OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, June 28, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1885-06-28/ed-1/seq-4/

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The Lodz Dionght is Broken in Travis
OonntjA Tine Orop of Oorn
is How Assured
The Damage Done io Cotton Confined to
a Narrow Strip in Fannin and
Grayson 0onntle3
Hpcclitl to the Uazclto
AusriN Tex June 27A good
rain fell this ovonlwr which oxtotidod
over a wide strip of adjacent territory
and largely benefltedtuo crops
Hpuclal lo the duetto
BHWtMAtf Tux Juno 27 Paul
fsaples Esq of tliiH city returned last
evening from a trip over the Central
roatl to the coast and back by way of
Marshall Texsrkatm and along the
Ited river counties to Khormin Ho
reports the finest prospect for crops
evericeulntuo state Only u small
s ctlou In Grayson and Fannin couu >
Ilea has been Injured by the cotton
worm and this may bo repaired by
the new crop that Is comlug up and
growing tlnoly
DknisonTex June 27 Oats and
wheat have been considerably dam
aged in this vicinity by the radix The
crop aud yield were good
The peach orop Ih immense Thou
Cauda of bushels aro rotting on tliu
trees because thero Ih no market or
them The oxpross cotnpuiilos aro
carrying out thousands of loxes dally
but shippers rccelvo very light re
luniH Onoinau romurked yestorday
that lio was shipping ueuclion Hlmply
to get theuloney back he had paid for
boxes to ship them In
torronpouilcncoof Hie luruUi
Emmu Tkx Juno 115 Wo had a
line rain hero yesterday and another
last night Farm < ra suy they have
had enougli rain for the present
Crop were uover more promising
t irrtupon Jnco of the OaioUe
ItooNii IIocKTkx Juno yi Wo
experienced a delightful shower yes
terday in this section of the country
The Indications aro favorable for more
orre iiiicjfnfooftlioaietle
Knnon Tnx Juno 2fl Eiuion U
situated teii miles south by cast of
Fort Worth near the edge of thu
crossUmbers hi one of thu best grain
and cottongrowing districts in Tai
rant county
Harvesting la now drawing to a
close ami the shocks of grain can bo
eoen on overy hand whllo tho com
Willi Its darkgroen color ami sharply
dellued boundaries presents a beauti
ful landaciipo picture
Wheat aud oats aro good and woll
saved Corn promises a good crop
Cotton has been damaged by tho web
worm Borne planters have escaped
others have not sustained so great In
Jury as was at first supposed while
others are planting over
iirrtupoiutenco of tlm Jnrjlto
IHiiMN Tkx Juno 2d A lino
ruin two nights ago now assures a
heavy com crop and wlllgroatiy bon
fill the cotton by stopping the ravages
of tho worms and promoting growth
Ih worms have not Horloimlylulured
tho general crop as was feared some
days ago
Wo have Just finished harvesting
tho finest crop of wheat and oats ovei
raised la tho country
iiK it men county
Hknnktt Tkx Juuo 27Wo liavu
had splondld rains und while wo ar
suroofagood corn crop our cotlon
prospecis who tnver bettor Tho
yorms havo kbanloued their work of
DKNION county
Hpicl l tho RroitB
Pilot Point Tix Juiio27Husl
nees lis been remarkably quiet today
from the foot that tho farmers aro too
busy to come In their wot It having
been delayed by the rainy weather
rtcUl to tUo llnzetli
Gainksvuib Tjxm Juno 27 Red
rlvor Is booming ami can not bo crossed
The roads are fearfully bad and tho
streams which havo to bo crossed In
coming to the city mo high and dan
Waco Tkx Juno 27 Tho receipt
if wheat audoats aro large Wheat
or up 6 to BO outs per bushel and
Ccrrrspomleiico of tlio 0 ilt < >
Chawfoiu Tux June 21Wo
were visited today by a nice shower
and everything is looking lino Crop9
are much better than was at uno time
expected during tho worm rage
Wpootal totbtOaaette
Jaumonviimj Te Juno 27
Vcrv Hoe ralua havo fallou horo ro
cently and tho crops aro splendid
CtmuiiHK Tkv Juno 20A
litavy rain fell yesterday All the
orwke and other water courses aro
11001 OOlItTV
turr miunJenca or ttio lmolte
Tmmfa Biiiura Tkx Juno 25
H viwt r n of ti10 season
ell here last night It rallied con
