OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, June 10, 1885, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-06-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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iimmmszzFvmiczzx n
fold Oemetary AssoclatlonWhat it
and What it
i Intonds to Do
U and Complete History of tho
KoTement from Its Inoipienoy to
1 the Present Time
beon inado
Buar Inquiries have re
EL concerning what is being accom
KZjbytbo Old Cemetery assocla
2 In view of this fact a short his
of tbe cemetery and an explanation
Hfepurpose of tbo bonevolent ladio3
toira the Old Cemetery association
yipotupon which tbe cemetery
jttuated waa deeded to the
k eomo years ago as
Ktiring ground by Mr garauols
ffklnal trustees for tho city woro
VtnKandt Dr Peak and Capt
gLoyd Anv one who choae to
off a lot in the cemetery and In
it and ray the sexton for his
becamo entitled to the lot
tbe organization of tho Old
association In last
i ry February
dole management of the ceme
as left to tho sexton and
two years thoro bad
no authorized fox ton
tt really tho dead burled tbero
for tbo most nart left to tako care
wnselves Under this manage
Hi or rather no management many
Kiwere placed right lntheregu
uritire road so that it Is lrnpossl
la drive through the cemetery
Kcut passing over graves
Hwat a year ago two or threo ladles
city who considered tho coudl
of the old cemetery
grace to tho city and
ireepect to tbo dead buried
t began to discuss tho matter
mult of this was that a mooting
x ladles interested was called at
wtdenco or Mrs Dr B Loyd on
ilih of ait February Thoro were
dies present at this meeting who
tdthemselves Into tho Old Cent
association has sinco been In
wated and chartered with Ave
M Mai VanZtndt Capt M B
J JIr Walter Huffman Mr J
Brown nnd Mr 8 W Lomax
hdles forming It liavo collected
lily subscriptions from such lot
as In tho cemeterv as folt an in
tin the matter Tbero are about
jtjflve subscribers on tbe Hats of
ij QCiatIou who pay from 23 cents
per month
< money raised In this way ha
upplled to various Improvements
cetnetery Tho main roadway
Jog through tbo eoraetorv east
test has beon graded and paid
Anowfenoo has been built around
cemetery and an ugly hollow
ildn the pnutheast corner has been
j up so that thero Is a driving
Of entirely around the interior of
emetery A sexton has been
whose duty It is to tako caro of
Hinds Mowers and shrubbery
guard tho llowors and plants
i enaoclntlim Intends to have a
fewn of tho cometerv as soon as
Mud to glvoatltlo deed to
doe possessing a lot In It An
ji purpose of the association Is to
wit can towards putting tho
fry Into a neat respectable con
Mr Qlvons tho former sexton
ujbeen In Weatlierford for two
has been wrltton to several
tut belug temporarily absent
itjet replied Ho Is wanted to
spa number of graves whioh
wn lest sight of entirely As
Whe comes a notice will be put
< Mper so that all wharhavo lost
f tho graves of their friends or
m may bo enablod to And them
js assistance His expenses will
by the aw > olatlon
ffc re still a numbor of protty
< n > tbe cemetery which will bo
prices to any persons
fStwpurchase them
Umax or Mrs
president of tho atsocla
jmUglad to furnish any In
In to tho work and
ftie association to any ono
Y Z ndt treasurer of tho
5paeesi will gladly receive
MTlptlons for tho
persons wishing to aid this
i inmeudabIo work
Wole aud iii8imlnded ladles
Wlzed tbe Old Cemetery as
fi deserve aid and encourage
ff a ntld raost especially
iii J have some dear one
wL oIu cemetery for until
7 Iation took tho matter In
X condition
of the cemetery
i3t discreditable to tho city and
V won upon our respect for tho
Mat CcUoratlon
attention to tho grand cole
advertised elsowhoro in
on tho coming 4th of July
f raramo is an elaborate ono
biniDtIemcu wuo nav0 tie mat
an ara a guarantee of its buo
I S en t vr111 9 mttd0 t0RC
Sf S tVIMlora from our sister
SS country and a cordial
