w t
i p
4 i
low Fpjolal Feruion Examiner Were
Created to Electioneer for
Elaine and Lcgin
James A George the Newly Appointed
Bpeolal Agent of tho Land Office
Bonds in His Beslgnation
Wahiiinciton Juuo 12 Tho Into
Fortyeighth congress Incroased tho
npeclal examining corps of tho pension
olllcsbylSO Tho pay of this extra
force amounts to J500000 annually
Tho Democratic houso HUpposcd that
theso men wore really neoded
as thov had beou recommended
by Commissioner Dudley to
bring Up tho thoutmnda of pension
cases that wero behind Mr Dudley
Bent JO per cont of theso special
examiners In tho Held to work for
lllalno taut fall in tho douhtful
Western statea with their expenses
paid by the government Tho
South wob entitled to at
leant nlxty out of ho 150 appointments
but received a half dozen
Tho lint man credited to tho Bouth
was Albort Gregory n eon of tho Re
publican member of the civilservice
commiwlon Tho young sprig could
only claim a temporary rcBldenco In
tho state to which ho was accredited
ThlH la a samplo of Republican civil
Borvlco rulo which Tin Uazktte
man hai unearthed and Commissioner
Wack la at work on the rascals
Oisonai srkos in his kksionation
WABuinciton Juno 12 Mr JameH
A Georgos commission had hardly
coolod beforo ho felt constrained to
Rend in Ida resignation Jtulgo J Q
Ckenojvoth tho Unit auditor pro
tested in hla own peculiar way
to the appointment andtays ho had
no intimation thai ho was an appli
cant Tho matter la held In obeyauoe
Tills cuso Is an Illustration of tho trou
bles thoiulmlnlstration has to contend
Wabhinoton Juno 12 Blnco tho
incoming of the administration tho
heads of tho various departments have
received numerous applications for of
fice without any specification as to
what particular oflleo thoy desired A
loiter lias been sent from the White
Houso In answer to ono from a kouIIo
man In Philadelphia who In
quired us to tho proper method
of filing an application for ofllco The
reply Is of interest to all rieraons seek
lug places under tho government and
Is given to tho prebs for publication
It ayi < To Beouro attention to
an application for uppolutment
a particular portion should
bo named When this is
done tho papers aro illcd In their
proper departments and whon tho
matter of tho appointment is to bo de
termined tho names of the uaudldatcH
and a lirlof of their Indorsement aro
laid beforo tho president by tho head
of the department
Wahiiinoton June 12 Tho redttc
tloiiB In tho payroll of tho agricultu
ral department for tho mouth of May
woro n llttlo over 3000 as compared
with tho provlous monthly avorage
Additional reductions for June
amounting to about fiWO havo
beon undo and others aro
thought to bo Inovltftblo
In order to prevent a deficiency Tho
working foroo of tho statistical bureau
hai already boon greatly reduced but
a closo computation discloses tho fact
that tho available funds on hand aro
Insulllclent to carry tho work through
tho month on tho present bpbIo and It
Ib appr6hended that tho dlsohargoor
suspension of nearly all tho remain
ing force will tako place at onco
Tliolaimcrs Alliance
HuriiViNisTRx Juno 101885
To tho Editor of tlio Uiuotlo
Tho two llttlo artlolcs I havo written
for your paper havo elicited a great
many lettera asking many questions
In regard to tho alliance and I wll
answer all that aro practicable through
Ouo man writing from Temple pro
potimiB the following questions What
is tho nlllanct What aro Us purposes
How can wo effect an organization
What aro tho charter foes
Thei alllanoe la u farmers Institution
organized for tho protection of faruiors
As tho third clauso of tho declaration
of purKwea says To dovelop a better
state moutally morally socially and
tluauolallyM This olauVo of ltifil ex
plalus tho objeot of tho alliance There
S1 i10 on ° ° WWlM oxcopt ho bo au
thor hod by tho Grand State alliance
S L e ar W > Klatlou fees
Z un 8 lw ° nly vo centa to bo
paid tho Stato alliance aud twontyflvo
cents to bo retalued luthoauballlauco
Dues aro twontyHvo conU a quarter
ten couta to bo paid tho State alliance
and llvo conta to bo paid tno
county alliance and tho above I all
tho money requlrod of auy one Each
can mall and
distribute hla feo aa
above so any nun can aoa this la no
moneymodfum j U unadmitted
