8 8 C EVAN ua call r the piaco ii i i KM4a1 < > XXI promptly B iBetloit Rtiarantced Max iSusHi LowPrica CORRECT STYLES EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF MODERN FOOTWEAR Worthy of mention can be found In our skoe department Wo oir rthl w k broken Hum of flr tc oud fronfUi very 1c1 mnnufiiclurera a eloiebarsaln price to cloielhellnoa CHILDRENS SHOES lit twin chlldrcua lUlloil cut kid anrlug Uool ahoea M pcfpftlrt all doalurs get IU3 for un V etl ri ml 1 Iia poiltlve bargain yon ihould aatllie gooda slea 6 lo H JSlMlracMldreni kid button alioen Untitled hi findclan Uvlo 76c olaewhere J2S alrea 11 nulri children French kid iprlnghoel button ahoea handmade worth 200 our prlco thla Meek 150 150MENS SHOES StenailioeilnouriiMllnenf meiia aline we reproduce all thn luteal atylca of the Unnr liradai warranted solid leather mid Kood wears ttie bcillor tin money In llio land lUKl iillBiuenwntln aihiiopine alngoxtrii good weiring qunllttoa ahoiild aco our U > ollin InUplopiUfi bulimia ball and roogruia elghlatylON represented PUBLIC APPROVAL ucnl lotreut ahoea 2M the bait itylo and valuu ever ottered In tho Weal fortbo inonoy Theilme wearing imbllo will alwayi Mud In our atiperU itoek an un rivaled iiaanrlmont of Ihi inoi popular iiukoi ant aubitiinllul wearing ahnca In tlio retiilt market All thnnobtiyatylMoftlieaeamit lugontaand IndleMfluu foulvoar In Hlnck nt nil llmca nnd oflered at attracts e prion B 0 EVANS CO FORT WORTH TEXAS Tlic IfnkoH Co Prompt ntlenUon to all orderi Not I0II llmmlnii uml 10J Main Btteola Night enlralire on Ttilnl ulrtel Qffioe of Publ cation Sccoml St Between Houston and Throckmorton Entered nt tho Tort Worth Ioslofilcu as secondclass null matter lo to It M Inircs IdimliorYnrd For bargains In Ituuliir sash doors hluglea oto llo moans business 1 list Itccclvnl A full lino of ladles pebble goat uml kid hhoeB No J to 7 I unit 15 width custom ninito and warranted at 260 u pair nt 1 U llonnotts inro Powder rbti liiKrcdloiita lliut tMilor Into tho composition of Hllver Loaf Hail ing Powder uro guaranteed uheni loally pure unit to thin Is attributed Its unprecedented popularity wheievcrlt tins boon introduced Ior Snip The Grand Vlov holnl for anient a iirKftln Apply tit tho hotel north fait corner publlo Bquaro lort Worth A Packed House It In Indeed i source of pleasure to v alt an elegant place nnd while away pleasantly a half hour or ho mid bo In itruoteil whllo o doing und Justauoh W ° l81K ° ihlo Btoro of P nkard A Joyco on HoiiBton street llila house carries ono of thu largest and UeBtaworlcd slocks of furniture f y Hko < utnlillHliinont in North itjcaa lhclr warorooniB nru largo nnd commodious mid thoy nro Mwuvb well Blocked with nrtlclo In their line In fact thoy now hnvou flcif < hoi B containing every con eelvablo kind and stylo of furnlturo manufactured In thu United KtuteB Wo uinntlon a few articles which they have Just receive In carload lot a car of bedroom suit consisting of ranging In price from StO uptofowParlor Rtitta of vtirlmia patterns nnd etyle hnvo also heon ro i amoilStlicm m aomo very lino combination uUat nil mlera This firm nbio lmndltti the colenratod hnlf wuopy umajulto frnmw that they iLltTbnet Un ll ° ll ° l > to t Uimw framoB nil put un coinnloto without extIR oharBe Now a v to fit 8 B10 ° > f yiu win call In when you nro down town ttietr ttockby theclavur nronrleto pleMMitly