jf Uextended to all
A Voice from tlio Jail
u taI w WoirTBxJuno8llS55
4 tt Mthoaaiette
Q iw nmae9 ° f the Fort Worth
111 XweXUnd t0 the y0UUB
II fw I n Institute our most
lm in7 n8 for their kind
ftl f jS5K to us on the even
ki rttMJ most Bumptuoua re
M WinL we Rre nder the deep
and therefore tender to
ladles our most sin
jthn ° Tnr Oorcrnor
n T
irsland spent a few hours
it yr8erilay morning and
J wound by R A Bacon
Kentucky highstep
0 it ever was
hb gvatlfled t
marked Improvement of Fort Worth
and paid a high compliment to the
young men of our city who havo done
so much to build It up
He left on tho 130 train for Terrell
where ho will Inspect the public build
For a Mooting of tho Exocutlvo Oom
mittoo of Confederate Beunlon
It is earnestly requested that tho
executlvo commltteo of exConfeder
ates meet at thoJFort Worth National
bank this afternoon at 130 to tako defi
nite action In some matters of groat
importauco in regard to tho meeting
of rxCoufedoratea hero August 6 C
and 7
This committee la composed of the
local president and tho following
named ofllcers
J P Smith
M B Loyd
J V Hocisett
J M Henderson
W It Cahem
W V Wilson Seay
S P CuNNiNaiiAMAsstBooy
A prompt attondauce will further
tho Interests of tho association
K M VanZanht Prest
S P Cunningham AsstScoy
J M Hanoy Horo to Oloso tho
Contract This Morning
Col J M Huoy is now ready with
tho plans etc for tho buildings and
only awaits tbo arrival of tho bond
which is expected this morningwhen
everything bolng satisfactory to the
commltteo and himself tho contract
will bo closed at tho meeting this
morning aud we havo the assurance
of Col Hanoy that if tho contract 1b
signed this morning work will com
mence at once or as Boon et
tho contract cm bo let
and material placed upon tho ground
and that within ninety day from that
time tho mnchlnory will be in tho
building and sixty days thereafter
operations will commence
Ho Informs us further that ho has
since leaving horo lest contraclod for
5000 worth of other machinery which
is being made now and will accom
pany tho other machinery to this
place He hmalso arraugod for trans
portation ana finds that thoro are
twontyBeven carloads of machinery
alouo The moment tho contract is
signed ho promises that things shall
commonco to movo at both
ends of tho line as ho
will wiro his agents to get ready for
shipment while he remains hero to
put up the immense struoturo accord
lue to plans now on hand
Through tho courtesy of tho gentle
man our reporter was permitted to
examine tho plans and must admit
tho great superiority of tho designs to
what has bcou generally understood
would be bulltfor this purpose Tho
final meotiug takes place this morning
at 11 oclock aud it Is to bo hoped
that tho matter will bo consummated
al once
Tho Ladles of tho Oakwood Cemetery
Bcoro Another Success
Tho entertainment given by tho
Oakwood Cemetory association at
tho pavilion was attended
by at least three hundred peo
ple and was a great succoje Every
ouo seemed fo havo a oplendld time
and to be in the best of humor all tho
Everything passed off smoothly and
pleasantly last night and the young
people havo tho liberal originators aud
managers of the pavilion to thank for
another pleasant evening spent in
tripping tho light fantastlo upon tho
best lloor in tbe city and for that mat
ter tho best In tho stato
The car service afforded by tho man
agers or tho Rosedale who are also tho
owners of tho pavilion la tho best pos
sible and cars woro doubled up both
going and coming bo that thero was
always plenty of room
Tho pavilion has already becomo the
most popular place of resort in the
city and lta further suc
cess is now an assured thing for
its managers have proved that they do
not intend for it to be taken pcageaslsn
of by the roughs tougbB and hood
lums all of whom they rigidly ex
clude bo that decent and respectable
people may be certain that they will
not be outraged by the presence of ob