frfM Auy man of rl > o Judgment who
1W > 0 will uot blauio tho farmers for
organizing All theso dark agei the
of small farmera haVo been oompellcd
to leavei their homes In tho East aud
coino Weal to ok home and shelter
for their families whllo million
havo grown up jlko nuuhrooma who
never produced a dollar In tho world
I Mk If there la auy Justice In this
IfBoIoanuotseo It
Another thliig tho alllanoo pro
poeea to exert Its nlluonoe in opposing
tho glaring and shameful dovicea that
degrade man aud Instead of onlarKluR
our prison walla to culargo our famw
to do what wo can to elevate man and
mako llfo worth living TtToVo are
liouaauds or bright mlmla that cannot
l > 0 developed beoMise their parent
have been robbed of helr earnluiw
ami are notable tffS
to give their boiw
Piopsr training cuSSllro hit
would othorwlso fill our loglslatlvo
Ladles HkowUo disgusted with hard
lalior and no profits drift out In tho
world and unfortunately lodge In
houses of 111famo wrecked in charac
ter wrecked in morals Lot us pity
themrcutB0 tho cause and try to profit
by tho fact
Btlll wo hear of the Independence of
farmers Let mo ask what they aro
Independent of Chintzbugs hail
storms drouths etc X suppose In
dependent when tho speculator sells
bis cotton and grain before it Is
planted I ask whoro Is tho farmer
who delegated this power to those
boards of trade who llvo In tho
ttylo of a king while the farmer grows
all tho luxuries of llfo and enjoya less
of them than any other class of people
He nhould be tho moat independent but
Is thb most dopondcut Why is it that
tho farmer onjoys so llttlo of the luxu
ries of llfo Ono reason is because lie
carries his produce to town whllo
neighbors A and 1 do likewise What
they take to sell Is priced what thoy
buy la priced all by another class ol
people and tho farmer must tako and
give And another reason Is ho la
forced to tho wall and Id compelled to
sell everything ho raises In order
to ralso money lo pay his taxes
Is that all tho roason No tho main
reason is everyone has bem for him
Bolf Tho speculators in tho first
place organized to advanco their In
terest and have succeeded so well that
they control almost tho entire bodies
of legislatures throughout tho United
States And wo oven read of lobbyists
In tho sonate and houso of representa
tives at Washington working to se
euro favors for thoalready millionaire
whllo there never has been a lobby
for tho farmer yetB
B F Duikcichns
President Tarrant County Alliance
Tho United Btates select comrnltteo
on Intorstato commerco began Its ses
sion at Chicago yosterday
A bloody riot lasting an hour oc
curred at a negro camprncetlng at Mt
Zlon chinch B C last Sunday
Knives rfazors and pistols woro used
One negro was killed two fatally hurt
and twenfy seriously wounded
Hon J W Tato present Incumbent
was nominated yesterday by tho Ken
tucky stato central and executive com
rnltteo at Frankfort asthoDemocrutlo
candldato for treasurer at the August
election Therowas no opposition to
The Randleman cotton factory In
Randolph county N O wa partly
destroyed by llro Thursday night Tho
lews is 170000 partially Insured
Sovcn hundred hands aro thrown out
of employment
Thoro was a terrible galo in tho
vicinity of tho Now Fouudhuid coast
Sunday Many lives aro reported loat
by tho wrecking of flaking boats
Secretary Uayard has returned to
Washington from tho West
Tho next convention of tho Ameri
can Hunkers association will bo hold
at Chicago September 23 and 21 1SS5
J H Ruttor president of tho New
York Contral railroad died yesterday
morning at his homo In Irvlug N Y
Gen Mlddletou litis rIvoii up his
chaso of Big Rear In tho Canadian
John Teemor the Pittsburg oars
man has challenged Honlan to row a
race for tho championship of America
Danmgo suits aggregating fG3000
havo beon Instituted against tho man
agers of tho Tremont hotel at Galves
ton as a result of tho boiler explosion
In May last
At Rrldgowatcr Iowa Monday last
two tornadoes met Two pcoploworo
fatally and many Borlously Injured
Property to tho extent of 100000 was
destroyed Thoro woro many miracu
lous escapes
Daniel Carrlgan oxchlef olork of
tho bureau of medloluo and suruory of
tho navy department was sentenced
to six years In tho penltontlory yester
day for presenting vouchera on tho