Am lo their felon Ih from ft d ItAucB who m y r vor SS > i t llLnwKU 0y ° rlnteroitlo Wcutbcr llcport The fillowlpn la it rooord ot the rcutlior yeilerdiiy ai kiipt by Mr J A Urnvenu I Aj W II1 t c I 4 BJ ID i HI ii 3 wi i m j i a W kl FrultlloxcH Irult lloxcs Innny qHuitlly nt tlio Kort Worth Urocvr Co t itook liven Aivny Bend your ntuno nnd nddrena for our llltiHtrnliMl tntnloKito n hook of over lail pagea Minicin IJnoa MoiuplilB Twin aa a iiiiii m rOltTlCAUK OK HAL12 A WollrKatabllflhod BunlnosH Willi Btookjof JIS000 In dry kooiIh Will trado for wild lumla or i well locntcd much or hoII on cusy icrnm wltli KCHid wottrlty Addro H I 11 GJAMia j Bail Antonio Cnro San Anlonlo Dally JSxprcmf llouaril Tally Tho hucwbh whloh linn followed tho olibrtBof thin gontkiunu furnlalicji nn otlter iHoldBiit or tho rownrdH thla comitry la reudy to bestow upon thosn whonroJiiBl In their trniiBtictloim and neralHlontlt tUolrltuidiiblo ondcuvora Mr Tully Iks ono of tho moat olcunnt Juwelry iou ch In tho Htnto lmndllng wtitulu8 llninnndH ohntna n I Ivor ware operaKltiasos peutnali < nnd mnoy KoodHROtioriilly In hln line llo 1b ii tliorougli hiiBlnoeri iimn nnd un iloMtmidstlio wtintu nnd doinnnda of tlio ioojil keoplng imated In regard to the oIuuikch fnnhlou ninkoit In tltucaurBonftlia your unit there fore you need not mmil to > fow York foryourfaalilonnlilojowolry dlmnondB or luiytliliiit cImo In hla lino na ho kropa tlio moat oomploto and hcBt its Bortodstook ofnuy houaothlB aldo of Ht LouU henoo It Ih hotter to glvo your order to Howard Tully ngontle man who hna long bIuoo driven down hla pega In your midst to attvy nnd In iiuivery way thoroughly Idnntllled with Kort Worth ami hor vnrlod IntercBts Mr T koepa only tho beat ukllled workmen at tliohonohund la prepared to do nny kind of ropnlrlntr or iiuinu facturlug In tlio Jewelry lino Ho re member How rU Tully when you want n Urstclaw bargain h It U only ho that can hell yon u dluinoml ring or pin gold wntoh or chain nt audi ulow prluona to nmko yourliend awlni lrfltcB SoduWater Vmx now bound nt tho hinniuioth fount ofK M WUIb flOU HoiiBton atreot Mr WuIIb has added nu IceBlmver for cooling purpo oi and Is now iirupnrod tooool you off In lluo stylo Ho bora tta lu Die aultry auniuier daya Wo hear the indnfoUntatu fla AuJ tbo man who drawa the bcnof conn it he > 7haE0WtbBtJla < tm KlcgaHt Irouch Cologuo II M per pint Ht Doahwood t Ooaoha Urtig atore tk < i fiie CelelirAted McBqutto framrtfU lUnkartl Joyfoa with barn to lit THE GAZETTE PORT WORTH TEXAS SUNDAY JUNE 28 CHEAP EXCURSIONS OH JFoxxxrtlx of Tnly 1 Iiw Kxcuralou Italea to any point on the MIH30U1U PACIFIC JtAIlAVAY and Inaicd Mnea In Toxaa and tho TEXAB A PACIFIC ItAILWAY NotoxceedlUKiOOinllnalndlitnncc On Inly l uml 4 the Ml nrl larlllc ltnll w y O01 the Internailaiial ft Ireut Nortlmni lladromlCo und IhoTexaa Vfacincllullwny Co will aell tlcKoia to any point oo their lltiea In Toxaa nnd IahiIiUiih not exrecillna 201 mllna lnUUtaucont one fare for l ha round trip Tlokctnuocxl iinlliJulyftforrolnrn TlukeU mum lieiecurcd hoforo onterlnf tho rnr or full locul ratna trill bo churned w 11 NKVMANTrallloA < anaKer II 1 HiioiiKB 1aaienger Aitcnl II W M0CUUOUOU leu 1niN and Ticket Accnt DARNELL CO REAL ESTATE Collecllng and Llvo Slock igcnts TAXaMIAIO OOllHrJllONDKNlIKHOIIOITKI tSkoyxxxoVLX Tors LOOALUTTJSS Tho grand ury convonca tomorrow morning