ri 1
Most perfect made
rti r il by i pbjrilclnti Wltll rpcetAl i r < J
to health No AmuiotiU Mini nt Alum
C3r O cfc J DF
I nlf Colormlo Simla Ir
Jltnirne Mnrenn McdrrRor
ton Ijuiiimmx Uunoron
HdMA ilnlly
Imvu wtU
Arrive Fori Woilli
pr it i
rmntilo Hot
mo IM d tly io < pi mmr7i0 p m
HiibtHi Arrive
Mo 111 lUllr BilU P in
wn hi cwiij f u nniim i p in
Ho let tutly nJtii p in
o 1U Unit r Tin 1aI1k 71110 n lu
Cttlilwoll Homcrvrll nrmiliiim
llollvllte UoMuuUurir Itoun
Urn mid Jnlvonloii
f MOlit una Moutifnmnry vlu HomoMllle
And lli > KlftliO Ulirrk to till lotuts Uoucliod
by lull nr I fork
Mummer Itnntn la Now York via
Unlvvntnn mid
To imtl From Euroyo nt Lowest
to Inrtloit Wlnlilntf to ItrliiK Kilond to thin
BOVKnKir oir TitAinMt
o r IrroiiTii to oaiywitok and noODroM
U t Fin I Worth book in
Aim llouatrm lirwnm
Anlv UalveaUin lliMi p m
Uat UnlVMton Nixi n in
Ua llotuton vln l 11 V M Ally J n in
Afrit Fort Worth II16U pm
For nuttinr luormntlon nddroM
OMicrnl lninciiiier Union Tiolml Agt
Aenl linlveiiou Fori Worth
Now Ulm o Our I
rklu KtTol May 18 IBM
T3XAB A rAUirill
d urt jtiaup m
Kowoitnur wiflp m
llniu dully xcept Uitn
Mil 1104 dMlT Oi 48 n mi
Bll p 111
800 n III
700 a n >
llbO p in
kU m
R tp 111
It > in
roBT wouth a ua wvkii virr t
l uvn ArrtT
RitHibonud Iilui > 111
louUii > otuul SD0 p m
nuir ooMiuuo a bawta r i
ROUTii l ve Anlto
HO J llFVllT HU0a m
tin n itAlly ooma lim i p in
Mu 1 11M p
So 11 AOooruimxUUou Till ft m
MUNNiriii or TiiAiwn
Kin tot nua 301 butvroon Ot lonU and ttl
tA n
NmSKlAiid eos betwoon Furl Worth nnd
MoanuUhud 307 tietwoon Fori Worth nnd
N011 ltd 151 1M anil 1M nmunlld trnltu
thniUKh Tom linn Autonlo tnttt IaiuU
Moi 1M nud 191 run vlu Dnllna
No il nml 1 Imlwoon foil Worlh ltoiuton
IU4 tUlVMtou X I IimK
Union Ticket Agent
On nd Mt r ttepuinher at lH1t phn iie
Union Doimt
Arrtrat WinUlU T tu V ia 4a p m
WICiniluFftUi 80p lu
til p lu
Morrliatits ami lliislttcua Men
Try tboOarolloJob ortlce under tho
iiowiuauaacment rromiititecui accu
racy Rood work fair dealing and per
fect sat lBfaotloii in every way 1b guar
Of TyplioMalarlal Fovor nnd
for Rlioumatlsm at Last
Uy tho llrm of ltughea ltron ninuti
factoring uhentlsta of Dalian Tcxiw
Thlu eutorprlslng llrm have for tho
last lvo years boon engaged lu tho
iiianiifacturo of baking powderH winco
older vinegar eto Dr F K llugboH
wlio prtwluos over their laboratory
has for tho last forty years been en
gaged In tho study ami practloo of
medlolno nnd ohomWry Tboy nlao
havo In tholr laboratory Prof Cloo O
Calhoun who has for manvyenrH noon
a tcaohor of olioinlstry nloo Mr J
Prlco Warrick agraduatoof ohomlatry
In tho Unlverelty of Philadelphia
These gentlemen In manufacturing
tho various articles already lueutloitMl
havo found It nooosaary to combat ox
Ovxwtvo fermentatloua whether vinous
acetous or alcoholic which havo over
stood in tho way of suecoaatuHy man
ufaoturlng wine vinegar and alcohol
lu our Southern ollmato Tho oxiwrl
niontn havo rvetiltotl In tho dlaoovory
of an ngont whloh completoly obviates
UiIb dllllcnlty This nrfent la tho ox
tract of tho bark of ntrco Indigenous
to tho stato of Texas Carrying their
experliuouta still further thoy have
aaoortalned that this saino extract
as completely controls tho only ro
uialulug fomionUUou known to tho