bureau of medloluo aud surgery
Commissioner Sparks recommends
that action bo taken to sot osido tho
patents Issued on tho famous Mox
woll land grant In Now Mexico
A passenger train in Iowa waB
stride by n cyolonoyestorday Every
car was smashed to pieces Many peo
plo werolulured
Capt Liwtons supply ounp was
copturod aud llvo men woro maasaored
by tho Apaches Monday night near
Guadaloupo canon Souora
Tho body of a man murdored by tho
Apaohea has boeu found near Mud
Springs Tho nmn Is supposed to bo
Charlea Thlllman manager of tho
Erie Cattlo company
An ongagomont courrcd on tho 0th
Inst betwoon tho Yaqul Indians and
tho Mexican troops Many woro
killed on both sides
Secretary Whitney has demanded
another trial of tho Dolphin
m ± i n ii
Train Wrecked by a Cow
Cincinnati Ohio Juno 12 Dis
patches received by tho o Ulcere of tho
Cincinnati Southern road from Somer
set Ky deny tho report sent last
night that a construction train had
been wrecked by tho cavlug In of a
tunnel Tho story aroao from tho faot
that tho construction train going south
last night was thrown from tho traok
two miles north of Now River bridge
by strlfclng a cow Tho cabooao and
seven cara woro ditched Flvo labor
era woro killed aud Foromau ODou
nell and ten or cloven others Injured
Wears tho Horns
Jctrertou Jlmplocute
Fort Worth wears tho horns for
cuterpriso Bho has raised the money
to build tho Waxahaohlo railroad
i Mi i
Fort Worths Reward
Bau Aulonlo Ilgbl
A cotton mill will bo erected at Fort
Worth at an early day the gentle
man having tho eutorprlso in hand
haying urrlved thero with his plans
This U bUBloeaa with apuiposo Tho
city that gives tho greatest oncourage
inent by pdbllo and private moaua to
manufaoturlug enterprises will reap
tho greatest rowanl In the way of
business prosperity and people
Unwell Sago was mayor of Troy N
X i in 1B50 and served three tcrina li
cougteaa previous to 1870
Continued from First ltee
Mr Gladstono said that undortho
peculiar circumstances surrounding
the outgoing government ho would a
llttlo later propose that tho houso of
commons adjourn till next Monday
Tho question had arisen whother it
would bo best for tho public con
venience and Interest to go on with
tho pending legislation concerning the
redistribution of tho seats bill
Tho present government would only
do so with tho consent of tho uouso
Ho did not bellevo any difference of
principle in respect to this measuro
could now arlso between the parties
and ho reminded tho house that tho
government and Iioubo wero both
under a compact regarding the re
distribution bill It would however
bo gratifying to himself and his col
leagues in the retiring cabinet if be
fore thoy ceased their public duties
they could regard tho bill aa sealed
antf delivered
Sir Stailbrd Northcoto on behalf of
tho Conservatives respondedthat his
hearty deslro was to proceed with tho
redistribution bill aB rapidly as possi
ble There was no reason why the
amendments mado to tho bill by the
houso of lords should not at onco re
ceive tho assenting vote In the houso of
commons but tho question concerning
theso amendments was in this peculiar
shape The amendments wero not yet
printed and ho thought it desirable to
have them printed botoro formally
acting ou them
Mr Gladstono acquiesced In this
view and tho silling of tho houso waa
suspended until tho amendments
Bhould be received Tho amendments
lis passed by tho houso of lords
having Unally reached tho houso tho
sitting was resumed It was decided
to mako tho amendments the subject
of discussion Monday next and an ad
journment was taken to that time
Tho attendance at tho afternoon ses
sion of tho homo of commons and the
houso of lords wob very largo and
thoro was unusual animation In all tho
croups occupying tho lobbies of both
houses beforo the sitting
Cholera Is spreading In Spain
The Indian museum in London was
destroyed by flro yesterday Tho loss
Is Inestimable
Tho leador of tho Llboral party In
Chill fell dead yesterday In tho cham
ber of deputies
United States Minister Phelps was
accorded a seat in tho body of tho
British houso of lords yesterday
Tho appearance of cholera has
caused Brazil to closo her ports to
ships proceeding from tho Eastern
coast of the peninsula
It la understood in India that tho