tlnuotiily for nine hour Tim crooka
wjro all out of their b inks mid great
SlJt M tofeuclugand
i7mblld8e and l > r URhouso loth
SiT mtl6 w w > C
SELht0WD wwe washed away
feawu wa m de for he house hut
although thopartlMVeat i mUo and
a half to the Brazos no trace of It was
found The Urazos lion been post
fording for lvo weeks and is now
nearly full and still rising Tho citi
zens aro getting tired of paying tribute
lo tho ferrymen
Hptolal to Iho Gazette
TuxaukAma AitiJuuo 27 From
the leading farmors of this section
Tm Gazbttij corresponaont learns
that tho orop prospects woro novor bet
ter hero Jho ncroago of cotton in
largo and tho yield will most probably
bo from 30 lo 60 por cent greater than
lest year Farmers nrogroatly encour
aged aud feel suro thut good times aro
onco more lu store for them In tho
near future
Thousands of Pooplo Flocking to Hoar
tho EvingollstOthor Notes
Waco Tux Juuo 27EvaugollBt
Jones congregations now average
from 1000 to 6000 people every time
Every trin bIiico morning has brought
visitors from adjacent owns and tho
canaclty ot tho tuboruaclo will bo
taxed to 1U utmost tomorrow when
tho meeting closes
Tho last of tho Wuuo Light Infantry
got home from Lampasus tills evening
They aro not discouraged by their de
feat but will go into drilling more In
dustriously than over for tno all en
campment at Oalvcfiton
AtrangeniontH nro being perfected
for the entertainment ot all thu teach
ers who attend tno Htato Tuchers as
sociation hero m > xt weok Gov Ire
laud Is oxpected to bo present
Negotiations uro puudlug and will
probably bo completed Monday for
the purchalo aud establishment of the
Panelectric telephone system In this
Tho stock of wool on hand is largo
I ut it has hud u vorydull sale for
nearly two weeks
Tho Sunday Law Ordorod Enforcod
ToDav Other Notes
Hpeolal to tilt Unrotto
DaiiahTkx Juuo 27 After tho
appellate ciurt rovoraed thocaso of tho
Klato vs James Huiinlctitt convicted
of murder In the fliHt degree ami ills
punishment was llxed nt imprison
meiit for lite tho county attorney Hied
n motion lu tho district court to sot
aside ills Wild It Is for 7600 and
Mr Clint alleges that it Is lnsiilllclent
to hold tho defendant after ho
has had u tusto of what a
Jury would do in his cvso
Tho matter was argued before Judge
Aldrldgo this morning hut uh thero
has lipou no decision of tho court other
than what lias appeared lu tho papers
brought home to the court it ad
journed thdcaso until Monday It is
expected the dcchlon will havo ar
rived by that time
Late yesterday evening a ruiuior
reached Hit ulllco of u justice of tho
peace Informing him that a dead man
was lying hi a pond Just beyond tho
city limits Every preparation was
beiug made for uu Inquest when an
other runner cmio in Buying the
body bolonred r to a very inebriated In
Tho policemen today received tholr
commissions for tho ensuing year No
ono Hoenia to know how long they hold
olllce but tho Issuance ot tho commis
sions sopuij to make their term for ono
year or dutng good behavior
A roadgrader was tested on the
roads yesterday Tho county intended
to buy tho Implomcnt if It worked
right but It was not satisfactory
The appellate court having decided
that the council had tho right to regu
late tlio observance of the Kuhbath
the mayor this morning delivered a
lecture to ho police on tho subject
Ho Bald the ordinance must bo ob
served to the letter and between thu
hours of 0 mid 1 no saloons or other
place must be allowed to keep open
J loretofore there has been a backdoor
business done that will now probably
It Is aild that Mr Hmlth the
preacher of tho Presbyterian church
iioro has been ollered u pulpit at Fort
Worth His Hock hero dont want
him to learo aud nro working in that
Tho Dallas and Condemn boyfa play
a mutch game of base hall at the fair
grounds torinorrow evening
Hpocliil to the Ouzcllo
WuATitKHroiti Tux Juno 27
The Woaiorford etea n laundry that
was burtmltwo months ago has been
robullt and resumed operations today
The ovliouco is all lu on tho part of
tho defendant lu tho cafe against Krod
