i 9 ON CHANGE Was Strong Yosler jurkct Obtalncd aWterrrlces Unsteady lotton la Markets Were Active Find L ffldelr and Closed Jener jr ft Fraction JGoirer yoBK June 13 Govornmout joll and strong but without oads quiet and steady to strong Issues ad I the favorite showing fl to 2per cent In tbo prloes Ld bonds active prlco9 gener wL week opened at the stock t with a decidedly strong nd considering that there hif four hours business tho ex Rfet opening until 11 oclock as Monday during the Bummer the total number or shares 134 000 makes a very fair gs compared with the dally Ions for 8omo time past Ovor of tbo trading howevor was to S Paul Lackawanna a Union and Northwestern In rt mentioned j t prices were about the low day and the closing sales de at or very near the hlcheat 3D3 reached the advance Bteady and without portant reaction and ranging to i per cent except for St Paul Jcago Burlington Qulnoy which was 1J higher and Hock which was up J There was ded strength also in North which is upg Lackawanna a net gain of J oik Central f and Lake Shore item Union is also up J with f 10100 shares This stock Is thin a little over 1 per cent of heat prico at which it has sold the present year jtreet was unusually free of of any importance having any coupon the quotations The ilk about a furthor advance of 15 per cent for tho general tandusoaa one of their argu the statement that the same who started the original sovement in 1S78 are behind the tat present aud aro slowly but iratly moving the quotations J There la also a great deal of Ik about Lackawanna Western Union Pacific and Northwest MONEY Yohk June 15 Money on call it 1 per cent prime mercantile i5 foreign exchange dull at for sixty days 1 S0i for de STOCKS tYobk Juno 15 Tho follow ers tho official closing quota it the New York Stock exchange ternoon tr cent lOlVf lSlateafonrardonenaUi 112M rutu nowlcufi 123 S 183i 127 TaclflcflreU US tecond floux aty la 119 IfWcino land crania fcOX irToOrando land granta 6VS mcinsnreta 116V And ranta lCfiH Inking mnd ISO Main A H 0 IacJflc 30 J Alton 136 preferred l > to Borllnitton A Qnlncy Yi > M rue a Hudson 79 t fck tw my rrUloGrande fte errBd I IU us A Texas Cent 19 ui Teia j iH Shore 5 mile 4 Nashville 6 rl Paoino Jersey Central JmfaclCo prelerred > A Northwc tern ex preferred ex dlv ori Central m Palace Car 1UZ dlv Pfftncy J3 703 75 choice i fincy 516Q510 patents ltandrVr V i Vi > > i mi Bt p irefeired I 4 P ClQo Facmo Ull peferred7r V uatJnton Telegraph 37 16 117 Uhu u 62 St Louie PRODUCE feloois Mo June 15 Flour AKTKKNOON HOARD > ° eat was Jo higher and corn un sged 1 Per head CtUc o PUODCCK neat Oraed it > 15 Flour i lower declined TOUTS Oalvetton KewOrleaui Mobil Havnncah Cliarleiton Wilmington Norfolk llaltlmore New York Uoalon Philadelphia Weet Point Other ports Total Laat year June July AUgQIt Heptember October November December January LIVESTOCK l CV CitUeRecelpta 1800 fteady with i r S demand fair J nuar3r ocal and shipping choice native steer J 6505 051 tterg steers 4 2504 75 