chungoof ministry in England will
not Involve any Quango In the posi
tion of Earl Dullerln as viceroy of
Throoquarters of tho town of
Gradno Russia including the gov
ernment olllccs and numerous
churches have been destroyed by lire
Tho loss amounts to several million
PopoLeo XIII has glvon his sanc
tion to thodeclslonsof tho Irish bish
ops upon tho questions submitted to
them at their recent meeting in Romo
and has approved of tho programme
for tho meeting of tho Irish blBhops
Boon to bo held In Dublin
Cotton Fiolda Laid Wasto by tho Wob
Sown Tkx Juno 12 Farmers liv
ing in tho vicinity of Bowio and from
dlflcrent directions report a species of
web worm known to mouy as tho
oaveloss worm eating up and de
stroying mauy of tho cotton ilelds
causing tho outlook for this crop to bo
somowhatdlscouraging Tho same re
port cornea as stated from all sides of
this placo and extending out several
miles In oaoh direction We hear al
ready of a number of ileitis where tho
plant has been eaten to tho ground and
totally destroyed This worm eats
ilrat tho leaves then tho bark uud
finally eats ofl tho stalk or body of
the plant Including of course tho bud
or ecrm Another featurols that whole
Holds aro destroyed within n tow
hours time its ravages being similar
to that of tho army worm Same of
our farmera who have thus loat their
cotton crops will utilize their cotton
land for millet lato corn or other
crop of tho kind eultea to tho season
bo a to make It count for something
Tho Rtv B H Baker son of our
worthy county troasurer formerly a
lawyer or Montague but latterly a
preacher of tho Presbyterian faith
whoso homo Is now in Young county
is conducting a Berks of lnterestlbg
Services at this place
A Foshlonablo Wedding A
AniLKNK TkxJuno 12 Wednes
day night tho llrat marriage over sol
emnized in tho Ablleno Baptist church
took placo Tho contracting parties
wero Dr Frank N Brown a popular
society man aud Mlsa Mattlo K Bel
daughter of Col John B Bell ono of
our oldest residents Tho brido was
the acknowledged belle of tho town
Tho church altar was tastefully deo
orated with overgreens and every
avallablo space waa takou up by tho
numerous friends aud aoquaintauces
of tho happy couple The marriage
ceremony began promptly at o
p in Rev Burnett Hatcher
pastor of that church onloiatlug
Hla eloquent and tlmoly remarks
pertiuent to tho ceremony
wero very Irupreaslve Tho attendants
wero Mr N Rollins and Miss Estella
James T M Willis Eiq and Mlaa
Sallle Parker After tho marriage a
few Intimate friends of tho bride and
groom were Invited to a reception at
Col Bells residence where a sumptu
ous feast waa spread Tho list of
pre ents given the happy couplo is
too Jong to itemlzs The donors wero
Col John Bell hla estimable wife
Mr E W Wataou Mrs Jew E Tay
lor of Piano John Bell Jr MUa An
nle Watson Mr N G Rollins Mr A
Leslie Dr J BKnott Miss Salllo
Parker T M WillisEsq and Dr A
K Brown brother of tho groom
Wool brought today and yesterday
m much as IS and 18 cents per
Prof Ferryman of Merkle expects
soon to begin tho publication of a
weokly newspaper at that place
Buckskin Jim who has been on the
town for several days with expressed
Intent of cleaning it out mado a play
with his sixshooter at City Marshal
Tom Hill today Ho would havo
killed the marshal had not Deputy
Sherlr MoLemoro seized tho pistol
when tho hammer camo down on
tho sheriffs linger Buckskin was
arrested after tho atrugglo and Jailed
on a charge of assault with intent to
murder He is known to havo killed
a man In Michigan and two moro in
Concho county Ho says that ho
cleaned out the towns of West Texas
so far and came to Abilene to do the
same thing He threatened to shoot
your reporter on sl ht for writing up
bis rampancy two days ago
AunoiiA Tex June 12 The farm
ers are harvesting as fast as possible
Tho crops are good Thero aro plenty
of rlpo peaches on the mantel
Tho general health la very good
A wedding took place at Col Mor
ris Tuesday night Tho bride and
grocm were Z B Cobo and Mlsa Bettlo
O P Harrison has movod to the
dopot to run tho livery stable
The Aurora Cornet band will glvo n
dinner on July 4 Tho speakers in
vited and who havo promised to ad
dress tho audience are R R Hazle
wood of Henrietta and A L Matlock
of Montague
Tho Light Guard Going to Philadel
