3 a iKffit iUl Paid in jus Fund President Meat jf0 JlHE GAZETTE COMPANY BANKS AND BANKKKR J V HOOSCTT VicePresident UATEMAN JNO NICHOLS Viceiresldent TUOSATIOIIALL VicePresident H C Ediumiton Cashier Established ISM OK NEW THE CITY NATIONAL BANK Or ffort Wortli 4 lBoooo v 8000000 lSn iwRieJJii tiyia lJlns Lc e caer an < l prompt ttentlon drawn on all the l KtiMge prlnclp cities of Hnrope Collections a specialty niREcrroits HBflttQUt BW Iomas C BDaggett John Nichols anl OKNewton tfZANDT N HAKDINO The Fort Worth National Bank Cashier Successors to Tldball VanZandt A Co Fort Worth Tex ft Stock Paid Up 12Booooo tfusFund 16ooooo iltanklne business transacted Collections rrnda and promptly remitted Ex s rn on allthe principal cities of Knrope DIKECTOItS t VsnZundt Thos A TldbaU N Harding J P Smith J J Jarvls E J Benll ID 4 nU DO BENNETT VicePresident E II HAKKOIjI Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK ief Houston and Second Streets Fort Worth Texas CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 130000 J S Godwin MBI < ord J Dneed ZanoCettt D a Bennett George Jack son 8 B Burnett E B Harrold and E F Ikard Transacts a General Banking Business U f H0IMN08WOBTII a Bslttant Cashier ie Traders National Bank World Texas Second Street between Houston and Throckmorton CAPITAL PAID Iff 123000 SURPLUS FUND 15000 ut a central bnublug business Collections made and promptly remitted Nil 121418 and 18 Well Sooind Stroot Corner Tbrookmorton frOBT WORTH TEXAS K Y0HK OFFICE Elm 8t THE Ex change drawn on nil the principal cities or Kurope MV J Boar J Y HoKsett J K Adams H C Kdrlugton J F Ellis H It f MuiKoy GW Holllngswortb VT Q BATEMAN BATEMAN BRO is BOSTON OFFICE 81 learl St ARTIN BROWN COMPANY TO ARRIVE ON WEDNESDAY NEXT 4 r 250 Bales iandard PRICES THE LOWEST BAUD OBFTBAL HOTEL EL PASO TEXAS tfOKLY FtU8TCrA8S HOTEL IN THE CITY Pleasantly located In center of city WW cars at tno door Bath room and bnrborshop RUac EjJJfE J5fjl ltcrt > t < THE ANNUAL STATE ENCAMPMENT OF THE E2AS STATE MILITIA poller of Governor and Commander InChlef JOHN IBELANU will be held at Juno 22n to 27th Inclusive Jhlrty or the moat prominent Companies within the State including IE FAMOUS HOUSTON LIGHT GUARD h TOrxXjXi PAHTIOIPATB fogWl will be awarded to the best drilled rompnlesbeU drilled soldiers and a IB urn > uoi r n aiaia timi Th niioKI5Vrt Worth to Lampasas and retarnCltien 1300 y uniform JJ0O ROWOXr dte 03SXjX Wholesale and Retail Dealer in I Staple and Fancy Groceries Southwest Corner Pnolio Sqaara WORTH TEXAS J abliaae4 reputation with the trade St THE NEW AND ELEGANT B UndW hotel luitll S respect poMle Bltusiea d Is m now tue nntjjons S portion as btnctl7 Orstclass Jn every of the city Toxa Boots 3 > tx > shoes wis toros v wo L H JB HOUSTON T FORT WOIITOjT J 1 l and 111 ribbon all colors SllbSatlnsanOressGoofls So will Lay summer silk worth 80c j io will buy summer nine worth 75o Mo will buy summer slllc worth 7Sc will bny summer silk worth 160 5Sa will buy gros grain silk worth 7Ce C5o Will buy gros grain s Ik worth 100 85o will buy gros grain silk warm lW Mo will buy colored sstln worih Ho 40o will buy colored sstln worth 75c o will buy Marveleaux satin worth 100 7So will buy Itbadamesiattn wortli 13 95o will buy ltadsltuer bar satin worth 150 