M uhIo nt thu pavilion thla uftcmoon mid ovoulng Tho atock BhlpmontM uto ovey henvy ovor nil tho rondo Tho dlBtrlol court will adjourn on WodnoHdny for thu term Woods nro neither sightly nor healthy Lot tho wcudu go A car lino to tho camp grounds would Borvo 5000 people dally Hlx trnliiH of beef cattle nro to lie alilpjiod from Wlchltu KhIIb today for tlio North Krolght IuihIiio18 Ih booming and all of tho yardmen nro hb busy aa bcnycrM liundllng tho trnlna lliifisiB nnd cuirlngca propowo carry ing tho people to nnd from thu on oniupment forftOounta Qco lhirlc waa grnntod a divorce from IiIh wife Iou liurk yoBturday morning in tho dlatrlct court A tomporiiry Btreotcar track could bo put down to tho encampment groundH at very little expellee A halfmile additional cnrlitio will put thu prlco to thu unuampiuent groundH within tho reach of all 1cnploahouldtnko moro prldu in tlio beauty of tliulr iiremlacB than to allow ugly wceda to mar their appearnuco MVHrBBanguInul A Dawbon havo ro colveil older for u dozen or moro cot tage rcaldouooa to bo put up at DhIIab Tho Coufederatu reunion grouuda wore dually located at thu meeting of the executive committee hist ovoulng Ivttlsorii troupe of Tyrolean aliignrr who nro now in M ltino will arrivoln tills oily nu thu lat and rumuln Homo time J no W Ferguson waH granted a llceiifio yeatcrday by County Clerk Hwnyno to wed MIbs Martha M Hoberlfl ThoTexaaA raclllo Itnllwny com pany propoHo to luuil pftBaungurB from tho city to tho oiicampmcnt giauuda and return for IT cento Tho cominlttuo on llnauco of tho Confcdcrato loiiulon will meet at tho olllco of tho Fort Worth National bank on Monday afternoon at I oclock Tho Tyrolean Wartilurs who havo been In tlio city all tho week loft yo teiday morning for Austin whero thoy wuro contracted for last night A Ht root car line aliould bu put in at oncu to tlio uncampmunt groumla tor thu acooniiuodotlon of tho enormous crowd of vliltorn that will then visit our oily Olllcor Darby lejolcea in tho pnsoee aton of a bran tl now baby nt hla liouso Tho llttlo visitor arrlvod yoatordny morning and mother and child arc lining well Tho olialrmau of tho committee of arrangements of tho Conl ederaiu reun ion hna called a mooting for Tuesday next at I p in at tho Kort Worth Na tlonal bank 1 h > iilru Nanco convonos hla court tonorrow morning for tlio regular term llo haH ono of tho heaviest doakotH ovor known thero being moro than 100 cuhch thereon Tho Cincinnati Cnrrugatlng com pany was awarded tho gold medal for corrugated Iron for building inirposoa by tlio Worlds Industrial and Cotton exposition at Now UIohuh lartloa wIhIiIiht to attend tho glove contoit this afternoon between 3t Joe Kid and Kid Ilrldgcs will boar In mind that tho train luuvfh tho Inion depot for tho groumla at 130 Bharp lrof 0 Haas wIioho ndvortlsu nieut iippcara In this Isauec iirh to tho city highly recommended ns a teactier of vooal anil luBtrumoutal imitlo and as Fort Worth lias homo talent second to 110110 lu the stale wo hope hla cilortB to organUo a clues may not provo unavailing Tho Fort Worth military company did not until into tho c Jiitcat last week hut It Ih a good thing thoy inado n start as by tho next thno they aro called upon thoy will have a bettor re alization ofwhntlalobo accomplished K M Vanitidt nindo a good Judge and wo will stake our liiBt lottery ticket on it Wo aro nuthorUwl