jectionable characters
Tho only drawbaok to tho affair last
night was the mudo which was poor
indeed but tbe young folks camo to
have a good tlmo and they had it A
good band however has been engaged
by tbo managers of tho pavilion for
the iuture
Tho Ilerron Case
Tho stato closed its testimony in
this easo at 11 oclook yesterday morn
ing and tho defonso were introducing
evidence entirely on tho Insanity plea
until tho adjournment of court
This easels attracting muohlnterost
as ovidenced by the largo crowds that
throng the onurtroom and the result
will bo most eagerly watched
Tbo Manual ot Arms
Oar militia were outlast night drill
ing aud irom appearances thoy will
make somo of the companies sick be
fore the state encampment at Lam
pasas closes Tho boys are getting
riulte proficient in thomanual of arms
and tho exhibition drill aa given
in front of The Gazette office last
night was most creditable indeed
Pereovere in the work stand up to a
most rigorous discipline and you will
be heard from before long
rtnT Worth Tx June 9 U
To the Editor of th Gazette
The residents of the southeastern
portion of Fort Worth aregrcoUd with
refreshing odors these sultry nummer
days Lst Friday or Saturday someone
the corner of
killed rjargeaogon
one Hattle and Crawford streets where ho
has ueacefully reposed ever since a
S toSgiwn fllei and the consequent
are numerous
nuance in thst Immediate neighbor
hood ihatShould be abatea tnmedl
attend to tbU or no Crmsii
Tho Signing of tho Afghan Frontier Con
vention Again Deferred by Earl
iiobert Bohlagintwoit tho German Trav
eler DeadCholera Gaining Toot
hold in Spain
Tlio Arghau Frontier Convention Btlll On
London Juno 0 Tho Afghan fron
tier convention between England and
Itussla la ready for slgnaturo It was
arranged that tho representative of
the two powers should slgu tho con
vonllon in Loudon today but tho
slgnlugwas eubsequontly postponed
Tho Russian embassy officials as
sert that tho delay la duo to
Earl Granvilles asking for fresh
explanations concerning points al
ready accepted by Itussla Complaluts
come from tho foreign department at
St Petersburg that a breach of diplo
matic propriety has boon com
mitted by tho English foreign
office In compiling tho recent
Uluo book Tho icoinplalnants say
the document has been bo crooked for
presentation to parliament that tho
Russian government will bo com
pelltd to publish a corrected collection
of tho diplomatic correspondence
A Great Sclontl t Demi
Tho death Is announced of Robert
Bohlaglntwelt tho German travolor
and sclontUt
Herr Bohlaglntwelt was born in
1833 He was ono of throe sous of an
oyo physician of Munich who
received n careful cducatlou
and woro early distinguished by
their enthuslastlo study of physloal
science especially geology Twlco
thoy oxplored tho Alps and from 1851
to 6S thoy undertook supported by
tho king of Prussia aud tho British
East India company comprehensive
explorations of the Himalayas Thibet
Hlndostan and Deccan tho results of
which havo been pronounced inval
uable Robert also travolod ex
tensively on tho American continent
The Allium Coltrlilco Allnlr
It was announced today that tho
terms of settlement of tho slander caso
of Charles Warron Adams Against
Lord Coleridgo had been arranged
The lord chief Justlcosottles an lucomo
of JCGOO yearly on his daughter Miss
Mildred on tho occasion of her mar
riage to Mr Adams and tho legal dis
putes aro to bo referred to arbitration
Tho lSunqugt r the doogrnplilcal Bocloly
Among the guests at tho banquet of
tho Geographical society last evening
were Lords Houghton Abordaro and
Lome at Peter Lumedeu M Lossar
and Henry M Stanley Lord Lorno
was elected president of tho society for
tho ousulng year
A Ttatue to Dnruln
Tho statue to Darwin was unveiled
by Prof Huxloy in the museum of
natural history atbIvenflugtontodny
Tho dedication address which Huxley
delivered was on tho scientific valuo
of Darwins researches
