU Via Teiaa uo
facirio railway For itft ill lablaa
TttkaU luu and alt iMnliril hnomntloii
call ou or addtHs any of ItitTleket Agents u >
iauenj er Agent Houhin leia
n Tr Ifi MaNa tr 0l a toio fai rl

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