DeBmlthtsun accomplice of J H
Mllllkcn lu tho killing of James Lee
some time ago It will tako next
week to got through with all tho evi
A Mathematical Man
Texu Sifting
Ho was a mathematical man and al
ways engaged In making Intricate cal
culations His marriage was to tako
placo on Friday but he suggested that
It tako placo on Thursday
Why do you wish it ohaugod
was asked suspiciously
WelVsttldho I havo boon inak
lug a calculation aud I Hod that my
sllvor weddlngwilleomocllona Btur
day ovonlug and that would noverdo as
that Uthv ovonlug I havo to go to
Whatlrnuklln Fed His tJiiostr
Mrs Mary Ruston was ono of tho
uotnblo ladtea In Philadelphia society a
country ago Herrecclp book Is now
owned by Mr Charles Ponuypacker
ouoof lierdeaoeudsnts In it she re
corded particulars of tho elaborate ill li
ners at which sho was present Thus It
appears that on ono occasion Dr Frank
lin regaled his guests with clum soup
breast of veal rngoutod forctmartor of
roast lamb four small chickens pigs
feet n pair of roast duoks aud n mast
leg of muttou with numerous vegeta
bles served from tho side board and
filled up tho crovloes with a desert of
green currant tarts jellloa truilles
bUnrtnaugo cranberry tarts English
and BwlM cheeses aud cheese cakea
Land and Oattle Companies Chartered
Tho Higher Courts Adjourn
for tin Bummor
Most of the Laws Enaoted by tho Nine
teenth Legislature to Go into Ef
fect the First of July
Hpeclal to the Osteite
Austin Tux Juno 27 Chartered
Tho Bllvor CilflLand and Cattlo com
pany of Taint Itock capital r00000
tho Bllvor Falls Cattlo and Land com
pany of Crosby county capital 1000
000 tho Magnolia Cattlo and Land
company of Colorado City capital
800 000 tho J It Har Cattlo com
pany of Dallas eapltul > 0000 tho
lirownwood Land and Live Btock
company capital 1100000
Also chartered tho Dixie Foundry
and Machine company of Tyler
Buperlutendeiit Baker Is ready to
receive applications for tho four Pea
body scholarships at the Nushvlllo
Normal school paying 2 < X a year
Each applicant may ho of either box
but must bo Boveuteou years
old and agreo to teali in
tho Texas publlo schools for
the same length of time as lie receives
tho bonollt of tho scholarship Ex
amlnatlons will be provided at tho
homo of each applicant
The supremo court has decided 111
cases during tho term ended today
All tho rases decided by
the commission of appeals
but not yet acted on by
tho court woro transierrod to
Tyler i h well as all tho motions for re
lioaring and all tho cases brought from
Tyler Tho Galveston cases were sont
back to that point
Mrs Caroline Tips tho mother of
Mr Waller Tips tho penitentiary
cjmmlesionor and a prominent mer
chant dlod today
For four of a mftcinstructlon of Tin
Gazgttuh report of tho capltol board
proceedings your correspondent do
slrtsto add thatof Col Hwulns posi
tion In tho matter thero never was any
doubt He stood ilrm lor graulto us
long as he had tho slightest
hope of getting it but when
as lie believed the isiuo was reduced to
Bedford or Oatmanvlllo atoiio or an
abandonment of the contract ho
chose the llrst To the reporters ho
was ulwuys frank and candid lu this
view from the vory llrst of tho agita
Tho new ninetyday laws compris
ing nearly all of thoso enacted by tho
recent legislature go Into eilect
Wo luesduy
Tho New Orleans exhibit which it
was decided to deposit in tho univer
sity hos dwindled down until thoro
will not bo much of It by tho time it
roaches lioro All tho private u hlblts
which were promised woro withheld
at the last moment Tho magnjilcent
collection of buga uud ueotioi lom
llislrop woro sold on the grounds by
tho owner for 25t0 Prof Toudoua
decided to take ills large exhibit of
Mulled beasts uud birds back to Ban
Antonio Tho collection that belongs
to tho state and will still go to tho
university consists chiefly of agricul
tural products minerals woods and
Monday is tho last tay on which
land aud cattlo companies and grau
ger associations can bo Incorporated
For the last week charters of tho for
mer havo been coming in at the rate