arts anil udeuces vis lood fer
mentation which la tho causa of fo
voni as well as of rlicumatlsiu Thu
agvnt they havo comblnod with tho
extracts of gUigtr ami lemon thereby
renderlug It a moot cnkacloua as well
M delightful and palatablo boverngo
It is not only one of tho beat tonic hi
Its cilboU but thn uao of It ellbotually
prevents typhomalarlal fever At tho
MUtq tlmo ft Is a sunt cure for rheuma
ttein Dr lltigluM1 Kxtract of Lemon
aud Ginger la put Up in caeca of two
down tatties ami van ta found nt all
nrstolAMdruv nud sioccrv torc <
mo bpjung
A OattloThiof OvorhnulodNuptlals
JJid BiitiKO Tex Juno 9Jack
lllchardson dotoctlvo for tlio North
Texas Cattioltnlslug association made
11 rattl in Martin county during last
week and recovered seventeen head of
stolon cattlo together with the thlof
During tlm preliminary rial In Mb
rloilJIold tlio tlilof made hla escape but
Sunday night lio wa recaptured bv
Richardson betweon tills placo and
Colorado Oily and lodged In pur Jail
J to waH carried to Marloullold yester
day lo await liU trial
At thu resldiuico of Dr J O Ullor
Sunday Mls Laura Scarborough for
merly of Waoo Tex was married to
Frank M IIuIcIiIiihoii of St Loulu
Mo A fow particular friends wero In
attendance upon tlio ceremony and
many heartfelt wIbIuh fortho prosper
Ity and happiness or tlio young couplo
wnro expressed Mlm Scarborough
bad many friends luro who will re
gret her departure and hiIbh her In her
immlo olnoBLfi Hun iayHChool etc Tho
brldomid iiroom Jolt on Iho 1 oclock
train Sunday for St Louis whoro
they will rouble
RoundUpa Oattlo ahlpmontaTho
Town Woars a Buatlo
la full of cowboys fioin tho round
up and It kIvob tbo town thoap
jioarance of 111110I1 life Tho round
up Saturday waH on tho head of
North Champion Jt wan a largo
rntindiip and lu tho laitln thin Imme
diate miction for about a month Tlioy
iii now to tho Double Mountain fork
of tbo HrazoB and work thlM w y Cat
tlo are netting lu lino llenli and tho
fllilpiuontH from hero thlHiioiiBiin will
bo unprecedented
Tbo heavy Hhlpmouta of hoofntoora
will not commciico beforo tho 1st of
Inftcon earn woro whipped to Chi
ca o on Saturday ln t by Mr Martin
Tho Texas AliuilllalH proparliiK for
Hafer and julckor tranaporlailoii thau
liiHt HeiiHon
Quito a party of ladlca and gentlo
mini from Mobile Ala arrlvid
hero Sunday and went to tho Tixiib
and Alabama Cattlo companyi < ranch
yoHtorday They aro stockholders In
tho company Mr A I Jhuh will
explain to tho party tho fluctuations of
a cow ranch
Our town In full of life and all
HtrauKoru iironminuo It as tho llvotleat
town on llio Texas laclllo went of
Kurt Worth ItlHtiluumt tho unlvor
kh verdict that Colorado la nndalwayu
will bo tho city of West Texas and
If tho Clulf Colorado Santa Ko rail
road Is secured Colorado will In Uvo
years bo a city of not less than 8000 or
lOOiX Inhabltanlii
M J Smlsaeu aud family from
North Concho aro In tho city
There was a performance at Frenk
loa opera houuo Inst uIkIu which was
repeated lonleUt by tho California
liadlos Combination band Tho
company canto qulto woll lndoracd
I u tho caBO of John Harris vs J 1
HoilKuouetal In tho dlHtrlct court
tho putlntlir was compelled to take a
Ceuteuulala aro liecomlngtpilto com
mon Tho ImlloonltlcA havo had ouo