Tho princo of Wales received tho
btatuo on behalf of tho museum In
his address tho prince dwelt at length
on tho vast Influence exercised by
Darwin In favor of tno
progress of knowledge and ixprcs d
gratitude for tho support which for
eign countries had given tho move
ment to erect tho memorial Among
tho distinguished persons present at
tho unveiling ceremonies were Robt
Browning Lord Houghton Prof
Richard Owen and Herbert Spencer
AnllitlaCholorii InMndrlil
MADniDJuuo 0 Desplto tho re
peated denials of the authorities it Is
now known that thero havo beon
eleven cases of Asiatic cholera In this
city and twodeathB from that dUeaae
The cholera tias also broken out in
Castollon do la JPlana whom thoro
havo been fortyone cases Seuor
Romero Yroblodo tho minister of tho
interior has resigned in consequence
of his plans for improving the sani
tary condition of tho country having
been disregarded
Special wards lu tho hospitals have
been assigned for suspected cases of
cholera The autnorltlea aro visiting
tho poorer quarters of tho city and at
tending to tliii disinfection of houses
Vtssols from Valencia are subjected to
three dayB1 quarantine at other Span
ish porta France Italy and Germany
quarantine vessels from Valencia
There were elgut suspected cases of
cholera reported hero today Thero
was also a rumor that four deaths had
occurred from tho same dUeaeo In
tho cortes Sonor Romero Yrobledo
minister of tho interior made a state
ment which confirmed tbo truth of the
report of the outbreak of cholera
in Valencia He denied however
that any uutheutlo casesof ohoiora hud
yet appeared In Madrid The govern
ment said the minister would readopt
the extraordinary precautionary
measures taken during the outbreak of
the disease in 1684 when it occurred
lazarettoes were established and cor
dons of troops were formed for the
purpose of isolating tho districts in
St Pbtkeshuro June 0 A terri
ble accident occurred on the railway
from Kenton to Rastoll on the river
Don A bar of Iron was placed across
tbe track by robbers aud tbe train
which came alone was thrown
from theralla and demolished The
number of people killed and wounded
was seventy The robbers who were
waiting for tho smashup plundered
the train The wounded nnd the sur
vivors were completely terrorized and
could make no resistance
> Iecrult for the C r A no jr
The entIra number of recruits for the
army and navy In 1S85 Is fixed at
230VOO Tbo new law will jto into ef
fect on the first day of next July
The landing ttwoot a popular Bjw
day resort ou th rJv r Epr 4 nj r
jp sawp TTfRWW SPt <
and fifty persons woro thrown Into the
water Tbreo were drowned Grout
confusion prevailed iu the dirknrss
T ll tFMtof ipilC0 between Franco
and China
was signed yesterday
The Empoior William will go to
Ems next
MdeLofwopa has been appointed
president of tho Paris exhibition of
Hundreds of Teoplo Flock
Their Remains
to View
BoNHAit Tex Juno O Afttr tho
inquest waa holdjovcr tho bodies of Ell
aud Sam Dyor yesterday their re
mains were moved to tho ground
lloor in tho northeast corner of tho
oourthouso whero hundreds of tho
curious flocked to look upon them for
tho last time They were both neatly
dreeaud and their faoea gavo uo
ovldonces that aro common to per
sons who die from hanging Notwith
standing these two mou havo had tho
reputation of being tho worst bandits
ovor raised in tho county a feeling of
apparent Badness prcuonted Itself upon
tho countenances of many who looked
at tho mortal remains of tho Dyor
brothers yesterday Near tho hour of
3 oclock yestorday Win Bakor an
undo of tho Dyers who lives on Red
river soui6 llfteen miles from hero ar
rived in our city nnd at onco ordered
respectable coIHub In which tho ro
malus of Ell and Sam woro placed
Both coffins were placed In ono wagon
and takon back to tho vicinity of Mr
Bakora farmwhoro thoy wero Interred
today Thus winds up tho
sad careor of two lives
misspent Whllo our county inhab