of from live to eight a day It is ex
pected that many havo been procured
lor purely BpemiUtlvo purpose
Mr James 15 ulark tho now proctor
of the uiilvoislty will not assume his
duties as such until near tho beginning
of the next session
Tho higher courts adjourned today
for tho summer vacation
Hpeulnl to Ilia Unett
Ai stin Vkk Juno 27 In tho
court of uppiuls today the following
business was transacted
Alilrmed Jo Williams vs tho
State from Grayson county life pen
Unversed and remanded Lee Hill
vh the Btute from Travis county
Hung Ah Hung vs the Htato from
Ti m Green county
Itovorsed and admitted to ball in tho
sum of 2000 each W C Williams ot
nl vs tho Btato from Wilson county
Hehearlngs denied Walter Smith
vs tho Htato from Howard county
Nob Plorson vs the State fr
Travis county
All other motions for rohoarlng
pending wero transferred to Tyler and
this court dually adjourned for tho
Mosipilto Frames and liars
At Plnkard it Joyces
Moiiillo Frames and Bars
At Plnkard Joyces
Pure comb honey In fourpound
glass Jars or In bulk to suit purchasers
at Tumor A McClurcs
Dreesgoods at actual cost at Ingram
it Co s
U L Turner has tho finest lot of
buggies in the city Made to ordorfor
his business Call and soo them 800
and bOS Houston street
Tho Latest Novelties hi
Stationery at Dashwood < fc Ocschs
drug store fill Main street
A lrtsh Stock
Of the finest smoking tobacco in tho
state just received at Morris1 cigar
store 100 Main Btreet
Maloue Waller fc Co know tho
worth ofa dollar aud aro giving all
tho goods possible for that amount of
Tho W A Hull man Implomeut Co
can 1111 orders for any kind of mill
machinery from a twentyflvo barrel
to a 2Mburrcl rollermill
Tho Casloo
We deslro to call tho attention of all
lovers of good living to tho elegant
cafo Juat openod by Mr S L Danla at
No 600 Muln street opposite the post
Mr Danla richly merits tho reputa
tion he has earned aa a caterer and
tho rapidly increasing business which
has resulted from his eilorto in the
past year necessitated enlarged room
und facilities
Tlio ontlro first floor of the building
number 600 Main street In tho now
Smith Jarvis block hriybceii fitted
up by Mr Danla lu the most com
plete and elegant manner ever scon In
this city
Tho kilchou Is a marvel of culinary
conveniences and tho most fastidious
guetli may Inspect It through tlio
window specially provided with in
creased satisfaction
All tho delicacies and substantial
will be served by Mr Danla In a man
ner posslblo only to ono with his expo
rlouco and present facilities Patron
age of ladles specially invited
Hpeclal to tlio iazetle
JackhonviijLi Tex June 27
Last night Sborlll Iteagan arrested
It P Music L A Northcutt and
George Wallace on tho chargo of
placing an obsinutlon on the
ru 11 road track Tlieso parties
havo had a great many claims
agaliiBt tlio international
Great Northern rollway within tlio
last two years stock being killed on
the track Itseoms thut these cases
havo been worked up by u private
detective who has been working faith
fully for more than a yoar to catch
them There is no doubt but the road
has paid out hundreds of dollars to
this gang for old blind mules aud
poor cows
Tho Rocont Elkhart Tragedy Revived
by Anothor Lynching
Hpeclnl to the Inrelie
Paikstini Tux Juno 27 Sherifl
Davis Is in recoipt of a letter from
Bells Grayson county stating that
John Martin ono of tho murdorers of
Mrs Hooll nt Elkhart was
caught und hanged there night
before last Martin left Elkhart
tho night of tho murdor aud first
gavo himself away at Bells by in
quiring about tlio murder Tho au
thorities Bent for a description which
was forwarded from this point by
BhorlirDavis and it was found to
tally exactly with Martiua appearance
Ho was taken from tlio Bells cala
boose and hanged by unknown par
ties M W Hunter of this city saw
tho body yesterday morning when
passing on tho cars
Hppclnl to tlio Ouotlo
AliuvflTON Tux June 27 Job
Pleasants was arrested horo this even
ing on a telogram from tlio sheriff of
Van Ztndt county on a chargo of
horscthoft Tho matter Is regretted