mixed goers stock f 3 0004 25 stackers and fn U 5004 65 grass Teians 3 00 If wintered TJexansfS 0004 25 aogsRecelpts 5100 stronger and i at f3 5004 20 ttpReceiptj 1400 good grade ce and wanted but common atutt 8oodto choice muttons f3 25 common to medium 22303 00 7503 25 spring lambs fl 60 rws Tui day Iweok 0 Si nt 2S < 422 6 205 zw 30 24 6 11 l 77 sis 870 THE GAZETTE PORT WORTH TEXAS TUESDAY JUNE 16 c reacted 4c declined Jc advanced lc fluctuated and closed lo under Saturday Juno < 3BIS7Jc closed S7 July SSJQSSJc closed SSJc August 01 91lcciosed001c Corn Slow and no foaturea devel oped market llnctuated within range or 1 to o and closed about tho same as Saturday t cash 4747lc Juno47 471c closed471c JulyToiQlOJc closed 40Jc August 40401c closed 40c PROVISIONS Pork Receded 10 to 12o early but rallied 7J to 100 and closed steady cash f0 20 July 10 1610 27J August 10 22i10 35 Lard Quiet 2J to 6c lower early but closed firmer cash 0 GO July 0 550 02J August 6 050 70 Boxed Meals Steady dry salted shoulders 3 853 00 short rib 5 32J 5 85 ehcirt clear 5 705 75 AFTERNOON HOAHI Wheat Bteady c higher Corn Unchanged Pork 5o higher Lard 2Jo higher LIVE STOCK Drovers Journal reports Cattle Receipts 7B00J market active nation 5o higher shippingsteers 14 00 5 05 stockera and foedcrs 3 C0500 cows bulls and mixed f3 404 SO through Texas cattle 100 cars on sale cornfed U 004SO grassers 13 30 4 30 Hogs Receipts 33000 slow 6o lower 3 754 30 4 00 Drovers Journal Bpeclal cable gram from Liverpool quotes the sup ply largo American cattle Jc lower best grades 13Jc dressed Kunani OUT UVE STOCK Kansas City Mo Juno 15 The Live Stock Indicator reports Cattle Receipts 1100 best grades firm common dull and weak export ers 5 > 5 155 30 good to choice ship 4 005 10 common to medium Fing 85 feeders 4 254 76 cows 3 004 00 Hogs Receipts 0100 weaker and 33 lower 3 603 70 Sheep Receipts 174 inlet fair to good muttons 2 003 00 common to medium f2 002 60 New xorx 1RODnOE New York Juno 15 Flour dull and heavy Wheat Spot lower options opened heavy later iuled stronger closing firm JNo 2 red nominal No 2 red June 9SJO0Jc closing 99Jc July 1001 00 closing 1 001 August O2J01 02 closing 1 02 Corn Weak No 2 5455c No 2 June5Uo July03J54c closing 54c August 5454jo closing 54c provisions irro Coffee Spot fair Rio quiet at Sfc options Iocs active sales 11750 bags June 10 750 SO July G 800 85 September n 00 October 7 057 10 Sugar Firm fair to good refining quoted at 6J5Jc reflned steady Molasse Quiet and steadily held Rice Fair aud In moderate demand Tallow Dull and easier Hi Turpentine Firmer at 30Jc Pork Steady spot U 50 July 0 S3 August tO 03j0 95 iiivi bjock Beeves Receipts lncludlug 57 car loads for exportation wore 252 car loadf 1 Airly active native Bteers 55 30 0 30 1 carloads of Texas steers at 0 10 and fat bulls 4 004 05 Sheep Receipts 00 carloads dull and lower common to prime sheep sold at 3 005 00 spring Iambs J5 50 8 00 COTTON MA1UCETH Kecelpte at All United 8Ut e Iorlt Thla eason 45V8S9 1510 < 87 2J8V31 720 27 