itants aro as lawabiding as any lu tbo
state aud as inuoh as mob law U to bo
deprecated lu this Instance of hanging
all thoclrcumstaucea bolng considered
It cannot wo think bo a very remark
able faot that a fow sympathlzoin con
sequence of tho ending or tho earthly
existence of Ell and Sam Dyer
When hero yesterday Mr Baker re
ported that tho mother of Ell and Bam
Dyer was almost crazy on account of
tho uow8 of tho hanging of her two
Midlothian Tkx Juno O A
light rain fell hero last night beucllt
luc corn and cotton very much
The volco of tho thresher Is now
heard Harvesting has commenced
with prospects of an tiuusual yield
Tylkr Tex Juno 0 Sheriff Frank
B Clintascalcs who was elected nt tho
November election nud who aided
greatly lu tho success of tho Demo
cratic county ticket died today at 2
p in after an Illness of over it mouth
Ho mado a good sheriffnnd was very
popular with tho pcoplo
i i
VAury MillsTkx Juno 0 Fif
tyfive ttiousaud pounds of wool shipped
in tbo past ton days tond with other
shlpraontij to follow will urlug uur
total up o a hundred thousand doub
ling last years receipts
The health weatfier and bualuess in
this vicinity oro flue
i m
Ellzaboth Cady Stanton will enter
tain Susan li Anthony during the
summer whllo both aro at work on
their Joint woman suffrage book
lrcotlras sTobatco
In any quantities at tho Fort Worth
Grocer Co a
rino Boston IlolicrSliatcs
Five hundred pairs of the Raymond
Rink Just received Andersons
Slimmer Excursion Tickets
Excursion tickets to principal wa
tering places and cities in tho United
States will boon sale Juno 1 good to
return until October 311665 at very
low rates and via all routes Full in
formation aa to rates route connec
tions etc will bo cheerfully furnished
by calling at Union depot ticket cfllco
or addressing J D Lusk
Union Tlekot Agent
Honey Hroro Plantation
Syrup by tho eallon or barrel Try It
At the Fort Worth Grocer Co a
Homes for All
By a Btroak of good luck I havo had
thirtytwo excellent building lots
turnod over to mo for sale located on
Etst Belknap rtreet at tho terminus
of tho streetcur lino Tbeso lota will
bo sold low and on favorable terms
Location is excellent und entirely
healthy Apply to ilenry Schwartz
corner Second and Main streets
Frctli Imported Cigars
at Morris cigar store 400 Main street
one door north of Pickwick hotel
I Should Smile
And so will you when you try a can
ofBatavia corn at
Grocsr Cos
tho Fort Worth
bend n Your Orders
For lemons oranges and bananas at
the Fort Worth Grocer Co a
rJorenlyFire Dollars
In goods and money given away July
4 at Morris cigar Btore 40U Main
street one door north of Pickwick
Fort Worth nnd Dtnvor Oity Btago
Four horso Concord coaches leave
Harrold dally on arrival of trains from
Fort Worth for Vernon from Vernon
every Monday Wednesday and Fri
day on arrival of tago fromlfarrnld
for Curlls Ranch Clarendon Fort El
iott and Mobeetle oonntcting with
lines for all points In the Panhandle
Fro reasonable Round trips at re
duced r t
J W QRRvfeJLlil
Tho Remains of Three Old Bottlers Ra
moved to Ellis County for Tina
Deputy Bhorlff Work in the Fort Gather
ing in Ilis Ooons The Scholaatlo
Census Report
HPM1 1
Dallas Tjbx Juno t Tho bodies
of W M Jcunlugs John R Nowbold
aud Ralemoud Dcalton who died In
this oily boiuo years ago woro buried
in what is now tho northwest part of
tho oity oloio beside whoro tho trook
of tho Missouri Psclilo or old DallraA
Wlohita rallroad > now laid A short
tlmo ngo tho widow of W M Jen
nlugsdledathor homoln Kills county
aud was buried in tho cemetery at
Italy lu that county Her dying ro
quest was that tho remains ot nor hus
band should bo taken up nud bo re
burled besldo her and nlso that tho
remalus of tho other abovenamed
persons relatives should bo taken up
aud burlod lu tho same cemetery Iu
accortlanoo with this request Mr Jen
ulnge hereon Inlaw had tho remains
taken up ytetcrday for removal to