by many l > ere siin parents wholiavo
only resided here n short time are well
respocted They hall from Kaufman
Tho Mexican newspaper excursion
ists reached Chicago yesterday morn
ing and were granted tho freedom of
tho city They spend Sunday in Chi
James i Fish lato president of tho
Marino National batik was sentenced
to ten years Imprisonment in Auburn
prison yesterday by Judge Benedict in
tho United States court
An exodus of Chinamen from Cali
fornia to tho Kast has begun Thirty
eight Chlnumon ur on their way from
San Fruncisco to Now York They
hope lor better treatment in the East
John McCiillouuli tho actor has re
turned to Now York from Philadel
phia His friends Bay he Is growing
worse so rapidly that you can notice
day by day tho Increased weakness of
his mind
Flro at Kastlaiul
Hpwlnl to tlioqiuetto
Eastland TuxJiiuo27 Tho gln
houso of Council Kimble was burned
yestorday morning and a Jury of in
quest is now investigating tho cause
of tho flro It was evidently tho work
of an Incendiary Tho loss Is fully 1000
Insured for about onehalf Tlio glu
house was situated some distance from
any other house No lire had been at
or near the house since last fall
Vaseline In Pastry
French bilkers aro making largo use
of vaseline lu cako and other pastry
Its udvuntHgoover lard or butter lies In
the fact that however stale tho pastry
may be it will not become rancid Tho
council of hygiene disapproves of the
practice on tho ground that tho deriva
tives of potroleum contain no nutil
metit It doss not s y directly how
over thatthoy are h J irlous to health
Many English clergymen aro sutler
lug severely from loss lu tlio revenue
of their parishes lu four benefices in
ono archdeaconry In tho dhoeeo of
Peterborough tho aggreirato Income
has fallou from 10000 to 1000
Since Graven A Llttlo have taken
chargo of tho Pharmacy a wonderful
IncreaBO of business is noticeable on
their corner
Pure comb honoy in fourpound glas
jars or lu bulk to suit purchasers at
Punier McClures
Bpot cash and low prices at Ingram
Co a
It L Turner runs tho Enterprlso
Blooded Btook stables 800 and 80S
Houston street
A Fresh Stork
Of the finest smoking tobacco in tho
state just received at Morris cigar
storo Oti Main st cot
No houaolu the state gives better
bargain than Malone Waller Vt Co
Their motto is imick sales aud small
profits and to tuls they owo In part
their present popularity
For lino ffooda at low prices for cash
call on Malone Waller A Co
Moro people go In and come out of
tho Fort Worth Pharmacy than any
other house in the city
The Merchants Protective Association
in Secret Bossion Blacklists
tho DeadBeats
The Case of Madam Smiths Boardors
Postponed The Grajson Rifl s Out
Hunting tho Lee Boys
Hpeclal to the lictte
BiikhmanTkx Juno 27 Tho Mer
chants Protective association of this
city held a meeting last night at tho
olllce or Wallaco A Co that contained
a fuller representation of Sherman
merchants than tver met beforo since
its organization The object is to re
port delinquent custoraors for mutual
protection Willie nil names are sup
pressed from the prying ears of the
press representatives wo we id ablo to
learn enough to say that tho hard
times have resulted in putting moro
men on the deadbeat roll than over
was known before Tho tnei
chants complain that many
persons who have tho moans to pay
up promptly at thu end of every
mouth have becomo indifferent and
will not do so while tho hard times
havo driven many others to such
straits financially that they can not
pay Some numes will get out as re
ported bad In private conference uud
tiro coueequenco is thai hard feelings
aro engendered A few black eyes
may result from last nights proceed
Tho trial of Tlllie Smiths boarders
that created so much trouble aud bad
blood among the parties engagod yes
terday was very prudently coutinuod
by Squire Hinkle this morning until
next Tuesday to give the boys time to
cool oil Publlo sympathy is largely
with tlio defendants in this emer
gency liouco ttio dllllculty of getting
con vlcl ions
Tho now military company tho