610811 H 1831 550011 686IA 87198 81015 6M19 2U93U 112730 Export from oil U tt porta thla week Great Britain France i 1 Continent Block at aU U U porta thla day I This day last year OalTnitou Galveston Juno 15 lsr oau 10 12 bid 10 15 bid 9 9M310 02 9 71 9 74 9 6IM 9 61 9 47 9 46 9 4 6 bid Last season 669100 i 6103 J7 25201 65167 421491 UItfU 677187 64640 115697 177978 652SS 177841 61WS 4 j7I2S9 4769191 4789I9I 2863 3pot 4917 275193 tWfiUJ closed heat Active but very unsettled quiet licc lower gros3 receipts 35 nervous declined J to Jc early i5aw galea 22 bales export none ned to lc then fell oil again 1 to shipments coastwise 300 bales stock tat partially recovered at close and 390 bales edl to o below Saturday No 2 j Ordinary 811lOc good ordinary Cash a 00 July5100Il02Sclos9U1cc low middling 91510c mid t tlOOI August 10J1103J 10310c good middling 10 7lGe K at 1 03 bid September 1 041 middling fair 10 MOc closing at 1 05 j Futures opened dull aud easy ruled < Jfn Slow opened Jc better but re quiet and closed steady 7 to 0 points 1mhI closed i to 0 under Situr ioWer aNo2mlxedcash441fc44Jc July galea 1100 baits 345c August4545io September Uloslng at tho lowest figures WaDuTl No 2 mixed cash 321 Uueo8t24jc raMealQuIetat2 00 HoolActivo and ttrm tub washed a unwashed 100203 Texas ySteadyatJUS rnovisioNs y quiet and only a small Job e douB W110 75 asked rd ominal wuk Meats Long clear t3 30 Bhort K 40 short clear 15 00 wnLong clear f5 755 SO short 5 S55 05 short Clear 16 10 OLOSO 10 10 bid 10 ibid 9 6o 9 99 9 67B 9 70 9 494 V 61 9 46 9 48 9 45 9 48 9 63 bid New Yortr New Yobk June 15 Snot closed steady l10c lower salea 4050 bales Ordinary 8 716c good ordinary 011lOs low middling lOJc middling 1011lOc good middling lOJcj mid dling fair 11 710c Futures closed steady 7 to 10 points lower Sales 48700 bales jnly Aucnat September October m November 10 40 10 42 10 41 10 41 10 SI 10 U 10 27 io oiaio ro 9 91 V 92 9 Hi 10 010 M Liverpool Livekpooi June 15 Spot closed dM5 Gj good ordinary fijd middlng uplands low middling 5 d 53d middling Orleans 8 1310d Total sales 8000 bales American 0100 bales bales AmerIcan 4700 Imports bales Futures gooa closed easy 1 point lower June JuneJuly JulyAnttust Augnstiiepumber SeVteiDberOetober OctoberNovember NovemberDecember DecemberJanuary 6 47 ask 5 4 > aik 6 49Mk 6 6 aik 6 8 ask 5 41 a k 6 fa a k 6 Mk nw Orleans New Orleans La Juno 15 Boot closed easy unchanged Bales 1000 Low ordinary 7 11lOc onllnary Sll16o good ordinary 01110c low middling 01510c middling 10 310c good mlddllDg 10ic middling fair lOlMOc fairlllc Futures closed steady G to 11 iiolnta lower sales 29200 bales Juti loiooidis July o n io 15 Ansnii io 1910 so 8 Pt mber m 8k a October ot n 65 NovMnb r 9 Mas 9 M K mb t 9 tm 9 JwiBMy 6S 9 LOCAL MAKKET8 Staple Dry Goods rnticrsi BUadard prints noYlU Hamilton fancy AU ni tuner Ht i Kivsrisncr Windsor l Bolton tancT Marlon lasoy Arnold Dnnklrk lancr Kenwlck misllum Hartel toner Manchester fancy Tlvoll shlrtlne Mrrlmao shirtings Utlca tnlrttnrs Aliens