DRESS GOODS S5o will buy to In all wool Nuns veiling worth tdo 45o wlil buy 40 In nil wool lace banting worth 76o 6O0 will buy 40 In all wool Albatross worth 750 2fo will buy 21 In alt wool Albatross svorth 80 will buy 21 In eheck laco plaids worth 15c 12 c will buy 21 In Muns veiling worth 25c 5o will buy 2i In printed bunting worih lo lflc will buy 33 in french sateens worth Xo 10 pieces web laco with lnce and flouncing to matchal prices far belownll competition SHOES LADIES KID OPERA SLIPPERS 102 lOlh 1 tfl 2W 3r0 Frnch Kid Opera tZV ladles White KldOperaSOO EORT WORTH TEXAS SATURDAY JUNE 13 1885 Clllldrcns Linen nntl Seorsuckor Kitt Sulla 2 to 5 Ycnrs 100 l S 160 and School Suits in Blue Flannel all Short Pants 250 por pair Boys Suits in Blue Flannel all Long Pants 11 to 17 years 350 per suit ijend nil Orders fur Goods and Sampler to Wholesale Dealer in A WYSCHETZKI CO 800 COHGRESS AVE tar WEST HICKORY AT AUSTIN TEX X4nd rxtmlned and Dvia d Title Examined and Perfeited PaUnti ObUUel Taxes Paid iu all PirU or tbe State and General liana HubIj h Tran cUd Baalctsa with 6lat l > prtHiate BpecUlty TAYLOR BARR a omw3 our Holy published determination henceforth and forevOr to sol alt goods for spot cash or C 0 D V ofcw oeit customers announced their undivided approval of the change and assuring us of thtir t patronage la that the trial of our faith by our works shall find us no respecter of persons Full well > roaluo con wo from the position wo have taken thers can be no honorable retreat But from no other basis spot cash or C 0 D can wo accomplish our purpbse which is the carrying of a stock that shall meet alt demands and make prices that shall result in building up in Fort Worth the largest rota basiness in the Southwest all of which will inure to the benefit of our local trade Wo shall endeavor not to advertiso goods orders for whiqh we cannot reasonably expect to fill 15 days after publication J RIBBONS For3o takeiyonr choice of WOO yds Nos I and S ribbon all colors ForSclako your cholco or BCOO yds Nos 7 and 9 rlbbou all coor For 801 ake your choice or100C0 yds Nos it Lnwns Glnglmins imil Domestics Towels Tublo Linens nml Hnnilkcrchloib For Sc your choice one case wash lawus For 60 your cholco one ca e M In lawns For So your cholco ono c u HJ0 rnclfloUwn For 7c your choice one enss soiut gingham Fur ho your choice of one cato stapla chkd Ulnglmm For Bo your cholco of 20 pieces Cheviot For Co buy 4 4 softfinished biea domestic For 7o buy 4 4 belter grade Met dnmrstlo For 80 buy 41 best grade blea domestic For Po buy 8J In blea cnmbrlo ForSobny 44 blea csmbrle IVr 100 buy 44 best b ra rambrlo Forte each MO towels worti lOoeaclu For 80 etch 95 all linen towels 17 it cheap at He For 10 401 all buck towels real value 5o on For I2kc 201 all linen damask towels 21x45 In cheap at 6o each For bo yd lopleccTurkey rod tablo urdi ask worth 600 por yd Far boo yd S pieces ulra table damask alt linen real value 75o per yd MENS SHOES For 21X1 JiSir gclit low U OJ luilr cut shoes worth ForSOO IWIpnlis gent Inwcnt all styles wortli 4 so For 3 5J 0 pairs genUOsfcid ties never bo fore sold lories than sOO pair For2J078 pairs gents ironl Isps shoes ntnt unit sightly worth 8 5U Fnr30150 pairs calf sIioq In button luce nmlojngreuln quality eitml to liny