Groyeon Rillea took a long lesson In
tho drill lust night uy tho light of tho
moon LeJt Rytn marched tho
b > ye down to the race course and gavo
them a asto of soldiery thoy had uover
dreamed of before It was 11 oclook
when they got luck to tho armory
From a gentleman Just down from
the Delaware Bend country we louru
that soverul squuds of ofllcers are
hunting Jim and Pink Lee among
the hills of tho Territory and one of
tho parties has throe trained blood
hounds to put on tho trail us soon as
it becimes necessary to do so Jack
Duncan of Dallas is with tho party
uud If anybody doubts that It means
business ho doesnt know Jack Dun
can Capt Lee Hall has been spending
several da > a an oiig his old friends
Mrs Mary IS Johnson of Cliar ottes
vlllo Va arrived here yesterday on a
visit to her son L B Johnson of the
Blnkley house Tho sou mot her at
Toxarkana and escortttl her to his
home lu Texas
Capt W B Brock of El Pimo an
old attorney of tho Shorman bar has
been spending a few iluys with friends
here but will start tomorrow for his
Western homo Ho Is n man of talent
aud takes a high rank at his now
home as ho formerly did in Siierniau
Mr Wutkins of Fort Worth repre
benttug tho PauEectrlc Telephone
company Is In the city with the vlow
of getting up an exchange hero Wo
hope ho may succeed and give us tho
bentlit of such reasonable rates as
liavo grown out of competition in vour
city and Dallas Our people are ready
to receive it or auy other entorprise
that will havo tho cllect of breaking
up a monopoly und cheapen the price
of knowledge
Tho commissioners court concluded
tho work of equalizing the assessment
of property hi tho county yesterday
and adjourned for the year Many
pieces of property around Deiilsrn
were raised in value ouo piece from
100 to 3500 and another from 2SO0
to 8225 These are extrava
gant samples of the work
tho commissioners had to do
but tho result will raise tho taxable
values of the county from a little over
10K0 000 to nearly 11000000 and
all tho people say amen Ono pieconf
real estate was found on the assessors
rollsuta value less than the annual
rent received lor it
liplcurts Take Notice
Tho llneBt lluo of fanoy groceries
ever shipped to this city will bo found
In the following namely
Five ten and twentypound palls
of jellies mid presersea of all kinds of
Cranberry eauce
Mince meat
Smoked sardines
Paraphlne caudles
Salad dreislng
Dthd Leef
Evaporated peaches raspberries ami
Luuch tongue
Ox tongue
Potted beef
Potted tongue
Potted chicken
Potted turkoy
Potted duck
Chlppd beef
ljueeu olives
Seville olives
All grades of French peas
Picked onions
The celebrated Weill Laalf pre
serves such aa > eaohea aprloos
plumbs currants raspberries and
fancy mixed the finest preserves in
Dunbars figs
Dunbars tigs in cordial
Cellery salt
Eppa pocos
Frys Homopath cocoa
Strawberry Jam
Prepared cocoauut lu bulk and a
thousaud and ono articles of tho most
delicate and reflnwi character to bo
fottud only at the mammoth grocery
house of tho Fort Worth Grocer Co
M S E and B A or A
It wm only a fow days ago wo had
the Mutual belfEndowinent l ° P 5t JJ of
and Be
uevolent Association of America In
their payments to parties on death
mVntl U rft t tUe wS
mention of the claim for 10o0 i3
Mr p
J A Wilson of Sherman
Tex As is tho cose In all
claims against this worthy in
stitution again they come to tho front
and issue drafts on tlio treasury to
pay the balauce on flftyfivo coupons
amounting In round numbers to
10825 This they did yesterday and
tho day was not an extra good
day for paying out money either
But nevertheless tho M S E and
B A of A never fall to come to time
when called upon und this la one of
the main reasons why this popular In
stitution has been eo successful since
their organization in the state So for
benevolent associations commend us
to tho M S E and B A of A every
A Stroot Carving A Verdict of Mur
dor in the First Degree
Hpeclal to the lazette
Lahedo Tex Juuo 27 Joso
Maria Garcia and Espidrlou Dovollna
two old and heretofore very peuceablo
cltlens got into a political dispute