phia Other Notes
Houston Tkx Juno 12 Mrs
Elvira Hutchlns widow of tho lato
W J Hutchlns brought suit
today for 75000 against
A S Richardson executor
of tho estate chalmlng In her own
right individually seventyllvo first
mortgage gold Interestbearing bonds
of 1000 oaoh Tho suit was filed In
tho district court
Ed Bremond In New York has se
cured money enough to finish the
Bremond narrowgauge through to
Shreveport Work will bo started at
onco with only twentyflvo miles of
track to lay
The Light Guard today secured
enough welldrilled men to warrant
them lu going to Philadelphia They
leave for Lampasas a week from Sun
day from whenco they leave for Phil
adelphia ou tho 20th
Julius Schmidt had his legs and feet
badly burned toduy from kerosene oil
whllo lighting wood lu a stovo
1 AK1S
PAius Tix June 12 Splendid
rains have fallen during tho last forty
eight hours assuring a tremendous
corn crop Cotton is small but clean
Thero is but llttlo complaint of Insects
destroying it
Rev J O Stevenson of Iowa will
preach at tho Congregational church
on Sunday morning and ovonlng
There will bo a ibwer sorvlco at the
Cumberland Presbyterian church on
Sunday morning at 11 oolook
Slnrr County SnrTejor Murdered
RioGhandbTex Juno 12 Otto
Browerton county surveyor of this
Starr county was shot and killed
this morning In cold blood by Peter
Marcella a former BherilT
Bttckeyo Nominations
SiiuNaFiKLU Ohio Juno 12 The
following nominations were mado by
the Republican state convention
Judge Joeeph B Forakor of Cincin
nati was nominated for governor on
tho llrst ballot by a vote of 460 aud
tho vote was made unanimous
Gon Robert P Kennedy for lleuton
antgovornor Judge G W MoElvaluo
for supreme Judge and John O Brown
of Jeflereon for treasurer were nomi
nated by acclamation
J A Koehler of Summit was nom
inated for attorney Roneral and Wells
S Jonea of Pike for member board
of public works
Mn Alfred E Watklns of South
OraDge N J was suddenly cured of
a two years Illness by a healer Sun
day Phyelaau8 hnd pronounced her
Every firstclass dealer sells Opora
Pull cigarettes Avoid injurious lm
Flno Boston RollerSkates
Five hundred pairs of the Raymond
Rink just received Andersons
Uncanvassed haras larce small and
medlumslzed atTurnor McOlures
Have Dahlman mako your shirts
For Solid Comfort
Buy an India hemp or Mexican sea
grass hammook at Anderaono gun
Thoi finest au < t fattest maokerel
the city at Turner McOlures
Six jKjunds of fresh
at roasted
McClurea for l
Warranted Cutlery
The only flratolasa stook of pocket
knives and razors In tho city at Ander
sons gnnnatoro
Six pounds of fresh
roasted caflp
at Turner McClurea for ju
Dog Mnzijcs
store 86 Vailety Rt Ane ons
Fishing Tackle aad BM < raU Good
The largest stook and
at Anderitoua gunstore nrlces
ToDay Will Pass Into Hlstorv as a Free
Beer Day for Dallas Kegs Tapped
bj the Hundrod
The Grand Jury Exhausts the Poker and
Orap Oases and Adjourns A
Railway Levied Upon
Dallas Tkx June 12 The caso
of tho Stato against Lohonsteln still
engrosses tho attention of tho District
court The attorneys in it havo been
hammering the Jury and breaking tho
plastering on tho walls all day At a
late hour yesterday evening they com
menced and aro not yet through It
is generally belloved tho defendant
will bo acquitted Tho county attorney
has shown no weakness though as ho
Bays whatever may bo tho v erdlct ho
Intends to try the other cases against
the dofondant Thero are about six
moro ugalnpthlm for tho same offense
The orapshootlng cases having
nearly all been disposed of tho de
fendants aro now wanting a Bettlo
ment with tho Informers Yesterday
u dltllculty occurred between ono of
the defendants named Louis Mack
and BUI Hull who lias played Carey
on his companions Mack pulled his
knife and carved his adversary In a
serious manner
Tho sherlir levied on tho Trunk
railroad to satisfy a Judgment in favor
ofE M Reardon for J140000 and
now has tho road in hand He will
sell It on tho 7th of July The Judg
ment is really in favor of tho Dallas
stockholders and the levy Is in tho
course of cutting away the carbuncles
that have ailectod the concern It Is
said by some of tho stockholders
that a few of thoir Northorn associates
would do nothing towards extending
the road but interfere in any exten