by Mr J M Hancy to deny lu Into tho statt mout mado lu yesterday morn ings UAytrrri by ono Jacob Matitho to tho ollVot that ho Ih furnlalilng tho lumber for tho cotton mill building in this city na no con tract has yet been let nnd bid lor lumber aro utlll open Old Irish IotntOM Finn and Bound at tlio Fort Worth tlrocerOo d fans lrtrjuoli And a few readynudo whllo robea left Call ami boo Block at J J Lmirloa Jiiiporttnl and domeetlo cigars only tlio buBt liraudB also tho beat nickel cigar at Dauhwood A OcbcIib Lacos etnbrolderltH fltio whllo gowlA nnd Ilowor low dowa forcAuli nt Mftlout Waller A Co aT I 3MCITEC OPxooiaLoatat Fori Worth Gas Light Company OfUco Oil nouston Strcot Fort Worth Texas GAS FIXTURES PIPE FITTINGS ETC ETC OOl3L WOL aL 00 1 G ir > Hole Auenti for the CELEBRATED McALLISTER Nation COALTHE BEST Wholeaale and ItetAll Dealora In Ilcat llrnnda Fonuuylvunln Autliruolto llnirt Coal In Egc and Nut alioa alio Standard lirandi of At faTorahle prlcea whloh will bo ahlpped to any point In North Texaa in qnanlltlea to sail and aatlafaotlon guaranteed TKHM8 OAHU OllUltOII NOXIOI2S Hecond Ireahylerlnn church Joiua alrcei nearSecond ltev I M Mooro pnalor Hub hath acrvlcea and onmiiiunlou at It a in Kveulnc itorvlco nt 8 oclock Nenta free Good mnaifl A tordlat Invitation toall Klrat Itnptlat rhiirrh JennlngH avenue near terinluiia of Tenth Kotednlo lino Iubllo worahlp and prenchltiB at 11 a in and 8 P in by tho pastor Hundiiyiohool at M a in W II Taylor auperlntendcilt llrnndwiiy IreibyterlHii rhurch Hnbbath arhooltilO a in Dtvlno aorvhea alll a m and nt 615 p in W I Iotanco pallor Ht Iaula M K cliureh corner Main and Ninth ulrecti 111 a in Keuerntonaaiiioetliii tl a to preaclilni by the paator alio at H A p in Hiinduyachool 330 p m A cordial and earnest Invitation li horoby extended to the general puldlo to bo prea out nnd tako pnrt In all theaa oxerclaea ltev Illihop V X Nlnclu if Topeka Kaa will preach In thla church Tueaday nlnlit Tho puhlle havo u cordial Invitation to tliltf ier vice ulio Servlcea at the Clulatlan church corner of Throckmorton and rMxth utreets Hunday achool 031 am preuchlukat I1H0 ain and 730 pm Hiliidnyachool iiianHiiicctlnc all pm Tho publlo cordially Invited it K McRuIulit pattor Ht Aiidrtiwa ohnrch corner Iluak nnd Kast Ilflh atrcala Kouith Hundny utter Trtnlly Holy communion bi 730 n in Hiinduy nchool at Dlu am mornlni prayer litany and aernion at tl a in evening acrvtco and kormqn at 800 lulu Trinity Mlaaton corner HI Loula avenue and Ann In alrool Huiulay achool nnd aervlro at 1130 p m Cumberland Iroahyterlnn church corner Fifth and Taylor itioeU lluv It MTInnou pnitor TreachlHi nt II a m nnd 810 p in by the paator It la earnestly doilred Hint every member he preient and a cordial In vitation la extended tho public Fourth Hlrcet Methodist Kplacopnl church South ltev A A AUIhoii paator Hundny nchool at U H ii m prenchliiR at 11 a m and 8tS p in by Iho paator Claaamect ln lminedlately lollowlng iiiornlugiervlce Scats fice AlUorJlully Invllcd HonthHldu Iluhtiit church corner of llroudwny and HI iAiula nvouun Hundny nchool nt 031 n m preachlnc by tho piia tor J H Qltteaplo at II a in At 815 p in Mn Jltnry M Clarity will glvonn addroaa on Temperanco Tho publlo la Invited Lotllio cltloiianf tlioHouthilde como to the front on thla abiorbliig nueatlou Cigarette Biuokera prefer OporaPulIa boctiiiBO they do