sulrtlnc 8atr tolldi Durham solids Berlin olid colors Barclay pnrpU AUena doable pink Alton fancy Btar and oreaoent tnrkey red print Globe tntkey red prlnt Kranklln turkey red Washington fancy oil print niArr brown Buururot Slmpeon aolld black silvers 4 Iembroke Standard Z Ocean Lewlston a rey silversa Montcomery anoy Delmont fancy lierwtck fancy Coneetogn light BLIACniU OOTTOS Chapman X Amory 44 Andnwcogeln U IllackBtone A A Cabotf4 DaunlleM 44 K cle4 Kearleu 44 Foreet 44 Gold Medal 44 LonsdalaSO lnohu Knlcbli cambric wrnaBcown susxTneo ia4Low U 104 Pembroke 104 Monadnock Lancaeter Pepperell WUX HLXACKKD HIIKKTIHa IMLoweU 94 Pembroke 101 Pembroke KntlandOO Utlca O SI In tt Ulendale SV Annlaton4 < B roxballt4 > 6V Enterprise EK bU Aryyle 6V Lawrence Ij h Cm TomOHhanter V Powbatlou i4 6t Cbapman 1 Kentucky AA M Ilelfait K llo e Valley l4 hint ITIre ti M Qulnnebarry 10t > cpperell ISVf 9SI 4 41 COLOBED UUOKB Patuxent 10 ox I4K Montanp 1 > lloiton Foe Everett 111 drab Amoakeac A O A DordU A U K fancy Cornwall B 8 A 12 Whlttenton 600 i2 TTT fanoy 10W nioKonr OTnipia Extra Stout blue and brown 10 Uecnanica blue 7 JeweltClly blue 7K Kock Itlver blue and brown K Bolton blue 6K GINOIIAM8 Zephyr 9 Plunket 7 Amotkcas 7 Glucow lunclei 7 Glasgow dre i Btylei 0 Oreylock dreu styles 11 Itenfrcw dress ttylea 9 Renfrew draper cloth 10H Itenfrew Bwub brodure 18 ItenfrewJacauaud 10Ji Nubian dreuatylen 8 York check and York drew Wamcolta > t fancies 7W styles fcW chock and fancies Vi Rlverilde dreta atylea COTTONADBl Bay City Namelna New York DAT Kearaage AYA 11 T HellDiT Golden Eagle Winch tr Jay Eye Bee Favorite Oilloi choice Alakapu Vtcol and Bldts Twelve montns cup Ugnt nee Hai nna bee Groceries NxiTBOBgsr ourea nam lOHa B 0 < a bacon lojjo a o bacon 7Hc BC drr salt 7c Kisk MtcksrelIOIS kits Ho 11110 No StHO half bbU No 1 IS 6 No 2 H6C WhlUCihNolh fbbls 1860 No 2 tSi Dried herrings par box 40c Obd flsh 8H0 IiAXD Tlercss tot KID cans to 20t > oana B c 1026 oana 8Hc 62 cftuabja SB enns Lye oo rrxx Oommonl 10c ordinary lOKc fair lie prime Kip 11 ho fancy l2o old rovemment Java 2 c Tax lmi > nal4j 60i gunpowder 6OST0 Boqab Fine powdered bhls ho do balfbbls eve cut loaf 8 123 icranulaud iurdard bUo Louisiana Kranolatod 8o standard A 71 Jo choice white VA < r ysUow darlOed7c Kick Ixiultlana 8HO70 HAXTOoars in bass tl26ejl40 ban lake In flat hoop bbli One In 1210 pockeU X > 7M0 OAHnsn Ooodo Prices per dosen Pine apples standard tl6 < S Peaches standard 2 lbs 1165 8 lbs nVLU seconds 2 tx llJUr I S > s 1X10 Tomatoes atandard 2 fts 5100 seconds 2 fts I Bis II JO Ureen corn lllCKaltiS Green peas IIJ5 ioose berrlM u lttt ltaspberrles lfJ0 18i oysters full weight 1 1116 2 t2ao llchi weightlt > 66c ft2 IIJO Bsilmon 1 tlMahVk 2 ft I Maokerel 1 900100 Sardines American 1700 cast imported13O > 14C0cans Btr wb rc1 s2 fa fl V > t niackberrtss flau Oreen gages n40 Eagle Condensed milk 18691 Bakiiio Pow7JE tillver Loaf lo cant nerdoienKtw S rlo HWi lado 2t i ladoJ7 UdOIU BtmDBlMfltarch < Boap fpaiBaon 4Hc German