this evening on Main street whloh
ended by Garcia cutting Dovollua in
the abdomen with a large clasp knlfo
Tho wound is cousldered dangerous
Garcia was arrested
Tlie case of the state vs the rangers
lias been continued at tlio request of
the state
Clirlstluo Aldevo was tried today
for tho murder of Clpriauo Gobino and
was found guilty of murder In tho first
degree which makes two verdicts of
that kind against him he having com
mitted a double murdor
Mautttl Vasquez was arrested today
by Deputy Marshal Gilliam Ho was
caught smuggling
Correspondence if the Cdiotlo
Lovoviuw Tux June 20 Sherifl
Killlugsworth informs your corre
spondent that lie thocorrespudont
was in error in regard to tho statement
that Kaufmans state senator was not
arrested He wai arrested within
two minutes after tho allray
and paid a heavy flue Had
it not been for the statoment to the
contrary based upon the report cir
culated to that etlecf tho true facts
would not have been called out and
the wrong impression would still pre
< t t > i
In tho province of Valencia Spain
on Thursday there wore 521 new cu es
of cholera aud 258 deaths
Earl Spencer the retiring lord lieu
tenant of Ireland was given a farewell
reception at Dublin castle yestorday
Extra precautions wore taken toguard
against Invincible outrages
Tho rebellion against Chinese rule
in ChineseTurkestan Is spreading
Many Clilntso ofllulals have been
killed nnel communication with the
Interior of China lun been cut oil
A Town Treasurer Short
Jkiiskv Cm N J June 25 An
drew Anderson hos been town treas
urer of West Hoboken for twentylive
years The common council some
time ago at tho instance it la claimed
of his political enemies appointed ox
ports to examine into tho accounts
They lJivo made a report to tho coun
cil In Vhich they declare that thoro
Is a deficit of 25 OnO Treasurer Au
derson denies thoro Is any shortage
ond says he will bo able to explain
away tho alleged deficiency He is
under bond in the sum of 30000 The
common couucll will meet tomorrow
night to receive the treasurers expla
The only cigarettes which do not
stick to the lips aro Opera Pulls
Malone Waller A Co filled a retail
order yesterday for lino hosiery alone
which amounted to 12 The order
came from El Paso
Stlllwells famous uncanvassed pig
hams can be found at Turner A
In hosiery and lightweight under
wear tho stock of Dahlman Brog Is
surpassed by none In tho it ate
Dont forget that throughout
day and evening Cupera Bros will
dispense lcecreHin fruits and con
at the pavilion
Turner A McCluro
are selling puro
comb honey in fourpouud
glass jars
or in bulk to suit purchasers
Malone Waller A Co have tho best
lighted and bestventilated house in
tlio city
Seersucker and silk suits are being
sold remarkably low at the popular
clothing house of Dahlman Bros
Tho W A Huflraan Implement Co
have during the psst week sold mill
machinery foi seveu new flouring
When last heard from the parly
which passed through the city last
week en route to Glen Rose
wore still
talking about the splendid bargains
given them by Maloue Waller A Co
It makes no dlflbronce how fastid
oitsyou are Dahlmau Bros have tho
hosiery and neckwear to suit you
Good honey pure houoy eouutry
honey sweet honey hquey lu the
comb at Turner A McClures
Uo lo Dashwood r Oeschs
For pure drugs and medicines The
prBparlug of Prescriptions a
Liquid Bread
Try a sample half dozen Liquid
Broau the most wholesome and nutri
tious beverage yetrilered the public
For s le by Turner A McClure
For general housework a middleaged
white woman in a family of three
wce Jfiulred Apply to 021
West Weatherford street
Tor Sale
Onehalf Interest lu a cattle com
pany in Mexico Splendid range and
water for
30000 cattle Terms onenaif
cash balance one and two years If de
sired Apply to
United Tuadino Co
Colorado Tex
B 0ootti
Synopjis of the
the Austin SBS oft1
Sterne Oonrt
in vlow
Made up From the Toll < n
PonoftheBn E
ions Bendered
Compllod for ths n
pany vs Robinson etalS
produce the Injury hW
negligence both on his >
tho part of tho company
Fox vs