Some of tho old statcu think they
aro getting along woll enough without
taking a now census
Dont fail to glvo A P Mnstlii at
Tun OAKirmi JobOitlcoa trial with
your Jub work Ho Is tho best prlntor
In thofitato
AMc for Silver Loaf Halting Powder
iloyn would bo bettor If thoy took ai
luuuh lmlnn rowing wheat as thoy do
to put In their crop of wild oats
Smokers articles ptpo repairs aud
walking eaucant Andersons gunatoro
Tho LmuI of tho Skyo la not freo
from crime Ashovlllo Jill contains
Devon persons who aro charged with
Uso Sllvor Loaf linking Powder
Blnco Iho Salvation army man cow
hhlodadiidofor making fun of him
salvation Block has gone up In Now
In fhlpplng early vegetables consign
to Smith Thoptinim Carl ll3 East
l < mrth street Knuaas City Mo
It Is proposed to let India ratso na
tlyo reclmenta to ba olllcered by na
tives Kuglnuil should allow Ireland
tho annio privileges
Tho attention of tho grocery trade Is
called to tho displayed advertisement
of Joseph 11 Drown If you waut to
buy cheap sugars now la your oppor
tunity Tho supply nt Now Orleans la
nlmo t exhausted and it Is rcasouablo
to expect that prices will advnuco
gradually until tho now crop comes In
Mr Drown olters to sell below prwout
market prices Write him for sam
ples aud quotations
It la doubtful If Iho Philadelphia nu
thotltUs will bo witling to turn tho
Llborty Dell over to hoodlums for ex
cursion purposes
Try Bllver Loaf Halting Powder
0 idld Now York Herald Wor
thy of execution The followlug Now
Orloana Picayune 1 Doatli by con
BUiiiptlon lanoough drop
Hook Diluting llullng nud alt klurta
of Job PrintingdouoatTuu Garcttk
Job Oltlco A P MabtiNi
Juntlco owoa soniothlug to society
morals anil good government It was
not originally intended to protect aud
bouetlt criminals nlono
Obo Silver Loaf Daklng Powder
To manage linportuutpubllo trusts a
man mnat have bettor recounnotula
tlona than those sliovvlug that he ha
beeti tumble to lunuago business ntlalre
of his own
Dlrtl cagea lunch baakots croquot
lets ami maoklemay twlue at Aiuter
eona guuatore
Weddings restilttiiK from chnuco ao
quMutoucei mado during summer vm
oatioiiaway wolllm publiahed under
theliMil casualUea
Joseph Jl Drown guarantees to
all legutntttto competition Jn
for stralghtforwardnenHiu his business
and you aro naked to sond liltn your
open orders with tlio asurauco that
thoy will bo filled at as low prices as
If you bought tho goods In person
I say Slug 18 said tlio proof
reader why didnt you put in those
parallel signs I marked fortho foot
notosV Hecaueo mine la not a par
allel capo said tho tlug
Ask for Silver Loaf Haklng Powder
Clou Crook tbo Indian lighter
kuowH what ho Is about Ho wcara
his hair oroppid close
According trt tho English corre
spondents tho managomout of nflalra
in tho Soudan wan about na bad n
could bo woll Imagined Lord 8lr
Gen Wolsoley succeeded in gittlng
ouo norvotia camel under control
A P Mastln now In charso of Tun
CUznrrn Job Irlntlng oillco Is tho
beat printer In Texas Sond him yorr
Col Morrison Is said to havo aged
several years in npptaranco sluco iho
opening of tlio lato souatorlal contest
Itoao Coghlana Now York ongago
mont at tlio Grand oporahouao has
proven a remarkable succoss
Try Silver Loaf Baking Powder
Doston tiapetn aunminco that James