olive fefo rAniUeamil boxes liUc balveo c Quarters o Indigo B6a ft Bfaelng80 UW dosen Oolemana mustartt n44i2 U0 dosen Maoaarontlraportad < Uci > American c boi llueksU twoi hoop CL00dounweUbnckeUM JO dosen Brooms tl75l donn llrllllant oil bhls 17S1 Kn > plonTdo27et doHoui < 0 brluUnt ii cases noo dol > Uoasess3 8 nova Btanarda Koyat PaUBt 17 21 Sbbl sacks 13 50 100 Ho 1 Texas per 180 lbs 137 NO 2 12 85 No 0 torn mealPM bciWWc Hominy and grtw M714t Ot Oatmeaui baU bbl is iCiOti ti wheal > ft ec Crackers X soda te XXX toJa6j < ci cream smsj gjigtraaap 7KC lemon creams 7Hf nm heayy U > U faU IIibw Nolhe rrnintd and med to light 11919 all ne heavy 012 Stht Sue lnd l edlom 1214 ooarM 2 heavy clnt dry n ft He Nf light flint t i 12c lo 2 Ugl t Mnu > T e 6Slli heavy damaged ft calf eklni and badll damaged ft 4 Kc green salted sound 6 bnubete green V ft 6Uc Hides from JaUen cattle generally bought flat bringing about J2Kc When weighing ever 10 pounds each When sold on aelea tlon they bring from 10M to He according to grade but gineraliy grade No ll will therefore be to the Interest of the stockmen to sfll them Oau P TKi Deerskla iB > 1SJB18 ante pj ikltis V ft lOeiSc goat skins each Knew sheep peSu aeeordfog to amount of wool 2uo nK abearllngs according io amoanl ol wool J lO Mexican sheep peiw WICr HAY RAKES HAY PRESSES MOWERS THRESHERS Engines Gins Soaks Cotton Presses Cane Mills and Evaporators MILL tf MACHINERY BELTING SHAFTING PULLEYS ETC ETC Tlie aboTO dan of nood Ugethcr with wlmt U uecetwr to make their toek compete e n be fovtnd at B MITCHELL < fc CO 106108 and 110 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth Texas Mexican ttaeep peiu ImproTed UaUc M x loan iUhp aearunci 5c Oonntrf tmantt loUto lniB per buinel HQM10 new WatOoj onloui per bM lied 16 Vellow Tnmlpa white per bbl 2jjllJ kMb l lima 3S aaU aTOrT T HWifiiL medlnra perbbli5 email per bblJ84it hair btu med i7S baU bbl imaU W phteae halt erearcu 1 fall er m II lennMIi 8eClder haUbbl II 74 Ob age per crate IHc per fc 1uuitbt tlesa rtuoeiO par doten youne cnlcxenttiUBJ 00 Turkey 60tow eaonj a at oucxn a Kit W Konaler doim 10vilo Freeh oountry bntur choc 11HH50 OreameryJMnKAt old butur l lCci Oieo m nartne16a Furniture mrnliure UeaaneAOt imlUllon walmi eaoh82 4C8 00 all walnut M 60O10 SO Chain wood teat doi M 7M7 00 cane and ratui eat U 0OSB9 00 cane at dlnlns 112 00e 0 OhlldBandrocksri 180041260 largerocJr ri 0030 ou camp and root erf each II 75a 7 50 Mirrora arch tops doi 2CO > 2u Table round poO SC till leaf nuasdo Hafea each tt U1W llureaui llooo aui wathBtand > < lS8 < UKb dprUUf 27WJ4 0 Baby oarruwM 70a > Oratn and Veeditaffa Wheat ehoic 10 to Uo medlnm 7075 oau S32S71ie bailey 4049 ry 47iiSw corn 659700 hay looie nom the ncin lecoanw per ton j bale hay 110 OOfcli w bran 83c ptr 100 chopt UOUttl a per 100 Drag a and Medlclnee naoos Bark Clnamon per B12 Pernrlan 2ftf > 2 It llorax lie lll aibonata of toda Knglltl 60 Copperaa 6 1 Clnohlnedla per oa 30 eta OMtlleeoop perB 1CK 15 Cream tartar ai perlb42 tS Cbalk