not stick to tho Ilpa l < liiild llreail Try a sninplo half doon Liquid llrcad tho moat wholesome und uutri ciouabevorngoyotoUeredtotho publlo sale by Turner it McClurc For Hi r I Will send prepaid to nny address In tho United Hatei allfty box of iiondy Lederor A Co h celebrated KaultlcHS clgnrs Tho lunt cgar for the money In the United Htatea Addreaa Morris Cigar Htorc 100 Main street Fort Wortli Jlass nnd Tin Fruit Cans at W 1 LowIh A Ilroe Tlio Celebrated IVorin Btonowuroof all klnda and In nny iunntltl B nt tho Fort Wortli Grocer Co a Warrnutcil Cutlery Tho only UrBtchiua Block of pocket knives nnd razors lu tho city at Antler Bons gunstoro Tiitts Chiming him At DtiBhwood A Oaaoha drug atore ail iMaln Htrcot Spo tho Colebrntcd MoBiiulto fratneaat Ilnkariht Joyoos J with liar a to lit X FrcBh Stock Of tho llnoatBiuoklng tobacco lu the Btote Just received at Morris cigar Htore 401 Main street rino ltoston HollerSkates Flvohuudred palm of the Raymond Rink Just rocelved Andersons guiPRloro Liquid Hrend Try a saniplo half dozeu Liquid llrcad tho most wholesome and nutrl clous bovurago yet ollVred the publlo For sale by Tiimur fcMcCInro nt J list Itccelvrd Ono hundred thousand jwundH of four pit nt wlro barb thickset and regular IKilnted ami unlvanlied wire which wo nro now ottering nt speolally low prices to tho trade W A JIUmiAk IMITKSIKNT Co r Tlin Heat FiveCent Ilavaua cigar lu tho stale nt Dashwood A Oescha HI I Main Street Vunwolsl larasolsll IarasolCtt rnrnBOla reduced from 13 61 lo 10 from 10 to W 60 troin fa 60 to f460 from fl to 3 from f lM to l io tto oto Assortment very large and prlcea very low rsqiUM A Co 01 Houatou Btreet l 12ItSONAL Judgo J A Holland 1b visiting Mar tin on legal business Mr T JJ Ulllson will return to Louisiana thla week Dr M M Nowboii of Dallas waa up from Dallas lust evening Col D A WIlllauiH of Dallas was In tho city yesterday on important busi ness Edwin B Gard Hjq went over to Dallas thla morning on a short busi ness trip Wo aro glad to learii of tlio couvo leBccncoof Miss Fannie RrldgeB who Iiiih beon very sick MIbh May Roigley who haa beon vlaltlng frlenda in the city returned to Austin l Bt week Mrs D J Chaao ami duugliter Ida aro rusticating an their ranch in hopes of recuperating the health of tho for mer Misa Annlo Turner has gono to her brothers ranch about ono hundred miles west to remain during tho sum mer Cupt G M Bwiuk of Dallas was present last evening at the meeting of tlio oxecutlvo cointnltteo of tlio Con federate reunion Mr U 0 Evans left last night for Now York to purclinBo a full lino of goods for his house He will boabaont about two months Tlio cetlinablo wife of Dr Pollock accompanied by hor three bohb loft last week for a summer visit to fill nolo among relatives Gen W h Cubell of Dullaa town was up ytBtorday in nttendanco upon tho deliberations of tho executive com mittee for tho Confederate reunion Jules Chaudron representing thu W A Htill niau Implement company hna Just returned from nn ISastem trip with largo ordors lor mill machinery Ono of Kort Worths falroat daugh ters will bo wedded to a Fort Wortli gentleman tills week Tho wedding will probably tako place on IJust Btrcet Mr K 12 FoBdlck tho genial ticket agent has been spending tho week at Harrold Mrs Kondlok nnd charming laughter lrmyaro visiting friends at ParFs Tex Miss Flora Hathaway who was visiting Mr und Mrs Frank