SW shoe on tlieuiatket HARDWARE STOVES AND TINWARE Queonswaro Crockery and Glassware CORNER SECOND AND HOUSTON STREETS FORT WORTH 311 and 313 Houston Street KNABEWEBER I7ERSF0ND OBCetlo txxx L Axion PIANOS FACTORY PRICES DUPLICATED Bargains in SecondHand In struments Books Stationery WALL PAPER Send for Samples of Spring Styles Artists Materials JE ort Worth rJeKn8 MASON HAMLIN SHONINGER OJSLASJE ORGANS Sheet Music 8cnd 05 cents for IttMlti OF MUKIC cpnwmlngiw pages or cholco vocal and In wr > n T n l n j3aBO SallOOOaS strumenul music HAY RAKES HAY PRESSES MOWERS THRESHERS ENGINES Gins Scales Cotton Presses Cane Mills and Evaporators MILL MACHINERY BELTING SHAFTING PULLEYS ETC ETC The above class of goods together will what Is necessary to tnske their stock complete ctn be found at J B MITCHELL CO 106108 and 110 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth Texas FORT WORTH ENTERPRISE Thatnatlr renowned name of Tacksbery W become a household word throughout Texas and adjoining states and territories f THE TAOKABEEY SAXr3LE iatfeWm we guarantee aatisfaetlon JEt IT TACKABEBY WEST WEATHERFOHD STREET FOBT WORTH JIEUALD IWILDINQ Utneral AgenU tor 3 Ac O X iMOhor PIANOS T Esloy Ac Co ORGANS Ixjsrest prices easleat Utm Kf lrlng and ana milng a specialty LaUst sum i ssnilepnbllcaUot < iroelve4 regularly Ho4 as roar ord l s and we will nave yon aiseter VOL IX NO 383 m LUE INCOMING MAN < Jii n Victoria IVrumllr Accet > Li tlio llcslgnntlon or tlio lladttono Ministry Tim Mnriiuh orsalhburr lender of tlto ConserTittUw Is Jtimmoaod to Form n Joiorumtnt Tlio New Pr r Iocs In Divided mid llio Pnrncllltc1 Will Hold the Hal nnco of Power tlllKAT HllirAlN HAUblUIllY SUMMONKn lIVTIIKtiUKRN IiONUOH Juno 12 a v m It ha ju t been lenruud from an nutborltntlvo soiiroo that tlio roport to tlio t Heel that thoni rqulB of Salltlmry hrut lieon mnntuoned by tlio qucon to Jiitlniorftl nnd that ho loft Inst night for tho ohs tic Is tnio Tito uurquln itnrtud ee > cretly nt mlilnlRht for ll Iiiior l HOMK ntll13 FOlt lltKliANI Now tlmt It lias becomo rtnpnrent by tho dctmrluro of tho nmrqula of HhIIh bury for Bivlmoral tlmt tho Tories win iiMuuid tlio rclim ot irovcrninciu tho larnolllto membere of inrllnmoiit huvo begun conferrliiR with tho lead Iiir CoiiBorvntlvM with rejraHl to thu itovoruinont of Jrvlaiul Pamell nnd hla followers atrously urgo tlio Tories to mlopt a liomurulu mens tiro for Ire haul btatlDRthnt tho udvooHoy ofuuoli n atop by tho Coninrvntlveti would ooiuiilctcly disable tho Llburuld TUB HFBUINATIONACriCITXll Tho quoeii bus acooptcd the tc liia > tlon ot tho Glndstouo nilulntry nntl has Biimmoucd tho carl of Balltbiiry to form a now uihliio SAiioiumv niniviAMT to no in It was reported today hi curtain olrolea that tho marquis nf Hallsbtiry nftor consultation with tho Conserva tive leaders hud dcolded to ndvlso that ellbrtn bo made to Induce Mr Glad stoiio to reconsldor hla renolvo to re ulizu mid should theno odorta fall tlicu to HUKKwit that Sir Hlaflord Northootu bo called upon to form n cabinet THIS CONHKItVATlVIU niHUNIIIil Lord HnllHburynt an Informal con feronco with u number of Cousorvntlvo membert of tho house of uoiiiiiioiih bo foro deparlluK for llahunrnl mid ho would refnao ollloo uulctm fiHsurcd by tho Tiibornl leader that