lump per lb 2 l Calomel P A Vv 7kB82 EnclUh per lb bot tie Included C6 l 00 Chloral Hydrateperil tl 6091 76 Chloroform per lb bottle lnelnd ed9uilt9Jc Compoftlllon powder per lb 26 Dovere per lb 11 20 Unaom aalta per lb 14 4H Gum Opium pT lb 4 n ° < 5 Si Oum 0 tn phor per lb 23B Morphine per oa U ioa Oil Caator machine 70O60 oil Coator per gallon n wvai CX oil lard wlnUr atralned f > 75 oil lard No 166970 OU1U lne P A W per 01 soS6c Flowers anlnhur S i5 Alum IH 6 oasa 60 per cent pagni drv pin Is 127 60 prescription Tlala per et oCBhowcatee u > stent medicines M lliu xtracU 30 per cent off ottt broken bTa a marketprloeelt baU xhayera Fluid P 1 Fluirt Ex traota 06 per cent on EuenUal out Ut Loulallit snmarrxB oom > b8 Ivory drop black asc raw inrxsy nmbm 25c burnt Turkey umber 2o raw Itallat alenna 26c burnt Italian alenna 26c Van dyke brown 26crAxim rAxim BtrlcUy pnra whlta lead M Wt Hplrlli turpentine 60866 ltolled oil O 66o TUX BIIXKUAKW1IJIaU8 COLO Kg iTory drop black la per lb 16a Englls coach black la per lb 12c lamp black la o black paint la 9c Prntslan blue Via Xa la 25ctUltrumarlneblue H ls20c blue patul la 13 raw Turkey umber la 9c burnt Tur key urnber la 9c raw Italian sienna la to burnt Italian sienna la cc Vankyka brown li9c larlacrMn Is 70c Chrome U x o 4 r o la lio American vermllllon Is 20o In Ulan red la 11 MnettA ttC la 6s 12 > a 26a 9c Chrome yellow u M o n o la Ito Yellow ochre la 6s 12Ha 26s 90 rnxpinxo RAiKiieo oouma Bark oak 16o Aah 16c Black walnut Its Maple lbo Prices of above made on a basil ot In li H and 1 lb cans aiaorted tin M and I it cane balance In 1 and 3 lb cans asiorted Price In I lb cans balance In 1 and 2 lb cam aasorUd Prloo In 6 lb cans lo less I2H anC 251bUnpalla IXo Itu u Use J ketta Jo per Liquors ATniBirrKecuned ti io w m per pmoi sour math one year old II 00 two y eared 200 62 2ithrM years old U 19 2 7tfnf extra old whisky l 6 WncxaOlareUcaeIB 6O461CO0 Mperqwfti UyOUwbap rEftUon Wtai 60 PortII27 3bdBberry per gal llXIdlOO Kadiin per gai ll 60 S Of White wine In cmsi 14 00 10 00 Ar atock Al perd0il2 O0 2S IorM per dos U 004J A Oo Kam 3iUMPAorr a H Murna Dry WJ 00468100 llelCalck In basket rrfOOf 22 00 Krnc in basket 128 OOCVKi 00 Domt tl champagne jn 0t H00 Qeo Ooolet exur quarts ru Ni pu nudwettr > ll2 00 plnU ill 00 UornKD ilKBB Lamps 112 60 krlangsr beer quaru lis 00 pints 111 60 > SonilU Milwaukee quarts 113 Or pints 111 w pints 11210 Anthony A Knhns qtsiuoo 11 Ulausen A Bons eh npajrne bser 1200plnututoi fslksMllwaakM t quarl nnart 1 0J812 llroraerKalser Imported 13 10 Hardware BAB IHON n w aorway Mt flo T 1 shut iron < Wo No 27 O sheet Iron 6Wc galvanlaed shwt tronK We4 No MK < > 1701 Nl 1H do 16c auia roonng Un ill u eU60 ltx and lOxU paU do 17763860 tinners wire DO per cent off i tinners slock forty per cent off t oook stove situ ware 1106425 00 do with trimmings tU60M0u WOOD WOllk Wagon axlselWcBllOl tonguesVOoiStl ooslngletreoa 176t bolsUn 60c spokea 127632 00 felloes IXtMbM Doubletreea t325 00t neck yokes tiKjt 260 plow