It Oittood will probably connect him
self with tho Now York Century com
AiiKimtnm lllllor do lint only illdtln
ruIbIi lhoiii8Mvc l > y their llavor nnd nrr
mnlla odor nliovo nil otham xoncrnlly u o < l
hut thry nrn nlMO 11 unro proventlvo for nil
llnonHONorlLInntlnK from tlio dlR ntlvu or
Kiitm IIowhto of rountorfaUs Auk your
UibcerorilriiKKlut or Ilia kouiiIuo nrliclv
iiinnufactured l > y Dr J u 11 Hlrgort
HDIIHACIovoland Loader wrltor crrdlls
John MoLoaii with being tho richest
man in Cincinnati worth ut loast 0
President Clovoland Is expected to
visit tho stato CHiiip of tho Now York
militia to bo held nt Pceksklll during
tbo summer
If you aro not already dealing with
Josoph H Drown ho desires us to say
to you that ho want pour trade and
will tnnko It to your interest to buy of
him Ills stock of every description
oi groceries lu tho most complete In
tho Southwest aud ho soils them at
prices based on tho principle of quick
sales aud small prollts Bond him
yolir ordorB or at least wrlto him for
quotations before buying elaowhoro
After tnlklug to tho Yulostudents nt
commencement VlcoPrealdcnt Hon
drlckii will travel through tho North
west fur n month or more
Den Jlutlor favorite llowor at this
scaeoii of thu year Is saltl to bo a
fragrant pink Ills buttonholo 0011
taliiB 0110 every day
Wanted to correspond with n llrst
claRs sign wrltor and buggy workman
To tho right man a chnuco for an in
tercHt lu n good bouillons lu n Uvo town
IsoH iTwl No capital required Ad
dross J L PiiKiiAN
Dox I San Angolo Tex
Oil Julia will yon bo my brldu
Tlio lover orlod across tuorcu
Which piirtcd thnao two lovlni liouitu
Tlio work of 11 Morn imn dcorfo
1 Willi tho iiiiddan niiido rcplji
Hut thon tho wiitorn truly wot
If yon will emnonud Hoineo
you hot Ill bo your Julio yett
Fifty muled wanted Parties havlmr
brbko 11111I0B fourtoou aud ouohalf
hatida and upwards four to sovclt years
old can llud sale for them by applyiug
at once to
Pome Dkntwy FniiNtiit
Gaotto building
A piano player should bo strong
llugerod A plokpockct should bo
lougllngorcd Thoro may bo other
Binnll dlUercuces but thoy cannot bo
cslled tomludjuat now
Polk OountyOrop Prospocts BuBlnoss
Picking Up
Moscow Tkv Juuo il Tho woath
or Is onco more fair and crops aro
looking woll Farmers report crop
this fall
nrospoota bettor this year than during
Wheat and oats
tho last throo years
aro lino nomoljolitg reaped already
autlclpato tltio business
Tho lumber business seems to bo
looking up as wo havo louir ltimbor
trains daily going Into Houston
Messrs Fant fcCo iiavo sold their on
tiro lot of lumber on lutnd aud aro
preparing to build up tholr ltimbor
yard with now lumber
District court convened yestorday
Tho Methodist quarterly oonferonco
was held on tho tln lust
Tho daolora havo tho blues as tho
health ot tho country Is good
Tho Proventlvo or nTorrlblo Dlsonse
Nodlsordcrs oxcoptlng tho most dead
ly forms of lung dlsetwo Involve suoh
a tremendous destruction of orgaulo
tlsatio as thoao whloh fivaten upon tho
kidneys Suoh maladies when they
become ohronlo and none aro so lia
ble to ntaumo that phasecompletely
wreck the system Toprovont thla
terrible dlacAso reoourjo should bo had
Upon tho first maulfeetathn of trouble
to Hostoltcrs Stomach
Hitters which
experience has proved to bo highly of