county It has b
r o governing the quMntts t
goncc in suits for damZ ° ° 5 e <
received that the phffl Sf w
cover if his own act aBett to
It I
t >
lea t degree of fault on the UV S
plaintiff that will proven ft
recovering but It mSb 2S t
degree as to amount Etfjrt
nary or reasonable caro to m t w i
uutfertho circumstances W
of tho injury jftl nU
lit 3S
stantial hafmony VttiVh7 la
h PnstfcljM
ligonceonSparTo S
did not err It is a correct
a carrier lliust allow ufSU
time In mISIS
I be
icity i
which to get off
person who Is feeoleoMnnfe t
tied to moro than ordlnaf
this purpose dheiTA h
Ed Sc 270 73 N Y m U
Collins VB fromTSS
county The record ftj
courts want
person and the
subject mWn
suit the
eral jurisdiction is open toitu
the want of
tlon in either particular such mS
there bo
nothing in Ittoshw
ofjurlsdlctlonasto third tsrilsf ttM
prtsumptlonofregularllyfjMK eoim
elusive that evidence aliunde In orlh
diction The record u
judgment of a justice of the mW
upon a citation by pakj
tiou which was Inserted In the tii lfMufc
paper but three times the lav wr fh ° u
it to bo ws
ug published four uW
judgmontis void and thesjletft fo
orty thereunder M w
convtys no tltlis
to nn innocent third parly pare iee
for value
as againBt tho debtor t t5
Judgment Is reversed and taenia ll °
mandod Iielrl
ty Tho action in this cisewuisi JA
dinary action of trespass to tot lltaUI
and involved no other question fc
tho proper location of the bond 7 >
lines of contiguous surveys Then wlllc
was submitted to the cooil Mifmal
tho Intervention ofi itesal
n u conflict of testtmotu r1
judgo trying the case found forttn M pl
Tho of
whom is submitted the queiira ajn8
fact us well us law tliene ul9
weight as the verdict of ajoiyu Jf 8
will not bo revised by thlscoanrii Jli
not opposed to the evidence Th i f e
in this has e
ing case ample tcrpoti
tho evidence r °
e °
Rydeoetal vs Durantt ilfr Jf
Victoria county Tlie iiipnuttt >
dored in this case was thatSUflfe 8
tills tako nothing by their
that the defendants go hence W
day proceeding to dliposs
costs of the suit This left
further to bo adjudicated atdirW J 3
or not it was erroneous in soy F l
iilar it was neverthelesss finiljK
meut a complete disposition
and U W
of tho parties to tho suit
of tho matters in controyeiyMW
pleadings 65 Tex rk
tho judgment whloh djudi
recovery of costs hycertald B < 11 Bra 9
fondants against certain of Hi PJ
tills specifies all of them fictpt
Whether this was a r
tlonul or nccideuUl omlsM
not matter If the court Mjw
who aud from whom the C W
be recovered whether eriawwjl
not tho iudgment would J
In favor of all the defendijU
any ol jection existed wfl
subject of coinplnlntonly t
iDJured Plalntlirs Pjw jl
writ of error from ttieJo fWrw
notice of J P u ihektfffl
is tho error bond mad rjw
ua ono of tlio defendants j
have failed to serve hiB JS b
bond payable to him 4
madi W P
codefendants is
the motion to dlsmto W
error The motion b > W
Error dlsmisied h
Archer vs Noan coM1
Thetis 1
hss never been signed by ti
thejudi < sJ
tho case or fllid
or certinwiy
uiiy oThpfway wcognlifd Wm
of the trial JuiigeUwnfKfJ
coart v J
and troatea by thU
meut of facte Tfcf
ofthe r cc w j
in Its Inspection ors
lined to fundamental
In tbMiwga
The petition
dlacloseaago A
will b <
ha m
tut tl
otder i
tut b
h e o
he w
Nolan county
case brings up a documentfw J
J r
ports byebdonementtolHuj
of facts bof
new t
action No fundamenUl i u
appalent the judgmen U wick
West et al vs SUdl Jj cellec
county Iti8 PacC u
settiea in tlds state
trial of a cause the fl T
law and fact have My make
thocourtsettlng wllncwV ye
rmirts nndlng tipoi ° veri
cSry with it the same nth jure
duXnees that the Uon
upon the same tvlf
uud as n ° w irert V
court will noLfg
verdict merely bef8
testimony aud only >
la obviously and dwro
evidence bo the flndlog i
sotting alone ffiil
tlons of fact valtuOff
evidence ThewnWJgV West
a a Jm
was one of boundary w
discloses mPIcA on
thejudgment Afflnuv
Make no
It L Turner
best coffins a cas
wile <

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