beams 60 5cj plow bandies 1171 NAILS W 00 ketr basis 16d HnrdSD horss 00 Perklna do 151 Weak shoe kog per er dir5 60 llurden mule M 601 Northwest 1 n m B oo NO VdoMWo 20C NO I I j i u o iw v v lite Ausable do No i 160 No 1240 Ko I 2laNo718oNo8ll0 KkFHl6KHATOIta NO 1 ClltnaX imOi No 2 do 1S 601 No S dci Til No do Til No 6 do Ida MIBCKLLANKOUSTrace chains 12 yt pair 1701 plow slnglstrees per doa 2 plow doubletrees nor dosen W pej bius60per cent oat doorlocku I3 IC0 wood screwa 60 and 10 per cent off t LP ear door butUlC and 10p r cntont out anif tinned tacka 20 per oenL offt coffee mills per oenU off blind binge 60 and 10 per cent off I carriage bolts 66 and 10 per cent oil low bolts taper cent on pleoe Un wart I per cent off deep atamped ware 60 p cent offt shallow stamped were 60 per essi om Uinn < iwsrel peroentnlr AXEHKK per dosen H MfH100 J taktl H009I60I lUeseneack M60O700 j boys handled Jtft HW Live Stock Market IteevMOorn Kd range from tffe per pound Orass MmPAc MuttonChoice i2V < c Htock Cattle The prices In slock call e varyBceordlnffloIocalliywbereralsed W quote different loealltlee a followat Ianhandlehtrlctly nrsVcUfs yearilngs perhead 150081 r twoyearolda H tW 2000 oowa and calves 130 Western Texas yearlings IIIM 13 00 twoyrolde lS00l 00 cows and calvea 126IWS M 01 Central TexasYearllnga t 0041000 two yi rK > lds nJWSMtf cows and catves Bo tbero Texas YearJags UVmWi twoyeaMilda 112 00813 UQ cows and calves 120 tM22 00 ntiSurnTexaaYearllnga NOOffiTOO twp year ldal0tt > jH2 r cows and calves lliu ft woo Real Estate Mortgage Loans Procured for borrowers In North Texas VEXDOliS LIEN VOTES IUKCJUHKu Corr r > onclHn < J Ir vlt l Ad lress PKANK W CllAflr Hucetssor to TRANCI8 SMITH it CO Vort Worth T xa MEN VWBiWirf > t < r wrW i M N CONNER CO Boolcsollorei aatxci Stationor K7 Houston Street f v f 4 V the roni WORTH Steam Lanndry Co 0or Tearth sod Jodm Bt Aro now prepared lo do Klrst Clais Lauudrylng Orders executed on short notice Our delivery wngon will calt ut auy part of the Clly Telephone 71 7 > iw Uuiub Bells Ktq LINDERMANS CELEBRATED CYCL0ID PIANOS The beat Pjanu In Ameilca Vbomas Wittenls LIVERY AND SALE STABLE Privale carriages kept for calling and weMing parties Orders by telephone will receive prompt aim careful aUetitloii Corner of Third and Throckmorton Streets Tort Worth T v Xj HlaBY Wholeialo and Ketall dealer In Iron IMP U r a s a OoodftUs Ftxturcsln iplralors Lead Pipes Kitchen Blnks llathTubs KngtuoPllttUKSlly drants Olobo aWes CbtnJollrrs Iron and n ood Pumps aih Btand Hpecfalty lhe Boll Wator UIobo WESTERN HOTEL SIMON HAAS Proprietor No 1804 and 1808 Jones HI 200 yards NWot Union Depot Double aud single rooms for ladles and gentlemen j mcftlasAct lmlglug 2fcs and 600 Hpoolal attention given to families Pmo artesian wnler hot cold and shower bathat U5o for single bath or five for 11 HATFIELD AQDILL DENTISTS Over Postofflce Fine Allumlmnn Plut speclnlty Uses Nitrous Oxide gas for palnluMt extraction or teeth All work scientifically done Tolepliono 212 