fcctlvoaa h menus of Imparting tone
and regularity to tho organs of urlna
Hon as wo I na to tlio liver atomaoli
and bowels Another beiifllclal ro
suit of this medicine naturally conse
quent unon Its diuretic notion la tho
elimination from tho blood of Impuri
ties whloh begot rheumatism neural
gin gout dropsy and oilier maladies
Dy increasing tho activity of tho kid
neys it augments tho depuratlvo itll
picuoy of these organs which aro most
Important outlets for tho ceoapo of
auch Impurities
A Virginia Xnrdercr
5Rt WoHT > r Janoyis5
To the Rdltor of run u Axtrrie
I notlco In your paper of tho Oth iuat
an article In regard to tho result or the
great murder trial of Madlaon Cluvor
luant Wohmond Vn Mr Thoa J
Oluvorlua pronounced Klaveera was
found guilty or murder in the ttrst do
grco Mr Oluverlua la a you nit law
yer only tweiityfour years of aio
broinouo of their frleiida lu Fort
ltncklcaii Arulca Salve
Tho beauslve lu the world for cuts
brulara ooroi ulcers Ball rheum fever
yorea tcttor chapped Uauds cull
Ma m oorua nud al akin eruptions
and i o lively oun piiw or no pay
ttmt Xt is guamutwd to gtvs
mon y i ifurnl d
Office in Gazette Building
If You Want a Homo or Land
In one of tho tlucat agricultural coun
ties lu tho atale Wilbarger or
town lot in clthor of tho two most rap
Idly growing towns in tho Northwest
Voruon and Harrold or auy in
formation relative to tho country its
lands towns etc eto wrlto to T
ludaor Jtoblnsou dealer lu laiUlnud
real estato Harrold Wilbarger county
lex Sohool nud railroad lauda In
allaued tracts on long tlmo nnd small
Light mitt Yliocsoiuo
When Sllvor Loaf Daklng Powdor la
uaod accordlug to tho printed direo
tious on caoh packago tho manufac
turer guarantees that your bread will
bo nutritious wholesome and light
Feed and Sate Stable
Transfer Lino
Tho UHdersluned would call tho at
test mi or tho traveling publlo to the
fact that ho la kceplug a llratcliuis
l0 l in tho onterprtalng littio city ol
llllUboro for their special accommoda
tion In connection therewith
oep9 n nratcJaaa livery stable where
tho very beat or otittlta can bo pro
cured at all Utuca Drummers outllta
5 peclalty A freo nm will bo run
from tho dopot to the hotel on tho nr
ttval ot trains under the manage
nient of P B Hood My hotel la new
lrma w <
tho lato advance I nm ollbrlug unma at lower prlcos than cnu bo had olsowhore
Dought beforo On
proparcdlomakospoolally low prices but whothor you oeslro a caro a or 033 you nra requested toget
tlons beforo buying olsowhoro
am Confident Can Save You Some Monf
Wholesale Grocer
Sfationary and Portable Engines Threshers Cotton Gins and
And all kluds
OewcLO EjL11 ctxacSL 3Sl rcti > oi oria
It you iiood anything in our lino wrlto us and wo will quoto you our lowoat prices
We have a list of Fine Ranch Properties in Texas and New MJJ
sale to which we invite the attention of investors Can furnisK
Horses thoroughbred and highgrade Bulls and Heifers in any
Is Prepared to do aUJ kinds
Orders Solicited and Estimates Fun
Kinds of Work in Our I e
The OaiettB Job lnnting ooec l tho mo t complcto MtWB01 m
T > untteaupwitnan Uiempdcrn lmprovomnU n ler
Workmen CuuntrrmacljauUand qther aondim Ui Sf ° 5
npow UStUatasoodMorXRodot Mto Trrtc i frI
l ta tloa fcna iollttt yo avo