rtaly W M Jcnnlnga died In 1857
Kowbold In 165 nnd Dcakou lu 18tW
Jennings built the first and ecooud
brlok houses uver erected lu Dallas
Tho first ono stood about whoro tho old
Dallas Wichita depot Is but was
torn down eomo years ago The senoud
one still stands corner of Jetlerson and
Commerce street ou tho tquare nnd
Is now occupied by tho Oliver Chilled
Plow company
Tho following la tho vei > ort of Asies
Bor nud Cotlootor Bogel or tho number
of school children lu tho city
Total mimlior of whllo inalo children 8
nmluuder 18year ofnge 1271
Total mimbnror ililie femnlo children
Knnil umler 14 ynra ur iko ISU7
Tolnl numbor nl rolortil limia clillilren
Snuil under ifyears or nge 1170
Tolnl numherofcoloiMS r iuftlocutUlrou
8 mid uu JerlS joKtucf ufio 917
Cln udlotnl M iltUI
Of tho uiiutbor of whlto children be
tween tho ages of eight and sixteen
years attending tho public Schools that
cau read 2811 Mint cannot i11
Deputy Shcrlir Work loft for Fort
Worth on tho 12 oclock train Ho
wont after Grundy Cox Frank Rob
ortBou nnd aiiotliof man nil oolorod
who had lied the city to escape pun
ishment for crap shooting
A hoavy wind and rainstorm cot In
this morning about 1 oclook There
was nn Immcuso full of water flood
ing tho streets aud gutters but doing
but slight damage
Gov John Ireland nud sou are at
tho Windsor
Capt HP Hughes paaoongor agent
for tho Gould fcystcm Is lu tho city
Dr J P Blount member of tho
legislature from Vauandt county la
hi t lip city
Ono IomI of new out oau > In tho
Bheaf camo Into town yesterday
There aro fow things which inukoa
body feel bo utterly forlorn as chills
aud fovor Tho system is utterly run
down by this wrotchod dlsoasu until
life scorns hardly worth living Al
this stage comes In tho blcBsIng of
Browns Iron Hitters concerning
which Mr Newell of TctUngton Vu
says i For building up tlio system
after It has beon run down by chills
und fover nud for it gcuorul tonic I
Hud nothing better It gives entire
relief in all cases
rrerUnibs Tobacco
In any quantities nt tho Fort Worth
Grocer Co a
Tlio Faultless
Is tho best Ccent cigar in America
Sold only at Morris cigar store 400
Main street
Tlio Host Lino of Whlto
Goods nud thu cheapest to bo had at
J J Liiurlne
Dog Mimics
variety at Amleraons
Notlco to Contractors
Healed bids plana and BpodflcatlouH
will be received by tho oninmbmloncrM
cotirt of Wilbarger county Tox up to
10 oclock Juno 1818S3 for tho erec
tion nud completion of a fall at Ver
non Wilbarger county Tex Con
tractora will plcaso fllohldH for either a
Htono or framo bulldlntr two cagtM
with corridor jailer room nnd cook
room Maximum limit of onutruo
Hon 5000
IIICm to bo nindu on tho basis of
Jail bonda payable lu threo years
bonda to l ar b percent Intrreat per
annum Tho court ronorvea tho rlfjht
to reject any and all bldoJ
J P Oitit
Count Judge Wilbargor County Tox
Tho Uozctto Jot Mice
This cstabllahmont la now ono of tho
best Mjulpped In tho stato nnd being
under tho pergonal supervision of Mr
A 1 Moulin who la acknowledged to
bo tho beat Job printer in Texas wo
can safely tiromlso to give ontlro satis
faction We therefore respectfully auk
your orders for all work In our lino
A Blendld Home In a Good Locality
A cotUKercsldeno of twoatorlcs
eight rooms substantially built cor
ner lot in lino neighborhood forsalo
Favorable terms if deir d Address
House care Gazette Fort Worth
> Wflp < IST llflar > F S r JT < jl J
Knrrow IvHcivpo
XAJ efWTBnJiuieltMX Ton
l jars hri i ty < ntuckisl with ih mn t
Iut u onud deathly palm lu my back ami
Extending to the end of my Iocs
aud to my brain 1
Whioh mado mo dolirious
roni agonylll
It took tht H > mou to Jiold mo on
my bod at tlniw
Tlio doctors tried in vain to rcliovo
mo but to no purpose
Morphine nnd other opiates f
Had uo effect
After two months I way given up
When my wife
heartl a neighbor toll what Hop BlttetH
had douo for her sho at onoo got nud
gavo mosomo The Hint dose eased