Robin Bon left last week for an oxtonded trip through thu K st in company with relatives Mrs D W Humphrey and her mother Mrs H J Duguii accom panied Mrs J It MoMullen ami tho littlo folks have gono to Shorman to spend n few days with relatives In that city Miss Laura Ityera BUtcr of Mrs J M llortslluld leaves this morning for hor old Homo at Water Valley Miss to tho regret of her many friends and society generally Bho having made many warm frlendadurlnghoraojourn In our city Tho members of tho Episcopal church and choir regret very much tho fact that their soprano Mrs J if Waller has been compelled lor the preservation of her health to take n leave of absence from the ohoir through tho summer months Wo welcome to our city Dr It II Dltzler lutoof Lamar Mo where lie Btood very prominent In tho practice of his profeBtlon Tho dootoreouus to locate permanently und will follow tho practice of hla profession Hla family who aro yet in Missouri will booh join him here Ml a Virginia Caroras will return to hor homo lu New Orleans tomorrow Bho will leave many friends who will regret her absence nud wish her a speedy return Mrs T Goodonough nud Mr T It Ellison will accompany her aa far aa Phicquomlne La Mrs Goodeuough wilt remain in the Bouth for several weeks The niOBt popular cigarettes at tho popular prlco aro Opera PuIIb Dnllr Shipments Of blackberries tomatoes cautaloupes and many other kinds of fancy fruits nnd vegetables received at tho Fort Worth Grocer Co a To tlio Smoker Jmt received ono case of 10000 Mon pgrams the bass 5 cont cigar leada them all Genuine imported Henry Clays two for a quarter beat it If you can Uowman Maiitin Boon of Trade 301 Main Blreot Tlio Answer Why Why the nnpreoodontwl jioniilarlty p Hllver Loaf baking powder Iioh been frequently naked and tlio answer 1b found In the gunrautee of II Brown that every package la chemically pure lYaxaliacliltB Mill wwly WRhMlSe l8 looklncto Fort Worth for supplied The W A Hullman Implement company sold a fflridSymaa ° r th tcy t Ten qjnarter bleached coat at JLgrni Qo s sheeting at A flow of beer Maarias boro A call from tramp and bummor A hoap of fruit And cramps to boot Aro harbingors of summer M Ho la the appearanco or lightweight clothing a algn f tt he ted t r i > Ilia clotlu > a the more preferable they are nt thla time or thei TflWn marked onco ortwlee bofore that we carry a good lino of Boom of ih j ttThi and lu eoiiiequence wo wont have to any It heio Pee OiirrrlM f low the average and aa the goods aro of tho beat material and work r tll5 ahould no renaon why wo not count you In aa one of our coitomerao Shirts end Thin Underweai la varied and exten tve Favor uahy an Inapcctlon of our atock and moro of a favor than that Our gooda aell theiniolvea tk WASHER AUGUS Corner Houston and Fourth Streets OUTFITTERS FOR ALL MANKINn OHAH HOHKUHKIt TTZ CHAS SCHEUBER CO Wholcaalo Dealers nnd Impoitara of Agent for Schlitza Cbampagnoi and Anthony Kuhns Bottled Sw 404 Houaton 8tr t Jlnolnnatl Oftlco ISO Hcoond Btreet C W GILLESPIE Dealer In LUMBER I SHXiXOiy Doors JHIntl8Susli nnd Moulding Unie Comont nnd VM or Sovonth and Houston Stroots FORT WORN rfjr B3 m PRESCRIPTIONS I Up Tovrn 509 Douslon Night Hell at the Door Port GTVoxtia ToxaJ > i vrjsaLiLs A SPECIALTY Down Town l5h 4Bt SUMMER SUITS Woaio now odeilnKalliioof ht wlight summer wonr that cannot be wpuwl fcir aiid iuiillty In