tho fiictloiin of opposition would uoL Iminpcr tlio ad mlnlHlrntlou If the Ilhotul nifjorlly wore to kIvo fair play to a Convt reittlvo ministry tho ollloo mlffhl be accepted Without such an undonitaudliiK bo tweon tho leadora of both hIiIim It would be Impoaalblo for tho Conservatlvin to undertake the Kovernment Mr Umrpli ClamborlaluH or an tho IUrmltiKham Post today dtsorlbcu tho itadlcal policy In the event of a Tory ministry IhiIuk formed bo u Tltoy must the Post says walchen checked forblddejo to JpRNlato and compelled to explain niidjiitlfy overy slop and no bound llnllwil and pro vented from using for their owii pur ixwH ho positions to which they have no claim These and similar declarations by othur Liberal papers Intensify the fool ItiKH of tho rank and lllool tho Con eervallvcH nffalmt aecoptlng ollloo m ImposHlblo without KiiaiantecM of boiiio support at tho bauds of the moderate iilberals The queen Is iu telegraphic consultation with T i PitlNCIJ fU WAIHH and sevornl meuiUerH of the privy council This Is tho llrst tlmo she has sought advice of tlio prince lu u statu crisis It Is reported that bn advised tho qucon to follow the constitutional practice and call the marquis of Balls iiury to form a new cablMot If a Tory cabluet Is formed MrOladslouoj Immediate retirement from pub lie life Is certain and tho marquis of llartlngton will be left to load tho opposition Tho news that Mr Gladstone Intends to maitohlH rotlrcmont coincident with hlf > resignation dismays the llborals who rolled upon his leadership In the coming electoral campaign AN OVATION TO HAMflllUltY Tho queen Is expected to nrrlvn at Windsor cattle from Ilslinora on Tuordaynrxt Telegrams from all ilis principal points along tho route taken by the marquis of Salisbury to linl moral show that tho Jour ney was made thtough a continued series of popular ovations On that part of tho way which lies In Scotland crowds of people nssembled at tho rail way aua cheered tho Incomlnc man At Aberdeen tho demonstra tion was particularly enthuslsstlo Hern some one called out three divert for Gladstone and tho invitation wan greeted with groans and hisses Tho marquis of Salisbury has con sented to form a ministry with Sir Stafford Nortbcoto as chancellor of the exchequer Iu IjtrlUiuent TUB 1IOUSR OF llI > tf London Juue I2 ln the houjoof lords this afternoon Lord Granville announced that Mr Gladstone had tendered to he queen tho resignation of himself and his entire cabinet Lord Granville also stated that the queen had accepted their resignations and had summoned to tier presence the marquis of Salisbury who Is now at Ualmoral in oonferenco with her majesty Therefore Lord Granville nsld he hoped the home would aban > don all ordinary business The remainder of the session wua oc cupied in reading for tbe third time the redistribution of aeata bill and psMlng the amendments thereto IN TIIIS COMMONS Mr Gladstone announced In the house of commons this afternoon that he had reilgncd ofllee that the nueen had accepted his resignation and that her maleaty had informed him she had summoned the marqule of Salis bury leader of the opposition in the bouse of lords to llalinonU tor tb pnrpoM of Intrusting iiltu wltn the formation nf a new ailnWry 0 att ad a TnuttH tfage o Ml d if vi bir J