my brain and nocmod to go hunting
through my system for tho naln
TluMcond iiona o m mo no much that I
lppl two hours oniflthliiEC 1 had not ilono
far two mouth l foro I had until nvo hot
tl 1 a wiill ami at work hnrvt n any
maneoniil forovur thrro WMkm tint I wotheil
tiiohnnlrormytliviinlliniiutauinga hard
eohl iwnt taken with Uio mml aoulo and
F inAdrii unjatitm nil through my tjitom
dwrmas known
1 railed tha doctors againaud alter iev r
alvrevki thoy ten m a erliipln on cnupliiMi
for m they w > hl I mot n Mainland told
him mv raxMuid ho mid Hon
cuted him and would cura inn
him 1ml ho wan no eurnctl that
ducnl to uio thorn njjnln
On Month 3 00
Two Monilit p K
Throo Ucalhe Jl 00
4 IRON h
Hilton had
1 lHMllllHl alit
I was lu
In l n than tour woekn Ithrevrnway my
rrmchm and went to work lightly nnd koia
ouiuuuglho lilttortlor nve wroki until t
l cami well an nny mau living and havo
lwm o ror tlx ye nine
It has nlso cured my wife who had
bcoualok foryoarsj aud baa kept hor
and my children well ami honlthy
with from two to throo bottles per
year Thero Is no need to bo slok at
all If those bittern aro usul
J J Bmtic KxSuporvlfior
That poor invalid wlfo Blstor
Ordniighter <
Can bo mado tho picture of health
Wlthafowbottlo of Hop Blttor l
irNoaj > gonulno without a bmich nfar n
Hon on tliewlilio lulid Hlmu all tlio vll
IKiUoiious muff with lion or Hon lu
Uiolr namo
Collecting nnd LIvo Stock Agents
TAxra iAin eonniwoNiiKNcuBOMOiTKi
g oyrxxxoixv ITozmc
Uornor Third ami Houston StrroU
ovbu crrr nation At iu Kt >
MtX i
Organic Weakness 9
lillUliliinU XtKKCIId
J ftvoArtftfin hamwrnu4
iicUrt ImhH from
roujhfu lriilcmlan
J too iW > litlulwhf o
li rifn tit
oior fctulfVAvbliV
1i iipodlton oi rrtttn
UlruutUf It
HCtitubrfndlrUI ruck
HigMfttl team litiparttrti
Mfant i tota l Miirtrit
Hn nt I K re k a
QislHi tiruiHTtHtiiil
NclitUu intiiKAiiisri y < m
nnt jntorfVt Mli Atttn
onto tiulnf m or uiii
lnounv nlinr hi
in t vif E > urul 4l
mina riti
Ricftiitirto ptiJUtliriwl
iilff liJUfftori
to Die ttf otuutoM j
Kwltuuul at
liilr 11m lilt
Jlurt lunrtlnni
Urrtn omimm iiriiofM l
BoaUii a ntii uu nv iJvui > to
H lit h < u
Blliitbliruli < E ttinntmi
Kit tiff Mc Ti wiii
Hwi t il riivniti fRl ii 1
iilif pil nl li t tfiirt f
JfutttiJ r iiilrroinlei
B miiii u 1 ta wl Ucr
UtnOB Maintain Co an
Dtt J llitAiiriKili Vtar Ntr l havo taken
averal buttliH of your Kutimln Itmulutor for
lallhiK of tlio vronil and other itliciuci coin
lilntd of lxt n yoan tainlug und Irinlly
Mtnt I am cur < tl tntlrtlu for which i > l n o
accept my licurlfolt tliaulti and molt pro
found grotltinlo 1 know ypur inodloiiie
tuved my llfi no you > cn I rnunot ijirak too
tltily In Hi favor I havs recomtuunJMl It
to Htvorul of lny frlauill who am imrerliiK as
t wai Youn wry rcapccluiy
TmOuakhk Oa
lit J JlnADirici AtlaiiUOa i BttirlMr
I lake plraiura In itstlDi taat 1 havo ui d
for tho l V twenty ytiari tlio inoJlcliiu you
aro now putttne upknown ir nraddoIUs
renilollrgulatorand < ym lilor It Ilia belt
combination over gotten together lor lh dti
colon for which It rtcormnfuited With
kindest rcK rd l urn roe iwetfully
Oli3iiuvriBLVt Vtarhlr Homo niteen
yeariBgoIoxamlniitl tbe reclpo of Pemnlo
Itrgulator and coromily itudled milliorltlti
In record to Its ooinpoueuti and li n i
well now pronouueu It to ho tbo moil k 1
inline and iklllful cowhlnatlou of tho really
reliable roiaedlal vtiatahlo nginli kuownto
iclenco to act directly ou tbo womb and
uterine oricaui and the orgam and pnrU
lymputJiUtnK directly with tbeta t and tbvre
fnr pruvldliif n upccila rtmtdi tot all Ul
eaies of Uio umnj and of the ailjurcnlortiiiii
andparU Youu truly
TrtalUe on the Jfeulth U > bd Happlaeii ot
Woman jaatledtfre to any mddreii
7i < KllUDrlKIn ItKociiToayo
UDx8JAtliialn Cla
IT W Wllllimi 4 fo whoIeiBle and retail
aventi Von Worth Texai
Galvanized Iron Cornice
County wort a pttlnlly Krrid lor prices

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