theatate Cassimeres Alpacas Seersuckers and Silfa In piece or suits of tho moxt fnihlounhlo Bhadta Houston Street Port Worth 315 H ° U tor2 gtpeet iewis Rrotkjers Qo goo arid gl2oe5 F ° pt W ° ptl Wi Telephone Orders promptly attended to C J Pltmau A Co Contrnctors for cement walks nnd co ntenting buildings Olllco 609 Main street HlsbopW X Xlnd of tho Motho dlatEplBcopal church will Hpond noxt Tuesday in our city and preach on Tueaday night at the Ninth street Methodist ouuroh This will bo a lino opportunity to hear this dis tinguished preacher lM Otto Tho popular Houaton stroot tailor has moved ills business to tho coruor or Hocond and Main streets whoro ho la bettor prepared than over to servo hla old friends and customers and tako or ders for tho lateBt Btylea lu gontB flults All ordors entrusted to htm will receive prompt and careful atten tion Call and seo VA For Sale A residence In desirable portion of tlio olty now house north und east front of llvo rooms good cistern corner lot 100x100 half of whloh is covered with Btilondld coat of Bermuda grass also plenty of young shado treea Prlco 1000 terms onehalf cash balance 011 long tlmo AddrcBs J O M Gazotte olllco SAIIIXi ltIVrlt LUMIirll COMPANY General Olllco Fort Worth Tex Branch Olllco Harrold Ter Jacob Mautho general manager When you want to buy lumber you will consult your Interest by buving from the Sabine River Lumber Co a wholesalo yards Thla company Is furnishing tho lumber 22S 250feet for tho building to bo used by thoooiUm mills Temporary olllco at Pickwick hotel LhncI Lime Llmel Round Rock and Austin Llnieworka manufactures whlto lime of tho vory beet quality Ordors sollolted For prlcee etc adnreas Martin WAiair Round Rpck Tnx Proprlotora y G W QMlMple Agent 1 > ort Worth TIME msVAWOK PAKK IIBOUCliU Port Worth and Denver Olty Btago Lines Fo rhorBo Conflord coochea leavo yftf o d dolly on arrival 6f trains from tort Worth for Vernon from Vernon every Monday Wednesday and FrL a y on arrival of stage from Harrold for Ourlls Ranch Clarendon Fort El ott and Molicotle connecting with lines for all phlnU In the Panhandle Faro reasonable Round trips aire duoed ratoa J W Onu Manager Harrold Tex HAWKES riEWj StAiMia TRADE I LENSfES IN THE W COMBINEOWIIIICDEAki l Teatlraonlala from tha h In the United Btatea ctnl1Ag tfa had their sight Improved bj tWJT M gluaaes are fitted to all w rTiuiiU eye hy II tY Wllllami M Fort Worth 44ltn > Theie glaaaea are nny prlco not aoUUjJ LAMPASAS SPltl0 Btato EnoampmontEi L otaGroat Froparttf The Btato encampment mencra hore ttio ffi3 la tho BHnu0 ifia Wth BllabBOfblDg reduced r > times Greatly s dtl B given by the roads preparing possible to g TWfe ment M cent ly and de IrWJllj Jd nor Main and Fifth having rooms R 5Sm the favorite WItfi H < m turo superior bei ldngP1 tlon unexcelled nL fltff rato of f2 per dayi the WJ 1 furnlBheatliatluxiirlouioom sure whloh 1b Mo lucl iOlt 8ALK 17712 Acres of School JJ t B 1 BOP OOUniyi i B ventcen thouBanil MJ J 1 and twelve acroa 0ttcuw county for tho WIIboii wnimUBrouewco rj J county entered at W htM term of ba d jnparj I sealed bids wrm fourleagueBoffcUooluna o hodylntus ono aqtiaro niddera are WShVjfP amount tier j per aero and bid aniouit on rael of teW Sask Mondayof P M the Jlret year In W A1 M may be rejec + dreesed to the Mwerfrt 5 blH 2d day of will Mveu time they oourfc mlMlouera V wttaV County Judge WH