sion by others The publlo generally
believes that tho extension to Athens
will bo mado after the sale
The engineer force of the Northwest
ern road Is being organized Capt
Fred Harris a wellknown engineer
has been engaged to tako chargo of the
work Ho was tho englneor for tho
Houston Texas Central when it was
building through tho state
The grand lury brought in its usual
report complimenting thoolUjere and
telling the district judge how woll It
did itsduty It returned twentyseven
bills for felony eleven of which are
ogalnsttwo parties Tho Jury seems
to have devoted Itself exclusively to
nosing out pokerplaying and crap
shooting Thocourt of course thankid
the jury and the curtain fell
Mr Potor Smith tho mayor of Fort
Worth Is In tho city on his way to
Galveston He is at the Windsor and
warmly greeted by a host of friends
whom he possesees here
It now occurs that Gov Irelands
visit here was strictly on prlvato busi
ness His daughter married Mr Eb
Hurt of this city last winter and the
governor came up to seo her While
hero ho presented her with ten acres
of land lying Just outsldo tho city lim
its Ho mado tho purchase during his
trip Ho left for Austin yesterday
morning Ho was interviewed by the
friends of Mr Rainey of Waxahaohlo
and Mr Charlton of Terrell Both
aro aspirants for tho judgeship ol the
now district composed of the counties
of Ellis Kaufman and Rockwall
Mr Vu T Adams of Kaufman was
also an applicant for tho place and
would probably have rocelved tho ap
pointment had ho not within tho pasC
month so lost his health as to incapac
itate him for tho position Tho ttiree
counties aro coLBlderably exorcised
over tho matt or aud Dallas Is taking a
Judge Reagans letter In tho Galves
ton News is commented on It is tho
first answer to the chargo which ha
obtained general belief that the Texas
congressmen and senators dished out
the ofllcos to their Immediate friends
and relatives Nearly everybody had
Bn Indorsement and it is easy ror our
representatives to select a favorite
from tho great number of Indorsed ap
plicants The dljcueslon shows that
wo aro going to havo a warm tlmo In
politics In tho coming campaign
The men who wero onpaged In dig
ging put an old well in East Dallas in
search of a supposed murdered man
dag down about soveutyflve feet
when thoy camo across some broken
pottery whloh some of our wlso men
declare to be tho cooking utensils of a
prehistoric race To the eye of a man
with no lovo of tho antique in him
this ancient pottery looks exactly like
pieces of a modern jug
Tho now brewory will place Iteflrst
beoron tho market tomorrow The
management cays 400 kegs will bo tapp
edfor tho publlo atthe park Tho whole
thing will ba free A street parado of
Annlo Pew u
court for kwpu a
he goes to thi ii
Poor farm tMM
on the roads dJM
Mr Bchoolbred1
merchant of
deer forest In 6cetQ Lob s
The Mnneheiter flnTi
ay > AtoneofUiQttMtt <
Windows H <
With clumpg of rf
great mass of jf
Thero was an lnt S
It Included
i iatuocouldonWlii
reclining position x
This refers to my J j
I was attacked toL
with Locomotor AUi
A paralytic dUe or SG
got about
And for the last nVj
attend to my bu8lna i
1 he last experiment btlul
Home for Incurablsin
cheater In
May 1SS2
I am no Advocate <
In tho shape of pitent1
And made many o
dear wifes constant iiii
but finally tot
I had not quite fink
tie when IfeltachwB
This was Saturday K
Sunday morning I f H i
to mv room coinpanloM i
could v
Wails I
Bo sumed cro the Hot
I barmy Knew how toe
wan all over the hosia I
each day anil can walk oil
I am now at my owoh
to be able to earn my oven
have been a mombrr oIUrtM
Royal Exchange
lieanlly congratubtal mi
loom on Tburadiy Ittl
your Joun HlaIcbv
M AUCnssTEtt En Dm
l w o y eara lat er am p h
aNone genuine wMh
Hods on the white label J
poisonous stuff with D
thtlr name
Okfipk nrTHKCwirtjrA
tour Leavinwoktb Ka i
Senled propotala In trt
tb usual condlttMvllIb
oRlco aud at tbeoillciiottua
nt Knrts Keno and BillssW a
ceDtral sWndnrd time ooWd
8 ISSi nt which tlm and J <
opened In tueprecenMOf
torrurnUhlncand deliv
year ending June 80l t i
Forts Rono and BUI Ii
bf nrd of car at Wlchlt
en worth or Ltatcawortai u
and Foit Itlley anil cure
polnta oa line orAtcntioaJ
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