ColtrolIKompor FtWorthllorsoiMnrket 78W Main at pt Worth V OHASHFRY Fino Jowolry CLOCKS SILVERWARE ET0 No ao Houston St Fort Worth Tcxag B3TXCZjVXi BARGAINS AT B 0 EVANB 00 ILLINOIS HOUSE The best nooomtnodatloua In tho Btate foi tho money Take Main street par at tin Ion depot and ask lbo driver to show you tne house East of rourl home on publlo juaro rort Worth Texas Transient rates per day 1123 Hlnglo meals 26 ots HaUa taction guarnnteed M SARGENT Prelrit P C SARGENT Mgr rVIBLLER c CO Ilijau3XrX > jflL C3r E3 OXT T JSJ ItnnchcH mid PnflturcH Stnto nnd County Hchool Lrlndr nnd liullrond LtinilB ior HiUo or Lwiae Lands Ronderod and Taxes Paid Lands for Salo in Every County in Northwest Toxas N U Wn control the Bale of railroad and school land along tbe Una of the extension ot the Kort Worth Donver City railroad In Wichita Wilbarger Hardeman Childress and Hall counties V X03EEX JPi3u 37j3lXXjiISI WOTaC FORT WORTH ENTERPRISE Tho Justly renowned name of Tncknbery hits become a liouichoM word throughout Texas and adjoining states and territories la fattdrlvlng Its competitors from tho field and No 22 41 nnd 61 are tlio moat popular Kaddlea ever soldlu tliu West Hendlnyour ordeiN for uuyof the abovo number ami wo guaranlca sutlsfacllon Ifc J TAOKABEBY WEST WEATHERF0RD STREET FORT WORTH WM CAMERON CO Wholesale and Ittlall Deal era In JL tJ jSJL TOP TCP Jrtrma Fort Worth Decatur Weathorlord Gordon Eaird Abilono Colorado Big Springs and Pecos KEEP A FULL LINE of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS LIME Elo HOUSTON TEXAS CENTRAL RAILWAY The Only all Steel Rail Line in the State raEffiTnuSa IMTWO DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS EACH WAY WITH PULLMAN PARLOR OARS ON DAT TRAINS ANU PULLMAN SLEEVING OARS ON NIGHT TRAINS And with Hi conneolloni forms the only DOUBLE DAILY ROUTE FROM NORTHERN ami CENTRAL TEXAS 3STTUV 03E3L3EIja3 > areQ Where IMMEDIATE Connections are mtde with THROUGH CAR LINES FOR ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST THE SHORTEST LINE Between Texan Kauu Clly Bunlbal end St LooJx and PavoraMe RmIm via DEW SON and MISSOURI PACITIC RAILWAY to KANSAS COT SAXJttBAIi or St LeaU to all petals Eut Nsrttt and VfWrf THROUGH SLEEPERS EVER DAY EACH WHY BETWEEN mwm m w louis Lafayette La Houston Dallas Bboman and Daio Texas SD THENCE VIA Missouri Paclllo Raily through the Indian Territorj via Fort Scott Kan aad Sedalla Kd Sleepers Daily Each Way Between Houston and Austin Tbroogb Tickets from or lo ny point In Orwit WnUin orOjoUnsnt of Kotopaji iht IliSstou Midlasu U ntr l JUUlwsjr and mil rollto New York thsne Untnon WortJ sl aenBii Ilo po d Whlta HUrTlurM nTHtate ltotterdain kodTulTab BUauurilp tjjfl KoUBd rlo r Sn wSmir I Or nt Colnrubus Klutonls flcUnlenbsrj H aMrpos ItocE N w Itntualela IloeSdnlo Wersons deilrlDSvWTpSrchsM prep id tickets to srod to frl nda In Baror will ySrW L Uottu hUp roots Aa PPiy la pr on or b leturto E Q TLQQJt TJcket ont DaIIhS T X DANL RIPLEY O F A ut ° P Man HOUSTON TEXAS WALDO VPreiTex s r hif 1 n n